View Full Version : The Final Hours

2020-10-04, 01:07 PM
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JNAProductions: Heart Cliff, Tabaxi rogue
Kinro: Elise Sturm, Human paladin
Awful: Lady Zophia Dawnbrook, Human sorcerer
Eonn: Thalfel, Lizard Folk monk
NontheistCleric: Iwol, Skeleton sorcerer
Fairleaf has never been an important place in kingdom politics, so there's never been much presence of an army. The only person representing the far-away throne was a constable who never did anything remarkable -- including the fact that when things started to get real scary, he left with his wife and son to return to 'more important matters of office'.

And things did get really scary. When at midday, the sound of an explosion-loud ice-crack shocked the folk, someone discovered the ground between Fairleaf and the Brightwood cracked. There was chasm, "a real chasm, mind you, not just a ditch". And, truth to tell, it was a just description. Also, a few days later it appeared that great rocks, shaped like fanges, grew from both walls of the chasm, pulsating with a strange dark purplish gleam.

Then dark gray rain and sleet drenched and scraped everything for a week. And that's when the news arrived with a travelling merchant: it was the same everywhere. Then the shooting starts came, but many of them did not disappear in mid-air, they touched down, and the very earth shook for days, crowned by one just on the nether side of the Brightwood. Not many homes remained intact, hardly any people were left unscathed. Then those who ventured out reported the forest to be fuming with gray-orange smoke, all the while the trees still standing there.

Then the flying shapes cast their speeding shadows over the village, visible under the purple and orange colored clouds that completely blotted out the sun.

In the relative quiet of the following days, there wasn't much to do. The fields were lost to destruction, traveling seemed pointless, and that merchant who brought the news had ample enough of smoked meat, cheese and wine to provide for everyone without touching the foodstock in the cellars.

The same as for the last few days, people started to gather near the inn, to give emotional support and help spend time in the complete uncertainty of the times.

Mayor Brightwater was there, faithfully, already trying to assuage the fear and panic slowly building day-by-day. However, Valeson interrupted him.

"And what are we going to do? Aside from sitting and waiting? As our leader, have you got any plan of action?" -- this was the first time anyone challenged the mayor, and people suddenly fell silent, including Brightwater.

2020-10-04, 06:24 PM
Heart looks at Valeson, and says Do you have any ideas? I'm worried too-but what CAN we do?

2020-10-04, 08:14 PM
Elise was sitting near Heart and doing her best to console Rayna. They had both been sent home because, well, because there was little for either of them to do. These were bad times. The end of the world, Elise had heard whisper before she left. It was the time for great heroes to come to the fore, not paladin barely past their apprenticeship, like herself. "We keep people safe, that's the best we can do. We have enough food to last for a while and just about enough shelter for everyone." Her own parents had taken more than a few who's houses had been destroyed in the shakes. Eventually, it would be time to rebuild, and stronger. But for now, it was much too dangerous.

2020-10-05, 01:58 PM
Zophia was sitting on a nearby barrel, watching the scene. She clicked her fingers, and the tobacco - one of her few true luxuries she permitted herself - in her slender darkwood pipe ignited. She puffed on it briefly to get it slight, and breathed in a lungful of smoke: something about the sensation comforted the draconic ancestry inside her.

She rose to her full height - not inconsiderable, even before her heels and gleaming golden horns rising from her head. It wasn't the only thing that made her stand out amongst her subjects: her heavy clothes were well made, trimmed with white fur, and a pair of pince nez sat on her nose.

"None of us," she began, as she stalked forward to stand next to the mayor, "Can know what tomorrow will bring. This are strange times - I don't have to tell you that," she said lightly. Her expression became more serious. When she spoke, her voice was that of the Lady of the village, cracking with command.
"But what we can do is prepare for what situations we can! We don't know what will happen next, so we must prepare for as widely as we can.

It is not impossible we might have to evacuate the village. I want everyone to pack a bag of food - things that will last - any medicine they need or have, a blanket and a knife - and anything else they might find useful, but light enough to carry without too much issue. Keep this with you, or somewhere you can get it quickly. If we need to quickly flee the village, we might need it."
She took a moment to look around and gauge the mood of the villagers before she announced the next stage of her plan.

"I'd also like volunteers to train to fight! We have lost many of our homes, but we still have food and shelter. The same might not be said for others, and they might prefer steel rather than talk to get it. I will, of course," For a moment, fire flared around her hand, "Do my best to protect you all myself. Such is my oath and my duty to you as the Lady of this village. But seeing a few good men who seem to know how to use what they're holding might well serve better to fend off trouble than any amount of magic."
She looked through the crowd until she spotted the person she was looking for.
"Mamselle Sturm! Would you be able to take any volunteers through the basics? My brother, Ulther, could if you have other intentions, but no doubt you are the best amongst us with the use of arms."

With most of the crowd turned to look at the paladin, Zophia subtly pointed at the woman and whispered, and magic carried the words to her alone.

"I can't force you, but we need to get them doing something, or anxiety will eat them alive."

2020-10-05, 04:39 PM
Iwol (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311789)
Skeleton Sorcerer
AC: 16 HP: 18/18
PP: 12 PIv: 9 PIs: 12
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Iwol stands out on Merret's second-floor balcony, listening as the clamor from the nearby inn drifts over. His nephew, never one to be shaken by tragedy, is out at the gathering now, and so he has been drafted into minding Evelyn for the afternoon. Not that the boy is so young as to need watching, but with his parents barely a week dead, a little caution does not go amiss.

Anyway, better us two than Merret at a time like this.

The skeleton steals a glance back into the room where his great-grandnephew is currently napping, Oriana similarly somnolent on the bed beside him. She came with, of course; Illuria is busy preparing graves for all the newly fallen.

Hearing Elise and Zophia's voices ring through the darkened air, the undying spirit feels a faint surge of approval. At least some are keeping hope alive. His own place, of course, is no longer to be so active in the affairs of the living, and so for now he only listens.

For now.

2020-10-05, 04:54 PM
On the outskirts of town, several reptilian figures lurked. Thalfel had more than enough encounters with aggressive humans at this point to be wary about entering a tribes village, but the shattered town seemed empty. At the very least, there were no braves either patrolling their territory nor guarding their strangely crafted huts. Whether the village was abandoned or not mattered little to Thalfel however, his people had not been able to kill a prey beast since before the time of the falling stars. His people were hungry, and while he possessed a few of the sparkling rocks humans coveted, he was not ready to be denied.

Silently through the chilling rain, his tribe moved into the village. He turned in the direction of one of the central buildings, from which the chatter of residents could be heard. Motioning his group to stop behind one of the other structures, Thalfel proceeded alone. He would soon figure out whether this tribe would be hostile or not, but either way he could not risk the rest of his own.

Pushing the door of the inn open and stepping into the warmth, Thalfel paused ready to flee or fight should the disposition of the humans inside be less than agreeable.

2020-10-05, 09:40 PM
Well, Elise was mildly impressed. She had thought that Zophia was just one of those uppity nobles that knew nothing but to sit there and take taxes. She still didn't quite like the attitude she took, but good ideas were good ideas.

"I can hardly say I'm the best, Zophia," Elise said as she stood up. "I'm certain that Michael or Mister each have more experience than I'll have in a long time. I cannot do magic and I think you've all seen my efforts with a bow." She was, in fact, well known to be bad at shooting. At village events, she only ever manage to hit near the center once and that was two targets over. "But I do remember enough of my training that I dare say that I could teach a thing or two to most of you. And the rest could use the practice, I'm sure. I'll take anyone, then. Age, gender, species, skill level, I don't care. You want to learn, I'll give you something to do. But first, anyone who trains with me needs to prepare two packs. One, light enough to run with, that you'll always keep next to you. Another, light enough to walk with, that you'll keep somewhere easy to get to. I won't tell you what to put in them, but if you end up needing them, then you won't get to go back for anything else and it's all you might have for a very long time. Think and pack accordingly."

Elise, herself, already had everything she most felt like she needed with her, from long habit. Likely, those who had similarly been trained would easily be able to do the same or had done so already. As for the training, she expected that Alicia would jump at the chance, despite everything going on. Maybe others would follow her lead. But as Elise was starting to think of a good place to train, he arrived. A lizardfolk, male, she believed, approaching them all. She noticed weapons, of course, but lizardfolk were seldom without them. He didn't seem to be charging, which was a good sign. Plus, he was alone. Elise stepped forward to intercept, her hand not at her weapon, but ready enough.

"Greeting and welcome to Fairleaf!" She called out. "The times are dark, but it is always good to meet peaceful folk. For you do come in peace, I hope?"

2020-10-06, 12:07 AM
Thalfel glances through the window towards the hazy sky. Yes, times were indeed dark.

"This one seeks food." He says slowly, sinking his teeth into each syllable of the human's strange language. "You have?"

2020-10-06, 02:40 AM
Valeson simply gave a quick shrug at Heart's question, but when Zophia stepped forward and spoke, he made several contented nods, and half said, half whispered to himself. "Well, that makes sense." Those near him nodded in agreement. They seemed happy to have something to focus on, instead of just worrying about the complete uncertainty of the situation.

When Elise took her turn to speak, they already had higher spirits then before, and were eager to listen to the modest paladin, still commanding respect as a trained warrior. "Good, we have real leaders, after all." Valeson remarked, again in his half-whisper.

When she finished her speech, Valeson turned up his voice. "A crossbow is fairly easy to use. I have a couple, let's see who's up for some shooting practice as well."

The folks visibly calmed down even more after Elise's speech, and some of them immediately started going to pack, some started whispering among themselves about what to pack.

At the appearance of the young lizardfolk, everyone had their attention snapped back to the scene, and kept glancing at the mayor and Zophia, waiting for either to react. Brightwater seemed to be rather baffled at the sudden turn of events.

2020-10-06, 02:57 AM
Iwol (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311789)
Skeleton Sorcerer
AC: 16 HP: 18/18
PP: 12 PIv: 9 PIs: 12
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Seeing the lizardfolk move down the street, Iwol is suddenly on guard. The leader breaks off from the group, presumably headed towards the inn, but the rest remain huddled across the way from his nephew's house. Leaving the balcony, he makes his way down the stairs and exits the front door, closing it quietly behind himself.

Fingers of bone dance briefly in mystic ritual, then a calm voice cuts through the air, addressing the newcomers. "Can I help you? I'm afraid I can't invite you in, but why don't you come and sit? It's warmer here."

Wherever the words come from, it isn't from the skeleton's broken skull, but as they sound, Iwol sits down on the house's front step and taps the ground in front of it twice, calling on the dirt and stones to heat themselves.

Producing a voice speaking Common with minor illusion, then using prestidigitation to warm the ground in front of the house. It only does 1 cubic foot at a time, but Iwol is just going to do this to the very top layer of ground so that two castings can heat up a wide area.

2020-10-06, 06:38 AM
Zophia stepped forward next to Elise and spoke up herself. Her expression was neutral, but inside she cursed. They should have had sentries up: if these lizardmen had been hostile then there would already be blood shed. Careless.
"We might have food, for those who come in peace. I am Lady Zophia Dawnbrook, the Lord of this village. Are you with others?" Her voice was clear and measured.

2020-10-06, 07:48 PM
"No." Thalfel replies. "Others wait elsewhere." He doesn't quite understand why the question was asked, he was obviously the only one of the tribe who ventured into the building. Perhaps he simply misunderstood the question, as the human language was still new to him. Still, the situation seems good for his tribe if these humans were willing to offer food as tribute for not being attacked.

"Will trade food for peace." The Lizardfolk confirms to the Lady.

2020-10-06, 09:28 PM
Elise frowned. She didn't like the implied threat. "And if there is no food to give? What will you give us, then? No, there will be no trade for peace. Peace is expected. Under peace, there may be trade. Under peace, there may even be generosity. We have some food to spare, perhaps, but not much. We have some places to stay, too. But we have nothing for those who offer violence and threats but more of the same. So I ask again. How do you come to us? Why do you come to us?"

2020-10-07, 04:25 PM
Thalfel seems confused by the human's sudden pivot. So now not only were they unwilling to exchange food for non-aggression (which may have been too good to be true in the first place), but their leader seemed to be getting more aggressive because Thalfel was willing to accept their offer. Humans are a strange race...

"Walk here. Come long way. Seek food." Thalfel answers the human's questions. Thinking for a moment, he remembers the gold coins he has collected as part of his wanderings and how humans would use them in trades. "Have shiny rocks. Give food for shiny rocks?"

2020-10-07, 05:33 PM
We're not worried about money or valuables right now, Heart says to the lizardfolk. We're just trying to get through safely for now. We'd be happy to have allies-but we know how to handle enemies.

Intimidation: [roll0]

Heart's not normally one to go for scary, but times are weird. Also, as a note-when I DM, I allow any PC who's being Intimidated, Persuaded, or something along those lines, I let the player who's the target set the DC.

In other words, Eonn, even if I get a nat 20 or something that SHOULD be real scary, if you decide your PC ain't scared, that's fine.

2020-10-08, 04:09 PM
Despite being a fair bit larger than any individual human, Thalfel still feels threatened by the number of aggressive humans. Still, he should have expected this. Humans, after all, were not known for acting rationally.

"Seek safety also." Thalfel agrees with the sentiment. These were dangerous times to be of dwindling numbers. "Make allies?"

2020-10-08, 05:43 PM
Heart's face softens. Yes. Make friends, she says.

2020-10-10, 06:29 PM
"Before we make any formal agreement to an alliance," Zophia said, one hand raising in a gesture to slow down, "Let us hear a little more about your people, and indeed, you. We don't even know your name yet, after all. What can you tell us about your group? Numbers of adults, children - your skills and jobs, that sort of thing."

2020-10-12, 03:18 AM
"This one is is Thalfel." The lizardfolk introduces himself. "This one leads the people. Others, Gyrtu is wise. Theoris will be wise. Ingeir carries eggs. Merealymm raises beasts. Thanach will be hunter. All others have joined the ancestors."

2020-10-12, 01:18 PM
A small enough group. Elise had worried that they would be asked to feed a while tribe. Though it made her heart ache to think of what might have happened to the actual tribe. There was so much death in these times. She nodded. "If you come in peace, then we will receive you in peace. "I have been away long, too long to think that I have any right to speak for the village, but the people here are of many races. If you wish to join us, if you treat them well, then I'm certain that they will accept you." She thought for a moment. "Some are doing some training exercises soon. After you have eaten, perhaps some of you would wish to join as well?"

2020-10-14, 02:57 PM
The little group of lizardfolk got immediately anxious when the heard the disembodied voice, then noticed the skeletal figure. Some grabbed weapons and formed a defensive circle around one of them.
"Who ... you?" asked a larger one, obviously a warrior.

The families looked worried at first at the sight of the lone lizardfolk, and listened intently to the conversation between their leader and the scaled one. The children who were occupied with packing and didn't have their parents nearby, gathered around Heart, for encouragement. "Do you have stories about big, talking lizards?" "Are they going to eat some of us?" "I can fight with sticks, they not gonna eat my little sis!" - they whispered to her.

After hearing the idea of sharing food with the newcomers, the always practical Bellflower interjected a question - "What do your people eat, errr ... sir?"

2020-10-14, 04:11 PM
Thalfel nods, though it was more of a head bob. "Thanach learns to hunt. Young, much to learn. Few to teach." He replies to the offer for training, though he can not imagine how humans train their hunters. The rest of their group had their own roles, however, so Thalfel did not see fit to volunteer them.

2020-10-14, 04:14 PM
Iwol (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311789)
Skeleton Sorcerer
AC: 16 HP: 18/18
PP: 12 PIv: 9 PIs: 12
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"My name is Iwol," the voice answers, "though names tell little. You may think of me a protector of sorts; but as I am sure you have not come to do harm with those fine weapons of yours, there is no quarrel between us, eh? One cannot afford enemies in times like these."

The skeleton gestures again to the ground in front of him. "So, come into the warmth and sit, my friends! You look to have travelled far. While your companion concludes his business with our Lady, let us wait together."

2020-10-15, 11:46 AM
Heart looks about, seeing how everyone is feeling. She's a little nervous about the scaled newcomers, but is doing her best to not let it get to her-would be rude, after all, and the end of the world is no excuse to ignore manners.

2020-10-15, 08:16 PM
"Tell him to join us in the square," Elise told the lizardfolk. "As well as any who wishes to learn better how to use a weapon." She didn't give him the other instructions she gave the villagers. Travelers like them, she expected, already knew how to carry the important things. But she did give directions to it.

Elise ruffled one of the children's hair as she passed by Heart. "They won't eat you. They may even become a part of the village. But I like your spirit. Get your packs ready and come to the square and I'll show you how you can protect your sister even better," she said as she headed towards the square herself. Soon enough, she knew, the first wave would come. The hurried ones that she would have to send back for not being prepared enough. But she still had to be there for that.

2020-10-16, 05:46 PM
"Meat, sometime not meat." Thalfel replies to Bellflower. His people would be fine with anything edible at this point. He then turns and exits the inn, returning to his people. He curiously eyes the skeleton, only to be concerned when it moves slightly. Once he's sure it isn't immediately hostile he addresses the group, never taking an eye of the skeleton man.

"Humans teach their young to hunt. Thanach goes with. Thanach learns to hunt with the humans." He says to the aforementioned lizardman. More generally, he speaks, "There will be food." He just needs to figure out when the humans intended on eating.

2020-10-23, 05:27 PM
I'm really sorry to say that, but I can't continue the game. Next to real life complications of illness and work overtime I don't have the energy to GM a game. I'm sorry to disappoint you alI, I love the characters and the whole idea, but I'll cancel it.