View Full Version : Price for a war mastiff

2020-10-06, 01:29 AM
So I'm adapting Ghost of Saltmarsh to 3.5 and starting the campaign at lvl 3. One of my characters (a swordsage 2/fighter 1 with thug and dirty fighter variants) wants to start the game with a war mastiff (heroes of battle). I think is a bit tough for this level, and that diminishes the importance of the group druid's animal companion, but whatever, I will up the challenge a little bit. I don't find the price for it anyway and I have to adjudge one. What do you think is a fair price for the war mastiff?

2020-10-06, 01:42 AM
Druids are already two whole tiers above swordsages, plus the animal companion alone will be stronger than the swordsage in a couple of levels, there's nothing long with letting him have it. Defaulting to the slavery rules in lom yields 900gp, and even that's pretty expensive for just a dog. I'd say you'd be safe cutting it in half and saying 450 sounds about right.

2020-10-06, 03:25 AM
I'd say about 300GP, based on comparisons with other mounts. They're clearly better than a standard riding dog (CR1, 150GPs) but not quite as good as a heavy warhorse (CR2, 400GPs).

2020-10-06, 03:48 AM
Yeah, you know what, that sounds better.

2020-10-06, 02:45 PM
Well the PH has it there.

25 gp for a guard Dog (ph 129) stats (MM 271, house dog) for a small dog like a terrier
150 gp for a larger guard dog (ph 129 stat (mm 272, riding dog) for a larger one like a st bernard or an Collie (see discription)

note, the riding dog entry stats that it represents big dogs sutable for riding by small charicters such as collies and St bernards so I personaly see no problem with larger charicters using them as hunting/war beasts.... but with the usuale problems of pet unreliablity.

An actual wardog would probly have the warbeast template from MM2 rising the cost to 75gp and 300gp respectivly.
granting them +3 str and con and +2 wis over the stat basics
allowing them to where amour (see barding),
granting there owners + 2 bonuses to ride and +4 to animal handeling checks

things to rember

geting the dam thing to do anything other than heel (move to agjacent) or Go! (move in as straght a line as posable in the indecated direction, manuvering AROUND threats, needs a handel animal - command (DC 10) and a move aquverlant action to perform its trained role. assuming its been tought the kill or hold Command for combat.

It has its own I roll, so there is inherant lag in geting it to do what you want.

it may know a maxumum of 3 x Int commands. these being
Attack target
Come, comes to master by shortest safe route, or move in a direction by the shortest safe route
Defend, target or area
Down (hide)
Fetch, get and bring back item or stick or intresting smelly object
Perform, beg,rollover, or jump through object or obstical.
Seek, look for small game or other small intresting smelling object/creature.
Work, pull or push using apropreate equimpoent or gear

Trained for task, counts as 3 options from above.
Combat riding - default riding dog requires int 2 or more
. - includes attack, come ,down, guard, heel
Fighting - includes. attack,down and stay comands
Guard - includes, Attack, defend and down comands
Heavy Labor - includes, Come and Work
Hunting - includes, fetch, heel, seek and track
Performance (requres Int 2)
. - includes come,fetch,hell, perform and stay.
Mount (default horse)
. - includes come heal and stay


Animals, but not beast's or magical beasts, which are not Animal companions must make a DC15 will save when threatened or will disengage and flee (Arms and equipment guide P74).


Animals will not volentary go anywhere near Undead, Dragons or Aberrations and must be forced to fight them (DC 25 Handel Animal P74 PH) wild or unmastered animals auto Flee's if treatened (MM animal types disriptors)

so if your campain features any of these they will instantly nutralise the wardog anyway.