View Full Version : Converting over Force missle mage / Missle storm spells

2020-09-27, 02:27 PM
I am building a Teifling Wizard who specializes in Magic missle. And my GM is cool enough where there is a good chance he'll let me covert over Force missle,mage . I also here there are rules for custom spells. Could someone be nice enough to help me greater a couple of upgraded version of magic missle. Can cast 3rd level spells right now.

I need some one who understands how to balance stuff better who maybe I can get my GM to let me have these

2020-09-27, 02:34 PM
I'm not really understanding what you are asking for here. What is there to convert?

2020-09-27, 02:56 PM
I'm not really understanding what you are asking for here. What is there to convert?
3.5 force missle mage prestige class. Like either as a class or Archetype o.o

2020-09-27, 03:14 PM
3.5 force missle mage prestige class. Like either as a class or Archetype o.o
This is the 3.5 forum. So are you asking to convert it from 3.5...to 3.5? Seems, uh, unnecessary.

2020-09-27, 03:33 PM
This is the 3.5 forum. So are you asking to convert it from 3.5...to 3.5? Seems, uh, unnecessary.

I need it from 3.5 to pf 1e. I would like it as an archetype if I can get some help with it

2020-09-27, 03:41 PM
It's what, a 5 level prestige class? What's wrong with just using it as is? The prestige class was designed for use with magic missile, which exists in it's entirety in pathfinder, I see no reason or requirement for any sort of "converting", it should function fine right out of the box.

2020-09-27, 03:47 PM
It's what, a 5 level prestige class? What's wrong with just using it as is? The prestige class was designed for use with magic missile, which exists in it's entirety in pathfinder, I see no reason or requirement for any sort of "converting", it should function fine right out of the box.

Really, this. The most I could see needing changed is skills to fit the system, both in name and amount for requirements.

2020-09-27, 04:01 PM
Really, this. The most I could see needing changed is skills to fit the system, both in name and amount for requirements.

right, but there's literally a pathfinder document for that :smalltongue:

Freely available on the paizo store (https://paizo.com/products/btpy89m6?Pathfinder-Roleplaying)

2020-09-27, 04:18 PM
right, but there's literally a pathfinder document for that :smalltongue:

Freely available on the paizo store (https://paizo.com/products/btpy89m6?Pathfinder-Roleplaying)

Wasn't aware. Even still, is it that hard to subtract 3?

2020-09-27, 04:28 PM
Wasn't aware. Even still, is it that hard to subtract 3?

well, some people who've never played 3.5 before, and only know of it as "the game in the before times" might not realize "subtract 3" is a necessary step.

2020-09-27, 05:42 PM
Fair, but OP has been around asking questions on 3.x for a hot while.

2020-09-27, 05:58 PM
Fair, but OP has been around asking questions on 3.x for a hot while.

I know, i was just trying to be nice

2020-09-27, 09:02 PM
Isaac's missile storm spells are NWN only. The closest equivalents are Chain Missile (basically a force fireball) and Force Missiles. The first one is great because it's borken with Chain Spell because it specifies a single target causing your DM to simply nuke you back and the second one is great because it doesn't have a one target per missile rule (up to 4 targets) while also being an uncapped spell. If you read this far you might have caught on to how chain missile is even more borkenest. Not that anyone wants you to have fun at their expense.

2020-09-28, 09:02 AM
Isaac's missile storm spells are NWN only. The closest equivalents are Chain Missile (basically a force fireball) and Force Missiles. The first one is great because it's borken with Chain Spell because it specifies a single target causing your DM to simply nuke you back and the second one is great because it doesn't have a one target per missile rule (up to 4 targets) while also being an uncapped spell. If you read this far you might have caught on to how chain missile is even more borkenest. Not that anyone wants you to have fun at their expense.
My napkin math isn't really showing anything particularly fantastic about Chain Chain Missile, mostly because the Chain Spell metamagic feat is incredible bad on damaging spells. Even at CL 20th and with 10 targets all within 30 feet of eachother it seems like you're spending a 7th level slot to deal ~50 damage to the main target and ~35 damage to secondary targets, assuming they don't make their saves to half the bounce damage from the metamagic.

I think an empowered fireball would deal more damage on average.

2020-09-28, 10:22 AM
My napkin math isn't really showing anything particularly fantastic about Chain Chain Missile, mostly because the Chain Spell metamagic feat is incredible bad on damaging spells. Even at CL 20th and with 10 targets all within 30 feet of eachother it seems like you're spending a 7th level slot to deal ~50 damage to the main target and ~35 damage to secondary targets, assuming they don't make their saves to half the bounce damage from the metamagic.

I think an empowered fireball would deal more damage on average.

Secondary target limits are per primary target per missile. That means the damage is multiplied for every creature within the area. 6 missiles hit 6 primary targets. That means 6 primary hits and 30 secondary hits. Thats closer to 73.5 per target add in another 6 creatures and it averages 126.

2020-09-28, 10:32 AM
Secondary target limits are per primary target per missile. That means the damage is multiplied for every creature within the area. 6 missiles hit 6 primary targets. That means 6 primary hits and 30 secondary hits. Thats closer to 73.5 per target add in another 6 creatures and it averages 126.
Assuming a 20th level caster, the primary target takes 10d4+10 damage. This arcs to each secondary target for 1d4+1 damage.
Adding chain spell, each of the 5 other targets take half of 10d4+10, because chain spell halves damage. They get a reflex save to half it again. These added chain spell attacks also arc back to each other target, again for half of 1d4+1 with a reflex save to half again.
If nobody makes their save, the primary target takes 10d4+10 + 1/2 (5d4+5) damage.
The other targets take 1d4+1 + 1/2 (10d4+10+4d4+4).

Chain spell halves damage and adds a reflex save to half damage again for all non-primary targets.

That averages to 43.75 damage to the primary target and 28 damage to the secondary targets. An empowered fireball is a level lower and deals 52 damage. A maximized fireball is the same level and deals 60.

2020-09-28, 10:46 AM
Using the class as-is, then stacking metamagic seems viable. Toppling spell, dazing spell, rime spell (once you have energy missile, though energy missile is written a bit oddly I would allow it to work).