View Full Version : IC: Time to Visit other worlds 2 (Alternity Dark Matter)

2020-10-24, 09:30 AM
You have spent some more time in the compound... and on other worlds. Most are indeed quite boring. Except for one encounter with a large bear-like creature things have been rather routine. Until you found that tangent where there wasn't sand but rubies on the ground. That one was quite weird, but you did load up some. Hoffmann Institute forbade their use at home, but they have been cutting them and using them to give to groups going to other tangents. Money is often different, but in all but the weirdest tangents gems are valuable.

Now it is time for you go to yet another tangent. But first you have the briefing on what the MALP found. The fact that there is a briefing mostly means that you go, as you wouldn't hear about those worlds were the MALP comes back with bad data (or gets destroyed). But you always have the option of not going.

As soon as you are all there, Sarah, who does most of the briefings with you and has become your handler, starts.
"Good morning all," she said as the first picture showed on the screen in the briefing room. The MALP takes pictures all around, like the Google Streetview cameras.
"As you can see, it's a rather wild area. However, we have detected a lot of signal traffic. A lot more than we have on our planet. The disadvantage is that the coding on the GPS signals is different, so we can't just use their GPS to know where we are. As the MALP arrived at night, we were able to take some pictures of the night sky and provided that the stars are in about the same position as they are over here, it should be somewhere on the west coast, most likely California."

2020-10-24, 01:37 PM
"Interesting," Cynthia says, nodding. "Might be a sign that they've advanced beyond us, or just took a different path of growth. Hopefully not in the vein of getting ravaged by viruses, though," she adds, dryly.

"Sounds like this'll be a more... interesting one. I'm certainly in to poke around."

2020-10-25, 10:54 AM
Aleksandr is thoughtful, but intrigued. "I would like a chance to confirm the stars as well. What about wildlife? It look like we would be roughing it in this tangent. Bring your marshmallows and survival gear. What else have you discovered?"

2020-10-26, 06:15 AM
Leo looks at the pictures and mutters to himself a bit. He listens as Aleksandr asks his question, then adds his own "The MALP could have just landed in a remote area, we have those here too. The signal traffic would indicate more technology, but I wonder if they haven't moved underground or something to preserve the biosphere. New tangents are always interesting, lets see what this one holds." Though Leo doesn't state his question in the usual frame, he is clearly inviting discussion, not trying to shut it down.

2020-10-27, 03:58 AM
"Sure," Sarah said to Alexandr while she typed a bit, "I've given you permission on Osiris for those pics. You can check them if you want."

"Soil composition is very similar to our earth," she continued, "as is air. In fact it's cleaner, with less carbon dioxide as we have here. We haven't been able to take water samples. As you can see on this picture..."
A new picture shows on the screen.
"... we do have a seaview. On one of the pictures we've seen a rabbit."
The picture is show on the screen and indeed, it's a common rabbit like you have seen before.

We've also put some analysts on the signals we have captured, but so far they haven't been able to break the encoding. It's quite complex."

2020-10-27, 02:10 PM
"Interesting," Cynthia says, thinking. "I'm almost worried that if there're all those heavy-encrypted signals around, and no obvious human presence, that we're going to end up in the middle of a military zone."

"Granted," she adds, wryly, "I suppose I'm probably expecting the worst after the last encounter we had with people."

2020-10-29, 08:50 AM
"It's very strange, indeed. Animals, but no sign of humans. What about marine life? It may be crazy but what if another species became sentient in this tangent? I'm learning to expect things out of science fiction novels." Aleks chuckles at the thought, but he is dead serious.

Given the chance, he examines the stars himself to verify what has been told to him.

Physical Science-Astronomy 15/7/3 [roll0]

2020-10-29, 11:26 AM
Leo offers up his meager expertise in computer skills as well to try to get the encryption protocols unlocked. "I am not an expert, but I know my way around a computer, if you don't mind letting me take a look. I might see something obvious that the other missed. It is a surprising phenomenon that priming a target to expect certain things limits the kinds of attempts they make to overcome the obstacle." He rambles on for a minute about the psychology of attempting tasks that one views as difficult. He finally winds down and looks abashedly around before shrugging and offering his assistance again.

Hacking: [roll0] 15/7/3

2020-11-01, 05:57 AM
"The MALP can just be in a remote area," Sarah says, "unfortunately we don't have the ability to place it where we want. And these days there are a lot of signals in our cities too, just from all the Wifi. The only thing I can say is be careful."

If there are no more questions, you can go and get the equipment you think you need.

Alexandr checks the star patterns and comes to the same conclusion: California. Leo checks in with the hacking team and while they get some information on the signals, they are so far beyond their ability to break. The theory is that the algorithms behind these encodings have to be super complex, beyond anything they can do today (at least, as far as they know). One thing is clear, there is a lot of data going back and forth, a lot more then would be normal for military, except in an all out war and then there would have to be other signals they didn't catch.

Anything you would like to do before you leave?

2020-11-01, 01:03 PM
Cynthia simply gets the same equipment from last time. If some of it comes up... it'll probably be because they're in over their heads already, but, might as well have it.

"Guess we should prepare for a place where we're the ones that're second-fiddle for much of it," she comments.

2020-11-02, 07:18 AM
Leo looks over the signals and sees the amount of traffic and how complicated the encryption is and decides to leave it to the professionals. He shares with the others his conclusions about this matching our tangents wartime signals, so to prepare for the worst. He then goes and checks his medical equipment, ensuring he has plenty of supplies for triage and field treatment, as it may come in particular use. He also brings along a hunting rifle for protection and potential survival hunting, if necessary.

2020-11-03, 02:09 PM
Aleks thinks on it a moment. He definently requisitions survival gear. He doesn't want to overload himself much, but he has a crazy hunch. He brings along a pair of watertight goggles just in case. "Let us us have a look. We can only be so ready. I hope we have a chance to report back safely and on time. I cannot think of anything else I may need for certain."

2020-11-05, 01:18 PM
With all equipment packed, you head back down into the mine where the machines are. Now you know better what to expect and after a decontamination shower (a new measure to avoid you taking bugs with you, just as you will have to take one when coming back to avoid bringing bugs in) you stand back in your machine. The flashes are familiar by now and soon the machine light turns green. You stand in a clearing in the forest. A bit to the side you see what looks like a few picknick benches and fire pits for BBQ. Looking at the other side you see a slope going down and there you can see what you think is the sea between the trees. Or a large lake. Some seagulls are flying overhead and the weather is quite nice (it's mid-morning you think). The signal from the MALP comes from about a click further into the forest.

There are also five paths moving into (or out, depending on how you look at it) the clearing.

2020-11-05, 01:32 PM
Leo tries to relax through the ride, though it is still pretty intense for him. Once he sees the light turn green, he quickly immerges and looks around, taking in the scenery. He sees the BBQ pit and picnic tables and says out loud It looks like there is life here, we need to make sure the machines are hidden and we scatter quickly. We don't want to alert anyone to our presence or to help them jump to wrong conclusions about us." Leo suits actions to words and does what he can while keeping his rifle strapped over his shoulder. He figures worse case he can try to appear to be a hunter or ranger out here. After they have safed the area as much as they can, Leo asks if anyone has a preference on which way to try.

2020-11-05, 02:09 PM
"Agreed," Cynthia says. "Though, looks promising so far. Makes me miss going camping, admittedly."

As they prepare, and Leo asks, she thinks. "I figure heading towards the ocean might give us a better view of what's not covered by forest."

2020-11-08, 09:20 PM
"Perhaps so." Aleks agrees. "Though we should be careful. it could make us easy to spot as well. The others signs of human activity are encouraging."

2020-11-09, 09:12 AM
Leo indicated his agreement with the plan and continues making preparations.

2020-11-09, 10:44 AM
As soon as you are out of the machines, they fade away, like they always do, waiting for you in subspace, as the engineers back home call it.

Walking towards the ocean means going downhill. You take one of the paths going that way and soon you arrive at what is a look-out spot on a cliff at what looks like an old bunker. You have a nice view over the ocean in front and to your right. To your left you notice something you are all familiar with... the Golden Gate Bridge. The city of San Fransisco is not visible due to some slight fog.

CateranEnforcer: please roll Navigation
everybody: please roll perception

2020-11-09, 12:26 PM
"The more some things change," she comments, "the more things stay the same, eh?" The ocean's nice, she really hasn't visited it enough since she was a child. The things you take for granted.

"Couldn't hurt to take some time off, go sightseeing, right?" she teases as she looks around, trying to take in what might be different. The surroundings are very distracting, though.

2020-11-09, 01:53 PM
Leo gives an appreciative whistle as he looks out over the ocean and sees the Golden Gate Bridge to his right. "It might not hurt anything, but it won't do us any favors until we figure out more about this place. Don't want to be surprised by something all the locals know about. Maybe we can head to San Fran and pretend to be out of town or just homeless?" Leo keeps a sharp eye out on the surroundings, trying not to be surprised by anything.

[roll0] vs 11/5/2

2020-11-09, 10:45 PM
"Sightseeing may go a long way towards informing us of the differences in this place." Aleksandr agrees. "I would like to catch a glimpse of the natives before they see us, to make sure we don't stand out. This is very strange. Eerie even. Where is everyone?"

Navigation 15/7/3 [roll0]

Perception 12/6/3 [roll1] - [roll2]

2020-11-10, 08:37 AM
Alexandr thinks it's early morning and that the fog would lift soon. And indeed, a hour or so later the fog is indeed all gone and you can see San Fransisco in the distance. While Cynthia is looking around for a way out of this park, the two others are looking towards San Fransisco. Looking through binoculars, they both can easily see that some buildings are not what they were in their own tangent. There are a number of much higher buildings, especially in an Earthquake zone. And they look like no building they have ever seen. Alexandr also thinks that they are build using a material with very high tensile strength and very low weight, like they used to build the ISS modules, but then on a much larger scale.

Zooming in on the bridge, you see cars pass by. Nothing special you would say, but while they look like the cars you are used to, it take a while to notice that most actually have no windows, or at least don't seem to have any.

Alexandr notices a sign hidden in the foliage a bit further. Moving there it's at a crossroads of footpaths. The signs going to where you are going reads 'Battery Kirby' and 'Kirby Cove Camping Ground' while other signs point to 'Battery Wagner', 'Golden Gate Viewpoint' and 'North Tower Golden Gate Parking'.

2020-11-11, 10:40 AM
Leo can hardly believe what he is seeing. He grabs Cynthia, who seems more focused on their immediate surroundings than on the city, and puts the binoculars in her hand and points her in the right direction. "Those aren't like any buildings I've ever seen before. They look so much taller than the San Fran I know." He pauses for a beat then points her at the bride. "And those cars don't seem to have any windows. What is that about? How do they see to drive? Maybe it is all automated? This place seems much more advanced than our tangent, we'll have to be careful not to stick out with our ignorance of their ways."

When they reach the signs he isn't sure which way is best, but points to the parking lot as a place to avoid until they know more about the locals. He suggests the golden gate bridge overlook.

2020-11-11, 02:29 PM
"Ah, that's a damn impressive sight..." she says, doing a bit of a double take as her eyes gloss over the more familiar parts. "Wasn't really expecting something like that. Guess it's easier to think 'hey, they might be more advanced than us' than really conceptualize what that means. Well... I'll try and just be a pretty face, then," she says, laughing.

2020-11-13, 10:11 AM
"Building construction is perhaps very advanced. Technology here seems to be further along. Perhaps even more advanced AI and machine learning. I wonder what is meant by this sign. Batteries?"

Aleksandr agrees with the notion of heading towards the parking lot.

2020-11-14, 06:44 AM
You walk for about half an hour in the forest, going up and down, but mostly up. When you arrive at the parking lot, you also see a road and a small building that probably holds public restrooms. There are two cars there and now you can look at them closer, you notice that they are more modern than the cars you are used to. One looks a bit like those concept cars you sometimes see on car shows. One person is still there, in a runner's outfit. He nods at you, but doesn't say anything while he continues his stretching.

2020-11-14, 11:20 PM
Well, on the plus side, it seems like they really aren't that out of place here. At least not recognisably so. She gives the runner a small smile as she looks around to see what sort of exits there might be around here. If it's just cars, that might be a problem. If there's a footpath? Well, it's a nice day for a walk, she supposes. Any public transit is likely to be a no-go, unfortunately.

The cars are nice, though. She's a little jealous.

2020-11-16, 11:37 AM
Well this was much more mundane than Aleks was planning on. It was actually interesting. "Well, I think we will blend here much better than we have before. We should stay cautious. Do you think we should try and strike up a conversation about something mundane to see if anything comes up? I would rather make a fool of myself around a small number of people."

2020-11-18, 11:52 AM
Leo lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding as nothing seems to be too out of the ordinary. It doesn't look like they will stick out too bad, except they have no mode of transportation. He doesn't want to call attention to their lack of knowledge or basic supplies, so he doesn't say anything to the jogger, just nods back and goes to looking for another path to take. They will have to make their way toward the city and see what they can find. He points the others toward anything he finds.

[roll0] 11/5/2

2020-11-18, 12:10 PM
You see the Golden Gate bridge in all its splendor. It looks quite a long way to the city on foot though, although it's probably possible as it's still early in the morning.

2020-11-18, 03:33 PM
"What do you think?" Cynthia asks the others. "Walk to the city. Maybe see about pawning a stone so that we're only walking around without one of ID and money? Because assuming this works the same as ours, both're important. Even if we don't do that, I'm certain it'll be a lot easier to figure stuff out in the city itself. Better for walking, too. Hopefully."

2020-11-19, 09:04 AM
"I wonder if homelessness is still the problem for them that it is in our tangent. We could try to blend in by looking homeless. It obviously won't work for selling the gems, but for walking around, it might keep people from giving us a second thought." Leo suggests by way of trying to generate ideas.

2020-11-23, 10:06 PM
Aleksandr sighs, but resigns himself to the walk ahead. "We can go by foot, if that is what you want. It may be a bit of a journey." Before they leave, he nods at the runner and offhandedly offers some small talk. "Good morning, nice weather today!"

2020-11-25, 11:13 AM
The jogger looks closer at you, then grunts and starts his run. You all have a sense that something is not completely right, that the jogger expected something. Leo thinks he looked at your clothing and backpacks, but you're not sure as his clothes are at first glance not all that different from clothing that joggers wear in your own tangent.

2020-11-30, 03:39 PM
"I guess people around here don't do much in the way of hiking or whatever in the park..." Cynthia says, dryly. It all concerns her, though. That they're obviously standing out, and she has no idea why. "Wonder if this is a private park," she muses, "or if there are very specific restrictions on things. A sample size of one isn't very good, though..."

2020-12-01, 09:12 AM
"That is troubling. We should observe more carefully when we arrive. Something subtle is different here. More so than the technology." Aleks sighs and readies himself for a hike. "Do we want to gather more samples, or be on our way? When we reach the city, I expect we may be met with more than a stare if we disregard norms."

2020-12-07, 11:10 AM
"If this tangent is at all like ours, there should be people out and about just outside the city that we would run into as well. We can then get a bigger sample size, without being too close to the city to back out. We'll just have to keep our eyes out for other lookout points and whatnot." Leo then notices the gun strapped across his shoulder and waits until they are alone to ask the others "Do you think I should drop it here somewhere, or keep it just in case? I don't want to come off threatening, and we can't exactly hide it. It may be normal enough out here to be hunting, but in the city, it might cause more than a little suspicion.

2020-12-07, 03:10 PM
"Yeah..." Cynthia says. "That might be smart. It's why I tend to be... wary about anything that I can't really conceal. Good to be prepared in our line of work, but not everywhere is accepting of too large of things. Even all places back home."

2020-12-09, 10:39 AM
Leo breaks up his rifle and puts it in his backpack. Then you set off to the city. Walking over the Golden Gate bridge is something neither of you have done before, and doing it here with all the strange cars driving past is something strange. But after a bit of a walk, you arrive at the other side. In the meantime the mist is gone and you can see the city. While it looks familiar, at the same time it doesn't. The buildings are quite a bit taller than you are used to and look slightly different than buildings in your own tangent, although you can't immediately put the difference in words.

When you arrive at the other side of the bridge, you see that the neighbourhood there is a bit dilapidated. The houses are still there and are still functional, but you can clearly see signs of neglect.

can I have an awareness(perception) roll from everybody.

2020-12-09, 10:49 AM
Seeing the dilapidated neighborhood, Leo can't help his knee-jerk reaction to want his gun back. He immediately dismisses it, as he knows that open carry of a large rifle only invites more trouble, especially if there is trouble to be found in this neighborhood. He does keep an open eye and try to be more wary while they are moving through, as one can never be too cautious.

[roll0] against 11/5/2

2020-12-09, 05:41 PM
The feeling of off-ness is discomfiting, more than anything else. She understands the worry of going into a quiet neighbourhood - though, at least she isn't alone - but it's that unknown possibilities that is in some way worse. There are things that she doesn't understand at play here. And that lack of knowledge could be hiding anything.

2020-12-12, 10:12 AM
You walk through the neighbourhood, with other people basically ignoring you and going on about their business. While you are walking Leo and Alex notices that most people seem to be wearing some sort of communications device. It's often hooked to glasses and/or earbuds. Alex also sees people wave their hands in the air, as if they are doing something on an invisible touch screen or something like that.

Cynthia is looking at a building as the two men walk around a corner and see a police car standing halfway down the block. But that's not what draws your attention, it's the person coming out of it. He's humanoid, but definitely not human. He reminds of you the so-called Roswell aliens you have seen in movies. At the moment he's just standing there, looking around.

2020-12-13, 08:19 PM
Now this is really off. That's not human. Aleks suppresses a gasp of surprise. The strange tech forgotten, he looks over at his companions to see if they notice the non-human as well. He tried his best not to gawk as he whispers. "I think we have found what is different. As advanced as out technology is, I think we may be seeing a world that has advanced further than our own, perhaps with help..."

2020-12-14, 05:18 AM
"Ah," Cynthia says, as her attention is drawn to the other. At least her various experiences have helped with discreet looking. "That... is a development. I knew we were getting into some weird things, but I must say... I wasn't quite expecting things like that. Probably should have, but... well, all expectations are shattered here. Anything could be possible."

It's funny. After the ruby realm, it should have been clear that anything could happen. But, somehow, in the back of her mind, she really figured that the people encountered would remain... human.

2020-12-14, 11:47 AM
Leo isn't sure what to make of what he sees at first. He stops and quickly draws Cynthia's attention to the the alien looking humanoid before mentioning "We probably need to to get us some of those interfaces as well. I am sure we will stand out soon. It probably has ID and everything quickly available to allow fast interaction between people. A municipal presence is not great right now. We need to turn back and try to figure out where we might get an interface and more about what is going on before we continue." He starts off in a low voice that trails off to mumbling to himself by the end as he takes a quick survey of his surroundings to pick somewhere inconspicuous to duck into. He doesn't want a store or other public interface yet, just somewhere out of the way that won't have them too obviously back-tracking.

2020-12-15, 10:18 AM
Aleks nods in agreement. "Perhaps so. You think the jogger reported us? Is that....officer looking for us?" The scientist glances around for a place to hide.

2020-12-16, 12:13 PM
You see the cop's human partner coming out of the Starbucks the patrol car is parked in front of, carrying two cups. You can easily cross the intersection and go along the street you were on and be outside their vision quickly. The cops don't seem to be overly concerned with you, they're just enjoying a cup of coffee and looking around a bit.

2020-12-16, 01:09 PM
Leo crosses the intersection and heads down the street at a brisk, but hopefully not too suspicious pace, then slows down and starts paying attention to any stores near them. He is seeing if there is anything that might clue him in on one of the interface devices everyone seems to have. It would be really convenient if it was like a cell phone that anyone could buy in our tangent, but if it is some super difficult specialized thing, that is going to present its own problems. As the others catch up to him he says "We have to assume that we have no money and these interfaces everyone is wearing are obtainable somehow, so keep an eye out for where we might buy one. We also need to find a pawn shop and sell some rubies for quick cash we can hopefully get an interface with. I don't imagine any reputable jeweler or bank would deal too much with us in our current state."

2020-12-16, 02:33 PM
"This is definitely a bit of a kerfuffle," Cynthia says, before adding dryly, "I'm beginning to miss the post-apocalypse. At least it was easy enough to explain what we were doing there. There are... a lot more inconveniences here. That are much harder to explain away by anything."

This feels like it's supposed to be her domain, figuring out how to smooth transitions between cultures... but there's just so much just the little bit different on the surface, and with no guide. At least Earth cultures had being able to immerse yourself in that info before going...

2020-12-19, 03:51 AM
You walk around at the edge of 'good' and 'bad' neighbourhoods, where you mostly think these kind of pawn shops exist. It takes a while, but in the end you find one that even promises cash payment.

2020-12-22, 10:19 PM
Aleks shrugs, "Worth a try. I do hope we have a good excuse for having our own interfaces being broken or missing. Though, around here, no questions might be asked." He enters the store and tries to take stock of the place and perhaps learn the proper terminology he should be using in order to purchase such a device.

2020-12-29, 06:18 AM
As you step into the shop you realise that no matter what changes, some things are clearly more constant than the speed of light. This shop doesn't look any different from a pawn shop in your home tangent. You see a lot of stuff (or better, some stuff and a lot of junk) on shelves all over the place. Behind a counter stands a large man, even bigger and certainly wider than Leo. He's wearing nice clothes, although they could do with a wash.

"How can I help you," he asks.

2021-01-03, 11:09 PM
"I will just browse a moment, sir. Thank you." Aleks calmly replies. He has a look around the shop not only for the device in question, but for anything else he can find that strikes him has out of the ordinary.

2021-01-04, 01:08 PM
While Leo is looking around in all the junk, Alexandr's eye is immediately drawn to a small sign at the back. Right next to some pistols which look a bit more modern as the ones you have, there is a sign saying Second Hand Commlinks, all brands. The devices there look rather cheap, so you guess it's not really all brands, but you see brand names like Sony-Ericson and Nokia.