View Full Version : Which way to go?

2020-10-19, 06:31 AM
I have an idea for two home brew games/worlds but really only have time to dedicate to one. To help with my indecision I thought I would ask the good members of the playground to offer their opinion.

Which one of these would you personally rather see and or play in?

Option one is a chronicles of darkness game where you play Shapeshifting psychic half spawn little Cthulhus with a focus on slowly becoming more and more aware of the dark and sinister world around you. The theme is the gain of knowledge and the loss of innocence That accompanies a deeper understanding of the cosmos and your place in it. I would set it as a shard of the world of darkness where you learn that every other monsters version of the story is either a pale imitation of the truth or a comforting lie. You are the real monster.

Option two is on the exact opposite end of the spectrum. Think of a mixture of planet of the apes and the dark Crystal. You play one of various sub races of Vanara like folk with areas consisting of stone to iron age environments spread between three neighboring worlds. The system for this would be fifth edition dungeons and dragons. This would be lighthearted and be more about world building and adventure.

Honestly I’m pretty into both of them but like I said I don’t have a lot of time and would like to really dedicate my attention to one of them and do it well. Opinions? Happy to hear them.

2020-10-22, 06:47 PM
If you don't have a regular group I'd default to the latter because testing in 5e is relatively easy. Playing a forum seems to work best if you list a definite goal too.

However, the former idea seems more interesting personally. I don't know if its the sort of RPGs I've been playing, but actually having to piece the truth out of what you're told sounds like a nice break from "every legend is true," you see in a lot of games.

2020-10-23, 09:05 PM
The second sounds more interesting to me.

Question - Are you actually going to run the game, or are simply building the world because it interests you. If it's for actual play, why not ask your gaming group which they prefer?

2020-10-23, 11:37 PM
Plan on running it when I get a basic framework done And let my players help me flesh out the world a bit through gameplay. That being said world building fascinates me.