View Full Version : Pathfinder Fear based Build medium OP and Level - Sorcerer Base

2020-10-15, 05:31 PM
As the thread with the redirected Nightmares reminded me, I need to build a "starts as NPC and will likely become a PC" Fear based Caster.

They have to be able to cause fear in higher HD levels, be able to remain undetected against low Level Cleric oversight (nothing above Level 7), and ideally be able to continue to improve their Shtick up to late Teens.

Oh, and they must start as Sorcerer.

So, my questions:

What Bloodline to take? What Race (we cant build anything new, but if a "normal" race is taken we can add 5pts of racebuilder pts at most).

I think taking Dread Witch (assuming we do the same as with all conversions, that means D6, +2 Skillpts/Level, rest as is)...then what?

The Character must start around level 8 or 9, will likely switch to Player hands around Level 12 or 13, and the DM said we plan to end it not too far before Level 20.

Sadly, I only paly in that group some times (online, stupid Covid...), and dont know the exact amount of OP that is allowed, but assume that anything that would go in PFS, the converted class, and on top of that "common sense" Mid OP for now.

I am eagerly awating your Ideas/Builds!

Edited for CLarity:

Main Chassis/Non PRC Main Class must be Sorcerer, Character must be able to remain mostly undetected (Alignment/overall wise) as being "Special" in a medium sized City with 70% Human, 10% each Elf and Dwarf and their half human variants, and 10% for the rest of "regular" PF Races.

Retraining is out until the Player takes over, around Level 8, but allowed otherwise.

Kurald Galain
2020-10-15, 06:07 PM
A solid fear build is a bard.

Level 8 bard can do Dirge of Doom as a move action (which causes Shaken with no saving throw), then cast Fear as a standard (which stacks to Frightened even on a succesful save). So, sorcerer 1 / bard X and use your sorcerer class for a few L1 spells like Shield, that could work.

2020-10-15, 06:21 PM
OK, that might work mechanically...sadly its not what I need.

"Starts as a Sorcerer" does not mean "Level 1 and then forget it". My bad for not being clear enough.

Sorcerer at start, later+at most 1-2 Prestige Classes, or one non prestige class, if in any way possible.

So sadly, the Bard version wont work for the required Spot.

Doctor Despair
2020-10-15, 07:13 PM
I mean, if you want to enter Dread Witch ASAP, the stuff from the other thread isn't bad.

Dragonborn Telthor Strongheart Halfling

1. Sorcerer (Precocious Apprentice (Scare), Ghostly Grasp) [Elder Evil Feat: Evil Brand]
2. Binder
3. Dread Witch (Fell Frighten) (Retrain Precocious Apprentice into Imperious Command)
4. Dread Witch
5. Dread Witch [Elder Evil Feat: Insane Defiance]
6. Dread Witch (Invisible Spell)
7. Dread Witch
8. Mindbender
9. Nightmare Spinner (Mind Sight)
10. Nightmare Spinner [Elder Evil Feat: Chosen of Evil]
11. Nightmare Spinner
12. Nightmare Spinner (Dreadful Presence)

Combining Dragonborn of Bahamut with Telthor gives you the Incorporeal subtype, which lets you ghost 5 feet underground, blocking line of sight and line of effect. That foils most ways of detecting you, negates spot checks, and incorporeal creatures aren't subject to listen checks.

Edit: It occurs to me that you may have meant "remain undetected" as in not have folks notice you are evil rather than literally remain undetected.

I've been a fan of taking Necropolitan Changelings lately, as they can use their racial disguise ability to hide the fact that they're undead to some degree. Take that and False Theurgy when you can swing it and no one has to know that you are causing fear. If you could be convinced to use bard as the chassis instead of sorcerer, the Disguise Spell feat is much more useful than False Theurgy, but both should work.

2020-10-16, 02:36 PM
Yeah, I am sorry, I was unclear.

I edited the OP, but to answer:

The Available Races are "normal Golarion Races and not too rare planetouched".
Everything else that is not PFS legal will have to be "allowed on a case by case basis", so Telthor are very likely not possible.

Retraining is out until the Character becomes a PC, so until around Level 8ish he has to be built "without siwtching stuff" or other higher OP/not always allowed things, as again, hes an NPC until then.
If retraining helps from that moment on though, it is absolutely in.

What I didnt know before: the Character must remain more or less undetected/obscured in a way that does not point towards him being anything specail until the Player takes over, or shortly before, and he will live in a "regular Golarion City" of 28000 Inhabitants and a population of around 70% Humans, 10% each Elves and Dwarves, and 10% making up the rest of the "normal Races(TM)".
I eprsonally would love the Changeling Necropolitan Idea, and have asked if it is workable, but until I know am open for more "normal" Race Suggestions.

Classwise this already looks pretty good, as far as I can say without ever havcing played a Nightmare Spinner (or seen one played actually^^).

2020-10-17, 03:06 PM
Best way to do it - take soulless gaze and mask of virtue damnation feats, a 3 level dip into mesmerist with psychic inception bold stare and the intimidating gaze feat :smalltongue:

I dont really know how to do sorcerers, but mesmerist dips are pretty ok for them anyhow