View Full Version : Pathfinder Give Me Your Best Magical Capital Goods/Super Wondrous Items

2020-10-18, 12:51 PM
I was recently reading Exalted: Wonders of the Lost Age, and I wondered what some super-powerful, world-changing magical items would look like in PF. In light of this, I challenge you to design some.

Remember, you do not want to just make a set of pipes that magically create water. A magical capital good would be an aetheric generator that provides power to an entire metropolis's worth of appliances, or a factory that can rapidly turn raw elements and ore into starships and laser rifles. A super powerful wondrous item would be the (CotCT spoilers) Thrallkeeper's sphere in CotCT that let you kidnap a person from anywhere on the same plane, or an flying contraption that magically bolsters the fields of all the land by sprinkling magical dust on it.

Try to stat whatever you come up with in PF terms, ie CL, price, associated spells, etc, but feel free to freestyle mechanics if you need to (for example if you want to combine tech components with it). You can also use whatever 3.X stuff you need since all that stuff is 97% compatible anyways.

And remember, go big or go home with these things :)

2020-10-18, 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Destro2119
I was recently reading Exalted: Wonders of the Lost Age, and I wondered what some super-powerful, world-changing magical items would look like in PF.

For an official version of an item that fits this description...

...you might take a look at the Synchrony Device (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/artifacts/major-artifacts/synchrony-device-major-artifact/) from the Ruins of Azlant AP.

I certainly can't claim credit for it, but you did say go big or go home.

2020-10-18, 01:18 PM
Very cool, but how about items that would change the world for the common man? Or that could greatly increase industry? It would be better if you could actually construct them.

On the topic of the thing you mentioned, another example would be a soulbreaker orb from Exalted, a one-use magic nuke that is "insta-death if not exalted or a major God" and then resurrects everybody killed as a wraith/hungry ghost. To a 5 mile radius.