View Full Version : detect evil and location

2020-10-16, 05:04 PM
I have a Paladin and of course have detect evil.

We were fighting an evil guy who was invisible and my DM was arguing detect evil wouldnt allow me to know where he was as "that would be the equivalent of negating his invisibility" my argument was no it doesn't negate his invisibility and knowing which square to attack still doesnt change my miss chance it just allows me to know what square to take my chances on.

The spell is pretty clear to me, by the third round you know the evil targets location. "3rd Round
The power and location of each aura"

Does decent evil work like scent and other things? You know which square they are in but still have miss chances? (unless you have other abilities also)

2020-10-16, 05:18 PM
If you concentrate on the same area for three rounds (taking a standard action each time) and if the villain doesn’t move out of that area, then yes, you should detect what square he’s in.

2020-10-16, 05:35 PM
Yup. Assuming the target stays in the same slice of Detect Evil pie for all 3 turns, you'll know what square they're in. Works the same from there as any other means of identifying the location of a target without actually being able to see them - you can direct attacks toward their square with a 50% miss chance.

It's worth noting that people who aren't actively trying to be stealthy are actually pretty easy to pinpoint with Listen checks, especially if they're speaking, casting spells with Verbal components, or trying to fight while invisible. It's actually quite unreasonable to expect to be completely undetectable just because you're invisible.

2020-10-17, 06:10 AM
one of the nice things about the detect spell's that most peps forget is the side affect of 2nd round of stairing is

You know the HD of the enamy you are fighting

since as part of the spell it tells you the strenght of the stongst evil aura. normaly the dude you are fighting, unless theres some bezairo cursed item in play here........


you know the aproxemate distance and the direction to target.

Good enogh for AOE'ing the git.

so if your reling on Invisablity to keep hidden... best keep moving.