View Full Version : Bugbear Spells

2020-09-26, 11:01 PM
So bugbears benefit from their 2d6 bonus surprise damage on spells, which is way more important now that Tasha's opens up their stat spreads. So what are some of the best spells that produce a high number of attacks in a single round? Eldritch Blast is obviously strong, and it really helps Scorching Ray scale better. Any other standouts come to mind, from any class?

2020-09-26, 11:50 PM
Doesn't matter. Surprise Attack works for only one attack. The only reason why would you want to make more than one is to avoid wasting your chance if you miss.

2020-09-27, 12:03 AM
Yeah, I missed that line. Good catch. Carry on all.

2020-09-27, 04:42 AM
@JackPhoenix 's remark is still relevant; making an increased nuber of attacks makes it much less likely that you'll miss your chance when you finally get a surprise round (I believe I've had one surprise round in three years of play). That's one of the reasons why dual wielding rogues are really good.