View Full Version : magic weapon precedents

2020-10-12, 12:32 AM
Are there any magic weapons/ammo outside of sleep and slaying arrows that are essentially just "hit with weapon release spell"?
Also, don't these kind of suggest that similar enchantments shouldn't really be off the table?
Sort of like in the game Oblivion: if i want arrows of fireball i should be able to buy em durn it!

2020-10-12, 12:38 AM
There's a decent number of weapon enhancements whose effects only trigger on critical hits, if that's what you're aiming at...

2020-10-12, 12:57 AM
Also, don't these kind of suggest that similar enchantments shouldn't really be off the table?
Sort of like in the game Oblivion: if i want arrows of fireball i should be able to buy em durn it!

What's stopping you? Go buy some.
If you DM chooses to not sell them to you, that's an issue you need to take up with them.

Take a craft feat and make your own custom magic items to do whatever you want.

If you have a specific targeted spell in mind, just buy a spell storing weapon, pay someone to cast the spell into it, and be done with it.

2020-10-12, 01:37 AM
The main reason why this isn't a thing is because it would essentially allow you to "cast" a number of spells equal to your number of attacks per round. And with things like rapid shot, haste, and splitting weapons... You could get an absurd number of spells off in one round.

Technically spellstoring ammo is a possible enchantment in 3.5. It doesn't show up on ranged weapon random chart, but the ability itself doesn't say you can't apply it to ranged weapons or ammunition. It is limited to single target spells however, and up to 3rd level spells, so no crazy fireball stacking.

If you want arrow-based fireballs, you're gonna have to go into arcane archer.

2020-10-12, 07:14 PM
since you can enchant any bundel of 50 MW ammo with +1 and ANY touch or target spelll you can have magic ammo of practicaly anything.

ok so to have any resionable pricetag the caster level is going to be minium compared to most having an NPC.player cast it but the craft arms and armour feat it can quickly pay for itself. espeshaly if your willing to sell clusters of spaire ammo.

so the only thing blocking you from having arrows of fireball or arrows of Healing is you and your DM.

the formula for a bundel of 50's market value is....

2050gp + (Spell Level X Caster Level x 50) Gp + one set any special materals or costs.

each round is one use and destroyed after firing.

note that as these count as a +2 item you must be at least Caster level 6 to make them, which fits in with craft arms and armour anyway