View Full Version : Question on use of OotS images in a wiki

2020-10-09, 07:45 PM
Hi, newcomer here. I'd like to ask some questions regarding OotS images.

I'm a user/contributor (neither owner or maintainer) to a public Korean wiki named NamuWiki (please search for "namuwiki 오더 오브 더 스틱", I can't post the link). Several users including myself have been writing and updating wiki articles on OotS, such as the setting, plot, characters, and spoilers.

I understand that Mr. Berlew does not want his work to be used without consent. Because of this, several NamuWiki users have agreed not to upload any OotS images at all on NamuWiki. This is undesirable, however, since we are limited to describing the webcomic with words only. This is why I'd like to ask questions regarding the use of OotS images:

Can I take images on the Link Banners page at giantitp.com and upload them on NamuWiki?
The OotS page at Wikipedia is using an image that is supposedly from the Link Banners page, even though the Link Banners page does not contain it. On further inspection, it appears to be a cropped version of the image on the Comics page at giantitp.com. Is this in violation of the rules? If not, can I use this image on NamuWiki?
The OotS Wiki at fandom.com is using many images from the webcomic (cropped and resized) for various character pages. Are those images in violation of the rules? If not, can I take those images and use them on NamuWiki?
Can I crop and resize the wallpaper images on giantitp.com and upload them on NamuWiki?
Are there any other "okay" OotS images that I can use?
If all else fails, how can I request explicit consent from Mr. Berlew (or any party who can grant a consent) for using OotS images on NamuWiki? (I don't use twitter, btw)

Note: NamuWiki takes copyright seriously. While the majority of its content is under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, it recognizes many other licenses (including exclusive copyright) for image content. If I ever get to upload OotS images on NamuWiki, I will make it explicit that Mr. Berlew has copyright over those images.

Ron Miel
2020-10-13, 11:21 AM
Probably best if you contact him directly.

Here's his profile. Click on the link marked "Send Private Message"
