View Full Version : The Mysteries of Mahfor (IC)

2020-10-26, 12:52 PM
The Mysteries of Mahforhttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/738860551614103612/765732406287663114/oasis_in_the_desert_by_crs1009_d5zij53-pre.png

As the sun rises, the caravan prepares to head out again across the sands after stocking up on supplies and fixing their maps. The road ahead is long and dangerous, but Jaser feels that it is finally ready to begin exploring the great ruins and piecing together the lost histories of Mahfor. With a party of people brave enough to risk their lives on adventure, and powerful enough to repel the invading forces which have begun to settle on the various shores of the vast continent, it is time to reclaim the glory of his continent and unite the natives.

The wars brewing on other continents have been brought to these lands though, and Jaser knows that at some point, the caravan will have to make difficult choices. Intrigue has returned to these lands, and politics within the cities have sparked up after centuries, uncontested hierarchies starting to slowly break down.

Junaina celebrates the end of an annual week-long holiday during which the spirits rest. The small city is bustling, the inner districts and rows of once-empty buildings decorated by the population that call this place their home. Those lost over the last year are remembered in song and stories told. Most passed peacefully in their homes, although there is the odd tale floating about which tells of the mystical beasts of Mahfor, their majesty and danger.

Enchanters stand ready at stalls to sell their goods, freshly prepared foods are out on display and the locals are more than willing to share their culture with the strange visitors that arrived just yesterday, already rushing onto their next location. They voice their concerns about the encroaching monsters that pass by city walls, and warn about the foreigners who the spirits say are coming to claim their lands.

You have some time to socialise and buy any extra supplies you haven't marked down on your sheet. For now week, supplications are not available as the spirits are resting.

Details about NPCs and the city will be provided in Discord.

2020-10-27, 11:17 AM
Ream is a little quieter this week. His delusions of invincibility have been on their way out-- travelling with at least one actual immortal will do that to you-- and the (temporary) loss of his little bird spirit is just another pail on the fire.

He's still excited about the food, though. Everything that seems like it'll keep well (and EVERYTHING with cinnamon) is plopped into his Treasury for on-the-caravan eatings.

2020-10-27, 12:00 PM
Lexara is finally warry of leaving Zimzumau'rus side. To her knowledge folk of this town aren't too different from ones in her home, but yet in this foreign land a guardian beast is most definitely comforting. Perhaps she would have refrained from joining in on the festivities, but she was curious. In her home town, there was no need for markets, most goods were given for a promise of another favour later on. She simply needed to know the answer. She walks to the stand, a little uncomfortable. Not even Zoniza'kanu was by her side, they were instead hiding in shows hunting for a forbidden knowledge [roll0](Stealth), in this town it most likely meant rumours or something similarly trivial, but the bird has an obsession.

When she finally got in for of the stand with freshly baked good Lexara spoke "Exuse me, I hate to be a bother but so is there some sort of currency folk use this town? ". She felt terrible with her unfamiliarity, worrying some may mistake it for ignorance but yet knowing asking was the best way to learn.

2020-10-27, 12:22 PM
Xalvax was wandering around the city like the wide-eyed youth that he mostly still was, his concerns about his past and future quelled - for the moment - by the riot of colour. The only reason he didn't buy one of everything from each stall was that he didn't really have much to trade; while he had no shortage of random nonsense in the saddlebags of the donkey he'd brought with him from his tribe, he wasn't exactly going to have much luck getting anything of value for any of it when he didn't know what it did - and, of course, while he could've bartered away the more practical of his possessions, those were also the ones he actually wanted to keep.

The Raven had been fairly quiescent since he'd joined the caravan - it was currently lurking in the stout leather pouch at his side that it tended to pour itself into when they were away from the caravan. To some extent that was good; he was certainly glad to not have those eldritch whisperings in his ear. On the other hand it also meant that he had no-one to ask about how he'd started to change since joining the caravan, how his skin had started to glint oddly in the dark, out of the corner of his eye, how the nights never quite seemed as dark to him as they had in his tribe.

2020-10-27, 01:09 PM
A man who could almost be mistaken for Reams's brother, save for the skin of pure metal, walked in his shadow. Cloaked in a mass of simple shawls, he was too busy looking at Ream's feet to copy his pace to pay attention to those walking past. "It really is a shame we can't stay for any longer. I was only able to copy a few passages from the local histories. If I'm right, it could be that this city has tales similar to my own about the Sha'ir Macedon. Sure they are of a different name, but many of the same abilities."

2020-10-27, 04:33 PM
Ashni is wandering the festival streets, looking for nothing in particular, and finding it. She's got a small drink of cool tea, and a nice wander around town. It's been a nice stopover, but she's about ready to get on the road again: her feet are itching for a good walk.

2020-10-27, 07:33 PM
A man who could almost be mistaken for Reams's brother, save for the skin of pure metal, walked in his shadow. Cloaked in a mass of simple shawls, he was too busy looking at Ream's feet to copy his pace to pay attention to those walking past. "It really is a shame we can't stay for any longer. I was only able to copy a few passages from the local histories. If I'm right, it could be that this city has tales similar to my own about the Sha'ir Macedon. Sure they are of a different name, but many of the same abilities."

Ream is occupied with picking between two varieties of churro. He's pretty good at multitasking, though, and manages to carry on the conversation while vigorously sampling the salted caramel.

"You could teach me to read. Can't be much harder than Interpretation--" Ream's ranks in Linguistics are almost certainly the result of his association with the Ream-shaped scholar--"and I wouldn't mind skimming the histories for you. Beats waiting around for my feathers to grow back, at least. Also, cinnamon or caramel?"

2020-10-27, 08:08 PM
A young sylph stands off to the side of the marketplace, posture small. She clutches her metal staff tightly as her eyes rove over the crowd. So much of interest here, but also just so much. Too much, too many, especially all the people. So many people of so many shapes, sizes, and colors. They all look so different.

Someone brushes past her, causing her to stumble. She apologizes meekly, but they’re already moving on. Using her staff to stand, she brushes off the white dress she wears. Looking out at the crowd, she sees some familiar faces. Two of the caravan members she recognized - the big feathered warrior and one of the reflective ones. She carefully slips through the crowd to reach him, apologizing frequently on the way.

Upon reaching them, Ziv shyly and silently sticks near them. An anchor of relative familiarity in this sea of new. She turns her head to watch a man with antlers pass by, considering the implication on wearing hats and hoods and going through doorways. She says nothing - speak only when spoken to is what she had been taught.

2020-10-27, 08:26 PM
That big feathered warrior commandeers more samples for Ziv. "The caramel is a little much, personally, but I'll cram some in the chest if you're a fan."

2020-10-27, 08:48 PM
Noticing Ziv was now with them, Nayan gave her a small smile and nodded in her direction with a small flourish of his hand. "I could teach you to read, yes." Nayan said confidently, smiling as they finally became in sync with Ream's gait. Now able to look around at the bazaar with a sense of wonderment. "But to learn to love the story is up to you."

2020-10-28, 11:55 AM
Lexara finds herself addressing a kind, yet robust looking lady bearing the tattoo of a local sun spirit. Sun and star spirits are some of the most common in this city it seems, followed by a number of various animals spirits. Any other week, the caravan suspects, this city would be dazzlingly bright.

She smiles kindly as she answers ""You must be one of those from the caravan! In Junaina, we mostly barter for goods or services, though those who work magic will take any ancient coins you find out of your hands in exchange for their services. Ever since you got into town they've been getting a little fidgety." She winks and tilts her head in the direction of another stall. Instead of being covered with savoury goods, that one is covered in strange metallic and crystalline objects, assumedly enchanted.

In a lower voice, she follows up with ""Take a bite or two to eat before you leave, on me. Just don't let anyone else see it!"

Out of sight, Zoniza'kanu slips in between stalls, catching drifts of conversations where possible, whispered anxieties abound today more than any other.

Xalvax's musings are interrupted by a presence at his side. One of the caravan, Challi, makes herself known with a soft noise in the back of her throat. "You look a little pale, friend. Or at least... Different. I don't mean to interrupt your philosophizing, but the caravan is just about ready to leave." She finishes with a loud chomping noise, revealing an extremely crunchy and tasty smelling za'atar manakish in her hand. The remaining half is proffered as if it were some great gift.


Ashni finds herself similarly greeted by Setr, although without the promise of a half-chomped treat. "We should go back to the caravan, they're about to set a course, and it'll be nice to get on the move again." The bustling, friendly atmosphere seems to be setting her ill at ease.


Ziv, Nayan and Ream are approached by Dhiib. He uses his rusted ceremonial sword as a crutch, hurrying over as fast as he can to tell them of the imminent departure and pointing towards the opening city gates. From the inside, it's hard to miss what wasn't obvious when coming in. Mystics stand by the grand gates, chanting the words of unlocking, and the group can see as one by one, great seals etched in the construction glow, then fade, becoming inert. A number of others help to shift the ancient rusted mechanics of the thing, so broken that it opens only halfway.

Some of the crowd move closer to the gate, though others back away, clearly still scared of the outside world despite the visitors.

Jaser and Suljan wait impatiently near the gates, checking the caravan for all the supplies just in case anything was missed. It seems that they're about ready to leave as well, before an elder charges from the crowds towards the caravan leader. With one movement, the elder lays sprawled at Jaser's feet, who now stands looking around uncertainly at the locals. The noise from the market dwindles a little, before returning back to full volume.

2020-10-28, 12:12 PM
Nayan sighed as they looked up at the gate with mixed feelings. "I suppose now it really is too late to ask for another day." He checked his bag and his eyes opened wide. "Think you could wait just a moment or two for me? I need to pick up some more supplies or I might not be able to write everything down." Without waiting for an answer he ran off, trying his best to weave through the otherwise stunned crowd.

2020-10-28, 12:56 PM
Ream is not all that excited about being left in this situation. He turns to Dhiib: "If Jaser gets jumped by a bunch of old people, do we have to protect him? That's not in the contract, right?"

He casts Obscure on the old warrior, unless that'd be weird, in which case he does not do that. "Not that I doubt whatever explanation Jaser has for laying out that elder. I'm sure it's great."

2020-10-28, 01:05 PM
Lexara lacked the agility to be completely unnoticed but she tried her best to be discreet, [roll0](Sleight of Hand), as keep two of a cheapest looking thing. This was partly due to fear of over setting the kindness she was shown and partially due to her vows. Encountering this lovely lady embolden her. If people of this town are all similarly kind, perhaps there was no need to jump at shadows.

"Barter for goods or services." She repeats in her head. Seems the folk of this town aren't too dissimilar from ones in her home town, just more used to dealing with outsiders. It could be nice to get something from this town, but there wasn't much Lexara had for treading, and those were items she wouldn't be willing to part with. Perhaps some spell casting services would be more in demand or maybe one of those vendors would be interested in having a scroll scribed. She would need to use their materials, still, it was a service she could provide. With those considerations she wondered the town, looking for somebody willing to take her offer in exchange for something useful for further travels or even a useless trinket to remember this town by.

2020-10-28, 01:34 PM
Xalvax smiled as the smell of the manakish wafted its way to his nose, and kinda...tentatively...reached out, not quite sure whether Challi was actually offering the treat to him or whether this was some sort of greeting he hadn't heard of but very much hoping it was the former."That obvious, am I?" he asked, drily. "Thanks. I definitely don't want to get left behind here."

They got back just in time to see an elderly city-dweller charge at the erstwhile leader of their caravan. Xalvax kinda...blinked. "Um...is that normal?" (Though even he knew it wasn't. (Or at least he was fairly sure it wasn't. (Probably.)))

2020-10-29, 12:37 PM
She's already packed everything up and had Betsy ready to go, so it's not like she hadn't been exactly waiting for this. She still gets the contradictory pang of "what if I missed something here?", of course, that's never gone away as long as she's traveled. But she's got her system to make sure everything is in it's place, and it's all sorted neatly in their own little pockets in her roll of personal belongings. She drains the rest of the tea in one go, then nods. I'll be right there.

2020-11-01, 03:04 PM
Most of Lexara's attempts to sell her services are met with gawking folk staring towards the unfolding scene at the gates. An injured construction worker does offer her a small fragment of metal fashioned into the city's emblem if she could do something about his condition.

By now, others had arrived to haul away the older man, and Jaser had turned to leave for the caravan, offering a brisk thanks to the guards nearby, and possibly an apology. From this distance, only his grimace is visible.

Dhiib's own brows are slightly furrowed at the sight, although he shrugs and shakes his head at Ream. "Some people find hard to let go of the past." He murmurs, almost ponderously. "In any case, Jaser doesn't need protection from Mahforians, we're here to keep him safe from everything else that wants to kill him." He begins to find his way over to Jaser, joining him at the caravan.

Xalvax isn't sure when Challi had vanished, but as he looked for her, it was clear that she'd somehow vanished from sight without a sound, leaving only a snack as a sign that she'd been there.

Setr is polite enough to wait.

It seems like the caravan's time at the city has drawn to a close, and now all there is to do is to leave and listen to Jaser's plan of action and the route he has charted to reaching the next, far more important city, a route which will take them through the ancient ruins of a shrine and into the unknown sands beyond it, despite Suljan's reluctance.

2020-11-01, 11:32 PM
Ream bookmarks "everything else that wants to kill him" for a future conversation with Dhiib. For now, he joins the caravan and listens. (When the ruined shrine is mentioned, he rubs his bracers until an impression of the metal is pressed into the skin underneath.)

2020-11-02, 01:30 AM
"Anything I miss?" Nayan quietly asked Ream unaware after he caught back up to the group, a mass of scroll cases in his arms.

2020-11-02, 02:41 AM
"Anything I miss?" Nayan quietly asked Ream unaware after he caught back up to the group, a mass of scroll cases in his arms.

"Nah, not really. Any of those happen to be My First Spellbooks?" Ream pauses. "My First Travelogue would've been a better joke, huh. ABC: Antlion, Bracer, Caravan?"

Ignoring Ream to focus on route planning is not only permissible, but also for the best.

2020-11-02, 02:15 PM
"Nothing written in them yet, sorry." Nayan told Ream as he packed the cases into his bag, clearly not understanding the man's humor. "I could ask a few of the spirits for help in writing out some of their magical treatises if you really wanted to learn their arts. I'm sure they would appreciate passing the knowledge down to someone who can understand it. Though, if it is a travelogue you want, just give me time. That's my own project."

2020-11-04, 08:28 AM
A few casting of Cure should be enought to fix the injuries and a metal emblem will make a great souvenir. Not a too useful, but she already had a backpack full of supplies so no worried there.

Seeing her group already backing, placed her hand in her mouth and whistled loudly for Zoniza'kanu. While the festival turned out to be more fun then she thought it would be, she was a lot more comfortable on Zimzumau'rus backs. After all, is there a saver place then on top of a giant snake?

After rejoining with her allys Lexara joins conversion "Travelogue? Sounds like a great idea, do you think we get a chance to explore some ruins?"

2020-11-06, 10:06 PM
"We can only be so lucky." Nayan said as he lovingly patted at the large snake's side. "But I am sure there will be a lot to the north regardless."

2020-11-07, 12:13 AM
And so the caravan sets off, Jaser preparing and starting on the way towards the ruins that Jaser begins to describe as the group travels. This week's spirit holiday will be done and the spirits will return to their workings. Heartened by the respite from travel, if excited to move quickly on further into the unexplored.

The beasts pulling the cart were fed and watered before departing.

The group now has some time to train, think, to discuss and perhaps improve on the dusty caravan they've made their home.

2020-11-07, 12:43 AM
Ream spends the next few days in casual study with Nayan. Unfortunately, learning to write-- especially without the aid of a malleable toddler brain-- is really quite hard. Day three of memorizing the Common script comes to an early end when he scuffs over the sand tracings, lances the dune with a couple of feathers, and drags his tutor over to the storage train. The work there is simpler, and while Nayan's supergenius magic armor does still help (int checks!), Ream's pretty sure that his House of Servants (read: a gaggle of least spirits attached to Ream for a variety of reasons) can contribute more to carpentry than learning the alphabet.

first roll! [roll0]

2020-11-07, 02:36 AM
Nayan does his best in "helping" Ream with the Caravan maintenance. Luckily, one of the spirits he had communed with that day had a few stories about working with wood when they were growing up so he was able to reenact a few of those moments.

Craft (Carpentry, Untrained):[roll0]

2020-11-10, 12:46 PM
Ziv is generally a quiet traveling companion for a couple reasons. First, because she isn’t used to having people to talk to. Second, because she spends a lot of her time at camp reading. Third, because she’s usually dedicating some of her focus to easing the severe dryness of the very air. And fourth, when at camp and not reading or casting, she has her alchemical equipment out to work on something.

Using Weather sphere to lower the Aridity without spending spell points except to make it persist without concentration while at camp.

Taking 10 on Craft (alchemy) to make a smokestick, which takes me 7 gp and 3.2 days.

2020-11-10, 02:40 PM
Ashni is polite and quite the full trip through, mostly staying within a wagon and researching spirit lore from the books of those traveling with her, dipping across a hill out of sight each day to re-bind a spirit to her.

Finished researching Coralene. Keeping Humble Ohbai bound. I'll roll for the day of anything happening to see if it's a good or bad bind.