View Full Version : Magic items to populate a junk room

2020-10-19, 01:11 PM
I'm going to be starting a game with my players trapped in a room with piles of junk, completely unequipped, without armor, weapons, or their bags. They will need to equip themselves and gather materials to escape. But there's a slight twist: the first three items they grab will be magical and carry their own beneficial, and cursed, effects. Here's how it's going to work:
I'll have a room of about 100 items, each one will need 3 separate unique enchantments: 1 offensive, 1 defensive, 1 utility. Which Enchantment I'll use depends on what order they pick up an object.
The first object they pick up has an offensive enchantment, the second item has a defensive enchantment, and the third item has a Utility enchantment. These enchantment need to be permanent, so no 1 use items.
Here is the list of 100:

Sledge Hammer
Climbers kit
Grappling hook
1 ball bearing
Sealing wax
1 Iron spike
Portable Ram
Hunting Trap
10 foot pole
Iron Pot
Miners pick
Frying Pan
Straw Hat
Gavel(I've already got offensive for this)
Pair of Drumsticks
Metal Pipe
Smoking Pipe
Bow String
Garden Shears
Ice Pick
Eagle Feather
Coffee Cup
Pair of Gauntlets
Pair of Greeves
Sack of Flour
Jade Finch
Bag of Holding(Altered to fit the 1st and 2nd enchantments, I guess normal for the 3rd)
Bag of Marbles
Door Hinge
Wooden sword
Toy Soldier
Coil of Barbed Wire
Flint and Steel
Pillow case
Cheese Slicer
Fur cloak
Hand Fan
Smooth Rock
Candle Holder
Large Spring
Glass bottle
Ink Quill
Ink Jar
Large Tusk

I understand that this is a lot, but Obviously I'll be adding my own as well, and I'm not asking for you to finish this for me, I could just use a hand figuring out all of the effects. Really I only need you to help with the Beneficial effects as I mostly have a uniform look for the curses.
* Note: all of these need the Attunement property, but will not be counted against my players attunement total as I am basically forcing magic items on them.
**Note 2: All offensive enchantments come with the standard weapon curse, IE: you don't want to part with this weapon, using any other weapon causes disadvantage. You don't have to write this out, just keep it in mind.

2020-10-19, 03:45 PM
85. Rug
Silken Rug of Rilabbo
Discount version of the 'Iron Bands of Bilarro', or more accurately a non-animated Rug of Smothering.
Unfurl it on the ground and the next creature that walks over it (or is covered by it) the rug will attempt to grapple in the same fashion as a Rug of Smothering.
There are no activating/deactivating command words or safety setting

2020-10-19, 04:03 PM
Creating 100 items with 3 different effects, to throw out 95 of them, does sound a bit laborsome.

On the other hand: publish the list somewhere? :D

I play the banjo! :D Naturally gonna start with it.

46 Banjo
47 Metal Pipe
48 Smoking Pipe
49 Bow String
50 Necklace

46. Banjo. Let's go banjo joke'y

Offensive: Upon first hearing the banjo, all creatures must make a Wis check (DC 8 + lvl + cha), or be confused as per the spell for as long as you play it. Wielding the banjo counts as wielding a shield and club.
Defensive: Once per short rest, when an opponent hits you with a range attack, you can make a loud "twangggg" noise and claim it hit your banjo. Everyone gets very merry and can use 1 hit die to heal.
Utility: You have advantage on social skills as long as you have the banjo visible, but do not play it.

47. Metal pipe.

Offensive: +1 club, with 1d6 extra damage against zombies.
Defensive: The pipe can hold a potion. It starts with a healing potion in it. Drinking that potion is a bonus action, while filling it up takes 1 minute. It also serves as a club.
Utility: The pipe is extremely resonant and will make a deafening sound if struck.

48. Smoking pipe. The pipe can be smoked once per day, for a maximum of 2 hours.

Offensive: While smoking the pipe you get advantage on any social argument as long as you can point the pipe to the opponent to accentuate your point.
Defensive: Sitting down and smoking the pipe counts as eating goodberries, at the rate of 1 goodberry per 10 minutes.
Utility: The pipe smoke conceals your campsite from unwanted attention when smoked.

49. Bow string.

Offensive: It eggs you on, +2 to initiative and once per day shoot one arrow before combat starts.
Defensive: Once per day: point to an archer and snip this string in two. The archers bow string will also be snipped.
Utility: Anything (reasonably large) stringed with this bow string counts as a bow. If you loose this string, you can pluck out one of your hairs, the hair and the string switch places.

50. Necklace.

Choose 3 necklaces from the DMG?'

Offensive: unfinished Necklace of fireballs. Once per day: add a pendant to this necklace, it will interprete it as a spell.

2020-10-19, 05:50 PM
85. Rug
Silken Rug of Rilabbo
Discount version of the 'Iron Bands of Bilarro', or more accurately a non-animated Rug of Smothering.
Unfurl it on the ground and the next creature that walks over it (or is covered by it) the rug will attempt to grapple in the same fashion as a Rug of Smothering.
There are no activating/deactivating command words or safety setting
Sounds pretty awesome actually. I was thinking more of a weapon application but I can't argue that this is cool enough to fit. An interesting curse would be it HAS to be used once in every combat.

Creating 100 items with 3 different effects, to throw out 95 of them, does sound a bit laborsome.

On the other hand: publish the list somewhere? :D

I play the banjo! :D Naturally gonna start with it.

46. Banjo. Let's go banjo joke'y

Offensive: Upon first hearing the banjo, all creatures must make a Wis check (DC 8 + lvl + cha), or be confused as per the spell for as long as you play it. Wielding the banjo counts as wielding a shield and club.
Defensive: Once per short rest, when an opponent hits you with a range attack, you can make a loud "twangggg" noise and claim it hit your banjo. Everyone gets very merry and can use 1 hit die to heal.
Utility: You have advantage on social skills as long as you have the banjo visible, but do not play it.

47. Metal pipe.

Offensive: +1 club, with 1d6 extra damage against zombies.
Defensive: The pipe can hold a potion. It starts with a healing potion in it. Drinking that potion is a bonus action, while filling it up takes 1 minute. It also serves as a club.
Utility: The pipe is extremely resonant and will make a deafening sound if struck.

48. Smoking pipe. The pipe can be smoked once per day, for a maximum of 2 hours.

Offensive: While smoking the pipe you get advantage on any social argument as long as you can point the pipe to the opponent to accentuate your point.
Defensive: Sitting down and smoking the pipe counts as eating goodberries, at the rate of 1 goodberry per 10 minutes.
Utility: The pipe smoke conceals your campsite from unwanted attention when smoked.

49. Bow string.

Offensive: It eggs you on, +2 to initiative and once per day shoot one arrow before combat starts.
Defensive: Once per day: point to an archer and snip this string in two. The archers bow string will also be snipped.
Utility: Anything (reasonably large) stringed with this bow string counts as a bow. If you loose this string, you can pluck out one of your hairs, the hair and the string switch places.

50. Necklace.

Choose 3 necklaces from the DMG?'

Offensive: unfinished Necklace of fireballs. Once per day: add a pendant to this necklace, it will interprete it as a spell.
I love this! My only thing is that for offensive I did mean damage, but all your effects are dope and mostly meet that so it's good. Also, I'm actually only throwing out 12-15 sets since I have 4-5 players and each gets 3 items, but yeah, it's still a lot to not use, and I'll probably use at least a few as fodder in magic shops later on, or for NPC's.

2020-10-19, 07:07 PM
Sounds pretty awesome actually. I was thinking more of a weapon application but I can't argue that this is cool enough to fit. An interesting curse would be it HAS to be used once in every combat.

Glad you like it. I'd not go with that 'every combat' curse as that would imply either attunement or the rug has something bad with it due to being in these storage space not being used for so long.
I'd say just have it as it as its use effect effectively IS the danger. It doesn't discriminate ally from foe, and even the person using it cannot afford to place their weight on it or allow it to drape over themselves in any way as it'll attempt to smother them.
As a real life example, try to fold a full size blanket on your own without a flat of it pressing against you or draping it over any part of you. Or attempt to throw it to be unfurled on someone else without triggering such a condition. It's dang hard to do.

In a practical sense this thing is dangerous enough on its own to not need an additional risk of a curse.

2020-10-19, 08:00 PM
8. Crowbar

Offensive: Treat as a magical military pick. Once per turn on a melee hit, move a large creature or smaller 5 feet to a square adjacent to you.
Defensive: Gain advantage on any saving throw vs forced movement along a solid surface if you use your reaction to dig one end into the ground or floor.
Utility: Gain advantage on Strength checks made to force open a door, chest, or similar object.

2020-10-19, 08:41 PM
Glad you like it. I'd not go with that 'every combat' curse as that would imply either attunement or the rug has something bad with it due to being in these storage space not being used for so long.
I'd say just have it as it as its use effect effectively IS the danger. It doesn't discriminate ally from foe, and even the person using it cannot afford to place their weight on it or allow it to drape over themselves in any way as it'll attempt to smother them.
As a real life example, try to fold a full size blanket on your own without a flat of it pressing against you or draping it over any part of you. Or attempt to throw it to be unfurled on someone else without triggering such a condition. It's dang hard to do.

In a practical sense this thing is dangerous enough on its own to not need an additional risk of a curse.
See, I actually need all of these to have the Atunement property. I'm just not these attunements against the maximum number you can have. Hence why I was going for a more directed assault. I think if I edit this slightly it could work perfectly.

8. Crowbar

Offensive: Treat as a magical military pick. Once per turn on a melee hit, move a large creature or smaller 5 feet to a square adjacent to you.
Defensive: Gain advantage on any saving throw vs forced movement along a solid surface if you use your reaction to dig one end into the ground or floor.
Utility: Gain advantage on Strength checks made to force open a door, chest, or similar object.
the utility effect is what crowbars already do, so thats kind of redundant, and the defensive feature is something a non-magical crowbar could do, at least, I would allow it, especially because it's so situational and not something I would see being 100% useful to be forced to keep on you, or to even be important enough to use regularly. the Offensive feature is alright, but it needs a little spice.

Offensive: +1 crowbar(War Pick) on a successful melee attack roll the target makes a strength saving throw, on a success the crowbar magically pries loose one piece of equipment of your choice from the target, and knocks them back five feet.

Defensive: +1 to AC while wielding this crowbar. If you use your action to dig one end into the ground or floor, then you and the crowbar act as if an immovable rod until you relinquish your grip.

Utility: This magical crowbar can pry apart non-magical objects or pieces of non-magical objects seamlessly even if there isn't a place where one could leverage force to pull anything off. this can be used to lever chunks of stone from the ground or gain much easier access through walls with a simple strength check.

2020-10-19, 09:13 PM
See, I actually need all of these to have the Atunement property. I'm just not these attunements against the maximum number you can have. Hence why I was going for a more directed assault. I think if I edit this slightly it could work perfectly.
Right, yes, the limit of 3. make sense.
Suggest adding a reference to the attunement limit into the opening post to make requirement more explicit.

2020-10-19, 10:50 PM
39: Frying Pan
Peregrin's Famous Frying Pan

Offensive: Functions as a +1 mace. This bonus increases to +2 if the wielder is a halfling. This frying pan is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the frying pan, keeping it within reach at all times. You also have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons other than this one.

Defensive: Held in the off-hand, it confers the same bonus as a shield; +2 to AC. It also allows the wielder to use a reaction to negate a magic missile spell that targets the wielder.

Utility: Confers expertise to Cook's Utensils checks made using Pergrin's Famous Frying Pan.


2020-10-20, 04:24 AM
51: Garden Shears

Offensive and defensive: the two knives detach at will to allow you to fight two handed with two daggers. Gathering them back up is a bonus action.

Magical items that can be destroyed are: lvl.1 common, lvl 4 uncommon, lvl 7 rare, lvl 13 very rare, lvl 20 legendary.

Offensive: On a critical hit, gather the shears and snip to destroy a piece of enemy equipment.
Defensive: Once per day, when you are hit with a weapon, gather the shears to destroy that weapon.
Utility: Once per day you can cut anything as easily as you can cut trees for 10 minutes. If stone or harder things are cut, they will need 2 hours of sharpening before being used again.

52. Ice Pick

Simple weapon, d6 damage, can be thrown.

Offensive: +1d4 ice damage. Freeze opponent in place on critical hit. DC 8 + prof + wielders Str mod to break free, takes an action.
Defensive: Freeze any opponent hit with this weapon. That opponent has disadvantage in attack rolls against you while you wield this weapon.
Utility: Can shape anything, like carving in ice. Automatic success at saves to avoid falling, as long as you drop what you are holding to grab the icepick and plunge it in the wall.

53. Eagle feather

You feel light when t this feather is in your cap.

Offensive: You are quick! Unlimited opportunity attacks every turn. They take no action.
Defensive: +2 to AC as long as you are not disadvantaged.
Utility: Can be used as a quill. Allows an insight/investigation check with bonus = your proficiency + 5, whenever you write down lies or faulty maps.

54 Coffee Cup.

Any liquid poured into this cup becomes hot coffee. Pouring takes one action. If you do not want to spill the coffee, it never spills.

If you decide to throw it at someone, once per day it becomes scalding hot (melee weapon, finesse, d4 dmg). If combat starts from a social interaction, this is a free attack before rolling initiative.

Offensive: Thrown coffee does d6 damage, and hits all creatures within 10 ft of target.
Defensive: Target of thrown coffee is blinded until it spends an action to wipe the coffee off.
Utility: Coffee keeps you awake! You can spend 2h of your normal sleeping time being on watch, with no ill effects.

I love this! My only thing is that for offensive I did mean damage, but all your effects are dope and mostly meet that so it's good. Also, I'm actually only throwing out 12-15 sets since I have 4-5 players and each gets 3 items, but yeah, it's still a lot to not use, and I'll probably use at least a few as fodder in magic shops later on, or for NPC's.

Awww, thanks! :D

2020-10-20, 07:30 AM
Right, yes, the limit of 3. make sense.
Suggest adding a reference to the attunement limit into the opening post to make requirement more explicit.
I'll do that.

39: Frying Pan
Peregrin's Famous Frying Pan

Offensive: Functions as a +1 mace. This bonus increases to +2 if the wielder is a halfling. This frying pan is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the frying pan, keeping it within reach at all times. You also have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons other than this one.

Defensive: Held in the off-hand, it confers the same bonus as a shield; +2 to AC. It also allows the wielder to use a reaction to negate a magic missile spell that targets the wielder.

Utility: Confers expertise to Cook's Utensils checks made using Pergrin's Famous Frying Pan.

Nice, I feel like I need to add something to utility but overall this is awesome! Also the curse for offensive is actually the curse all offensive items have, so maybe keep that in mind when creating these? I dunno if it's important but it might help.

51: Garden Shears

Offensive and defensive: the two knives detach at will to allow you to fight two handed with two daggers. Gathering them back up is a bonus action.

Magical items that can be destroyed are: lvl.1 common, lvl 4 uncommon, lvl 7 rare, lvl 13 very rare, lvl 20 legendary.

Offensive: On a critical hit, gather the shears and snip to destroy a piece of enemy equipment.
Defensive: Once per day, when you are hit with a weapon, gather the shears to destroy that weapon.
Utility: Once per day you can cut anything as easily as you can cut trees for 10 minutes. If stone or harder things are cut, they will need 2 hours of sharpening before being used again.

52. Ice Pick

Simple weapon, d6 damage, can be thrown.

Offensive: +1d4 ice damage. Freeze opponent in place on critical hit. DC 8 + prof + wielders Str mod to break free, takes an action.
Defensive: Freeze any opponent hit with this weapon. That opponent has disadvantage in attack rolls against you while you wield this weapon.
Utility: Can shape anything, like carving in ice. Automatic success at saves to avoid falling, as long as you drop what you are holding to grab the icepick and plunge it in the wall.

53. Eagle feather

You feel light when t this feather is in your cap.

Offensive: You are quick! Unlimited opportunity attacks every turn. They take no action.
Defensive: +2 to AC as long as you are not disadvantaged.
Utility: Can be used as a quill. Allows an insight/investigation check with bonus = your proficiency + 5, whenever you write down lies or faulty maps.

Awww, thanks! :D

Since there's already a feather quill pen, maybe change feathers utility to the feather fall spell and +2 on stealth checks because you have light feet?

2020-10-20, 07:42 AM
I'll do that.Since there's already a feather quill pen, maybe change feathers utility to the feather fall spell and +2 on stealth checks because you have light feet?

Sounds good! :)

2020-10-20, 08:06 AM
87: Smooth Rock

Offensive: Skipping Rock

The Rock can be used as both a melee weapon and a thrown weapon (30/60), doing 1d4+Str damage on a hit. It serves as a +1 weapon, and can also be used in a sling.

In addition, when used as a thrown weapon it always returns to your hand, and when used from a sling it returns to the sling. And when you crit with the rock, it "skips" to another target of your choice within 30 ft. Roll a new attack roll for the next target, there is no limit to how often the Skipping Rock can "skip," and you must ALWAYS choose a new target if one is in range if the rock skips.

Basically it's a very versatile weapon, so whoever gets it can use it whether they're strength or dex based since it works in a sling, and can cause some fun bouncing around moments, especially if the player can get advantage and crit fish a bit.

Defensive: Pet Rock

You feel an unbreakable bond to this rock. Due to the support of your loyal Pet Rock, you have advantage on all saving throws against being Frightened. You can communicate telepathically to your rock while attuned. It doesn't respond, but you KNOW it hears you.

Utility: Weather Rock

This rock allows you to predict the weather within the next 24 hours, as in the Druidcraft cantrip as an action. If it will rain, the rock becomes wet. If it will be sunny, the rock becomes warm. Cloudy, the rock will stop casting a shadow. Windy, the rock rock will fall out of your hand and slide 5 feet away, etc.

In addition, being attuned to the rock makes you immune to the negative effects of extreme temperatures per the usual minor property (I don't have the source book near me, but I think it's from -100 F to 200 F if I remember right.)