View Full Version : St. Caspieran's Mission [IC]

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2020-10-18, 10:26 PM

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/de75am2-e1d4cd23-6abb-431a-80be-1a0f5f425e89.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_693,q_80,strp/scm_banner_by_lostsole31_de75am2-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6 Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD02OTMiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC 9mXC8wNTlkODA4OS03NjRhLTQwMzQtYTJlNC00ZmUwOGNmODli ODNcL2RlNzVhbTItZTFkNGNkMjMtNmFiYi00MzFhLTgwYmUtMW EwZjVmNDI1ZTg5LnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwi YXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX 0.DpDV3oiGjAcuUYdsy04aB9GxkZM2pRCnPrmvuOYwvhE




Race [Ethnicity]
(gender ID)


Side 1

Side 2

Eric Achibaj


[Vetala-born; Vudrani]
Harbinger 3
[Crimson Count]
Warder 3
[Dervish Defender]

Ozlech Darkwing


Harbinger 3

Rodriguez Orcarr

Dark Orange

Tiefling [Pitborn]
Skald 3

Summoner 3

[B]Sol Flood

Fire Brick Red

Human [Chelaxian]


Alchemist 3

??? 3



Suqur [Nisr]
Radiant 3
Stormbound 3

Apophis, Rodriguez' Eidolon

Golden Rod

Fire Elemental (m)
Serpentine Form

Huginn, Ozlech's Raven

Navy Blue

Raven (size S)
Companion 3

2020-11-02, 04:15 AM
Sol Flood comes to find the group at the flop tenement where they are squatting in a two-room flat. Not actually two rooms, so much as they were adjoining flats that had the walls smashed open (and not fully down, as of worries of load-bearing structure come to mind). The party ... [Name To Be Determined] ... have this as their home and base of operations. It is quite cold, and what space there is of no import as it is a chilly spring.

Sol is a somewhat underfed-looking, scrawny Chelish man of in his mid-20s. He is very scrawny. He has close-cropped black hair with tinges of red at the ends. He wears leather armor, and often has goggles on the top of his head and a green wrap around his mouth when moving through town. It doesn't really conceal his features properly, so he likely has it for another reason. For weaponry he carries a light mace and a dagger, and probably couldn't put a lot of force behind those, anyway.

Then again, the party knows Sol through his contacts with Lin, and Lin can attest to his brilliance in matters alchemical, arcane, and even economical, as he has a keen understanding of the value of uncommon goods. At the Gold Goblin Gambling Hall (where surely he is wasting his talents), he is responsible for the various crafting of special materials and pyrotechnic displays for special events.

He smiles to everyone. "Hey, so, who are we this week? The Troubleshooters? The Number-Runners? The Riddleport Exotics Bridge Club? It's okay, you'll figure it out. But I gotta tell you, since working for Saul Vancaskerkin, I've learned the value of branding.

"So, Saul has me doing some extra work that is putting a crunch on my clock, so I have a job if you're interested. Pretty good pay for what it is, but I'm too busy right now."

Assuming the party at least wants to hear ...

"The client is Marzielle Ajuela, a fiery part-time barmaid at the Gold Goblin. She grew up a bastard. Mocked as a child, she spent much of her youth training at swordplay. Now a grown woman, she seeks the father she never knew, knowing only the name: Beltias Kreun. Using her job to make several connections, she’s recently heard that Beltias is destitute and lives in a flophouse in Splithog Alley. She seeks to hire adventures to flush him out, for she bears no love for the man and intends to gut him publicly.

"Now, she doesn't seem the kind to do what most Riddlers would do - you know, dirty deeds in the dark. No, she wants to challenge him to a duel, and she's that type to mean that. Otherwise, I wouldn't feel comfortable taking the job, let alone passing it along. You interested in the details?"

2020-11-02, 06:11 AM
Eric is thin, and quite emaciated, although not exactly bony. His pale bronze skin shows traces of old wounds, reminiscent of past combats. He walks with calculated grace and seems to keep some deep rooted anger at bay. He prefers to keep his jet black hair short.

He also bears a number of piercings on his face, on his ears and nose, and usually wears bright clothing, in an extravagant Vudrani fashion that can sometimes show a wooden symbol of Sarenrae. Adventuring wise, he wears a chainshirt and a double spear.

"Can't say I'm not sympathetic to that kind of pledge."

2020-11-02, 10:47 AM
There is the vaguest of creaks as Lin looks up as Sol enters, her barely-humanoid face twisting briefly in an expression of confusion. Clad in voluminous robes that helped to obscure most of her non-human body of dark blacks and purples, the hood currently down, fully exposing the smooth, bare head and the alien eyes sunken into her face.

"Is this a human thing?" Lin asks in a voice that very much does not match the exterior; light and airy but monotone, sounding all too human in its inflections but lacking emotional context. "Killing one's sire like this? Is she in need of spare organs?"

2020-11-02, 03:35 PM

Ozlech stands to his full height of 6 foot 3 inches as Sol enters the room. His lanky frame is covered in either scars or skin blemishes where his skin can be seen beneath his common outfit and bandolier. The skin blemishes seem to be a 'gift' of the tiefling's demonic heritage along with deathly gray skin, a long tail, and horns. One of said horns ends in a splintered stump suggesting it was snapped with blunt force rather than cut off, and the other works as a roost for a raven with chillingly intelligent eyes. Simple iron rings hang from pointed ears and adorn the remaining stump. Another ring, this one seemingly formed of sapphire sits on the middle finger of his left hand and arcane sparks of force flicker in and out of existence as his hand waves away Lin's question.

The goofy smile on his lips parts to show needle like teeth as he speaks, "Nah Lin, this sounds more like pay-back towards her soggy-plum of a father for not being around when times were tough, right? Well now Sol, I'd say you came to the right place! The Stormfront ain't a bunch of Hushmen, but if it pays well we will even take on church work. So any other details? Finding a destitute man in Splithog Alley can be done with eyes closed throwing a stone, but finding her specific Pigmeat will be hard with just a name."

Term Translations: Soggy-plum = drunk
Church Work = drudgery or long boring jobs
Pigmeat = dead body or soon to be dead body

Lostsole, what does Ozlech really know about Splithog Alley?

2020-11-02, 04:57 PM
Visto is a fairly tall humanoid, with the head of a Vulture, along with wings, covered in black feathers. While his body is still fairly similar to a human, it's easy to tell he's in good shape, while not overly muscular, he's at least at a healthy weight. His customized Leather armor overlaps his basic traveling clothes, and his sharp talons round out the look. On top of his general looks, he also has the spectral overlay of what appears to be hair that travels along his hands, a belt that looks like it was made of wood, dark black bands around his wrists, and finally what appears to be lenses made of the four classic magical elements. Although it takes some effort to properly identify these, a well trained eye can still recognize them at a glance.

Visto looks up at the man speaking to his group. "Visto understands the needs of Humans to settle with their birth givers. Visto agrees to this."

2020-11-04, 01:04 PM
Rodriguez turns his attention away from his drink to look at Sol curiously. Rodriguez is a fairly bestial looking pitborn trifling. He is six feet four inches tall with a robust build, which is augmented further by his horns. They arch straight up and back over his head, scraping the ceiling in places. The bases of the horns are surrounded by a mop of shaggy brown hair. He has olive green skin, with fur covering his legs. His legs end in cloven hooves rather than feet. His knees bend backwards, although this doesn’t seem to bother him or hinder his movement all that much. He has yellow eyes, with the wide horizontal pupils of a goat. He currently wears no armor, and a dull glowing rune can be seen through his tunic, directly over his liver. Across from him, Apophis is curled on the floor. He is a snake-like creature that resembles a fire elemental. He is drinking the same drink Rodriguez was. “I think this lady’s got more honor than her dear father deserves. It’s the least we can do to drag him out for some fair retribution.”

2020-11-04, 11:04 PM
Sol smiles. "Great. So, she doesn't have a lot of coin, but the offer of 100 gp for the group is what she has been able to gather over the past years for this very thing. She knows that might not be a great incentive, so she is willing to offer what in Riddleport is the real 'coin of the realm': a Favor.

"You find information on her blackguard of a father and flush him out of hiding, and that is what she can offer. Please understand, that's the best she can do. She's been scrimping and saving for years for this. I told her a Favor should be plenty, but she knows how coin lights up another's eyes.

"Anyway, if that is acceptable, I hear that Beltias Kreun is in a flophouse in Splithog Alley. That flophouse is St. Caspieran's Mission. Word I get is that the mission is on the level, but might not realize it's got a viper in their den, so, keep that in mind and assume folks are innocent until they give you reason not to; but as always in Riddleport, keep your guard up."

He stands up. "Don't gotta say yes, or no. Your group is the only one got this bead, so not expecting any competitors. So, if it turns out that someone removes the rock Beltias is hiding under, that's good for her. I will just check up here each early evening to see where you are in things."

If nobody has any questions for Sol, he has to go to work at the Goblin. He has no further useful information himself regarding Splithog Alley, St. Caspieran's Mission, or the like.

What do folks say/ do?

2020-11-05, 04:55 AM
Eric turns toward their new direction, and says once Sol is gone :

"Let's talk tactic, and what we have to pay attention to. I'll start with : "I'm a dhampir, don't use cure spells on me." Other than that, I'm quite good at defending other folk."

2020-11-05, 11:12 AM

After seeing Sol off, Ozlech responds to Eric with assurances, "Fear not Eric, I for one, will not taint your flesh with healing magics. Mostly because I can't heal worth a damn."

Ozlech then speaks to his own capabilities, "I am not a stand up fighter. Sure I can scrap if I need to, but it's usually better that I don't. I mostly try to keep the poor sods I'm fighting off balance and tag team them with my girl Ginny here. She swoops in and harries them while I use 'Life Magic' or Akaasha to blast them from a distance." Ozlech gestures to his raven as he gives her nickname, and looks to Visto as he mentions his magic.

"Don't look down on Ginny," Ozlech warns before others scoff at a fighting raven, "She can do most of the tricks I have learned for combat, and she is smart enough to hold a grudge."

2020-11-05, 04:27 PM
Visto speaks next. "Visto would never look down on a fellow feathered friend who wants to fight. Visto's magic is like friend Ozlechs. He has the power to heal wounds, but his power does not heal the same as a spell does. Visto draws upon the powers of nature, creating storms and similar forces of nature in order to hinder his foes. While Visto is an ally, his magic will not harm his regular allies. In addition, Visto can instill his power into his allies to protect and strengthen them. He will use this power on those who fight on the front, such as friend Eric." After he finishes his speech, he places his hand upon Eric, investing some of his magic into Eric.

Visto will invest 2E into Eric, both as a demonstration of his power, and to allow it to build up before any fights start.

2020-11-06, 03:03 AM
There is a bluish glow that starts with Visto and goes into Eric, and in doing so, both of them seem to have glowing cerulean eyes (think Fremen in Dune).

2020-11-06, 08:04 AM
Rodriguez chimes in, I also tend to fight more on the front lines with Apophis here, I know some magic to support us in battle, but very little offensive magic, in almost every battle I preform a rousing chant that can make you stronger and more hearty. It will also surround you with wisps which batter nearby foes, but it will hinder the use of your mind somewhat. You can ignore it, if you so choose.” “Hey Visto, if you’ve got any of that energy to spare I could certainly use some.

2020-11-07, 06:13 PM
"Visto does have to ration his power. Once bonded, he can send his power to his friends from a distance, but he may also need to recall hi power in order to power his own magics. He hopes you understand and trust him with his allocation." He follows up by placing his hand upon Rodriguez, investing his power into this ally too.

Visto will invest 2E into Rodriguez. Also, while I neglected to mention it, the E he has invested into both Rodriguez and Eric carries the effects of his Ferocity Vivification. I know you won't retcon this in the middle of combat, but I hope you'll account for this this time.

2020-11-08, 12:10 AM
... and now, assuming Rodriguez allows it, he can feel ..... something .... and his eyes glow blue as well.

2020-11-10, 11:52 AM

Seeing Visto invest essence into others, Ozlech adds, ”I have a similar ability, but it is more tactical. You all should feel a bit of pep in your step when near me, but I can also juice it up to help you work together as a team.”

Looking to the silent Lin, Ozlech asks, “How about you Lin? Any concerns for yourself or things you need us to do should we get into a scrap?”

All allies (the group) within 60’ of Ozlech get a +5 enhancement bonus to base land speed (not flight unfortunately) I can also share teamwork feats (and veils bound to hands or feet) by investing E.

2020-11-10, 12:23 PM
Lin lets out a low sigh-like sound, looking around as she listens to the group list their capabilities. "I do magic. And not-magic. I don't have much of anything that assists others, but I assure you that anyone that stands in our way won't do so for very long."

2020-11-10, 02:13 PM
Rodriguez begins collecting his equipment from off the floor once the others finish speaking.”Well, now that show and tell is over with, I think it’s about time we paid this old coot a visit.” He turns to regard everyone in the room. ”I’m sure I don’t have to remind you, but Riddleport isn’t famous for its hospitality. So keep your head on a swivel, and your coin pouch close. Who knows? Maybe we could get her old man to come peacefully. But that’s just wishful thinking.” He turns on his heels and strides out the door in the direction of Splithog alley. Apophis grumbles, and seems to roll his reptilian eyes before slithering out the door after him.

2020-11-10, 10:34 PM
"C'mon, rare steaks!" calls Apophis back to the others. "Boss is antsy."

2020-11-11, 12:13 AM

Ozlech will hold the door open for his raven, saying, "You'll keep an eye on us from above won't ya Ginny? Would be nice to know when we're about to be mugged. Lot's of people looking for coin where we're going. Guess we are too now that I think about it."

Ozlech then walks with Rodriguez towards St. Caspieran's Mission.

2020-11-11, 01:54 AM
Ginny flaps out after her master, and then alights farther up into the air.

2020-11-11, 04:24 PM
Visto heads out next, and after a moments thought, invests his energy into his wings and takes off into the air alongside Ginny, following the others lead.

Invest 2E from Stormbound into wings to gain a 25ft Fly speed. Visto is more comfortable flying than walking.

2020-11-12, 04:00 AM
Eric, Lin, and Muninn are left behind. Do you follow the others?

2020-11-12, 06:12 AM
Eric also takes the direction of the Mission, as planned.

2020-11-13, 09:34 AM
Lin rises and follows, whistling briefly for her psicrystal and raven to alight on her so they can all go.

2020-11-13, 06:19 PM
The stragglers catch up as the rest of the party moves together in the streets towards Splithog Alley from their own flophouse as evening slowly sets upon the city. In one of the most downtrodden, crime-infested sections of Riddleport stands a small beacon of salvation for the beggars and drunks who line its gutters. Throughout the evening, candles light its grease-smeared windows as all manner of lost souls filter in and out of its faded doors.

Squatting halfway down this muck-smeared alley, sandwiched between a derelict wainwright’s shop and a bakery, stands a dilapidated tenement. A crooked belltower rises from the building’s rear, and a half-dozen grease-smeared, cracked, and boarded-over windows gaze out from walls that might have once been white. A small sign hangs over the building’s battered oak front doors:

“St. Caspieran’s Salvation—All Welcome.”

2020-11-14, 01:51 PM
Visto will land with the rest of the party once we reach our destination. Before entering though, Visto will reach out to the rest of the group and grant them his protection from his powers. "Friends. Who wishes to go in first? Visto suggests some stay out of the building in case the target attempts to flee. Visto volunteers to fly up to the roof in order to better observe all possible landbound exits, but such a distance will make Visto's power unable to reach friends Rodriguez and Eric"

Visto will target all four of his PC party members, and Apophis with his Weatherproofing ability.

2020-11-14, 02:16 PM
Rodriguez steps up to the door,”I can head in first with Apophis as long as no one is opposed. I’d like to talk this guy in coming out peacefully if I can. If you hear my chant, it means things have gotten rowdy.” He turns to Visto,”I think watching the exits is a good call. We don’t want this guy slipping through our fingers. Is anyone keen on sentry duty?”

2020-11-15, 06:32 AM
Eric follows Rodriguez : "I'll get in with you in case violence is needed."

2020-11-15, 08:10 AM
Just before Visto flies up, and just as Rodriguez and Eric begin to move forward ....Lin, Ozlech, and Visto spot someone looking down from large windows over the mission's front entrance before that shadowy figure withdraws from the window.

As neither Rodriguez nor Eric noticed, they both get to the front entrance. What do Visto, Ozlech, and Lin do?

2020-11-15, 08:20 AM
"We're being watched," Lin states in a low voice, her eyes moving deliberately away from the window and towards the front door of the mission. "Windows just above the doors."

2020-11-15, 08:25 AM
"Friend Eric. Friend Rodriguez. The others have noticed us. Visto will continue up to the roof to observe the exits. Be aware of Visto's call if it comes." After warning his comrades, Visto does indeed take off, heading for the roof where he will either perch or start circling around in order to have a good view, whichever is more viable for him once he's up there.

In addition to flight, I will also invest 2E into both his Verdant Vambraces and his Bands of the Void.

2020-11-15, 08:00 PM
”I don’t think too many of us should enter at once. Ozlech, Lin, we might need someone to watch the back if you’re up for it. he moves to be out of sight of the window and lowers his voice. “How’s this? I can disguise myself as a gendarme, we March in there, and tell Beltias we have a job opportunity straight from the overlord himself. A man as short on coin as he is can’t pass it up. Once he’s out of Casperian’s we can lead him straight to his daughter on a platter. If he wises up, all of us together shouldn’t have much issue knocking him cold. Any thoughts?” after delivering his speech, Rodriguez will crouch down making sure he’s out of sight before casting disguise self to conjure a basic gendarme uniform over himself, while leaving his body unchanged.

2020-11-15, 09:59 PM
The mission bell is heard tolling.

2020-11-17, 03:10 AM

Ozlech's face wrinkles in distaste at Rodriguez' disguise and says, "I'd rather not be seen with a Gendarme. People may think I'm leaky. Me and Ginny will stay out here. I can watch the front, while Ginny circles around the back. Best shout real loud if things go belly up in there so we can come charging in."

Think you can circle around the back of the Mission and let me know how many exits there are to this place?

2020-11-17, 03:16 AM
So, Visto flies atop the mission. Huginn flies to the rear. How does Rodriguez respond to Ozlech?

2020-11-17, 07:15 AM
Rodriguez nods apologetically and shrugs.”Duly noted, I’ll get rid of it as soon as we can get this guy through the door. I’ll save the uniform for emergencies only then.” He clasps his hands together with enthusiasm.”Let’s get this done then, shall we?” He strolls confidently up to the door and motions for Apophis to follow.

2020-11-17, 11:05 PM
Flagstone steps climb to an open foyer hung with a pair of weather-beaten double doors. Two smaller doors flank the main entrance, both covered with graffiti. The southern door has a sign that reads
“Flophouse: upstairs and take a left hike.”

The other door has a homemade sign that reads, “All rooms taken.”

2020-11-19, 08:38 AM
Rodriguez looks back one last time to be sure everyone is ready. He holds his guisarme in his left hand, and with his right he knocks firmly on one of the main double doors. Under his breath he mutters ”Gods, I hope this works.”

2020-11-19, 10:59 AM
Nobody answers right away, but given the size of the place, that makes sense. Finally, though, a younger man in very poor cleric's robes and wearing a wooden symbol of Sarenrae opens the door. He has to do a double-take given the demonspawn that stands before you. Nervously, he asks, "Y-yes?"

2020-11-20, 01:00 AM
Lin lingers a short distance back, watching as her companions do their preparations, arms clasped behind her back, raven on her shoulder, psicrystal on the other.

2020-11-20, 10:06 AM
Rodriguez nods in greeting, he speaks in a much more authoritative tone than he has usually does. “Good afternoon sir, I apologize if I startled you, but I assure you that me and my partner here mean you no harm.” He jerks a thumb in Eric’s direction.“We are with the city’s Gendarmes we had a job offer for one of the tenants here, straight from the overlord himself. I believe the tenant’s name was Beltias Kreun, can we speak with him? I’d like to make an influence check, this feels like bluff to me

2020-11-21, 12:14 AM
The young man seems confused. "Tenants? We have rooms that we lend to the needy, but this is a mission for the homeless. We don't have ... tenants, sir. And I don't recognize anyone by that name even among those that are here often."

2020-11-21, 08:28 PM
When the man says this, Rodriguez does his best to hide his suprise.”Well that’s very generous of you. We have it on good authority that Beltias was here recently, and the boss will have our heads if we don’t even talk to him. Could we at least take a quick look around? We’ll be sure not to cause trouble. Won’t take more than 10 minutes.

2020-11-22, 11:35 AM
"Sure, but be respectful of our wayward here," he says, opening the door farther.

Is raven-propped Lin going to move up and go in with Rodriguez?

2020-11-22, 12:07 PM
As Rodriguez enters, Eric follows inside, bowing slightly as a sign of respect to the sarenite.

2020-11-22, 02:53 PM
Lin, do you move up and in to join them, or hold outside?

Eric and Rodriguez, the stench of mud and sweat mingles with the odor of vinegar and cabbage soup to pervade this entire lobby. Scratched tables and benches provide seating for resting vagrants, conversation, or eating simple meals. In the corner stagnates an old font with a dented tin cup tied to it by a frayed length of twine. This area is full of vagrants right now.

2020-11-22, 05:35 PM
Rodriguez will take a quick look around before turning to Eric,”I bet our guy was the one watching us from upstairs. What do you think?”

2020-11-23, 10:13 AM
Lin follows the others in, trying to look inconspicuous. "Him, or someone working for him," she agrees in a low voice.

2020-11-23, 11:39 AM
Having received no orders to the contrary, Apophis enters with Imp (and Muninn ... and Crysti). Description was only given for the immediate area. This place is full of vagrants all throughout, and right now, it is meal-time as the tables and benches are full of homeless people, drifters, and Riddleport's truly unfortunate.

2020-11-23, 03:55 PM
Rodriguez looks toward the closest staircase to the second floor,”Let’s get after him then. We don’t have a description for this guy, so keep an eye out for anyone who looks particularly scummy I guess.” He heads for the staircase, with the intention of checking the room they were being watched from. He motions for Apophis and the others to follow.

2020-11-23, 04:07 PM
What staircase? There were the stairs that led up to the front double doors, and then in the distance to the west, you barely make out a short set of stairs leading up to the dais. But nothing leading to the second floor.

2020-11-23, 04:49 PM
Since there aren’t any in view of the entrance, Rodriguez will move toward the middle of the room to find a way to the second floor. Being careful not to disturb anyone eating.My bad I read the map wrong the first time

2020-11-23, 06:48 PM
Rodriguez moves to the area marked (5) on the map. The modest chapel has a high-arched ceiling, a plain wooden pulpit, and less than a dozen worn-out pews. Several tapestries hang along the back walls, collages that depict a modest, hardworking life in a slum similar to the one just outside the mission’s doors. At the rear of the chapel, high on the wall, hangs a large wooden holy symbol of Sarenrae studded with yellow and orange flecks of glass.

Rodriguez, do you do anything in here?

Eric and Lin, what do you do (still back by #3, the Lobby)?

2020-11-23, 07:03 PM
Staying close to Rodriguez, Eric simply says :

"Let's try to not make a ruckus here, ok ?"

2020-11-23, 07:21 PM
Rodriguez and Eric, you are near a large set of double doors (to the north).

Lin is still in the lobby.

Now what?

2020-11-23, 10:49 PM
Lin sticks close to her companions, her head turning and taking in the area around them. "Actually, making a ruckus might be exactly what we need to do. With the others outside, they would catch the flight of any who attempted to flee when things got rucky, which may be our simplest way of running down this individual."

2020-11-24, 06:16 AM
Apophis comes closer, looking at the doors next to Rodriguez and Eric, "Where they go?"

2020-11-24, 07:38 AM
Rodriguez looks at Lin and shrugs”I don’t think it’d be too difficult to rile up these guys, but they’ve been accommodating so far, so we might as well check that room upstairs. If he’s not there, then we can start a fight with the homeless.” He will push open the double doors in front of him.

2020-11-24, 07:47 AM
Rodriguez will find that the double doors are locked and do not open.

2020-11-25, 05:00 PM
Rodriguez will walk over to the cleric who opened the door for them.”Pardon me, but do those doors lead to the flophouse upstairs? We were hoping to take a peak at the second floor.” He gestures over to the locked double doors.

2020-11-26, 08:58 AM
"Father Phadrig has the keys, and he is upstairs asleep now," says the young cleric. "You aren't going into the sleeping quarters as that would be disruptive for anyone sleeping there, many of whom haven't had a sleep off the streets for weeks."

2020-11-27, 12:56 PM
Rodriguez puts a hand to his face in exasperation before turning back to the others. In a low voice he says,”I think we’ve got two choices, we kick that door in, or we go back out and climb up the outside. I guess we could wait for the man to finish his nap, but I’m not much for that plan. What do you think?”

2020-11-29, 10:00 PM
Eric looks horrified :

"You would kick down the door of a sarenite mission ? Before going any further, we should ensure to check if he isn't among those already gathered here. I say we call his name and see if anyone reacts to it."

2020-11-30, 07:13 AM
Rodriguez shrugs his shoulders with a sheepish look on his face,
”No hard feelings I hope? It was only a suggestion. I just have my doubts that a man trying not to be found will simply appear when his name is called. That being said, it can’t hurt to try. Does anyone else feel like interrupting meal time, Or shall I?”

2020-11-30, 03:19 PM
"I wasn't talking about him answering to his name, not about him reacting to it. Quite the difference, but we'll need someone good at reading emotions."

2020-12-01, 09:02 PM
Rodriguez inhales deeply after noting he teammates’ hesitation to volunteer. He clambers up onto a nearby pew before adressing his comrades. ”If this doesn’t work, it’s not my fault, just so that’s clear.” He addresses the assembled paupers and downtrodden folk in a booming grandiose voice.”Sorry to disturb a pleasant meal, but I have a small request. I’m looking for a man here named Beltias Kreun. If any of you have details to share, even as simple as the man’s appearance, I can offer you a free drink, on me.” He then casts a spell on his two water skins and scans the crowd for reactions.Rodriguez will cast Tears to Wine on both of his water skins. Turning their contents into mead. I’d like to make an influence check if that applies.

2020-12-01, 09:43 PM
Nobody is doing anything, to the point that it feels to Rodriguez he is being flatly ignored.

The young cleric comes up to Rodriguez. "You come here and start trying to bribe the weak with something to weaken the spirit? You can go now, sir. Now."

2020-12-02, 08:11 AM
He steps down, takes a deep swig from his waterskin, and twirls his tail absentmindedly.”Yeesh, tough crowd huh?” to Lin and Eric. ”Well, I tried. Your welcome to give it a shot, I’ve had damn near enough of this place anyway. Let’s go Apophis, it’s time for plan B.” He walks out the way he came in. Once out the door, he’ll drop his disguise.

2020-12-02, 12:43 PM
Apophis follows him out.

What about Eric and Lin?

2020-12-02, 12:49 PM
Lin looks over at Eric, and her shoulders lift in a vague shrug as she follows Rodriguez out.

2020-12-02, 01:36 PM
As he passes by the priest to go outside, he simply says :

"Sorry, he didn't realize how insensitive it would be to offer that. My apologies. Guess Beltias' daughter will keep waiting for him then."

2020-12-02, 01:38 PM
If Eric was looking for some giveaway response, the best he might figure is confusion.

Lin, what do you do?

2020-12-04, 03:18 PM
Once outside, Rodriguez will cast the message cantrip to whisper a message up to Visto on the roof.”The way up on the inside is blocked, is there a way in up on the roof? we may end up going straight through the window if there isn’t.”

2020-12-04, 11:29 PM
Visto, you receive no message.

Rodriguez, you have to be able to point to the creature, meaning LOS/LOE is required.

Anyway, I will assume the entire party is outside now. So, as before, you are standing at the front where you have the double doors leading directly in, and two facing doors to each side of the primary double door .... and whatever else is around either side (unknown).

Lin, Eric, Rodriguez .... what now?

Visto and Ozlech, how are you doing?

2020-12-05, 05:14 PM
"Then we should start with exploring the sides, making sure to check for possible side entrances. But I tend to think what our employer is seeking is petty vengeance, while her father has already been punished enough."

2020-12-05, 08:18 PM
Visto is currently perched on the highest point of the roof, looking around and listening for the sounds of anyone trying to leave. He likely notices the party walking out of the building, but figures that they'd call for him if something had changed, and is likely also able to notice that they do not have any additional company. As such, he would remain on watch until something happens.

2020-12-05, 09:42 PM

Seeing the others return, without their target, Ozlech with send a message telepathically to Ginny.

Hey Ginny! See anything? The others are back so fly to Visto and get him to come back with you somehow. Looks like we need to have a talk.

Looking at the returning party, Ozlech grins and says "Are you giving up already? The soup couldn't have been that bad right? I sent Ginny to get Visto, they should be here shortly if Visto isn't too stubborn."

2020-12-06, 07:00 PM
Rodriguez gives Ozlech a half smile and rubs the back of head in slight embarrassment.”Well I can’t say much about the food, but the way up to the 2nd floor on the inside is blocked. Not only that, but no one inside has even heard of the guy before, he must’ve snuck in or something. I suppose we could try the window, but it’ll take some legwork to get up there, and it seems like Eric is against forced entry.” he looks over to Eric.I’m not sure we’ll be able to do this without forcing something open. But that may just be my bias talking.”

2020-12-07, 01:58 PM

Hearing Rodrigues so quick to use force to achieve his ends, Ozlech winces slightly before forcing on a grin and saying, ”Hey pal, everything may look like a nail in need of a hammer, but I assure you it ain’t so. Let’s gather together and see what’s what. Maybe Visto has a way in from up top. Or I could maybe sweet talk our way in. Just remember that we should try to avoid a trail of bodies behind us. We don’t want the attention that’ll bring.

2020-12-07, 02:45 PM
After stewing on Ozlechs words, Rodriguez takes another swig of his drink and simply says Let’s wait for Visto, but I want to make one thing clear. Despite appearances, I’m no heartless monster, or violent drunkard either. Let’s just get this done.”

2020-12-07, 04:12 PM
After Muninn comes to fetch him, Visto flies down and lands on the ground with the rest of his comrades. "What news do friends have for Visto?"

2020-12-07, 04:12 PM
As Visto returns with Ginny, Lin looks to the front alcove. "What about those two doors?"

You know, the two facing doors on each side of the main entrance?

2020-12-07, 04:24 PM
Eric shrugs.

"They don't seem to lead in the big room, so we should try, indeed."

2020-12-07, 06:49 PM
Rodriguez nods in agreement.”Let’s get to it I guess.” Rodriguez heads to the small door to the left of the main entrance, signaling for Apophis to slither behind.

2020-12-07, 09:56 PM
Given it is a smaller door, and the space behind is likely 5-ft-wide, what is marching order (feel free to discuss on Discord).

2020-12-09, 05:59 PM
If the order is agreed upon by everyone, Rodriguez will begin to push open the small door and step inside, weapon at the ready.

2020-12-09, 08:42 PM
The group falls in behind Rodriguez. He goes up 15. up the staircase to the landing on the second floor.

Rodriguez, something runs at you from the poorly lit hallway. Your lamellar armor just barely stops a weapon from guttting you!

Begin Round One ...

R1T23: Eric doesn't really hear or notice anything as a whole troop of people are in front of him, clomping up the stairs.

R1T22-21: "What was that?" asks Lin after Muninn tilts his head at her, sensing something wrong. Believing an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, Lin concentrates and a field of force is briefly seen warping around her.

R1T20: Rodriguez, you are stuck in a place you don't want to be as there is nowhere to maneuver and this guy is within reach of your guisarme. He is a rattily-dressed man, wearing leather armor and wielding rapier and dagger in each hand. He is a little off-balance because he charged down the hallway from the west to get to you. What do you do?

2020-12-10, 02:10 PM
Rodriguez whips around to face the man. He shouts to the others.”We’ve got trouble! Try to knock him out.” Rodriguez lowers his head and tries to ram into the man at full speed to get past him.Rodriguez will attempt an overrun maneuver to try and end up 10 feet behind the man. Afterward, his turn is over.

2020-12-10, 04:21 PM
R1T20: Rodriguez whips around to face the man. He shouts to the others.”We’ve got trouble! Try to knock him out.” Rodriguez lowers his head and tries to ram into the man at full speed to get past him, but all he does is get a deep wound (crit) from the man's rapier for his trouble .... right in the head. Luckily, it is where his horns meet under the skull so he only takes 9, but the force is enough to nauseate Rodriguez and stop his overrun before it ever started.

R1T16: Ozlech, you can see Rodriguez at the top of the stairs, and saw the attack ome in. Rodriguez looks woozy, but you can't even get to him, and you know there is no way you can get past the guy upstairs easily, either. What do you do? What do you ask Huginn do? Note, it is too narrow a passage for Huginn (behind you) to fly, and she takes up a whole square herself (remember, just like Jean in SA, she is a "fat, black turkey") since she's small.

2020-12-10, 09:21 PM

Seeing that the terrain really doesn't fit his and Ginny's tactics, Ozlech will retreat back the way he came with Ginny in tow saying, "It's tighter than an Abbess's thighs in there! Make way unless you can help!"

Double move back away to make room for others to move around. Ginny will follow Ozlech.

2020-12-10, 10:59 PM
R1T16: Seeing that the terrain really doesn't fit his and Ginny's tactics, Ozlech will retreat back the way he came with Ginny in tow saying, "It's tighter than an Abbess's thighs in there! Make way unless you can help!" He then gives Ginny a telepathic entreaty to follow him.

He didn't really have to double move, as a single move was enough to bring him to the entrance below (and facing that opposite door).

R1T15: "Boss! I help! I ready switch with you!" hisses Apophis to Rodriguez...

R1T14: The man, whose age is not immediately apparent with a face covering, recovers from the charge and sudden attack of his own. He takes out a dagger with one hand, while still stabbing Rodriguez in the cheek with his rapier for 7.

R1T8: Visto, what do you do way at the back of the bus, as it were? You are currently unaware of Rodriguez' status (so would have no reason beyond metagaming to offer him a balm).

2020-12-11, 04:08 PM
With a fight brewing, Visto's magic starts to roar to life on its own, but with the environment the group is in, Visto chooses to retreat backwards. As he does, he calls out to his allies. "Friends. This environment is dangerous for Visto to fight in, so Visto will back out so Friends can fight back better."

At the start of turn, Visto generates one Essence exclusive to his Storm abilities, and applies it to The Cyclone.

Move action: Move back down the stairs to allow a little more room for the others.

2020-12-12, 01:51 AM
R1T8: With a fight brewing, Visto's magic starts to roar to life on its own, but with the environment the group is in, Visto chooses to retreat backwards. As he does, he calls out to his allies. "Friends. This environment is dangerous for Visto to fight in, so Visto will back out so Friends can fight back better."

R1T3: Crysti is now ready to do as its mistress requires ...

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T23: Eric, what do you do? Fall up, fall back, or keep position. At this point, Lin is 10' in front of you, then a gap, and then Apophis and Rodriguez at the top. You do not know Rodriguez' status.

Muninn on deck, Lin in the hole ...

2020-12-12, 05:05 AM
Quickly getting into a close, defensive stance, Eric goes up, looking for the opponent in a room that's lit as day for him, trying to go past Rodriguez, to, once there, ensure no one gets past him.

My darkvision doesn't go far enough ?
Anyway : and of course the very first combat forces me to struggle with encumbrance ><
Swift action : grim news to move forward just behind Rodriguez.
Move action : move in front of Rodriguez, to whichever square is available
Standard action : Thirsty Axe Strike on a target that apparently attacked Rodriguez. (if it hits, also gains damage inflicted as THP)

2020-12-12, 05:42 AM
R2T23: Quickly getting into a close, defensive stance, Eric goes up, looking for the opponent in a room that's lit as day for him, trying to go past Rodriguez, and finding that since he can't even get past Apophis, he warily grips his double-spear.

R2T21: Lin goes downstairs.

R2T20: Rodriguez, you are woozy and your head is spinning (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/Gamemastering/Conditions/#Nauseated). What do you do?

Ozlech/ Ginny on deck, Apophis in the hole (but readied to take Rodriguez' spot) ...

2020-12-12, 02:27 PM
Rodriguez reels from the attack, hoping to make room for the others, he retreats down the stairs to the closest open space he can find. As he goes, he commands Apophis,”Bring him down, don’t kill him.”Rodriguez takes a move action to get
as far down the stairs as he can.

2020-12-12, 08:18 PM
R2T20: Rodriguez reels from the attack, hoping to make room for the others, he retreats down the stairs to the closest open space he can find (after Apophis and Eric), but not before he is grazed in his left lower arm for 4. As he goes, he commands Apophis,”Bring him down, don’t kill him.” Once settled on the stairs he is no longer nauseated.

R2T19: Apophis moves right up to where his master was a second ago.

R2T16: Ozlech, do you (and Ginny) delay? If not, what do you do?

Assailant on deck, Visto in the hole ...

2020-12-14, 09:06 PM

Ozlech will settle into his normal combat stance, and keep an eye on the surroundings for if their fight is attracting attention. He will not give Ginny any orders at this time.

Swift action for Aura of Misfortune stance. Enemies within 30’ suffer a -2 penalty to saving throws.

2020-12-14, 09:18 PM
R2T16: Ozlech will settle into his normal combat stance, and keep an eye on the surroundings for if their fight is attracting attention. He will not give Ginny any orders at this time.

R2T14: The man at the top of the stairs attacks Apophis with both sword and dagger, but does terribly.

R2T8: Visto, what do you do?

Eric on deck, Lin in the hole, Muninn/ Crysti delaying ...

2020-12-15, 04:27 PM
Visto delays, waiting for the chaos to settle.

At the start of turn, Visto generates 1 Temp E and invests it into The Cyclone for a total of 2E

2020-12-16, 12:33 AM
R2T8: Visto delays, waiting for the chaos to settle.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T23: Eric, what do you do?

Lin on deck, Rodriguez in the hole, Visto delaying (no longer noting the "pets" that are delaying) ...

2020-12-16, 09:08 AM
Eric prepares himself to join the fray be replacing a teammate.

I'll delay until I have a spot in the front.

2020-12-16, 09:58 PM
R3T23: Eric prepares himself to join the fray be replacing a teammate.

R3T21: Lin delays ....

R3T20: What does Rodriguez do?

Apophis on deck, Ozlech in the hole ....

2020-12-16, 11:25 PM
Rodriguez begins a chaotic, powerful chant, which inspires fury in those who listen to it. He then pulls out a berry with his tail, from a pouch on his belt, and pops it in his mouth.Rodriguez begins a raging song.(Inspired Rage)(SA) pulls out a fermented berry (SWA) and eats it (MA) the berry heals 1 hp and prevents a round of rage from being used.

2020-12-17, 01:03 AM
R3T20: Rodriguez begins a chaotic, powerful chant, which inspires fury in those who listen to it. He then goes to pull out a berry with his tail, but finds that had eaten all of his berries previously. Those luscious "lush" berries. :smallfrown:You have to already have a berry, which you did not. No, you are not "assumed" to always have berries on hand.
Who accepts Rodriguez' raging song? (Answer in Discord, please.)Inspired Rage (Su): Affected allies gain a +2 morale bonus to STR & CON & +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC.
* While under the effects of inspired rage, allies other than Rodriguez cannot use any CHA-, DEX-, or INT-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
* Unlike the barbarian’s rage ability, those affected are not fatigued after the song ends.
* If an ally has her own rage class ability, she may use the STR, CON, & Will save bonuses, as well as AC penalties, based on her own ability and level instead of those from Rodriguez (still suffering no fatigue afterward).
** However, inspired rage does not allow the ally to activate abilities dependent on other rage class abilities, such as rage powers, blood casting, or bloodrager bloodlines; the ally must activate her own rage class ability in order to use these features.
R3T19: Apophis eagerly accepts his partner's raging song. His jaws snap and miss, but then he follows up with a tail slap to the man's right hand for 6.

R3T16: Ozlech, what do you do? Did you take the raging song? What do you have Ginny do?

Assailant on deck, Rodriguez in the hole, Eric/ Lin/ Visto/ Other Pets delaying ...

2020-12-17, 01:31 AM

Hitting upon an idea, Ozlech says, ”Ginny, try to see if you can teleport behind him!”

Meanwhile, Ozlech will reinvest his Essence, giving Ginny and Apophis a point each. He will place his other two into his hand bind.

Order Ginny to move up and hopefully see enough around the corner to get Fading Strike off.
Swift action: Invest E into Akashic Army granting Ginny and Apophis the Escape Route teamwork feat (and they can use Riven Dart since that is my hand bind but with 0 E for them)

Remaining 2 E go to Riven Darts.

2020-12-17, 01:55 AM
R3T16: Hitting upon an idea, Ozlech says, ”Ginny, try to see if you can teleport behind him!”

Meanwhile, Ozlech will reinvest his Essence, giving Ginny and Apophis a point each. He will place his other two into his hand bind.

And with that, Ginny flies up (past Eric) and gives a quick word back to her pet tiefling...."Too damned crowded for a fade, my pet, but I will try the wasp's sting you've given me! Wait. Dammit! If only I had fingertips. How do I shoot these things?!"
R3T14: The man is wary this time, and is more cautious. He brings his rapier around to confuse the snake to crit it with feinted sneak attack for 11.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T20: Rodriguez, do you continue your raging song? You also feel Apophis' pain as he was stabbed (but he is in rage). What do you do?

Apophis on deck, Ozzy/ Ginny in the hole ...

2020-12-17, 08:50 PM
Rodriguez continues his raging song. As it progresses, he heals slightly. He picks up his water skin with his tail and takes a drink from it. He goes pale, as Apophis heals some of his wounds. After this, he moves further down the stairs toward Visto.”I’m hurting up here.”Rodriguez continues his raging song. He pulls out his water skin and drinks from it. (SwA)and (MA). He sacrifices 9 hp to give to Apophis. He uses his standard action to move toward Visto. Raging song gives Rodriguez fast healing 2, and anyone who listens also receives the lesser spirit totem rage power, using Rodriguez’s charisma.

2020-12-17, 09:49 PM
R4T20: Rodriguez continues his raging song. As it progresses, he heals slightly. He picks up his water skin with his tail and takes a drink from it. After this, he moves further down the stairs toward Visto.”I’m hurting up here.”
Drinking .... whether a potion, or any other liquid ..... is a SA that provokes AOOs. Now, if you are referring to your Accelerated Drinker, please read the fine print ... you just took out your waterskin this turn. So, you got out your waterskin and stepped downstairs, but then that's it, because it was a SA to drink, and it is a SA to use a supernatural ability (unless otherwise specified), so no hp to Apophis now.
R4T19: He might be hurt, but Apophis knows that he is IMMORTAL!!! (As long as Rodriguez is alive.) So, he quailed initially from the pain, but continuing to enjoy his brain-bonded's bitchin' bard ballad, he attacks the swordsman, just managing another tail slap against his right hand for 8, enough to smash his hand and drop him from shock! "He fall down!" Apophis calls.

R4T16: Ozlech, what do you do? What do you Ginny to do?

Rodriguez on deck, Apophis in the hole, everyone else is delaying ...

2020-12-18, 04:41 PM

I usually just flick my fingers but... hmm I think I see the issue now. Try your talons maybe?

While Ginny figures things out, Ozlech will move out of the way for Visto to reach Rodriguez.

move if needed to let the healer reach the wounded. Let Ginny act on her own initiative.

2020-12-18, 09:28 PM
R4T16: I usually just flick my fingers but... hmm I think I see the issue now. Try your talons maybe?While Ginny figures things out, Ozlech stays out of the way for Visto to reach Rodriguez."Let's try this on for size! KA-CHOW, BITCHES! ....... Nope, didn't work either. Oh, wait, he's down. Bad guy down. I DID IT! I must've shot him."
Visto, you heard Apophis shout "he fall down." What do you do? It is too crowded (even with allies) to "fly" your way for extra speed up the narrow stairway.

2020-12-19, 07:31 PM
Visto will re-enter the building, and take stock of what he sees. "Friends, is Visto correct in believing that the fight has concluded? Are any Friends injured? If so, please come to Visto, so that He can take care of his Friends wounds."

Move action: Enter the building
Swift action: Allocate last 2E from Radiant to Unicorn Feathering.
Standard action: Ready an action to use Unicorn Feathering on the first ally to declare himself injured and move within touch range of Visto.
This will grant the touched ally 11 (5+3 per E invested) Fast Healing for 3 rounds. This will also grant the ally a +1 Morale Bonus on Attack Rolls and to Saves against Fear effects.

2020-12-19, 08:39 PM
Rodriguez will continue his rage for another round, shouting back to Apophis, “Make sure he’s out cold partner!” His chanting heals him slightly, he swigs from his water skin and moves over to Visto. ”I’m a little banged up.” He will also sacrifice some life for his partner. He spends a free action to continue raging song. He spends a move action to drink(accelerated drinker) so a round of rage is not expended. A standard action to move within touch range of Visto. sacrificing 10 hit points for his eidolon does not take an action (soulbound life link). He heals for two hp(skalds vigor)

2020-12-20, 01:40 PM
R4T8: Visto will re-enter the building's stairway, just standing on the first couple stairs, and take stock of what he sees. "Friends, is Visto correct in believing that the fight has concluded? Are any Friends injured? If so, please come to Visto, so that He can take care of his Friends wounds."

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T20: Rodriguez will continue his rage for another round, shouting back to Apophis, “Make sure he’s out cold, partner!” His chanting heals him slightly, he swigs from his water skin and moves over to Visto. ”I’m a little banged up.” He will also sacrifice some life for his partner. Visto touches him to charge up his own healing, and providing FH11 right now.

R5T19: "He's down. He's bleeding," says Apophis matter of factly.

R5T16: Ozlech, what do you do? What do you have Ginny do?

Visto on deck, Rodriguez in the hole, Eric/ Lin delaying ...

2020-12-20, 02:06 PM

Good work! Be a dear and keep an eye out for another would-be mugger for us while I take a look at our recent assailant?

Ozlech moves past his allies and over the downed man before inspecting him, tossing aside his weapons and pulling off any mask on his face.

Ginny first: Order her to move slightly passed the fallen foe and keep watch.

Ozlech: Move action to get to the fallen foe, Standard to disarm him (probably only get one weapon this round)

2020-12-20, 02:15 PM
R5T16: "Good work! Be a dear and keep an eye out for another would-be mugger for us while I take a look at our recent assailant?"Ozlech moves past his allies and over to where Ginny is (because limits of movement) even as Ginny leaves that spot to go over to the assailant."He's dying. I can't stop the bleeding. I tried, but only because I know how much some of these other simps will react if we kills somebody and don't really mean it."
End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T20.1: Visto, what do you do?

Rodriguez on deck, Apophis in the hole ...

2020-12-20, 03:26 PM
Visto speaks up to the rest of the party. "Are any other Friends in need of healing?"

2020-12-20, 03:30 PM
Rodriguez, what do you do?

Eric, do you come out of delay?

2020-12-22, 07:13 PM
He breathes a deep sigh, Can someone make sure that fool isn’t bleeding out? I don’t have the skills for it.You ok Apophis? he spends his turn moving back up the stairs toward his summon. Rodriguez ends his raging song.

2020-12-22, 11:50 PM
R6T20.1: Visto speaks up to the rest of the party. "Are any other Friends in need of healing?"

R6T20-19: Rodriguez breathes a deep sigh, after ending his song (FH11). "Can someone make sure that fool isn’t bleeding out? I don’t have the skills for it.You ok, Apophis?" He spends his turn moving back up the stairs toward his eidolon, who he passes by until he is standing directly over the fallen swordsman, his rapier and dagger loosed on the floor next to them. Apophis moves to the other side of the fallen to make way for (likely) Visto, but shows his master he has only a slight scratch now.

R6T16: Ozlech, what do you do? What do you have Ginny do?

Visto on deck, Rodriguez in the hole, everyone else delaying ...

2020-12-26, 11:09 PM
Ozlech and Ginny will make way for anyone who believes they can stabilize the poor sap upstairs before he bleeds out. Otherwise they just remain vigilant.

Just movement to clear the way for someone with either the heal skill or magic to stabilize.

2020-12-27, 10:41 AM
Visto, what do you do?


2020-12-28, 09:12 AM
Visto goes up the stairs as best as he can, trying to reach the (presumably) dying foe, in order to tend his wounds and ensure he does not die, but does not use his magic to heal the man like he would his allies.

If it is possible, Visto will move up the stairs towards the fallen foe.

He will attempt to stabilize the foe using the Heal skill. If he cannot reach the foe, he will double move to attempt to reach him, and if he cannot reach the foe because someone else is in the way, he will ready his action to move as soon as said ally is out of the way.

Heal check to stabilize [roll0]

2020-12-28, 09:38 AM
It's going to actually take a couple rounds, but it turns out the tough man in the dark and hooded clothes was able to stop bleeding themselves!

Combat ends...

What now?

2020-12-28, 11:28 AM
Rodriguez keeps his weapon drawn and looks down to the unconscious man. ”I don’t think this is our guy, maybe some hired goon. It can’t hurt to question him though. Shall we clear the place while we wait for him to wake up?” He begins moving up the north hallway, trying to check the opening, and make room for everyone.

2020-12-29, 01:52 AM
Rodriguez hears barking as he goes down the hallway, and when it opens up to the east, he sees a mangy, three-legged dog underneath door-sized windows barking at him. It doesn't attack, but does full threat display.

2020-12-30, 06:14 PM
Rodriguez is no stranger to seeing strays on the streets of Riddleport, so he has some experience dealing with them. He crouches down, keeping distance between him and the dog, and opens a hand for the dog to smell.”Don’t you worry boy, I’m not gonna hurt you.” he calls back to his comrades,”There’s a dog back here, I’ll try to keep it calm so it doesn’t get bitey.”
Rodriguez will spend a round of rage and a minute on a song of urging to try to calm the dog.

2020-12-31, 01:11 AM
Someone comes walking around the corner to the north-and-west, muttering "Better shut that damn dog up."

Round One .....

R1T22: Apophis, sensing something different, comes up the hallway, but stops behind Rodriguez since he doesn't know if this man should be attacked or not.

R1T17: Rodriguez, unfortunately, you are only six seconds into your bardic performance, so unless you try to keep doing it regardless of external factors ..... What do you do?

2021-01-03, 05:03 PM
While continuing to soothe the dog, Rodriguez calls to the others,”Get up here, we got more.” he then reaches toward the man with his guisarme to pull him to the ground. He gives the man a nasty glare, as he stretches to his full height.”Don’t move pal.”he maintains the song of urging on the dog as a free action. He will use a standard action to attempt a trip combat maneuver. He will stay in his current space.

2021-01-04, 01:44 PM
R1T17: While continuing to soothe the dog, Knowing that the sudden combat and violence will completely upend his attempt, Rodriguez stops his performance and calls to the others,”Get up here, we got more.” He then reaches toward the man with his guisarme and pulls him to the ground. He gives the man a nasty glare, as he stretches to his full height.”Don’t move pal.”

R1T12: Ozlech, what do you do? What do you have Ginny do?

2021-01-08, 07:53 AM
R1T12: Seeing that Rod has things well in hand, Ozlech and Ginny delay ...

R1T10: "No, wait!" don't hurt me says the pathetic wretch on the ground.. "Down, Fetch, down. Calm."

R1T8: Visto, what do you do?

2021-01-08, 04:57 PM
Visto delays, especially after hearing the man speaking.

2021-01-09, 05:50 AM
R1T8-5: Visto delays, especially after hearing the man speaking. Muninn also delays ...

R1T4.5: The dog continues to bark, but doesn't attack.

R1T4: Eric, what do you do?

Apophis on deck, Rodriguez in the hole, Lin/ Ozlech/ Ginny/ Crysti/ Visto delaying ...

2021-01-11, 04:41 AM
Eric moves forward, trying to see something in that cramped up battlefield.

Probably to the square where there is the downed scoundrel from earlier ? What do I see at that point ?

2021-01-11, 09:34 AM
R1T4: Eric moves forward, trying to see something in that cramped up battlefield ... (see Discord). Eric has a MA/SA remaining.

2021-01-15, 06:05 PM
Eric keeps advancing, passing his allies to get to the slightly wider part of the corridor, making sure to give a spot for his allies to step forward as well.

2021-01-15, 08:51 PM
R1T4: Eric keeps advancing, passing his allies to get to the slightly wider part of the corridor, making sure to give a spot for his allies to step forward as well, though there is a barking dog he has to pass.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22: Apophis delays ....

R2T17: Rodriguez, what do you do?

Guy on deck is on deck, Muninn in the hole, Apophis/ Lin/ Ozzie+Ginny/ Visto delaying ...

2021-01-17, 12:06 AM

"Hey Ginny let's move up a bit. Standing on these stairs is awkward." Ozlech says as he moves upwards himself and looks for a free spot to stand.

Ozlech Moves forward. Looking for a free spot to stand off the stairs. Orders Ginny to look for a spot with him.

2021-01-17, 08:19 AM
R2T20: "Hey Ginny let's move up a bit. Standing on these stairs is awkward." Ozlech says as he moves upwards himself and looks for a free spot to stand. Ginny is cawing, as she gave him a spot to go behind Apophis.

R2T17: Rodriguez, what do you do?

Guy on deck is on deck, Muninn in the hole, Apophis/ Lin/ Visto delaying ...

2021-01-17, 09:52 AM
Rodriguez keeps his weapon trained on the man.”Pardon my rude introduction, but before I let you up, I need to ask you some questions. Do you know a man by the name of Beltias Kreun? We need to see him urgently. There was a hooded man attached us further down the hall, are you with him? I suggest that you answer honestly. They aren’t nearly as patient as I am. he gestures to Apophis and the rest of the party behind him.

2021-01-17, 11:24 PM
The dog barking is only adding to the chaos, forcing Rodriguez to shout to be heard.

"Jes' lemme shut that dog up afore we talk!"

2021-01-19, 06:02 PM
Rodriguez will extend a hand to help the man up. He calls back, “”Hey Eric, would you mind stepping up here with me? There’s space for you. Barely.”

2021-01-20, 04:51 AM
Eric must have been sneaker than expected, because Eric had already moved up into that area.

The young man takes about a minute, but manages to quiet the dog down, finally.

"Yeah, I heard-a him. They call him the Pauper-King of Splithog Alley, but I wouldn't know him to look at him."

2021-01-23, 01:31 PM
Rodriguez tilts his head to one side since the name doesn’t ring any bells. “We’re dealing with royalty huh? Well, we have something to discuss with him. We know he’s here in St. Caspieran’s, you know where? He looks back to his party members to see if they have heard of the moniker.

2021-01-24, 12:07 PM
"I ain't part-a' no royal court, man," he says as he calms down the dog. "Prolly' seen him and wouldn't know it."

2021-01-24, 07:12 PM
Visto pipes up from the back, having listened mostly. "Would there be One who would know of this man's whereabouts? How would Visto and Friends find One who could help?"

2021-01-25, 01:09 PM
"I'd check with all the folks downstairs. Most are prolly' clueless, but there's gotta be at least one knows what's what."

2021-01-26, 03:58 PM

"'All the folks downstairs?'" Ozlech asks incredulously before saying, "Mate that's a tall order if I have ever heard one. We could be at it all day and not find the right bloke. You live here right? There must be someone you know not to mess with or a crowd you know to avoid. All we need is a name or a description and we will be out of your hair. We don't ever need to know your name and I'm good at forgetting faces. What do ya say?"

2021-01-26, 08:23 PM
"I'm saying what I said."

2021-01-27, 05:31 PM
Visto pulls out a single gold piece and holds it up to the man. "Would one of these be enough to help Visto and Friends further?" He makes it a point to not let the man take the coin while keeping it in his view.

2021-01-27, 05:54 PM
Rodriguez does his best to help Visto Persuade the man. He’ll put a friendly arm around the man’s shoulder and say. ”Pal, if you’re talking about the folks eating downstairs, they didn’t want to talk about much of anything. If you know even the tiniest bit about this guy, I can garuntee it’ll be worth your while. No harm will come to you or your canine friend, on my honor.”

2021-01-29, 01:58 AM
He gets quiet and says, "I know the folks on this side." Here he seems to mention the northern side of the upstairs. "The folks on that side that you're on .... strange folk roam about. Strangers, hooded, like that man..." and there he points to the fallen man at the south end of the hallway (the one you fought).

2021-02-01, 07:15 PM

"Got it. Have a pleasant day, and try to keep that dog in hand alright?" Ozlech says as way of goodbye as he speaks to his allies, "It seems we shall explore the southern areas of this building for 'hooded figures'. Maybe it would pay to awaken and question the man we subdued."

2021-02-01, 07:44 PM
Rodriguez sighs,”I’ll drag him with us til he wakes up, no point in wasting spells. Hey Eric could you take point? Apophis, be a dear and try to climb up to the rafters would you. Stay outta sight.” he will motion for Apophis to find some support beams to climb up while he begins dragging the hooded man by the collar behind him. He follows Eric toward the south of the building while whistling a cheerful tune.

2021-02-01, 09:59 PM
The man takes the dog and leaves via the northern stairs.

As far as support beams and the like. Apophis could do it if he goes up and stays with the unconscious man, but there's no real way to do it by "sticking him in the ceiling."

2021-02-05, 05:27 PM
Visto will reach over and tap the unconscious man, activating the mans natural healing to help rouse him to consciousness before turning to the others. "Visto does not worry about wasting spells, since Visto heals without spells. Please be sure to restrain this man before this man wakes up from the healing that Visto has bestowed upon him. Visto believes it will happen shortly."

Visto will remove all E from his Unicorn Feathering, and then activate it on the man. After it wears off, if the man hasn't roused yet, he will do it a second time. Both times will grant Fast Healing 5 for 1 round

2021-02-05, 05:56 PM
”I’ve got no rope on me, I can handle interrogation though. Apophis, keep watch in case there are others who want to stab us.” Rodriguez will take the hooded man’s weapons and toss them out of reach. He crouches down to be at eye level with the man, waiting for him to wake up.

2021-02-05, 08:22 PM
Eric gets closer, takes out a rope, and starts binding the man. He takes great care to make a nice, tidy knot on the rope.

2021-02-05, 09:23 PM
The man comes to, blearily at first .....

2021-02-05, 10:57 PM
Rodriguez will shake the man awake, a wry grin on his face.”Morning buddy. You have a nice nap?” he grins widely and shows a set of very animalistic teeth.

2021-02-06, 12:49 AM
"KNUCKLES DOWN! KNUCKLES DOWN!" the man shouts as loud as he can.

2021-02-06, 10:54 AM
Visto will speak calmly to the man. "Visto healed Knuckles wounds to ensure that Knuckles would not die from them. Visto wishes only to speak with Knuckles. No more fighting. Once Visto is finished speaking with Knuckles, Visto and Friends will let Knuckles go, and if Knuckles is especially helpful to Visto, there may be money in it for Knuckles before he is freed."

2021-02-07, 02:11 AM
"Knuckles ain't no snitch. And the boss prolly' heard me from his bedroom down the way."

2021-02-07, 09:58 AM
Rodriguez will narrow his eyes at the man.”Well Knuckles, I’d say we laid you out in about 30 seconds or so. I doubt ol’ Beltias would even last that long. If you work for the “Pauper King,” Knuckles, he won’t save you. Deep down you must know that.” he rises to his full height and puts his weapon to the man’s neck.”If you give us what we need, just a description or what room he’s in, I can promise you that you will never see the”Pauper King” again. But if you choose to keep your trap shut, well, let’s just say we pitborn tieflings aren’t known for our restraint and kindness.” he chuckles to himself.If I can, I would like to make an intimidate check.

2021-02-08, 03:37 AM
Knuckles doesn't answer.

2021-02-09, 04:10 AM

"Well 'Knuckles', thanks for letting us know your boss is in shouting distance. We can take it from here now." Ozlech says to their captive before peering down the south hallway. "Now which door to check first?"

2021-02-11, 09:40 AM
”Unfortunate. Whatever we do, it’s gotta happen now. Slimy bastard’s probably bailing out a window by now. I could shatter a locked door, but which one are we checking first?” Before getting a response, Rodriguez will move in the direction that Knuckles shouted to check how many rooms there are.

2021-02-12, 07:27 PM
”Are any of you good with lock picking tools? If not, we’ll have to make a lot of noise. I say we check these two at the end of the west hall, any thoughts?” Rodriguez will start down the western hallway.

2021-02-15, 03:34 AM
It just so happens that nobody in the group is worth a tinker's dam at lockpicking, safecracking, mechanical sabotage, or anything of the like.

2021-02-15, 10:06 AM
Rodriguez will continue to the end of the western hall and put his ear to the door listening for movement. He will whisper to his companions,”Check the doors, see if you can hear anything.”

2021-02-15, 04:41 PM

Ozlech, who tells Ginny to stay close, heads down the hallway and listens at the southern far door.

2021-02-19, 03:41 AM
You don't hear anything, but both Rod and Ozzy see the faintest glimmer of candlelight under the door.

Ginny gets behind Ozzy. Eric behind Ginny. Nobody straddles Knuckles, and Visto is at the top of the stairs. Apophis is still hanging out in the rafters.

What now?

2021-02-21, 08:11 AM
Eric gets ready to dash in and nods to the closest to the door.

2021-02-22, 09:23 PM
Rodriguez will check the door in front of him to see if it is locked or barricaded. He motions to Apophis to be ready to strike. He knocks on the door 3 times.

2021-02-23, 02:03 AM
The door is locked as Rodriguez tries to handle. He then knocks three times. Either nobody is present ... or they refuse to answer you.

2021-02-23, 04:00 PM
Visto walks up to the door next to Rodriguez and speaks up to the door. "Visto would like to speak with the Boss. Is the Boss here able to speak with Visto? Coin is in the picture if the Boss is willing to answer a few questions."

2021-02-23, 06:10 PM

Mentally kicking himself for not preparing any lockpicks before now, Ozlech will move back to the prisoner and search him for lockpicks or other things of interest while the others continue their attempts.

Tied up guy should be helpless so pat him down for things.

2021-02-24, 03:38 AM
Visto, the Boss doesn't answer you.

Ozzy, the tied up guy wears leather armor, was armed with rapier, but also has sap, shortbow, and dagger. And a pouch with 6 gold in it.

2021-02-24, 03:56 AM

Clicking his tongue at finding almost nothing of use, Ozlech will filch the purse before returning to the others saying, "Knuckles didn't happen to have a key or anything of use on him. Just some coin to cover the tuition on the lesson we taught him."

2021-02-24, 03:42 PM
Rodriguez rubs his hands together ”Looks like we’re going in hot boys and girls. Get ready.” He will stand in front of the door and begin casting a spell.”Don’t you know it’s rude not to answer the door for guests!”Rodriguez will target the door’s locking mechanism with shatter. If that’s too precise he will target the whole door instead.

2021-02-26, 01:48 PM
Yes, a doorknob is a component of the door as a whole object.
Rodriguez gives a loud shout after casting a quick spell, and the door shudders, but does not break, bend, or splinter.

What now?

2021-02-28, 03:51 PM

When the door doesn't open, Ozlech will say, "Anyone else want to give it a try?"

2021-03-01, 01:34 PM
Okay, what now?

2021-03-01, 04:24 PM
Visto starts trying other doors while the others keep focusing on this one.

2021-03-02, 02:02 AM
The next door along the south wall is likewise locked. But we have to observe a sense of time so ...

Back at the "active door" next to the one Visto is trying. Now what?

2021-03-02, 09:38 AM
Probably not strong enough to break one of those doors open, Eric points his lance to it anyway.

"Should I ?"

2021-03-02, 12:12 PM

Looking between Eric's weapon and the door for a moment, Ozlech uncertainly asks, "Poke a hole in it? You can if you want to, but I think sending a kick would be more effective for opening it."

2021-03-02, 12:42 PM
Rodriguez steps back from the door to get a running start.”Hang on I’ll give it a go, Apophis, Eric, give me a hand will you?” Rodriguez will then begin chanting and charge at the door full force to shoulder it open.Rodriguez will begin his raging song before making the first attempt.

2021-03-02, 07:49 PM
Only one other can really get in to aid, and Eric is already there. Assuming Eric takes the raging song as well, the two men throw their bulk against the door, bursting the door off its hinges. The room is empty except for a stained mattress and a burnt-out candle at the window.

2021-03-02, 08:28 PM

After breaching the door to the room, Ozlech looks around, mostly at the window, to see if anyone might have escaped the room.

2021-03-02, 09:36 PM
The three men in the room can't determine when someone last used the room, or if the window was used. Looking out, behind the mission sits an overgrown courtyard surrounded by a low stone wall. A path leads through a rusted iron gate and up to a pair of boarded doors. A lone oak stands in the corner. But that is down below.

2021-03-03, 06:05 PM
Assuming enough time has passed, Visto will check the next door.

2021-03-04, 02:23 AM
Assuming you want to check all doors on the same hallway, Visto goes back west to the end of the hallway to the door on the north wall. The sign on the door reads: "Mission Bell."

Visto does actually open that door. This small, octagonal room has open beams, unfinished walls, and raw floorboards. The room is quite drafty, with scatterings of rat droppings about the corners. Set into the studs of the west wall a crudely spaced ladder leads up to the belfry. Otherwise, even with low-light vision, Visto can see no more than that.

2021-03-04, 04:02 PM
Visto will head up the ladder to see what is up there.

2021-03-04, 04:27 PM
It's very dark, though there is *extremely* dim light that is the external. But Visto can tell that the steps he is on is in some kind of structure going up to something open air. but he has to move half-speed so he doesn't fall or hurt himself.

2021-03-05, 04:00 PM
Continue up the ladder to the end. If we need to wait on passage of time, so be it.

2021-03-05, 08:20 PM
Down below with everyone other than Visto. What do you do next?

2021-03-06, 12:55 AM

Seeing that his inspection of the mostly empty room has served to garner no results, Ozlech will follow Visto to see what he is getting up to.

2021-03-06, 12:13 PM
Ozzy sees the door, now opened (as described above) and goes into that area, with Ginny following. This small, octagonal room has open beams, unfinished walls, and raw floorboards. The room is quite drafty, with scatterings of rat droppings about the corners. Set into the studs of the west wall a crudely spaced ladder leads up to the belfry. This drafty chamber rises 18 feet to a loft. High above, the mission’s copper bell hangs from a thick beam. A rope pull cord allows the bell to be rung from here.

Meanwhile, back in the empty room, what do Rod and Eric do?

2021-03-06, 12:35 PM
Following Visto, Eric really doesn't want to break anymore doors around here.

2021-03-06, 01:12 PM
Rodriguez grumbles to himself and follows Eric out of the room”Hey Apophis, keep on watch will you? Make sure this guy doesn’t get past us if he hasn’t already. He will stand near knuckles, keeping an eye out for danger.

2021-03-06, 01:45 PM
Just so the group understands. Visto and Ginny (the raven) do not see in the dark. With no candles in the belltower, that is a danger issue, though point of order ... nobody sees Visto anymore.

Visto, do you light a sunrod? or, does anyone else begin a light source?

2021-03-06, 06:14 PM
Yes, now that he's sure that there's no light, he'll light one.

2021-03-07, 12:04 PM
Eighteen feet above the others, a very bright light flares.

Visto, a bell riddled with faint cracks hangs within this drafty loft, a rope pull cord dangling through a hole in the floor allowing the bell to be rung from below. Slatted arches in the tower’s walls allow sound to escape, while keeping most of the harsh weather out. The waxy stumps of several candles, a coil of rope, and a metal grapnel lie discarded upon the floor.

2021-03-09, 04:13 PM
Does Visto think he can get outside from here without going back down the ladder?

2021-03-09, 10:52 PM
Why are you asking me? I am not your PC's resourcefulness. There is no obvious way, if that is what you're asking.

2021-03-10, 01:20 AM

"Going up to take a look Ginny, Fly up if you think you can safely, otherwise keep an eye out down here."

Ozlech moves to the ladder and begins to climb it.

2021-03-10, 02:19 AM
Visto is in the darkness, and hears someone coming up the stairs.
Please see the belltower description I gave to Visto in the above post. Meanwhile, Visto is standing up here.

2021-03-10, 04:43 PM
I wanted to know if it was obvious, I just worded that poorly

Visto calls out to the stairs. "Who is coming to see Visto?"

2021-03-10, 07:55 PM
While his friends investigate the bell tower, Rodriguez will plop down next to Knuckles where he is tied up on the ground. He will cast tears to wine on his water skin again to refresh the duration and take a sip.”You know, you gave me a pretty nasty gash back there. Who taught you to fight?” he holds up his wine to the man and shakes it,”You thirsty? I made it myself.”

2021-03-10, 10:44 PM
"Riddleport," he answers, unsure whether to drink or not.

2021-03-11, 02:52 AM

"It's Ozzy Visto. Find anything interesting?" Ozlech says as he reaches the bell tower, he glances about before saying, "Would you look at that? Here we are in a certified belfry and not a bat to be seen. You interested in that grapnel? I would nick it myself, but my swimmer's physique makes me travel light."

"Just Visto up here. Not much to see here but a grapnel, but I don't see anyway in or out up here."

If a quick search around the Belfry reveals nothing else of note, Ozlech will suggest returning to the others.

2021-03-11, 04:39 PM
Rodriguez looks the man in the eyes”Your boss pay you good knuckles? Or are you just scared of the him? We didn’t even come here to hurt the guy, his only daughter just wanted to see him again. Good family’s hard as hell to find in this town. Do you know if he’s even still here? I just want to be out of this damn place. he gives Apophis a pat on the head.

2021-03-11, 07:28 PM
Surprise Round ...

S23: Rodriguez feels a sharp stabbing pain at the back of his left knee for 21, and Rod's movement is hampered.

Begin Round One ...

R1T23: Rod reels from the pain, and in his physical reeling, something sizzles past his ear to hit the eastern wall by the stairs to sizzle the wood there with acid. A man shouts at the top of his voice, "BELTIAS KREUN!!!"

R1T22: Ozlech, you heard someone shout the name of the mark you were sent to find. What do you do?

2021-03-12, 01:06 AM

"What's going on?"

Ozlech moves to the ladder and climbs down as fast as he can to see what's going on.

Double move to get down from the tower.

2021-03-12, 10:15 PM
R1T22:"What's going on?"Ozlech moves to the ladder and climbs down as fast as he can to see what's going on. He sees a man in the southeast corner, adjacent to Eric. It's a raggedy-looking man in dirty leather armor standing there.

Ginny looks from the newcomer to Ozzy and tepes..."Um, this guy?"
R1T21: Apophis climbs down from above, and not having any other guidance goes to the end of the hall. "He's just inside and to the left, boss!"

R1T21: Eric, you are standing adjacent to a smaller, raggedy-looking middle-aged man with a dagger in his hand (see the Discord pic, he is not holding a cup right now). When he came in, he went right for the corner, as if the corner was his purpose rather than you as some type of combatant (and you don't know what happened in the hallway). What do you do?

2021-03-13, 03:12 PM
"Who are you and what are you doing there ?"

Getting on the offensive, his cold blood boiling, he makes his weapon spin around.

Swift, enter Thrashing Dragon Style
Full round action, Flick of the Wrist (2 attacks at full BAB+2, if both hits he is disarmed. Damage is calculated normally for both attacks.)
Going to hit nonlethally, with risky strike at -1/+3.

2021-03-13, 07:03 PM
R1T21: "Who are you and what are you doing there?" Going on the offensive, his cold blood boiling, Eric makes his weapon spin around, and the man manages to avoid the first and just barely deflect the second.

R1T19: Rodriguez, umm, ow? And you turn around and nobody is there .... though Apophis is at the end of the hall and you hear fighting from the room you were in a minut ago. What do you do?

VIsto on deck, Unknown dagger-guy on deck ...

2021-03-13, 07:38 PM
Seeing no one around him, Rodriguez will glare with anger at knuckles. ”All you bastards hit so hard, it’s tiring.” He will shout to Apophis ”No mercy partner!” before beginning to chant, and move up the north hall for cover. action: begin raging song (+2 str +2 con + 1 will saves, fast healing 2: skald only, -1 AC)move 5 feet up the north hallway and SA: retrieve alcohol with prehensile tail.

2021-03-13, 07:53 PM
Visto will start down the ladder to join the combat. He'll survey the situation and wait to see what happens before he makes any further decisions.

Free action: Start of combat creates the first Temp E that is invested into Soothing Rain.

Move and/or Double Move down the ladder. If he still has movement after he's done, he'll find himself a place in the back of the group where he can see what is going on.

2021-03-13, 08:11 PM
R1T19: Seeing no one around him, Rodriguez will glare with anger at knuckles. ”All you bastards hit so hard, it’s tiring.”

He will shout to Apophis ”No mercy partner!” before beginning to chant, and move up the north hall for cover.

R1T18: Visto starts down the ladder to join the combat. He'll survey the situation and wait to see what happens before he makes any further decisions. He gets to Ozzy, but it turns out there STILL isn't any light in the lower floor yet, so he stays behind Ozzy.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T23: The man pulls at something in the SE corner, like a little hidden alcove. This opens him up to an attack from Eric, who slams the man in the back with more of a punching press from his double-blade sword than a deep cut to do 11 NL as the man lets out a "Whuuuff!" from the impact. He grabs something from inside, thinking himself safe, but ducks at the last minute when Eric attacks him again! The man now has a sack in his left hand.

R2T22: Ozlech, do you accept the raging song? What do you do? What do you ask of Ginny?

Apophis on deck, Eric in the hole ...

2021-03-13, 11:36 PM

Settling into his stance, Ozlech moves south to clear a path for Visto before firing darts of force energy from his fingertips at the armed stranger.

Should the man remain standing after the attack, Ozlech order's Ginny.

"Ginny! Use Strike the Hourglass!"

Swift: Enter Aura of Misfortune stance (opponents in close range take a -2 penalty to saves)
5ft step south.
Standard Action: Activate Riven Darts veil at 2 Essence.
RTA: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] Force
RTA: [roll2] Damage: [roll3] Force

Free action (If opponent still stands): Telepathy Ginny to initiate Strike the Hourglass strike on unknown figure with the Channel of Woe feature from Ravenlord.

2021-03-13, 11:44 PM
Curse you Natural 1 Rolls!: [roll0]

2021-03-14, 02:31 AM
R2T22: Settling into his stance, Ozlech moves south to clear a path for Visto before firing darts of force energy from his fingertips at the armed stranger, with one of the darts hitting the man's lower left arm for 6 force.

Should the man remain standing after the attack, Ozlech order's Ginny. "Ginny! Use Strike the Hourglass!"
To which she responds..."Against what?! I can't see anything in here."
R2T21: Apophis, having been commanded to give no mercy, puts all his power into attacking the man. First, he bites the man in the neck for 10. It is quite a tussle, but the man gets free before Apophis can fully close his jaws to grab him. Apophis snarls and attempts a tail slap, but the man rebuffs him.

R2T20: Eric, what do you do?

Rod on deck, Visto in the hole ...

2021-03-14, 12:40 PM
After those first exchange of blows, Eric switches tactics, aiming at the metaphysical concept of time, especially the one of that man.

"I don't know what he's trying to do !"

Standard action : Strike the Hourglass (Single attack, if hit he'll have to roll Will DC 15 or be staggered in addition to the damage)
Swift action : Claim him if he's still alive, recovering Strike the Hourglass and gaining 1 Vitae
(Risky Strike, but no nonlethal now)

2021-03-14, 02:44 PM
R2T20: After those first exchange of blows, Eric switches tactics, aiming at the metaphysical concept of time, especially the one of that man, slashing him across the chest for 8. "I don't know what he's trying to do!"

"HELP! ROBBERS! HELP!" the man shouts.Per Rusty rules, you don't recover any maneuvers, because no maneuvers were used farther than the past round. You do still Claim him and get vitae, though.
R2T19: Rod, you are currently singing and inspiring song that only Apophis and yourself are utilizing. Your skald's vigor will kick in this round if you continue. What do you do?

Visto on deck, shouting man in the hole ...

2021-03-15, 07:21 PM
Rodriguez continues chanting his song, he casts a spell on himself and moves over to Apophis in the hallway, keeping a close eye on Knuckles.”If this guy goes down, get up high to get the drop on reinforcements alright? Keep your eyes peeled.”
Free action: continue raging song
SA cast shield on myself
MA: move 15 feet to be adjacent to Apophis.
End Turn

2021-03-16, 04:15 PM
R2T19: Rodriguez continues chanting his song (FH2), he casts a spell on himself and moves over to Apophis in the hallway, keeping a close eye on Knuckles.”If this guy goes down, get up high to get the drop on reinforcements alright? Keep your eyes peeled.”

R2T18: Visto, what do you do?

Unknown man on deck, Ozzy/ Ginny in the hole ...

2021-03-17, 05:56 PM
Visto will continue forward until he can actually see the combat in action, at which point he will stop and watch, choosing a wait and see approach.

As Visto has not properly engaged into the combat, I am not acting under the assumption of another point of Storm Essence. If I am wrong, then said point will also enter Soothing Rain.

2021-03-18, 05:57 PM
R2T18: Visto stumbles forward, feeling someone south of him (Ozzy?) and continues stumbling around in the dark, tracing his hand along the wall until Ginny caws at him so she isn't stepped on he then stumbles south himself, and there is also this frenetic activity around a major arc, telling him that he must be at the sight site of the battle, which he cannot see .... because it is pitch black. As described so, so many times previously. But now that he is at the scene of battle itself, and the stress is such that his storm veil's energy kicks off, but as he can't see anyone, his thoughts to give them the balm of a soothing rain are on hold.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T23: The middle-aged man simply disappears from view (of those that could see him).

R3T22: Ozzy (and Ginny), what do you do?

Apophis on deck, Eric in the hole ...

2021-03-18, 09:09 PM

Seeing the man disappear, Ozlech cries out, "He either teleported away or turned invisible! Watch out!"

After seeing Visto blindly stumble past and hearing Ginny's mental message, Ozlech touches upon the aura sitting on his shoulders manifested as a whip of light and has it readapt into a sash of light about his waist. Suddenly light spills from Ozlech's eyes, lighting up the space before him as he looks warily for the man.

Free Action: Warn.
Move Action: Have Aura of the Adaptable stop emulating Light Whip and emulate White Rider's Sash (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/akashic-trinity-veils#toc63) So Ozlech sheds Bright light in a 60ft cone. (Cone aimed towards where the man disappeared from).
Standard Action: Ready a bite if the man appears in melee with Ozlech.
Ginny: No Orders other than Watch Out.

2021-03-18, 10:31 PM
R3T22: Seeing the man disappear, Ozlech cries out, "He either teleported away or turned invisible! Watch out!"

After seeing Visto blindly stumble past and hearing Ginny's mental message, Ozlech touches upon the aura sitting on his shoulders manifested as a whip of light and has it readapt into a sash of light about his waist. Suddenly light spills from Ozlech's eyes, lighting up the space before him as he looks warily for the man, but seeing no sign of him. Meanwhile, Ginny hops around defensively.

R3T21: Apophis turns to look at Rod, gritting angrily, "If I had shoulders, I would shrug."

R3T20: Eric, what do you do?

2021-03-20, 04:32 PM
Seemingly getting some more colors back, Eric attempts a new strike, his lance turning somewhat insubstantial, apparently striking blindly.

"So you're calling backup now ?"

So, gaining 1 Vitae, for 2/3.
Moving if necessary to get in range of the guy, since I know where he is.
Initiating Raging Scepter Strike (melee touch attack for normal damage, and Risky Strike can apply), with +1 to attack and damage as per Sanguine Empowerment.


2021-03-20, 11:43 PM
R3T20: Seemingly getting some more colors back, Eric gets ready attempts a new strike, before realizing that his claimed opponent is not in the same room with them anymore. His claim has already left him, but before it did, Eric moves as close as possible to where the feeling of the claim led him ..... to the southwest corner of the room ... ...before realizing that the man had teleported outside and to the ground just outside the belltower. Eric calls out as loud as he can, just in case the man is still there to hear, "So, you're calling backup now?"

R3T20: A tough-looking guy comes around the corner that Rod can see.

R3T19: Rod, what do you do? Eric just crossed the room and shouted to the outer wall and down a little, and it seems somebody else is joining the party.

Visto on deck ...

2021-03-24, 06:55 AM
“The cowards fleeing! Visto can you follow him? Apophis help me with this one in the hall!” Continuing his chant, Rodriguez will move down the hall towards the new combatant and pull him to the ground with his weapon.Free: continue raging song
Move: 10 ft movement down the hall
Standard: trip attempt with guisarme
CMB check:[roll0]

2021-03-24, 08:02 PM
R3T19: “The coward's fleeing! Visto, can you follow him? Apophis, help me with this one in the hall!” Continuing his chant (FH2), Rodriguez will move down the hall towards the new combatant and pulls him to the ground with his weapon.

R3T18: Someone crosses past the guy that just fell to close twoards Rod, trying to avoid the skald's AOO, but Rod still chops him in the left arm for 15, enough to drop him in a single hit.

R3T17: Visto, what do you do?

2021-03-28, 05:39 AM
Visto will, listening to his comrade, start trying to find the fleeing foe, and follow after him. With little to go on as to where, he'll try to go outside if he has no idea where the aggressor has gone.

2021-03-28, 08:13 PM
R3T17: Visto listens to his comrade. He tries to find the fleeing foe, and follow after him. He knows Eric has a short-term connection to some of his opponents and Eric seemed to be drawn to the outer wall. The belltower above is not open to the air, though, or else Visto would have seen a little more light from outside when he was up there, meaning he has to take the long way, and it is too crowded in here to do it with flying. He heads out to the hallway where it is now still dark, hearing a ruckus in the hallway he feels for the door or doorway of that first area to the south to manage to find it and feel the air of the doorway. He goes through, stumbling around until he gets to the open window he can see the outer world from. Once he gets out of this building next round, it will be dark, but at least faint light pollution and stars will work with his low-light vision to not be entirely blind.

R3T15: Rod sees the first thief they downed..... the one that was tied up, wriggle out of his ropes and stand.

R3T3: A burly half-orc comes around the corner to step over the thug who was tripped and then to stand over the ruffian who was dropped, and is now standing face-to-face with Rod. This guy wears leather armor and wields a morning star.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T22: Ozzy, what do you do? Do you have Ginny do anything?

Apophis in the hole ...

2021-03-28, 09:55 PM

"Sounds like the party is out in the hall. You go first and I will light the way after."

After Ginny goes, Ozlech will go out into the hallway, orienting his light towards the sound of conflict. Should he see an enemy fighting an ally, he will launch his force darts at them, aiming to be non-lethal.

Ginny first, Ozlech should be giving out enough light for Ginny's low light vision to get her into the hallway safely.

Ozlech: Move action into the hallway putting Ginny between him and foes if movement remains and positioning allows. Sending light down the hallway
Standard action: Riven darts if Ozlech can see obviously hostile targets, Aiming for non-lethal hits. Will target same target with both.

RTA: [roll0] (-4 for non-lethal applied)
Damage: [roll1]
RTA: [roll2] (-4 for non-lethal applied)
Damage: [roll3]

2021-03-29, 12:08 AM
R4T22: "Sounds like the party is out in the hall. You go first and I will light the way after."After Ginny goes, Ozlech will go out into the hallway, orienting his light towards the sound of conflict. Should he see an enemy fighting an ally, he will launch his force darts at them, aiming to be non-lethal, but they both miss as there are too many bodies in the way.

R4T21: Apophis gnashes his teeth and delays as a glance out there tells him there is nowhere for him to go.

R4T20: Eric, the hallway is full, as you can tell from Apophis' obvious sense of (enraged) frustration. This means you likely have nowhere to go, either. What do you do?

NPCs on deck and in the hole ...

2021-04-01, 05:28 AM
Eric gets ready to act as soon as things change, not planning to force people in a stack.

Eric delays until someone is revealed or he gets place to move into the hallway without piling on people.

2021-04-01, 01:55 PM
R4T20: Eric gets ready to act as soon as things change, not planning to force people in a stack.

R4T19.8: The man Rod tripped gets to his feet and starts shouting, "Father Padrick! Father Padrick! Come quick! Thugs!" but then in a much lower voice that only the people in the hallway can hear, he cheers on the half-orc squared off against Rod, "Get him, Badeye!"

R4T19: Rod, do you continue your song? What do you do?

Visto on deck, Knuckles (the very first thief you took down) in the hole ...

2021-04-03, 10:31 PM
Rodriguez will continue the song, he will call back to the others, ”I’ll try and make room, there’s a hell of a lot of em’ though!” Rodriguez will focus on a spell then release a violent shout to send shards of sound into the hallway. He will then move back to give his Comrades more room. Standard: cast chord of shards (not defensive)[roll0]
Move:Down the hallway back behind Apophis to the nearest empty space.
End turn

2021-04-04, 11:59 AM
Visto will continue his trek to outside.

2021-04-04, 09:25 PM
R4T19: Rodriguez (FH2) continues the song as he calls back to the others, ”I’ll try and make room. There’s a hell of a lot of em’, though!” He then focuses on a spell, and the half-orc's morningstar barely skips along Rod's shield spell. The spell formed, Rod releases a violent shout to send shards of sound into the hallway. Everyone in that line takes 5 sonic. This is enough to drop the guy the group first beat and had tied up. Rod then moves back to give his comrades more room. The half-orc hadn't recovered his swing from the spellcasting to attack Rod on his retreat as well.

R4T18: Visto continues his trek outside, even going around the back to where it seems like the disappearing man had gone based on Eric's direction of looking the last time Visto saw him. Visto, flying 15' off the ground, doesn't see anything.

R4T14: A twitchy fellow comes around the corner and moves past his allies to then stab Ginny for 8 with a rapier. He also has a dagger in his hand.

R4T3: "Dammit, Rasper!" yells the half-orc to the fellow that just passed him to stab the raven. "I had 'em!"

The half-orc looks at Ozlech and growls menacingly. Ozlech can't stulp the gulp from his throat that just happened (he is shaken).

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T22: Ozlech, you are flush with fear should you tangle with the half-orc you are pretty sure is Badeye Rumblefist, and the one that just stabbed Ginny is his pal, Rasper Ellias. They have a reputation for being pretty tough, especially Badeye. What do you do? What do you have Ginny do?

Brave Defenders of Their Home on deck and in the hole, Apophis and Eric are delaying ...

2021-04-04, 10:30 PM
Rodriguez will shout to Apophis,”Use the rafters!”

2021-04-05, 11:11 AM

”Strike the Hourglass and step through that doorway!”

Again choosing to let Ginny go first, Ozzy then grins nervously at the empty hallway and fires off a pair of force darts at the man who stabbed Ginny before ducking through the door behind Ginny as she covers his movement.

Ginny’s actions first with telepathy orders to initiate a strike and then 5ft step.


Standard Action: Force darts through Riven Darts veil. Both darts vs the guy who stabbed Ginny.

RTA: [roll0] Shaken not applied.
Damage: [roll1] Force
RTA [roll2] Shaken not applied.
Damage: [roll3] Force

Move Action: Move into melee with rapier guy and then 2 squares south to the square behind where Ginny is. Escape Route (assuming Ginny is positioned right) should protect from Aoos. Will point light North back toward the hallway after movement completes.

2021-04-06, 01:41 AM
R5T22:”Strike the Hourglass and step through that doorway!”Again choosing to let Ginny go first, Ginny pecks threateningly at Rasper before stepping to the south. Ozzy then grins nervously at the empty hallway and fires off a pair of force darts at the man who stabbed Ginny (doing a total of 9 force) before ducking through the door behind Ginny as she covers his movement.
R5T21: Apophis steps outside into the hallway, and climbs up into the rafters out of sight.

R5T20: Eric, you were delaying, and things seem to have changed. No ally is in the hallway at floor level. What do you do?

Enemies on deck and in the hole ...

2021-04-06, 10:17 AM
Not really in a position to advance without hindering anyone, Eric keeps waiting for an occasion.

Delaying again then.