View Full Version : Electro coming back?

2020-10-02, 10:52 AM
Source. (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/spider-man-3-jolt-jamie-foxx-returning-as-electro-exclusive)

Not sure how accurate this is (last I heard MCU Spider-Man 3 had been moved to December 2021, the article lists November) but sharing anyway.

2020-10-02, 11:25 AM
Urf. If true, it lowers my opinion of the next Spider-Man movie, by quite a bit.

I just got around to watching the first Garfield Spider-Man, and it was not bad, but also not great. I had tried to watch the second one a while ago, and the parts with Electro in particular just didn't work for me.

In general I would prefer they introduce new villains rather than rehash old ones, and one of the best moves that Homecoming made was to dispense with any goblins of any hue, and instead go with Vulture, who was an outstanding choice. Spidey has enough villains to work with that we don't need a recycled character from an earlier iteration of the franchise.

One thing I like about the Tom Holland movies is that they feel very grounded. No one is turning into living sand, no one is regenerating limbs, no one is turning into raw voltage. I wouldn't enjoy the next movie nearly as much if they departed from that approach.

Kitten Champion
2020-10-02, 11:42 AM
Why? Just taking a moment to assume this rumour is hypothetically accurate, why would they?

I mean, I like Jamie Foxx as much as anyone, but Electro wasn't exactly his greatest role from a movie which - objectively speaking - ended that whole franchise. He wasn't the worst Superhero movie villain ever certainly, but Electro and his whole shtick was a contributing factor to an overall confusing mess of a script that led Amazing Spider-Man 2 to feel contrived and tonally awkward. So, he's not exactly J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-02, 12:11 PM
Considering Sony's track record with not getting good performances, I'm going to withhold judgment until I know how much Marvel will be involved. They helped make Vulture and Mysterio more interesting, maybe they can improve Electro.

2020-10-02, 01:18 PM
In general I would prefer they introduce new villains rather than rehash old ones, and one of the best moves that Homecoming made was to dispense with any goblins of any hue, and instead go with Vulture, who was an outstanding choice. Spidey has enough villains to work with that we don't need a recycled character from an earlier iteration of the franchise.

I had actually been under the impression that we were running out of recognizable Spider-man supervillains who haven’t appeared at least once already.

Raimi 1: Green Goblin
Raimi 2: Doc Ock, The Lizard in civilian identity
Raimi 3: Sandman, Venom, Green Goblin 2.0
Amazing 1: The Lizard*
Amazing 2: Electro, The Rhino, I think Norman Osborn was in there somewhere too...?*
Into the Spider-verse: Kingpin, Doc Ock, Scorpion, Prowler, Green (?) Goblin, Tombstone (thank you for the reminder Dire_Flumph!)
MCU 1: The Vulture, Shocker, Tinkerer, Montana (thanks Rogar Demonblud!), Prowler in civilian identity, Scorpion in civilian identity
MCU 2: Mysterio, Hydro man (sort of. His civilian identity does get mentioned).

That leaves Kraven (rumored to appear in MCU 3), Silvermane, Carnage (appearing in Venom 2), Morbius (solo movie coming out next year unless Sony moves it again), Black Cat (rumored to have her own solo movie coming)...oh, and The Spot. I don’t know how recognizable The Spot is, but I remember him so I’ll put him down too. Maybe The Jackal...? Those are all who immediately come to mind, and half of them are already spoken for.

I do note that most of my Spidey-villain knowledge comes from the 90’s cartoons and Spider-man has had comics running for decades: I’m sure he has more that I don’t know about from the comics...but I doubt I’m the only one who has that problem. Past a certain point they stop being iconic Spider-man villains and are just villains.

*I haven’t seen the Garfield movies, if I’m wrong or missing someone, let me know.

Why? Just taking a moment to assume this rumour is hypothetically accurate, why would they?

I mean, I like Jamie Foxx as much as anyone, but Electro wasn't exactly his greatest role from a movie which - objectively speaking - ended that whole franchise. He wasn't the worst Superhero movie villain ever certainly, but Electro and his whole shtick was a contributing factor to an overall confusing mess of a script that led Amazing Spider-Man 2 to feel contrived and tonally awkward. So, he's not exactly J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson.

I haven’t seen either of the Garfield movies, but if the script was a mess isn’t that more on the writers and maybe the director than the actor?

Mind, since I haven’t seen it, and also haven’t heard much about Electro, that makes me think he wasn’t as iconic in the role as J.K. Simmons as JJJ. :smallconfused:

2020-10-02, 01:21 PM
It obviously can't be the same character, same as JK Simmons isn't playing the same JJ Jameson as the Tobey Maguire films. But if Sony is looking to revive its plans for that "Sinister Six" movie they were so eager for, then this makes some sense. Put Electro in the movie as a secondary villain, maybe taken down in an opening scene to show Spidey doing Spidey-stuff before the main plot starts just to establish him in-universe. You can then play off recognition of the character from ASM2 without having to give him a lot of backstory. Mix in Vulture, a new Mysterio, Morbius, Venom, and you now only need one more to get a "Villains unite against greater evil" movie.

2020-10-02, 01:25 PM
Into the Spider-verse: Kingpin, Doc Ock, Scorpion, Prowler, Green (?) Goblin, I feel like I’m still forgetting someone...

Tombstone was in the movie as well.

2020-10-02, 02:08 PM
Tombstone was in the movie as well.


It occurs to me that I also forgot to list Chameleon as an unused possibility; he’s well known enough to have appeared in more than one cartoon, and between the Skrulls, the disguise tech in Winter Soldier, and the holograms in Far From Home he’d be REALLY EASY to introduce...but by the same token I kind of hope they don’t for a while, because Far From Home just did the ‘villain impersonates trustworthy people’ ploy and it would get repetitive.

And there’s Hammerhead, but I don’t really see him as a lead villain.

Kitten Champion
2020-10-02, 02:23 PM
I haven’t seen either of the Garfield movies, but if the script was a mess isn’t that more on the writers and maybe the director than the actor?

Mind, since I haven’t seen it, and also haven’t heard much about Electro, that makes me think he wasn’t as iconic in the role as J.K. Simmons as JJJ. :smallconfused:

Oh, most certainly, Foxx definitely didn't phone in his performance and I'd normally be quite happy to hear he's in Marvel Studios movie, but it's the character and his characterization which are at issue. Amazing Spider-Man 2's Electro just isn't worth preserving, and while that's definitely just my opinion it's inarguable that that movie did not do well by Hollywood standards nor did it remain in the cultural zeitgeist as to indirectly justify his inclusion in a whole separate fictional universe.

For that reason I'm pretty dubious as to the veracity of this.

The only context where I'd be completely fine with it is another Spider-Verse movie, since that works in so many layers of Spider-Man references that yet another would simply add to its flavour.

Personally, I would like Kraven as the next cinematic villain. It works with the "Spider-Man is being vilified by the world" angle that Far From Home left off with, the MCU has enough high-tech stuff to make him a reasonable threat without being ludicrous, and he's the most renowned and charismatic of Spidey-villains that hasn't already been adapted.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-02, 02:28 PM
Montana was also in Homecoming. Only other ones I can think of are Beetle, Paste-Pot Pete, Hobgoblin and DemoGoblin.

2020-10-02, 02:43 PM
Personally, I would like Kraven as the next cinematic villain.

Personally, I'm hoping they hold him for a Squirrel Girl movie. ;)

2020-10-02, 04:22 PM
Montana was also in Homecoming.


Only other ones I can think of are Beetle, Paste-Pot Pete, Hobgoblin and DemoGoblin.

I forgot about Hobby too. Although wasn’t a version of him Ned? So he might be doable. Probably not until after 3 though, since they’d need to explain why he was suddenly a villain and not Spider-man’s friend and guy-in-the-chair anymore.

2020-10-02, 11:09 PM

Montana (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enforcers_(comics)), one of the members of The Enforcers (Fancy Dan and Ox are the other two most commonly in the group). They're a trio of... well, enforcers... for various Spidey-related mob bosses, with Montana being a lasso trick-artist, Fancy Dan being a martial artist, and Ox being a giant goon. No super-powers in their original incarnation, which leaves one wondering why they even begin to think they can throw down with Spidey, but whatever.

2020-10-03, 07:40 AM
Montana (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enforcers_(comics)), one of the members of The Enforcers (Fancy Dan and Ox are the other two most commonly in the group). They're a trio of... well, enforcers... for various Spidey-related mob bosses, with Montana being a lasso trick-artist, Fancy Dan being a martial artist, and Ox being a giant goon. No super-powers in their original incarnation, which leaves one wondering why they even begin to think they can throw down with Spidey, but whatever.

Okay, so he’s in the same bad guy tier as Hammerhead. I’m guessing he was one of Toomes’ mooks in Homecoming? I’ll have to keep an eye out for him next time I watch it.

Unrelated, Mr. Foxx apparently confirmed at least one major character design difference (https://screenrant.com/spider-man-3-jamie-foxx-electro-new-look/) from ASM2 Electro which kind of confirms this is a ‘new’ version of the character.

2020-10-03, 03:56 PM
Okay, so he’s in the same bad guy tier as Hammerhead. I’m guessing he was one of Toomes’ mooks in Homecoming? I’ll have to keep an eye out for him next time I watch it.

He got disintegrated by Toomes, dont bother. I do find it a waste he barely had a role.

As far as villains for MCU Spidey 3... well honestly I hated Far From Home so I probably wont see it. But if they want to do a "Spider-Man on the Run" arc maybe an anti-hero like Silver Sable, Kraven could also work well. Scorpion was created by Jonah to fight Spidey in the comics and hasn't appeared in a live action film and they already planted him in Homecoming so would be logical to use him.

2020-10-03, 05:31 PM
Another option would be a villain-with-good-publicity type, like the various mob bosses Spidey has gone up against, like Tombstone, Silvermane, or Kingpin, or even (*sigh*) Green Goblin/Norman Osborne. Spider-Man's rogues' gallery is enormous, so hopefully they can find someone that's a good fit.

Although hopefully they'll be able to restrain themselves from stupidity like mech-suit Rhino :smallannoyed:

2020-10-03, 06:30 PM
If we're pulling villains from other versions of Spiderman, I'd much prefer a live-action version of Liv Octavius from Into the Spider-Verse.

Vulture and Mysterio were reasonably intelligent villains, but Ms. Doc Ock is on a far higher level, and that plus her unique tentacles would make for one hella challenge for Spidey.

2020-10-08, 01:51 PM
And now Dr. Strange. (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/benedict-cumberbatch-joins-spider-man-3-as-doctor-strange-exclusive)

I’m torn. On the one hand, I generally like crossovers. On the other, I’d kind of like to see a Spider-man movie that is a Spider-man movie and not having someone else hog the spotlight. His character is perfectly capable of carrying a movie himself. :smallannoyed:

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-08, 02:04 PM
Oh cool. If they're bringing Strange in, that seriously ups the odds we're going multi-dimensional and are getting Miles Morales and/or Spider-Gwen.

2020-10-08, 04:19 PM
multiverse? hmm... I'm on board with them bringing in Electro from Andrew Garfield Spiderman as long as they bring in Alfred Molino Doc Oc from the Raimi Spiderman too.

Multidimensional Sinister Six!

Alfred Molino as Doc Ock
Jamie Foxx as Electro
Michael Keaton as the Vulture
Theodore Bikel as Mandak! (from the 1970s tv series)

... I can't think of any other live action spiderman series so I guess its sinister four.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-08, 04:50 PM
I'll accept a Green Goblin if they can get Willem Dafoe back.

2020-10-08, 05:33 PM
I'll accept a Green Goblin if they can get Willem Dafoe back.

Long as they CG Dafoe's facial expressions into the Goblin mask, I'm down for it. As the Weird Al song says, he was way scarier without the mask in that movie.

2020-10-08, 05:46 PM
I'll accept a Green Goblin if they can get Willem Dafoe back.

Oh this I would love to see. (And I say this as someone who’s not keen on a live action Spiderverse right on the heels of the animated one.) I can’t imagine anyone topping his performance as Norman.

Maybe make him from an alternate universe where the Green Goblin won that fight on the bridge: he won, took over, eventually drove everything into a dystopia, and when the opportunity arose decided to go on a multiversal conquering spree..I think DaFoe is mid-sixties so I don’t know if he’d be up for fight scenes without massive use of CGI or stunt doubles, but I guess that hasn’t stopped the MCU before. Or if it’s an issue maybe have Harry be the Green Goblin and Norman calling the shots, although Norman is scarier and it would probably be easier to slip him the Carnage symbiote if/when he makes his way into the Venom-verse movies...

Long as they CG Dafoe's facial expressions into the Goblin mask, I'm down for it. As the Weird Al song says, he was way scarier without the mask in that movie.

The MCU’s been pretty good about updating costumes for the most part. Worse case scenario I see there would be that we get Ironman-armor-esque shots of him grinning like a fiend in the dark with computer readouts illuminating his face. Or didn’t the Amazing movies give him a mutation? Maybe they could skip the mask entirely?

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-08, 10:59 PM
Maybe make him from an alternate universe where the Green Goblin won that fight on the bridge: he won, took over, eventually drove everything into a dystopia, and when the opportunity arose decided to go on a multiversal conquering spree.

So the Goblin King arc? I can see it. But Dafoe is currently 65, so you're right that is an issue.

Also, the Venom: Carnage movie (or whatever they changed the title to last time) is due out in 2022.

2020-10-11, 01:56 PM
Also, the Venom: Carnage movie (or whatever they changed the title to last time) is due out in 2022.

??? Last I checked it was still 2021 (June 25th), which if MCU Spider-man 3 sticks to its current date in December 2021 would give both Norman and the Carnage symbiote time to be introduced before being introduced to each other.

There are admittedly plenty of other issues that will probably keep wall-crawling pumpkin bombs and William DaFoe biting heads off off-screen...but the current movie timeline isn’t one of them.