View Full Version : (Help) Simulacrum / Clone Campaign Idea

Vox Silentii
2020-10-19, 07:22 AM
So i read or heard somewhere something like this

The idea is to have a short campaign with the players starting at relatively high levels.

In this world the "good" and "bad" races have switched living conditions and lives in general.

Orcs and goblins have rules, regulations, schools, royalty, castles etc.

While the humans and elves live in holes and caves and makeshift fortresses.

(This applies to other races as well.)

The plot twist is that the players are actually similacrums / clones / some other things
And they see the world this way because of "magic".
(Unexplainable runes on their forearm)

They were all made by evil wizards that look exactly like them to wreck havoc upon the world. Hence why they begin at level 13 or 14 since thats the level you need for simulacrum.

Their backstories will be something that the wizards just created for them to help the illusion.

Any holy power or similar things is seen normal and justified by the players but what they are actually seeing is just an illlusion or an evil god. (WiP)

All of this just to pull back the curtain one day and reveal the horror that they have been doing and go kill some wizards.

I am asking just for general help, ideas or feedback.

2020-10-19, 03:24 PM
This sort of bait-and-switch arrangement doesn't sound like something to continue beyond maybe a one-shot. Itherwise you're just messing with your players to get a rise out of them.

Honestly, the whole "usually the bad guys" races and "civilized" races being flipped as the reality sounds like a way more interesting and playable conceit anyways. Plus it means you don't have to deal with the question of why !simulacrum PCs can heal and regain spell slots without being the basis of the ultimate magical army.

Vox Silentii
2020-10-19, 04:05 PM
This sort of bait-and-switch arrangement doesn't sound like something to continue beyond maybe a one-shot. Itherwise you're just messing with your players to get a rise out of them.

Honestly, the whole "usually the bad guys" races and "civilized" races being flipped as the reality sounds like a way more interesting and playable conceit anyways. Plus it means you don't have to deal with the question of why !simulacrum PCs can heal and regain spell slots without being the basis of the ultimate magical army.

Yeah i just wanted that "woah" moment with hints here and there that things might not be what they seem.
Have them even gain a couple of levels.
But maybe its fun to just have a single player as a simulacrum but thats a headache on its own.

So maybe its more fun to have the roles just switched and nothing else.

The why is because these evil wizards wanted to wreck havoc and make things easier for when they set out to dominate(WiP)

Perhaps even reward them with a "real boy" status so they can rebuild and fight dragons, because everybody loves dragons