View Full Version : DM Help Interesting things in a magical forest

2020-10-20, 01:54 AM
Like, I guess, many other campaigns, mine too was "killed" by Covid. Thus, I started a new online campaign with a different team, who is currently residing in a magical (elven forest). Now, it's mostly common old forest, but has magical elements to it. Party has at this point talked to Treefolk and I've inserted these guys (https://images.8tracks.com/cover/i/010/160/166/tumblr_nkcu3b08T11u3uzjzo3_1280-3822.jpg?rect=224,0,576,576&q=98&fm=jpg&fit=max) into the journey.

We're continuing next saturday and while I have grand picture sorted out, I'd love some more ideas - things I can place upon their path that would make them go "ooh, this IS a magical forest". I'd like to emphasise one thing: the smaller, the better. The more reserved, the better.

Massive magical oak = meh. Forest spirits size of rabbits passing stones along the forest glade due to [reasons] = amazing.

Got anything to help a DM out? :)

Thank you, playground

2020-10-20, 04:14 AM
Large stone runes, deeply carved, that give off a faint glow in the moonlight, rumored to be left by giants from ages past. A gentle breeze that keeps to the players back. The runes cut in the stones give off a pleasant tune as you pass through the more weathered trails, a soft hum via the gentle winds, a song. Unnaturally friendly woodland creatures that seem curious with the players, approach with little fear. Common offerings found at fairy circles, perhaps simple things, a bracelet made of flowers, some incense, a bit of food, or perhaps other smaller carved stones or bones at the bases of the stone pillars/faerie circles. A mist that comes every night and ends at every morning, the villagers warn of the mists, saying only death awaits for those that stay past dusk without enough lamp oil or torches to last the night(shadows?). Fire flies that lead those that don’t wish to die to the forests edge, before whatever comes out at night to hunt the players down. Chwingas give a very princess mononoke spiritual feel imo, so perhaps dire animals are also a good fit, that could act kind of as the forest guardians, becoming man killers at night, the villagers say some of them are ancient, and deserve respect, and to give them a wide berth. Perhaps a curse to those who hunt more than they need. A rot that takes back equal weight flesh.

Maybe there is a complex underground network of tunnels the people have used as burial grounds for their loved ones, urns filled with ashes, or well preserved bodies, perhaps the carved runes play a song (As wind passes through them) that keeps the evil spirits at bay. Maybe drinking from the mouth of the river bestows one with super natural endurance during the day that allows them to go without rest for 72 hours, and a death like sleep when drunk at night that lasts just as long. Maybe a damaged treant guards a past druids grove near the rivers mouth, weary after a rot has taken hold of them(Could offer their last sapling as a quest hook before they pass on for a groot sidekick, perhaps the final task is to put it out of its misery). Perhaps a Ln invisible fairie/pixie acts as an intermediary for the village folk and the feywild, stalking and taking note of those that give offerings. Maybe one (Or more) of the villagers have made an deal with a hag, and the players witness a woman with a crying baby walking into the mists, and more shockingly walk out alone, alive.

Perhaps the players discover an underground grotto, where a blooming cherry tree sits on an island. A circle of stones with veins of fools gold placed evenly around its borders plateaus out of the water. Creek water trickles down the sides, drowning out the other sounds of the forest. The chwingas gather in this place of beauty for peace. During mid day, when the light permeates the grotto most, a rose pink light bounces and glows off the sands and stone walls around the tree, an iron+quartz sand deposit. At the base of the lone cherry tree is a dozen chwinga dolls with bodies made of wicker, and masks of uniquely carved wood. Those brave enough to stay during moonlight hours, notice the weathered walls runes, which would be impossibly to make out without the faint glow, they spell out a ritual that opens the waters up as a gateway into the feywild during morning, or the shadow fell at dusk.

Maybe the villagers are the ones that give off a more magical esoteric feel. A give back and you shall receive attitude, a common ritual to honor ancestors, a small prayer, pressing a wet thumb to their foreheads etcetera. Simple toys left out for Chwingas, said to be the trapped spirits of children given up to the unseelie, their bodies and souls gone, but their spirit remains. A devout mother and/or father that visits deep in the forest every day to visit the last place they saw their child. To remind the players, not all that is magical, in these woods, is exactly kind. A hunter that works extra hard, risking their life every day to provide enough food for the forest, while another hunter doesn’t even have to try to provide, perhaps with super natural assistance.
A human hermit said to have not aged a day in 20 years. The ‘barren’ women in town rumored to make deals with things in the forest to cure their infertility.

Hope some of it helps, and your game goes well.

2020-10-20, 05:02 AM
Splendid stuff. Really appreciated.