View Full Version : (more) Monster in the Dark

2007-11-02, 06:35 AM
We already have a list of it's characteristics, but - going down a different route - what does convention tell us the MiTD will look like?

It's appearance will either be


it could also be
- a legendary DnD monster, but there aren't very many that it could be.
- a monster already referenced in the comic.

I'm very much inclined to go with the 'funny' theory, as I don't think figures in a stick-figure comic can actually be all that scary - plus there will always be people who don't actually find it scary. Yes, if a huge dragon (somehow) came out of the shadow I'm sure we'd get an :eek: from the characters but frankly I don't think all the hype of 'OMG what does it look like?!?' will be satisfied by this.

I doubt that we will never see it. Yes, it could be that, just as it is being revealed, it is sucked into some snarl-vortex and destroyed forever - but I'm sure a lot of people would be very annoyed.

I'm predicting that's when it is revealed, the last strip of the comic that shows it will probably show the back of the monster - with skewed perspective so we can't tell the size - and maybe see a few 'wow.' 'what the hells is that?' type quotes from the OoTS. The next strip will just be a splashscreen of the monster, or possibly just an anti-climax as the monster dances in the sunlight, possibly non-aggresively scratching behind it's ears.

If you've ever seen the South Park episode where God come down from heaven and is revealed (http://www.weirdspace.dk/SouthPark/Graphics/God.jpg) you might have a good idea of what I'm thinking of (and WHY i think this).

The MiTD has got be something that satisfies all criteria from these forums - there are so many topics about it that I'm sure if the MiTD actually was a baby tarrasque, the people who found faults with the theory would be a lil bit miffed.

I don't think it'll be anything scary-looking - as stated before, rich couldn't come up with a monster so terrifying that it scared all of us...

could he? :S

The monster in the dark is so powerful, and working for the forces of evil in a comedy comic strip that convention almost demands it be the most peaceful, stupid-looking monster ever. A rabbit, a chicken, something that looks utterly harmless but with evil eyes and claws.

Going down the 'dnd reference' route, it could easily be an oversized miniature giant space hamster/ giant space hamster.

If it's a monster already mentioned in the comic, it could (but is unlikely to) be:

- part of the snarl
- a juvenile avatar of the Dark One

If you combine this theory with the 'funny' theory, it could well be something like:

- The Emperor of The Flumphs
- ...run out of ideas

Anyway... end. I tried to go down a different route to other MiTD topics (though I'm willing to bet there are others like this).

2007-11-02, 07:03 AM
Add enough templates (especially half templates) on something, and you get amazing stats... and a wacky patchwork appearance.

That's my guess.

Tempest Fennac
2007-11-02, 07:25 AM
Red Cloak once claimed it is as scary as musty styrophome, so it probably isn't that scary. I'd say it's probably a strange-looking homebrew monster, but Nerdanel may have a point.

2007-11-02, 07:38 AM
his talk parssel, i'm sure that is chtulhu

2007-11-02, 08:47 AM
Going down the 'dnd reference' route, it could easily be an oversized miniature giant space hamster/ giant space hamster.

And going to the 2nd step of D&D referencing, (referencing to in-game referencing) it's probably a Little White Killer Rabbit.

2007-11-02, 09:03 AM
As long as it's not something that's supposed to be scary, I'll be happy.

2007-11-02, 09:03 AM
my money's on the MitD being a chaotic neutral slaad of some sort. ugly, outrageously powerful, but chaotic: it's Taco Time!

2007-11-02, 09:06 AM
my money's on the MitD being a chaotic neutral slaad of some sort. ugly, outrageously powerful, but chaotic: it's Taco Time!

slaadi are a bit scary, though. Goes against redcloak's description of the MiTD.

2007-11-02, 09:11 AM
my money's on the MitD being a chaotic neutral slaad of some sort. ugly, outrageously powerful, but chaotic: it's Taco Time!

Not just a Slaad. A Half-Dragon Half-Celestial Half-Fiend Multiheaded pseudonatural paragon Slaad of legend!

Or a used diaper...

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-11-02, 09:21 AM
Minya, son of Godzilla.

Seriously. He totally fits the description.

2007-11-02, 09:32 AM
Rich has made the MiTD to be the ultimate lead up. Either its gonna' be something extremely funny, or we will never find out. He wouldn't waste a lead up this big with merely having it be some big monster. Nor would having it be some innocuous creature (Say, a rabbit.) be nearly funny enough for the suspense.
So I have two theories I think have some chance:

Rich doesn't actually know what he wants it to be yet.

We will never find out.

2007-11-02, 09:42 AM
Based on SoD I'm saying it most definitely won't be

some innocous creature, such as a rabbit, unless it's a feral half-dragon half-tarrasque dire rabbit, or some such monstrosity.

2007-11-02, 09:47 AM
I'm voting for a South Park God lookalike

I doubt we won't ever see it, it would just annoy too many people. Although it might be interesting if we see a few comics directly from the MiTD's perspective, seeing people's reactions to it but not the thing itself.

2007-11-02, 10:03 AM

2007-11-02, 11:49 AM
Hmmm...A MITD speculation thread...but full of weird and wacky ideas...PERFECT!!!

Ok, I've got two theories on this. Neither of them are what most people would consider serious (and at least the first one has probably been thought of already), but I think their (very limited) merit lies in the fact that they're so ridiculous.

Theory #1
The MITD is a gazebo. Yep, a homebrew creature that looks like a humble gazebo. It's ridiculous, funny, has exactly the right dimensions to fit under the umbrella, and at the same time we all know it's IMMENSELY powerful.

Theory #2
The MITD is a pair of floating yellow eyeballs. Yep, what you see is all he is. He might also have a floating mouth and eyebrows, but since we rarely see them I'm more inclined to think they're magically created whenever he needs them (at least the mouth). The eyeballs are magically connected (so as to be one creature), and the MITD has telekinetic powers that allow him to manipulate objects in ways to simulate limbs (holding objects as if with "hands", levitating to "stand", creating foot-shaped indentations in the ground to simulate "footsteps", etc). He also has the ability to create a "mouth" (possibly just an illusion), but it's really only for cosmetic purposes, as he really consumes things by breaking them down molecularly with his powers and absorbing them into his eyes. It would also explain how he could get a papercut (trying to absorb it into his eyes without "digesting" it enough) yet is unaffected by both Belkar and Miko's attacks (the wind from their slices tickles his sensitive eyes).

Why do I half-seriously think this? It's the ultimate irony. We wonder so much what the MITD looks like, but then when we finally see it, it turns out to be nothing more than what we've already seen.

2007-11-02, 01:28 PM
It can't be a gazebo, when Evil Co. are at the first gate, the MiTD is just... well, a monster in the dark. Not a monster under an umbrella.

Also, I thought a gazebo was an wall attachment for houses to go over patios to provide shade? Unless it means different things in different countries.

2007-11-02, 01:39 PM
That's the thing. The shadows only determine the maximum size of it (otherwise it would be sticking out of them). The fact that it can fit under the umbrella means that it must be at least that small.

No, that's not what it is. A gazebo is an outdoor structure with a dome-shape at the top.

2007-11-02, 01:45 PM
I wonder what I'm thinking of?

Anyway, it must be:

- Maximum medium-sized creature
- Funny

South Park God is still on the table...

2007-11-02, 01:47 PM
Also, I thought a gazebo was an wall attachment for houses to go over patios to provide shade? Unless it means different things in different countries.

A gazebo is a small round-ish structure generally consisting of a roof and some benches, walled in. It's like a tiny enclosed patio separate from your house. Nice to go sit in on hot days or when the bugs are out.

2007-11-02, 01:51 PM
"The Dread Gazebo (http://www.duke.edu/web/DRAGO/humor/gazebo.html)" is something of a running joke to the RPG world.

2007-11-02, 02:03 PM
has anyone played the spoofish card game Munchikin (or #2, #3, #4, or #5 [yes, it exists])?

"you must face the gazebo alone"

2007-11-02, 06:59 PM
the thing is, the moster in the darkness has to be somthing gernerally thought of as scary, as evidenced by:
:xykon: as scary as you are
:redcloak: hes about as scary as musty syrofoam
:xykon: well, as scary as you're supposed to be

i think it likly that it will be a "south park god" anticlimax, that is will be a humorus twist on a legendary or all new (which is unlikly) monster

2007-11-02, 07:00 PM
i was quoting form memory, dont rip me to peices if i got somthing wrong

2007-11-02, 07:11 PM
It can't be a gazebo, when Evil Co. are at the first gate, the MiTD is just... well, a monster in the dark. Not a monster under an umbrella.

Also, I thought a gazebo was an wall attachment for houses to go over patios to provide shade? Unless it means different things in different countries.

In Texas, I always heard that called a Patio.

In New York: A Patio.

In England: Not a single one of my friends has brought up architecture yet, and I prefer it as such.

2007-11-02, 07:16 PM
What could it be? AARGH!!!!! THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!

Aha! I know what it is:

(I would put my theory in a spoiler thingy, but oh well. I dunno how to do it...)
So I'll leave you hanging!
Possibly forever!

:elan: DUHN DUHN DUN!!!

Lord Zentei
2007-11-02, 07:30 PM
the thing is, the moster in the darkness has to be somthing gernerally thought of as scary, as evidenced by:
:xykon: as scary as you are
:redcloak: hes about as scary as musty syrofoam
:xykon: well, as scary as you're supposed to be

i think it likly that it will be a "south park god" anticlimax, that is will be a humorus twist on a legendary or all new (which is unlikly) monster

I thought that was more a reference to his behavior rather than his appearance... sort of in line with the nutmeg and loofa speeches.

SoD spoiler:

From SoD we know that it is "horrible", "yet beautiful" and people (at least humans) can "feel funny" and loose their lunch looking at it.

David Argall
2007-11-02, 08:06 PM
Red Cloak once claimed it is as scary as musty styrophome, so it probably isn't that scary. I'd say it's probably a strange-looking homebrew monster, but Nerdanel may have a point.

SOD Right-Eye: "Almost everybody else ...recoils in abject horror at the sight of you..."
Xykon: "You sure are one ugly sumbitch, aren't you?"

Scary sounds distinctly likely.

2007-11-02, 08:13 PM
A "Warped" Gazebo. A Gazebo is scary enough but one who's had its CHA and INT lowered drastically for improved combat powers makes children afraid to sleep!

2007-11-02, 08:16 PM
Hmmm...A MITD speculation thread...but full of weird and wacky ideas...PERFECT!!!

Ok, I've got two theories on this. Neither of them are what most people would consider serious (and at least the first one has probably been thought of already), but I think their (very limited) merit lies in the fact that they're so ridiculous.

Theory #1
The MITD is a gazebo. Yep, a homebrew creature that looks like a humble gazebo. It's ridiculous, funny, has exactly the right dimensions to fit under the umbrella, and at the same time we all know it's IMMENSELY powerful.

Theory #2
The MITD is a pair of floating yellow eyeballs. Yep, what you see is all he is. He might also have a floating mouth and eyebrows, but since we rarely see them I'm more inclined to think they're magically created whenever he needs them (at least the mouth). The eyeballs are magically connected (so as to be one creature), and the MITD has telekinetic powers that allow him to manipulate objects in ways to simulate limbs (holding objects as if with "hands", levitating to "stand", creating foot-shaped indentations in the ground to simulate "footsteps", etc). He also has the ability to create a "mouth" (possibly just an illusion), but it's really only for cosmetic purposes, as he really consumes things by breaking them down molecularly with his powers and absorbing them into his eyes. It would also explain how he could get a papercut (trying to absorb it into his eyes without "digesting" it enough) yet is unaffected by both Belkar and Miko's attacks (the wind from their slices tickles his sensitive eyes).

Why do I half-seriously think this? It's the ultimate irony. We wonder so much what the MITD looks like, but then when we finally see it, it turns out to be nothing more than what we've already seen.

Hey. I actually tought about the second theory too, but not as elaborately :smallwink: . It would be very funny, but I don't think that's it.

I tend to lean towards the funny but very powerful. Any Dragon Ball fans here? Remember Boo? Ridiculous name, looks ridiculus (at first) but terribly powerful? Well the name was soo ridiculous because combined with the name of his creator and son it makes a magic formula form disney (bibidi babidi boo).

Oh well, here another ludicrous theory for the heck of it: the MitD could be

A d&d monster but in a ridiculously transformed/combined/ represented/raised-by-a-creature-that-is-innapropriate/etc way. THe young version of something could right also, since its seems childish and ignores its own strenght.

2007-11-02, 08:42 PM
I just figured it out! I can't believe how simple it was!

It's the DM's ugly girlfriend!

I also know it isn't unique. In SOD,

the pith helmeted exotic animal hunters know what it is and that it doesn't belong in a jungle.

2007-11-02, 09:18 PM
It could be like one of those story jokes, there is a big story or build up and then theres something insignificant as the punch line.

2007-11-02, 09:28 PM
you know what I think it is, i think hes the embodiment of the Snarls hatred for the world, but the Snarl dosen't understand it and thus the MitD has no idea of that or anything else, other than extreme strength. im voting that its Snarls childish imagination, for that has to be part of that tangle SOMEWHERE.

2007-11-02, 11:18 PM
Also, I thought a gazebo was an wall attachment for houses to go over patios to provide shade? Unless it means different things in different countries.

I believe you are thinking of an Awning. It is the classic D&D monster which a DM will likely use on a group of new players that make the traditional noob mistake of not looking up.

As for the MITD:
It's a gamer.
You know, I had a whole list of reasons why the MITD could be a gamer... but suddenly I'm just not in the mood for self-deprecating humor. So, insert your own jokes here.

2007-11-02, 11:42 PM
Not just a Slaad. A Half-Dragon Half-Celestial Half-Fiend Multiheaded pseudonatural paragon Slaad of legend!

Or a used diaper...

Half-celestial, half-fiend? Impressive.

2007-11-03, 12:10 AM
Well he is an insane baby something, but your limits on the perception of reality prevent you from seeing the truth. BEHOLD (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3227211#post3227211)

2007-11-03, 01:12 AM
Maybe it's a grue!

Tempest Fennac
2007-11-03, 03:21 AM
Do Grues have large amounts of DR and/or NA? (I thought they were just hairy things which huge mouths which can eat anything: http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Grue). The fact that it's so powerful (and hungry) could indicate a connection, though.

2007-11-03, 04:29 AM
My serious suggestion from another thread:

It's a Half-Earth Elemental Half-Dragon Tarrasque. Among other things, it has an earthquake spell-like ability 1/day.

It might have other templates too.

2007-11-03, 08:10 AM
The build up is such that I honestly doubt it will be a half-X half-Y strange 1st ed monster raised by a blind treant because then the hunter wouldn't have recognised it.

Also, the fact that the hunter recognised it does not mean it isn't unique - it could be that it is a monster of legend out of it's (suspected) normal territory.

Imagine finding a yeti in the amazon.

I'm still going with south park god theory. That thing is ugly, so it fits.

2007-11-03, 09:07 AM
Okay, enough speculation. This is actually much easier then all of you make it out to be.

In the OotS world, what's the most powerful, sinister evil creation around?

How about the guy who gave us #500?

It's our friendly neighborhood Giant.

2007-11-03, 11:30 AM
Your right the mitd is RICH

:elan: Dun dun dunn typing in white is fun

2007-11-03, 11:52 AM
The MiTD is 'the DM'