View Full Version : Player Help 3.5 Vow of Poverty Monk

2020-10-01, 09:59 PM
To set the scene here, my group has decided if 1 or more of us can't make it to game night we're doing random one-offs with changing DM's(excluding myself as I'm the DM for our regular game). The rules are simple. Make 1st level character using the 4d6 stat rolls, starting wealth rolls, and 3.5 ed. books only with the exception of the flaws from Dandwiki (1 flaw only). If you survive the night you level up, but if you die, you have to make a new 1st level character.

My character is a Level 2 Human Monk with 16/16/14/12/16/13 ability scores, Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, Versatile U.S., Nimbus of Light, Combat Reflexes, Touch of Golden Ice, and Stunning Fist(probably changing to Improved Grapple).

I'm debating Tattooed Monk or Kensai but looking for anything that works.

2020-10-03, 05:02 PM
First, you might want to ask the Mods to move this thread into the D&D 3.x Forum,. as that is where it belongs.

2.: It is not quite vlear what youa re askling.

Suggestions for your chosen path? Alternatives to it? General Feedback?

2020-10-03, 06:32 PM
Tattooed monk is actually not bad alter self as a move action lasting an hour a tattooed monk level is a pretty decent stop gap for a few levels.

2020-10-04, 12:39 AM
Waiting for 3 more levels before tattooed monk seems way to long. I'd go for cleric 4 into sacred fist next. Or if you're allowed to change your race to silver brow human and take able learner my favorite would be 3 levels of thug/sneak attack fighter and then picking up levels in chameleon.
Edit: even better if you can pick up the invisible fist alternate class feature retrospectively as well.

2020-10-04, 01:32 AM
You should be able to enhance your own body with magic, if you can find a way to invest money into it without actually investing actual money. Like, say, Ancestral Relic (Unarmed Strike). That would allow you to add all sorts of fun abilities on your attacks, such as throwing and distance, so you could shoulder-check a space up to 100' away as an attack action, and the rest of you follows along for the ride. Or ghost touch, so you can reach through walls. Or metalline, so you can turn every part of your body that can be used as an attack (so, pretty much all of it) into living metal.

2020-10-05, 09:19 PM
Wow, I can't believe I forgot to even ask the question.

I'm trying to optimize him from this point forward. I can't change anything about race or classes already taken as it's a revolving DM (mostly 1st timers) so we have set rules.

That being said, it's not really a campaign as it is straight up dungeon crawling, so prestige class prereqs aren't an issue. We're just trying to have fun, so I wanted run through some concepts I wouldn't have thought about trying.