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View Full Version : Elite Assassinations

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-02, 05:07 PM
Well, Im just starting a campiagn as a PC, as a rogue 5/ assassin 2. And i was just wondering how I should go about my assassinations.

Right know I have
cold +1 dagger
cold iron dagger MW(coated with purple worm poison)
short sword
short bow.
Bracers of Armor +1
MW Leather Armor
Boots of Levetation (used to watch my mark)
Potion of Invisibilty
Potion of Darkvision
Potion of Cure Wounds, moderate
Rope, Silk

bscuring mist
true strike
and I can cast two spells a day.

Right now the plan Ive got death attack inhanced with true strike as my first option, if they save out of that then we go into combat. I draw my second dagger coated in poison and try it. If they resiste the poison then for my final act I cast sleep, so if they sercomb to teh spell then I coup de grace them (if thats allowable). If none of those work then I drink my potion of invisibilty and scadadle. (though my guild will kill me if i dont complete an assassination, so Ill probably just use the invisibilty to do more damage.. humm.) So any thoughts and/or comments. ty in advance.

brian c
2007-11-02, 05:22 PM
The only comment I have is that the last step with the Sleep spell is probably unnecessary. Sleep only works on a maximum of 4 HD worth of creatures; anything that survives your Death Attack and poison would probably need to have 4 HD to be that tough. If a low HD creature manages to luckily survive those, you can probably just hit it a couple more times and it's dead anyway, no need to use a spell.

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-02, 05:45 PM
well if I dont use it for that, then what spell should I use to replace it, ps I have SC.

2007-11-02, 05:52 PM
First get out your poisen dagger, then inviso, then Spider Climb or Levitate to get near them, study for the death attack, then true strike for the kill. If they survive, since you are a rogue you should win the initiative and go again, sneak attack because they are flat-footed. They should be dead, otherwise, attack attack attack, then if you still have a spell left, Obscuring Mist to cover your retreat.

2007-11-02, 05:59 PM
Three points:

Use your poisoned dagger for the death attack. If they save vs. the death attack, they still have to save vs. the poison. More effective than using a second attack for the poison, as it gives more chance to off the target in one blow (or cripple it for the finishing blow at least). You could have a second poisoned dagger as a backup though.

Bracers of Armour +1 don't stack with your leather armour. Get rid of the bracers and save for an Amulet of Natural Armour +1 instead.

You have two Cold Iron weapons - unless you plan on killing a lot of fey, maybe you should carry some Silvered ones (and, later, Adamantine) as well.

2007-11-02, 06:02 PM
The only comment I have is that the last step with the Sleep spell is probably unnecessary. Sleep only works on a maximum of 4 HD worth of creatures; anything that survives your Death Attack and poison would probably need to have 4 HD to be that tough. If a low HD creature manages to luckily survive those, you can probably just hit it a couple more times and it's dead anyway, no need to use a spell.What if he's fighting multiple weaker creatures as part of the runup to the assassination (or the getaway attempt)?

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-02, 06:07 PM
Going in for the assassination shouldnt be a problem, and obscuring mist will cover my retreat.

Ill fix the bracers of armor, hopfully my DM will understand, or not snicker in my face.

Poison has been dully noted, and the cold iron is only one, The other dagger is just a cold enchantment.

oh, follow up question, what/where/how should I hide myself?

2007-11-02, 06:19 PM
and the cold iron is only one, The other dagger is just a cold enchantment.
Right, teaches me to read carefully before posting :smalltongue:

2007-11-02, 06:20 PM
this part is just fluff, but i liked to slit the throats of the victims, then butterfly them - if you know what i mean. then, if necessary, leave sort of a calling card at the scene. if youre good, youll never get caught.

2007-11-02, 06:22 PM
There are generally two kinds of assassination. The first one, private assassination involves killing someone with minimal exposure, usually coup de grace against a sleeping person, poisoned meals, sabotaged planes... that sort. This is made as preemptive action against that person's capacity to direct actions towards an end. The second one is a public assassination, it is meant to destroy a symbol, a leader whose importance is not so much his ability to think of plans but rather to vanguard a cause using his charisma. He is killed in public to destroy the ideal he stands for. It is also generally (and secretly) used by a person's own party to provoke the masses who supported said leader against a now seemingly threated to aggression opponent. If you intend to do the second one, use disguise instead of hide,

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-02, 06:23 PM
well, a calling card will point fingers at my guild, atleast after awhile (if i make it past my first few kills) and that is a no-no, then they'll butterfly me. hehe... um, ya they're not to.. um.. forgiving/overlooking.

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-02, 06:31 PM
double post darnit.

I like the idea of breaking into their bedroom or waiting for them to come out onto their balconey. I think Im gona try poisoning his food and then wait in his room. what is a good food poisoning, and also does he know if he's been poisoned if they make the save, or even if they dont?

2007-11-02, 06:35 PM
I will share my favorite method of public assassination: The bard assassin will attend the festival where the victim is the guest of honor, he fascinates the audience and makes as many of them approach the victim, then he uses a disguised Song of Dischord on the crowd to make the crowd kill the victim. The victim will be forced to combat his supporters and vice versa: the primary directive of assassination is not the death of a person but the death of an ideal. Whoever wins the manufactured skirmish, the ideal dies.

2007-11-02, 07:04 PM
well that hardly helps our rogue assasin here...

anyway first of all i wouldnt use true strike with my death attack, since starting to cast a spell would usualy make people aware of you in a way you wouldnt like.

and even if sleep might not work on your target you should keep it to take down guards.

brian c
2007-11-02, 07:25 PM
What if he's fighting multiple weaker creatures as part of the runup to the assassination (or the getaway attempt)?

I didn't mean to say he should get rid of the spell entirely, just pointing out that the "cast Sleep" portion of his plan might not be the best idea.

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-02, 07:30 PM
I guess it does have a verbal component, hmm. how does whispering work, or speaking work around sleeping opponents, so they dont wake up and what not.

2007-11-02, 07:39 PM
If you want to be quiet while casting spells, and don't have the 2nd level spell slots and/or Silent Spell, you can always invest in a Lesser Rod of Metamagic (Silent Spell) for three quiet spells a day. Only 3,000 gp.

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-02, 07:58 PM
ya but are there any rules jsut for whispering it.

2007-11-02, 08:12 PM
ya but are there any rules jsut for whispering it.

Yes, Silent spell.

It says in the discription of "Verbal components" that the words must be spoken clearly and loudly.

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-11-02, 08:28 PM
ok thats all i needed. well, i could get a magic item to cast silence around the guy, then cast outside of the magical influence. Hm.. that silencing item isnt bad idea, no shouting for help. but if im a good assassin then it shouldnt come to that.