View Full Version : Moon Druid in a Large Scale battle

Master O'Laughs
2020-10-19, 09:49 AM
So I am playing a level 12 Moon Druid in a series of "1-shots"

The next one will consist of a large scale battle where me and the other PCs will be summoned to help turn the tide.

Other party members are a L12 Lore bard, A Open hand monk/wolf totem barbarian (not sure of level breakdowns), L12 Rogue (custom DM sub-class), L9 Echoknight/L3 Rogue (not sure of rogue subtype). and Me a L12 Moon Druid.

In a large battle, what type of concentration spells would I be looking to have on? Something for control, a personal buff for wild-shape, a buff for a party member?

My DM also has created custom spells which are rather cool, but would take up too much space to write them out.

Noticeable ones that I am considering is L3 gives a person AC18 and negates crits, L3 makes character HUGE and deal additional damage, L5 grows 2 hydra heads that attack with the PCs attack action (in addition to normal attacks) and if any heads die but not all of them, the number of heads that died, double, & a L6 spell that gives flight and every time the PC attacks they spawn a vine-blight in an unoccupied space to attack the target.

Would I be best off going Earth elemental to be tanky or stick to beasts in case I need to drop out of wild shape to cast a spell?

EDIT: I also have 2 special abilities pertaining to wildshape. 1 allows me to make a full sweet of attacks as a bonus action if I take the Dash action. The other lets me add my Con modifier to my melee damage rolls and auto grapple enemies I hit. So, I would like to be in wild shape if possible.

2020-10-19, 10:11 AM
Some more context might be helpful. Nature and size of allied and opposing forces, terrain, whether DM is going to roll everything out or using some sort of mass combat rules, etc.

Master O'Laughs
2020-10-19, 10:29 AM
Some more context might be helpful. Nature and size of allied and opposing forces, terrain, whether DM is going to roll everything out or using some sort of mass combat rules, etc.

TBH, I am currently missing some of those details. It does appear to be rolling everything out where we will probably be at the important pocket of the battle with enemy champions (classed NPCs) and chaff vs us 5 heroes.

Terrain will either be a sea battle or forest.

So far in this series of 1-shots, we have done a lair assault (throw back to 4e) with multiple-waves of enemies and D&D league of legends where will had to push waves and knock down towers while defeating the enemy champions.

2020-10-19, 10:30 AM
Alright, given the other stuff you mentioned. I would go the 18 AC for Fire Elemental in a large scale battle. Pre-cast Long strider and dash through combat each round hitting new people. You are going to light the world on fire with massive movement and damage everybody on the field. Due to being an elemental you have resistance to non-magical attacks, and with an 18 AC you will avoid many AoOs anyways.

Plus if you get other cool stuff from Dashing, then even better.

2020-10-19, 10:31 AM
Would I be best off going Earth elemental to be tanky or stick to beasts in case I need to drop out of wild shape to cast a spell?
Using a fire elemental form in order to run around and catch tons of enemies on fire sounds like a lot of fun. And given that we are probably talking about many weak enemies (cause large scale battle), it means that you get resistance against their attacks (of opportunity; if or example you are dashing instead of using disengage), it means that when they hit you they take extra fire damage (to the one you are inflicting on them by running through their squares), and it also means that you are causing tons of enemies to spend their subsequent actions putting out the flames (or they dont and they keep taking fire damage) at least until your next pass. Fire elementals can be brutal against many weak enemies. Only problem might be friendly fire, so if any of your DM's spells work similarly to how far step does, I'd recommend that. Otherwise look for AoE's and mobility in general.

Edit: Ninjas everywhere!

2020-10-19, 11:15 AM
One of the best things you can do to contribute to a large scale battle IME is to give advantage to the other guys on your side. For example, if you've got 10 Quicklings on your side and you're facing down a half dozen Fire Giants, blinding a giant with a Smoke Mephit's breath weapon will not only increase Quickling DPR against that giant by about 50% (from 144 to 210.68) but it will also deny opportunity attacks, helping the Quicklings survive longer. (Maybe the Smoke Mephit will even survive!)

That's just an example but my point here is: consider spending your concentration on Conjure Minor Elementals VI for sixteen Smoke Mephits. Having sixteen Dex-based AoE blinding attacks available is a good way to give allies advantage every round against SOMEONE. IME that's better than enhancing your personal damage or conjuring up a single Earth Elemental meatshield or something.

But it does depend upon having allies who can leverage that advantage so YMMV. If your battle looks more like "four PCs vs. a bunch of regular encounters in a row" than "four PCs and ten Quicklings and two Treants vs. eight Fire Giants and three Giant Crocodiles" my advice here may not apply.

Master O'Laughs
2020-10-19, 01:05 PM
@nickl_2000 & @Corran

Thanks for the idea. I honestly hadn't thought of that. If it is a water battle, it would make travel between ships treacherous, but once on a ship amazing.


I had never thought of that either. Smoke mephits sounds like a solid support action to take. Would I want to avoid conflict to ensure keeping concentration? I do have the Resilient Con feat.

2020-10-19, 01:20 PM
@nickl_2000 & @Corran

Thanks for the idea. I honestly hadn't thought of that. If it is a water battle, it would make travel between ships treacherous, but once on a ship amazing.


I had never thought of that either. Smoke mephits sounds like a solid support action to take. Would I want to avoid conflict to ensure keeping concentration? I do have the Resilient Con feat.

If you are in a water battle you shouldn't be a Fire Elemental, that is for sure. In a water battle, you go as a water elemental because you can move so fast through water and use the whelm ability to either grapple people and drag them into the ocean or if they make the save force them off the ship with it.

You should also prepare and have water breathing and walk walk going for your whole party because you are on water and they don't require concentration (this alone will make your allies your best friends). If the DM lets you, run investiture of flame and use it to set enemy ships on fire.

Although with the Water Walking spell, you could still be a fire elemental. A fire elemental that can float on top of the water would be completely terrifying in a sea battle.

2020-10-19, 01:22 PM
@nickl_2000 & @Corran

Thanks for the idea. I honestly hadn't thought of that. If it is a water battle, it would make travel between ships treacherous, but once on a ship amazing.


I had never thought of that either. Smoke mephits sounds like a solid support action to take. Would I want to avoid conflict to ensure keeping concentration? I do have the Resilient Con feat.

Yeah, I'd probably avoid personal conflict and cast spells like Erupting Earth instead until I felt the mephits were losing effectiveness. Once there's only five or six mephits left I'd probably feel okay entering melee combat. But again, depends who you have as allies and how much they are benefiting.

Note that big monsters often have terrible Dex saves so smoke mephits have a good chance to blind them (30-40%) despite being only DC 10.