View Full Version : greenbound summoning and spell questions

2020-09-26, 08:27 AM

I play 3.5 and I'm a lvl 1 druid. I have the greenbound summoning feat.

1) If I cast summon nature's ally 1, I can attack with the creature right away or I have to wait until the next turn?

2) Does the summons I have and Animal Companion have they own initiative or they all play on my turn?

3) At lvl 1 summon nature's ally 1 duration is only 1 round. If I cast it and the summon cast wall of thorns, does the wall is destroyed with the summon spell duration is reached and the summon disappear?

It's a conjuration spell with his own duration but I'm not sure if it stay there if the creature that cast it doesn't exist anymore.

Thanks for the information and have a nice day.

2020-09-26, 08:33 AM

I play 3.5 and I'm a lvl 1 druid. I have the greenbound summoning feat.

1) If I cast summon nature's ally 1, I can attack with the creature right away or I have to wait until the next turn?

2) Does the summons I have and Animal Companion have they own initiative or they all play on my turn?

3) At lvl 1 summon nature's ally 1 duration is only 1 round. If I cast it and the summon cast wall of thorns, does the wall is destroyed with the summon spell duration is reached and the summon disappear?

It's a conjuration spell with his own duration but I'm not sure if it stay there if the creature that cast it doesn't exist anymore.

Thanks for the information and have a nice day.

1) Summon Nature's Ally has a 1 round casting time, meaning it finishes casting at the start of your next turn, not at the end of your current turn. And yes, the summon gets a full turn at the moment it's summoned.

2) Your summon acts on the turn it's summoned, your animal companion should have it's own initiative, though it's a popular houserule to just have the player and their companion act on the same initiative to save effort tracking turns or actions.

3) Yes, the duration of any abilities a summoned creature uses end when they are unsummoned.

2020-09-26, 10:36 AM
2) To expand on Crake's post. All three of you have your own initiative. I have never seen play where an animal companion (or a familiar) actually rolled its own intiative, they have always started on their master's turn until actions taken cause their initiatives to split (delays and readied actions) at which point they are tracked separately until they rejoin their master.