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View Full Version : Pathfinder Build an Entourage! (PF)

2020-10-04, 12:31 AM
I've got a Bard who is heavily focused on his perform skill (Singing), and as a result of that and some good RP he's starting to build up a reputation and a following.

For that and some other RP reasons, my DM has chosen to allow Leadership, and I have some solid ideas on how to use it but wanted to get some additional input! The cohort is off the table for this purpose, as I'm going to use it to apply class levels to my mount. It's the low level followers that I'm looking at turning into something fun.

For balance reasons, as well as the need to not be an ******* to the party by bringing 10+ characters to a fight, they will NOT be built as combat assets, so fine detail and complex builds are not necessary--besides, these guys will by design always be ridiculously low level compared to the threats we'll be facing.

That said, what classes, archetypes, spells and feats would you want to bring to the table, for what purposes? Here's the thoughts I have so far.

A Charisma-based rogue: For setting up venues, negotiating with proprietors, acting as a promoter and also doing up costuming and makeup with a Disguise check.

An illusion/evocation wizard, with ranks in Alchemy: For special effects at the shows.

A pair of Dex/Wis based rogues, for working the crowds for a bit more gold than they intended to spend. (Wis gives a better Perception and Sense Motive rolls, so they can have an idea who is or isn't watching their purses). Access to cantrips might be smart too. The occasional activation of Detect Magic should help them avoid trying to rob anybody who might really hurt them if they do get caught.

Some other performers! Does not by any measure need to be bards, since there's no need to have Bardic Music as a class feature in order to play a lute or dance onstage.

A couple of intimidating types, to act as bouncers at the show.

Somebody with Craft: Cooking or Profession: Cook, to help keep the ever-growing entourage fed.

Probably at least one INT-based person to take ranks in Knowledge Engineering, so that we can know the stage is safe. The Wizard can probably take this on.

A divine caster, to help ensure the group's energy levels stay high. Building a flavorful but combat-useless minor version of the Haste spell is an idea that might well make the cut if I ask for it.

Anyone else have some interesting thoughts on this, or know a specific class, archetype etc that might play well with the setup?