View Full Version : Fuzzball - Oona or Greyview?

2020-10-06, 12:53 PM
So in panel 22 (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1216.html) Xykon says 'The fuzzball found a trail!' which raises the question if he meant the trail that lead them to the door (found by Oona) or potentially a trail inside the door (potentially found by Oona or Greyview).

I initially thought that he meant Oona but am starting to get unsure of that.

A trail inside the door might indicate that someone else is around - possible the invisible voices who captured the paladins.

2020-10-06, 01:11 PM
He meant Oona. She's got some serious Wolverine-style sideburns going.

2020-10-06, 01:13 PM
He meant Oona. She's got some serious Wolverine-style sideburns going.

Not just sideburns. Bugbears have exceptional body hair all over.

2020-10-06, 01:27 PM
I'm pretty sure he meant the trail to the door too, not a trail inside the door. Would the invisible voices leave tracks? They can fly. Plus if Oona can tell the difference between the two dwarves from their trails she would probably notice the difference between their trail and one left by the invisible voices.

2020-10-06, 02:00 PM
I'm pretty sure he meant the trail to the door too, not a trail inside the door. Would the invisible voices leave tracks? They can fly. Plus if Oona can tell the difference between the two dwarves from their trails she would probably notice the difference between their trail and one left by the invisible voices.

What Oona can recognize in soft snow might be very different than what she could see on hard clean ground.

Logically, we know that within a few feet of the door there would be snow coming off the boots enough to see, unless Oona is a very poor tracker. But by the 3.5 rules, that she may be confused by other tracks on hard ground makes perfect sense.

2020-10-06, 02:07 PM
As interesting of implication as a trail inside would be, I do think that he was referring to what Oona found outside.

Gift Jeraff
2020-10-06, 02:13 PM
I initially read it as Oona finding the trail leading to the doorway, but upon rereading I can see it being Greyview smelling something inside (which will presumably turn out to be a monster if this is a MITD door).

2020-10-06, 03:14 PM
Xykon is telling Redcloak to stop trying to guess whether or not the dwarves actually went into the door, a process which he describes as "overthinking", because "the fuzzball found a trail". If another trail had been found inside the dungeon, Redcloak's speculation that perhaps the dwarves didn't go into the dungeon would have been wrong (as far as Team Evil could tell, anyway), and Xykon would have called him out on that. But that's not what happened - instead, Xykon chided him for "overthinking" the situation. Thus, we can conclude that the trail Xykon is referring to is outside of the dungeon, not inside it. And since Oona, not Greyview, was the one to find the trail outside of the dungeon we can conclude that "fuzzball" is a reference to Oona, not Greyview.

2020-10-06, 04:12 PM
Bugbears have exceptional body hair all over.

Exceptional and luxurious. Bugbears are the Fabio of the goblinoids. (*)

(*) not intended as a factual statement.

2020-10-06, 04:57 PM
Oona. She's a fuzzy wuzzy ranger.