View Full Version : Ritual of Alignment ( SS ) and Exalted Feats

2020-10-22, 08:17 AM
Two questions in one: RAW and RAI.

A character who gets the Good subtype with the Ritual of Alignment ( Savage Species ) and from that moment on never commits an evil act, could get and keep an Exalted feat?


Besides that, could a Good outsider be persuaded to grant an Exalted feat to a neutral character who swear to never use it for evil and offer something appropriate ( like undergoing a quest for an holy artifact )?

2020-10-22, 08:48 AM
Yes to the first. Subtypes count when it comes to qualifying for stuff.

For the second, is this a neutral-aligned character who's acquired the [good] subtype? If so, he qualifies for exalted feats as long as he keeps up the goody goody behavior. If not, it's purely in "ask your gm" territory.

2020-10-22, 10:42 AM
Basically he's a Lawful Neutral character who isn't really committed to the cause of Good ( more focused on self-perfection ) altough he still prefer Good over Evil. He never commits evil actions but does only mild-good level things ( like killing evil monster both for profit and to save and defend innocents, or doing resque missions but asking for a fair payiment if the client is rich enough ).