View Full Version : Homebrew In Oakenleaf [IC]

2020-10-05, 10:23 AM
It's the day of the Harvest Festival, and everyone's ready to celebrate!

The Carpenters have been busy readying a stage for the Mayor to speak at, later in the day.
The Whemblys and Pattersons have been taking it easy.
The Xeres have, if a tad bit reluctantly in Logan's case, been offering plenty of free food and drink.
And Clarissa has been busy making toys for the tots.

Aeryck, having helped Michael and family with the tougher bits of construction, is taking a break in Logan's tavern, enjoying some strong drink and hearty food. Minerva smiles at you, and says "You know, James has been talking to me about writing a story with you as the protagonist. Well, not YOU you, but a mysterious, storm-cloaked figure descended from the sky... I'd talk to him when you get the chance. Make sure he doesn't mess it up."

Number Seventy-Two is with Clarissa, as she's finishing the last of her toys. "Alright, Seventy-Two. If we're lucky, we won't be needing any of your real skills today-no bumps, no bruises, no broken limbs, and no burns! I think I just saw Harry and Amanda running by outside, so would you be a dear and let them know I've got some presents for them? They went that way," she says with a gesture indicating the right direction.

Manami and Yuki, at Mayor Meekly's request, are visiting him in his home. One of them knocks, politely, and you hear "Just a moment!" from within. There's a quiet thump, and then the door opens, revealing Meekly nursing his elbow. "Gosh-darn railing on the stairs... Bumped my arm, but don't worry. Come in, come in!" he says. He offers you tea and biscuits, and once all three of you are seated, says "I'd like to ask for some help. I know that a lot of people find my speeches a bit... Dull, and I want to make sure everyone enjoys it this year. I was hoping you ladies would be able to offer me some assistance, just workshopping what I have to say. Nothing really new this year-might be why some people find it boring-but you know, thanking everyone for their hard work, celebrating the good fortunes of our village, all that."

OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?619980-Homebrew-In-Oakenleaf-OOC)

Zero Prime
2020-10-06, 05:20 AM
Aelyrk Stormborn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2312146)
AC: 16 | HP: 10 of 10 | SPIRIT: 23 of 23
Passive Perception: 13| Passive Insight: 13
Inspiration: 0 | Channel Divinity: 1 of 1
Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 2/2
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Aelyrk downed the tankard of ale, savoring it's sweet, full-bodied taste, he smiled, good natured at the older woman, "The Patterson's patron, correct? I've had occasion to speak with the man, he tells interesting stories, though I can tell they have been embellished to some degree." A friendly smile, "Though all the best stories are." As he finished the tankard, he slammed the mug down on the table, causing the coins he'd left to jump. He stood up to wander the town, he felt refreshed after having helped Michael complete the adjustment's to the mayoral platform, and he wished to see the preparations the other townfolk were making for the Harvest Festival.

As he prepared to leave the alehouse, he turned and regarded Minerva, "And please tell me if you need a hand hauling your ale kegs to the banquet tables for the night's festivities. Tis the least I can do to repay your hospitality." As he exited the Xeres' alehouse, he squinted against the mid-day sun, and moved towards the faire grounds, where the banquet tables were being set up, he knew that Michael's daughter, Alicia, knowing the young woman would appreciate the opportunity to listen to Patterson's questions, in regards to the play and Aelyrk's own origins.

OOC: Wandering around town, availale for any PC to find if they want to interact, otherwise going to find Alicia, and try to convince Charity she deserves a break, and then wander towards the Patterson's homestead to speak with John about his play.

2020-10-06, 10:30 AM
At the request of the Mayor, Manami got the princess ready to go to visit him at his home. As was their custom, the young samurai helped her dress, and helped her with her hair, which because of its length, had become difficult for Yuki to do herself because of her horns. She then fetched her conical hat, slipped her sandals on, and began escorting the princess to the Mayor’s house.

When the mayor told them why he had invited them over, Manami started. I am afraid that I am no good with words, sir. It is Yuki here who is far better with them than I.

2020-10-06, 10:59 AM
Aelyrk finds Alicia with Charity, taking a small break and drinking some water. "Good morning, Aelyrk," Charity says as you approach.

"Morning, Mr. Stormborn," Alicia adds, a big smile on her face.

Charity asks "Everything alright? Did you need anything?"

When you explain that you wanted to have Alicia with you when talking to James, Charity seems ready to say no. But, looking at her daughter's face light up at this chance, she shakes her head in bemusement and says "Oh, alright. Alicia, keep an ear out for us if we need any help, but go with him."

"Thank you mom!" she replies, giving Charity a hug before happily walking off with you. As you look for James with her, she says "I've been practicing the techniques you showed me. I think I'm getting the weaponry down-dad's been helping with that too-but I don't think I can do the lightning like you. Just not something I have the power for."

"Oh, nonsense!" he replies to Manami. "You might not be noble, but you're a well-liked person. No need to be so humble-we're all friends here."

Zero Prime
2020-10-06, 11:23 AM
Aelyrk Stormborn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2312146)
AC: 16 | HP: 10 of 10 | SPIRIT: 23 of 23
Passive Perception: 13| Passive Insight: 13
Inspiration: 0 | Channel Divinity: 1 of 1
Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 2/2
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

He laughed a good natured laugh, it rolled from his stomach, echoed through his chest, and roared out of his throat. "HAHAHA-Hoho-Hah!" He doubled over at the waist and slapped his knee, breathing heavy a moment before tousling the young woman's hair. "If your mother is any indication, you will, a storm runs deep in your blood." He continued to walk towards the Patterson's homestead, the bright young woman beside him, "Remember what I said about paying attention to your opponent's feet, their hips, to watch for the way they plan on moving? You need to be mindful of the world about you as well." He bent over and tapped a finger against his cheekbone, just below his right eye, "And what do you think your mother meant when she agreed, and told you to listen for your parent's call?"

He watched bemusedly as Alicia struggled with the question, before giving her a smirk and answering his own question. "It was as clear as day, if you had the ears to hear it, Aelyrk, she said, you make sure my daughter is home on time or I will have your hide. Let me tell you girl," he continued, "I would not wish to face your father, but your mother makes the rain dribble down my leg, if you catch my meaning. She's fiercer than any storm I've seen." Again, he tousled Alicia's hair, "And I can see that in you, just give it time."

As they stepped to the threshold of the Patterson homestead, he looked towards his young companion, a twinkle in his eye. "A play he wants, eh? Shall we give him a show?" And as he spoke, a low rumble sounded in the east, and wind came rushing towards the pair tossing Aelyrk's blood red cape across his shoulders, his blond hair flying around his face, and a low, rumbling peal of thunder announced their presence at the door.

OOC: Using Thaumaturgy to create a booming Thunder, and rattle the doors & windows in their frame.

2020-10-06, 11:56 AM
Alicia swats your hand when you tousle her hair, her smile still present. "I'm 16, not a kid anymore!"

From within, you hear a loud cuss from Joe, followed by a more quiet conversation you can't quite make the words out of. You see James poke his head towards the window, and say "It's not storming-what would've caused..." and then he notices you standing there. "Aelyrk!" he cries, and quickly moves to the door. He opens it wide, and says "It's good to see you! And you too, Alicia!"

Joe comes forward, shaking his head. "Damn near stopped my heart, jackass," he says, eliciting a chuckle from Alicia.

"So what brings you here, you two?" James asks. "I know we're supposed to be celebrating, but we were just relaxing till the mayor starts his speech."

You tell him what Minerva told you, and he nods. "Yes, of course. I feel like our village has been practically overrun by odd folk," he says, before realizing it might've come out poorly. "And that's fine! I mean, you and the other folk are good people! It's just... Erm..."

Joe adds "You're a bunch of odd gits."

James sighs. "I'm sorry. For a long while, Clarissa was the odd one, but now we've got a construct, a noble, and a mysterious storm man. Just a bit much, eh? But, yes, stories, writing, all that good stuff!" he continues, leading you into his home.

"I'll head out-get some drink," Joe says, and waves goodbye.

2020-10-06, 12:40 PM
Number Seventy-Two (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311799)
AC: 18 | HP: 10 of 10 | FS: 24 of 24
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Conditions: —

Seventy-Two gives Clarissa a nod as it crosses to the door. Starting down the street in the direction she indicated, it calls in its faintly warbling yet regular tones.

"Amanda Carpenter. Harry Carpenter. There are presents for you."

The construct pauses, looking around for its quarries with its glassy globe of a face.

"Amanda Carpenter. Harry Carpenter..."

2020-10-06, 12:45 PM
Manami sips her tea as she sits, listening to the Mayor. Perhaps. But my talents are more physical, and lesser in the way of speeches. But perhaps something truly welcoming us into the town? After all, if this is an annual speech, then it may be time to make our inclusion into the town feel more permanent?

2020-10-06, 01:54 PM
And let's hear what you have so far. Can't fix what I don't know. Yuki remarks sipping politely.

2020-10-06, 02:50 PM
Seventy-Two can spot, from the side of their vision, Clarissa shaking her head.

It's not long before the kids are running back the way they came, and hear you calling for them. "Presents!" Harry yells. He and Amanda rush past you towards Clarissa's house, stopping just a moment for a quick "Thank you!"

"Erm... Well," Meekly starts, before launching into a speech that starts with the history of Oakenleaf, as of its founding some three centuries prior.

There are occasional tidbits of interesting facts, but most of it is either already well-known or just plain boring.

2020-10-06, 04:08 PM
Manami sits, drinking her tea as the Mayor practices his speech. She judges the time passed by gushing how much tea she has had.

When he finished, she set her teacup down and regarded the mayor.

Well. I don’t think we need the entire history of the village. Perhaps just a brief nod to the length of time the village has been here, along with two or three points of relevant note? Like, for example, the night of the storm that split the great oak in the village green, but failed to kill it? Declare it a symbol of how devoted we all are to the village by comparing our spirit to the stout tree. How resolute everyone is to ensuring our continued strength and survival.

2020-10-06, 04:35 PM
"And this is exactly why I wanted to talk to someone about it before I gave it," the mayor says. "I tend to meander, and I've got my own foibles as a scholar. And you, Yuki? Any advice?"

2020-10-07, 03:55 AM
Well focus less on the history, this isn't class, and more what makes Oakenleaf, Oakenleaf. The togetherness, siblinghood. Yuki explains.

2020-10-07, 06:28 AM
Number Seventy-Two (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311799)
AC: 18 | HP: 10 of 10 | FS: 24 of 24
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Conditions: —

"No thanks are required," replies Seventy-Two, but the children are already gone.

It stands there in the street for a moment, wondering what exactly Clarissa's head-shaking meant. Dissatisfaction with services rendered, or something else?

Then it heads off towards the village center, to keep a lookout for anyone else in need of assistance.

Why was Clarissa shaking her head? Insight check: [roll0]

2020-10-07, 09:58 AM
"But history is so interesting!" the mayor replies, but having just seen the boredom evident on your faces, sighs. "I know, I'm an odd man. Anything else you'd like to advise me with? If not, I don't want to keep you from the celebration with the others."

She's bemused. Even after all this time, you're still very rote and mechanical.

She's not upset or anything, if that's the concern.

Heading for the center of town, you see Ari nursing a splinter in her finger, from the freshly constructed stage.

Zero Prime
2020-10-08, 10:33 AM
Aelyrk Stormborn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2312146)
AC: 16 | HP: 10 of 10 | SPIRIT: 23 of 23
Passive Perception: 13| Passive Insight: 13
Inspiration: 0 | Channel Divinity: 1 of 1
Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 2/2
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Aelyrk waved at Joe as the patriarch departed the family homestead, turning to James, he let out a long whistle, "I can only hope I have as much vigor as that man when I am half his age." His broad smile faltered though, as he followed James into the man's study, "I understand your curiosity, but, in truth, we may need your imagination to fill in the blanks of my own story, for the details still elude me."

A dour look of frustration crossed his face, "Fleeting details, grand halls styled in mithral and steel, pillars that stood taller than the oldest tree and ten men could not link arms 'round their base." A wan smile crept across his face, "A hall like that is meant to inspire men, and to ring with the sounds of harp strings, ballads of love, of courage, the laughter of companions and camaraderie. Yet, I only remember them as dull and lifeless, the whinny of horses, the moans of dying men." His eyes were staring out, ahead of him, focused on nothing, as his sight was turned inward. "A man, a head taller than me, his face marred by scars, and golden hair dulled by age and worry, an iron crown upon his head, and a silver arm strapped to the ruin of his shoulder. A king, perhaps? A commander? A father? I can not say. What enemy the warriors, of that vast empty hall, fought against, I do not know. I only know that I fell, or was cast down, and woke amidst the rain, the thunder, and in a peal of lightning, I was as you found me, in the shattered tree from which this town, I now call home, takes it name."

OOC: As he speaks of his memories, especially of the empty halls, and the sounds of dying men, Thaumaturgy will essentially pick up on this, creating similar sounds that both James and Alicia can hear, and then again when he speaks of his first real memory being hung from the tree during the storm, a rumble of thunder, and the crack of lightning.

2020-10-08, 10:39 AM
I do not believe so. The rest of the speech is fine. And there is nothing wrong with being odd, the samurai says, with a look to Yuki, her princess, that fails horribly to hide how the warrior feels about the other woman. She looks away and rises, before her gaze meets Yuki’s.

Thank you for the tea and for the invitation.

As she reaches the door, she retrieved her katana and her hat from where she had left them near the door. Sliding the hat onto her back as she finishes tying her weapon back into place at her side, she puts her sandals back into her feet and steps outside before Yuki can leave, as always, on the lookout for anything that would endanger her princess. Not that she really expects anything. Life here has been... tranquil of sorts. But habit and duty still hold sway over her.

Once she is out in the sunlight, she lifts the hat up and places it on her head to shield her eyes from the bright daylight.

2020-10-08, 11:03 AM
Number Seventy-Two (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311799)
AC: 18 | HP: 10 of 10 | FS: 24 of 24
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Conditions: —

"Good morning, Ari Whembly," says Seventy-Two, coming up to her and crouching so that they are face-to-face. "Would you like me to remove that for you?"

2020-10-08, 03:45 PM
James grabs some parchment and scribbles down words as you write. He nods, listening closely.

Yuki and Manami head out, enjoying the festival.

Ari nods. "Yes please-I was moving some lumber and forgot my gloves."

About an hour passes, with everyone eventually gathering near the stage Michael and family have constructed. The Mayor steps up to the center of it, and looks around to make sure everyone is present. He mutters to himself, probably just listing names to be certain, and clears his throat.

"Good afternoon, my fellow people of Oakenleaf!" he begins. "I would like to thank you all for..." he says, stopping as you notice his shirt has a new hole in it. It's... Bleeding. The blade that has pierced his chest shimmers into visibility, as does the hulking figure behind him.

Roll for initiative.

[roll0] Bad Guy

[roll1] Yuki
[roll2] 72
[roll3] Manami
[roll4] Aelryk

So, take your turns in any order. Bad dude is up last.

2020-10-08, 05:19 PM
Number Seventy-Two (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311799)
AC: 18 | HP: 10 of 10 | FS: 24 of 24
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Conditions: —

"Please hold still." Two thin arms snake out from under the sturdy coat Seventy-Two wears. Glinting coldly in the high-morning sun, they are more surgical implement than anything resembling human limbs, but the hand that takes careful hold of Ari's finger is gentle, warmed by the magic that keeps the construct going. There is a whirring and clicking as the other hand positions itself, then a flash of silver and the splinter is out, grasped so precisely that the fingertips never even touched her skin.

"Treatment complete," proclaims Seventy-Two, arms retracting into the recesses of the coat. "Due to piercing of the skin, your finger is at slightly heightened risk of infection. Should this occur, seek further treatment immediately." Then it stands, bowing minutely to its patient.

Seeing blood blossom through the Mayor's shirt, Seventy-Two springs into action, leaping onto the stage and grasping him supportively. A pulse of healing magic ripples out from steel hands, knitting the wound back together as Seventy-Two maneuvers the Mayor so that it stands between him and his assailant.

"Lay down your weapon," it instructs the newcomer in a voice slightly louder than normal. "This is not a designated combat zone."

Casting guidance and making a Medicine check to remove the splinter painlessly.

Guidance: [roll0]
Medicine: [roll1]

Assuming that 'near the stage' means 'can be reached with 35 ft of movement', moving up to where Mayor Meekly is and casting cure wounds on him.

Cure Wounds: [roll2]

2020-10-08, 05:41 PM
Ari gives Seventy-Two a quick hug, the splinter removed with only a little wincing. "Thank you!"

The assassin's blade drips red as he pulls it out of Meekly's chest, with Seventy-Two rushing forward and administering emergency magical aid. The wound seals, and the bleeding stops, though the mayor looks to be in no small amount of shock.

2020-10-08, 05:54 PM
Manami, grabs her katana and rushes in to the mayor's side. When she gets there, she will bring her katana down to strike at the attacker. She then pivots on her feet, and strikes out with her elbow and foot, as she completes the pivot.

So, that will be an attack with the sword, followed by spending a ki point to use Flurry of Blows.

Sword: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Unarmed: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Unarmed 2: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]

And then Agile Parry gives Manami +2 AC until her next turn, for an AC of 19.

19 fighting spirit damage total, and would it be 1 or 2 hp damage?

And a critical onone of the unarmed attacks!

Zero Prime
2020-10-09, 05:26 AM
Aelyrk Stormborn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2312146)
AC: 16 | HP: 10 of 10 | SPIRIT: 23 of 23
Passive Perception: 13| Passive Insight: 13
Inspiration: 0 | Channel Divinity: 1 of 1
Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 2/2
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Aelyrk was standing beside Michael, a flagon of golden mead in his hand. He was still brooding, disturbed by his earlier recollections shared with James during their noon conversation. So the sudden attack on Meekly took him by surprise, thankfully the odd little automoton seemed prepared for such a contingency, moving quickly to channel a wave of positive energy that flowed through the Mayor's crumpled form. It shook, as he drew a tenative breath, his hands moving, cautiously, to the wound, as if checking to see if the weapon itself was still there.

The flagon dropped as he began sprinting towards the stage, shouldering his way through the stunned crowd, until he summoned the power of the storm itself, winds whipping his cloak around him as he landed on the stage, the power of the winds forcing him to a knee. He stood up from his three point landing, and electricity crackling from his eyes, he extended a hand and uttered a word in the harsh language of the primordial elements themselves. A brilliant arc of electricity leapt from him towards his target ...

OOC: Move Action: Move 30' towards the stage, Bonus Action: Tempestuous Magic, Fly 10' up to the Stage, Action: Cast Witch Bolt at 2nd level, [roll0]. I am assuming that misses, however, if it *does* hit, it deals 2d12 Lightning damage, and I will use Channel Divinity to maximize that for a total of 24 damage.

2020-10-10, 04:11 AM
Yuki will firebolt her foe

Firebolt [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2020-10-10, 05:59 PM
You double the dice, and then apply the number of dice as HP damage. That being said, this goon has no Fighting Spirit-he's not a named character.

So it WOULD be 2... If he had HP and FS.

Total damage: 19, all from Manami.

Michael starts to rush forward, but is beaten by Charity, who grabs Meekly and carefully starts dragging him away.

The figure, now much more clearly visible as an orc, laughs and looks at Seventy-Two. "You'll make an interesting trophy," he says as he brings his blade down in quick succession on the warforged.




2020-10-10, 06:44 PM
Number Seventy-Two (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311799)
AC: 18 | HP: 10 of 10 | FS: 18 of 24
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Conditions: —

"Compliment accepted," replies Seventy-Two. "Defensive lethal force will now be employed." It steps back, and the gemlike node embedded in its chest flares to life. A crackle is heard as a thin arc of electricity materializes, briefly connecting construct and orc.

Casting shield as a reaction, which means only the orc's last attack hit (it lasts until the start of Seventy-Two's next turn), then stepping back 5 feet (out of ranged-disadvantage distance) and attacking with lightning launcher.

Lightning Launcher
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Possible critical: [roll2]

Zero Prime
2020-10-16, 08:51 AM
Aelyrk Stormborn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2312146)
AC: 16 | HP: 10 of 10 | SPIRIT: 23 of 23
Passive Perception: 13| Passive Insight: 13
Inspiration: 0 | Channel Divinity: 1 of 1
Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 1/2
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Another bolt of lightning springs from Aelryk's hand, exploding the timber of the stage where the attacker was standing.

OOC: Cast a Spell, Witchbolt at level 2, rolling to hit with Charisma, [roll0] vs AC, and again if it hits, I will Channel Divinity to maximize the damage to 24 Lightning damage. Too much ale apparently.

2020-10-16, 10:43 AM
Both attacks hit-52 damage total dealt to the bad dude.

2020-10-16, 03:10 PM
Manami continues to press the assault with her katana.

Sword: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2020-10-17, 11:20 PM
Yuki will firebolt again!

Firebolt [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2020-10-18, 11:08 AM
The assassin looks pretty damn beat up. Keeping his blade out, he starts to make a run for it, getting a good distance in short order.

Disengage and Dash, one as a bonus action, then flee 60'.

Damage total -62.

2020-10-18, 02:39 PM
Number Seventy-Two (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311799)
AC: 18 | HP: 10 of 10 | FS: 18 of 24
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Conditions: —

Seventy-Two gives chase. The attacker is clearly a threat to civilians—he must be neutralized and traced if possible. As it runs, deadly sparks once again fly from its chest-node, seeking out the enemy.

Moving 35 feet forward (which should put Seventy-Two 30 feet from the attacker, within the 90 foot short range of the lightning launcher), then attacking again with the lightning launcher.

Lightning Launcher
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Possible critical: [roll2]

2020-10-18, 08:37 PM
Move move! Yuki lets out, as her speed starts to increase.

Casting expeditious retreat and moving closer.

2020-10-18, 09:35 PM
Manami, as the assassin tries to flee, strikes out with her katana.

Sentinel feat gives me the opportunity attack even though he takes the Disengage action.

A: [roll0] D: [roll1]

Assuming he is still on his feet after the attack and the spell damage, then I will spend 1 ki point on step of the wind and the follow happens.

Manami kicks off the ground. Her sandaled feet hardly seeming to touch the ground as she continues to run after the assassin. When she catches up with him, she strikes out with her blade once more, her body moving lithely, each motion of the body in harmony with the very air around her.

A: [roll2] D: [roll3]

2020-10-18, 10:31 PM
With your assault not letting up, the would-be assassin is felled. He's not dead-but he is unconscious for the moment.

The assembled villagers have dispersed, but with the threat gone, they start to slowly come back. Michael, next to Charity who is carrying the mayor, calls out to you all. "Are any of you injured?"

2020-10-19, 12:53 PM
I am unharmed.

With a flick of her blade, Manami clears the blood from the curved blade, and then with practiced grace, sheathes the blade in the scabbard tucked in her obi. As soon as the blade slides home, her eyes widen sharply and she quickly looks from side to side until se spots Yuki.

Then she rushes over to the woman's side, and bows. Highness. Are you harmed?

2020-10-19, 01:52 PM
No, no. I'm safe, thank you. She curtsies.

Zero Prime
2020-10-19, 02:13 PM
Aelyrk Stormborn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2312146)
AC: 16 | HP: 10 of 10 | SPIRIT: 23 of 23
Passive Perception: 13| Passive Insight: 13
Inspiration: 0 | Channel Divinity: 0 of 1
Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 0/2
Active Effects: Guidance (Self).
Conditions: None.

Aeryk jogged to catch up to his companions, "Well done my friends." Turning to the town, "Rope! We need a length of rope! Now!" With that, he turned his attention to the felled would-be assassin. He placed a hand on the man's chest, a sudden blue-ish spark of lightning jumped from his outstretched hand into the half-orc's chest, causing the figure to jolt and jump. His mouth opened as he inhaled sharpley, however, he quickly returned to unconsciousness.

Aelryk shouldered the figure and walked back to the center of town. "I will question him when he wakes, and we can determine why he attacked in the manner that he did." With that, he spoke a few words in an ancient priomordial tongue, which sounded like rolling thunder, and accepting the coil of rope from the villagers, he began to bind their captive.

OOC: Moving to the prone form and cast Spare the Dying to ensure he doesn't bleed out, or die. Then moving him back to the stage, where I cast Guidance on myself, and begin to bind him with a coil of rope.

2020-10-19, 07:17 PM
One of the villagers-you don't catch who, focusing as you are on the assassin-hands Aelryk a length of rope.

You take a good few minutes to tie him securely.

I'll let you take 20 and treat this as a Dexterity check. Let me know if you think proficiency should apply.

Roll your Guidance once to see what it adds to the total.

2020-10-19, 11:46 PM
Manami lowers her hat off her head as she turns back to Yuki.

Highness. You should go inside. You are not going to want to see what happens here next.

Zero Prime
2020-10-20, 06:51 AM
Aelyrk Stormborn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2312146)
AC: 16 | HP: 10 of 10 | SPIRIT: 23 of 23
Passive Perception: 13| Passive Insight: 13
Inspiration: 0 | Channel Divinity: 0 of 1
Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 0/2
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Aelyrk's eyebrow raised as Manami removed her hat, requesting the Lady Yuki remove herself so as not to be offended by qhat comes next. Ensuring he stood between the warrior and the captive he turned to Manami. "Certainly there is no reason for the Lady to depart, we only mean to inquire as to our captive's motives for this, the attempted murder of Lord Meekly. Once the veracity of his motivations have been proven, he will be punished as the town of Oakenleaf deems, both fair and just."

2020-10-20, 11:27 AM
Number Seventy-Two (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311799)
AC: 18 | HP: 10 of 10 | FS: 24 of 24
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Conditions: —

"No, sir," Seventy-Two replies to Michael, "but we must get everyone inside and the Mayor under guard as quickly as possible. The danger may not be over."

It follows Aelyrk as he transports the orc back to the village center, pausing to speak to Charity and look the Mayor over. "If he suffers any complications, let me know. I will remain here for now, in case the prisoner proves troublesome."

2020-10-20, 11:34 AM
The orc stirs a little bit. Not fully awake yet, but a good shake could probably get him conscious enough to talk.

Charity, taking charge, hurries everyone into the Mayor's home. As the largest one in the village, it can hold just about everyone-better than scattering about, potentially waiting to be picked off alone.

2020-10-20, 11:52 AM
Number Seventy-Two (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311799)
AC: 18 | HP: 10 of 10 | FS: 24 of 24
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Conditions: —

A whirring noise comes from Seventy-Two as it energizes its lie-detection systems with a bit of extra power. Bending over the prisoner, it pokes him painfully in the forehead to wake him up.

"Assailant. What was your motive for attacking the Mayor?"

Casting guidance and using it on an Insight check to tell if he responds with the truth. Would the Help action to get advantage on that check apply, assuming someone is willing to Help?


(if advantage) [roll2]

2020-10-20, 11:56 AM
Help will not provided advantage on this Insight check, but other people can attempt an Insight themselves.

The orc reflexively snaps at Seventy-Two's finger as he pokes, and soon is awoken enough to talk. Seventy-Two re-asks the question, so the orc can actually process it and answer, and the orc laughs. "We'll all be here soon enough! I was hoping to cause a little chaos, bring a nice trophy back and leave you all in shambles for when we strike. I might've been wrong and taken down-but I'm not alone."

2020-10-20, 02:12 PM
How many of you are there?


2020-10-20, 02:17 PM
"Too many for you to handle, worms," he snorts.

Manami believes him.

Seventy-Two believes him.

Also, general note that you probably already know, but Imma spell out just in case. Insight is not magic, and does not reveal the pure, unfiltered truth. It reveals what the other person believes. So it's possible that he's mistaken, and you could take on the entire force coming your way. But, as far as he knows, it is too many.

2020-10-20, 02:19 PM
Do you know what a beautiful death is, orc?

2020-10-20, 02:23 PM
Number Seventy-Two (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311799)
AC: 18 | HP: 10 of 10 | FS: 24 of 24
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Conditions: —

"Perhaps," says Seventy-Two. "But why are you all attacking?"

2020-10-20, 03:00 PM
The orc spits in Seventy-Two's face as a way of answer.

2020-10-20, 03:11 PM
Number Seventy-Two (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311799)
AC: 18 | HP: 10 of 10 | FS: 24 of 24
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Conditions: —

"You are in need of persuasion," Seventy-Two observes. It turns its still-dripping face to Aelyrk. "Master Stormborn? I believe this is your area of expertise."

Zero Prime
2020-10-20, 06:30 PM
Aelyrk Stormborn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2312146)
AC: 16 | HP: 10 of 10 | SPIRIT: 23 of 23
Passive Perception: 13| Passive Insight: 13
Inspiration: 0 | Channel Divinity: 0 of 1
Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 0/2
Active Effects: Guidance.
Conditions: None.

Do you know what a beautiful death is, orc?

Aelryk looking at Manami in horror, and then back to their captive. He shook his head, intoned a solemn word in the tongue of the primordial storm. His voice a whisper, a rumble of thunder heard leagues away. He leaned close to the green skinned assassin. "Lady Manami has stated that it is her wish to deny you such a death, to ensure that your demise is so prolonged, so painful, that your Orkish gods shall weep knowing their child suffers so under her hands. Your body, flayed of flesh, hung from the branches of the tree for which the town is named, and when finally your spirit departs your tattered flesh, I shall call it back, and pull the truth from your very soul."

He paused, looking sad for what he must do, "If you give us the truth now, if you reveal why your brethren attack Oakenleaf, and the time of their arrival, I shall offer you a quick death, a painless one, so that you may join your ancestors in the after. Otherwise, your skin shall hang as a banner from the highest branch of the storm-struck Oak, and your soul will be trapped between this world and the next."

OOC: Rolling Intimidate, with Guidance, to try to determine the size of the force, and the approximate time of their attack. [roll0], and Guidance [roll1]. If Advantage applies from Minami, for standing over me looking threatening, [roll2], otherwise discard.

Ha! ****ty roll, 12 with Guidance. Or 24 if we assume Minami is aiding the Intimidate check.

2020-10-20, 06:36 PM
I'll take advantage on this, so 24.

The orc looks frightened-as any sane person would be under the circumstances. He snarls, though it takes a few moments for him to get the resolve to do so. "Kill me however you want-it won't save you. The main force will be here in a week to crush you all!"

He's telling the truth.

And that's all he knows. He's told you what he can-there might be small snippets left to learn, but the bulk of his information is shared.

2020-10-20, 07:08 PM
Manami quirks an eyebrow as the thunder warrior misinterprets the concept of a beautiful death, but otherwise says nothing.

But, whatever the number, they know the time. One week. One week to prepare. To get the children out. To get the princess to safety. As usual, when she thought of the princess, a shiver runs down her spine. A reminder of both her duty, and her shame. If only they knew the direction.

It is time to hunt. She steps up behind the orc, and places one hand on the hilt of her katana. She still doesn't say anything. Just looks at Aelryk and raises a questioning eyebrow.

2020-10-20, 07:48 PM
Number Seventy-Two (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311799)
AC: 18 | HP: 10 of 10 | FS: 24 of 24
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Conditions: —

Seventy-Two wants to point out that it isn't up to them what happens to the prisoner; assuming Mayor Meekly recovers soon enough, the decision will be his. Still, it wouldn't help to bring that up while Aelyrk is trying to intimidate him.

"Behavioral analysis indicates he has little else to tell us," the construct says. "Yet there is one more thing worth asking. Assailant, where are your forces headquartered? How did you travel here from there?"

Zero Prime
2020-10-21, 05:32 AM
Aelyrk Stormborn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2312146)
AC: 16 | HP: 10 of 10 | SPIRIT: 23 of 23
Passive Perception: 13| Passive Insight: 13
Inspiration: 0 | Channel Divinity: 0 of 1
Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 0/2
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Aelryk shook his head at Manami, "No my Lady," he said calmly, "it was Lord Meeks this man attacked, and it is he, who speaks for Oakenleaf. He will pass the judgement, and should he require it, your hand that swings the sword." He turned to their magitech companion, "Seventy-Two, would you inform Meeks of what has transpired, and bring him forward to pass judgement?"

2020-10-21, 06:17 AM
The orc replies "Where do you think? We're from the badlands to the west. And on foot, for the most part."

2020-10-21, 07:58 AM
Number Seventy-Two (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311799)
AC: 18 | HP: 10 of 10 | FS: 24 of 24
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Conditions: —

"It might be safer not to move him," Seventy-Two says to Aelyrk, "but I will convey his instructions." It wipes the spit off its face before making its way to the Mayor's house.

Finding Meekly where Charity has put him, Seventy-Two bends down beside him and speaks softly. "Mayor Meekly. Are you well enough to think clearly? Master Stormborn and Mistress Takahashi are outside with your attacker. What would you like to be done with him?"

2020-10-21, 07:12 PM
The mayor is being attended to by Michael. His wound, fully healed by now by the magic that was put into him, is only visible by the rip in his shirt. He looks at Seventy-Two. "I... I don't know. He... He..." Meekly says, taking a deep breath. "Michael, Patrick, Jenna... You've dealt with war and death before. How should we do this?"

Michael says "Grant forgiveness," at the same time as Patrick and Jenna say "Kill him."

They look at one another. Michael speaks again first. "We at least need to give him a chance. I understand he attacked us, unprovoked, but we are not monsters. If you try to kill him without first offering him a chance at redemption, you'll have to fight me to do it. If he refuses... Then what must be done, must be done."

2020-10-21, 07:56 PM
Number Seventy-Two (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2311799)
AC: 18 | HP: 10 of 10 | FS: 24 of 24
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Conditions: —

"Master Carpenter, Master Dirk, Mistress Patterson; kindly follow me," says Seventy-Two. "Mayor, I am taking them so that they may judge the prisoner directly. Please come if you wish, although for your safety and recovery I would recommend that you remain here." It leads them back outside to where Aelyrk and Manami are with the orc.

"The Mayor has deferred the decision to this council of three," it reports. "Master Carpenter believes we should spare the orc and is willing to fight to defend him, but Master Dirk and Mistress Patterson advise that we kill him."

The construct pauses briefly to let the information sink in, then continues. "Although it is not our place, later will be too late. It would be best if Master Carpenter did not fight his own friends now, when his strength is needed to defend against enemies. Perhaps if we made our own cases for the assailant's life or death, it would assist in reaching a peaceful conclusion. I am of the opinion that if the Mayor cannot bring himself to order an execution, the proper response is to stay our hand."

Zero Prime
2020-10-21, 08:04 PM
Aelyrk Stormborn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2312146)
AC: 16 | HP: 10 of 10 | SPIRIT: 23 of 23
Passive Perception: 13| Passive Insight: 13
Inspiration: 0 | Channel Divinity: 0 of 1
Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 0/2
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Aelryk looked from Michael, towards the two other patron's of the town, and then back to Michael. "I will defer to Michael's judgement, however, with the host arriving within the week it would seem foolhardy to allow the captive his freedom." A pause, "Given the skills the man has displayed, he would be a danger to the community, and likely to attempt to disrupt our defenses prior to his brethren's arrival. However, keeping him in irons, to defer judgement until the immediate threat is dealt with would be prudent, and just."

2020-10-21, 08:59 PM
There is an audible click as Manami slides the inch or so of sword she had started to unsheathe back home.

Very well. His life is spared. For now. But we have a problem. His clan is coming. We have one week to prepare for the assault.

2020-10-21, 09:02 PM
Meekly stays inside, with Charity and some of her older kids keeping watch from the windows.

Michael, Patrick, and Jenna follow Seventy-Two out. Jenna speaks first. "Do we have the capacity to keep him imprisoned properly? If there's an attack coming within the week, we'd have to be certain we could hold him safely."

"Let's not concern ourselves with that just yet," Michael says, turning to face the orc. "What is your name?" he asks, getting only a grunt in response. "You'd be wise to answer-we have your life in our hands. Listen-I want to help you. But I can't if you refuse to help yourself."

So, in order to NOT have this be a sixteen-page post of Michael trying to redeem the orc, I'll get player input here.

Should you wish to redeem the orc:
There will be three checks. One can be made by Michael (who has +6 to the check), the others must be made by you guys. All checks will be DC 25, all based on Charisma by default, with proficiency applying (already accounted for Michael) if you have good reason for it. Persuasion would be apt, but not the only way.
If at least two of the three are successful, the orc will be... Certainly not IMMEDIATELY redeemed, but pliable enough that you'd feel safe keeping him alive.

Should you fail:
He's a danger.

Should you not even try:
Michael will be mad and disappointed with you, but probably won't actually attack you. He's smarter than that-though you might lose a friend.

Should something else happen:
I'll figure it out.

2020-10-22, 04:08 PM
I do not understand why you believe he can be redeemed. He is an assassin, a man with so much blood on his hands, that he quite possibly doesn’t understand the choice he is being given.

Manami sighs, taking her hand away from her sword hilt. If you feel he can be, then by all means. Try. I do not have the words to make the attempt myself. And I am probably the last person who could do anything useful, since I was the one willing to execute him only moments before.