View Full Version : Feats / classes / skills that circumvent alignment restrictions?

2020-10-18, 08:21 AM
There's a way to get exalted feats without being good-aligned? Mabye with the feat Heretic of the Faith?
Also, what feats allow to circumvent alignment restriction or work like you have another alignment?

As far as I remember there's Touch of Benevolence, Ordered Chaos... any other?

2020-10-18, 09:57 AM
Touch of Benevolence doesn't work for prereqs. The only thing I can think of for exalted feats is custom items which grant the benefits without the prereqs, a la A&EG, but those are extremely expensive, and might not even work for whatever it is you're trying to accomplish.

2020-10-18, 11:47 AM
Gaining an alignment subtype, such as via SS ritual, lets you counts as that alignment. Doesn’t work for things that prohibit(any non-lawful), but does for those that only allow certain ones(any good). Exalted is behavior based, so can’t be bypassed like this.

2020-10-18, 12:07 PM
malcovokers unrestricted conjuration ability lets you ignore restrictions that forbid you from casting spells of certain alignments for conjuration spells

2020-10-18, 12:08 PM
Exalted is a category all of its own--not an alignment, not a subtype, not a feat or ability. It was made for the Book of Exalted Deeds, and it's pretty much never mentioned anywhere else (PGtF has some stuff, CoV has some, but it's rare). So you're going to have a lot of trouble finding mechanics that tie into it specifically (because BoED stuff stays in the BoED) or generally (because it doesn't fall into any of the usual categories).

That said, exalted feats do fall into a category (it's feats), and anything that gives you a prerequisite-free bonus feat will get you an exalted feat. Trouble is, of course, that you can lose exalted feats if you commit an evil act--that's separate from the exalted alignment prerequisite--so you might not get to enjoy your feat for very long.

Anyway, hellbred (FCII) have the Evil Exception ability, which lets them use evil magic items and cast evil spells even if they're not of the right alignment.

2020-10-18, 12:29 PM
If PF is on the table or can be imported, the oracle (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/oracle/) has a curse (Unchained) that removes your alignment entirely. You're not True Neutral; you're unaligned. And you count as whatever alignment is most beneficial to you any time you're exposed to anything with an alignment component, including prereqs. Aligned outsiders dislike you, though.


Maat Mons
2020-10-18, 03:57 PM
Dragon 358 has a couple Monk variants that gain specific Exalted feats. The variants require you to be Good aligned, but they don't require you to be Exalted. And Monk bonus feats bypass prerequisites. So a 6th-level Buddhist Monk can have Intuitive Attack without needing to be Exalted. But he still has to be Lawful Good.

2020-10-18, 05:17 PM
The meaning of the Exalted tag for a feat is "if you commit an evil act, you lose the benefits of that feat till you atone".

It doesn't mean that you have never committed evil acts in the past, or even that you "currently have nothing to atone for".

There's no such thing as "Exalted Good" alignment ruleswise, only "Good alignment" - any Good character can take an Exalted feat. They just, after taking it, have to be careful if they wish to avoid losing its benefits.

One Step Two
2020-10-18, 05:20 PM
A niche feat, but Devoted Performer from Complete Adventurer allows you to take levels in Bard even with a Lawful alignment in addition to enabling your Bard and Paladin levels to stack for certain abilities.

2020-10-18, 05:27 PM
it would be expensive to use it this frequently but how about using a wish, limited or otherwise? i would at least think someone non-evil should be able to wish for ancestral relic, but that just has an alignment requirement, it's not an exalted feat.

2020-10-18, 05:42 PM
Kingdoms of Kalamar's Loyalty's Reward allows you to craft your own feats, which means you can make feats that align (heh) to alignment-based feats but allow whatever alignments you want. Alternately, you could make a feat that relaxes certain alignment restrictions for you and your followers. Or that makes you unaligned, as per the oracle curse mentioned above.

2020-10-18, 11:53 PM
Along the lines of Loyalty’s Reward, pretty sure the rules for your own organization can automatically grant feats, like Loyalty’s Reward, to people of X standing.

One Step Two
2020-10-19, 01:24 AM
Along the lines of Loyalty’s Reward, pretty sure the rules for your own organization can automatically grant feats, like Loyalty’s Reward, to people of X standing.

With that in mind, you could create an ascetic order that isn't inherently tied to an alignment (though, perhaps lawful?) and have it grant the benefits of the vow of poverty without needing to be exalted, gained instead by it's members through a group conscious collective of power. Since in most D&D settings, manifesting power through will is a common theme.