View Full Version : Non-core sources of vampire and were 3.5e lore/crunch

2020-09-27, 04:49 AM
Hi all,

Vampires and various types of were have never really interested me. Guess I always thought them too overdone? Totally a personal thing and not a reflection on anyone that likes them. As such, I stayed away from them when worldbuilding. But there is a nice, blank, Romanian/Uberwaldian (for all my Pratchett GNU fans out there) chunk of mountainous terrain in my primary homebrew world that I think would benefit from some old school Vlad the Impaler type areas. And it gives the opportunity for me to feed in vampires turning up in other areas of my world in more than a "hey lets go kill a vampire" kind of way.

As such, I am looking for large bodies of rules and D&D (preferably Greyhawk or FR) fluff on vampires outside of what is presented in core. Obviously, many of our favourite monsters and templates got a big lore dump in the DMG and MMI. But some of those got massively expanded (aberrations, particularly mind flayers, got LoM, and MMV or MMIV introduced Thoon Flayers, the "Races of" books helped with lots of others. Libris Mortis has lots of undead stuff, but not a lot of vampire or were info. Did the Ravensloft books add a whole lot of general stuff or was it very Strahd specific?

2020-09-27, 05:45 AM
There's a sizeable compilation of vampire stuff in my sig.