View Full Version : Having such a hard time choosing between Cyberpunk 2077 and Assassin's Creed Valhalla

2020-10-27, 05:25 AM
(I know: Talk about a First World problem...)

Anyway, after being hyped more than the Second Coming, Cyberpunk is finally being released on November 19th, and Stabby Vikings is coming on November 10th. One has a gorgeous-looking, incredibly detailed sci-fi setting, the other has a detailed, epic story of Viking stabbings. And I freaking love Vikings.

Cyberpunk is probably overall the better game by something of a margin, but... Vikings. Also, November 11th is my birthday, so I can sort of give myself Valhalla as a birthday present. And maybe save Cyberpunk as a Christmas present.

But dammit: CYBERPUNK.

Is anyone else having the same problem?

2020-10-27, 07:30 AM
I'm distantly interested in Cyberpunk but the game I am really waiting for is Deathloop (it was supposed to come out this year, but... you know). I really don't care about an Nth Assassin's Creed, vikings or no vikings.

warty goblin
2020-10-27, 09:10 AM
If it's one or the other, I'd go with Cyberpunk, simply because AC games nearly always get enormous slabs of DLC, and in a year or so you can usually pick up the complete version for the price of the original release or less.

But then I've never been super wild about the AC games. Even when they're in a time period I'm interested in, the open world grind is just brutal. They're fine to mess about in for a while, but there's just way too much bread, not enough butter, to steal a line from the esteemed Mr. Baggins.

2020-10-27, 11:53 AM
I'm not going to go into my reasons for why you shouldn't by Cyberpunk 2077 in any capacity, but ultimately it's irrelevant as it was just delayed to December. Buy Valhalla.

2020-10-27, 12:11 PM
I'm not going to go into my reasons for why you shouldn't by Cyberpunk 2077 in any capacity, but ultimately it's irrelevant as it was just delayed to December. Buy Valhalla.

Yay! Freedom from choice!

2020-10-27, 03:33 PM
Buying AC or any other Ubisoft game at launch sounds rather foolish...

Meanwhile, Cyberpunk seems like it's going to be great and CDProjekt is one of the few developers with some credibility.

So... I'd suggest waiting on AC until its collectors edition is out and the inevitable mess of at-launch bugs and glitches have been at least partially addressed.

But to each their own.

2020-10-27, 04:00 PM
Meanwhile, Cyberpunk seems like it's going to be great and CDProjekt is one of the few developers with some credibility.

They promised they wouldn't put their workers under crunch time and then went against said promise almost immediately. They didn't tell any o their workers about this delay that just happened until they announced it publically, so a bunch of people who just went through 100 hour work weeks for the past couple months, who were almost done, just got told out of nowhere it's going to continue for a month.

That's not even getting into the other issues that I will not be getting into here.

Regardless, for the purposes of the question asked, as said; game's delayed till December, the choice has been made for you.

2020-10-27, 04:47 PM
They promised they wouldn't put their workers under crunch time and then went against said promise almost immediately. They didn't tell any o their workers about this delay that just happened until they announced it publically, so a bunch of people who just went through 100 hour work weeks for the past couple months, who were almost done, just got told out of nowhere it's going to continue for a month.
The crunch accusations were rather overblown, to say the least... But if company culture and policies are a reason not to buy a game... Then he definitely shouldn't buy an Ubisoft game.

Regardless, for the purposes of the question asked, as said; game's delayed till December, the choice has been made for you.
There's always the choice to not spend money on what's likely an incomplete and defective product at launch.

2020-10-27, 04:50 PM
You have some more time to choose, Cyberpunk was just delayed to December 10th from an announcement today.

2020-10-27, 04:54 PM
They promised they wouldn't put their workers under crunch time and then went against said promise almost immediately. They didn't tell any o their workers about this delay that just happened until they announced it publically, so a bunch of people who just went through 100 hour work weeks for the past couple months, who were almost done, just got told out of nowhere it's going to continue for a month.

That's not even getting into the other issues that I will not be getting into here.

Regardless, for the purposes of the question asked, as said; game's delayed till December, the choice has been made for you.

Anything you can say about CDPR in this regard can be said about any other major publisher, so any moral concerns would be completely moot regardless; if you're okay with buying a AAA game from any source, you should be okay with buying a AAA game from every source.

2020-10-27, 05:02 PM
There's always the choice to not spend money on what's likely an incomplete and defective product at launch.

I mean, Valhalla will definitely be complete at the time of release. DLC is not removing stuff from the game then putting it back in, and "games release a little buggy" is just kind of a standard of the day. I didn't have any trouble when I bought Odyssey, even if like a year later they released a version with all the DLC included. I didn't really have much interest in it to care about the DLC so I ended up with the cheaper option.

But yes, there is always the choice to just not buy ANY of the games. But the question was about which to buy as a birthday gift for himself, and in that context the answer is clear.

Anything you can say about CDPR in this regard can be said about any other major publisher, so any moral concerns would be completely moot regardless; if you're okay with buying a AAA game from any source, you should be okay with buying a AAA game from every source.

I mean, yeah. Choose where you draw your line and all that. I just think that a company that said "we'll never crunch our employees" and then did so is worse than companies that do it as per the industry standard. All crunch work is bad, in all lines of work, always, but stepping up to say "I will not do the thing" and then doing the same comes off as worse to me.

2020-10-27, 06:05 PM
I mean, yeah. Choose where you draw your line and all that. I just think that a company that said "we'll never crunch our employees" and then did so is worse than companies that do it as per the industry standard. All crunch work is bad, in all lines of work, always, but stepping up to say "I will not do the thing" and then doing the same comes off as worse to me.

CDPR lying to its employees is bad, I agree.

However, given we're comparing them to Ubisoft...have you been keeping up with the controversies surrounding that SPECIFIC company recently? They're a whole lot more ****ed up than overwork.

2020-10-27, 06:39 PM
CDPR lying to its employees is bad, I agree.

However, given we're comparing them to Ubisoft...have you been keeping up with the controversies surrounding that SPECIFIC company recently? They're a whole lot more ****ed up than overwork.

Oh absolutely they're also ****. I'm not here to really compare problems though, just answer op's question.

2020-10-28, 05:37 AM
They promised they wouldn't put their workers under crunch time and then went against said promise almost immediately. They didn't tell any o their workers about this delay that just happened until they announced it publically, so a bunch of people who just went through 100 hour work weeks for the past couple months, who were almost done, just got told out of nowhere it's going to continue for a month.

There's a reason they wouldn't have been able to tell their employees in advance. Because it would affect the company share price, and so they would be implicated in insider trading if anyone who knew before it was public made any share trades based on it.

Also, y'know, if we're going to not buy games based on the treatment of employees, we absolutely shouldn't be buying basically any Ubisoft game (and AC Valhalla is no exception, given its game director had to resign for Doing The Ubisoft Thing).

Anyway, AC Valhalla will be Another One. It'll be a Ubisoft game just like all the other Ubisoft games, if you like that sort of thing I expect you will like it.

2020-10-28, 05:42 AM
Anyway, AC Valhalla will be Another One. It'll be a Ubisoft game just like all the other Ubisoft games, if you like that sort of thing I expect you will like it.

You think it'll be just like Rayman?

2020-10-28, 06:28 AM
You think it'll be judt like Rayman?

I wish!

Ubisoft is probably my favourite game developer. Because they made Rayman 2. Twenty years ago.
Even after all those years, Ubisoft still has a little bit of my goodwill left, based solely on Rayman 2.

Bunny Commando
2020-10-28, 10:49 AM
Is anyone else having the same problem?

Not really. I appreciated Odyssey but IMHO is a game better played months after release, when bugs have been ironed out and DLCs have been published; Odyssey, gameplay-wise, is pretty repetitive and a bit grindy and Valhalla doesn't seem much different from its predecessor. CP2077 seems a much better and fresh experience than another AC game, but CD Projekt Red decided to postpone the release date of its game so if want a birthday present, Valhalla is your only choice right now.

2020-10-28, 12:52 PM
You think it'll be just like Rayman?

Just you wait until the next Rayman is an open world game with towers and bases map icons and crafting.

They tried to do it to Beyond Good and Evil, so nothing is sacred.

2020-10-29, 05:02 AM
Just you wait until the next Rayman is an open world game with towers and bases map icons and crafting.

They tried to do it to Beyond Good and Evil, so nothing is sacred.

To be fair, Beyond Good and Evil is similar to the "open world full of mini-games" genre that has become industry standard. It was smaller scale but the blueprint is there.

What really disheartened me was how unrecognizable the trailer was. It had none of the quirky charm that made the original a cult classic.

For myself, I'm out of the Assassin's Creed franchise until someone over there learns that "less is more". The franchise has become bloated and repetitive.

On the flip side there hasn't been a game like Cyberpunk since Deus Ex Mankind Divided. Even if it's merely passable it'll be another game in a genre I don't get to play enough of.

2020-10-29, 05:58 AM
Just you wait until the next Rayman is an open world game with towers and bases map icons and crafting.

There will be no next Rayman, there are only Rabbids.