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View Full Version : My Soulknife

2007-11-02, 11:18 PM
I have been looking over the soulknife and it struck me that allot of a Soulknifes class features pertain to making a Mind blade keep up with magic weapons. And I figure they could be thought of as dead levels because you really aren't gaining new "class feature", so to speak. So here is my Attempt to change that. I also think that the class isn't balanced with the other classes as per RAW. The RAW Soulknife seems is weaker.

Skills would remain the same, and the same goes for saves, and BAB.

1 Mind Blade, Weapon Focus (Mind blade), Hidden talent
2 Throw Mindblade
3 Bonus Feat
4 Ritual of Awakening, Weapon Specailization (Mind Blade)
5 Free Draw, Shape Mind Blade
6 Speed of Thought
7 Bonus Feat
8 Greater Weapon Focus (Mind Blade)
9 Blade Wind, Forge Blade
10 Hidden Talent
11 Bonus Feat
12 Improved Speed of Thought
13 Knife to the soul
14 Improved Throw Mind Blade
15 Bonus Feat
16 Greater Weapon Specialization (Mind Blade)
17 Superior Wepon Focus (Mind Blade
18 Greater Speed of thought
19 Bouns Feat
20 Remove Soul

All abilities are the same as the ones in the book, except these:

Hidden Talent: A first lvl Soulknife gains Hidden talent as a bonus feat. At tenth lvl a soulknife gains the benfit of the feat again.

Bonus feats: A Soulknife may choose either a Psoinic feat or a Fighter feat as a bonus feat at the indicated levels. The soulknife must qualify for those feats normally.

Ritual of Awakening: A Fourth lvl Soulknife learns to imbue his soulknife as if it were a weapon. This works in a similar fashion to the Kensai's, the PrC from Comp. Warrior, ability to imbue its favored weapon. However the psuedo-enxhantment on the mindblade is based of of the total character level of the Soulknife.

Wepon Cost to Minimum
Bonus Enchant Char. LVL
+1 40xp 4th
+2 160xp 7th
+3 360xp 9th
+4 640xp 11th
+5 1000xp 13th
+6* 1440xp 14th
+7* 1960xp 15th
+8* 2560xp 16th
+9* 3240xp 17th
+10* 4000xp 18th
*Past five it must be enhancements. ie. no +6 Mind blades. However you could have a +5 Keen Flaming Mind Blade.

Weapon Specialization (Mind Blade): A Soul knife of fourth lvl gains Weapon Spec. For their mind blade as a bonus feat regardless of if they met the requirements.

Forge blade: A Soulknife Can cause its Mind Blade to be treated as if it were a specail substance, for example Adimantium. To do this a Soulknife must have a sample and must meditate for an hour to gain this benifet. A Soulknife's Mind Blade can only be treated as one specail substance at a time. A Soulknife may change the material by getting a sample and meditating for another hour.

Improved Speed of thought: A Soulknife gains an increased benifet from it's Speed of thought feat. Instead of just +10ft it is now +20ft.

Knife to the soul: As a standard action a Soulknife can attack a target with it's Mind Blade. If he hits instead of doing damage regualarly it can do 1d4 damage to one of the targets mental ability scores.

Improved Throw Mind Blade: The range of a Soulknife's Mindblade increases to 60ft.

Greater Wapon Spec. (Mind Blade): A Soulknife gains the Greater Weapon Specialization feat as a bonus feat for it's Mind Blade. He doesn't need to meet the requirements of the feat to gain it's benifit.

Superior Weapon Focous (Mind blade): A soulknife gains an additional +1 to hit with its Mind blade. This stackes with Wepon Focus and Greater Weapon Focus.

Greater Speed of thought: A soulknife of 18th lvl increases it's benifit from the Speed of thought feat. It now gives him +30ft instead of +20ft

Remove Soul: Once per day a Soulknife may make a specail Melee attack against one target. This takes up a standard action. If hit the Soulknife does normal damage and the target must make a Will save (Dc=10+ 1/2 Soulknife lvl + Int bonus) or be killed. This efect rips the soul from the body so any creatures that are already dead or don't have a soul are not affected. Outsiders are banished by this efect if they fail their Will save.