View Full Version : Empire 6: Y30, Winter Town - HNV/SHN

2020-10-27, 06:28 AM
When Kosumi received the invitation it was delivered with a single perfect rose, as white and pure as the moon herself, delivered in a fur lined wooden box. Simple instructions carved on the inside of the box's lid said "Treat it carefully and it shall last for years."

The invitation itself was on vellum and written in Kagahara, once translated it said, "In troubled waters those who do nothing will be pulled under and swept away. The Winter Council seeks to strive for peace and understanding in Tarandi. If Hiverness seek the same, then the Winter Council invites Chief Kosumi or any Nordgen he shall send in his stead to come to Winter Town. Together may we find wisdom and through wisdom may we bring peace and justice to the lands."



The Nordgen representative(s) left later in the year then typically recommended for traveling through Tarandi, but made good time, getting through Serpent Pass just before winter would have locked the mountains down in impassable ice blizzards and deep snows. By the time they'd passed through the Moriah Forest, the nights had stretched nearly to consuming all of the day and snows were regular and deep.

The shaní of the forest seemed surprised to meet foreign travelers this late in the year, but all spoke with great respect, even deference, bowing with fist to forehead and one leg crossed in front of the other in a manner the Norgen might have recognized from their previous meetings with Shándole. They easily found directions to Winter Town, arriving on the eve of the winter solstice.

Nestled at the foot of the mountains, the settlement was sheltered in a deep canyon and under the tall trees of the forest. A half frozen stream trail-blazed its way from the inner crevasses of the mountain, around boulders and over rocky banks through the middle of the canyon and out into the wooded dales beyond. Round wigwams made of woven sapling poles and thick furs and hides were constructed near older sturdier homes built of stone or cut into the canyon cliffs. Stings of carved wooden chimes, and decorations of brightly painted feather and woven wool hung from eves of homes and tree branches, while bare hardwoods coated in snow and ice reached up to a cloudy sky like skeletons lamenting to the heavens and evergreens draped in frost stood stoically by.

An appropriate number of wigwams were provided for the Norgen and their animals, as well as whatever food and comfort they needed. There was little in the way of luxuries available in Winter Town, but generosity was abundant and the shaní were eager to see to it that their human guest(s) were(was) made at home. Indeed, there was a general sense of festiveness about the place. Meats were being roasted, decorations hung, elven voices could often be heard raised in songs of intricately woven harmonies and sugary sap was getting poured into shaped impressions made in the snow by shells and silver trinkets, producing hardened maple candies in pretty shapes. For the sleepless shaní there seemed to be no devision of activity by night and day and after resting from their journey and settling into their lodgings, the Norgen were(was) invited to join a community gathering sometime well after midnight.

"The Winter Council aren't all arrived yet," explained the Shané guardsman who delivered the message, "Probably a'week or so, b'fore a proper meeting can be held, yet, but Councilor Talákin’Záni’Quêzí wishes to welcome ye an' speak'a what matter ye would."

There were several bonfires lit throughout the town and drums and songs echoed off the canyon walls, along with cheerful voices and laughter, as the shaní danced and feasted. However, the fire the Norgen were(was) led to wasn't as large or crowded as some of the others. Here, on the edge of the settlement the deep dark silence of the forest stood on hand to contrast the ruckus of celebrations and only about a half dozen shaní were gathered here, including two children, which were an uncommon sight by all accounts. The young shaní were pouring maple candies in the snow under the careful watch and guidance of a shaná and two shané sat closer to the fire, humming tentative sets of harmonies, obviously trying to compose something new and watching a rump of venison as it roasted on a spit. Zán’Quêzí sat on a log by himself, smoking a pipe and watching the shaní and the various bright flames of fires twinkling across the distance of the canyon. He stood though as the Norgen approached and bowed. He was a tall shan, with two black braids falling down to his waist and bright blue eyes, that contrasted with a complexion of coppery brown and were complimented by blue patters of tattoos on his neck and outlining the structure of his face. Blue feathers and silver beads were tied at the end of his braids and he was dressed in silvery grey fox furs over a mammoth wool poncho. Like all shaní his features were handsome and ageless, but there was an air of wisdom and weariness to him, that belied his old age.

"Welcome to Winter Town on this, the eve o' Winter's Solstice. Thank'ye'Siah for accepting my invitation an' coming or' yonder such a distance to speak with me."

2020-10-27, 07:23 PM
Kosumi faced Zán’Quêzí as he approached and retuned his greeting, forming a circle with the fingers of his right hand and placing it over his heart as he bowed to the shan.

"Thank you for the invitation, Councilor." The young Chieftain's face was somber in the firelight, the aura of grief that surrounded him almost palpable.

"I apologize that we couldn't bring a larger delegation, Winter Solstice is a sacred time for our people." He turned to take in the joyous revelry of the celebrants, his subdued air a stark contrast to the bustle and songs of the shan and he couldn't help but feel out of place amidst it. The Nordgen Chief wore a black suede tunic trimmed in dark grey fur, with matching pants and boots. His long dark hair loose and topped with an ivory circlet with the insignia of Hiverness carved into it.

"It seems to be a time of celebration for your people as well." He looked to his cousin as she shifted next to him. Tainn was considered a great beauty by the standards of the Nordgen, and was the eldest woman in the family at 16, now that Yara was dead. Her dark hair was bound in a thick braid that hung down her back and she was dressed similarly to Kosumi.

"This is my cousin, Tainn of Hiverness." Tainn repeated Kosumi's bow and looked up at the shan.

"We appreciate this chance to meet with the Winter Council. After recent events..." Her dark silver eyes flicked to Kosumi as if to gauge his reaction.

"It would be all too easy to imagine our people too disparate for peace, but your invitation has given us hope otherwise." Her smile was sincere, if reserved. She turned behind her and gathered a younger girl in her arms and brought her forward to greet the Councilor.

"This is my younger sister, Kiona of Wolfenhall. It is her first time abroad any farther than Uldra. Forgive her shyness." Kosumi's demeanor towards his little sister was protective and even Tainn did not release the grasp she had on her little cousin's shoulders.

"I'm not shy!" Kiona looked offended.

"I'm merely careful of who I grant my trust." There was pain in the girl's eyes. Kosumi looked at her sadly, though she'd never been as trusting and innocent as their sister Yara had been.

"Be polite, Kiki." His voice was a warning.

"We are well met by the moon. May it illuminate our path to peace." Kiona dutifully obeyed and placed her hand over her heart as she bowed to the shan. A snow-white husky approached Zán’Quêzí and wound himself around his legs, her wagging tail slapping against his legs before she sat down in front of him and looked up with pale ice-blue eyes.

"I didn't forget you, Chilali." The corner of Kosumi's lips twitched as if considering a smile as he addressed his dog.

2020-10-28, 07:59 AM
Zán’Quêzí nodded to each of them as they were introduced. Kiona’s words and greetings even brought a smile to his face. “Well met indeed Koina. An’ may wisdom grow in yer ka like’ta oak beside quiet waters.”

Once they all been introduced, he motioned toward the shaná and young shaní who had paused in their candy making to shyly observe the humans. “This is my sister, Sanîno’Á’Lafarí - Hills Under the Moonlight and our children, Tessátoorû - Autumn Rain & Nôstrátri’Kin’Zulyndí - Empty Skys over Blue Ocean. They can not speak the Trade tongue, but are happy to welcome ye all.”

The other shaní bowed fist to foreheads and spoke something in a language that was flowing, almost melodic with changing tones that seemed to be as much a part of the meaning as the words themselves.

“Sanîno is helping the children make maple candies in the snow,” Zán’Quêzí explained, “I’m sure she would be happy to show Koina as well, should ye wish it.”

Tessátoorûí, a shanê with lavender eyes and black hair that sprung in tight curls about his face, smiled and lended down to pick up one of the already hardened candies from the snow. The maple sugar was shaped in the mold of a star, though some of the snow must have melted and caused one side to end up malformed. Nonetheless he held it out toward Koina and said something in his language, giving the human child a bright smile and then also smiling over at Chilali. He looked to be about twelve years old.

“Tessátoorûí would like to give ye this candy star he made,” Zán’Quêzí translated to Koina, “An’ he say yer dog is very beautiful.”

The two shané who’d been humming by the fire stepped forward and bowed to the Nordgen, giving a greeting in the shándole language and then motioning toward the roast on the fire as well as a pot and a collection of pewter mugs sitting on a wooden barrel.

“These are my brothers, Renájo’Tôrndradoah - Warm Fire against the Winter Night, and M’Clagah’Novstrawôden - My Steps Never Falter. They welcome ye an’ wish ye warm nights and long days. They say it will be a while until the venison is ready, but would like t’ offer ye hot apple cider to help keep ye warm until then.”

Renájo and M’Clagah began filling the mugs with steaming cider from the pot and offering them to the guests and Zán’Quêzí turned back to Kosumi.

“For our people, Winter Solstice represents the transition from death to rebirth in the cycle, but more than that it is when the shaní celebrate the end of forgetting and the beginning of new memories. For many years after the False Dawn, our people suffered from a madness that stole all memories away from us. Year after year more and more of our memories were lost, the names an’ faces of loved ones passed away, memories o’ our parents, memories o’ our children, o’ all that had been an’ all that had made us. The Madness was erasing us an’ we feared it would continue until all was lost an’ we were as simple an’ mindless as the insects o’ the fleeting summers. But at last the consuming of the Madness ended, memories were allowed to grow an’ remain in our kaí again. Hope was restored fer our people. An’ so we mark this salvation on the Winter Solstice, when the shortening o’ days ceases an’ the world turns back toward growing light.”

He motioned toward a number of logs and furs set out around the bonfire, “Please, sit an’ feel at home with my family an’ share our fire an’ the food an’ drinks o’ this long night. After we have eaten, ye may walk with me up the mountain ridge, Kosumi’Siah. There is a place where the trees part and the sky an’ valley open wide before ye. The moon will be descending toward the west then an’ shall shine bright upon it all. I kin she is sacred t’ ye. We can grant her honor an’ ye can tell me what this night means to yer people. Further, I wish to show ye the roses upon that ridge, fer they are strange and blessed. I hope in all this that we shall find understanding between us an’ from understand may we bring forth peace here and throughout wider Tarandi.”

2020-10-28, 01:12 PM
Kiona peered at the other child from the circle of Tainn's arms, warily peering at the offered maple candy. At last, her natural curiosity won out over her caution and she moved forward to take it.

"Thank you." She thanked Tessátoorûí and looked at Zán’Quêzí expectantly for a translation. Kiona popped the maple star into her mouth and her face brightened. She looked up at Kosumi as if for permission.

"Go ahead, Kiki." A real, if small, smile curved his lips and he ruffled his sister's hair. Kiona followed the boy back to the candy making area and sat herself in the snow, seemingly unconcerned with the cold. She glanced shyly at Tessátoorûí before sticking out her finger and making a a circling motion with it at the snow. A spiral pattern appeared in the snow and she poured some of the molten maple sugar into it as she'd seen the others do. Chilali curled up next to Tessátoorûí and wagged her tail happily.

Kosumi and Tainn relaxed a bit as Kiona's anxieties were set to ease, and they took the mugs of cider from Renájo and M’Clagah. Tainn sniffed the fragrant liquid appreciatively and warmth suffused her face as she favored the two brothers with a smile.

"How do you say thank you in your language?" Tainn asked as she settled down into the furs around the fire. Kosumi followed suit, his brow furrowed as he contemplated the Shan's trials during the age of the False Dawn.

"Our own legends tell of a much bigger population of Nordgen that dwindled near extinction during the False Dawn, but it was also during this time that we learned to hunt as a pack." He answered with what he knew of his own people's trials during that time. He took a sip of his cider.

"What emerged was a smaller, but closer community. I want what is best for my people, and if my being here can achieve a lasting peace between us, then I will have done my job." He took a deep breath. It would be all too easy to lump all of the followers of the Ancient Ways together with the malevolent Creatures, but he forced himself to remember that the reason he was here was to disprove that knee-jerk reaction and give the Shandole a chance to exonerate themselves from that supposition.

2020-10-28, 02:38 PM
When Kiona preformed water-bending a gasp of amazement rose from the shaní children and even their mother nearly dropper her ladle of hot syrup. There was an excited burst of Shándole language, clearly questions and Zán’Quêzí had to wave a hand and slow the hubbub down in order to answer translate and answer.

"We have heard stories of yer people's power over snow an' water, but this is the first we have ever witnessed," he explained to the Nordgen, "The children would very much like t'see more, if Kiona should be so inclined to show 'em."

Tessátoorûí smiled at Kiona and knelt between her and Chilali. He asked a question and then motioned to the stretch of smooth snow between them and the forest.

"Tessátoorûí says there is a garden by the forest here in the summer, but if Kiona likes, after the maple syrup is all poured out, they can build a winter garden o' snow here," Zán’Quêzí paused and then added, "It is a game our children liket'a play in winter. To gather snow an' stack and smooth it in't many shapes."

Zán’Quêzí settled down sitting crossed-legged on some furs near Kosumi and Tainn, as the apple cider was passed around. "Thank'ye is "Taûrá'Cia" in Shándole if'n ye are talking to one of yer own age or younger an' "Taûrá'Siah" if'n ye are talk'n t' an elder." The tone of his voice dropped on the "u" in Taura and rose on a "a" at the end, giving the words a cadence.

Renájo and M’Clagah smiled back at Tainn and Renájo motion in a gesture that indicated he was happy to oblige her, before the bothers sat down near the fire as well, M’Clagah still keeping a watchful eye on the dinner cooking on the firespit.

Zán’Quêzí listened to Kosumi's words and nodded, "It is well fer leaders to want what is best fer those that follow 'em an' trust in their guidance. Many good leaders have risen in this way, but it is a greater thing fer leaders t' also hold the wisdom t' truly see what is indeed best. An' greatest o' all to have the courage to follow through with it. Benevolence, wisdom an' courage. To find an' hold on to all these is not always easy. Sometimes what seems right, is not always what is best an' doubts and regrets will plague your confidence if you let 'em."

The shan looked soberly over over the canyon an' Kosumi could almost see centuries of regrets briefly shining in his eyes, before he focused his expression and waved a gloved hand in the direction of the various firelights in the canyon. "In Winter Town there are many houses an' halls, more that we have had needed, even when all the tribes gather. Long ago, in times and memories lost t' us, we too must have been much greater in number. The whole world was shaken by the False Dawn, but it seems no one knows how it truly happened or why."

"I have been a leader to my people fer as long as any can remember. Choices I made have cost an' saved many lives. I have planted many seeds an' seen 'em blossom into a new world an' era fer the Shándole. Yer job will never be done, Kosumi'Cia, not fer as long as yer people still look t'ye fer guidance an' listen t' yer words. An' even after ye are gone, the ghosts o' yer choices shall haunt the world." He gave Kosumi a wan smile, "Tonight ye an' I are planting seed an' birthing ghosts. What measures might we take t' see that they bring forth the best for our peoples?"

2020-10-28, 02:57 PM
Kiona's eyes widened at the reaction to her manipulation of the packed snow, but she relaxed again as she realized it was excitement and not alarm with which the others regarded her abilities. Shyly, despite her previous protestations against the accusations, Kiona waved her arm in a circular motion. A column of snow arose from the ground and twisted around itself. Kiona hardened her hand into a fist and the snow turned to ice, forming a small ramp like a circular slide, though it was too small to ride. She flattened her hand and the ramp dissipated back into snow.

"I would like to build a garden of snow with you." She smiled back at Tessátoorûí , though she knew he wouldn't understand her words.

Kosumi sat and listened to Zán’Quêzí's council thoughtfully.

"It's almost comforting that humans live a comparatively short while. The possibility that I might harm my people in a way they couldn't recover from drops enormously." His smile was wry as he leaned back upon his hands.

"It does make me wonder what ghosts my father has left behind to haunt me, and how I might forge my own path despite them. Already Yara's death has turned our focus to matters of protection, but I do not wish us to be ruled by fear and anger. I don't want those to the be the ghosts I leave behind."

2020-10-28, 03:21 PM
It wasn't long before the children were all busy in the snow, shaping towers and drawing patterns to make their "garden." Despite the language barrier, the shaní seemed happy to play along side Kiona, using gestures and expression to communicate what they could with her as they coordinated their project.

"News o' yer sister's death an the investigation o' the Truther Seers have spread across all Tarandi," Zán’Quêzí said, "Kariki an' Edge spoke well o' her an o' her kindness when they met her in Danneta-Yvaon. May she always be remembered well in yer ka."

"However, it is the news of the Arrok armies marching south that troubles me recently. Do ye an' yer Arrok allies indent to avenge the death'a one, even one so dear, by bringing war an' death to hundreds? I asked ye here in part to understand what intentions are sought by making war upon the Brayewen, an if the Arrok shall continue their southward march afterward in yer sister's name."

2020-10-28, 03:35 PM
Kosumi nodded in understanding of Zán’Quêzí's concerns.

"The Arrok's war plans were not made in my presence, uh... Siah." He paused, unsure if he had used the honorific correctly.

"But from what I do know, their plans do not reach farther than the contested lands. As to what they hope to accomplish with this conflict..." He shrugged and spread his hands out in front of him.

"I wouldn't speak for them, but it is my hope that the display will prove that acts of terror will not go unanswered on this continent. That liars and murderers will not be allowed to sleep peacefully in their beds while the blood of innocents stains their hands. I understand that peace through violence is no true peace, but I will accept it for now between Hiverness and Brayewen if it means that I will not have to see the torn remains of my loved ones laid out in the snow like... like refuse." His voice had gone hoarse and he brought a hand to his forehead as fought for control.

"How small and petty the concerns of us humans must seem to you. Are we very foolish in your eyes?" Tainn had placed a soothing hand on Kosumi's back as she addressed the Councilor with regret in her voice.

2020-10-28, 04:05 PM
Zán’Quêzí listened quietly with his legs crossed, allowing Kosumi to express his emotions without interruption. However, when Tainn spoke he turned his gaze upon her, "On the contrary Tainn'Cai," he said in a serious tone, "Our lives may be long, but that doesn't mean we value life any less. Every present moment an' every fleeting love an' choice carries the memories o' the past that formed it an' weight o' the future it, in turn, shall shape. Concerns of the present time are not petty simply because they are passing an' no moment is meaningless, if it is spend wisely, certainly not when wars pursued an' wars put aside fer peace hang in the balance."

He looked back at Kosumi. "Peace won by violence is indeed a terrible burden, but I myself have seen hundreds slain, so that more could live an' one day find peace. When it is truly necessary then it falls to leaders to stain their hands in the blood o' history, fer there can be no true peace while tyranny an' fear reign."

"However, if ye will hear my advise, I charge that ye be certain o' necessity an' precise with yer actions. Further more, it troubles me that this war is being waged in yer sister's name, yet ye, her brother, passes responsibly o' its purpose an' ends off upon the Arrok. The name o' yer family is being lifted as justification, but yet ye kin nary the plans or ends a'certain? Ye have only hopes that Yara's name will be used fer the purposes ye believe in?"

2020-10-28, 04:21 PM
Kosumi collected himself and shrugged off Tainn's hand.

"I already told you the Arrok do not plan to press into Brayewen's other holdings. I'm not sure what other assurances you need and doubt I could give them if required. I am already far more involved in matters of military than my father ever was, but his reticence towards violence fans the flames of my guilt even now, the first of many of his ghosts I'll encounter before my reign is done, no doubt. If you want assurances that we'll never go to war with those who have declared themselves our enemies, then you will be disappointed." He quieted.

"Besides, it may seem to you that we and the Uldra are two separate factions, but our people are as interwoven as the moon and the sky. We have faith that their motives are in our best interest, though I sympathize how this could be difficult for you to understand, but in our paths, we walk together. We have come here so that we might find a common path with the shan, if you would still walk it with us." Tainn's voice was earnest as her eyes went to Kiona who was playing happily with the other children.

2020-10-28, 04:35 PM
"I simply seek to understand those things, which, as ye say, are difficult to see from afar." Zán’Quêzí said, his voice smooth, "I seek no assurances an' kin well that such grasping upon the future is useless."

He was silent for several moments, his hands folded in his lap, as he too watched the children playing in the light of the bonfire. "What does walking a common path look like t ye Tainn'Cai?" he finally asked, "Ye came here fer peace an' I also seek it, so what would it truly mean between us. Our friends among the Dannu have built an embassy an' we have traded wisdom an' resources between us fer common goals. Even so have the Sangar. Would ye wish to do likewise, or are there other step-stones ye wish to set on the path of peace we would trod together?"

2020-10-28, 04:51 PM
Kosumi's face softened as the other man sought to ease the tension between them. His face turned from the children to his cousin.

"I would seek a gentle path that would lead to peace and understanding between our people. You must know that these recent acts of terror by the one which would claim to be your head of faith reflects poorly on all of the adherents of the Ancient Ways." He held his hands out apologetically.

"I don't mean to cause you offense by that assertion, but neither can it be ignored. Your invitation and reception here has gone a long way towards separating yourselves from those Creatures in my mind, but I would ask that you let Tainn stay and dwell amongst you so that she may learn your true hearts and bring peace not only between our people's, but also to my mind." He lifted his eyes up to Zán’Quêzí's, hopeful the other man would be able to understand his position.

"I would stay here as an ambassador in official capacity once it is deemed appropriate, Siah, if that deal would be acceptable. At that point, we would be free to share in wisdom and resources, as you say." Tainn looked uncertain of herself for once, as she offered her presence in Shandole.

2020-10-28, 05:12 PM
Zán’Quêzí met Kosumi's eyes and at first it seemed like this mistrust expressed against the Shándole would offend him, but then he simply gave a soft smile. "It is understood. Taking time to learn the truth within the kai of others is something shaní have often had the luxury of time to do an' it is well when others can do the same."

He shifted his blue eyes to Tainn, "Ye are young Tainn'Cai, but ye speak with confidence an' ye yer words reflect wisdom beyond what my people would expect o' one o' so few winters. Ye would be welcome among the Shándole fer as long as ye wish to stay. It is customary fer a shan to choose their families when they come of age an' enter a ka'tet with those they decide to live with. If ye remain in Shandolyn ye can stay with my family while ye consider this matter an', if ye wish it, my own ka'tet would welcome ye as a sister in our home."

Across the fire M’Clagah said something in shándole and then began to carve the roast with a knife, placing the simmering meat on wooden plates.

"It seems the venison is ready," Zán’Quêzí said and rose to help hand out the plates, as Sanîno called to the children.