View Full Version : magic item that moves you 5' for reflex saves?

2020-10-01, 08:55 PM
I read a description of an item that will move you 5' on a reflex save it that puts you out of the area of effect.

Does anyone know what it is? I cant find it and it sounds perfect for a trap searching/disabling scout type.

2020-10-01, 09:24 PM
There is no item I know of that does this. Are you sure you're not thinking of cunning evasion?

2020-10-02, 12:15 AM
It's boots of sidestepping from Dungeonscape.

2020-10-02, 01:05 AM
That's what I love about this forum, it always makes me aware of stuff I had overlooked.

2020-10-02, 01:07 AM
the closet thing i can think of is ring of instant escape from complete mage.

2020-10-05, 01:48 PM
It's boots of sidestepping from Dungeonscape.

thanks that was it. I remember reading a online description more about using it reactive to a saving throw , but it seems the one I was looking for

Thanks again