View Full Version : Help my Rakshasa story

2020-10-04, 12:00 PM
System: 3.5 Epic 6
Entirely Homebrew campaign
4 Players: Psion, Soulbow (improved), Psychic Warrior, Spellthief (improved)

They entered their first large city yesterday, there is an Arcana Academy there.

The little sidequest i need help on: What happened is the Conjuration Teacher was expirementing a new spell in his room, and accidently switched himself and a Rakshasa from another Plane. In my campaign, the Rakshasa Plane has lowered magic-abilities.
The players currently know the teacher is missing (the Psion is even subsituding for the teacher's Conjuration class) and that a mysterious figure was seen in the teachers building, but he escaped. The party tracked the figure down, fought it (and the three thugs it hired/charmed), but the Rakshasa himself escaped.
After the fight they did some research and found out that it must have been a Rakshasa.

In the room of the missing teacher they found another secret portal, which has nothing to do with the story described above, but they went in and that gives me some more time to work on the Rakshasa story, because where they are going now, i worked out well. I probably won't need the help for a few sessions, but you never know, they might just turn around immediatly to go back to the Rakshasa-story.

Ok, so what do i need help with?

1. What will the Rakshasa do? i had the current encounter planned. The Rakshasa could have been defeated, captured or he could have escaped. Now the last thing happened, but i didnt plan anything further. What will he do now?
He loves this world, his magic is now much more powerfull than in his own Plane (he is a mostly a regular Rakshasa now, the ones on the home plane will be weaker magic-wise).
I assume he will try to gain more power, will he infiltrate some noble house, perhaps the local duke (ruler of the city)? or even go to the capital for the king? how will the players find out and how will i incorporate this in my story?
Will he start, or take over some kind of criminal guild?

2. The Rakshasa Plane. They will want to get the teacher back. I haven't even decided what happened to the teacher exactly. Did he get captured? and will this be a search and rescue? currently i have just a minor encounter planned where the teacher was indeed captured by Rakshasa from a small village, where the party could try to free the prisoner either secretly or by force.
But maybe there are some better, more interesting ideas. Keep in mind, the magic in this plane is lowered, the Rakshasa will be weaker than normal and the players will also receive penalties on their spellcasting (including psionic) abilities.

I know i have not given all information, it would take me pages, but if anyone has any idea, even a few words to point me in a direction, it is most appreciated.