View Full Version : Best gender-specific (sex-specific) prestige class?

2020-10-24, 03:21 PM
I was wondering: of all of the gender-specific prestige classes, which one is the best?

To my knowledge, this is the list of 3.5 prestige classes that specify a gender:

Male-only prestige classes:
1. Eunuch Warlock
2. Thrall of Kostchchie (from Dragon # 345)

Female-only prestige classes:
1. Arachne
2. Yathrinshee
3. Maiden of Pain
4. Scourge Maiden
5. Durthan
6. Hathran
7. Swanmay
8. Sword Dancer
9. Battle Maiden
10. Beloved of Valarian
11. Berronar Valkyrie

Looking through these classes, it's surprising how many require you to be evil.

The male only classes:

1. Eunuch Warlock. .

Must be evil. Also, must be a eunuch. The irony of one of the few male-only classes requiring you to lose your manhood is quite palpable.

This is a class for arcane spell-casters. However, it does not directly advance spell-casting, which makes this class a hard pass for me.

The class does give "bonus spells" but that's not a good trade-off imho. The class does eventually start to learn to cast higher level spells, but only after four levels of not doing so, so that they will be nearly two spell levels behind a normal caster. (For example, you could enter the class as a 9th level wizard. Only once you become a 9th wizard/5th eunuch warlock will you finally be able to cast 6th level spells, whereas other 14th level casters will be casting 7th level spells. Go up one more level, and you're still casting 6th level spells, while a normal 15th level caster will be casting 8th level spells. In fact, you can't cast 7th level spells until 19th level.) That's not really good enough for me. I mean, maybe you can game the system by waiting until 18th level to take this prestige class, so that you already have 9th level spells, but that's not what I want to do with prestige classes.

The other powers of the class are okay but not impressive: bonuses to saving throws, spells improved as if by feats, free Leadership, and even an extra version of Spell Penetration that stacks with normal Spell Penetration (but this is still a net loss because of the lack of caster levels).

2. Thrall of Kostchtchie.

Must be evil (CE, specifically). Must be male and, unlike eunuch warlock, you can actually keep your manhood. However, the cult of Kostchtchie is particularly misogynistic, seeing no purpose for women other than as a sacrifice, preferring to gain children by stealing them rather than mating with women, so a member of this class is probably going to have just as few romantic/sexual prospects (with women at least) as a eunuch warlock would.

This is a class for barbarians, as rage (or similar abilities) is a prerequisite.

It's hard for me to judge fighter-type prestige classes because mundanes "can't have nice things." So, none of the class abilities are going to be very impressive, but a plain barbarian won't have impressive abilities either.

Anyway, a Thrall gets more rage, more STR and CON, cold resistance, natural armor, a favored enemy, bonuses to intimidate and fear effects, the ability to summon a leucrotta, and large size at 10th class level (minimum 16th character level). All of this sounds pretty good compared to what a normal fighter-type might get, but it's still not too impressive. I think it's still pretty good by fighter/barbarian standards.


The female only classes:

First, let me just get the two evil female drow classes out of the way.

1. Arachne.
Must be evil, specifically CE. Must be a drow... ish. Allowed races include Aranea, Choldrith, Half-Drow, Drow , Deep dragon, Half-fiend Draegloth. I don't think any of these are particularly likely to be PC races other than half-drow. Also, must worship Lolth because of course. You're already an evil female drow; who else are you going to worship?

This is a class for clerics.

This class advances spell-casting at every level, so it's at least an okay choice for a cleric... who happens to be a Lolth-worshipping drow.

Other than that, the class gets lots of spider-themed stuff: a spider familiar, a spider mount, spider powers (web, spider-poison immunity, spider communication, etc), and then just some weird extra "evil and drow and Lolth" stuff, like dominate person (but only on male drow), shape-change into a yoch-lol (or spider or cloud of gas), create a weird undead thing called a zin-carla, and become an outsider at 10th class level (minimum 15th character level).

I think this is a pretty decent class apart from all of the prerequisites.

2. Yathrinshee.
You don't *technically* have to be evil for this class, but you must worship a CE deity, Kiaransalee, so at best, you're looking at an alignment of CN... except that you also have to have the Vile feat Lichloved (which also has the prerequisite of "Evil Brand"), so, yeah, I'm pretty sure you have to be evil. You also have to be a drow.

This is a class for theurge-types, with spellcasting requirements such that you must be (approximately) a 5th level cleric and (approximately) a 3rd level wizard (but maybe you're charisma-based and would rather be a 4th level sorcerer).

This class advances spell-casting for both classes... but not at every level. At 1st level and every 3 levels after that, no spell-casting is advanced. That alone makes this class a hard pass for me. Even if you entered as 5th cleric/3rd wizard, when you're done with this class, you're an 18th level character casting as
11th cleric/9th wizard. So, you only have two extra levels of casting beyond what a non-theurge 10th cleric/8th wizard would have... and a 10th wizard/8th cleric is terrible. A mystic theurge who is 3rd cleric/3rd wizard/10th mystic theurge will cast as a 13th cleric/13th wizard at 16th level. So, the yathrinshee is way behind on spellcasting compared to a mystic theurge, and it is debatable if it is even worth being a mystic theurge.

The Yathrinshee does get to stack rebuke undead with her cleric class... for whatever that's worth.

Also, when casting necromancy spells, the Yathrinshee does have a neat trick of adding her effective spell-casting levels from both classes to calculate caster level. This sounds ripe for abuse, but keep in mind that at 18th level, the character might cast as an 11th cleric/9th wizard, so she would only have a 20th level caster level... which is more than a normal 18th level character... but not by much. To exploit this ability, she might be better off with just a one-level dip in this class (or maybe three levels) to gain this ability before advancing as a mystic theurge.

And then, there's just a bunch of minor abilities: death ward, a gaze power to give people -2 attack if they fail a save for only 1 to 3 rounds, constantly surrounded by an effect like the desecrate spell, an ability similar to "wail of the banshee", and the power that causes anyone she kills to rise instantly as a zombie under her control, which is kind of cool but not really since a mere 2 HD creature isn't that impressive an ally at the level she gains this ability. I mean, I guess there's no stated limit to this effect, so she could walk around with an infinite army of zombies, I suppose, until a single cleric decides to use "turn undead".

Overall, I think this class isn't worth it.

And now the non-drow classes:

3. Maiden of Pain.
You don't have to be a drow for this class, but you do have to be evil (it's not stated as a prerequisite, but being evil is a prerequisite for a feat (Violate Spell) that is a prerequisite for the class). You must worship Loviatr.

This is a class for clerics.

The class advances cleric spell-casting except at first level. That's not ideal, but it is workable. This class also gives you free proficiency with a whip, in case that's a thing that you were looking for.

The rest of the class is about two things: using a whip (with Improved Trip, Improved Disarm, and delivering touch attacks through the whip) and using a "pain touch" power (which can be delivered through the whip, but doesn't have to be). Neither seems overly interesting to me. And the Maiden becomes a drug addict whose addiction can't get worse but can't get better. Probably the best thing the class gives is an extra domain, but it has to be one of Loviatr's domains.

4. Scourge Maiden
You must be evil (specifically LE or NE) or you can be LN. So you don't actually have to be evil. You must worship Loviatr (yes, another class for Loviatr's (mostly evil) female worshippers).

This is a class for clerics. One of the feats has a prerequisite of "5th level cleric".

This class advances spell-casting only every other level (odd numbered levels). That alone is enough for me to lose interest in this class, but at least a one-level dip won't hurt your spell-casting.

This class is about two things: provoking emotions (fear and despair) and using a scourge in combat to cause pain in the form of stunning, nausea, or dropping prone and dazed.

5. Durthan
Must be non-good (but at least you don't *have* to be evil). Must be able to select regional feats from Rashemen (so, this class is setting-specific).

This is a class for theurges.

This class advances spell-casting but only for *one* of your spell-casting classes (your choice). That alone makes this class not worth taking in my opinion. Why be a multi-classed cleric/wizard if only one of those classes gets advanced?

The class also allows the arcane class to cast a few select druid spells (which is nice but not that great). The class also offers cold resistance which becomes immunity, a special "telthor" companion, and bonuses when using "cold" spells. Nothing there is all that impressive.

The main special feature of this class is "place magic". This allows the Durthan to cast spells spontaneously (like a sorcerer), which is a pretty great ability, even if makes the casting time longer. But I'm not sure if it's worth the trade-off of having given up at least three caster levels from your main casting class to gain this ability.

6. Hathran.
The alignment restrictions for this class are LG, LN, or NG. You must be human. In addition, you must be of Rashemi descent. You must worship Chauntea, Mielikki, or Mystra. So, there are a lot of setting-specific restrictions.

This is a class for theurges.

Like the Durthan class, the Hathran class only advances spell-casting in one spell-casting class (your choice). Sigh.

This class also gives you weapon proficiency in whip for free, in case you didn't want to get it from being a Maiden of Pain. There's a lot of other really minor stuff: using fear occasionally, gaining a cohort, becoming a circle leader, and the capstone ability (at a mininum of 16th character level): greater command 1/day. Whoopee.

Like the Durthan class, this class gives the "place magic" ability to cast spontaneously while within the land of Rashemen (or while using an acorn of far travel, some might say). Again, this is a powerful ability, but is it worth losing three caster levels from your main caster class?

7. Swanmay.
You must be good.

This is a class for druids or maybe rangers (it requires wild empathy and ability to cast "speak with animals")

This classes advances spellcasting except at 1st level, so it seems designed for a druid. The swanmay's wildshape is much more limited than a druid's, allowing her to only become a swan. Well, that's... that's not that useful. The swan does have damage reduction, so it could be situationally useful, but I would prefer the full potential of normal wildshape.

The swanmay does get a favored enemy and also continues to support wild empathy, giving bonuses to wild empathy checks. The other class abilities are lowlight vision and some spell-like abilities (charm person, charm monster, speak with animals, speak with plants) that aren't that impressive. The capstone ability is: character changes type to become a fey! Also, damage reduction. Meh.

8. Sword Dancer
Must be an elf or half-elf. And as a cleric worshipping Eilistraee, you must be NG, CG, or CN.

This is a cleric class.

This class has three combat feats and a skill focus feat as prerequisites, so it may be hard to get into. But the class advances spellcasting at every level, so it's at least worth it for that.

Other than spellcasting, this classes focuses on fighting with a sword, while also granting (eventually) feats like Mobility and Spring Attack. The sword dancer's sword can grant saving throw bonuses and dancing lights, and it can fight like a dancing sword. The sword dancer can craft her own magic swords (even without the feat). I think the best ability that the sword dancer gets is to cast her domain spells spontaneously using her other spell slots.

9.Battle Maiden
You must be lawful.

This is a class for fighter-types... especially ones who like to ride on a horse.

This class grants a mount at 1st level, similar to a paladin's mount. Everything else the class offers involves combat bonuses while mounted or healing the mount.

I find this class pretty bland. Also, the prerequisites for the class make it pretty clear that you have to have invested heavily into fighting on a horse, which makes sense since that's all the class helps you with. But... that's like ALL you can do.

10. Beloved of Valarian
Must be good. Must have a vow of chastity.

This is a class for fighter-types... especially ones who like to ride on a horse but would rather ride on a unicorn.

This class has its own small spell-casting table which probably won't be too helpful since the minimum entry into the class is 7th level, so getting to cast 4th level spells at 7th level of this class (14th character level minimum)... that's not too useful, but mundane characters can use all the magic they can get.

At 1st level, this class grants a unicorn companion which is cool flavor, but probably not too useful in later levels.

Other than that, the class gains a strange assortment of miscellaneous abilities: skill bonuses, ethereal jaunt, holy smite, wood repulsion, mass baleful polymorph (targets all evil creatures within 30 feet).

I like the flavor of this class, but I'm not sure that it is particularly useful. But at least there's one female-only class that will be just as chaste as the two male-only prestige classes are likely to be.

11. Berronar Valkyrie
This is actually a paladin substitution level, not a prestige class, but it's still a "female only" class (sort of). In addition to female, you must be a paladin (duh, it's a substitution level) and you must be a dwarf. You must worship Berronar. And this "class" will only substitute for 3rd, 4th, or 6th level of paladin.

Okay, the requirements are a bit overly specific for me. I'm expecting a heck of a lot if the restrictions are that stringent.

Instead of divine health, your equipment (armor and weapon) act like they are made of Everbright.

Instead of turn undead, you get to charge (on a mount or not) into combat to protect an ally as if using Mobility.

Instead of remove disease, you get to create a binding oath between two people. What happens if they break the oath? The Berronar Valkyrie knows the oath is broken and the oath-breaker is fatigued for a few days. And you can also cast the "touch of fatigue" cantrip at will.

Hmmm... I'm not really impressed.


Which are the best? Of the male-only classes, I would go with Thrall of K, since I don't like the way eunuch warlock works (and there's no point having to be male if you can't really be male).

For the female-only ones, the requirements for most of the classes are typically things that I would not play (evil drow, evil worshipper of Loviatr, dwarven paladin of Berronar, mounted fighter, chaste mounted fighter, theurge that doesn't advance both classes). That leaves just Swanmay or Sword Dancer. I think Swanmay loses too much to be worthwhile, so I guess I think Sword Dancer is the best female-only prestige class. But if I was going to play something that I wouldn't normally, I'd probably go with Arachne as the best of those.

Also, are there any other gender-specific classes that I missed?

The Viscount
2020-10-24, 03:26 PM
That list looks complete to me. I'll make the case for eunuch warlock. It's definitely bad if you're a traditional caster, but if you get your casting from a PrC you've completed, the bonus slots become extremely tasty. The OA update makes it 9/10ths, which certainly brings it higher in esteem if allowed at your table.

2020-10-24, 03:40 PM
These strike me as being artifacts of their time, much like the "cursed" belt that changes ones gender expression, hence the lack of such restrictions on character options in more modern editions and RPGs.

With that initial disclaimer out of the way and to answer your question - Hathran is the only one on this list I've typically seen come up in CharOp discussions (usually in conjunction with the acorn trick you mentioned) so I'd lean towards that one being "strongest", but that's mostly conjecture on my part. My guess is that even among the others on this list that advance spellcasting, there are other disadvantages like needing to worship evil deities or deities with weak domains/portfolios that offset the strengths of the PrC itself.

2020-10-24, 03:52 PM
Hathran was updated in PGtF. Your description only applies to the outdated MoF version.

And to answer your initial question, that one is the best. No question.
With full casting progression, mandatory Leadership, Circle Magic and spontaneous casting from your entire list/spellbook none of the other gender-locked classes can even compete.

2020-10-24, 04:44 PM
What happened to one of the a's in Loviatar's name?

2020-10-24, 06:01 PM
What happened to one of the a's in Loviatar's name?

Bhaal and Shaargas are hogging all the "a"s.

2020-10-24, 06:15 PM
much like the "cursed" belt that changes ones gender expression

Afaik, that belt grants full genetic swap, not just "expression".

2020-10-24, 06:21 PM
Until just now, I thought that Champion of Gwynharwyf was female exclusive. I'm not actually sure why I thought that, though, as it's definitely not. :?

2020-10-24, 06:36 PM
Afaik, that belt grants full genetic swap, not just "expression".

Yeah, I'm going to give this one a wide berth. Suffice to say the "curse" is at best not particularly well-thought-out, and is probably best left as a design relic.

And to answer your initial question, that one is the best. No question.
With full casting progression, mandatory Leadership, Circle Magic and spontaneous casting from your entire list/spellbook none of the other gender-locked classes can even compete.

I remembered the Circle Magic but forgot the Leadership. Yeah, this one wins by a country mile.

2020-10-24, 06:48 PM
Must be evil, specifically CE. Must be a drow... ish. Allowed races include Aranea, Choldrith, Half-Drow, Drow , Deep dragon, Half-fiend Draegloth. I don't think any of these are particularly likely to be PC races other than half-drow.Lesser Drow - if allowed - is OK too

Also, must worship Lolth because of course. You're already an evil female drow; who else are you going to worship?
Kiaransalee (which mentioned right next)? :smallsmile:

Anyway, you missed one more PrC: Whitehorn (Dragon #307)

2020-10-24, 06:56 PM
The 3.5 Hathran (PGtF) requires 4th level arcane OR divine spellcasting. Its location-restricted features can be easily solved with an Acorn of Far Travel (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040710a). Enter as a Druid, Spirit Shaman, or Archivist (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20051007a&page=3) (or possibly others) and you can even cast that for yourself.

2020-10-24, 07:45 PM
Maiden of pain can use a whip to channel any touch attack

2020-10-24, 08:46 PM
Agreed with the others than Hathran is easily the best on that list. It gets even more ridiculous if you play to epic levels as for some incomprehensible reason they decided it should get a bonus epic feat every two levels, unlike virtually every other spellcaster who gets one every three or less.

Yathrinshee is the worst, a theurge class which only gives 6/10 casting on both sides? Yikes

2020-10-26, 04:26 AM
Don't sleep on Durthan. It's not as good as Hathran, mostly because it uses 3.0 place magic which was heavily buffed in 3.5. It's basically a more limited but spamible version of spell pools. As a DM i would be much more inclined to allow Durthan with the acorn trick just because of that. Aside from that it also scrubs off the leadership feature, another thing that most DMs have on a ban list. So ironically the class intended for enemies is much more player freindly. It also has the companions which are fun.

As a side note i have a homebrew specifically for a player that wanted to use Durthan.

Ring of the Sentinel (7,000 GP base price, spells to create Acorn of far travel, Sending)

A ring bound to the magic of a place the wearer has a special connection too, allowing them to travel the world while only being a moment away.

The wearer is magically bound to a single location designated on creation. They are always treated as being in that location, allowing them to benefit from any special qualities of the location or any ability the requires them to be there. This allows creatures bound by duty to protect a location or who must stay there or risk their life to safely leave and move about freely. For example a Dryad wearing a Ring of the Sentinel bound to a space near her tree may freely leave it as long as she wears the ring. This does not allow creatures cursed to not be able to leave a location to leave. This also allows creatures who draw powers from a area or have abilities that only work within that area to use those abilities elsewhere. The wearer is always treated as being in the terrain as the location the ring is bound too.

In addition, the ring allows the user some degree of knowledge of the area the ring is bound too. The ring faintly emanates sounds from the area to which it is bound, whispers or normal conversation is inaudible while loud noises like screaming can be heard faintly. The ring will shake to indicate damage caused to the area or nearby structure and warm or cool to indicate changes in temperature.

Once per day the wearer may use a standard action to teleport themself to a spot within 300 Ft of the location the ring is bound too.

All abilities of the ring seize to function while on a different plane of existence.

Edit: The entry requirements are more than generous, letting you get in at level 3 (2 if you play a Sha'ir but thats not that good for this) with some fairly easy to use spell level cheese.

2020-10-26, 05:13 AM
The Eunuch Warlock is a bit of a special case - it received an update in Dragon 318. I know Dragon Material is usually not considered official - the author of the article, James Wyatt, is also the author of OA itself, though.
If that material is used, the Warlock is considerably more powerful - it gets 9/10 casting, and focused spell power (higher effective caster level for spells the Warlock has spell focus in) instead of Greater Spell Focus. The mighty spells also become a lot more useful as higher level spells can be empowered and maximized - they get can get one 7th and one 8th level spell empowered and maximized. In conjunction with that Dragon Lance feat that removes caster level caps, that is pretty powerful for a damage dealer, in my opionion.

(Although Hathran is still way better!)

2020-10-27, 08:45 PM
Here's another potential option: Incantatrix is the best sex-specific prestige class. PgtF says, "Most incantatrixes are female; the rare males who take up this class are known as incantatars." Sure, that seems like fluff text, but then one could argue that means a male who takes this prestige class is taking levels in Incantatar, which is a different prestige class (which just happens to have the exact same abilities). :smallwink:

The Viscount
2020-10-27, 09:19 PM
Here's another potential option: Incantatrix is the best sex-specific prestige class. PgtF says, "Most incantatrixes are
female; the rare males who take up this class are known as incantatars." Sure, that seems like fluff text, but then one could argue that means a male who takes this prestige class is taking levels in Incantatar, which is a different prestige class (which just happens to have the exact same abilities). :smallwink:

By that metric there are also two otherwise identical classes, King of the Wild and Queen of the Wild.

2020-10-28, 05:27 AM
By that metric there are also two otherwise identical classes, King of the Wild and Queen of the Wild.
Lady of the Dead and Lord of the Dead (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/dx20021031x) too!

2020-10-28, 09:28 AM
Does "Beholder Mage" count as gender- or sex-specific? There are ways to count as a Beholder through various cheese (Polymorph Any Object twice etc), but the intended entry is as an actual Beholder. I don't have Lords of Madness on me right now, but if I'm remembering right the species isn't divided into male and female, and the reproduction is weird and aberration-y.

2020-10-28, 10:52 AM
Does "Beholder Mage" count as gender- or sex-specific? There are ways to count as a Beholder through various cheese (Polymorph Any Object twice etc), but the intended entry is as an actual Beholder. I don't have Lords of Madness on me right now, but if I'm remembering right the species isn't divided into male and female, and the reproduction is weird and aberration-y.

Error. Expected: Boolean, found: complex single. Aberrationy indeed.

Beholder Mage falls much more in line with things like the racial paragon classes where the prereq box to be checked lists something like Elf, Dwarf, or so forth.