View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Bombini 2.0 [PEACH]

2020-09-29, 08:53 PM
Hey, it's ya cryptid Sir Popard, back with another weird race. I'd previously built them in 3.5 (that post is still languishing in the archives on this very forum) and upon seeing a particularly cute photo of a bumblebee on a windowsill thought, "Hey, what if I updated those critters for 5e?"

The bombini are a race of insectile, monstrous humanoids who closely resemble bumblebees. They are prone to be lawful, living very structured lives in their hives. Giants often establish friendly relationships with bombini hives in exchange for their delicious honey. On occasion a drone or worker may develop a wanderlust that drives them to leave their home and become adventurers.

Your bombini worker character has the below traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Bombini workers age quickly, reaching adulthood by 10 and living to 60 on average.
Alignment. Most bombini are lawful, believing firmly in the benefits of a well-ordered society.
Size. Bombini are stout but short folk, averaging three and a half feet. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet.
Limited Flight. You have a flying speed of 20 feet. If you end your movement in mid-air you immediately begin to fall. When you take falling damage, reduce the total distance fallen by 15 feet for the purposes of calculating fall damage.
When in flight, you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on sound.
Hive Mind. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Homing Instinct. You have proficiency in the Survival skill. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Survival) check related to navigation, retracing your steps, or to avoid becoming lost, you can roll one Intuition die, a d4, and add the number rolled to the ability check.
Sting. Your stinger is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with your sting, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4, and your target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, the target takes 1d4 poison damage + your Constitution modifier and is poisoned until the end of your next turn.
Once you use your poison, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Bombini. Bombini is a combination of words, gestures (hands and wings), and subtle pheromones.

2020-09-29, 10:34 PM
I LOVE these. So cute~!

Mechanics are solid, but probably even 20 ft. flight'll still get it struck down (not for me, I'm perfectly fine with it). Might have an alternative prepped where they can use them to just glide or slow falls down, otherwise looks good to me.

2020-09-29, 11:12 PM
I LOVE these. So cute~!

Mechanics are solid, but probably even 20 ft. flight'll still get it struck down (not for me, I'm perfectly fine with it). Might have an alternative prepped where they can use them to just glide or slow falls down, otherwise looks good to me.

Thank you, for the compliment and the feedback. :smallsmile:

And you're right. I was on the fence about their flight, even as slow as 20 ft., but I get that it's still a potent ability. I've amended it to "Limited Flight": They must land or fall by the end of their turn.

Also, I'm a big fan of your name-sake and your avatar. 'tis awesome.

2020-09-29, 11:21 PM
Also, I'm a big fan of your name-sake and your avatar. 'tis awesome.


ALSO, that's a perfect opportunity to introduce a racial feat (possibly with a character level requirement) upgrading the limited flight to full-on flight, maybe with an extra bonus (like maybe the droning from the wings causes an aura effect of some sort, one of those 'if I save it doesn't work for the next 24 hours, otherwise bad mental condition incoming' things).