View Full Version : Trying to figure out Green Goblins stats

2020-10-07, 04:53 AM
""Goblin Formula", Norman and most successors to the Goblin persona possesses superhuman strength (lifting 9 tons under optimal conditions), increased speed, reflexes, endurance, and healing rate. Though much slower than the likes of Wolverine, he can regenerate damaged tissue and organs. However, if seriously wounded, it would leave scars on his body. His intelligence has been enhanced to gifted levels, though at the price of his sanity. "

What kind of ability score adjustments do you think should be made?

Str +/-? 9 tons? Definitely a big bonus but how much is to much? Maybe +4 like a permanent Bull's Str.?
Dex +/-? Also a good score maybe +2?
Con +2?
Int +/-? "gifted levels"? What is that?
Wis +/-?
Cha +/-?

What score figures sanity? Would it be Wisdom or Charisma? Maybe -2 to both?

Firest Kathon
2020-10-07, 08:58 AM
At least the strength is easy to figure out. A metric ton equals about 19841 lb. According to the carrying capacity table (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/carryingCapacity.htm#weight), having that as a maximum load would require a strength score of ... 68 :smalleek:.
More likely, he can only lift it off the ground (double maximum load). In this case, the required strengths core is only 48.

Silly Name
2020-10-07, 09:11 AM
I think Intelligence should be 20+, putting him well above human standard. If we want to check the effects of the Goblin Serum, maybe say it increases Int by 8 points? If Norman started at 14, that would put him at 22.

The extremely high strength would be a problem. Does the Green Goblin actually do a lot of wrestling with Spidey or lift huge weights? From what I recall (I'm no comic buff) his design is muscular, but most of his schemes seem to depend on the fact he's a rich genius who can build great gadgets. Also, everyone is buff in comics-land. So you could comfortably handwave the Strength score to what you feel is more apt for the character and the build itself. +4 sounds about right, IMHO.

+2 to Dex seems good, too. He's agile but his favoured method of locomotion and evasion is his glider. Maybe give him a bonus to Reflex saves and Tumble checks, if you want to make it more prominent.

Rather than a Constitution bonus, I would suggest to give him Fast Healing 1.

Definitely a Wisdom penalty - that's how madness tends to be represented in D&D. Check rules for madness in Libris Mortis and Heroes of Horror, you may want to pilfer the effects.

2020-10-07, 09:12 AM
What do you want here? So you want it accurate to the comics, or do you want it balanced? If the later, I'd say +4 Str; +2 Dex, Con, and Int; -4 Wis; Fast Healing 2; and +1 LA.

2020-10-07, 09:39 AM
In the US, 1 ton is 2000 lbs. 9 tons is 18000 lbs. Let's say "optimal conditions" means he's lifting it off the ground but not doing much else (so 18000 is double his heavy load). That puts his Str at 43, which has a "lift over head" of 12801-19200 lbs.

If it's 9 metric tons (9 tonnes), 1 metric ton is ~2204 lbs. That puts 9 tonnes at ~19841 lbs, just over the limit for Str 43, so he'd be Str 44.

2020-10-07, 10:20 AM
Natural Heavyweight (Planar Handbook) as a bonus feat?

2020-10-07, 10:26 AM
Natural Heavyweight feat doubles CC.
Belt Of The Wide Earth doubles CC.

That lowers the Str requirement by 10 points.

2020-10-07, 02:13 PM
so he'd be Str 44.

That's just crazy strong. lol. That's god level strength. Gonna have to chop the crap out of that. lol.

2020-10-07, 04:45 PM
That's just crazy strong. lol. That's god level strength. Gonna have to chop the crap out of that. lol.

If you included the above methods of mitigating that on top of including something like Powerful Build or something like Jotunbrud (If I remember how the feat works correctly) you can cut the strength down considerably. Keep in mind that in D&D strength is probably the single easiest stat to boost.

You can explain the Goblin Glider with the Skyshadow construct found on page 22 of Elder Evils.


2020-10-07, 04:56 PM
Not really worried about CC or size modifiers. Just the +hit/+damage stuff. I can keep a stock of potions of Bull's Strength for a boost. Just messing around with him for now. Getting to like him more and more though. If I ever play again I might just have to try making him. Right now he's just a level 4 alchemist.