View Full Version : Heretic of the Faith. Does this work RAW?

bean illus
2020-10-13, 08:36 AM
Heretic of the Faith says:

... If you have access to domains, you can exchange any one domain you have with another domain outside those normally availiable to your faith.

I see no wording that demands the exchange must be done when you take the feat. Could one take the feat at one level, but exhange the feat at different level?

2020-10-13, 01:34 PM
That seems to check out, since it has "you can" language and doesn't put a restriction on timing, just on frequency (i.e., once). You have a feat's effects continuously, so if it gives you an ability (as mentioned, it says "you can") and it doesn't say when you have to do it, it would make sense that you can do it at a later point.

That said, I honestly wouldn't fuss too much if a GM shut it down. You and I both know that there's some fundamental shakiness inherent in "well, it doesn't say I can't do this thing that seems to be clearly different from the immediate intent" readings. I think this does work by RAW but it's worth being honest about the RAW being a tiny bit shady.

2020-10-13, 01:39 PM
Generally you need to make all relevant choices for a feat when you actually take it. In this case, the CONTEXT is simple: You CAN do it. You don't have to. If you're happy with your current domains, you don't have to trade anything. As I read this, you'd still have to make the choice when taking the feat.

2020-10-13, 03:54 PM
Generally you need to make all relevant choices for a feat when you actually take it. In this case, the CONTEXT is simple: You CAN do it. You don't have to. If you're happy with your current domains, you don't have to trade anything. As I read this, you'd still have to make the choice when taking the feat.

That would also be my reading.

2020-10-14, 10:22 AM
That would also be my reading.Mine too. From a DM perspective if I knew that the cleric could randomly switch to a new domain, it would make accounting for their capabilities in encounter planning a nightmare. Do everything when you take the feat.