View Full Version : DM Help The ne Echo fighter question

2020-09-26, 12:34 PM
Hey all, i have a game tonight and have a player wanting to try the new fighter, it doesn't seem all that busted so i'm not worried about trying to balance encounters around it's abilities, but i'm curious, does anyone know if the fighter knows if his echo dies? like if he were to send it into a room, it goes around a corner, out of sight, and something like a silent trap goes off killing it, does the fighter know it just died? i get he could always just have it walk back to him to see if it's still there, but i just like to know before i have to wonder about this, also, is there no limit or cost to making them? i don't think i read any requirement like that, but i do seem to miss somethings when trying to learn about new classes quickly :smalltongue:

thanks for any help folks.

2020-09-26, 12:37 PM
I would assume he knows, though the wording isn't as specific as WoTC tends to make them. As for opportunity cost, you are correct that there is none. Considering their relatively low AC and 1 hp, as well as the limits to how many can be active at any given moment, it's not broken by any stretch, but it does give the Fighter increased versatility.

2020-09-26, 12:46 PM
Hey all, i have a game tonight and have a player wanting to try the new fighter, it doesn't seem all that busted so i'm not worried about trying to balance encounters around it's abilities, but i'm curious, does anyone know if the fighter knows if his echo dies? like if he were to send it into a room, it goes around a corner, out of sight, and something like a silent trap goes off killing it, does the fighter know it just died? i get he could always just have it walk back to him to see if it's still there, but i just like to know before i have to wonder about this, also, is there no limit or cost to making them? i don't think i read any requirement like that, but i do seem to miss somethings when trying to learn about new classes quickly :smalltongue:

thanks for any help folks.

The Fighter would know when the echo dies, but not how or why if they can't see/hear/perceive it happening with their own senses.

On the other hand the Echo can't move more than 30ft from the Echo Knight, so...

2020-09-26, 12:52 PM
Depends on the level/how they are using.
At some point they can actually look/hear ect from the echo and while doing so it can move 1000ft? I think away.
Obviously then they can know how/ect it was killed.
Till then it can only move 30ft away.

Honestly a player in my Sunday game is playing one right now, they seem extremely underwhelming.

2020-09-26, 01:06 PM
Depends on the level/how they are using.
At some point they can actually look/hear ect from the echo and while doing so it can move 1000ft? I think away.
Obviously then they can know how/ect it was killed.
Till then it can only move 30ft away.

Honestly a player in my Sunday game is playing one right now, they seem extremely underwhelming.

yeah, that was my initial impression of them, but i've been wrong before when giving a quick look over of a new class lol

the best thing i can see about them now is that without a limit on the teleporting ability, it seems like the fighter can never really be grappled or restrained, it doesn't state you need any verbal, somatic, or material components, not even line of sight is necessary, so as soon as something tries to bind you, like a roper or something, you just use a bonus action and you are no longer in trouble.

2020-09-26, 01:43 PM
With the level 3 ability you don't actually perceive things through the Echo so you wouldn't be out of line saying the fighter has to peak his head around the corner to have any real perception of what's happening to his Echo. Otherwise he's just sending a dummy to blindly stumble around the corner. This could act as a trap springer, but little else.

Using the level seven ability you may temporarily give up your own sight and hearing and see and hear through the Echo this also extends their range to 1000ft, obviously the fighter knows what happens to that Echo.

The Echo is a versatile hammer. Moving the Echo up to 30 ft a round is a free action so if the Echo started the round 30 ft away from you; move the echo 30 ft, switch places, move 15ft (up to 75ft partially ignoring terrain) and still make your normal attacks. While the fighter is stuck in melee with a bunch of minions he can project his Echo up to 45 ft away to melee the real threat. Grappled; just use the Echo. Prone, just use the Echo.

My favorite Echo Fighter moment so far was jumping off a cliff, grappling a harpy, and switching with the Echo before hitting the ground.

One decision you have to make early on is whether the Echo can move in all directions and wether it can make skill checks. I recommend opposite answers to the two questions. In my game it's No/Yes.

2020-09-26, 02:33 PM
Prone, just use the Echo.

Good point! I had not considered prone. "Just use the Echo" could mean several different things there.

"When you take the Attack action on your turn, any attack you make with that action can originate from your space or the echo’s space. You make this choice for each attack."

Given that wording, I think you'd still attack at disadvantage through the echo while prone.

However, if you're prone, it seems likely to be because you are somewhere you shouldn't be (shoved and in a mob? grappled? grease? ice?), which makes the teleport even more valuable (as you've already mentioned) since you can get out of danger before standing up.