View Full Version : What I think homebrew means to these rules.

2020-10-12, 03:12 PM
As someone who played Dungeon And Dragons from its inception, the guys I used to play with and myself were always in arguments about what the rules meant. In second editions things were still very confusing, and a good 25% of the session could be wasted just on a single point. So I was very happy when third edition came out, because the introduced a more universal mathematical system to calculate the effects of each character.

In a different thread,my generic Kensai build for reference, I talk about the DMG 3.5 ver1 page 6 second column first bullet point which basically says you should extrapolate what you can logically, which I believe I have with my "exotic weapon with (natural) reach". (If that mention wasn't scrubbed).

But as Dragon Magazine and other after market parties started to release stuff the term *Homebrew* the started popping up.

No skin off Drag Mag or others nose they were just promoting the culture, they freely stated that the feats posted in their mags were not official errata, but player or DM submitted, and in my opinion, very hit and miss.

So, in order to keep sessions running smoothly, I liked the to keep the rules fairly simple. Wizards of the Coast books only. No psionics for PCs (in fact the only reason I kept psionics around was because I was a Dark Sun fan. In the magic poor environment of Dark Sun, psionic s make s sense because, well they players needed something. But in a traditional game, no to psionics apart from items. The fantasy books that read, that I thought this game was trying to emulate, never really included psionic s, apart from Dark Sun and evil mind flayers.) As psionic's was just another form of "magic-type", well the rules were heavy already anyway. So yes to NPC'S with psionic s and items, but no psionic s to PC's.

As for the after market feats, as a DM, I say that, But as a players I still did ask for the Kung Fu Genius feat from the Drag mags. I still do ask for that feat now.

But homebrew? Well, if it ain't from a WotC book, you must be a homebrewing. I think the WotC publishers in one of the early versions even suggest that their books are just their homebrew, and to make the game your own. But since they set the standard, copyright and all, the rest of us call it official.

As for my rule about psionic s, well that my adult view. When i was forming this view when the books came out, we followed the thing of, well just cause it's possible doesn't mean it WILL happen, supply role-playing reasons to sway the DM. (Or GM as the term became in version 3.

So, I did make an exception, once. We were playing Forgotten Realms where the Darrin handbook says that psionic s are mind players or part of a very small order. The player didn't want to be part of that order, but wanted to play. I said, well, I need a reason, do you have one? Or would you like me to provide one for you? They said they didn't have one and refused to come up with their own reason. So i said fine. Your family were slaves under the mind players for generations and gradually built up a resistance, learned from their captors and became psionic.

The player played that game, and next game, he asked to play psionic s again, I asked if he was part of that order, he said no. I said then what your reason this time. He didn't have one, so I said no to psionics. He said he'll use the same build as before, but I said no, that was me helping a first time player, now you gotta demonstrate your own skill, not just spit mine back at me. And that is all straight out of the WotC books.

2020-10-12, 06:42 PM
Oh and though the thread was closed, the generic Kensai build I posted was for Joe, but I didn't have his email address and I know he is on these forums. While built for PVE, I believe that build would PK any other equivilant level build.

But this is not my own personal Kensai build, nor even the first Kensai build that I have given out, which actually went to a girl. She was in a bad spot between an abusive father and boyfriend, so I got her to join my Dnd group so at least she had a bit of an escape. It was all I could do for her at that time.

I'll still be a posting my own Kensai Order later. Ironically, when I made this order is a also the day I stopped seriously playing DnD, though I did still go to a few more games.