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2020-10-27, 02:14 PM
Turn 1

“The UN was not created to take mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from Hell.” - Dag Hammarskjold

Madness is coming to Hanrui once more, nations are rising with powerful individuals at their head. The boundaries between nations are growing and the old rules are being thrown to the wind as this new age comes upon us... this age of war.

Balance is a Game

Deep within the City of Scales lies the first temple to Lady Saladrahal the Goddess of Balance. There the Paladins of Balance meet to discuss the future, where once the Paladins would have been hard men and women in heavy armor with sword and shield now they were more… diverse. They ran the gamut from the traditional heavy armor wearing types, to robed diplomats, to plain clothed agents, to revolutionaries. They have arrived from all over the world to discuss unsettled business and the scales of balance. They meet to discuss Hanrui.

“Hanrui is dangerous, the last time the Legion was there they ended up being forced off the land with their detachment in shambles. The world is more dangerous today, if we sink our resources into this and lose then operations all over the world will suffer!”

“That only happened because Legion Doctrine however many centuries ago was pretty much to play both sides and rip on anyone within marching distance. It pissed off lots of powerful nations who quickly decided they didn’t want an ally who would flip on them every few years. Hanrui was not the first or last land we lost due to that approach!”

“What do we know about the local powers there? The question shouldn’t be how our last detachment failed in Hanrui but rather how a modern detachment could do? We need to know what we’re working with this time around”

“Hmmm, reports say there are some Centaur Warherds in the area. We know that there is some emergent empire in the north. There are rumors of some eldritch fleet emerging from the shadows of the world and some… Hydra? Running a guild or something. Then there are a few other powers like us that have sent groups to make the most of the opportunity. Who knows what else that nightmare land will spit out though."

“I heard the last time it was surfaced there was some crazy sort of **** measuring contest over who could summon or create the most horrific primordial level entity and it ended with someone literally summoning an original Primordial from the depths of Hanrui to pretty much tell people they had the biggest.”

“Well that seems made up. I’m sure it was just a few puffed up elementals and angels running around.”

“No man. A friend of a friend said that they talked to some dragon who mentioned their ancestor was around those parts or something.”

“I heard that some dumbass nation unleashed a Deific Level magical event just to kill some rival or something.”

“Wait. I thought those were banned by pretty much all the World Powers? Didn’t they ban Mystic, Demi Powered, and Deific level magical events like a millennia ago or something?”

“Ya. There's rumors going around that they did that due to this one. Modern scholars are saying its one of the reasons Hanrui sank back beneath the waves. The land literally couldn’t deal with that much raw wild magic being released into it.”

“Ohhh I heard that all the nations were just kidnapping random powerful members of their rivals and smashing them together like some crazy alchemists.”


“I heard that some insane necromancers decided to get it on with the undead and made a dirty play about it or something.”

“Ew gross! I heard a nation somehow threw a kraken at the original detach--”


Quiet slams down into place as the Paladins feel the divine surge through the room. The grey statue at the head of their tabe starts to crack and move. Its eyes glow with divine light. The statue stands up and starts to weave its hands in complex arcane patterns, images from a savage land full of all sorts of people's start to appear. “The Legion will return to Hanrui, there are powers that walk among the broken lands and others that could rise to shake this world if unchecked. We will play our game among the monsters that walk Hanrui and this time we will succeed. Balance is a game never to be won, only continually played.”

With that the presence of the Lady of Balance vanishes and the statue returns to its position. The Paladins look amongst each other, faces inscrutable. Finally an elderly grizzed women stands and nods at the others “The Lady has spoken and her Legions shall march.”

It's a Herd Life

Artios watches as his Fellriders take the trading caravan, it had been months since one had attempted to travel through here. Between the Sentience Corp riding scout and his Warherds having the mobility they do they hadn’t missed any of the last dozen caravans to attempt to travel through their lands.

He shifts his weight, sidestepping a few times. He doesn’t even notice it, just doing it subconsciously as he sees his War Shamans come to the climax of their spell sequence for mass sentience. He never tires of seeing it in action. The second it hits the caravan all their horses, oxen, and mules suddenly go berserk. Stampeding and destroying the encirclement of wagons in their urge to escape.

He didn’t know why the two leggeds were always surprised their mounts would revolt so violently, especially any kind of mounted soldier or knight. The number of times prisoners after the battle accused them of dark magic was astounding. Even when it was explained to them they didn’t understand it half the time. As if it was so difficult to understand that suddenly realizing your’re a slave to the whims of others, forced to charge into dangerous battles where you are often the target over your better armored rider, and forced to do menial labor when not in fights or be restricted to a tiny stall where you don’t have room to move, was scarring and immediately impactful on your relationship with the person who was responsible for it… idiots.

It was done after that, the broken fortifications let in streams of his centaurs who rode down the traders and guards. Hlydal strides up next to him and sighs “I wish you wouldn’t do that mid combat. My Peace Shamans are the ones who have to track down the new sentients to help them.”

He shrugs “Well they shoudn’t run off like cowards then. Throw off their oppressors, stomp them into the ground, then ride off in victory.”

She rolls her eyes but drops the subject, knowing this was a losing argument “This is the first Caravan we’ve seen in almost two months. I think they might be stopping altogether when they hear about this one.”

He paws the ground with one leg, part of Artois itches to be down there in the middle of it all. Instead he is up here watching. He tired of this. The simple caravans being taken and then waiting by for the next. It had been different when they first arrived, exploratory ships landing and trade ships resting for the night. They took the ships hard and fast before they could flee to the safety of the waters. Landing parties, small armies, caravans by the dozen and twice the size. The Warherds wanted for no contest, whetting their battle skills against opponents of all types.

Then word spread, more and more avoided their lands and the powerful Warherds in them. They had escaped through the mountains to this beautiful and contested land but no they wasted away. The herds needed movement, activity, they need to RUN again.

He snaps his gaze to Hyldal “Gather my Fellriders, we ride!”

“Where do we ride my lord?”

He ignores her as he wheels on his hind legs and rears up, calling to his attendants “Gather the herds! Gather the shamans! Make ready the Warherds! We ride!”

Hyldal grabs his arm as she turns as well, asking again. Excitement mounting in her voice, “Where do we ride my lord!”

The eyes of the Ironhoof burns as he hears the beat of hooves and war cries, “War, Hyldal. We ride to War.”

The hoofbeats only get louder from there… and they are coming closer.

World Congress

A global organization that has been around for millennia, it gained its start in the distant past that almost all have forgotten. IT started slow but many nations saw the benefit of a neutral organization that could be used as a neutral ground for diplomacy and decision between nations that affected a huge area of land.

Despite their overall desired nature the World Congress is not always welcome. Often referred to as the Fangs of Peace by more militant rebellious nations who strain under its influence, an old slur from ages past. The World Congress has managed to deal with issues like this by relying on support from more powerful branches in other areas or staying above reproach, never using their own agendas and just facilitating the agendas of whoever has the most political influence.

They see Hanrui rising and the most ancient branches have called upon their contacts and friends among the ancient monsters and demigods of the world for information. Only a few months after the rising of Hanrui the World Congress was sending members to found a provisional branch in Hanrui, along with several experienced historians. They see Hanrui and hope to find the remnants of their founding.

After several years of slowly building up the foundations for a full branch of the World Congress the time has come.

Fund Raising

With some nations starting to come out of their metaphorical chrysalis on Hanrui, others arriving on behalf of powerful forces that be, and even more coming in out of nowhere, the pressure has risen. Several groups believe the loose diplomatic association in Hanrui needs to be given more discretionary funding and be made into a full branch of the World Congress.

The association has ties to the World Congress already and the Congress is looking to enhance those to gain a proper foothold in Hanrui to guide and work with the nations. The first step is to gain enough money so the local World Congress branch can stand on its own.

The wealth of nations is a driving factor in politics and the world, so the World Congress has spoken that wealth shall represent the political clout that the locals need during this time of expansion.

Fund Raising: Eco counts double for bidding this EoT

This is an event to vote on during midturn

War Footing

The various towns and settlements are restless, they see armies marching and nations planning. Sabotage and subterfuge abound and anyone with a pair of thoughts in their head knows that something is coming. Just as the common folk know something is coming so do the sharks.

Those who know that something is about to happen and ready to profit from it, merchants specializing in goods for armies. Stocks of travel food, good leather, sharpening stones, and much more are coming into stock all over. Entrepreneurs are traveling around offering to cities to fix up roads to make sure armies can travel through more easily.

Mercenary companies are making sure their contacts are aware of their capabilities and shaking off the rust for their coming battles. Getting in contact with those who will have the means to buy their contracts.

It is 1 cheaper to invade territories. Attackers add 1 point to their Conflict number and ties go to attackers not defenders.

This an event to vote on this midturn

OOC: Midturn Due by Sat Noon Eastern Standard Time

Vrock Bait
2020-10-27, 03:13 PM
Celestial Empire of Longshan
“Are you sure you want to do this, Your Excellency?” Zhao Ren sat crosslegged in the imperial chambers. “The scholar-advisors will have strokes. This goes against three decades of tradition.”

“Ah, Uncle, that is exactly why we need it.” The newly crowned emperor sat in the same position in a slightly raised dais. “It has been far too long since our nation have been seen as anything but warmongering dogs. Now that the Mandate of Heaven is fully restored, we may finally use our warships for trade and our blades for ceremony.”

Xisun opened a compartment on his desk and retrieved a small slip of paper.

“I admit, my Trade Tongue is not the best,” he placed it on the desk towards the others and slid it forward. “Master Songsun, will you check it for me?”

After a brief pause, Songsun Yun glanced up. “It seems to be in order. At least there’s nothing that will anger the scholars.”

“Then it is agreed?” The emperor opened another drawer, containing the Seal of the Realm.

“At the very best, the scholars will be complaining for months,” Zhao Ren said. “But it is agreed.”

“Hah! At the very worst, more like.” Replied Wangde.

“You know that my Northern Tribe is the most favorable to diplomacy,” San Rong said. “If Master Songsun finds no issue, I shall not either.”

“I still don’t know why you even ask our opinions on these matters, Zanshen,” Song Zhuoqiao said. “Everything we do in this chamber would cause mass nosebleeds from the scholars.”

The emperor laughed. “Empress, we were both raised as the children of soldiers. Do we care what the scholars think?”

It is said that division succeeds unity and unity succeeds division. One is bound to replace another after a long span of time. Of late, the He clan has entered its rightful place ruling the draconic peaks of Longshan. The heavens have spoken through their choice by designating that we may strengthen ties with foreign allies. As of immediately, all harbors will be opened to the sails of foreign ships. All imperial offices are to end persecution of foreign influence. Under the guidance of the gods, the Celestial Empire will once again be an active participant in the World Congress.

Decree of the first month, spring, 1146.

2020-10-27, 04:30 PM
Red Aurora College

Morale 4

Take them! Sap their magics like we taught you! Take their power into your own!
No nurture the mind, Mold it to our image. USE THEM USE THEM.
Seek the ancient magics within, the mortals will never matter.
The master of Red Aurora College looked at the students before her. Both feigned airs of apology, the young woman studiously looking to her feet while the young man slouched in deference. Zander she had spoken with many times, ever since his first year he had been in nearly every plot, scandal, and brawl happening at red campus. His raw power made him cocky, but cockiness was one of his more powerful tools, the attitude usually resulting in people underestimating the precision and fineness of his magic. Feliana on the other hand was an unusual sight in the disciplinary halls of either campus, and certainly not as a perpetrator. Hers was a magic of calming auras and enchanting eyes, not duels.
There is no time for this! there is no time left.
It is the raventime minion, you must be alone…
“Students, I believe you both know to keep dueling to the stage.”

Her power reached out, caressing the colourful aura of each student in turn, the red roil of Zander and the dark hues of Feliana mixing together like paint on a palette.

“Zander you will be transferred to Blue Campus and the investigation teams, this is non-negotiable.” Relief and caution mixed on the man's face, it was less a punishment and more an official endorsement of his plans.

“And Feliana you will remain on Red campus, I will be assigning you to the Office of Anomalies, see to it that you listen carefully to Professor Clayton’s instructions.” Her eyes never left her feet, but she couldn’t hide her shocked expression. The ‘punishment’ was practically a promotion, and lined up neatly with her already perfect student image.

Lenient! Harsh! Punish them!
Both looked up, offering quiet thank you's before locking eyes and glaring darkly.

“I said dismissed.”

They scurried away, nearly knocking over the Bursar as he came waddling into the room, closing the door in annoyance behind him.

“Am I to assume you heard the whole thing old friend?”
So weak, so feeble!
Such a waste, just finish it! Bring him to US!
“Aye. They’ll be %$#!ing by the year’s end.”

“Your insight is appreciated as always old man. Do you have the verdict?”

The Bursar nodded, his chins wobbling nervously as he handed over the yellowed scrolls.

“Its true my lady, the mine is a bust, overflowing with unbound elementals and growing evermore unstable. Hiring adventurers may be our only option.”

“So be it.”
Yes! Good! Dig DEEP!
No Danger! Death! Destruction! We must remain hidden!
You are ours, ours to command ours to collect! Dog! Pet! Slave!

2020-10-27, 05:41 PM
Sunny days were always a questionable thing in The Nest, seeing as half of the time the city was cast in the shadow of the great hydra Khalos, looming over the horizon and blocking out the sun. Of course, the lack of sun was actually a welcome change for some of the denizens of The Nest, with Drow and other tunnel-folk only able to truly trade when Khalos was there watching over them.

Today was both especially shady, and especially busy, with open markets bustling as traders started to prepare for the rumoured announcements this afternoon. The Nest had been mostly insular in the past seasons, focusing on trading between local towns and small amounts of imports, but with words of new powers spreading across Hanrui, the governing officials were likely going to announce that the city would be open to longer range trading between nations.

Of course, all of that was just hearsay from the taverns, but it was better to be ready for a rumor and disappointed than it was to be surprised by it and behind on your preparation.

Lysa, one of the mouths of Khalos stood on the edge of the market waited. Khalos himself would growl to tell the townspeople to listen, and then it would be her to time to speak whatever showed on the parchment. Everyone was expecting to make comedic profits in the coming months, and if she delivered bad news it was going to be a rough evening, but she’d heard things too. She wore one of the many amulets that let her understand Khalos, and she’d listened through the walls. She knew that SOME trade was opening, she just didn’t know who was on the list, and whether the weapons peddlers or the coin traders would be happy.

The street shuddered with the thunderous growl of Khalos and silence immediately followed. Lysa felt the parchment in her hands heat for a moment as the announcement etched itself onto the paper. She took a deep breath and counted to ten before unsealing the scroll and reading aloud in unison with other mouths of Khalos across the city.

“Dear Members of the Guild, Khalos has considered the rising nations across Hanrui and has elected to open trade with the following parties:

The Spring Court of the Fae located to our South. Until more open communications are leveraged Guild members are requested to avoid the other courts. Please reference the guide on Fae contacts as written by Grand Warlock Hadful

The Legion of Balance with their arbitration hall. Though it is requested that trade of arms and armaments are delayed.

The Valance Lodge is open for direct trade, but please reference the list of banned substances within The Nest as many of their wares are on the list.

The Grand Collective shall continue to be open for trade under their new collective banner. Please reference the guide on Halfling customs and preferred mealtimes to avoid offense.

For all other nations, please await instruction in the coming seasons as trade deals are still possible but not allowed under guild contract at this time. “

There were murmurs in the crowd about the short list. Most of the traders knew more nations were on Hanrui and weren’t pleased about not being able to offer them weapons or magic.

“Furthermore,” Lysa continued as the scroll suddenly added more text, “the previous rulings may be disregarded by those in contact with adventuring parties in the coming months. If a nation can provide adventuring prowess the Khalos guild is interested in trade and shall accept those resources in replacement of Guild dues for the season.”

The murmuring stopped, and suddenly everyone at the Market had a lot of work to do.

The Khalos Guild welcomes your arrival on Hanrui and celebrates your agreeable position on balance and measured responses. We are writing to establish trade patterns as well as open communications about the lands surrounding our peoples.
For trade, our accountants have noted that you distinctly lack MIL and MAG. Should you be in need of either of these stats we would be interested in trading them for MIL, REP or ECON.
Please let us know your thoughts,
Lysa, Mouth of Khalos.

The Khalos Guild celebrates your new openness, and welcomes you as a trading partner, though please reference the list of banned materials within the borders of Khalos Guild to avoid any political annoyances.
In the coming months the Khalos Guild is planning multiple expeditions into the depths of local monster ecosystems that are bothering our guild members. If it is agreeable we would like to offer ECO, MOR, MIL, or ESP for some potions to power our adventuring parties. (ADV).
Please let us know of anything you need.

Hadful, Mouth of Khalos.

The Khalos Guild celebrates your unification and is happy to trade with you as partners of the entire guild. Please find some tea from the North attached for your enjoyment.
Khalos Guild is interested in leveraging some of your seasoned diplomats in negotiations over the coming months. Should you be interested we would be able to offer ECO, MOR, or MAG as trade for REP. Please let us know your availability for this sort of trade or if there is any other resource you would need.
Have a lovely afternoon,
Yasha, Mouth of Khalos.

The Stage is Set and the Archfew show themselves once more on the plane of Hanrui,

Though we have naught to offer the Fae at the moment, we humbly request open communications to allow for proper trade and deliberation in the future. I believe that the Spring court is the correct point of contact for our peoples, as many of your kin are patrons to adventures in our ranks.

Grand Warlock Hadful

2020-10-27, 08:37 PM

In a small office that overlooked the bustling harbor of Port Adamis, Grandmaster Moray was hard at work, filling out and reading through forms. Looking at the stack of parchment she had yet to go through was making her balk so she pretended it didn't exist until she had to grab the next sheet. Every single parchment was a request of some kind. Whether it was for resources, land to build, repairs to facilities or ships, all of that in the port was coming through to her. Their nation was newly formed but there were several immediately apparent for the Covenant as a whole.

Most pressing to Isla Moray and her general mental health was to get more territory. There were far more people living in the port than could fit comfortably. That meant that all of these requests had to go through the Sapphire Tear who were in charge of the city, which meant they went through her and Isla swore she was getting a gray hair every day she had to spend endlessly signing off on paperwork. Not to mention she still had to prepare for the next set of rites, a new group of youths were getting ready to awaken their affinities, and that was actually her job.

A knock on the door distracted her. "Mmm." Isla didn't waste time raising her head, and the door opened after her acknowledging grunt. A voice spoke up, sounding like gravel. One that was familiar to Isla and had been for many years."

"We've got some news," the words were spoken by a man that looked to be favoring the human half of a minotaur. A fellow member of the Circle of Elements, Grandmaster Rolf of the Garnet Moon. The nereid spared a moment to look at him, eye flicking to the scroll held in his hand and then immediately went back to scanning the documents in front of her. She hated having this much work but she'd be damned if she wasn't going to do it right.

"Leave it on the stack with the others."

"It's a little different, Isla."

With a sigh, the nereid reluctantly slid the parchment she'd been reading off to the side, and held out one blue-skinned hand, waiting for her fellow Grandmaster to share what he had. Opening it up immediately her brows knit together, adding a little bit more to that near permanent furrow on her brow. "Our neighbors to the north, this Longshan Empire, are opening for trade?" The other Grandmaster nodded and stayed silent as Isla rose from her chair to look out the window, watching ships getting unloaded at the docks while she folded her arms in front of her.

This... could be a boon. It did call attention to the other primary issues affecting their fledgling nation. Besides the overcrowding, there was also their lack of resources. Nearly everything they had was being used or recycled in some way. That wasn't anything new to them, but for a more permanent solution they were going to need to acquire new resources that their new home did not have. The final issue was in some ways a different side of the same coin. As much as they needed resources they did not have, they did not have material they could effectively trade. The Gemwrights were always few in number and their efforts were critical to the success of the various castes, and making cheap jewelry would practically be an affront to their skill.

And Isla had been in this situation before. More than once had the offer of trade come through. More often than not, they sought to exploit the peoples of the Covenant, either to gain the secrets of the Gemwrights or take advantage of them in a myriad of other ways. The nereid was tempted to just tear up the proclamation on the spot.

"We need to expand, Rolf. We need more space for our people, and we need more resources if we're to flourish here. Call for the rest of the Circle, we need to discuss our options going forward from here. Getting on good terms with the neighbors probably isn't the worst thing we could do..." Rolf agreed and left the office, closing the door behind him and leaving Isla staring out into the harbor, and across the seas they had traveled to get here. Everything was different now, there was no longer a distant place on the horizon for them to run to. They were here now, in the place they belonged. "Bah, I'm starting to get a bunch of sappy sentiment as I'm getting older. This dumb paperwork isn't going to file itself." With a sigh and a groan, Isla returned to work until the Circle of Elements could be convened.

St. Justicar
2020-10-27, 10:35 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Fame is an empty noise. The good - that is what we must pursue, whatever the price. Preferring the title of a dead hero to that of a living coward.

Symponia was not quite the land if could, but every day it reached closer to the ideal. The colonial capital grew with every new ship which passed through its harbour –more finished materials and chemical reagents to build with, more trade goods and literature with which to integrate the natives, more skilled labour to throw itself at the endless and ever-growing list of necessary tasks. The harbour was in the midst of being dredged, piers expanded and drydocks built, tenements and manufacturies and paced roads growing away from the waters edge in a perfect, regular grid – hills levelled and pits filled as required to maintain the pattern.

More distantly, the hinterland was well into the process of rationalization. Canals and wide, level roads led from all the major villages and market towns, and through them pumped the lifeblood of civilization – surveyors and jurists and cartographers, census-takers and academics and educators, chemical fertilizer and tempered steel tools, inoculation and sanitation, and all the other befits of Enlightened governance. After only a year, the most forward-thinking natives – and the children being taught in the newly established schools – were already capable of holding nearly any manner of conversation in the Republic’s carefully engineered Universal Language. From the objective and impartial view, the expedition first year on the newly risen continent was a triumph for Reason in the making. (This, at least, was the view of the Committees first annual report, sent back on one of the returning supply ships.)

The ‘Standing Committee on the Hanrui Question” had rather more authority than anyone unversed in the Republic’s labyrinthine bureaucracy might expect – full autonomy to survey for valuable resources, fleets and armies to secure them, and an eye-popping budget for whatever they might need to exploit them. Still, even in the beating heart of the Republic’s power, their meeting room looked much as you’d expect from the name. A bare wooden table, straight-backed, uncomfortable chairs, mind-numblingly accurate minutes, and copious amounts of the sludgy black caffeine that was very nearly the only vice Janissaries were officially permitted to partake in. The map dominating the centre of the table was, at least, extremely high quality.

Hira, the ideologist, took the minutes as they spoke. “If that’s every local matter dealt with, then I believe we can move on to our more pressing issues. That is, the racialist theocracy whose legitimacy is based on continuous conquest, and the steppe nomads who will be sweeping across the northern coast in pursuit of pastures and loot. Both of whom have militaries capable of overwhelming our own garrisons.”

Nese, the accountant, had an admirably blunt lack of interest in the nuances of diplomacy. “Well, they sound like lovely neighbours. Hire one to defend against the other? Make a generous gift, pay tribute, whatever the local term for high-end bribery is?”

Hayy, the explorer, ran a hand through his mustache as he looked down at the map and sighed “An excellent idea, if there wasn’t quite an impressive mountain range between their centres of power, save for the route which leads directly through us.”

“Who chose this deathtrap of a bay as our base, exactly? Did none of the surveyors bother checking a day in every direction before they-”

“Perhaps something worth discussing after we have come to a conclusion on the matters at hand, Coordinator?”

“Fine. Mercenaries?”

“It is a basic principle of social organization that unguarded wealth will attract brigands like scavengers to carrion. If we are to rely on them in the long-term, I worry that mercenaries might come to view us as easier prey than patrons. As a stop-gap, however, it may be the best option available.”

“Entirely right...if they are available. The continent’s barely done rising, and the waters and full of shoals and strange currents. We’d have to include navigation in whatever agreement we come to. Which may not be cheap.”

“We still have more cash than we have soldiers. And it’s a damn **** easier to find some slack in the joke of a budget we have than it is to find a trained musket company someone forgot about.”

“A potential avenue, then? I am certain you’re more than capable of securing acceptable terms, if there are any to be had. Hayy?”


“A quorum unanimously agrees, then. But we cannot really on potentially unreliable auxiliaries supplied across the sea. Both of our neighbours are rather loathsome, but I am afraid it seems necessity compels us to live with them, if either is reasonable enough to entertain the idea.”

“Border agreements and trade deals to try and keep them sweet, then? Any of your faceless friends mention if either of them have anything we can pretend to want? Not that I’m writing these.”

“I’d be happy to, of course. And I really will need to know if we’ll have to spare any surveyors sooner rather than later.”

“I believe that is everything for the moment then. Peace and Reason, my friends. Until tomorrow.”

Morale 5

To the Great Khan Artios of the Fellstriders, or his appointed plenipotentiary.

Greetings! I write on behalf of the Esheri Republic, and the colony of Symponia I have been charged with the protection of. We lie to the south and west of your fearsome confederation, and it does not take a genius to realize that we’ll soon be neighbours.

I have spent some years among the centaurs of the Kaliri steppe back on the mainland, and I have both a great respect for your culture and a healthy desire to never find myself on the wrong end of you javelins.

Should you grace us with your favour, my colleagues and I would wish to establish a permanent and formal embassy to travel with your court. Should you accept it, we would first of all pay our proper respects to a ruler such as yourself, and arrive at a frontier that we can keep peacefully, and trade agreements which would benefit us all.

May the light of Truth guide your path
-Encyclopediest Hayy, of the Clockwork Republic of Esher

To the secular authorities of the Phanosine Empire,

I hope this letter finds you well. I write on behalf of the Clockwork Republic of Esher, which has charged me with the guidance and security of the colony of Symponia.

Through an unfortunate accident of geography, our landing site has proven to be squarely positioned in your empire’s path beyond the mountains which now constrain it. And so, needless war being anathema to any objective morality, I write in the hopes of averting conflict and settling our frontiers peaceably.

What borders do your strategists seek, so that we might begin negotiations? To be forthright, in the coming months and years we plan to expand north and south from our current holding, and to the islands to out west, and so fully secure the seaborne approaches to Symponia. Beyond that, we have no immediate plans for or interest in expansion.

Peace and Reason

Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

To to the All-Chief of Clan Baem, or whoever reads their mail and can make commitments in their name.

I’ll save us both some time and skip the flattery. You control a de facto spy network that easily outmatches what my government can call upon, let alone any of our less-than-friendly seeming neighbours, and a...non-zero number of what we can charitably call irregular line troops. Conversely, you’ve got ****-all in the way of cash and the internal cohesion of a drunken mob. Most importantly, you have a reputation for being commercially-minded, for a bunch of witches and assassins, and an obscenely strategic location for a headquarters.

My government has the tremendous luck of two neighbours with very different reputations. So, at a minimum I want to see if you’re interested in resolving some inefficiencies and establishing a regular trade route (and just what you’re looking for and willing to part with).

But mostly, I figure the odds of us ending up in one war or another before the year’s out are easily north of even. So, what would be the price to pay for your intervention on our side?

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

To the Grand Archymist of the Valence Lodge,

So, first of all, please don’t do anything too horrifying to the messenger. I actually like this one.

But, anyway – you can consider this letter a formal statement of of interest in retaining the services of your Lodge, either on a case-by-case basis or possibly on permanent retainer. Given how well-informed you’re supposed to be, I’ll save myself the effort of describing the delicate situation my government is in, so I’ll simply say that we’re very interested in either measures to provide security for out colony or punitive contingencies in the event of war.

Speaking for myself, and some of the more interesting Academics, we’d also like to send a formal diplomatic mission and station a permanent consul or representative at De Leuteum Manor. For all the superstition you drown it in, from the reports I’ve read you really do some amazing work, and are one of the four or five powers in this virtueless archipelago that aren’t totally hopeless. Formal cooperation and coordination would be ideal, but fair’s fair if you’re just looking to sit on the side-lines and get paid.

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

To the Phoenix Voice, her secretary, or whoever handles unsolicited letters and bizarre requests, my warmest greetings.

I apologize for writing out of the blue, as it were. I’m contacting you as something of an admirer – for all the sorcerers and warlocks flocking to these risen lands, it’s a profound relief to see at least group who takes comprehending the mechanics of reality as an intellectual matter rather than an ecstatic one.

There’s a fair bit of desert and mountain between us, of course (not to mention their inhabitants), but I did want to see about the possibility of dispatching a formal mission. Or more than that – the metaphysicians and theurges in my charge are sitting rather idle at the moment, and if you could pay their expenses or provide a training mission of your mercenaries in return, spending a few months being directed by experts trained under a different view would do them good.

May your eyes ever be unclouded,
-Academic Cahit, Committee on Applied Metaphysics, Esheri Republic

To the Great Council of Elders of the Grand Collective of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside

I hope this letter finds you well.

While certain unfortunate accidents of geography do limit the practical import of it, I do wish to formally offer the regards and salutations of the Clockwork Republic of Esher. It is a sincere pleasure to find ourselves sharing a continent with as advanced and civilized a government as your own.
If it would not impose upon your hospitality, we would dispatch a formal and permanent embassy to New Taedhea, and open formal relations between our states. And, if you are amenable, to discuss alliance and coordination in diplomacy, politics and trade.

Peace and Reason,

Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

To the desk of Guildmaster Khalos,

I hope this letter finds you well.

While certain unfortunate accidents of geography do limit the practical import of it, I do wish to formally offer the regards and salutations of the Clockwork Republic of Esher. It is a sincere pleasure to find ourselves sharing a continent with as advanced and civilized a government as your own – and doubly so to find a purely native development.

If it would not impose upon your hospitality, we would dispatch a formal and permanent embassy to The Nest, to open formal relations. And, if you are amenable, to begin negotiations on commercial matters, once certain logistical difficulties have been resolved.

Peace and Reason,

Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

2020-10-28, 12:45 AM
The Red Aurora College

Morale 4


The Clockwork Republic
Esteemed Cahit,
I am delighted that you should reach out to me even as the ink was drying on a message penned to you. Our lands may be far apart but I hope our interests might lie closer together. Certainly you will find a healthy distrust for monarchs among our student body!

Alas our facilities here on Hanrui are still in their infancy, and while of course we will be setting up projects to better educate the people of Hanrui and the world, for now our focus lies in stabilizing our foothold in this strange land. That said there is no reason to prevent earlier relations between our nations. There is a project I am intending to pursue this season and I think we could work together to great benefit to both our factions. A proposal to the World Congress to educate promising proteges to the highest degree. (OOC: Bonus XP for VIPs) Would you be interested in working together on such a project? I know the Clockwork Republic has several promising members who would surely benefit from such a program.

Best Regards,
77 - The Voice Phoenix

The Fae of the Four Courts - Winter Court of Nascent Wonders
Keepers of the Year’s Ashes and heralds of Rebirth, I have known many courts similar to yours, but none are ever quite alike. I am 77 - The Phoenix Voice. I have brought my troupe to Hanrui in search of magical secrets, and wish to cause no offense to the greatest keepers of magic these lands have to offer.

There is a project I am intending to pursue this season and I think we could work together to great benefit to both our factions. A proposal to the World Congress to educate promising proteges to the highest degree. (OOC: Bonus XP for VIPs) Would you be interested in working together on such a project? I am sure the Four Courts might at least draw some amusement from such a program.

Best Regards,
77 - The Voice Phoenix

2020-10-28, 11:50 AM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

Morale 4

"From stranger tides, the Farthest Fleet hearkens,
oars dipped in blood, cruel new masters' demand;
our seas they will spoil, our skies they will darken,
and woe they will bring unto all of our lands."
- Last Scroll of Volnagur the End-Singer

There are three shapes that occlude the horizons, before the sails, before the drums and bared steel and the worse-than deaths. These are the black, forbidden things that man is not meant to know of and the sane are not meant to chase. Those unfortunate enough to bear knowledge of their nature would speak of these shapes only in the faintest and most timorous of whispers. Yet such dreaded repositories of equivocal secret and immemorial tales grow in the telling; they trickle down the streams of time from the days of man’s reckless youth, and those fantastic eras that preceded them.

The first emerges silently, skating from the ephemeral with a grace that belies its enormity. Tattered wings of devolved silk unspun by light catch the winds by surprise, an ambush upon reality. Its prow makes no sound as it cuts over waves, blots of peeling, umbral space unfurling around its passing. It never touches water, air, or light, existing instead as though on the other side of some tenebrous veil. To look upon it is to know mortality, for its maddened whispers subject the listeners the endless and horrid march of time.

ᛋ̴̡̲̺͕͓͐̓ᛖ̷̢̤̅͛̾̆̑͋͘ᛖ̸̧̲̥̹̼̣̩͛͛̽̐̅͜ͅᚴ̷̧̡̢͍̬͈̎ ̱

The next of the shapes a truly feral thing, all leviathan bones and teeth held together by sinews and sails made from patchwork skin. Its appearance on the waves is always accompanied by a chorus of shrieks and roars, for it is the breeding and nesting ground of a number of eldritch creatures. In the seas and skies around it, flicks of loathsome yrthaks and mi-go from insane worlds, schools of megaladon and other ancient fish driven mad by their very proximity to this altar of barbarism, and even the distant shadow of kraken make their home.

ᚲ̵͍͎̰̰͔͚̻̦͖̈́̈́̀̅̓̀̐̾̾ᛟ̵̛̝̔̉͛̌̾͝ᚾ̷̛̹̼̱̠̺̮̟̮̫̇̉̿̾͂̀̄͘ ᛋ̸̨͓͈̅͊̎͑̕͜ᚢ̴̨̧̙͉̠̲̬̉͝ᛗ̶͖̗͓̙̦̀̂͛̇̀́̊́͛ͅᛖ̷́́̈́̓̐̈̆̊́ ̫̗̯͔̥̯

Finally, in the building dark, the last shape arrives. Its presence is heralded by the ruinous roars of the sky rent asunder, a living storm that begs for death with each new thunderclap. Boiling, noxious clouds of ochre and midnight blue leave the heady scent of iron on the tongue, the promise of sweet oblivion. Its body is burnished bones from the seafloor, twined together by strands of hissing fog and lazy lightning, save for a titanic spine of onyx and silver. Each league that it passes leaves less behind it, for all is swept up into its wake.

ᛞ̶̱͕͋͌̒ᛖ̸̛͙̥̲̗̟͖͓͓̓̓̿̓ᛗ̴̡̡̣̯̖͑̾̈͂̌̄̐̚ᛏ̷̘̒̀̓̋̈́̃̄͑ᚱ̸ ̆̌̏̚ͅᛟ̴̡̰͎̦͕͎̚ᚤ̶̨̥̲̱̰͕̦̙̇̈

Behind them come those bound to their purpose. Carrion crows all, crews of what used to be men and women, now turned to fell purpose. Glory once counted among them a friend; now it is a hollow companion, more to mark the shedding of innocent blood. The legends who cast long strides upon the earth and sea in better days look back on the bays and inlets of a new land, and their daring is turned to hunger. The crows are not the only birds to take flight behind the andverden: alongside them are blind sparrows, gibbering oracles, prophets beyond the faintest trace of reason. They scribe runes and court visions from beyond the horizon, from their Beautiful Void, heedless of the consequences. They will be the ruin of this age, or perhaps its salvation. Fate has not yet foretold their role to play.

In Skepnhaus, in the head of the great dead beast, the Drowned Moot - the leaders of the Farthest Fleet - plan. Across the great broken helm that serves as council table is spread maps and indecipherable texts, eldritch rituals and battle plans. Kannir Aslund holds court as most senior emissary of the void, yet the captain of the Daemoniac is only first among equals. Beside him is the deathless berserker Rikke ys Trobald of the Glimnir’s Smile, the alien cephalopod Zaotlus and his monstrous auxiliaries from the cyclopean brig The Weeping Eye, and the young and bold Eitri ys Hasjalm of the xebec Sunken Skald. On the other side of the table are two more of the Fleet’s leaders: the sorcerous Hilde Aslundsdöttir, leader of the Kult Hala and captain of the Hellström and Hjordis ys Orvar, admiral of the Fleet and captain of the man o’war Khombriss Depths.

All of them have heard the words from beyond, and know well the call they have returned from Glimnir to heed. The doors below are open, and they will travel to the deepest heart. But there are other concerns as well: foreign ports, names of nations that have made this Hanrui, this resting place, a crux for their own ambitions. There will need to be missives sent, declarations announced and vows made. When the scrolls are sent, they are done so in the talons of wyrd-ravens, whose three heads croak of the past, present, and future all at once and whose plumage is both jet black and every color under the dim sun.

Fair winds and clear skies to you, Emperor Xisun of the Long Shan.

Our scout ships have reported seeing your sails on the northern waves of late, and we have witnessed your ports from afar. The prophets have witnessed your strength, piety, and tradition, all the better to rule an empire as it should be done.

As long as you keep to the mountains and shores, you will have nothing to fear from the Elda. What we seek lies under the waves, and so the seas will be our domain. If you wish to trade in the future, the forces of the Farthest Fleet may hear you out. For now, we are content to vow under the sightless skies of Glimnir and your own gods that no ship nor raider will despoil your shores, provided that your people can promise the same to us.

Enclosed, you will find a stelae stone with my inscription, and those of my ancestors. It has travelled beyond the end of this world, and brought good fortune to me and my family. It is my hope that you will share in our past prosperity.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void

We are willing to draft a non-aggression pact between the Celestial Empire and the Farthest Fleet. We are promising not to invade any territories on the (heretofore unnamed) north-western continent of Hanrui and will not launch any stat attacks or interfere in any of the Celestial Empire’s dealings. In exchange, the Fleet expects the Celestial Empire to stay off of the water, leaving the islands off the coast (46-48) alone and to similarly refrain from attacking the Fleet’s operations.

Additionally, it should be known that we are offering the Silverhammer Protectorate, Red Aurora College, and Crystalheart Covenant the same non-aggression pact terms.
Brightest horizons and calm tides to you, Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer.

Our scouts have heard the drums from the deep, and witnessed the rising of your people from the crypts. The prophets have witnessed your loyalty beyond even death, and respect the devotion you hold to your ideals.

As long as you keep to the mountains and hills, you will have nothing to fear from the Elda. What we seek lies under the waves, and so the seas will be our domain. If you wish to trade in the future, the forces of the Farthest Fleet may hear you out. For now, we are content to vow under the sightless skies of Glimnir and your own gods that no ship nor raider will despoil your shores, provided that your people can promise the same to us.

Enclosed, you will find a folded sail from my xebec, Daemoniac. It was struck by lightning in a storm at world’s end, and is testament to the survival of faith beyond the boundaries of nature. I hope that you take it as a gesture of the respect I have for your people.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void

We are willing to draft a non-aggression pact between the Farthest Fleet and the Silverhammer Protectorate. We are promising not to invade any territories on the (heretofore unnamed) north-western continent of Hanrui and will not launch any stat attacks against the Protectorate. In exchange, the Fleet expects the Silverhammer Protectorate to stay off of the water, leaving the islands off the coast (46-48, and 28-29) alone and to similarly refrain from attacking the Fleet’s operations.

Additionally, it should be known that we are offering the Celestial Empire, Red Aurora College, and Crystalheart Covenant the same non-aggression pact terms.
Blessed currents and fortunate voyages to you, Grandmaster Isla Moray.

I approach you as a fellow journeyman, an explorer of note who has seen much of the world - and beyond - past the edge of my prow. The Farthest Fleet has travelled farther than most, but I know that those who sail under your banner put our name to the test. Unlike some of our other captains, I respect your ambition and desire to forge a new path.

To that end, I am extending a conditional offer of peace between our two factions. You have nothing to fear from the Elda... provided that your future explorations do not take you deeper than the shallows. What the Fleet seeks does not lie inland, but below the waves of Hanrui; we can stay out of each other’s way and both remain the more prosperous for it. The Fleet may be open to trading with your Covenant in the future.

In keeping with tradition, I have enclosed a map of the Utar islands of my birth, which have long since sunk beneath the waves. It is my hope that these charts will add to your collection.

ᛖᛁᛏᚱᛁ ᛃᛋ ᚺᚨᛋᛃᚨᛚᛗ
Eitri ys Hasjalm, Horizon-Seeker and Captain of the Drowned Moot

We are willing to draft a non-aggression pact between the Farthest Fleet and the Crystalheart Covenant. We are promising not to invade any territories on the (heretofore unnamed) north-western continent of Hanrui and will not launch any stat attacks against the Covenant. In exchange, the Fleet expects the Crystalheart Covenant to stay off of the water, leaving all islands off the coast (46-48, 35, and 28-29) alone and to similarly refrain from attacking the Fleet’s operations.

Additionally, it should be known that we are offering the Celestial Empire, Red Aurora College, and Silverhammer Protectorate the same non-aggression pact terms.
Fate and fortune be in your favor, wise Voice of the Phoenix.

Since the Elda’s arrival on this new Hanrui, I have been hearing whispers of the great works being undertaken at the Red Aurora College. The predilection for magical discovery and arcane insight has piqued my curiosity, and I have persuaded my father and the rest of the Drowned Moot to consider striking a deal with you rather than raising our banners for war.

The Farthest Fleet and the powers at our disposal are, to be frank, not interested in anything above the surface of the waves. What we seek lies in the depths, out of reach. As such, the Fleet is prepared to make pacts to swear off any landings on your shores, in exchange for certain promises to leave the waters alone and stay out of the Fleet’s affairs.

In the future, I also hope to liaise with you regarding the trade of magical talent and artifacts. The Elda and Aurora college might prove to be useful allies, given time and proper cooperation.

ᚺᛁᛚᛞᛖ ᚨᛋᛚᚢᚾᛞᛋᛞᛟᛏᛏᛁᚱ
Hilde Aslundsdöttir, Hala's Chosen

We are willing to draft a non-aggression pact between the Farthest Fleet and the Red Aurora College. We are promising not to invade any territories on the (heretofore unnamed) south-western continent of Hanrui and will not launch any stat attacks against the College. In exchange, the Fleet expects the Red Aurora College to stay off of the water, leaving all islands off the coast (27-29) alone and to similarly refrain from attacking the Fleet’s operations.

Additionally, it should be known that we are offering the Celestial Empire, Silverhammer Protectorate, and Crystalheart Covenant the same non-aggression pact terms.

St. Justicar
2020-10-28, 02:48 PM
Clockwork Republic
Morale 5

To 77, the Voice Phoenix

(I hope this is the correct way to address you. My sincere apologies if not)

A pity, but entirely understandable. Something to revisit in the coming months and years then, I hope.

As for your counter-proposal, I’ve brought it to my colleagues on the colony’s executive committee, and on balance they’re quite enthusiastic about the idea. Not that out voice counts for particularly much in the halls of the Congress, at the moment, but what votes we have can be counted on to support your proposal.

May your eyes ever be unclouded,
Academic Cahit, Committee on Applied Metaphysics, Esheri Republic

2020-10-28, 10:21 PM

Holy Phanos:


A Town Inside Groh - Hiu Brighteyes: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZNME6n8JeQ)

“... ugh things are certainly starting to become dangerous, Yurian…” Hiu sighed out the growing tension in him rising again as he sat cross legged, book in lap, overlooking the oasis town called Rivertail from a nearby hill. A nice enough place and useful for those that needed to rest from trekking; it was a spot that Hiu liked to return to at times and admire. Even if it lacked the grandeur shown in Holy High it held everything Hiu could hope for in a town; clean water, enough food for the people here, tasteful architecture that was not too gaudy (the nephilim had bad habits with that Hiu noticed), nice locals, and best of all-

“Hey” said a boy from behind Hiu.

-the peace. Hiu made sure to quickly suppress the show of unwelcome surprise on his face before turning to look at him with a smile.

Hiu could not quite stop himself from looking surprised at the hostility from the boy. “Hello?” he said questioningly.

“Your in my spot.” the boy said without a hint of fear at Hiu’s size.

Hiu’s face could not suppress the ‘what?!’ look fast enough to hide from the boy “Sorry... but I got here first.”

“So? It was my spot first. You're not from around here, and melqart Tyblious never introduced you.”

Yurian are you testing me?! Hiu thought as he began to sweat a little from the awkwardness of the situation for him. But after a moment he closed his book, stood up facing the boy and laughed a bit at the ridiculousness of this situation. “By Yurian’s golden glow you have no fear. Fine, you deserve this.” He then sat back in the air facing the town, a bit wasteful use of Yurian’s blessing but his pride was hurt somewhat…

“Hmph” said the child as he took his spot on top of the hill with an audible thud, then began to rummage around in his bag.

Hiu rubbed his chin a bit before asking “What is your name?”

“Honakey,” the boy said.

“What are you doing up here?”

“My parents and melqart Tyblious said not to talk to strangers.” Honakey replied with bringing out a journal of their own and a pen.

“Even nephilim like me?” Hiu felt really confused at where this bravery was coming from.

The boy looked over at Hiu and rised an eyebrow “Hmph your too small and skinny to be one of them, your not that much taller than melqart Tybilous.”

Oh… that’s why. At least Tybilious’s seems respected here? Hiu thought a bit annoyed at his short stature being brought up again, by a child no less. Hiu not really wanting to deal with this anymore and put a hand to his head groaning a bit. “Ugh I’m, well…” he’d really rather not say who he was and ruin one of his favorite reading spots “I suppose I should leave, Yurian bless you.”

Hiu engulfed himself in light to transport himself home thinking Ugh, good thing no one saw this… the Ba’al’s would have a fit if they could see this. Is this just you telling me I should get back to work, Yurian?


Holy High, Home of the Divine - Hiu Brighteyes: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4oLMGThh3k)

As Hiu appeared atop his home he gave a moment of thought to the surrounding city that had sprung up. It was certainly far more grand than anything else one could see on Phanos, though the amount of work that was put into masonry to look pretty could have been used elsewhere it was not Hiu’s role to decide for the chosen what they must do, only guide them… the Ba’als had the final say on most matters.

Ah, yes, the Ba’als. Hiu should probably see how they are handling recent events.

Hiu glided down his tall tower and began to make his way to the grand chamber where the Ba’als were having their meeting this day. By Yurian’s grace he hoped that they were not too riled up at the new neighbor’s demands, he mainly left today to study so they could get most of the anger out of them before getting his official recommendation and replying.

Guards and clergy mostly ignored him as he passed by, seeing his silence and glances away as a sign that he did not consider them worth his time. He almost got away with entering the great chamber without speaking with a single soul when he heard a “Hey!” to the right of him.


Hiu stopped mid-stride and glanced over at Pick making sure to look calculated and a bit cold. “Greetings Pick.”

It seemed to get the message across as Pick put his hands in front of him “H-hey Hiu don’t look at me like that! Having a bad day? I thought you said you’d be away from the council till tomorrow.”

Hiu began walking again with Pick behind him “... I encountered something that made me decide to return here urgently.” Yes, framing it that way might in some respect rather than ‘a minor’s kid interrupted my reading and I did not want to do anything about it’. “Have the Ba’als calmed down?”

“Well…” Hiu heard the beginnings of an understatement “I suppose so. They’ve stopped screaming at least.”

‘By Yurian they’re emotions flare hard’ Yurian thought, then added ‘I suppose it’s in our blood.’

Hiu and Pick caught up with one another while walking to the grand chamber, parting ways once Hiu entered the chamber where the Ba’als were discussing the recent message sent to them.

“Outrageous blasphemers!”
“They dare think they can take what is rightfully ours?!”
“They shall burn for this!”

“Perhaps they simply do not know who we are yet.”
“They might respond well to guidance.”
“They might be useful.”
“Give them a chance to hear us.”
“If they know what we are capable of they’ll back down.”

Hiu was actually somewhat glad, some of them appeared to have calmed down. Though the divine energy in the room emanating from the Ba’als was still glowing a bit too brightly for Hiu’s comfort; he strode into the middle of the room holding down an inner scream as he put on a bored look towards the onlooking Ba’als who quickly silenced themselves except for a large eagle headed woman who spoke up.

“Hiu Brighteyes?! Why have you returned early?”

“Unexpected events lead me to urgently return here, lady Urial.” Hiu said again, the words flowing better a second time. “We do not have much time to argue amongst ourselves, the powers of Hanrui are beginning to move and we blessed of Yurian must as well.” Hiu glanced around at the chamber “Have you even made up your minds on what to say to the godless men? And the other powers?”

The entire council was silent before multiple contradicting statements were given to Hiu. He pinched the upper part of his nose while raising his other hand “Enough, Ba’als, your grandiose dementors merits those of Yurian’s ilk, but it is not what we need today”. He looked back at the crowd “Let me help.”

Moral 8

The message arrives tied to a golden arrow shot from afar, though beyond a dramatic bit of light showing it’s arrival it held no other strange functions.

Greetings sailors of the Farthest Fleet, we’ve sensed you and your gods have come to Hanuri and wished to welcome you here as fellow servants of the divine.

May you find both your and Yurian’s blessing.

-Illuminated Council of Phanos

A pink woman 9ft tall arrives carrying a message, she seems to be able to control her hair.

Greetings those of the illustrious court of Winter.

Despite the source of our magical natures and cultures being different, we children of Yurian find much within the Court of Winter that we empathize with deeply. Most of all, the importance of the individual both physically and otherwise.

I hope that in the future we may be able to open and learn from one another in the future.

May Yurian keep you safe.

-Hiu Brighteyes

To our neighbours south of Phanos’s eastern border

Your messenger seemed quite confused, giving their message to a minor clan’s mayor instead of a melqart or the council. I will admit, the council was enraged when they heard your claim to the lands north of your current occupation, a part of the desert of Phanos.

I and a slight majority among the Illuminated Council understand this to be a misunderstanding, and that you would not invade the desert of Phanos understanding it to be what it was. If you wish to negotiate access to the lands north of Phanos I am sure that the Council will hear you, your geographical situation is indeed a predicament that we sympathize with.

Yurian bless you in peace.

-Hiu Brighteyes

Bless you those of the Covenant.

We of Phanos have noticed your words and deem them Good, and wish to open communication between us.

Yurian bless you in peace.

-The Illuminated Council

Delivered by a tall man who wore no shirt, instead bearing white feathers along with a glowing halo.

To the new Emperor Xisun of the Celestial Empire.

Greetings illustrious emperor, we hope to find you in good health. We of the holy lands of Phanos wished to open diplomatic ties between you and us; as well as ask what your thoughts on the current possible agendas of the world congress.

May the light of Yurian shine on you and your lands.

-The Illuminated Council

Sent by a 14ft tall man with goat legs and rabbit ears wearing grey robes with a sun symbol on it.

“Yurian blessings to you among the Red College that would listen to our council’s message. I have come from the holy land of Phanos to say that word of your struggles and accomplishments has reached us. We, children of the god of Hanuri, welcome you and pray you find the wealth you seek under our god. The Illuminated Council has also requested open diplomatic embassies between our people.”

Sent by a 13ft tall woman with scales along her arms and legs, and two great wings on her back.

Greetings to our soft kind neighbors to the west. We of the holy land of Phanos wish to open diplomatic ties with you so future proposals may be more easily shared between each other.

Yurian bless you and your works.

-The Illuminated Council

The message arrives by a green-skinned woman who's skin was wood and her nails claws

Greetings children of the clan Baem. We, the children of the god of Hanuri, welcome you and wish you well; and to also extend an offer of embassies between our people for easy communication.

Blessings in peace

-Hiu Brighteyes

2020-10-28, 11:30 PM
The Fae of the Four Courts

All messages Morale 4.

The message, when opened, releases a burst of cold air, and darkens lights within a 2.8 metre radius.

Sun scorches. Pride burns. Power divides. Do not dare to draw parallels between our court and yours. You are beings of fire and light, who subjugate and conquer. Politeness is noted, and notion of retribution discarded. Do not trouble us with your tidings again.

The message is unsigned.

Your emissaries are barred from the Winter Court. Autumn will be pleased to hear of this. The opinions of Spring and Summer are unchanged. You may yet find an ally in Summer, Spring, or Autumn.

The message, when opened, summons a crisp wind, filled with playful laughter.

Courts fade. Courts change. What difference does it make? All are Fae. Your praise is appreciated. Your praise is acknowledged.

You are not yet trusted. You are not yet proven. Words, whispered, with no deeds behind them. Grant us a token, devotion, promise, and we will sway those who stand against this proposal.

Oh, what grand displays we expect from you. Do not disappoint us.

It is signed “Duke of Frigid Serenity”.

Because your rep is relatively low, the Winter Court is asking for [1 MAG] for their four votes at the next congress. They will not be offended if you decline this offer, or seek to negotiate.

Your standing with the Winter Court slightly increased. The opinions of Spring, Autumn, and Summer are unchanged. You may yet find an ally in any of the Four Courts.

The message is delivered plainly, by an ordinary-looking woman.

You, who share land. New shoots. Blossom. Mountains crumble. Forests burn. Tides surge. Fortune falls. Come, and speak with us, or suffer. No harm, so long as you keep to the rules. Joyous. Mournful. Anticipation.

The Four Courts of Hanrui will be offended if they are not messaged by your faction this turn.

The message is delivered plainly, with no adornment, from an ordinary-looking man or woman with no face.

Neighbors. Old forests watch new stirrings. Masks are donned. Masks are. A new age approaches. Send us your emissaries, if you dare, and win the favour of the Courts.

The Four Courts of Hanrui will not be offended if they are not messaged by your factions this turn.

The message is delivered by a very bemused-looking courier.

How delightful. How strange. Generosity and greed in equal measure. Respect and dedication. Pleasure and friendship. Open doors and hushed rooms. Oh, it has been so long. It has begun! The Four Courts welcome you to Hanrui with open arms and hidden smiles. We name you Friend of Fae. Respect, if mutual, shall always be reciprocated.

It is simply signed “The Courts”.

Your standing with the Winter Court greatly increased. Your standing with the Summer Court greatly increased. Your standing with the Spring Court greatly increased. Your standing with the Autumn Court greatly increased.

The message is found carved into a boulder, which is launched just outside of the city limits of the closest settlement.

Hail and well met! Should you be sons and daughters of glory, honour, and adventure, you are welcome in our lands. You would have been received at Autumn with respect and glee, but we are glad you chose Spring.

You have offered us kind words and respect, which is an offering unto itself. It is noted. We look forward to further missives.

It is signed “The Knight of the Glorious Pilgramage”

Your standing with the Spring Court increased. Your standing with the Autumn Court slightly decreased. The opinions of Winter and Summer are unchanged. You may yet find an ally in any of the Four Courts.

The message, when opened, releases a gentle aurora of pleasing colours, which whirls softly for 4.7 second before fading.

Rise and fall, life and death, dawn and dusk. Everything changes. Nothing changes. Endless balance. Should it tip, you will wait and strike with words as you did with sword. We watched once. We watch now.

Purity. Purpose. Divine.

It is rare that we are unified. You have the respect of Two and Two, of One and One and One and One. You may expand unfettered by us.

It is simply signed “The Courts”.

The Four Courts of Hanrui are renouncing all claims on Territories 52 and 53.

Your standing with the Winter Court greatly increased. Your standing with the Summer Court greatly increased. Your standing with the Spring Court greatly increased. Your standing with the Autumn Court greatly increased.

2020-10-29, 02:33 AM
Clan Baem

Idol's end could be a jewel, if simply for its location, had its inhabitants not been too spent when they arrived to care for city planning or aesthetics.

Yet Chin Hae seemed happy while walking across it, if only for how nostalgic seeing the petals from his homeland's trees carried by the breeze they had barely any time to grow, but they seemed to take well to this land, he could only hope they did as well.

Lanterns started lighting his path as dusk turned night, the bustle relented not one bit, it may have even increased. He picked through a few words here and there, it was a good habit, at least in his line of work, but he certainly regretted how grim everyone's thoughts were, even the youngsters not even in such a hopeful day... a pity

As he approached the town center his hair tingled, and he didn't doubt anybody's with an inch of Baem blood did the same, the energy of this year's ritual weighted heavier as the day closed. he entered a nearby den to smoke a bit before heading to his home, he remembered very little from his own bloodletting, nothing but a tiny residue of a scar to prove it happened, soon the tingle stopped and he debated going to receive orders now that the all-chief was free but decided against, he'll be summoned if needed, no matter the time, so may as well rest for now.

Mor 2

Coordinator Neese,

I like the your cut, and judging by what I'm going to write the All chief does as well, since your companions do also seem to be handling some of the diplomacy I'd like to make a polite suggestion that you be the one who keeps talking to us, in the interest of reaching an agreement.

aside from that:

We are too early to put a fair price on our aid, as you'll understand. Though a territory of our choosing (to be granted when your troops aren't busy of course) would surely convince us as our islands, while obscenely well located, are getting crowded.

As for more easy pickins, funds are slim, and you hit the money, so name the pathetic ammount you'll pay for assasinations and witchery so we can work our way down from the stupid high ammount we'll ask in return.

One of our junks will pay you a visit when the trade routes are worth a fee, though if you want them now we can start with the pay and get to the doing soon enough.

-Success and luck, Clan Baem.

A light junk flits near enough for a lantern to be seen, clearly chosen for its speed, a feminine voice starts booming from it, clearly heard by anyone close to the larger ships while silent to any past them1.

"Clan Baem salutes you, oh, new arrivals.

As you have made little effort to hide your like for promises of peace and love of coastal land, particularly islands.

we would be very grateful if you did one, a very loud one, of those promises with us so we can peacefully discuss which islands that we are not currently occupying you really need, which you want and anything else your people feel like discussing.

Have some tea while you write the non-agression pact"

the booming voice stopped, and after a bit some crates were carried by the waves towards some of the most approachable ships containing surprisingly dry tea leaves and very cheap teapots.

a chirping bird from far away lands kowtows before an approved imperial emissary sanctioned for negotiating with foreigners, after standing up its eyes glow red and it speaks in as neutral a voice as can be.

"Greatest of respects to the empire, and its' emperor's wise choice of oppening borders, let it be known that should Clan Baem receive a gift they will give appropiate tribute back, both what gift and tribute entails can be discussed if needed" The bird stands calm, waiting for an answer.

To the Lady Saladrahal,

We are looking forward to being your neighbours and would like to assist your mission any way we can, pragmatically of course, as you will understand balance is important in reciprocity as well, do let us know if you need anything and we'll be sure to do the same.

-Clan Baem.

The greenskinned woman finds an easy time travelling towards someone worth delivering the letter too, only inspiring a whistle and some cat calls from woodsman bringing the fruits of their effort home.

She is invited to drink something in a bar open to the street which struggled to accomodate the giantess while the person receiving the message runs to the monument by the town center, the reply comming as a whisper from the air.

"Greetings to you and respect to whoever rules the land ours trod in.

An embassy would be most welcome, animal messangers and letters lead to misunderstandings, just know that the currents around our islands are yet to be explored properly, and one or two embassies may be lost on the way, taking into consideration both your divine gifts and how often you may sail in a desert"

-Fortune and meaning, Clan Baem.

2020-10-29, 06:41 AM
Morale 4

The missive arrives carved into a tree and ice, written out as a series of leaves arranged in letters and as water frozen into words on the ground.


Your fickleness makes you ill suited as matter for an ally. Should you seek the exemption of your lands from de Leuteum interests, we of the Lodge are certain that there is a bargain to be made. However, before any sort of further dialogue between us can resume, end your obsfucaton and state the truth of your purpose in contacting the Lodge immediately.

The Valence Lodge


The letter arrives on some sort of tan matter with a flesh like consistency, squirming for a moment when passed from the de Leuteum messenger's hands to the representative from the Republic. Notably, the de Leuteum symbol has been branded to the letter: a flask with a hornet in it, the bands of the hornet's abdomen illustrated like DNA helixes.

Most Esteemed Logicians of the Clockwork Republic,

We of the Lodge find ourselves in full agreement. Facing an enemy of such stature would give any pause even if they didnt wield their faith like a weapon. The unique... disposition of your militay's physiology is fascinating. Worthy of preservation. How may we assist you?

Massimo de Leuteum, Sole Guildbreaker to the House

You have an offer on-hand?

The letter arrives on some sort of green matter with a scale like consistency, squirming for a moment when passed from the de Leuteum messenger's hands to the representative from the Guild. Notably, the de Leuteum symbol has been branded to the letter: a flask with a hornet in it, the bands of the hornet's abdomen illustrated like DNA helixes.

Trade Guild,

Regrettably, our adventuring assets are currently committed to the Yellow Forest for the coming season. However, should you like to purchase additional assets from House de Letuem this season we would be more than amenable to an agreement.

The Valence Lodge

Will trade your eco for my Mil at a 2:1 ratio.

The letter arrives on some sort of black and white matter with a flesh like consistency, exactly parted so that the black and white so that the coloration is completely even. It squirms for a moment when passed from the de Leuteum messenger's hands to the representative from the Legion. Notably, the de Leuteum symbol has been branded to the letter: a flask with a hornet in it, the bands of the hornet's abdomen illustrated like DNA helixes. The symbol is lodged equidistance between the black and white portions of the letter.

Esteemed Legion,

I will not mince words, as doubtless your are already informed as to the Lodge's myriad functions. Allow us to frame this contact within the paradigm of a goal: all of Hanrui is an equation. Would you like assistance in equating it?

The Valence Lodge

I have a VIP on hold for a more personal conversation if the Legion wants to field a more in depth discussion about the balance of power on this plane. :smallsmile: Plus I mean...c'mon, "The Legion and Lodge" has a nice ring to it.

Vrock Bait
2020-10-29, 10:03 AM
Celestial Empire of Longshan

In accordance with the divine will that the empire must form stronger bonds with foreign allies, the emperor would like to cordially extend an invitation to all nations for a diplomatic summit in our nation’s capital. We will be discussing the latest agendas from the World Congress and a full imperial festival will be prepared.

Morale 4

Greetings to the First Speaker Aslund,

I would like to similarly express my admiration of your people’s resolve and seamanship. Your unity and arcane skill are much envied by our empire’s citizens.

Such a treaty would indeed to highly beneficial to all parties. Enclosed is a copy of the latest imperial decree regarding your vessels.

In finale, my thanks for the fine stele you sent previously. I have had it placed within the temple district so that our gods may also look favorably on your line. My advisors are in uproar, but it is good for them to get some exercise once in a while, no?

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven

In times past, it has been said colloquially, “when gold flows from the west, blood flows from the Shan people. When clouds darken the west, peace flows through the land.” As of immediately, any activity performed against the Farthest Fleet to the West is hereby explicitly outlawed. Imperial subjects are not permitted to sail more than twenty li past the Western shore and all Farthest Fleet vessels are to be payed the same respects as imperial vessels. Decree of the third month, spring, 1146.

Greetings to the Illuminated Council,

I hope that this message finds you in peace and prosperity. We would also highly appreciate stronger diplomatic ties with your peoples.

We will contribute however we can towards the New World Congress, whether the fundraising agenda passes or not. I will be supporting the expansion agenda, as there are many lands to the north and south that have fallen out of the Imperial flock within the last fifty years. My belief is that our peer to our south, the Covenant will also be supporting this agenda.

I await your thoughts on the current agendas. There are certainly some agendas being distributed behind the public purview that I would also like to discuss.

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven

The imperial emissary, Songsun Ce, nods and thanks the bird.

“I believe your nation’s strengths lie in sorcery and its skillful agents? The empire would certainly be very amenable to any information that the Baem dynasty could provide. Is there anything you would wish from us?”

2020-10-29, 11:55 AM
The Grand Collection of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside Under the Administration of the Great Council of Elders, Colony of the Exceptional Alliance of Free Hobbits Administrated by the Parliament of Duly Elected Officials

Morale 6
Reputation 8

Hidey ho neighbor! Great day to be alive. A portly woman says looking up from the bushes she is pruning next to her hobbit hole. She waves to the cart passing by her.

That it is Martha. Good to see you using a Banks Brand Pruner. Make sure to tell me if you have any suggestions to improve it! The man in the cart keeps up a wide smile until she is finally out of sight where it promptly drops and he turns to the other man in the cart.

How is trade progressing? Is the economy set up yet? Also any news from the other countries. Guntram Von Banks asks as he starts reading through his daily reports.

It has started, though we are still very reliant on you to maximize it. It will probably be years until we reach peak efficiency. Our pull in the Hanrui congress is going well, money seems to be buying this one but our reputation is already shining through. There is going to be a meeting of the nations soon that I will be expected to attend as well as several more private messages. Sir Edward Vandburke the 2nd says with a smile as he reads through his own papers.

Guntram gives a small nod as he goes back to reading. It was almost mid morning meal time and he wanted this done before then.

We are interested in trades but if possible, it would have to be decided after World Congress. While we are talking, do you have any preference in the way the voting should go and issues you would like to see on the docket? I am quite interested in starting an early voting bloc to help shape Hanrui.

Pleasure to hear from you,
Guntram Von Banks, Elder

Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

It is a pleasure to hear from you. I have to admit, we were surprised that you chose those territories and we hope you the best for your future. Of course we will welcome an embassy and would request we be allowed to send our own. For the upcoming Congress, is there any concerns you would like to address? I imagine you would be very much for the war footing bill to be turned down?

Hope to hear from you soon,
Guntram Von Banks, Elder

It is good to hear from you, we hope that future relations stay well. While we are talking, is there any motions for the upcoming congress you wish to address?

Hope to hear from you soon,
Guntram Von Banks, Elder

It is good to hear from you and such positivity. We are honored and hope we can continue to foster this positivity with most of you for the coming years. We would be glad to name you Friend of the Colony Hobbits

The Council of Elders

Would be pleased to come to your meeting. We were planning our own but your wonderful Empire will be an excellent meeting place.

Guntram Von Banks, Elder

Greetings, those who seek balance. We contacting you as we are curious about your though on a reputation alliance? We may have different views on how to go about it, but I believe we both agree it is dangerous any single faction gets too much power and together we could make a powerful voting bloc to insure the balance of power stays intact.

Please consider,
Guntram Von Banks, Elder

2020-10-29, 01:01 PM
The guildhall bustles with letters and news from the borders, replies from nations and new goods coming in from around the landmass.

Despite all of the work being done, Khalos was missing, off killing some monster or another that had been stalking trade caravans in the past seasons.

There is no 'Desk' for Khalos themself, as there is not enough wood around the Nest, but alas we are happy to speak and meet you and your peoples.

The logistics of trade can be managed in the come seasons, but until then we would be happy to host an embassy. Hopefully, amicable conversation between our peoples will prove that your reputation is misleading.

We await your arrival in the nest,

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos.

Though we understand you are far from devils, the term 'the devil you know' applies in this situation. Our adventuring history with the Spring Court makes the court the clearest course of action. We do not wish to offend the Autumn court but we also have no intent on imposing our trade demands on all four courts at once, that would be ignoring your independence.

We may have news of trade after of Guildmaster returns from their hunt.

Respectfully, Grand Warlock Hadful

May have trade offers depending on what I find in the dungeon.

Good Morning, Evening or Afternoon depending on when this letter finds you.

We appreciate a shrewd businessperson at the Guild, but we cannot accept your stated terms. The price at the moment is too high and the demand of our peoples is too low to justify the cost. Alas, circumstances may change once our guildmaster comes back from their hunt.

I cannot justify a 2:1 on turn 1. Will let you know if anything spicy comes from the dungeons.

5 ADV will be clearing the Lake of Blood floors 1-5

Khalos will be clearing the Lake of Blood floors 6-10

World Congress:

The Guild has 8 votes

The Guild commits 4 votes to approve the Economic bidding motion.

The Guild Commits 4 votes to deny mercenary companies.

2020-10-29, 01:34 PM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

Morale 4

The reply comes in the form of a strange bird with three heads who caws unnaturally about events past, those happening across Hanrui, and those to come. It presents all three of its necks for ritual sacrifice: a gift of privilege.

We thank you for your welcome, renowned giants. The Elda have heard of your might and history, and are pleased to receive a welcome to these shores.

Although we worship at different altars, our people share the practice of faith. As Yurian shines down upon you, so too do our ships take comfort in the gathering night of Glimnir, our Beautiful Void. It nurtures us and protects And as light cannot exist without darkness, so too do we see the need for your empire to exist and prosper.

In the future, perhaps we may reach out to you in order to make such a dream a reality.

ᚺᛁᛚᛞᛖ ᚨᛋᛚᚢᚾᛞᛋᛞᛟᛏᛏᛁᚱ
Hilde Aslundsdöttir, Hala's Chosen
The flotilla of longships, brigs, and other vessels that lurk in the weird waters of Hanrui’s outer oceans do not approach the lantern-clad vessel, yet anyone on board feels a vague chill, a creeping horror that will not cease and lingers deep in the bones despite a rational understanding of one’s safety.

After a few minutes, the feeling passes, and yet the memory persists somewhere beneath the skin. The crates are not drunk by men, but rather dragged far beneath the waves by a rapacious shadow.
To the Son of Heaven,

Your declaration has been read from the steps of Skepnhaus, and met with approval by the Fleet’s captains. Word has gone out to our crews already to leave all of the shores of the mainland to you, even as we expand into Myrkur and prepare to set sail for farther isles.

It is always a good thing to be mindful of tradition, yet not entirely beholden to it. The men and women of Utar know well the strength that comes with overthrowing what was believed to be ‘common’ sense.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void
The Belly of the Beast:
Excavations of Leviathan’s Landing have revealed passages deep into the entity that gives the island its name. The Drowned Bowels, as the Elda have taken to calling it, beckons those crews daring enough to explore it. Openings in the aesophagus into the cavernous ribway halls have opened wide enough for Skadia to sail herself through with a fully armed crew, with arterial corridors being drained and mapped out by Trobald and Aslund’s bravest sailors. The push is tremendous, as the Fleet does not stop with its delving until it reaches the lower innards of the creature, leagues below the surface of Keelsplitter Bay. There, the contents of the leviathan’s stomach sac are opened for all to share in the spoils... and dangers.

[Skadia (2 ADV), 4 MIL, and 6 ADV to clear 10 floors of the Drowned Bowels, rerolling the 9th and 10th floors of loot]

Also, I am going to use all 3 of my votes to say YAY to the war footing bill.

2020-10-29, 02:49 PM

Holy Phanos:

Moral 8

A golden light descends from the heavens, scorching the earth with a warning.

We have divined your words with our neighbors and fear the worst of intentions. If anything happens to the First Speaker, both the godless and yourselves will face divine judgement.

However, we do not wish to simply give out warnings that would only enrage, but also offer something in return as well. If the godless come to you with an offer, let us hear it and see what we can do to persuade you down a more righteous path besides threats of conflict.

Bless you in peace.

-The Illuminated Council

St. Justicar
2020-10-29, 04:29 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 5

Don’t worry, it’s basic specialization of labor – some of the others handle the high-minded diplomacy and appeals to principle, I get to wrestle with the pigs in the mud over shiny bits of copper. No offence.

So, three possibilities here, two for land and one for cash.

Option 1. Contingent on there being a war. You commit yourselves to being wholehearted allies, or at least turn all your murderers and witches on our enemies. In compensation, you’ll receive a full half of any land the Republic’s armies occupy during hostilities, of our choosing (within reason). Presumably safely inland, at least until you’ve either worked out some sort of arrangment with the squid-worshipping savages you seem menaced by, or they all keel over form scurvy.

Option 2. Deferred payment in kind, essentially. You chart a route from your lovely island now, you use it to provide aid in developing certain contingencies in case of war, and once things have calmed down or been resolved – or we have the soldiers free, anyway – you can ferry them to whatever bit of land you want that isn’t going to get us involved in any wider war for acquiring for you.

Option 3. You don’t want to fully commit to a war, so I just write a check. Or I suppose ‘divert a few supply ships full of textiles and gunpowder’ would be more accurate. Contingent on your mapping a safe shipping route, you’ll be looped into our logistics networks, receiving a permanent subsidy in exchange for the services of your spy network for the season.

Once you’re done laughing or swearing, please figure out which ones appeal and get back to me with your counter-offers.
-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)
PS: Maybe don’t be too specific about the offers you’re responding to, given your entire operation leaks like a sieve.

[ooc: The first two are clear enough, I think? The later is offering 1 permanent econ in exchange for your esp stat for the turn. Opening bids, not final offers, to be clear.]

To the Priest-King Hiu Bright-Eyes of Phanos

My sincere apologies for any misunderstanding. Our scouts and envoys assured us that the coastal foothills and badlands to our north were inhabited by nothing but pre-state nomads, and I was unaware your empire’s current claims extent beyond the lands you governed.

As I have said, needless war is both immoral and wasteful, and we have no desire to tresspass against your claims. But I hope you can understand the idea of being wholly encircled by a single neighbour does little to calm my more militaristic colleagues sleep.

We would be happy to recognize your claims to [territory 10], but I am afraid I must insist on some considerations in return. To whit, free transit and navigation through the territory, and aid in finding navigable routes around it. [2 Adv].

Would that be an acceptable compromise? And if not, is it possible to arrive at one?

Peace and Reason,
Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

To Massimo de Leuteum

Always a pleasure to find someone so reasonable to deal with someone so reasonable.

Honestly the specifics rather depend on how quickly a navigable route can be established between our centres of gravity. And whether the overgrown brutes see reason or have a fit of sun-stroke and come charging across the border. My colleagues have three possible contingencies sketched out – all solely if we are forced into war, of course.

I don’t suppose you’re able to spare any adventurous types to help chart a safe sea route this season?

And, while I’m absolutely happy to assume, to save myself the heartache – you never did answer whether I should be filing this as a mercenary contract or a formal alliance.

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

To Elder Guntram Von Banks of the Grand Collective of Free Hobbits (...)

Your kind words are sincerely appreciated. Our landing site has proven to be less than ideal, truthfully. But we must act as necessity requires, and work with what is at hand. I can only hope the tyrants with whom we find ourselves sharing the region can see the logic of peace.

As for your question; yes, on balance we’d much prefer not to subsidize mass warfare across the continent. Even aside from our own parochial concerns, the whole idea seems vaguely obscene.
As for positive measures, we’re quite predictably in favour of anything that eases pathfinding and navigation. Though our actual votes are already provisionally committed to the Aurora College’s proposal, should it be put forward. The specifics escape me, but some sort of initiative to further knowledge and development among the leading circles of each state, if I recall.

What interests will the Grand Collective be advancing in the coming session, if I may ask?

Peace and Reason,
Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

To the Court of the Zanshen Emperor

I have been granted the honour of representing my government at your summit, and look forward to seeing your cities first-hand.

Peace and Reason,
Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

2020-10-29, 07:01 PM
The Red Aurora College

Morale 4


The Farthest Fleet
Hilde of the Elda,

Your proposed agreement suits the College well, thank you for reaching out in peace rather than war. I shall remember that. Though of course we will need to ply the waters for trade, both here in Hanrui and beyond. Are there any seas our ships should know to avoid so as not to disturb your fleets?

Regarding the trade of magical knowledge and artefacts we would of course be interested, though our access to adventure sites has been a recent development, and thus our stock of magical artefacts is currently non-existent. Still if you find something you think would be of interest to the College I shall keep the Farthest Fleet in mind while stockpiling magical discoveries of our own.

I look forward to speaking further,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Clockwork Republic
Esteemed Cahit,

That form of address will serve well enough, I apologize that it does not translate well to this tongue, but is a title of great importance to me.

Our voice bears relatively little bearing on the World Congress either, but I hope to gather a few other voices in addition to ours. It is hardly a plan that any faction would really object to after all. I look forward to speaking together further.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

Holy Phanos
The Nephilim is ushered to a Dueling hall where their size is better accommodated than the cramped classrooms and lecture halls. Greeting him there is a heavily built woman in fancy formal clothes kept clean and shimmering with a simple charm.

“The blessings of Yurian are of course appreciated. I am called 77 - The Phoenix Voice, I will speak for the Red Aurora College in matters of diplomacy. I see no reason to refuse an embassy with the Yurian’s disciples. Are there any discussions you wish to open between our factions?”

While the hall has been cleared of students and staff bar a pair of stone-faced guards, the conversation still feels observed.

To the Fae of the Four Courts - Winter Court of Nascent Wonders
To the Duke of Frigid Serenity,
Trust is earned, not given, Winter Duke. I know this. But do not dismiss my institution so quickly, between us there is less distance in reputation than you may have heard.

This proposal is important to my College, and I wish to use it as a starting point to prove ourselves to Hanrui and the world. Support us and you will have your token. Support us well and I can promise you we shall play a fascinating role in the coming play.

77 - The Phoenix Voice

MidTurn (GM)
3 adventurers, 2 espionage, and Zander (ADV1 VIP) will crash their way through 5 floors of the Infested Mine, rerolling on floor 5. Hopefully that is how you are supposed to write midturn. If not let me know. Also if this is where we are supposed to be putting up money for the World Congress Proposals I’ll be tossing in [2 eco] to make a proposal. And Vote in favour of Fundraising. (I believe I have 5 votes?)

Advanced Education Programs - Bonus XP for all VIPs.

Empire of Longshan World Congress Pre-Meeting
Feliana song arrives dressed in the crimson formal robes of a Third Circle Student. Though comically young in comparison to nearly everyone else in the room, she maintains exquisite poise and courtesy in every interaction.

“The Red Aurora College would like to propose Advanced Education Programs at the coming world congress, with the aim of improving the talents of already talented individuals throughout Hanrui. Our future surely lies with the bright minds who guide the nations and factions of Hanrui, regardless of what flag they serve.”

2020-10-29, 08:41 PM

Holy Phanos:

Moral 8

A written letter delivered by the same large woman from before.

To Elder Guntram Von Banks

The people of Phanos know you to be a peaceful collective, and wish to offer our aid in refuting the war-wares wishing to aid in the conquest of Hanuri; however we also cannot say we shall at this time. For the matter of bribery brining more influence among the council troubles us more, what are your thoughts on the matter?

Yurian bless you in peace

-The Illuminated Council

Hiu was sitting in his tower's office rubbing his head after the ground shaking laughter that had erupted from the council when they heard the title the easterners had given him... and the second time when he asked to give the reply. Oh Yurian, he wished it was worth the effort...

To our ingenious mechanical neighbors

After some deliberation among the Illuminated Council it has been decided that we shall be able to aid you in making that sea route as requested next season; however, the people of Phanos will require a public acknowledgement of our border and a non-aggression pact to be made between us that will last two years. We wish to aid those that don't hold ill-will towards Phanos.

Perhaps more constructive measures for mutual benefit could be had in the future, if enough potential is seen.

If you feel that such a commitment is too much to bear, then fear not for Phanos is willing to still let you travel through our lands north of your current borders to reach the green lands beyond. We still sympathize with your geographical situation.

May Yurian bless you in peace.

-Hiu Brighteyes

A small piece of paper seemed to be attached to the letter.

The Ba'als found the idea of me as a king quite humorous, the stone chamber had to be repaired after the laughter. I am at most a priest that serves an advisory role to the council, and was only given permission to write on their behalf for a few factions. I'd never have a moment of time to study if I was...

I'm basically asking for a non-aggression pact with the vague idea of some economical aid later on (a road or ship-lane, or whatever else I can benefit from as well).

The nephilim nodded.

"Yes lady Phoenix there is something the council would wish to discuss. On matters of the World Congress, what are your thoughts on the current purposes? Phanos favored neither of them when I left."

2 Adv will go explore the Prism Cave and will leave if they either complete two floors or one of them is killed.

Voting to say no to warfooting. (3 Rep 8 Mor)

2020-10-29, 08:54 PM
Another knock found its way onto Grandmaster Isla's door, and she grunted. Raising her head, the figure brought a rare smile to her face. Kin that embodied multiple traits weren't so common, most in the Covenant did still tend to stay within their species, but as time passed blood intermingled more and more and led to rare indivduals, such as griffin-kin like the one that stood before her. Dressed in light armor and a sturdy, worn breastplate, the woman standing in front of her was one such figure. Clawed, lion-like feet were covered from the ankle up by pants and greaves, the woman's hands covered in the scaly skin akin to an eagle's legs, and finally a pair of tawny wings that were currently tucked tightly behind her, between her shoulder blades.

"Taleah! What brings such a ray of sunshine to my office at this time?" Taleah Camallo was the daughter of a dear friend, now passed, and a welcome sight. Virtually famous now across the whole of the Covenant, and even now was already on the cusp of exceeding her father's adventures. If she was anything like her old man, she wouldn't be satisfied with just that.

"Grandmaster, I just wanted to let you know, and the other grandmasters that a few of the more pioneering types are getting ready to move. There's plenty in this new place to explore and we think it's high time to do it. A few are going to scope out those towers, but I'll be joining the expedition to Corundynir's Lair. I think we're all excited to see what he has left there for us." The nereid nodded in response. "Just wanted to let you know, and we'll bring reports back as soon as we can!"

The old grandmaster sat back in the chair and leaned back. "If I were a century younger I'd think of joining you. Until then I'll leave it to the professionals and wait until its safe to visit. More likely I'll be made to go as a matter of state. Well, on with you, don't listen to this old ladies grumbling! Circle of Elements wants to leave the wording of the diplomatic responses to me, eh? I should write it in the bluntest manner possible that'll teach them to offload their work to me!" With a smile, Taleah exited and closed the door behind her as she left, leaving the grumbling nereid and her ever-growing stack of papers behind her.

Morale 8
To the Celestial Empire of Longshan,

As wanderers of the world we are no strangers to persecution. That your harbors are now open to trade, irregardless of its origin, is welcome news. However, we in the Crystalheart Covenant understand that what is freely given, can be taken away, or often comes with strings attached. We welcome your trade, but we will do so with due caution, being unfamiliar with your people and your intentions.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements
Captain Eitri,

Our people have voyaged long to seek our hallowed ground. While there are those among our number who have an affinity for the seas, as Grandmaster of the Sapphire Tear, I can certainly say that we have no interest in what lies beneath. Outside of our immediate territorial coasts, we do not seek to extend our reach across the seas unless driven by desperation or in pursuit of something greater than can be foreseen.

We shall take your offer of non-aggression, and the gifts you have given us with due caution. Many times before has the Covenant taken a hand offering peace and solace, when more nefarious objectives in mind. We will remain cautious and do not blame you for remaining the same. When the time comes for any potential trade, we shall remain vigilant, as is our way.

Speaker on behalf of the Circle of Elements,
Grandmaster Isla Moray
To the esteemed Illuminated Council,

We accept your offer of communication, we will listen to what words you have to speak. We are amenable to trade and communication both, but will remain vigilant. We are strangers in a strange land. Words may be all that we can provide in response to your own at this time.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements
To the Four Courts,

Our emissaries are hard at within our own borders. We have no desire to win anything but the security of our new home. If you wish to open diplomatic channels, you must come to us. We will stand vigilant until then.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements

Taleah Camallo (Adv 2) will going with 3 adventurers to clear the first five floors of Corundynir's Lair. Taleah will loot floors 1 and 5.
2 adventurer's will clear the first two floors of the Blackweald Towers.

2020-10-30, 12:31 AM
Clan Baem

Morale 2

a few more minutes of silenced passed by after, the incident the waves breaking against the junk and hushed whispers breaking the stale silence left afterwards.

The booming voice spoke again, it didn't sound shaken by any measure, but it did not sound confident,not one bit "Should I take that as a no?" the question lingered for a few minutes more before the junk left as fast as it came...

-"I'm not going back there"

The familiar smell of sea breeze that could hardly be shaken in an archipielago pervated the air as much as it could, as the light junk junk comandeered long ago by Dae rocked back and forth against its anchor.

-"What do you mean, not going back there?" did they attack? that wasn't it, the girl would have been calling for their blood the second she arrived...

-"I mean what I said, I shouldn't have gone playing diplomat in the first place and I certainly won't do so again" the phrase itself seemed apologetic if not for the tone and expression that lacked only bared fangs.

-"Playing... you were ordered to do so for a reason, the all-chief chose you for the job"

-"they were wrong" bared fangs were no longer missing from one of the faces.

-"you had a rough day, rest up and try them tomorrow"

-"screw that" a knife hit the desk with enough force to spill both drinks, a nearby attendant looked agitated, but didn't reach for any weapons on the grounds of self preservation.

-"say that again" Dae and Chin-Hae kept the stare down going for a few seconds, before She broke it with a word.

-"get off my ship" Chin-Hae brought the knife up from the table and threatened her throat in one swing.

-"you insubordinate..."

-"go ahead, shut down your gold mine" she displayed the first smile of the conversation. Soon enough the knife was stabbed back into the table, Chin Hae left mumbling about petulant brats and the ways to deal with them, Dae for her part sat down and resumed her conscious thinking about what lay beyond, the unconscious acknowledgement never stopping since that visit.

The birds nods in acknowledgement of an apt description of their talents

"For now we'll appreciate mediation with the Elda Háfnar to the west, as they appear to give due respect to the mandate of heaven, and in return we can share some of the information we have acquired, though most is from outside your island, as no pretenders dare contest the emperor's claims."

The trick is repeated in kind, but the light doesn't scorch at all.

simply drawing shapes in the shades as if a window from nowhere had them.

A hint of paranoia is natural and to be expected, we are but our word for now, let it be backed by actions once the relationship between our people grows.

For now the godless and us seem to be heading towards nothing but cooperation and trade as we do hope our people are as well.

-Unity and stability, Clan Baem

None taken, We are not a copper after all

"If you don't take any we won't either, it is you who has to deal with this job while your uptight peers handle them "high-minds" after all.

After some deliberation and yes, some laughing and cursing, We are in agreement that you would also be threatened by them if your coast was anything more than a glorified background for your flying ships to float over.

1 is too much for now, but lets keep it on the table if we still like eachother later.

We'll take a mix between 2 and 3, 2 remains the same but first we'd need some specifics on that oh so vague definition of what we'll develop. 3 is just as well for your contribution, but we'd rather send 3 less after the first route is traced, with an expert overseeing the second route to make up for the loss in raw numbers."

-Better jobs in your future (Clan Baem)

Lord Athos
2020-10-30, 08:40 AM
The Silverhammer Protectorate

It had been bad news. The preacher had been right.

His heart pounding in his chest, Ranulf hid behind a boulder, pressing against the cold stone as much as he could.

He had gone further than usual when chopping wood, a few days back. These were new lands, and... weren't they explorers as much as settlers?
He was exalted when he found the entrance, hewn into the stone, mostly overgrown by now. A broad portal, strange symbols, a giant statue of a vulture-headed person in armour standing guard.

He had told the others right alway, but they hadn't shared his enthusiasm. Ranulf had still visited the site as often as he could.

Today, something happened. He had watched in amazement as the gigantic portal opened, as if by magic, and stared down the darkness, listening to the almost palpable silence.

And then...

Rows and rows of dwarves in full plate armour of gleaming silver, carrying halberds of a length they should not be able to wield by any right. Above them, red banners bearing silver hammers flew in the wind.

They marched as one, not in a merely disciplined step, but in almost supernaturally uniform movements... almost?

These were not usual dwarves he knew from back home. They were... changed. Carefully, the young man looked around the edge of his boulder.

Their faces... they were pale. Pallid. Dead. He felt sick. Some of them were decomposing, and some barely had much more than white bone left.
In all of the undead's eyes, a flame was burning.

Quickly, Ranulf turned away, and found himself staring down a steel-plated crossbow.

"Are... you a lumberjack?"
A cold shower ran down Ranulf's back as he heard the undead dwarves' voice. It was unnatural, felt... cold, somehow, simply as a thing that should not speak.
Paralysed by fear, he only managed to nod hastily.
"Get back to work. Firewood. Put it here. We need much of it."


In the Lord Protector's halls, Halgeir stood, holding his hand over the flames. It did not hurt. He felt it like an object, but the sensation of warmth, of pain, it was more like a presentiment, like trying to recall a long-lost memory, seeing the barest schemes... and failing.

The battle-hardened dwarf pondered. Had Our Saviour forsaken them in the end?

"Our Saviour has granted us a great boon." a hoarse voice stated solemnly. The Lord Protector knew it was the Archon before he turned to face the red-robed Oracai.
"He has given us the honour to endure, and prove ourselves before his Flame instead of simply wasting away. Our Burning Saviour does not give a boon like this freely, for He is a wise teacher, and He knows better than to let his people grow complacent."
The Oracai lowered his beak wistfully.
"We will feel the Holy Fire again, in time. Once we have proven ourselves and done His Will."

Lord Protector Silverhammer remained silent. He picked up his heavily engraved plate Gauntlet and put it back on.

"So be it. To Our Saviour's Glory."

The Archon seemed to be satisfied, and motioned with his skeletal claw towards the heavy stone table, where those who would claim these lands this time had already sent some missives.

The land of false prophecy had found its newest victims. It was bound to he engulfed in war again.


To Kannir Aslund, Captain of the Drowned Moot and First Speaker of the Void,

your great courtesy is noted and appreciated.
We, too, have heard of your exploits and strength.

Know that Our God is Our Burning Saviour.

Know that the Interests of the Silverhammer Protectorate lie in the depths of the land, not in the depths of the sea. Thus, if you respect our immediate sphere of interest, we will respect yours.

We will reach out to you in regards of trade. I believe trade between the Elda Háfnar and the Silverhammer Protectorate will be most profitable.

We appreciate your gracious gift. It will hold a place of honour in our halls.

We do not know what you seek here, but we wish you fortune, and the blessing of the sightless skies of Glimnir. We hope we might be of each others assistance more in the future.

Glory to the Flame,
Lord Protector Silverhammer

To the Keeper of foreign affairs of the Celestial Empire of Longshan,

In the name of the Silverhammer Protectorate and the Cult of Our Burning Saviour, I accept your invitation. May it be a summit worth visiting.

Glory to the Flame,
Archon Avendor of House Eith'erant

Ranger Captain Balt Ashenblade(Tier 1 Adv VIP) and 3 Adv head into the Caverns of Shame

Voting Yay on the war proposal with their 12 votes (this doesn't consume resources, right? If it does, I'll abstain.)

St. Justicar
2020-10-30, 08:42 AM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 5

Lets get down to the real brass tacks, shall we?

So, in terms of charting the first route, we’re willing to contribute the better part ourselves, and take take your contribution out of the owed resources – though only in the first instance, obviously.

Now you’ll excuse me if I don’t get too specific in writing – you’re perfectly aware how many virtueless brutes might be willing to sell some stolen letters for a hot meal, I’m sure. But to it’s work for your witches or your thugs, preparing some little surprises to disincentiveize any invasion of our beachhead.
Expertise and leadership is an acceptable sweetener, combined with the promise you’ll be willing to continue the deal in later seasons.

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

[OOC: Willing to pay up to 2 adv towards charting the route between your islands and me, and/or take the cost out of your payment in the first instance. Your choice.

Option 2 is essentially me taking a loan of magic or soldiers against the use of 5 of my mil to take a territory of your choice in 1-3 turns, (next turn if war doesn’t break out, later if it does, for hopefully obvious reasons). The exact mixture is up to you, as both stats are equally useful for what I have in mind.

Option 3 I believe we’re in agreement in, if I’m parsing you right? You’ll provide the use of your esp stat, less however many points of adv you spend charting the route between us this turn, in exchange for 1 permanent econ. You’d be willing to repeat the deal next turn, and in that case you’d also include use of a (presumably your esp) VIP?

Also, :smalltongue:

To Hiu Brighteyes, on behalf of the Illuminated Council of Phanos

Your proposal seems eminently reasonable to my eyes. To be clear - a pact of peace and friendship, lasting at minimum for the next two years, contingent on (on the Republic’s part) acceptance of your claims to the northern badlands, and (on your Council’s) the charting of a shipping route to viable trading partners or unclaimed lands within the next year.

If I understand the terms as you do, then I would be able to sign at your convenience. At the summit hosted by the Longshang, perhaps?

Peace and Reason,
Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

2020-10-30, 09:27 AM
Morale 4

Esteemed Logicians of the Clockwork Republic,

Indeed, charting a route between us would yield value. We would open to discussing an equal effort, one sufficient to ensure both of us play a role that ensures the route is conducted with equity.

As is, none other have made offers towards securing our services yet-we are open to hearing what you have to say. Let us talk of alliances once courses have been charted to your lands. Until such a time a simple mercantile exchange of goods should suffice.

Massimo F. de Leuteum, sole Guildbreaker to High House de Leuteum

What are you putting up for charting a route between us? I'll match it.
Lets keep this strictly mercenary for now. Ya wana buy something?

2020-10-30, 09:42 AM
Legion of Balance
Mor 6

Our Legion has changed much since the last days of Hanrui, we look forward to working with the Nations of Hanrui this time around. While we welcome your offer of trade we regrettably will not be able to do so this season. We are just being established and have need of all aspects of our resources.

Lady Greydane

We are honored to be captured in the memories of they Fey and to be held in such esteem. We purveyors of Balance, arbiters of peace and war, counters of aw and chaos, we are the watchers and we see the great boon the courts do us.

We will gladly take your gift of land and resolve to stop there. The Balance cannot be held if we must be held in check ourselves. You will see no whisper of grey cloaks or ashen blades past these territories.

May the Courts Thrive in wonderful Chaos,
Lady Greydane

The Legion will gladly take those lands but will not expand past the four territories they will have.

You are correct, Balance is important in reciprocity, which is why we do not make friends lightly. We will reserve our judgement on your nation of spies and dark magics.

Tread Lightly,
Lady Greydane

Legion and Lodge, Lodge and Legion. We are interested by your offer but wil wait to judge the manner of mortal you are. What tempts you, what drives you, your true desires.

Lady Greydane

You warmongers can use all the sweet words and ideas you want. We know your past, we know your thoughts, we know how to deal with you...

Greetings Guntram Von Banks,

We welcome your interest with open arms. The Grand Collection is known for many things throughout the world and the Legion has taken notice. Your fine lifestyle, desire for peace, smart leaders, and most importantly a reasonable ambition. We are gladdened to find your people on Hanrui.

As far as terms for a Reputation Alliance, we are open to the idea but do not enter such things lightly. We would need to know you would aid us in our mission and you would need to trust us to aid you in yours. For such a thing to grow we would need strong foundations.

You seem worth the effort though. As a gesture of goodwill we will allow you some of our links to the World Congress this season. If you aid us this season with maintaining the Balance then we can revisit the idea of a regular alliance next season.

Lady Greydane

The LEgion sends you one of their votes for this mid turns voting.

Legion of Balance will send 1 Adv into the Minotaur's Lair.

Khanate of the Ironhoof
Mor 5

You may keep your snake tongued diplomats and formal embassies where they belong. At home. If you have met cousins of ours then you will know nothing stops a charging Centaur except death.

So stay out of our way. If you do that we will leave you with your shred of land and your life.

Be warned Encyclopediest, the only thing we do with Hayy... is eat it.

The Khanate sends no messenger, they instead send a bloody spiked greave their Warherds wear into battle with a message inscribed on the inside.

Watch us Ride

Your words are pretentious nothings, lures to those who you would subjugate. We shall meet you on the field or not at all.

Khanate uses 2 Adv to discover a passage from 13 to 8.

2020-10-30, 01:10 PM

Holy Phanos:

Moral 0

To our ingenious neighbours.

I believe that you understand the council’s proposal. In the name of Phanos and it’s Illuminated Council a lumor from the Illuminators by the name of Deos son of Horus has been granted permission to sign a treaty with you on their behalf at the Longshang summit.

I pray that this is the start of further cooperation.

May Yurian bless you in peace

-Hiu Brighteyes

St. Justicar
2020-10-30, 02:01 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 5

To Massimo F. de Leuteum

We would be willing to contribute the greater part of the effort towards charting the necessary route, provided it’s counted as a credit towards our final bill.
Now, as for actual purchases – we’re in the market for soldiers – or whatever monstrosities you’ve got cooked up that can hold a line and follow orders, anyway – spies and informants, or whatever cult term you use for your chemists and mutagenists. Preferably the spear-carriers and monsters, if they aren’t already otherwise spoken for.

As for payment – look, I’ll be honest, cash is at a premium at this point. If you want liquid wealth, we’re going to want a premium. As alternate payment, we’d be willing to let you indulge your desire for samples, and organize something of a cultural exchange program, provide some pointers on political technology and social engineering while we do. Or throw in the use of whatever ambassadors we’ve got in this place.

[OOC: 3 Adv to chart a route. Willing to put forward 2 of it, for credit towards my final bill. In the market for you mil, mag or esp. Would be willing to pay econ, at something of a mild premium (3 econ and providing the 2nd point of adventuring for 5 mil or 6 esp/mage, basically. Alternatively, willing to provide my 5 morale and 2 rep for the same. Willing to quibble with the numbers a point or so in one direction or another.]

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

To Hiu Brighteyes,

I am sincerely glad we have been able to come to a peaceful compromise. I look forward to meeting you representative and signing the treaty.

Peace and Reason,
Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

2020-10-30, 03:14 PM
Clan Baem

Morale 2

"Well, you are negotiating with most who can, but still, caution is good.

we'd like to take the credit for discovering the route, so save your team for sweetening whatever mud dwellers you try to steal honest coin from next, otherwise it seems agreeable, an expedition should reach your shores in no time.

-Profitable ventures, Clan baem."

I'll take the cost reduction instead.

2) sounds agreeable enough to me, 1-2 in that order if I can take my cost reduction from here, otherwise 3-2

3) ding ding ding, exactly, though I intended to add the sweetener in both turns, with the same reduction applied in each, not sure if you are okay with that as well, or if the fact that the first route will already exist by the second changes anything? you can probably reply with only an OOC post for this one, since all I really need is an answer to this question.

I see you couldn't resist reading it :smalltongue:

I do wonder from time to time what makes magic dark or light, nothing wrong with being a little cautious. Call if we are found up to your standards.

-Good harvest, Clan Baem.

St. Justicar
2020-10-30, 03:48 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 5

Oh, you don't need to make the route a second time, I don't believe - once a route is charted it persists unless someone/thing does something to destroy it (random event/artifact/magic or adventurer action by one nation or another, IIRC)

1-2 and your full esp stat with VIP is perfectly acceptable. You'll get the point of ECON in my EOT and the use of my soldiers next turn/as soon as I'm at peace, if at war before then.

2020-10-30, 04:10 PM
Clan Baem

Morale: 2

Aye, that was supposed to be an euphemism :smalltongue:

1-2, -3 with VIP first turn, and full numbers with VIP second turn if you do still need the trade.

despite the evidence of easy treasure in the Syren's hideout, family ties and a sudden wish from Dae Baem to stay away from the water mean that 3 adventurers and Dae Baem are sent to clear 4 rooms from familiar falls' with Dae clearing and rolling twice on room 1d4

3 adventurers will be sent to chart a route between the clockwork republic's capital of 3 and Clan Baem's capital of 49, info on this route will be shared with the clockwork republic and only with them.

And because no one decided to bribe them in any way Clan Baem will vote for the economy proposal with their three votes, whatever it was.

St. Justicar
2020-10-30, 05:43 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 5

Oh, sorry, my misunderstanding. I thought you had a preference to have the cost of establishing the route mostly out of the magic, not the espionage. Happy to do esp-3 the first turn to make up for the cost of establishing the route the first turn, but in that case would want 3-2 for the future expansion. 2-2, since you're including the VIP, maybe.

Encyclopediest Hayy and 1 Adv will go into the Hollow Peak, clearing two floor.

2 Adv will be used in conjunction with 1 from the Valence Lodge to chart a trading route acrosss the far eastern seas between our territories

Voting NAY to the war subsidies motion with my 4 votes

Lord Athos
2020-10-31, 03:11 AM
The Silverhammer Protectorate

To the most esteemed Crystalheart Covenant,

welcome to Hanrui, the land of false prophecy.
A humble servant of Our Burning Saviour, I, Archon Avendor of House Eith'erant, write to you as representative of the Silverhammer Protectorate.

We have been here, when Hanrui rose out of the waves in ages past, and we know what follows.

Your people are survivors too, we are told. We are told you have been led by a Diamond-Scaled Dragon. You have been truly blessed with such a divine guardian, and we mourn that they are no longer with us in the flesh, but believe they are in spirit, and strength.
Know that we have a draconic Guardian as well, Holy Pyresoul, that resides besides Our Burning Saviour and holds His sword.

Know that war will come to Hanrui, as it has always come before in this cycle of destruction. Many have thought they could stop it, end the cycle, and survive, but in the end, they failed. It is the land of false prophecy, and in the end, it will bring death.

There are hard times ahead of us. As you have been blessed, we would rather stand together, than divided. We suggest opening trading relations as a start to our cooperation.

Glory to the Flame,
Archon Avendor of House Eith'erant, Representative of the Cult of Our Burning Saviour and the Silverhammer Protectorate

To the Keeper of foreign affairs of the Celestial Empire of Longshan,

welcome to Hanrui, the land of false prophecy.
A humble servant of Our Burning Saviour, I, Archon Avendor of House Eith'erant, write to you as representative of the Silverhammer Protectorate.

We have been here, when Hanrui rose out of the waves in ages past, and we know what follows.

Your people bring strength into these lands, which we respect. Your people bring law and structure, which we respect. Such things please Our Burning Saviour.

Know that war will come to Hanrui, as it has always come before in this cycle of destruction. Many have thought they could stop it, but in the end, they failed. It is the land of false prophecy, and in the end, it will bring death.

There are hard times ahead of us. We believe you have the strength to see it through to the end, and we believe it to bring strength to all of us if our continent faces the storm together, instead of divided. We suggest opening trading relations as a start to our cooperation.

Glory to the Flame,
Archon Avendor of House Eith'erant, Representative of the Cult of Our Burning Saviour and the Silverhammer Protectorate

To the Legion of Balance,

In ancient times, you stood before the Walls of the Silverhammer Dwarves as revenge for the purge of an unholy infection that would have consumed all of Hanrui had it not been stopped.

What are your intentions these days?

Glory to the Flame,
Archon Avendor of House Eith'erant, Representative of the Cult of Our Burning Saviour and the Silverhammer Protectorate

2020-10-31, 09:11 AM
The Valence Lodge

Morale 4

Esteemed Logicians of the Clockwork Republic,

We of the Lodge find this agreeable. Such a premium on military goods as your interested is easily done. We look forward to our ships making way to your shores.

Massimo de Leuteum, Sole Guildbreaker to House de Leuteum

All sounds good to me. 3 econ for 5 mil is totally good with me if your footing the greater parter of the Adv. bill. If nobody wants to buy them, will vote YAY on economic proposal fielded by the Khalos guild.

A most measured response. Naturally, we await the same.

M. de Leuteum

Malcolm J. Blackstock, Quartermaster to the Empty Flasks (Lvl. 1 Adventurer VIP), will lead 3 points of adventurers into the Yellow Forest. May all Hanrui have mercy on their souls.
1 point of Valence Lodge Adventurers will be used in concert with the 2 Adv. from the Clockwork Republic to establish trade routes between the two nations.
Valence Lodge votes to support the war measures bill. 5 votes (3 Rep+2 Mor)

2020-10-31, 12:45 PM
The Four Courts of Hanrui

All messages MOR 4

Ah, fickleness. The unpredictability of predictability. Each court is predictable in its unpredictability. Winter, Summer, Autumn, Spring, all patterns. Patterns we weave. Patterns we dance. Patterns we live, and live, and live, and live.

No offense was intended. Excitement. The Valence Lodge is interesting. Beautiful puzzle. Magic, but not magic. Human arts, mortal arts, to rival our own. Collaboration. Cooperation. Interest.

Gleeful watching. Gleeful waiting. We will be here, in the woods, should you wish it. Our eye watches, vigilant, but not threatening.

Came across as more hostile than I intended, just wanted to open up dialogue with my other neighbor. Not looking for anything in particular, but open to possible collaboration or cooperation in the future. How do you feel about a non-aggression pact, and discussions for how to split up the continent?

All of Hanrui is a stage. All of us move to strings. Stings visible. Strings invisible. No offense was intended.

Our support is yours. Autumn will assist. Spring will fall in line. Debts accumulate. Debts to be paid. Time shapes, time chooses. We choose. Do not waste this gift.

It is signed “Duke of Frigid Serenity”.

The comparison is indeed not a flattering one, but we understand the sentiment. Of course, we at the Spring Court are not dissatisfied that you reached out to us! The contrary, in fact. The Autumn Court cannot be trusted. Still, you would have been equally well-suited for trade with them, I think. They have a certain mindset – ever grasping towards more wealth – that would have matched your Trading Company.

Keep us in mind should you require anything.

It is signed “The Knight of the Glorious Pilgramage”

Hanrui a grand game. Thousands of moves, thousands of battles, victories small and large. You may blind yourself to the outside world, but it will not blind itself to you. The Spring and Winter Courts await your messengers, should you look outward, and should you have need.

ADV 3 sent into the Grave of Lights. 6 votes in favour of War Footing.

2020-10-31, 05:10 PM
Midturn 1

World Congress

The World Congress has tallied the votes from the member nations of Hanrui and find that the nations voted;
27 Aye
24 Nay

The Proposal has passed. Supplies, Mercenaries, Contacts, and more shall be supplied to the member nations.
All Expansion costs this turn are one less for both the Attrition and No Attrition rates. Invasions of other Faction territories count as 1 higher and ties go to attackers.

The World Congress has tallied the votes from the member nations of Hanrui and find that the nations voted;
12 Aye
3 Nay

The Proposal has passed. The World Congress shall grant a greater weight to the monetary bids for proposals.
Every point of Econ sent to bid on a proposal this EoT will count as 2.

Legion of Balance
Mor 6

The Legion sent 1 Adv into the Minotaur's Lair and cleared 1 Floor. They came out with a rare set of bones ((+) temp Mag).

Mor 5

Route is forged between 13 and 8.

Elda Háfnar
Mor 4

The Elda Háfnar sent Skadia (Tier 2 Adv VIP), 4 MIL, and 6 ADV to the Drowned Bowels and cleared 10 Floors. They came out with rare and magical sailing manuals (8xp for Skadia), a chest load of rare Amber ((+++) temp Econ), a large amount of rare magical plants from the sea floor ((++++) temp Mag), and a rare powerfully magical green veiny egg that seems to radiate a powerful hunger (1/3 for the Ravenous Hunger Artifact). During the excursion a powerful armored Trilobite feasting on the remains is startled and flees through the direction of the adventurers, crushing part of Skadias hull. Injured VIP for 1 turn, Lesser Monster Unleashed.

The Fae
Mor 4

The Fae sent 3 Adv into the Grave of Lights and cleared 3 Floors. They came out with a rare glowing herb ((+) temp Mag), a long forgotten ruby ((+) temp Eco), and a long dead adventurers belongings ((+) temp Adv).

The Valance Lodge
Mor 4

The Lodge sent Malcolm J. Blackstock (Tier 1 Adv VIP) and 3 Adv into The Yellow Forest and cleared 4 Floors. They came out with a long forgotten crystal recording of a being called The Last Light from old Hanrui ((++++) temp Rep), and a series of powerful herbs to strengthen the body and mind (8xp for Malcom).

Malcom becomes Tier 2 VIP. Route is forged between 3 and 69

The Clockwork Republic
Mor 5

The Republic sent Encyclopediest Hayy and 1 Adv into The Hollow Peak and cleared 2 Floors. They came out with a rare magicite ore ((++) temp Mag), and a small vein of silver ((+) temp Eco).

Route is forged between 3 and 69

Khalos Guild
Mor 4

The Guild sent Khalos (Tier 5 Adv VIP), and 5 ADV to the Lake of Blood and cleared 10 Floors. They came out with a glorious ancient head dress with ancient carvings of the end of the world (+1 Rep Item), a small amount of Blood Rubies ((++) temp Econ), a large amount of rare magical plants from the lakebed ((+++) temp Mag), you find a rare and beautiful statue of a glorious winged being with a sword in hand ((++) temp Rep), finally they slew a powerful blood golem wielding a powerful flaming spear with motifs of a flaming savior carved on the side (+2 Mil Item). A small group of carnivorous fish were startled by the powerful Hydra and fled through the group, killing a few weaker adventurers and making them drop their loot. Lose 2 Adv and no loot on 1 basic floor.

The Crystalheart Covenant
Mor 8

The Covenant sent Taleah Camallo (Tier 2 Adv VIP) and 3 adventurers into Corundynir's Lair and cleared 5 Floors. They also sent 2 Adv into the Blackweald Towers and cleared 2 Floors. They all came out with a rare magical reagents ((++) temp Mag), several small chests of gold and crystal ((++++) temp Eco), and a long dead adventurers belongings ((++) temp Adv). The adventurers unwittenly stumbled into a young dragons lair, startling it out into the open to prey on your land. Lesser Monster unleashed.

Red Aurora College
Mor 4

The College sent Zander (Tier 1 Adv VIP), 3 adventurers, and 2 espionage into The Infested Mine and cleared 5 Floors. They came out with a rare magicite ore ((+++) temp Mag), and find a dead adventuring party with several journals and records (8xp for Zander). Unfortunately on the way out they triggered a trap they hadn't seen, the entrance starts to collapse and though they all make it out the entrance needs to be cleared. Dungeon Locked for 1 Round.

Zander becomes Tier 2 VIP.

Silverhammer Protectorate
Mor 4

The Protectorate sent Ashenblade(Tier 1 Adv VIP) and 3 Adv into The Caverns of Shame and cleared 4 Floors. They came out with a rare magicite ore ((++) temp Mag), a glorious historical text depicting the religious groups of ancient Hanrui ((++) temp Rep), and find a dead adventuring party with several journals and records (8xp for Ashenblade).

Ashenblade becomes Tier 2 VIP.

Holy Phanos
Mor 8

Phanos sent 2 Adv into the Prism Caves and cleared 2 Floors. They came out with a set of rare crystals ((+) temp Econ), and the remnants of old adventurers ((++) Temp Adv).

Clan Baem
Mor 2

Clan Baem sent Dae Baem (Tier 1 Adv VIP), and 3 Adv into the Familiar Falls and cleared 4 Floors. They came out with a small chest of gold ((+++) temp Econ), a set of physique boosting herbs (4xp for Dae), and the remnants of an old adventurer ((+) Temp Adv).

Route forged between 49 and 3.

EoT due Wed Nov 4th at Midnight EST time

2020-11-01, 12:41 PM

Grandmaster Isla Moray was out walking the streets this time, standing amidst the district of Port Adamis that had been effectively taken over by the Gemwrights of the Amethyst Forge. Among their number there was only one that she was searching for and she found the minotaur hard at work at the forge. Like many other in his caste, Ricarr liked to keep himself busy, though she knew his was a drive for perfection. She remembered the ceremony where Ricarr's affinities had been discovered. Two was typical of the average member of the Amethyst Forge, but Ricarr had always been special. Touching the crystal it had shimmered with fire, earth, and lightning all together. He'd since proven to be perhaps the most skilled Gemwright the Covenant had ever seen.

"Ricarr, we have a proposal." The minotaur made no move to acknowledge the grandmaster, hammering for several more minutes before he quenched the sword he was working into a nearby barrel of water and moving over, sweat dripping down his hide. He did not speak, as Isla held out a scroll of parchment that Ricarr opened on the spot, his eyes scanning over its contents. "Can you do it?"

"Can I?" Ricarr snorted as if he was allergic to the question, then turned back towards the forge. Taking the quenched, half-finished blade and tossing it into a barrel of scrap. "Materials are coming?"

The nereid nodded. "We're about to make a push to expand our borders, if you work can save us the trouble released from Corundynir's Lair, than you have full access to every scrap of material the Covenant can put in your hands." Ricarr grunted. He was even less of a conversationalist than Isla was, but he worked no less hard. Isla would even venture to say a whole lot harder than anyone else, such was the duty of the Amethyst Forge. Seeing him already working on the project, she turned to leave. Her business here was done.

Morale 8

To the Silverhammer Protectorate,

We appreciate your words of caution surrounding this land and its inherent dangers. Wandering through centuries, we have known danger all too well and have not lost our sense of caution since we made landfall. The land if foreign and alien to us, but we will persevere. We are, as you say survivors.

Our guardian and leader Corundynir may no longer be with us in the flesh, but his spirit lives on in each and every person who partakes of our Covenant, his magic flows through our veins. If war must come we will use that power to defend ourselves for this is our rightful home. Whether it is a land of false prophecy or not is irrelevant. We are meant to be here.

We will accept your offer to trade with due caution. We are no strangers to being taken advantage of, and what is offered freely can be retracted just as freely.

Corundynir's will be done,
Grandmaster Isla Moray, speaker on behalf of the Circle of Elements

2020-11-01, 01:32 PM
Good tidings from this season. We have come across some magically charged items that we have little need for. We could additionally commit our Magic to a trade.

The Khalos guild is searching for political clout or military might this season.

May the winds be fair.

Grand Warlock Hadful

OoC: I found temp mag. Interested?

Good tidings from this season. We have come across some magically charged items that we have little need for. We could additionally commit our Magic to a trade.

The Khalos guild is searching for political clout or military might this season.

To progress: Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

OOC: I found magic. Interested?

We have finished adventuring for the season and have come across some powerful options for interested parties. A grand headdress and weapon are available if you're interested.

We hope that such a trade would bolster us toward a proper partnership.

OOC: The two items are up for trade should the Legion want them.

The Guild is surprised that we are sending this message but buyers shouldn't be ignored.

Our recent dungeon delving has proven very fruitful, a powerful weapon that you could use to unite the Isles. Let us know how much you are willing to pay for the power.

Details attached,

Opha, Mouth of Khalos

OOC: I have a +2 Mil artifact. Interested in shopping?

Greetings those of highest repute on Hanrui. The world congress this season has been fruitful and we shall be putting forward our proposal to bolster the talent of the common folk on Hanrui.

The Guild approaches because the combined forces of our political clout how significant sway over the land of Hanrui and what treaties shall pass. Rather than squabble, it’s much more effective for us to ensure a collaborative result.

Notably, we are short of a controlling majority, so the Guild requests recommendations about the best... less reputable nations to add to our conglomerate, should we agree on forming one as far as the World Congress is concerned.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos, direct translation from Arene.

Though you have signed a treaty, the Republic has large forces on either side. On these fronts we’d prefer to see you triumph over the Khalinate or the Zealots.

The Khalos guild has found a powerful weapon that would help with your expansion and defence. If you’re interested, you’re our preferred buyer on your continent.

Talrand, Mouth of Khalos

OOC: I have a +2 mil item, might help you stop the Centaurs. Interested in buying?

St. Justicar
2020-11-01, 02:42 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 5

Coordinator did not, it sometimes seemed, ever move from her desk. Which was impossible, of course – if nothing else, the bottle next to her changed daily. Still, with Hira off signing treaties, Hayy dealing with magicite smoking witch-doctors and Cahit having vanished into his lab, it was reassuring to the Strategist that there was someone to keep things on the right track once he headed south with the fleet.

That still didn’t make him particularly happy about getting dragged away from a planning session to talk with the accountant.

“Is something wrong, Nese? Some attack? Assassination? Pirates run off with our budget?”
“No, no, n-well, yes, but it’s a pretty good deal, really. You should probably introduce yourself at some point. It’s an opportunity. We got an offer.”
“The horses? Did the nephilim decide to reach out again?”
“Neither. It’s an excellent offer, but I’m running out of things to sell. So – do you really need those marines you’ve picked out for your sight-seeing tour?”
“I’m supposed to just go from bandit camp to hill fort and batter them down with my bare hands, I suppose? Stare the chiefs into submission?”
“You should really see the offer.”
“If you’re going to downsize the pacification effort into nonexistence, you’re going to have to find one of the others and call a quorum to vote on it, I’m not meekly volunteering. If there’s nothing else?”
“Fine. Until next time, Strategist.”
“Likewise, Coordinator.”

Alone, Nese and finished her drink. And then turned to the volumes upon volumes of accounting and tax documents that grew like mould in the Republic’s centres of power. What do we have left to sell

To Talrand, Mouth of Khalos,

Your offer’s very much appreciated, but I’m afraid this late in the season liquid cash is a bit thin on the ground. The only resources we have left this season are a bit more immaterial, though given your employer’s interest in diplomacy maybe they’d get some use out of them. The full diplomatic weight of the Esheri Republic, such as it is, and the expertise of our social engineers and administrators for internal governance and mobilization.

If that’s not enough, I’d be willing to discuss a cash payment of the balance next year once the funds free up, depending on what you’re asking for.

We’d be able to provide shipping and transport gratis, at least.

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

[OOC: 5 Mor, 2 Rep, already planning a trade route to your continent so will cover the adventure cost of that]

Lord Athos
2020-11-01, 03:01 PM
The Silverhammer Protectorate

To the esteemed Red Aurora College,

welcome to Hanrui, the land of false prophecy.
A humble servant of Our Burning Saviour, I, Archon Avendor of House Eith'erant, write to you as representative of the Silverhammer Protectorate.

We have been here, when Hanrui rose out of the waves in ages past, and we know what follows.

We understand your people have come to these cursed lands as scholars and traders, first and foremost.

Know that war will come to Hanrui, as it has always come before in this cycle of destruction. Many have thought they could stop it, but in the end, they failed. It is the land of false prophecy, and in the end, it will bring death.

There are hard times ahead of us. We wish you good fortune in your pursuit of knowledge. As the Faithful of our Burning Saviour do have some magical knowledge of divine nature, we might be able to cooperate in this regard in the future. Call on us if you have a trade in mind.

Glory to the Flame,
Archon Avendor of House Eith'erant, Representative of the Cult of Our Burning Saviour and the Silverhammer Protectorate

In the halls of the Nephilim, a group of six men arrived, smaller even than humans, the Nephilim towering over them even more than over their usual visitors. Still, the visitors had the look of battle-hardened warriors; they were heavily armed and wore grey cloaks and silver breastplates of Mithril, which were engraved with the symbol of a hammer.
Once led to a representative of Phanos, one of the dwarves handed them a letter.
To the Keeper of foreign affairs of Phanos,

welcome to Hanrui, the land of false prophecy.
A humble servant of Our Burning Saviour, I, Archon Avendor of House Eith'erant, write to you as representative of the Silverhammer Protectorate.

We have been here, when Hanrui rose out of the waves in ages past, and we know what follows.

We have heard of your god, Yurian, and know Our Burning Saviour yet approves of his teachings from what we have heard.

Know that war will come to Hanrui, as it has always come before in this cycle of destruction. Many have thought they could stop it, but in the end, they failed. It is the land of false prophecy, and in the end, it will bring death.

There are hard times ahead of us. As we respect your ways, we suggest opening trading relations as a start to our cooperation, for we believe it might be advantageous to both our people.

Glory to the Flame,
Archon Avendor of House Eith'erant, Representative of the Cult of Our Burning Saviour and the Silverhammer Protectorate

"There is something else you should know." One of the Dwarven rangers stated calmly. "Our orders are to provide assistance to Phanos while in your territory. We have spotted centaurs in the mountains to the north. Scores of them. We believe they are looking for paths through the mountains useable for a large force. It is likely that the Khanate is planning to ride against you. You might to secure your northern borders.(13)" the undead dwarf nodded slightly, and solemnly.

To the esteemed Representatives of the Khalos Guild,

It has come to our attention that you have recently come into possession of a spear infused with the divine blessing of Our God, Our Burning Saviour. We assume it is hardly surprising to you that we wish to obtain it, and we would be grateful for your help.
Name your price.
May it be the beginning of profitable business.

Glory to the Flame,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

2020-11-01, 03:03 PM
Morale 4

Ancient Guild,
Indeed, we would be most agreeable to such trades as the one you are proposing. The Forest has provided us with the recordings of a rather enlightened being. I believe fair exchange might be found in them for any herbs or rare specimens your Guildmaster has exhumed. In addition: the Fey have spoken with regards to as to the equitable dissection of this landmass. We of the Lodge would speak on this sooner rather than later, and include the Legion of Balance in the proceedings for their words hold merit.

M. de Leuteum

I got rep to trade for magic, can do an equal trade if you want.

2020-11-01, 04:05 PM

We at the Guild know the sorrowful feeling of stumbling upon something you desire at the end of a long day of spending at the market. A light coinpurse feels heavy at that moment.

Unfortunately, the Guild is looking to entertain offers that are quite a bit higher than that. One of these items will triple the power of an already extraordinary warrior, so some greatly desire it; in the worst case, one can always start to enjoy their own wares.

We appreciate your prompt reply,

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

OOC: This thing is a buff that is pretty much 30 points invested into a VIP. I'm not expecting that number, but it does need to be higher.

That would be agreeable. From our understanding, your company has the equivalent of 3 REP. We can prepare the MAG right away for use during this season. If there is a larger number we were unaware of, update us, and we can send the appropriate amount.

OOC: Deal.

Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised that word reached you; after all, all merchants do is talk for a living.

Considering the power of the weapon, we have reached out to several nations to gauge interest. At the moment, we are seeking to acquire quite a hefty sum for something powerful enough to even embolden Khalos themself.

Our current asking price is [20 Stats] though this could be paid over two seasons. We would hate to see the weapon go unused until we find a proper wielder within our borders, but we are also willing to keep the item if the price isn't right.

We appreciate your interest and hope to hear positive from you soon,

Dio, 2nd Head of Khalos.

2020-11-01, 04:12 PM
Morale 4
Ancient Guild,

You are well informed, yet we have further influences to purchase should it suit your quintessence of interests.

M. de Leuteum

Cool. I have 3 rep to give you for 3 magic. also picked up 4 temp rep from adventuring, willing to trade that for magic and/any econ you want to round it out with if acquiring the magic is a problem.

2020-11-01, 04:18 PM
As it happens, most of our magical prowess this season is from adventuring as well. Our entire supply would need to be somewhat bolstered by direct gold to match the items you mention.

OOC: 5 MAG (3 are temp) and 2 ECO work for you for the 7 REP?

2020-11-01, 04:22 PM
Morale 4

Ancient Guild,

This is most amenable to we of the Lodge. Gratitudes conveyed to you for such an agreeable proposal.

Sounds rad to me.

St. Justicar
2020-11-01, 04:51 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 5


I’m afraid we seem to have dramatically different ideas of how valuable a spear your master dug out of the swamp is. I’m not able to sweeten this pot much, but if delivered this year I can offer the continued services of our expert or a cash payment in the next. But you’ll have to find another buyer to offer anything near the price quotes. Perhaps the undead will take you up on it, if it’s of such cultic significance to them.

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

(Same offer, I’ll offer you 3 econ or 5 mor next turn as well. I really can’t do better than that for two stat points)

Lord Athos
2020-11-02, 12:14 PM
The Silverhammer Protectorate

To the esteemed Dio, 2nd Head of Khalos.

We consider this a fair price for an artifact of this holiness. We will pay your price, and we take you up on your offer to meet it in two seasons time.
Expect our trade expedition soon. I assume you trust my word enough for a delivery of the Spear this season, so we may make use for it already.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual advancement,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate
Right, so you didn't specify what stats you were interested in, so I suppose everything is fair game. In that case, I'll part with 4 Mag, 5 Rep and 1 Eco for a first payment. If there's something you're absolutely not interested in, I can still switch some stats around, just hit me up.

2020-11-02, 03:11 PM
You are correct that we didn't specify a specific need value type for the weapon, we will make use of anything you send our way.

The Weapon will be sent back with your delegation.

Khalos Guild,

2020-11-02, 03:55 PM
Legion of Balance
Mor 6

Greetings Dwarves,

We hold no grudges from the ancient times, what may have brought balance then would not necessarily bring balance now.

That does not mean we won't be watching to see what you do with this second chance at life.

Greetings Mighty Khalos,

We thank you for your offers, we have no interest in the weapon but may be wiling to take the Headress off your hands. We would offer you the fruits of our lands this season and the aid of some of our clerics and ancient magics.

We are interested in your desire for a large alliance of interests but the Legion does not take part in the World Congress by ancient compact with them. Our organization is too massive and spans too far. The closest we come in lending our influence and name to those we deem worthy which carries a heavy weight with the Congress.

OOC: 3 Eco, 3 Mag for the +1 Rep item.

2020-11-02, 11:00 PM
The Red Aurora College

Morale 4

The Silver Hammer Protectorate
Archon Avender,
Our thanks for the welcome, may we both find success in this strange and historied land. I am unsure of what false prophecies you refer to, but I know the warlike history of this place, and I have come prepared to protect my students if necessary. Your warning is nonetheless appreciated.

Regarding trade, I will certainly keep your offer in mind. It may be some time before our foothold is well enough established here in Hanrui to consider large scale trading, but we are considering establishing several trade routes next year. Would the Silverhammer be interested in being a friendly port for our ships on Kyrsull?

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Fae Courts
To the Duke of Frigid Serenity,
Good Duke,

The rehearsal must last a little longer, our proposal will not happen this year. Will you hold our tribute in trust until our proposal graces the floor of world congress?

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Clockwork Republic
Esteemed Cahit,
Thank you for your support in the World Congress debate. Alas our proposal will have to wait, I hope you might still support it in the coming years when we do bring it to the floor.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Khalos Guild
Guildsmen of Khalos,
We are interested in making a business with your guild. Given the pass of the Warfooting proposal our College finds itself in need of a small force of mercenaries. Would the Khalos Guild be willing to trade [1 eco] for [1 mil] for the year?

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

Lord Athos
2020-11-03, 11:55 AM
The Silverhammer Protectorate

To the esteemed Phoenix Voice,

there are many prophecies, omens and divine imperatives concerning the lands of Hanrui, not only of our people, but of many others. They have all proved false, in a way.

Know that your trading vessels will be welcome in the ports of the Silverhammer Protectorate.

Glory to the Flame,
Archon Avendor of House Eith'erant, Representative of the Cult of Our Burning Saviour and the Silverhammer Protectorate

To the esteemed Grandmaster Isla Moray, speaker on behalf of the Circle of Elements,

Know that we appreciate your directness and honesty. Let us return the favour.
Know that we will soon be bordering each other. We are planning on taking the land to the northeast of our territory (34), and we therefore suggest you expand to the vast lands to your east. In this way, our people will both have enough space to grow and prosper.
Approach us if you have interest in trade, as we will do the same.

Glory to the Flame,
Archon Avendor of House Eith'erant, Representative of the Cult of Our Burning Saviour and the Silverhammer Protectorate

2020-11-03, 01:28 PM
Morale 4

Glad Tidings Upon our Fellow Scholarly Instituition,

We hope this missive finds you hale. There is much to discuss re: the education of respective Branches of learning. We of the Lodge are would ask for your input in a key process: economic stability for Hanrui. Moreover, should this interest you our Guildbreaker is more than willing to discuss options for a comprehensive education program amongst Hanrui's populace. We have celerity and wakefulness tonics to aid in not just increased study times, but ensure that such time is spent fully immersed in learning without tonics. We would not contribute further to extant drug abuse on campus-the Lodge values academic honesty almost as much as physiological truisms. To that end, we are prepared to supply your College with school supplies for the coming terms of study-up to and including quills, ink, parchment and any reagents you may require for what passes as alchymical practice in your classrooms. I believe our rates for such products are more than reasonable. Finally, We of the Lodge would like to convey our Archymist's willingness to teach a seminar on Alchymical Practice in the Lab come next College term-contingent on the signing of a contract containing an agreed upon sum.

Optimal Regards,
M. de Leuteum

Figured the similarity of our factions at least meant we should touch base re the trade of magical goods. Nobody seems to wana talk to my ambassador as of next turn yet. If your interested I can keep him free if trade is something you would like to discuss more. :smallsmile:

Ancient Faith of the Flames and Pyre,

Given your faiths predilection for things of an incendiary nature, you are no doubt you are familiar with the rites of succession (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecological_succession) inherent to nature, and the role flame would play in it. Should you find the dichotomies of our respective faiths inoffensive, we would be more than willing to aid you in the germination and gestation of fortunes amongst your people come the next season. Further, we find your resilience in the face of the myriad entropies that confronted your people to be an incredible act of durance, one that should be laudable as a standard for all Hanrui to achieve. While we would never stoop to insult you by suggesting aid in such a manner, our Anatomist have noted several tonics that may interact with the necrotic portions of your populace's flesh, to say nothing of our sappers experiments with the white flame (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napalm) and what it might mean for the militancy of your faith. Please inform us if any of these products are congruent with your values as a faith and we will make all haste to convey them towards you.

Glory to your Flame,
M. de Leutuem

Trying to avoid provoking the Vulture-men and their legacy for what? The third time in row? (and in as many Hanrui games too :smallbiggrin:) Would probs take 4 to establish a trade route between us, but I'm willing to meet you halfway if trade is something that interests you.

Esteemed and Venerable Legion,

As ever, We of the Lodge engage in brevity. There are but four nations that call this continent of Jhalalkraun their homeland. We of the Lodge would convey our concerns to you about a...worry that has gestated amongst us. While four is an evenly divisible number, partition-able by halves and quarters, five is not. At least not in a way that we would find satisfactory. Given the...nature of what traverses the seas, We of the Lodge should like to confer with you in the coming season on how to best prepare for such an eventuality of imbalance.

With all Respect conferred,
M. de Leuteum

4 is a nice even number right? RIGHT?!

Indeed, We of the Lodge believe there is much to discuss re: the partitioning of this landmass. For now we confine our experimentations to the Northeast, and are amenable to enforcing an accord towards adherence of these borders. To facilitate discussion between We of the Lodge and your tetrarchy is to acknowledge that we are not the only powers that would contest these grounds. Thus far the Khalos Guild and the Legion of Balance have proven themselves more than reasonable in their dealings this...season past. We would see them stand as equals in division. An alliance may afford this land a modicum of synergy, one sufficiently potent to combat the apex predators amidst this petri dishes waters.

M. de Leuteum

Yo. We should discuss how to divide things up amongst us, thats fair. However, I think the discussion should involve the Trade Guild and the Legion as well. For my part I was thinking of largely keeping to the Northeast, but can provide more details if you have a VIP free to chat. Feel like shoring up the uh, shoreline might be a good opening play.

St. Justicar
2020-11-03, 03:44 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 5

I’m glad you were able to find a buyer for your relic – and I do mean that sincerely. Please do reach out with any similar finds you make in the future. I expect our budget to grow considerably in the coming years.

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

Massimo de Leuteum

As per our agreement, an account in your name has been opened at the 1st Progressive Bank, and three hundred thousand Virtues deposited in it. Our embassy to De Leuteum Manor will include a merchant factor to convert the cash into what hard goods you require, to be shipped in over the next few months.

Personally, I’m really looking forward to seeing how many natives run screaming when your troops start disembarking in Symponia.

Looking forward to more business in the future,
-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)
(OOC: EOT sent, trade locked in, 3 temp econ is yours)

As per our agreement, the merchant vessel Sculpane has been commissioned on an indefinite basis to deliver a quarterly subsidy to Idol’s End, consisting of textiles, trade goods, and specie, totalling to a value of one hundred thousand Virtues p.a. Given he’ll be in Symponia anyway, ownership papers for the ship will be given to Chin-Hae Baem at the conclusion of his work for us this year.

Assuming the giants keep their word, an expeditionary force will be placed at your disposal over the next year.

Looking forward to more business in the future,
-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

(OOC: EOT sent, trade locked in, permanent econ is yours)

77 – The Phoenix Voice,

Of course. Given the nature of the hydra’s counter-proposal, I expect your may gain rather more support from the continent’s other powers in the years to come, as well.

I look forward to some more formal trade and cooperation, once the frontiers have been settled and trade routes opened up.

May your eyes ever be unclouded,
-Academic Cahit, Committee on Applied Metaphysics, Esheri Republic

A copy of the Treaty of Xishan, signed this past month, for verification and archival purposes

1. The Illuminated Council of Phanos and the Committee on the Hanruin Question of the Esheri Republic, invested with the full authority of their nations, pledge peace and neutrality towards each other for a period of no less than two years [until turn 4], forswearing attacks both overt and subtle, as well as the giving of aid or advice to other enemies.
2. The representatives of the Esheri Republic do hereby renounce any claim to the deserts and badlands to the north of the colony of Symponia, acknowledging it as rightfully falling under Phanosine dominion. [Territory 9]
2.1 The representatives of the Illuminated Council do hereby pledge to grant the right of free navigation through the aforementioned territories to the Esheri Republic, its agents, its citizens, and foreign aliens trading on its behalf or acting under its auspices
3. The representatives of the Illuminated Council hereby pledge to, within the next full year, chart a navigable route to virgin or barbaric lands, and share knowledge of this route with the agents of Esheri Republic.
3.1. The representatives of the Esheri Republic do hereby pledge to grant the right of free navigation through the aforementioned territories to the Illuminated Council, its agents, its citizens, and foreign aliens trading on its behalf or acting under its auspices
4. If any single clause of this treaty is violated, it shall be considered void in its entirety.

Academic Hira, for the Grand Secretariat of the Esheri Republic
Deos, son of Horus, for the Illuminated Council of Phanos

2020-11-04, 10:37 AM
The Grand Collection of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside Under the Administration of the Great Council of Elders, Colony of the Exceptional Alliance of Free Hobbits Administrated by the Parliament of Duly Elected Officials

6 morale
8 reputation

Given our interest in forming a voting bloc with you we are of course interested in this. A unified front would greatly help with getting appropriate bills through.

We don't need a true majority for a bloc to work, we may be fine with out it as long as we can convince one other person to vote with us on any given topic. Besides we are likely to get a majority soon anyways.

Guntram Von Banks, Elder

2020-11-04, 01:31 PM
The Fae of the Four Courts

All Messages Morale 4

The dance continues. Unending. Unyielding. A compact is made. Your power becomes ours, and our voice yours.

It is signed “Duke of Frigid Serenity”.

A grand event it shall be, then. Four shall come to Four, and Four will divide. Balance will be achieved, of sort. We have no desire for the Northeast, save for the forests closest to us, which have been claimed by Spring. Delightful. What wonders you shall craft. Beautiful horrors. Grand experimentation.

Early next turn we’ll get a group discussion going about how people want to expand, and see how those visions conflict.

Three can sway. Three cannot decide. The future shifts and buckles under dreams unread and unseen. Discussion, at least, is agreeable.

Since the Legion can’t vote, the three of us don’t have enough sway to realistically set up any sort of dominant voting block. That said, the Fae are always open to discussion – or favours – if you’re interested in soliciting their votes in a particular direction. Also open to those of you with high enough ESP to be reading this, so long as you don’t have REP 1 or lower.

2020-11-07, 05:38 PM
Turn 2

“…the object of waging a war is always to be in a better position in which to wage another war.” - George Orwell

Spring gives way to the burning hot summers and cool autumns of rest of the year. Dirt is baked under the sun, perfect for stomping feet of armies or the travel of emissaries. Summer is the season of war.

Booming Economy

The Clockwork Republic is booming like no other nation! Resources and organizations are spreading like wildfire in the fertile forests of the Republic. Since they arrived a few seasons past they have gathered resources beyond what other nations dreamed of and put it all back into infrastructure and local organizations to better build up the Republic into a mighty titan of industry.

Republic gains Title Economic Stimulation: Gain 5 stats in a single Eot from investment or events (no territory taking). Gain 1 Econ, reduce a 6:1 ratio to 5:1 permanently.

Wonderous Time

Word has spread through Hanrui of the attempts of Clan Baem. The homesick clan desires to bring something grand from their home to Hanrui in an attempt to make their island more homey and homelike. So far it is little more the grand plans with a cleared space and the heart of the people involved.

Time will tell if the clan will follow through to create a wonder the likes of which Hanrui has never seen.

Clan Baem starts Wonder


Hanrui had been an open door, begging for expansion of the nations making their home here. They did not disappoint this season! Armies march, spies blackmail, and diplomats reason all over. Land all over is being snatched up by hungry nations and soon there will be none left.

Myrkur has become dominated by the Elda Háfnar, their horrifying world ships traveling to the other parts of the island to drown the locals in a flood of dark magic and the merciless sea. The entire island is now beholden to the dark gods of the depths.

Xihou (West Continent) has seen the march of many armies and forces as the land is snatched up. The Imperial Armies return to their old ways once more. They may not have been as large or experienced as they had in days past but local warlords and bandits both fall to the might of the armies. The Silverhammer Protectorate is back on Hanrui once more. The people of this Hanrui do not know the might of the Silverhammer Protectorate or The Burning Savior. These few months have started to show the world differently. Various battlegroups from the Crystalheart Covenant venture forth from their lands, Topaz Fang strike teams and Ruby Flame regiments lead the way. They dominate the neighboring territories in extraordinary displays of elemental magic, violence, and good old fashioned diplomacy.

Jahalkraun (East Continent), The Realm of Monsters. Monsters of all sorts roam these lands as the poor mortals are soon to learn. The Fae Courts expand rapidly, each court taking a section of land to play with (conquer). Sword, sorcery, and subterfuge dominate the unprepared mortals who had the misfortune of being found beside these immortal creatures. In the north of Jahalkraun the Khalos Guild ‘convinces’ the neighboring towns and villages that trade and loot would bring wealth to their nations. They also convince their neighbers that working for the giant monster hydra is the best way to not get eaten by it when Khalos becomes hungry… or bored.

Vahsi (Southern Continent) watches as the nations expand, the eastern half becomes rapidly full as the nations take every last scrap of land they can. Only one or two slivers are left after the Centaurs begin their wild ride across the coast. Spreading in both directions as they search for purpose. Phanos sends it religious horde to the ocean, securing a coastal territory and spreading the word of Yurian. The Clockwork Republic has grabbed a southern sliver of land, expanding their holdings and securing more resources for the booming nation. The Hobbits have moved in regiments to the south, purely to protect their beloved neighbors from possible threats. The Red Aurora College has brought in mercenaries to secure them some more land to fund the education and research costs of their college.

Betting on War

Powerful nations from the mainlands are reaching out to various nations in Hanrui, each one is trying to find a nation from among you to fund its wars. On one of the larger mainland continents dozens of nations are forming coalitions and fighting all over. The nations are asking for funds, soldiers, and spies to wage war on their enemies. They promise if they are successful your investments will be repaid twofold. If they lose though… losers pay back no loans. The vast majority of these nations are reaching out through the World Congress organization. The Congress will put forward the motion this coming season to see if local nations are interested in being involved with these desperate nations.

Mil, Esp, Eco can be invested, returned back double if funded nation wins. Each investment is independent of any other investments and not effected by what another faction in the game may put in. Odds are slightly adjusted to be in your favor for each point invested. Starts at 50/50 odds.

This is an Event to vote on this Midturn

Search for Talent

Nations all over Hanrui have recognized the need for new talent in this dangerous land. Congress has agreed to put this forward in their next meeting after the The Grand Collection of Hobbits put forward the motion with many of their resources behind it. The Congress recognizes their wisdom and forethought in these difficult days. In a few months the bill will

Tier 1 VIPs are half price this turn. 3 of relevant stat and 2 of any others. Max for each nation is 3 VIPS.

This is an Event to vote on this Midturn

Midturn is Due by Midnight on Nov 11

St. Justicar
2020-11-07, 09:10 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Unless you do everything for humanity, you have done nothing. Unless you are entirely free, you will again become a slave.

The port towns of the new province of Xyleia had submitted quickly and nearly peacefully – once their patricians and headmen had taken a moment to compare the guns of the Ascenatic and Seviye to their fishing fleets and driftwood walls, anyway. For the first weeks, it seemed as if the expansion effort might be entirely effortless, just a matter of showing the flag and divvying up garrison duty.

Of course, nothing went quite that well, as the brutally butchered surveying mission – and its dozen-strong accompaniment of marines – explained quite eloquently to anyone who found their remains impaled on the edges of the ancient forest that left all but monopolized the province’s fertile land.

(Valens had reevaluated his opinion of the humans and sea elves now living under the Republic, at that news. A lack of civilizational advancement was perhaps understandable if anyone who tried became a public lesson in which parts of a corpse the scavengers would eat first).

The months since had been a long, miserable game of cat and mouse, with no one involved ever quite sure of which role they were playing. Marine detachments of fifty or one hundred would march into the forest, and discover nothing except abandoned camps, hidden pitfalls, or, if they were very lucky, small bands of wild elves attempting to lure their into an ambush. Smaller groups were just as likely to never return for debriefing at all.

It was, all in all, a major impediment to the forestry operations the land was all but made for. Which meant that something had to be done.

The marine company was almost too tempting a target for an ambush. Marching in lines of two, sweating in their starched white and blue-grey uniforms, guns slung over their shoulders, supplies and building materials in overloaded barges as they marched up one of the wider rivers, intent on establishing a fort far enough inland to begin properly controlling the forest.

The attack came at the end of a day’s march, just as the marines were ready to collapse form exhaustion, or at least make camp and start looking for food. The full force of the wild elves let out a bellowing, sibilant war cry as they launched themselves from the dense undergrowth and the branches of the trees above, ghostly pale skin marked with freshly drawn blood to claim the stealth and surefootedness of the animals they slew, poison-tipped arrows flying through the air as they hefted axes and spears of wood and stone.

Standing on the central barge, Valens grinned, and with a gesture his trumpeter let out a single, sharp trill. Perfectly drilled, the marines on the shore dove for the ground, and those on the barges pushed the ‘supplies’ overboard, revealing very nearly every cannon the expedition had, primed and loaded.

On the second trill, the canon fired. On the third, the marines on shore formed up and fixed bayonets. It was all over but for the bleeding.

The first proper lumber camps had been established within the month, the rates being offered for shipworthy timber and the chance to get back at the hated ‘guardians of the forest’ both doing much to reconcile the townsfolk to their new government. By the end of the year, the port at Symponia should be laying down the Republic’s first Hanruin hulls.

Morale 6

Greetings to the All-Chief, etc, etc

Pleasure doing business with you, these last seasons. You mentioned being interested in repeating the same deal, yeah? On behalf of the Republic, I’d be more than happy to ink a treaty and arrange some investments to grow that island economy of yours. Fisheries, maybe? Pearl diving? You didn’t pick a home with zero natural resources, did you? Well, I suppose auctioning off some privateering licences might work.

Anyway, assuming the giants don’t all go sun-mad and come charging towards the coast, I’d say pick out a vacation home while there’s still real estate available. Provide piloting and pathfinding, and Strategist Valens has been authorized to lead an expiation to pacify some savage lands under your flag.

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

For the desk of Hiu Brighteyes,

I do hope this finds you well, and that your council is finding our treaty as agreeable as my superiors.

Likewise, I trust that your missionary efforts to our North proceeded smoothly? It seems that such loosely held land is becoming more precious by the day. I hope you will not take offence if I wonder where you intend to spread your god’s light next?
In any event, I am writing to officially inquire how your empire intends to discharge its treaty obligations. As long as basic good faith is observed, the choice is yours, but our strategists would prefer to know in advance what routes you plan to chart.

As a purely parochial matter, safe shipping through the eastern isles [1] would serve the Republic nicely, though I can certainly understand if your own advisers would counsel a route to the savage lands of Jahalkraun.

In any event, I eagerly await your response.

Peace and Reason,
Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

2020-11-07, 10:35 PM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

"Yar, the blood runs cold
We take our loot but don't get old
YO, yo HO! YO, yo HO!
All HAIIIILLL the Mighty! He's a-risin' from the deep
With tattered sails
And incredible tales
We're caught in endless seas!"

- Translated as 'Hymn to the Mighty', a traditional Elda song

Of Slaves and Sea Shanties (https://youtu.be/8OcSzKpthQk)

Wild winds howled across the bow of Khombriss Depths. Its figurehead - a snarling sea linnorm slain near the crossing of the Chaostide - was now complemented with hull scales taken from the corpse of the ancient trilobite that had escaped the stomach lining of the mother leviathan of Myrkur. Sails of gossamer fabric spun in hues to drive men mad drifted gently to and fro, as if to defy the oncoming storm, opalescent lines in ship shape and the old Utarsk fashion despite their appearance. The last of the cannon had been loaded days ago, filling all three gun decks of the man o'war to capacity. Captain Hjordis was not one for mistakes; she had made sure to commission the berth for the Depths well clear of the fleet's main ammunition stores, lest one of the unfortunate 'accidents' so common among the wilder men and their allies from the depths set a match to tinder.

Skeppare Alvi, who was second in command to Hjordis herself and acting captain while she was ashore, did not feel the chill that came off of the nor'wester. Like most of those who had completed the pilgrimage to Glorious Glimnir, his journey's end had seen to it that he would never taste of that pain again. What had once been mere tattoos emblazoned on his chest and forearms, markings of past victories over foes long gone, burned with baleful incandescence beneath the skin. His glowing blood lay somewhere between indigo and arctic blue now, and ran with a consistency closer to mud, congealing wounds near-instantly. Kult Hala called it the Blessing of Last Light, though he knew plenty of crewmates who had been given different gifts from the gods beyond.

Standing near the rail of the fo'c'sle, the skappare watched with some satisfaction as he heard the familiar crack of the living whips - whose barbed scourges shrieked in ecstasy at the taste of fresh blood - hiss out over the deck. Some fool swab had missed a spot while scrubbing the aft deck, and it had been up to the thegn carls to straighten it out. At least the crewman knew better than to scream while being lashed; the bosun of the Depths made it a point of pride to keep swinging until every salt dog knew to keep their damn mouth shut, whether out of willpower or lack of consciousness.

"That's what you get when you press-gang the locals," came a voice at Alvi's right. He did not turn to look at his lieutenant, for meeting the eyes of one with the Blessing of the Gray Gaze even incidentally never ended pleasantly. Phia had not been a member of any of the clans when what was now the Farthest Fleet had sailed into the unknown. A born brigand, she had raided a great number of nations before seeking the protection of the Drowned Moot. Ever fair, she had kept a whole deck of lovers before the touch of the Void. Now, it was said that she loved only her cutlass at night. "Damned incompetent wastrels, that's what they are, and as slaves they'll be lifelong resource drains to boot. Why did the cap'n take them on board in the first place?"

"It's Hjordis' reckoning that Khombriss Depths will see action soon," Alvi replied with the wrought-iron patience forged from dealing with stupid bandit filth, "and when she does, it's better to have a few disposable bodies on board. We keep them on half rations for now, at least until they survive their first hunt. Then we see if we can make proper warriors out of them."

"Hrm," Phia grunted in reply. He heard her take a swig of rum, but did not ask her to pass over the bottle. Spirits were near poison to him now, something about them not mixing well with the fire within, but truth be told he did not miss the taste overmuch. Besides, he mused as he observed the last of the lashings, there were other pleasures in life.

As the new members of the crew were hauled back to their feet and sent to their evening duties, Alvi could not help but hear a voice carry authoritatively from near the helm. Narrowing his eyes, the skeppare spotted a single man in threadbare cloth who had just made his way to the base of the aft mast. Like him, the sailor must have been watching the public discipline, for his eyes were already wet with tears and his brow trembled with the open sorrow of someone who has not seen the end of the world. Alvi was ready to call to his men to pull one more down to the whipping post, but as he listened he realized that what he had taken as open defiance was instead a mere song.

"Ó bróðir, verið sextíu og þrír dagar
Vatnið hefur verið kverkandi, hvalrekandinn hún sveiflar
Get ekki haldið neinum mat niðri, finn engan svefn
Því að nóttin er of dökk og vatnið of djúpt."

The moment that Alvi heard the words, he could not help but smile. Every sailor on the Utar Isles knew well the verses to The Wayfaring Sailor. There wasn't a single port on those rocks where the song wouldn't have been recognized, though every clan kept their own versions or added verses to make it their own. That it had survived over a century and hundreds of leagues was a wonder in and of itself.

"Tvo sumar fór ég um borð í þetta gamla tréskip
Sól hún skín á Cullero bryggju
En nú er allt stormur á köldum sjó
An 'ef ég drukkna ekki, þá mun ég örugglega frysta;

Vindur blæs okkur yfir þessari bleiku svörtu bylgju
Bróðir verndar mig fyrir vatnsgröf!"

The song spoke of being lost at sea so very far away from home, of fighting the cruel fates. Already a favorite in the time of the Brothers' War, it had become one of the anthems of the Elda on their voyage to Glimnir. Alvi did not doubt for a moment that this particular swab was singing it for an entirely different purpose. His voice was clear and carried far, and soon every man and woman on the main deck had stopped what they were doing to stare at him. However, the man only had eyes for those who bore the marks of the bosun's wrath. With every line sung his volume increased, until he was all but shouting the words as best he could.

"Should we put him down, cut off the song?" Alvi heard Phia mutter at his side. "That's bound to cause some trouble." And indeed, all of the recent 'volunteers' to the crew were already looking to their masters with newfound ire in their eyes. Within moments their voices had joined the first singer's. Some had even taken to stamping their feet on the deck in time, adding an undeniably powerful rhythm. The Elda on board were already drawing weapons and advancing on the slaves, but the senior-most of Alvi's warriors looked to him, waiting to see what he would do in response before springing into action prematurely. He had trained his thegn carls well.

"Cut off the song?" he asked with a grin. "Now why would we ever do such a thing?"

"Nú rotturnar á dekkinu, nippa fæturna á mér
Og götin í tuskunum mínum, stela hitanum mínum
Þessar skálar af brúnni súpu, með varla kjöti
Láttu mig dreyma á kvöldin um sólríka gamla götuna mína

En fátækur fífl eins og ég verður að vinna sér inn bein laun
Svo ég gekk sjálfur áfram að þessu sjófararbúri
Þar sem skipstjórinn er einelti og áhöfnin full af þjófum
Og áfengið er svo slæmt að ég fæ þurra loftið."

"Vindur blæs okkur yfir þessari bleiku svörtu bylgju
Bróðir verndað fyrir vatnsgröf!"

Alvi's own voice could be heard from bow to stern, cutting through the chorus of the imprisoned. The slave-singer's eyes widened and he nearly choked on his own tongue when he realized who it was that had interrupted him. Similarly, he could see confused glances darting around down below. It was at that moment - when the momentum of those who had been incited to action was faltering - that the skeppare began to move. In measured strides, he began to walk down the outer length of the main deck towards the starboard balustrade without ever dropping pitch. As he did so, Alvi pointed to the base of his own throat with two fingers and then turned his hand over, gesturing twice towards the cloudless slate sky.

Thankfully, his warriors understood the gesture, as they soon added the rumbling bass of their voices to his. The press-ganged sailors on board were numerous, but the Elda were healthy and hale. Captors and oppressed were battling for the heart of the song now; where the former Myrkur islanders were stomping the feet, the members of the Fleet were crashing the hilts of their weapons into shields and armor. The din was tremendous, the sound of the struggle no doubt audible all over Keelbreaker Bay. Yet no man or woman among them had drawn blood, nor would they as long as he stayed his own blade.

"Átta vikur, sögðu þeir átta
En það eru tíu vikur sem við bíðum enn
Ekki einn einmana klettur í sjónmáli
Svo það er önnur hættuleg nótt;

Nú kemur ungur sjómaður, lærðu af reynslu minni
Ef þig dreymir um að sigla heimsveldinu
Það er saga erfiðra tíma, með dauða alla daga
Trúðu því ekki einu orði sem skipstjórinn gæti sagt."

Within a minute, Alvi had pushed his way all the way to the helm. With every step, the first slave grew more muted, until the two of them were standing a mere three feet apart. He could barely hear the other man now, and he would not even look the officer in the eye. Down below, he could hear the forceful bellowing of his men break the last reserves of the would-be upstarts, most of who now stood cowed and quiet. The next bars of the song died away ignominiously, leaving a deafening and expectant silence in its wake.

With one great tattooed arm, Alvi slowly pulled the instigator forward and dragged him towards the rail. The man flinched away at the touch, but there was nothing for it; the skeppare had at least forty pounds and several inches on him, not to mention the long steel and flintlock at his belt. However, Alvi drew neither. Instead, he simply looked at the other man. "You have a brave heart, and a truly lovely voice," he finally said after a while. "What is your name, friend?"


"Well Nikolas, I think that it would be a shame if we were unable to end something that we started. So why don't the two of us finish off The Wayfaring Sailor, hrm?" He gave Nikolas the time he needed to tremble through a nod before gesturing to the upturned faces watching them from below. Alvi could vaguely make out the shape of Phia giving him a wicked smile from the massed crowd of flesh and metal, so he made a point of looking away while silently cursing her name.

"Vindur blæs okkur yfir þessari bleiku svörtu bylgju
Bróðir verndað fyrir vatnsgröf!"

There was no reaction at first, but that moment was soon devoured by the triumphant roars of his men. Even some of the swabs and galley slaves who had been so moved by Nikolas' song were cheering. This time, the sound of boots and shields were as one, and hard laughs were exchanged between hard bastards on both sides. Misted breath and red cheeks warmed the air on the deck of Khombriss Depths, and for just a second all of those who stood beneath the alien lines and strange banners of Glimnir forgot the hardships, forgot the wars and starvations, forgot the storms and grotesque beings that had accompanied the Farthest Fleet back from the Beautiful Void.

And then, in between heartbeats, Alvi hauled Nikolas off of his feet by the neck with one hand and squeezed, crushing his windpipe and every bone in his throat.

The slave did not even have time to register what was happening, any semblance of a cry stolen away by a murderer's wind. His eyes rolled back into his skull, and his blood trickled down Alvi's meaty hand where a bit of collarbone was sticking out of the raw flesh. Nikolas' body went slack, the weight of it suddenly threatening to bring Alvi down to the deck. Leaning the corpse against the wooden railing, the skeppare reached down and lifted it by the legs before giving it one last shove. The body landed in a tumble of broken limbs; its vacant blank eyes stared into the faces of the slave crew, who looked right back in ghastly shock. Meanwhile, none of the Elda had stopped laughing.

"Back to your stations! We have work to do," Alvi ordered, and this time the men stepped to without a second's hesitation.

2020-11-07, 10:40 PM
The Fae of the Four Courts

This fluff piece is adapted from and based on Game of Champions' EoT write-up of the territories I took.

The Princess of Scorching Chains and her personal retinue – several dozen fae wreathed in shimmering fire and light – overlook the forest below them. Nestled in the peaceful woodland valley is a small logging village, oblivious to the fate before them. As she moves, surveying the Summer Court of Flaying Sands’ newest prize-to-be, hundreds of tiny molten chains break and reform around her. With a calm, collected motion, she raises a gloved, blood-red fist, and gestures. Her servants – for all of Summer save the King and Queen serve her – begin their spells. She feels the arcane power burn through her, searing her being, in a way that lesser races never could. The eyes of her full-face mask, ridged in burnished gold, glow with fire as a sandstorm erupts through the village. When it strikes the hapless villagers, who collapse and stagger under the storm, their identity and autonomy are eroded. As the valley becomes desert, its inhabitants are broken under the Will of Summer. Perhaps the Princess smiles beneath the mask, if she has a mouth with which to do so. It is irrelevant. There are other lands to be claimed.


The Knight of Valorous Peaks is broad, and as tall as three men. He is armored in plate of stone, shaped by his own hands to be stronger than any steel known to man. In his left arms, he carries a halberd adorned with glowing grey runes; in his right, he holds a battleaxe seemingly crafted from amethyst. His mask is formed of rock, featureless except for two shallow depressions where his eyes would be. To his left strides his companion, the Sage of Violet Stability, who is merely the height of a normal man. The Sage is wrapped in a cloak of what seems like gems made into cloth, harder than diamond yet softer than silk. He carries no weapons; those unfamiliar with his order might incorrectly assume him to be a weaker combatant.

Together, they stride towards the army of men arranged before them. They have claimed these lands for the Spring Court of Righteous Steel, and will fight to prove their rightful rule. All around them, the air thickens, as the spirits of nature are drawn to the Sage’s aura. They watch, curious, as a unit of thirty men charge at the challengers. Only a minute later, they lie broken and battered in the dust before the untouched Fae. At this, the army waves the flag of surrender. Before the Might of Spring, there can be no victory.


A wave of cold wind blankets the region, far earlier than it should. The snow that comes with it is unlike any its inhabitants have ever seen; it shimmers with wondrous colours, it cures ailments and changes those it touches in subtle ways. The Winter Court of Nascent Wonders dance through it, dazzling the villagers in their oddity and majesty. While they all bear masks, some are larger than houses, and others the size of children. Some do not have fixed forms at all, constantly changing, and others are only noticeable through their masks, which they form from various materials lying about whenever they work their spellcraft. They bring awe and wonder wherever they go, drawing in the mortals to wander after them. Those who bow to the Whims of Winter are spared and welcomed as subjects of the Court. In years, they will absorb the ambient magic that suffuses the lands of the Winter Court and become great mages and healers. For now, they must acclimatize to the dramatically colder temperatures and constantly changing landscapes.

Others challenge the Fae as they dance through the land. Those who draw iron before the Fae are savaged or changed by rime and arcane might. In less than a few weeks, the land has become an ever-shifting, frigid tundra filled with wondrous magics.


A decadent lounging Fae, his face covered in a mask of crimson petals, is flanked by two beautiful and depraved women in magnificent dresses and jewelry. They are all matching in silks as dark as night, speckled with red, and they sip a wine darker than blood. The Mage of Bottomless Ruin had spent days building to this conclusion, the right moment, and he would not see it wasted. The Autumn Court of Sanguine Decadence would not be satisfied with anything less.

The three watch the approaching army. It had been a plan in three parts. First, the Mage had worked his subtle magics upon the leaders of the villages. Under his touch, each had gone mad, three days past. One had poisoned all the wells in his village. Another had set fire to every domicile. He worked destruction among them, and did it well. Secondly, his servants had kidnapped children in broad daylight, rousing the people of this region to fury. And now, it culminated. With a clap of his hands, the glamour shatters and dozens of Fae appear surrounding the army, each with a pair of the stolen children chained at their feet. They start to chant and several seconds later the life force starts to bleed from the sacrifices, entering the complex ritual circles they had laid down earlier. The sacrifices finish, the Mage smirks, and the army snaps. But they do not attack the Fae. No, instead they slaughter and brutalize each other, providing the forest a glut of fresh blood to feast on. They die, the spectacle feeding the boundless Hunger of Autumn.


All messages sent at Morale 9.

Conquer. Grow. Take. Imperatives that rule us all. The reach of the Courts grow, and the edges of the Forests grow closer by the month. We would negotiate, as to these lands we occupy. Each have something to offer. Balance. Strength. Ingenuity. Power. Resourcefulness. Ambition. Vision. Connection. Let us deliberate, and exist.

Okay, so two things.

1) The Fae of the Four Courts are proposing a non-aggression pact between the four nations here. Pretty standard – no directly or indirectly attacking each other for a set period of time.

2) The Fae are formally renouncing any claim on territories 52 and 53, for the legion of Balance to take. They are also renouncing claims on territories 62, 67, and 68, and anything further north than that. The Fae are suggesting that the Khalos Trading Guild take territories 61 and 66, and that the Valence Lodge expand to 67, 68, and 70. The Four Courts are claiming 55 and 58, and are willing to pay the Valence lodge for 59 if not desired.

Tell us, machine-men. Of Summer and Spring, with which do you identify? We know of your agreement with the Sun-Titans, who, in their arrogance, sought fit to contact Winter. We know your eyes look outward. If you are to be our neighbors, we caution you – choose better than they did.

Lord Athos
2020-11-08, 03:37 AM
The Silverhammer Protectorate

Deep below the Silverhammer Mountains, in the great hall of the Lord Protector's central fortress, a great host of Dwarven warriors was gathered.

His gaze ran over the rows and rows of his clansmen. All of the dwarves were in various states of decay, but their equipment was in excellent condition, the silver plates polished to a sheen.
Halbardiers, shock troopers wielding two-handed hammers, those that carried raven's beaks and round shields, everybody stood at attention and presented their weapon to him, in silence.
To the sides, the rangers stood, proud and upright in their grey cloaks and silver breastplates, every bit as much respected in the clan as the warriors, if not more.

The Lord Protector lowered his eyes to the chest of dark wood before him, framed in ornamented iron. With measured movements, he opened it, pulled back the heavy red cloth, and, with pronounced reverence, brought forth the holy artifact, a Weapon blessed by Our Savior Himself, the Divine Flaming Spear - it burst into bright Holy Flames as he lifted it up over his head, for all the the gathered
Silverhammer warriors to see.
He felt it again, their in his grip. The warmth, the burning heat, the searing pain - he felt alive, in undeath, through Our Saviour's grace; he felt the connection regrow.

"Clansmen! Brothers! We have been blessed!" His deep voice sounded over those gathered, washing away the lingering doubts in many dwarves' unbeating hearts concerning their standing with Our Burning Saviour. "Glory to the Flame!" He stated, firmly and solemnly, and as one, the others replied the same.

Then, they began to sing. They began to sing a song of glory, of faith, of worship, in the old tongue of the Oracai. From undead mouths, it was an eerie, uncomfortable sensation - not exactly devoid of emotion, but of cold, unnatural energy. They continued to sing as they began marching, following the Lord Protector above ground.

The deep dark tunnels of the Silverhammer mountains trembled as the Clan's armies rose from their tombs and marched once again, to the surface.

To the most esteemed Dio, 2nd Head of Khalos.

It was our privilege to trade with the Khalos Guild. I hope our wares have reached you as well as yours reached us.
There is another rate of payment due, but word has reached us that the seas have grown more dangerous, and there has to be a concentrated effort to find a safe passage between your lands and ours. We suggest we work together in this endeavor.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual advancement,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate
yeah, now that we have to spend adventurers to make a trade route, I guess we should split the cost. I don't have that many adventurers anyway :smallbiggrin:

To the esteemed M. de Leutuem,

You choose your words wisely, and with artistry.
Know that we are not offended, but intrigued. Your alchemy shows promise, and the prospect of trade with the followers of the Jaundiced Mother seems very worthwhile to the Silverhammer Clan.

Know though, that we have already a contract to chart a trading route this season, and we regrettably do not have the men to chart another one. Since we always honour our commitments, the trading route between our people can only be started with the next season.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual advancement,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

2020-11-08, 11:19 AM
The Red Aurora College

Morale 6

The lights on the Mordikai Quarter Buildings were dark, only the magelights of the campus grounds below underlighting it with a ghostly facade. From the great window atop the Droban Clocktower, no indication could be seen of the bustling activity from the previous day. Students and teachers mingling with staff and locals, shared meals and shared ideas. The lust for life and learning that all young people possessed.

“And here you are brooding atop a tower like some dark villain.” She muttered to herself.
Jealous? You do not need such trivialities! Focus!
The delves were not enough! More!

“Did it always feel so trivial?” Her voice was wistful, perhaps it was jealousy. Jealousy for the firmly mortal. “How do the Fae do it, live free from time and not go mad?”
You are not immortal. We are infinite!
Never forget what you will become!

“We shall see.”


The Grand Collection
Greetings Good Hobbits,

We grow ever closer to becoming neighbors, and I hope the feelings is mutual when I say I have every intention of being a good neighbor. But that is not why I write today.

The Centaurs are playing expansionist on the southern continent, I mean, we all are I suppose, to varying degrees, but the Khanate will rapidly run out of room to expand and unlike the rest of us, they have little power for growth without conquest. I would ask what the Collection’s stance on the Khanate is, for my college is… nervous. At the growing power of self professed warlords.

Oh, and I also wanted to ask if the offer to tour the The Caves of Endless Doom Only a Fool Would Visit, Seriously This Is Instant death was a genuine one. I have some adventurers itching for a destination this season.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Valence Lodge
Master de Leuteum,
We would of course be delighted to have your esteemed personage teach on the wonders of alchemy at our institution. We have a healthy interest in the chemistry of life and magic and your expertise would be most valuable.

Regarding supplies of inks and pens, I’m sure the Lodge would have peerless quality in supply, but what is the nature of your offer? Red Aurora College does not exactly lack in things like ink and paper, in fact we manufacture our own books and tomes and have a dedicated illumination department. I am certainly not averse to a trade deal between our institutions, but at the very least, I would know what you would like in exchange.

With Regards,
Bursar Ferncrest

The Clockwork Republic
Congratulations at your grand success in territory development, an impressive feat to be sure.

I write to inquire about your stance on the Khanate, they have expanded rapidly and unlike the rest of us on the southern content, they have comparatively poor options for growth by means other than conquest. This makes my institution… nervous. We may be far from their lands now, but if they continue to expand, particularly if they find more military means during their expansion, even somewhat more distant lands as ours may be under threat.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

Holy Phanos,
I hope the previous season treated the blessed of Yurian well. I write to inquire about your stance on the Khanate. They’re rapid expansion has my institution feeling rather nervous, as their expansion is limited, and unlike the other residents of the southern continent, their options for growth once expansion into neutral territory runs out are… limited. Suffice to say, I am nervous for the coming years and wonder if something should be done sooner rather than later.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

2020-11-08, 11:51 AM
As Grandmaster Moray looked out the window of her office, she gave a slightly wistful sigh. The Covenant's early expansions had gone well and while she hated the extra workload, she hated that she wasn't able to keep her hands busy at all times. There was always a reason for this nereid to be crabby. As winter approached, many things had changed for the fledgling nation of the Covenant. Their early expansion had gone well, and only a tiny sliver of the island of Xihou was now left uncolonized by a greater power.

Herne's campaign to the north had met resounding success and the Emerald Eye had already largely moved into the highlands. Dryads, satyrs, and centaurs had been hard at work coaxing trees and crops to provide an abundant harvest and lumber that the Covenant would need to build, while members of the Garnet Moon and Ruby Flame had established quarries and mines at the base of the mountains. The highland folk themselves seemed an accepting lot, and they brought into the fold without issue. Then again, to stand against Herne was in some ways the very epitome of foolishness.

To the east their expansion had met similar progress, Ruby Flame and Topaz Fang striking swiftly and strategically. The inhabitants there were more cowed by the Covenant's actions, but many of them found homes in either the Sapphire Tear or Topaz Fang. Isla would ensure that they would be kept safe. The Covenant was built around the very idea of banding together to overcome the prejudice aimed at their people, and so any place that would fall before them would be given full rights to become a part of the Crystalheart Covenant.

With the end of the year though, came change, and a new start. At first frost began the ceremonies that Isla was in charge of, were a new generation would join the castes. They had established some presence and some communication with the other nations, but not any formal alliances yet. There was still much they had to do internally first. The exploration of the Blackweald Towers was proceeding steadily, and the depths of Corundynir's Lair was cautiously being explored, and catalogued. If possible she would have liked to held the coming of age ceremonies there, but it was not quite safe enough yet.

With a mighty "Harrumph!" Isla turned from the window and sat down at her desk. There was an anticipation in the air this year, this first year in their new, permanent home. What would come? She could not read the future, nor would she care to if she could. What would happen would happen, and until then she could probably squeeze in a nap.

MOR 10
To the Celestial Empire,

As neighbors it is respectful to inform you of our intent to claim Territory 39. There are very few places left on Xihou that are wild and unclaimed by our civilizations, but we are the closest to the territory and the only ones with land access. It is our intention to take it and build a grand spire at the tip of the peninsula to guide others, physically or spiritually. We have no desire to claim other territory on the mainland of Xihou, but we will defend what we have fiercely.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements

To the Silverhammer Protectorate,

As neighbors it is respectful to inform you of our intent to claim Territory 39. There are very few places left on Xihou that are wild and unclaimed by our civilizations, but we are the closest to the territory and the only ones with land access. It is our intention to take it and build a grand spire at the tip of the peninsula to guide others, physically or spiritually. We have no desire to claim other territory on the mainland of Xihou, but we will defend what we have fiercely.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements

To Clan Baem,

While we are not direct neighbors, separated by a sea between us, it is respectful to inform you of our intent to claim Territory 39. There are very few places left on Xihou that are wild and unclaimed by civilization, but we are the closest to the territory and the only ones with land access. It is our intention to take it and build a grand spire at the tip of the peninsula to guide others, physically or spiritually. We have no desire to claim other territory on the mainland of Xihou, but we will defend what we have fiercely.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements

3 ADV will explore Blackweald Towers (floors 3-5)
3 ADV and Taleah (ADV2) will explore Corundynir's Lair (floors 6-10), Taleah will loot floors 9 and 10.

St. Justicar
2020-11-08, 11:04 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 6

77 – The Phoenix Voice,

The flattery is appreciated, of course. Should you have any students interested in the less glamorous aspects of the work, I’d be more than happy to copy some of the experimental reports on magicite-infused fertilizers.

Being entirely honest, the steppe horde hasn’t loomed particularly large in any of our thoughts, these past months. They turned our attempt at an embassy away quite harshly, and given our treaty with the Phanosines, a land border in the near future hasn’t seemed particularly likely. Concerning in the long-term, certainly, but no more than any of the other reavers and empire-builders scattered across our green and pleasant land.

If you have any suggestions on ways to deal with them without undue expense in blood or treasure I would of course be more then happy to bring it up at the next Committee meeting.

May your eyes ever be unclouded,
-Academic Cahit, Committee on Applied Metaphysics, Esheri Republic

A prayer, to the rapacious Spirits and petty Gods who so haunt this land of monsters,

This choice you offer is cruel, and I regret that I must reject it. We are the agents of principle, the tools of necessity – neither the vainglorious fantasies of the self-regarding gentry, nor the all-consuming greed of ancient slaver kings, evoke a spark of familiarity within us.

That you have usurped dominion over vast stretches of the earth is plain to see, and we do not doubt the power you have gathered up unto yourself. Name a pact, as you are so fond of, and we may yet sign it, or else each keep to our own affairs.

And so we pray that you might escape the chains of your nature.

Else – every story must eventually end, no matter how dearly the cast adores their roles.

To Massimo de Leuteum

I hope the payment for last season’s work was to your satisfaction? If you’re still in the mercenary market, I’d very much like to arrange an extension of the contract, or something on similar lines. Possibly purchase some different sorts of services, as well.


-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

2020-11-09, 04:25 AM

While some nations around the shattered continent took up arms or engaged in subterfuge, the best and brightest of the Khalos Guild engaged in diplomacy across the lands of Havati and Isocross, convincing the peoples of those continents to join their cause, for pleasure and profit.

Whispers spread out about the Khalos Guild and what they were going to do. What was going on with that giant Hydra looming over the horizon, with one neck constantly dipped down toward the Nest. The whispers were frequent and nearly constant across the land; after all, merchants talked for a living, so it wasn't surprising when word spread.


By the end of the season, the Khalos Guild had welcomed and integrated the two new provinces and added a critical new building to the Capital City, The Brood Lounge had a nearly kilometre-long bar that ran a circle around a massive central chamber. A gilded filigree pattern runs across the entire bar, a testament to excess and success. When a diplomat orders a drink, it comes in a goblet or a tankard made of fine imported and exotic metals.

Behind the bar, alchemists from the lands around Valence Lodge work tirelessly to concoct and develop new magical drinks, ensuring that there is a new result every time a guest asks the barkeeps to surprise them. From drinks that are literally electric to the darkest of stouts, every race and taste is sure to find something in the bar.

Finally, there were the guests. Fantastic and eclectic as the lands of Hanrui. Races from the world powers and some of the more monstrous ones that were typically shunned by society mingled together, all dressed to the nines in traditional attire to impress the crowd. Of course, impressing the regulars at The Brood Lounge was a bigger challenge every day....

𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔏𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔬𝔣 ℌ𝔞𝔫𝔯𝔲𝔦,

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔎𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔰 𝔊𝔲𝔦𝔩𝔡 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔶 𝔦𝔫𝔳𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔰 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔱𝔬 𝔞 𝔤𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔠𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔰𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔬𝔫 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔬𝔣 𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫'𝔰 𝔠𝔬𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔢𝔣𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔰. 𝔚𝔢 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔟𝔢 𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔞𝔱 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔅𝔯𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔏𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔤𝔢, 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔑𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔎𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔰.

𝔚𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔞𝔩𝔰𝔬 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔞𝔠𝔥 𝔞𝔫 𝔦𝔫𝔳𝔦𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔞 𝔭𝔯𝔢-𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔤𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔭𝔲𝔟𝔩𝔦𝔠 𝔪𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤, 𝔰𝔦𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔞𝔯 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔱 𝔰𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔬𝔫𝔰
𝔦𝔫 𝔈𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢 𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔰. 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴 𝔲𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔦𝔰𝔠𝔲𝔰𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩 𝔭𝔬𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩 𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔞 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔬𝔫.

Glory be to the Flame,

We are glad that the relic found its way to you safely and that it's invigorated your people as much as it has. Uniting past and present is one of the many lovely pastimes of Khalos; after all, they are nearly as old as many of your kin.

We have heard notes of the Winds, and how they are changing this season, we shall assist in establishing a trade route between our nations. After all, after such a large exchange, it's difficult to fathom a future where we don't continue trading between our nations.

We shall take care of the logistics of determining resource investment.

Oppar, Mouth of Khalos

Our Diplomats speak of being very well fed but very confused this past season. It seems that your 'helpers' may have aggressively convinced our allies and judges at the world congress that this season's proposal was a Hobbit idea.

Though we cannot fault your diplomats for their overeager nature, it does rob us of the prestige of presenting the idea that we had already presented to all of the nations.

Alas, once is a mistake, twice a pattern. There is no pattern of concern yet,

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos.

Well played! All give heads aren't mad, just disappointed.

The Courts offer a very good proposal, non-aggression benefits us all considering the powers on across the straits, but the execution of the pact could be penned less aggressively.

The current terms grant the Fae a Grand Majority of the Land of Monsters; we would see these terms edited to be closer to an equal split. Our amendments are attached.

Khalos: 62-67-66 (6 Total Territories)

Valance Lodge: 70-68-59-58 (5 Total Territories)

The Courts: 55 (6 Total Territories)

The Legion: 52-53 (4 Total Territories)

These amendments solve several issues, assuming that the Lodge and Legion are looking to expand. The largest one for the Khalos Guild is allowing our membership to extend to all lands surrounding The Nest; as our Guild's lifeblood, it's nearly impossible to accept a plan that would result in ceding that territory.

Additionally, this plan results in a more even split as opposed to Fae domination on Fae terms.

Our merchants have returned with your wares and rumour has it that the Dress of the Promised End has joined your treasury. From our lands to yours, a toast.

We shall know if we have a similar offering after our parties return from the depths of the Lake of Blood.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

Pleasant Tidings and Fair Winds,

Our deal was a success but is now in the past. The Khalos Guild would be interested in trading again this season, but we shall know the details once our adventers have returned from the Lake of Blood.

That said, based on current measurements, we will likely need Adventurers to assist in establishing a route to the Southern Continent, so if you're looking to trade resources, those would be of particular interest to us.

May the winds be clam on your coasts,

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

Pleasant Tidings and Fair Winds,

We shall be brief as words waste the time of the strong.

The Khalos Guild, after our ventures into the Lake of Blood, will be interested and investing in seasoned adventurers this season.

We shall reach out with terms of trade once we have collected our bounty from the Lake of Blood.

Alune of Khalos

Pleasant Tidings and Fair Winds,

We write to inform the Spring Court that the Khalos Guild is speaking time the Autumn Court about their adventures this season.

We have no doubt you could have found this information on your own, but we choose to be forthcoming and honest about our dealings.

We still look forward to and will continue to work with the Sprinf Court,

Dio of Khalos

2020-11-09, 10:19 AM
The Grand Collection of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside Under the Administration of the Great Council of Elders, Colony of the Exceptional Alliance of Free Hobbits Administrated by the Parliament of Duly Elected Officials
Morale 8
Rep 10

Even after enlisting his wife to help work had just continued to pile up for Guntram. Slowly they ground through all the replies and messages they had to send out.

The confusion was mostly due to Congress putting out a request for money. It was important enough that they had bill passed related to it so we obliged. Though in the spirit of cooperation, how about we alternate on who suggests a proposal to Congress, no matter who actually suggests it in the group meetings. That way we both get prestige and can a bit more optimally put our money into things rather than always going all out on proposals every season. Just go all out every second season instead.

We will of course be delighted to go to the meeting.

Guntram Von Banks

I completely failed to get any votes correct last turn, the three votes no on the money thing were me and I gave 9 no on the war thing. So if we alternate who sends a proposal in each turn, we will both hit the win condition on the same turn assuming neither of us guess wrong from now on.

Greetings Lady Greydane,
Hello again, we were hoping to be able to revisit the idea of an alliance. I hope our offer shows our continued support of better relations between us.

Regards, Guntram Von Banks

We agree it will be nice to have you as neighbors. We don't particularly care much for expansion but we can take 21 to make us neighbors this coming season.

We are hoping for a stance of non-violence from both sides. So far they have not shown any direct violence against anyone since returning and they have mostly expanded along the coast. When the lands run out what will happen is of great concern though and we will try to talk to them to see their plans. Your request about tours have been sent to the tourism board.

Have a nice day,
Guntram Von Banks

Of course tourism is allowed, there is a small fee of [1 temp economy] for tourism fees for parties under [5 temp adventures] to use it payable after the exploring with an additional fee if you clear it. We would love for people to explore it. It is absolutely scenic with horrific screams, unique monsters and a great aesthetic.

If that is too rich we do have a cheaper unofficial option we recently found but are not advertising at this time, it is free for under [3 temp adventurers] with a cost of [1 temp economy] for up to [7 temp adventurers] again with an additional fee if you clear it. We should note it is actively being used as a waste management system.

In either case all artifacts or consumable items are of course yours to keep with the exception of artifacts that boost reputation which you must offer to us for sale at a reduced cost of [3 economy per stat point]. In the case we are unwilling to pay for it that season, you may keep it.

They would also be required to sign a waiver waiving any responsibility we may have for them choosing to go into our cave and that if through negligence they release a horrendous monster into the country side then you would have to clean it up.

We hope you are interested in exploring with us and have a great time!

The Grand Collection Tourism Board

Hello neighbors,

We are sending this message to ask about the plan now? We assume you will soon grab the last of the fertile coast of the south leaving just badland and desert not suited for centaurs or sentient horses. We are curious if you have a specific plan once that happens and if you have considered trying to enter World Congress? With your expansion, morale must be at an all time high and your vote can really matter.

Guntram Von Banks, Elder

Lord Athos
2020-11-09, 12:33 PM
The Silverhammer Protectorate

To the most esteemed Circle of Elements,

Know that we appreciate your courtesy.
Now let us return the favour.
Know that the Silverhammer Protectorate is planning to march on the eastern Island (35) in the coming season.
We assume the the Celestial Empire will expand its territories as well, and all territory on our continent will be spoken for. Time will tell what that means for us, whether our continent will have a time of cooperation, or of mutual destruction. If we prefer the former, we will have to act.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual advancement,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

2020-11-09, 07:19 PM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

Morale 7

On stormy winds, the heralds of the ships of the outer seas come again: fell ravens and beasts of the air, longboats from Myrkur carrying carls from new-won lands, even magical spells that communicate via dark dreams. They make their way to the people of Xihou and western Vahsi, to the learned colleges of mages and courts of grand bureaucracies, to underground temples and crystalline keeps. The message is clear, and the same no matter where it is heard.

Slow seas and calm harbors upon our augurs, Empires of the West!

The Farthest Fleet has conquered the island of Myrkur, as is our right. Dimstrond and the Broken Shore belong to us now, and will remain under our banner until the Fleet is ready to leave Hanrui for good.

In the weeks and months to come, the Elda will continue their expansion south and east. Our pact from last season holds, as we plan to take the outer islands of Liath and Skerandre, near the Reverent Span. Our ships will not land on your shores until such a time as we are ready to trade with any of your empires.

It is the hope of the Elda to eventually open and protect trade all across Hanrui. Even now, we build new longship fleets to travel to each of the continents, and once the routes are in place the Elda will safeguard all maritime trade. This decision has been ratified by the will of the Drowned Moot, and will be passed on to every vessel among our number.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void

Just to let you all know of my intention to take (28) and (29) this turn, and that I have zero intention of getting involved in any power struggle for your territory. Also, over the coming 2-3 turns or so I will be making trade routes to every single major continent, and will guarantee toll-free trade between all players. Not only will I make the routes, but I plan on actively protecting them as well.

There will be special terms to that arrangement - when it comes time that I am ready to unveil it to the map at large - but it won't cost you a thing.
Hail to the sworn and sated, to the Host Ever Wanting,

Although the Elda are late in paying our dues to your altar, I ask that you forgive us our trespass. This country is strange and new, and we have preferred to watch and conserve our strength so far. In many ways, the nothingness beyond the horizon is more home to many of us than these shores, a sentiment that I know you share.

Ours is a fate foretold in swirling blood and emptiness. It is bound to this land, as it has been ever since the first prows of our fleet crossed the threshold of the Beautiful Void. That all four courts of the fae should be here - that we should all be here - is no confluence of accidents. The omens are not yet clear, for even our most learned of patrons cannot see all ends, but I believe that knowing one's future is less important than knowing oneself.

We know ourselves from the starving, for we are well-fed. We know ourselves from the weak, for we are strong. We know ourselves from prey, for we are the hunters. The Farthest Fleet will appear before you in the near future and ask for a bargain. On that day, I urge the Court of Sanguine Decadence to keep an open mind.

Until then, I remain a faithful admirer,

ᚺᛁᛚᛞᛖ ᚨᛋᛚᚢᚾᛞᛋᛞᛟᛏᛏᛁᚱ
Hilde Aslundsdöttir, Hala's Chosen and Devourer of the Black Sacrament

Just saying hello! Hi Hungry Autumn! :smallbiggrin:

2020-11-10, 10:16 AM

Though untraditional, it seems like the best option for both our nations. Though we would suppose that would bring it to our turn this season.

Additionally we shall be passing both motions in World Congress this season.

The Khalos Guild is sending a massive expidition to dig deep into the lake of Blood.

2 MAG: Mages are summoned to clear the 11th floor and keep it airtight as an above water safe haven.

2 MIL: Soldiers, untrained against monsters establish supply lines on floor 12

2 ESP: Scout Deep into the depths of the Lake to find the boss Khalos must kill. As part of this they clear floor 13.

5 ADV: Parties dive deep into lake, clearing a path and setting charges to open up the roof to Khalos. Over this time they clear 14,15,16,17,18

KHALOS (5ADV) Arrvies at the Lake of Blood, crushing the 19th floor under his feet. Though the largest monster in the Dungeon, the Inithraka of the Blood Moon, is fierce, Khalos has evolved well beyond the size and strength of one of these beasts, and clears the 20th floor.

Votes and Things
The Khalos Guild has 11 votes this turn.

War Betting:

Khalos Commits 4 YAY votes to passing this motion.

Search for Talent:

Khalos Commits 7 YAY votes to passing this motion.

Lord Athos
2020-11-10, 12:37 PM
The Silverhammer Protectorate

To the most esteemed Oppar, Mouth of Khalos,

The Silverhammer Protectorate gratefully accepts your invitation for a great celebration. I will send a representative to the brood lounge to join in the festivities, and to discuss the state of Hanrui.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual advancement,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate
about that trade route, I talked to GoC and apparently it costs 3 Adv. Would you be okay with providing 2 while I provide 1? It would fit better with my plans, and I will add a token of appreciation to the Silverhammer's wares.

To the most esteemed Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void,

You speak of noble goals, and noble deeds.
Know that we approve.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual advancement,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

To the esteemed 77 - The Phoenix Voice,

As we have predicted, war is brewing on Hanrui.
As of yet, not many seem to see the signs. We believe you do.
It may be that we have to work together more closely in the future. Our proximity leads to us sharing many burdens.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual advancement,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

2 adventurers chart an invasion route to the island (35)

Ranger Captain Balt Ashenblade(Tier 2 Adv VIP) returns to the Caverns of Shame

Voting for Search for Talent with all votes.

2020-11-10, 05:48 PM
2 Adv helping to create a route between 3 and 10 as agreed upon by the treaty, making it public so it can be used by others.

2020-11-10, 06:46 PM
Legion of Balance
Mor 7

The Legion supports the idea of splitting up the remaining open land in the Land of Monsters. Much better to hash this out rather then fight fro the final scraps and turn our continent into a battleground.

We think that the spread of territories the Guild puts forth is the best split for all of the factions in this continent. The Legion only needs a few spaces to spread to manage our resources.

Lady Greydane

Thank you for the Headress, it greatly aids our work here in Hanrui. It is also a wonderful relic to study and learn of the past.

Let us know what you have to offer but we only have interest in a few select items.


We are encouraged by your interest in world affairs, your interesting proposal shows as much. We would like to work with you on a successful shared project before we bond our nations in an alliance.

Do you have any thoughts on such a project? We think something to aid those possibly effected by natural disaster or war would be appropriate.

Lady Greydane

Khanate of the Ironhoof
Mor 8

Hail Hobbits,

We do plan on invading that last stretch of grassland that borders us both. We recommend that you avoid it and look to your badlands. We have no interest in the World Congress, an organization meant to hold back those with power from acting on those without.

We look for War! For reasons to Ride!

Make sure you are not underfoot Hobbits

Vrock Bait
2020-11-10, 08:08 PM
Celestial Empire of Longshan

It is known that in the first Liao Dynasty of Longshan, the first emperor Huang the Great declared the borders of the Empire from the coast of the western raiders to the beaches on the far eastern sea, from the snows of the northern horsemen to the peaks of the southern dog-spirits. Two years ago the Late Imperial Father once again united the first great empire under the eyes of heaven and the first emperor. But the complete true empire, built by the emperors chosen after Huang the Great, had stayed a wayward son in the great clans of Longshan. Today, it shall be known that those citizens of the empire shall once again walk with the herd. As of immediately, all land and peoples of the Xizhou mainland five thousand li to the south and eight thousand li to the north are declared to once again be the sovereign property of the gods through their emissary the imperial throne. Any illegitimate tyrants can either swear the undying fealty of their commanderies to the imperial throne or be destroyed. Imperial decree of the fifth month, 1147.

Territories 40-45, 36, and 71 are declared to be the sovereign territories of Longshan. Any local rulers can immediately surrender their kingdoms to the throne and possibly retain local governance or be destroyed.

Dog-spirits are called gnolls by everybody else but that sounds weird when I'm trying to do the overly formal English translation voice.

Imperial spokespeople promote Writings on the Proceedings of the Empire, a fifty year old manuscript defining all Imperial territories to be regions habituated by ethnically and culturally Shan peoples. No comprehensive surveys of the areas claimed have been taken, but at least some descendants of historical settlers have been noted - and public records from fifty years ago seem to contradict each other about how larger the empire was at the time. The manuscript also encourages the idea of constant expansion as a positive model for how the empire should run, but this seems to be less emphasized.

Statement released by Imperial sources regarding the state of reconsolidation:

The Imperial forces quickly consolidate their gains; recruiting surrendered gnolls and mountain folk to their scout corp and explorers, thankful town mayors and village heads travel to the capital to thank their new leaders in person and spread word of their generosity, the many young people who want to join the powerful armies they saw in action, and of course the fierce loyalty and happiness of the people they liberated.

It is said by the dragon-god of wisdom Renhacius that those who are strong must defend those who are weak, and those who have surplus must feed those who have little. In order with this divine wisdom, the imperial armies will hereby be made available for foreign campaigns unrelated to the Empire. All that will be asked in return is a tribute of piety to the imperial throne as the embodiment of the progenitor of all knowledge. Imperial Decree of the sixth month, 1147.

Pay me in territory or Econ or basically whatever and I’ll fight battles for you.

Renhacius is better known as Renhazi outside of the Trade Tongue. It is said in an old Shan legend that the sage wrote four ancient books of divine lore before molting his mortal skin and ascending to the heavens, or Gaoshan.

Imperial forces had been laying siege to the city of Dongfong for five days now. It had once been remarked that Dongfong’s walls would only fall when heaven does, and indeed, the people controlling the city had placed such confidence in their defenses that they had not sent out any attempts at breaking the siege.

Zhao Ren started wordlessly at his mighty stone opponent from an exposed hill. The city received provisions through underground tunnels, but no success has been found in searching for them. He had tried launching flaming and plague ridden projectiles into the city itself, but neither of those seemed to have too much visible effect.

“Sir, sir, there’s a supply caravan from the capital.”

Zhao Ren turned around to see a minor captain, one of his nephews, Zhao Xiang.

“The next one isn’t scheduled until two weeks later. The food will go until then. Who authorized this?”

“Uh, Master Songsun, sir. ...it’s not food, sir.”

Xuanming realized that something massive and cylindrical was being wheeled on a cart from the north. It was carved to look like a stone lion, yet there was some kind of contraption in its gaping, open mouth.

“Ah, Lady Lu really must be granted her own credentials. She is not simply an extension of her husband.”

He turned back to Zhao Xiang. “Check beneath the butt of the machine. She usually leaves her inventions fully charged with instructions.”

“We already did, sir. A few tons of unprocessed oats and invocations to nature.”

“She’s taking the Wuxing literally? Not something I would’ve thought would work. I suppose that’s why she’s the better magician. Have it moved in front of the walls and follow the instructions laid out in the scrolls.

“Ready your men. We’ll be taking back the city within a few hours.”

Morale 7

Greetings to First Speaker Aslund,

We are glad to hear of this decision. However, I would heavily suggest you also open diplomacy with the College of Red Aurora to ensure that they stake no claim to the southern archipelagos. Your nation has proven to be an unexpectedly altruistic player in the World Congress, and I look forward to your ships on our horizons.

An additional note, the house of Baem has asked for the right of mediation between our two nations. I confess, I do not see much necessity in such a role, but I think it is still best to humor them since they have asked for nothing else in exchange for further intel regarding our other foreign peers.

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven

Greetings to the Grandmasters,

There is no need for bellicosity regarding the peninsula. While there has certainly been Shan trading posts across the southeast coast historically, these were abandoned in 1092 along with the rest of the southern outposts. We will formally recognize your claim unless you prove unworthy of it. Do see to it that this does not prove true within the near future.

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven

Greetings to Representative Avendor, Scion Eith’erant,

In my first decree as emperor, I opened with the quote by the ancient sages, “what is united for long must divide, and what is divided for long must unite. This is the way with things in the world.”

The earth has risen once again into synchronicity with the heavens, and thus, our gods will have us believe the same as yours.

I confess, our courts have also long admired your people for their nobility and strength, even if certain conservative factions are not pleased with your… unlife. We will gladly welcome your vessels into our harbors. Please do notify us of your expected date of arrival, so that we might delegate scribes to record the beginning of what will hopefully be a long-lasting alliance.

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven

“Though I am sure that your agents can certainly regard our negotiations anyway, we will discuss with the Fleetsmen. I am sure that such an agreement would be mutually beneficial to all parties.”

Vote for VIP program.

Build a route to 39 with 2 ADV.

St. Justicar
2020-11-10, 11:06 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 6

It will be my privilege to attend on behalf of the Esheri Republic.

Peace and Reason,
Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

Vote no to Betting on War (5 votes)

2 Adv to create a path between Symponia (3) and the Eastern Isles (1)

1 Adv and Hayy to clear levels 3-4 of the Hollow Peak, re-rolling on floor 4

2020-11-11, 09:30 AM
The Valence Lodge-Morale 4

Constituents of Jhalalkraun,

Surely there is a more equitable way by which we beings may divide this landmass. Evidence: the Lodge would make far better use of the north for research purposes were it seeded to them. In return, we are willing to scout the Broken Teeth and share knowledge of passage through them with the Trade Guild.

Further, once this paltry matter of territory has been resolved, the Lodge would like to put forward a plan for a global defence project of this continent, though it is also understood that this may need to wait until more pressing concerns have been assuaged.

- Me and my Mil want space 66. Will commit Adv. to pathfinding through the mountains intervening between [66] & [64/65], so that the Guild A) doesnt have to and B) is actually closer to me/can just come at me through the mountains to get at me if they think im acting in bad faith.
- I will take 59, 68 and 70 in addition to 66 as outlined above.

Esteemed Logicians of the Clockwork Republic,

We of the Lodge are pleased that you found our product satisfactory and to your standards. Given the windfall garnered by our mutualism last season we see no reason not to continue a mercantile exchange. I believe there are several new taxonomies of localized geas poles we may be able to afford you. More for the accounts, perhaps?

Most Humble Regards,
M. de Leuteum

Sure, what did you have in mind this time around?

Honoured Ancients,

We fully understand, there can be no foundation for matters of business or faith without that most important of contributions to results: consistency. We of the Lodge comprehend the need for consistency with others, especially higher powers. Until the next then.

Fire Walk With You,
M. de Leuteum

Totally understandable, until next time!

Most Venerable College,

We apologize if we have spoken in error. It would not be so much the quality of the ink, nor the quality of paper-though the Lodge will speak to that as the equal of any you might field within your most illustrious halls. Rather, We of the Lodge would speak to what that ink denotes upon the paper, the contents of which should prove ample education to any on your continent that may gallop about outside prescribed curriculums. Given the public declarations from the... curiosities in the far west, it may also help were the Lodge to aid in providing education about the various apex predators of Hanrui's ocean-though we would not want to condescend in participating in such matters-merely to provide what aid we can.

May your literature prove educational and concise,
M. de Leuteum

I have 5 Mil to trade and i can put up 2 of my adventurers to forge a path to you, but totally understand if I'm too late in responding for it to be viable this midturn:smallsmile:

Malcolm J. Blackstock (Lvl. 2 Adv. VIP), the Mother's Quintessence (1 adv.), the After-Births ( 1 Adv.), the Empty Flasks, party to Quartermaster Blackstock (1 Adv.) and the Dyad of Stele (1 Adv.)-6 points of adventuring total-will go and clear floors in the Yellow Forest. Note: may edit this contingent on what the Phoenix College says.
The Lodge will use its 5 votes to vote for Search for Talent

2020-11-11, 10:58 AM
Red Aurora College

Morale 6

The Clockwork Republic
I worry that blood will need to be paid soon enough. But I will keel to the judgement of those who lie closer to Khanate lands, perhaps I am to foreign to their ways to make judgement on their expansion. The others I have asked about the potential threat of the centaurs have been similarly unconcerned.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Grand Collective
Perhaps I was being paranoid about the Khanate, others I have asked have been similarly unconcerned, at least in the immediate. I will keel to the sense of the Centaurs closer neighbors.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Grand Collective Tourism Board
Those are agreeable terms to us. We will test the waters with [3 t.adv] on the free plan this season, and perhaps next season we will embark on a larger scale operation.

The Farthest Fleet
An admirable effort from the Farthest Fleet, we will offer no competition for the islands, including [27], though we do intend to claim the shores of [26] soon. We will honour the non-aggression pact, and will gladly appreciate your activities in protecting trade through Hanrui.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

Silver Hammer Protectorate
Lord Protector Silverhammer,
Your continued outreach of friendship is of course appreciated. I find myself increasingly worried about Khanate on my own shores, and I can’t imagine it is a comfortable throne so close to the Longshan Empire, no matter their modern diplomatic stance. Would you consider a defensive alliance with the Red Aurora College? We are not as toothless as when we arrived on Hanrui, I have invested many resources in expanding our military partially based on your warnings last season, as well as a plethora of other concerns. If it came to conflict, neither of us would be defenseless, but together we could be quite powerful.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Valence Lodge
Would you be willing to trade one for one economy for your military aid? It would indeed provide great advantage for our forces in the coming season, and perhaps beyond as well.

OOC: 5 mil for 5 eco? Any interest?

Zander (Adv2 VIP) and 1 adventurer will travel to The Collective’s lands and plumb the depths of whatever dungeon is part of their free tourism program, with Zander rerolling on the two deeper floors.

5 votes for the Cheaper VIPs!

2020-11-11, 11:31 AM
Clan Baem

Morale 3

As it was for us, as long as you have no immediate need for our network I'll rather turn it to expand this season, Hanrui is filling up fast and as pleasant as Idol's end has been seeing the clan locked up with no escape is just not good planning, as I'm sure you understand, might even have to take you up on deal 1 if you ever decide to.

Obviously you'd take the island right next to you, but any objection against pacifying [11] for us? fancy having a route to you that isn't in striking range of the coast.

-Stay sharp, Clan Baem.

To the colleague practitioners of the red aurora college, and the most steemed members of the TGCFHHTSCUAGCECEAFHAPDEO.

First I wanted to tell you both that even as we will try to negotiate with them we share your concerns for the future, especially seeing our vested interest in the southern continent.

for the both of you, it is uncertain if you are looking to expand, but I can see no good reason you wouldn't so I wanted to ask what is your stance on the coast that separates you: [21] any desition on who keeps it or chance that a friendly nearby clan may be allowed to?

-Luck on your endeavours, Clan Baem.

to the blessed children of Corundynir,

We are aware of the precious "lesser inhabited" land available and as such we will keep a claim on 39 if only so we can converse in a position of equal claimants (many thanks for the heads up, could have been awkward otherwise).

First agreement I can think of is the hiring of your soldiers (as you people should be used to by now) in a fair ratio to some other territory for clan Baem, presumably one with less claimants, or less noble ones at least.

We are open to haggling of course.

-More blessings upon you, Clan Baem.

PS: you likely have bigger border problems to your north, but those are really none of our business.

To the almighty emperor, may his divine light cover all the lands that deserve him,

thank you for hearing our plea, I wouldn't call for your wise mediation if the way away fleet hadn't ignored ours attempts at discourse, we only seek to know how far along they will claim the islands of Hanrui as our people are also kin to the sea, and if they need aid with their project for fair trade across the continents

-best of wishes, as all else he has, Clan Baem.

if you want I can skip the middle man to expedite things and just add 3secondcultist to the conversation, in the interest of it actually expediting things reply by PM on discord if you would.


Hello, you who judge, we have the intention of owning islands more or less near your coast [53], I share this claim so we can solve any disputes there could be over it, not looking to assume a lack of desire for expansion just because you failed to do so last season (as Clan Baem is living proof of).

-A good eye for the future, Clan Baem.

To the mighty khan Artios,

I don't suppose you'd be willing to take a tributary deal in exchange for Clan Baem being allowed to own [26] as a treaty port? we believe our people could see great strides made if we were to cooperate, our seamanship for example is renowned which I believe you'd find useful in Hanrui, our mages have some similarities in their techniques and... you may want to keep you ears to the ground great khan, ants bring down far greater foes in number.

-Luck and charms, Clan Baem.

3 votes say yes to proposal 22 search for talent.

Dae Baem [adv VIP 1] equipped with some half rotten gear (corpse of an adventurer [+ temp adv]) will clear two floors of Familiar falls and roll twice on room: [roll0]

2020-11-11, 02:34 PM
The Fae of the Four Courts

All messages sent at Morale 9.

We are glad to hear your designs for what you call Jahalkraum. If the Valence Lodge wishes to claim [59], [66], [68], and [70], we shall not stop them. Neither will we contest the Khalos guild taking [67] or [62]. The Legion of Balance, per prior commitments, will have uncontested control over [52] and [53].

We will be taking [55] and [58], and will have no further plans for expansion. The Deep Woods will belong to the Four Courts, and our claims will end there.

The Khalos Guild calls it a domination on our terms, but in doing thus, we respect the sovereignty of your lands and give you space into which to expand.

The Fae support the Valence Lodge’s plans for expansion, given that they only want five territories total. As such, the only options for expansion for the Khalos Guild beyind five territories would be for the Fae to cede 61 (which they are reluctant to do), or to give up claim on 58 and 55, which they are not willing to do. The Khalos Guild’s arguments would have more weight if all three of the PC nations could take six territories, but if five is good enough for the Valence Lodge, it’s good enough for the Guild.

No response is forthcoming. Provide proof of higher Rep, and the Autumn Court will respond.

Know that you have our support in negotiations to take territory [66]. We are pleased in that you are choosing to recognize the Fae’s claims over [58]. We shall await your grand designs, and know that while plans have been set in motion this season, we would greatly desire cooperation in future seasons. Imagine the possibilities.

Your standing with all Four Courts has increased.

Very well. We await your offer with interest.

I have 3 ADV that isn’t being used at midturn; happy to receive offers.

How Bold! How Blustering! How Aggrandizing! Oh, yours will make a mighty Court in aeons come, no doubt. That you think yourself not players in this story we tell is simply delectable.

Our pact is such – keep your ambitions from our shores, or it will be open war between us. Otherwise, well, we delight to think of what beautiful atrocities you shall enact in the name of Good and Law. We shall be watching.

To be perfectly clear, if Phanos charts a route for you to this continent, it's open war between us. Otherwise, no hard feelings - let us know if you ever want for Magic.

8 votes against betting on war. No adventuring done.

2020-11-11, 03:02 PM

The Khalos Guild ships will meet yours just off the whistling strait, which should be just over 2/3rds of the way to the completion of the path. This will open up commerce between our nations in the coming months.

Look for the Guild flags and we shall establish our route.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

Happy to contribute 2/3

Fae domination was only a consideration when the Lodge was giving much more to the Fae than they were to themselves, considering their opinions on the matter, it's difficult to argue, but the Guild is cautious about accepting such limited lands considering out focus on adventuring and the support of our economy.

We can agree to the stated terms, but we would require access to a dungeon from one of the attending nations to assuage the worries of the merchants who will surely demand expansion to discover more dungeons around the continent.

The Khalos Guild would also agree to a shield for the continent, however, we would construct it.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos,

Sure. I just need Dungeons to feed the beast, actual territories mean less to me.

Your claims on the territory around you based on hereditary rights are misplaced. Should you wish to declare war on your enemies, speak confidently and make your demands instead of hiding behind false claims in your decrees.

The Guild of Khalos will stand with the Covenant should you attack following the laws of the Congress.


If there is an attack with no declaration, the Crystalheart get a financial backer.

2020-11-11, 03:23 PM
Legion of Balance
Mor 7

If the Guild and Lodge have no problems then we can consider the matter settled among nations. We too would support a defense network of our shared lands.

On another note we have received messages from Clan Baem claiming they wish to settle the islands near our coast? This seems to be a matter of import to all of Jhalalkraun since they would be neighbors to many of us.

We will consult our neighbors on this matter. We discuss among us the splitting of lands and those islands are featured among the talks.

Adding a new neighbor may... complicate matters.

Khanate of the Ironhoof
Mor 8

You can take that land when you pry it from our cold dead hands. Stay in your seas and island before you find yourselves trampled under the hooves of a real army.

We look forward to crushing your ants like we all other insects... under our mighty hooves.

2020-11-11, 03:58 PM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

Morale 7

The ship comes alone, voyaging from the southernmost shores of Dimstrond all the way past the great nations of Xihou and through the mouth of the Reverent Span, into the inner seas of Hanrui. She is no great craft - a mere double-decker longship with a few guns - but she bears the tattered blue flag of the Farthest Fleet.

Though there is movement on deck, nobody comes ashore. Instead, a single arrow is fired from the crow's nest to land on the beach of the Clan's home island.

When she turns away, the name can vaguely be made out, burnt in brass: the Lonely Abyss.

We will be brief; you have reached us through the intervention of another, and in so doing piqued our curiosity. However, the Drowned Moot does not consider you a friend.

Though you profess kinship over the territory of the waves, know that the Elda are the true rulers of the ocean. If you wish to continue to do business with the powers of Hanrui, that is your right. However, you will not make any moves past the Reverent Span.

Land on Xihou, or Jahalkraun, at the graces of others. It does not matter to the Moot what you do. Remain in the shallows, lest you stir that which lies deeper.

Hᛃᛟᚱᛞᛁᛋ ᛃᛋ oᚱᚹᚨᚱ,
Hjordis ys Orvar, Captain of Khombriss Depths

I am going to be taking [28] and [29] next turn, and plan to take [27] soon as well. If you stay inland and out of the Elda's affairs, I will leave you alone. Beyond that, I make no promises.
Greetings once more, Emperor of Heaven,

The Drowned Moot thanks you for your transparency in these opaque times. We have already reached out to the mages in the south to some success. Our captains will also be getting in touch with Clan Baem soon; your role as a mediator will not be necessary, as we have every intention of dealing fairly and honestly with them.

Additionally, we have heard of your declaration of the claimed land on Xihou held by the covenant of the crystal-hearted. The Elda wish you all the best in reclaiming what was lost to you, and hope that when the time comes for trade that we can strike bargains to our mutual benefit.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void
Good fortune, Voice of the Phoenix,

So we have an accord. The Fleet will move to take the islands, and will not contest your right to claim the remainder of your continent. We applaud your foresight in giving us the remainder of the ocean territories, for we will make the most of them.

Regarding trade, the Elda will hope to liaise with northern powers if you desire any trading partners among those of Xihou. Of course, you may have already made such offers, but it is not my concern with whom you do business.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void

I may ask next turn to split an ADV route with you from 28 down to one of your territories (your choice), and will make a promise to use it for trade and to use me as an intermediary to anyone else that I am trading with. I suspect that it'll only cost you 1 ADV, given what I understand about the route system. I'll front the other ADV, of course.
Adventurers from Myrkur will chart the southeast passage along the outer seas to the island archipelagos of Liath (28) and Skerandre (29), using up 4 ADV.

I will be spending all of my votes for this turn (which I believe is 4) to say 'Aye' to the Searching for Talent event.

2020-11-11, 04:15 PM
The Fae of the Four Courts

All messages sent at Morale 9

To the Khalos guild - continue cultivating the ties with Court of Spring, I am sure they can agree to adventure by your side. We will discuss terms in coming seasons.

Regarding Clan Baem: the territory they desire is one we bequeathed to the Legion of Balance. If the Legion of Balance wishes to give up [53] to them, we will defer to their judgment. We have no strong opinions on the subject.

2020-11-11, 04:16 PM
Valence Lodge-Morale 4

Esteemed Constituents of Jhalalkhraun,

We of the Lodge are pleased that you find this satisfactory. As a show of good faith the Lodge will forswear its acquiring of the territorial borders that it has agreed upon until the end of the next season. This should allow all others involved to get their houses in order, so to speak.

As to the Trade Guilds concerns, we recognize and empathize with their plight. We of the Lodge are experiencing a similarly concerning depletion of available resources with regards to the anomaly within our own border, the Yellow Forest. We do not mean to insult when we suggest that perhaps the Fae courts maybe more amenable to such an arrangement as the one the Guild has suggested re: adventuring, as a potential counterbalance to the notion that they should possess more territory than the rest of us. Naturally, we also understand if this is something that others powers would like to discuss and thus will speak no more on it.

Regarding the defensive preparations for this continent, the Lodge's plan entails the safeguarding of coastal territories, so as to prevent factions that would make landfall here without this Tetrachy's permission from doing so. Rest assured, the Lodge stands strong to prevent that which might disrupt this continents ecosystems.

M. de Leuteum

Continental defence project would be some kind of raised/corralled/tamed sea-beastie LTP that could patrol coastal territories. Was thinking it could act like the Mil-fortification LTP thats typcially fielded in defence of territories, but all the coastal territories on Jhalalkraun are covered. Alternative ideas could also be enacting an LTP to make it harder for Adventurers to chart routes here. Just ideas mind you, up to you.

Venerable College Faculty,

We find this most amenable, though understand if the trials and tribulations of this adventuring season would preclude the forging of a path towards our mutual benefit. Should you find the need for our embalmed and the strength of our newly gestated arms more than pressing, we are prepared to redirect assets to our mutual benefit.

sounds more than fair. I can split some adventurers off this midturn to establish a route. Costs 4 to make and I can supply 2 if you want to meet halfway on it. Also understand if this is something that needs to wait until the next midturn to occur as well. :smallsmile:

Esteemed Dyad of Equality,

Your words lend credence to the Legion's reputation as both fair and just arbiters. The Lodge holds the sanctity of equivalent resources for all in high esteem. While the search for talent may occupy the majority of our time this season, know that We of the Lodge are ready to assist the Legion in whatever defensive measures you deem appropriate to curtailing the encroachment of imbalance upon Jhalalkraun.

Got esp to trade for magic/econ if the Legion is interested. Also have a VIP free if they would rather haggle it out that way :smallsmile:

2020-11-11, 04:17 PM
The Grand Collection of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside Under the Administration of the Great Council of Elders, Colony of the Exceptional Alliance of Free Hobbits Administrated by the Parliament of Duly Elected Officials
Morale 8
Rep 10

Not as untraditional as you would think, it costs a lot to get a proposal in. It makes sense to split it and it has been used in the past to cover up the exact strength of political alliances. It feels a lot better when more than one person is making all the suggestions. Also yes, it is your turn to give a proposal. We won't spend any money but do suggest you do a fair bit so no one else might take it.

We are voting against the subsidization of foreign wars but yes we do agree on the recruitment option. There is a way a to optimize it using the honor system so we are more likely to get the results we both agree on with out lowering the chance of the choice we don't want winning but probably for the best not to. We also don't quite understand why you want to gamble now and add a second money sink bill. Even with good adventuring I don't see how it benefits you more than the more dangerous war focused nations. Doubled money is inherently less important than a doubled army even if some of the army is distracted with recruitment of new people.

Guntram Von Banks, Elder

Lady Greydane

We are quite for the idea of something to help war survivors. Perhaps pre-set up refugee camps and a plan to evacuate refugees in other nations quickly in the case violence breaks out? We don't know the first person to declare war but having both homes and a clear policy of welcoming them with open arms should reduce the death count of non-fighters significantly.

Guntram Von Banks, Elder

It is optimally your choice but with the amount that congress is subsidizing war first with the warfooting letting people trample over the scattered tribes around them and now cheaper recruitment for people like generals and high interest army loans, you might want to reconsider in the future.

To clarify do you mean the area to the west of us? If you want it then sure. Quite happy with our badlands.

Anyways have a nice day,
Guntram Von Banks, Elder

After talking with them, they seem non-aggressive to us but they do indeed seem aggressive in general. Their answer involved the phrase "We look for war, we look to Ride."

Guntram Von Banks, Elder

Very good, and don't worry clothes pins will be provided as well as a washing area. We hope you enjoy your exploration and have a good time.

The Grand Collective Tourism Board

No adventurers but letting Red Aurora College use the "Trash Pit" adventuring area for free with a max of 3 people.

1 vote yes on half priced vip and 14 votes no on betting on war

St. Justicar
2020-11-11, 09:15 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 6

Two things we could use from you at the moment.

So, first – either some of your biggest, most fearsome looking monsters for a bit of a show of force (aquatic, preferably), or some gases or pheromones to get the natives docile enough to come to the negotiating table without them.

Second – bit of a social engineering effort. Or I think the polite term is cultural exhibition? Either way, we want to hire some travelling freakshows and circuses, and all the high-payoff stimulants that you can verify won’t leave any burn outs or addicts.

The one’s going to fetch a better price than the other, obviously. Can pay in cash or lend your the services of our metaphysicians for the season, your choice. In which case can probably throw a bit of cash for their research expenditures too.

(A point of Rep or Mil and all your morale for the return for 4 econ or 2 magic, my magic VIP and 1 econ. Your choice. Open to counter-offers)

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

77 – The Phoenix Voice,

Unconcerned is not exactly how I would put it, more that my colleges simply do not view them as the most imminent threat to our borders. Personally, I fully expect them to be a major threat to peace, simply not an imminent one.

But in the interests of reassuring each other – perhaps a security treaty could be arranged? Put ink to paper and commit to defending each other should the steppe hordes come calling? Or any other mutual threat, if you find the notion agreeable.

May your eyes ever be unclouded,
-Academic Cahit, Committee on Applied Metaphysics, Esheri Republic

Pity, but fair. Grab land while there’s still land to grab.

Don’t feel any need to reply to it, but if you’re moving in there then you’ll be well-positioned if you do take me up on option 1, given how things seem to be shaking out.

But sure, forward some maps and navigational charts to get them there, and there will be troops hosting your flag over the islands by the new year.

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

2020-11-12, 03:19 PM
Midturn 2

World Congress

The World Congress has tallied the votes from the member nations of Hanrui and find that the nations voted;
4 Aye
27 Nay

The Proposal has failed.

The World Congress has tallied the votes from the member nations of Hanrui and find that the nations voted;
35 Aye
0 Nay

The Proposal has passed. The World Congress will aid nations looking to bring in talent, search for talent, and train new talent.

Tier 1 VIPs are half price this turn. 3 of relevant stat and 2 of any others. Max for each nation is 3 VIPS.

Legion of Balance
Mor 7

The Legion sent 1 Adv into the Minotaur's Lair and cleared 1 Floor. They came out with a rare tome of poisons (4xp for Ashkar).

Mor 8
Route is forged between 12 and 54.

Crystal Covenant
Mor 10

The Covenant sent Taleah Camallo (Tier 2 Adv VIP) and 3 adventurers into Corundynir's Lair and cleared 5 Floors. They also sent 3 Adv into the Blackweald Towers and cleared 3 Floors.

They all came out with several rare tomes from ancient times about the adventures of righteous paladins (12xp for Taleah), a rare crystal ((+) temp Mag), the ancient texts of Sun Worshippers ((++) temp Rep), and a powerful Rod of Mineral Detection (+1 Eco Item). Several tough fights saw the adventurers lose loot though (No Loot 2 Floors), and on leaving the Tower several magical fluctuations occurred making it difficult to enter (Dungeon locked 1 Turn).

Taleah is now Tier 3 VIP and is 1/20xp to Tier 4

Khalos Guild
Mor 7

The Guild sent Khalos (Tier 5 Adv VIP), 2 Esp, 2 Mil, 2 Mag, and 5 ADV to the Lake of Blood and cleared 10 Floors.

They came out with a plethora of ancient tomes regarding the adventures of an ancient construct (12xp for Khalos), They found a vat of very rare and magical creature blood ((++) temp Mag), they found the remnants of a ruby statue ((+++) temp Eco), and finally they found a powerful arcane egg that gives off weird unstable magical fluctuations (Magic Disrupter Artifact). Hanrui Heart 1/5

While scouting out the monster at the end of the dungeon several scouts were spotted and snapped up (Lose 1 Esp), after Khalos thoroughly wrecked the monsters **** the lake began to destabilize and everyone rushed out to see the dungeon lost forever (Dungeon locked 4 turns).

Title Gained. Adventurous: Finish a dungeon (Gain +5 to future loot roles)

Silverhammer Protectorate
Mor 7

The Protectorate sent Ashenblade(Tier 2 Adv VIP) into The Caverns of Shame and cleared 2 Floors.

He came out with the remains of an ancient adventuring party and their gear ((++) temp Adv), and an ancient tapestry depicting several giant powerful figures on different continents ((++) temp Rep). On the way out Ashenblade triggered several ancient rune traps that destabilized the entrance (Dungeon locked 2 Turns).

Route created between 35 and 31

Celestial Empire
Mor 7

Route created from 40 to 39

Clockwork Republic
Mor 6

The Republic sent Encyclopediest Hayy (Tier 1 Adv VIP) and 1 Adv into The Hollow Peak and cleared 2 Floors. They found rare potion ingredients ((++) Temp Adv), and an ancient book that seems to depict the love between a living women and undead man ((++) temp Rep).

Route created from 3 to 1.

Valance Lodge
Mor 6

The Lodge sent Malcolm J. Blackstock (Tier 2 Adv VIP) and 4 Adv into The Yellow Forest and cleared 6 Floors.

They came out with an ancient tome for Malcom (4xp), a small series of topaz like gemstones found growing on trees ((++) temp Eco), a deadly patch of magical mushrooms ((+) temp Mag), and a powerful staff of the world tree (+1 Mag Item).

Red Aurora College
Mor 6

The College sent Zander (Tier 2 Adv VIP), and 1 adventurers into The Trash Pit of the Collective and cleared 3 floors.

They came out with a rare old coin ((+) temp Econ, the garbage remains of adventurers dumped there ((++) temp Adv, and an old journal for Zander (4xp).

Clan Baem
Mor 3

Clan Baem sent Dae Baem (Tier 1 Adv VIP), and 1 Temp Adv into the Familiar Falls and cleared 2 Floors.

The came out with a large amethyst ((+) temp Econ), and a rare tome for Dae to use (4xp).

Dae Baem is now Tier 2

Elda Háfnar
Mor 7

Skadia is now healed and can be used during EoT.

Routes forged from 47 to 28 and 47 to 29.

EoT is due Monday night. Nov 16th

Vrock Bait
2020-11-12, 05:02 PM
Morale 7

Greetings to the guild of Khalos,

The only enemies we hold are those who would subjugate our peoples and those who would aid them. If you are suggesting both that the Covenant is backing the goat-spirits who have recently plagued the lands directly to the south and that you back such a hypothetical stance, I do hope you don’t wish such ill against the Covenant.
The Clan and Protectorate to the south would certainly enjoy the southern gulf if the Covenant were to fall out of favor with the heavens. The same goes for your own lands, I hear my subjects are fond of more eastern climates these days.

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven

Greetings to the First Speaker Aslund,

My people thank you for your support. However, it shall be known that the region to the south of the mountains has simply been experiencing the oppression of certain goat and tree demons. The backing by the Covenant is only a rumor, so to speak, and I'm sure if the conquerors there withdraw within the next moon there shall be no problem at all.

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven

2020-11-12, 06:14 PM
The Valence Lodge-Morale 6

Esteemed Logicians of the Clockwork Republic,

A most logical arrangement, to be tallied by our best abacusticians. You use of wirings and gears to replace the meat and fluid of the homonid form is an exemplar of progress. We would be all too happy to learn a new area of applicable theorem. May our devotional alchemies find you well.

1 Rep +4 Mor for the magic econ and lvl 1 magic vip sounds more than fair to me!

Greetings Tetrarchy of the Morrow,

Know that the passing of this midseason as it pertains to your land fills us with sorrow. To witness such marvels as the ones resident to your Court(s) reduced to naught but ash and the playthings of an existential threat is a great burden, yet know that the Fey courts need not stand alone in what is to come. Do not despair. The trepidation you feel is but the calm before the storm, a storm de Leteum is well prepared to help you weather as the steadfast ally you know us to be. Indeed, it is often said that the forces of that separate matter are often stronger than that which holds it together. It is ever within the Lodges purview to combat this.

I pray to the Jaundiced Mother on your Behalf,
M. de Leuteum

Have 5 Mil that I'm willing to trade for 5 of your magic, if you need help with whats going to be going on with regards to your borders this turn.

2020-11-12, 06:36 PM
The Four Courts of Hanrui

All messages sent at Morale 9.

We know not of what you speak. Please, enlighten us, and you shall earn our undying gratitude.

I have an Autumn VIP free to meet. You've got my attention.

Lord Athos
2020-11-14, 01:46 AM
The Silverhammer Protectorate

To the most esteemed 77 - The Phoenix Voice.

The Silverhammer Protectorate appreciates your outreach in these uncertain times.
Know that we agree with your strategic assessment.
Know that we also recognise the might of magic, successors of Khasal.

Let it be known that from this day on, the Silverhammer Protectorate and the Red Aurora College will stand together in war, when it reaches us.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual defense,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

To the esteemed Summer Court of Flaying Sands,

We greet you, honourable Fae of the Summer Court. As of yet, our lands are far apart, but the lands of Hanrui grow nearer every season that passes, thus we will follow your invitation.

My spiritual advisor, Archon Avendor of the Cult of Our Burning Saviour, is as yet unsure about the nature of your court, but we agree that there are traces of the Divine about you. We share much concerning our ways and philosophy, so we suggest to open a channel of communications.

Glory to the Flame,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

2020-11-14, 02:11 PM
Clan Baem

Morale: 3


Very well, can we take that to mean you have no objections against my claim, so long as your neighbours don't as well?

Peace and insight, Clan Baem.

Alright, do enjoy your piece of land and your solitude for as long as they last.

Backs built for carving, Clan Baem.


the reply comes through the same arrow, though clearly through magical aid seeing the distance it had to travel.

Mighty Hjordis ys Orvar, Captain of Khombriss Depths I personally applaud your wisdom sending the message from a distance, the clan has been... Tense about your people since our initial meeting. I proceed to the actual reply:

We wouldn't expect it to be that way, friends are strange to come by, take it from us who agree.

Oh, you do have bigger "ships" and tougher "soldiers" so feel free to claim ownership over as many waves as you want.

If you need help to chart your way around that realm we could use some strong hands to take the shallows.

-Calm lives, Clan Baem.

offering some adv for mil 1:1, not for this turn though, just an open offer.

We should be able to continue such deals next season, as long as some of our neighbours keep a mind for business.

The trail will be blazed for your troops as one would say.

Always a pleasure, Clan Baem.

adventurers are 100% locked down for that mission

A gift is sent to each of these courts in lieu of a message.

For spring an heirloom enchanted sword of excellent craft if clearly meant for ceremony.

For autumn some of the initial missives into ritualistic blood magic that lead to the all-chief, nowhere near the mark but insightful as Clan Baem are very knowledgeable on the subject.

For the court of winter they share some magical puzzle often created within Clan Baem, for sorcerer's to sorcerers, most of them of an elevated difficulty others children's pieces.

to the princess of scorching chains and those who lord over the summer court,

We did not expect to contact the famed courts with such a lack of patience but we need to inform you of the subject some would dance around.

Pathfinders have formed a way between those that terrorize the south and your new rightful lands, Clan Baem condems them and provided with the favour of the courts would do as they can to aid if they do attack.

May your path lead you sideways, Clan Baem.

To the circle of the elements,

In my humble opinion as a scribe with no actual lands but a family farm I may not inherit, I'd take the offer, anyway, here is the all-chief's reply:

Well met, now that our prediction regarding your northern border has come true with no agreement reached between us, we will agree to build a spire as soon as we land on our new territory.

We who preside over our clanmates will personally meet your embassadors to hash out exact borders for the maps, with such an important visit large tribute is customary and our people can be very hostile to those who insult our customs.

Good luck with your scrap, Clan Baem.

3 stats or something of equivalent or greater value, to be detailed by you in the next reply so I can properly plan my EoT or I declare war.

2020-11-15, 04:13 AM
Hail Silverhammer Traders

Though we are currently speaking at the Brood Lounge, you representative there lacks information on the items being sent over this season over the trade route. Would you mind sending the Guild an itemized list so that we may prepare for its arrival?

Many thanks,
Khalos Guild

OOC: I need to make EoT plans lol.

With your declaration in the World Congress, the Khalos Guild recognizes your right to War. The Guild shall protect and give to the innocent, but your declaration nor a direct attack no longer requires retaliation.

Khalos Guild

The Guild has a suggestion for our border issue.

[Currently speaking to GM, Placeholder.]

2020-11-15, 07:08 AM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

Morale 7

There may yet be a use for you for the Elda. We will see what ships and other assets of war we have at our disposal in the coming months to send to you in trade.

ᚺᛃᛟᚱᛞᛁᛋ ᛃᛋ oᚱᚹᚨᚱ,
Hjordis ys Orvar, Captain of Khombriss Depths

I'm quickly running out of neutral territories to capture with my MIL, so I could see a trade like that working (for next EoT, not this one). The Fleet will be in touch then - I hope you have a lot of ADV ready for trade!
Sage skies, Emperor of Heaven,

It would seem that war is brewing on your doorstep. This 'World Congress' of Hanrui does not understand the realities of rule, that sometimes force must be brought to bear to prove one's own strength before the gods. In this, I hope that our positions align. The Elda will not support any measures in the council that would curtail your goals, or our own.

However, it should be known to you that we are seeking to form a defensive alliance with other western powers. The Covenant are not our friends, but the Protectorate of Silverhammer and the mage colleges of the Red Aurora seem amenable to trade and mutual protection. No matter the victor of your struggle, the Elda seek to survive and thrive in this new Hanrui. If you seek co-operation with a like-minded power, look no farther than Leviathan's Landing.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void
To Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

The Farthest Fleet respects the honour of your kind, even if our two credos do not align. Our envoys and messages have been respected and returned in kind over the past months, and your amenability to the terms of non-aggression between us have brought some relief to our fleet-building efforts.

In time, war will come to our shores. Know that the Elda have no plans to land at your doorstep, but we suspect that the conflict will reach us all nonetheless. To that end, we have been speaking to southern mages of the Red Aurora College about trading routes, and would like to extend you the same courtesy next season. We will leave it up to you to choose which of your sea-facing territories were you might want to construct a trading post.

Additionally, the Fleet is hoping to turn our current agreement into something a bit more concrete. Would you be open to a defensive pact? Our ships watch the western waves, while you defend the coasts and hills of Xihou.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void

Given that war is imminent to the north, I figured it might be wise to shore up our non-aggression pact somewhat. How would you fancy working in a defensive alliance with me? I'm hoping to set up trade and protection agreements with you and also the Red Aurora College to the south.

Lord Athos
2020-11-15, 07:27 AM
The Silverhammer Protectorate

Very soon, a shipping list is carried to the Khalos Guid by a messager.

Of course, sorry, :smallredface:
It'll be 5 Rep, 2 Adv, 2 Mag and 1 Mor.

To the most esteemed Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void,

Your proposal is welcome to the Silverhammer Clan.
We believe Honour is an excellent foundation to build a defensive pact on.
Know that the Silverhammer Protectorate and the Red Autora College have already agreed on a pact of mutual defense. Having the Elda with us will grant us the strength needed in the coming times of war. We have no doubt that the Red Aurora College will agree as well.

Thus, the Silverhammer Protectorate wholeheartedly accepts to form a pact of mutual defense.
Let it be known that we will stand back to back, let those who dare attack us break on our shields and let songs and epics be sung of our deeds long after this age has passed.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual Strength,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate
Sounds great to me, and a three-way pact with the Red Aurora even better. :smallwink:
Edit: the intention was a three-way pact, or did I misread? :smallconfused:

2020-11-15, 11:53 AM
The Four Courts of Hanrui

All messages sent at Morale 9

Due to the generosity of Clan Baem and the Valence Lodge, we have learned that the Khanate of the Ironhoof has charted a route to [54]. Such an incursion would threaten the stability of Jahalkraum. We wish to know if the Four Courts can count on your support in War, as friends and neighbors, should their hordes reach our shores.

Greetings to the fierce warriors of the Khanate.

We cannot help but notice that you have charted a route to our lands. The Court of Summer admires your strength, but would prefer not to see it firsthand. Perhaps a gift could assuage your ambitions towards Jahalkraum?

The Fae Courts are offering 4 Temporary Morale, using the route that the Khanate has created, in exchange for not being attacked this turn or the next.

Your generosity is recognized. We had thought you a clan of ill-repute, but clearly we were mistaken. Should the Khanate attack, can we count on your support in the war to come?

The Court of Summer is delighted to hear from you. Your power and resolve are admirable, as is your recognition of our true nature. Unfortunately, we are momentarily occupied - war with the Khanate of the Ironhoof looms, as they have charted a route to our lands. Perhaps in the seasons to come, we could rely on your support in such a conflict? You would earn both our favour and other, more material rewards.

2020-11-15, 03:42 PM
The Valence Lodge-Morale 6

Sons and Daughters of Baem,

We find your inference that we would withhold information from our allies in the Summer Court to be both presumptuous and rude. Knowledge is ever at the heart of discovery, and we would have information from you now. As you have obliquely referred to us within your communiques with the Fae, we seek clarification re: your intentions for the Lodge, especially given the lack of communication afforded to us thus far. Enclosed is a potential arrangement that may see us both to clarification regarding the our mutual stances on one another. Should you persist in obsequiousness We of the Lodge will take appropriate steps to see such an unforthcoming attitude rectified.

May your wanderings never err,
M. de Leuteum

Got a deal to propose:
-Clan Baem forges a route between [49] & [69] using 3 of the adventurers they havent committed to use during the midterm. In exchange the Lodge will trade the Clan 2 Temp Econ and 1 Temp Magic
-Clan Baem will create a Lvl. 1 Magic VIP for the Lodge this turn. In exchange the Lodge will trade (via the route forged/detailed above) use of its 8 Esp. and Grounds Keeper, Magda C. Tarns (Lvl. 1 Esp. VIP) for Clan use for this EoT.
- Neither the Clan nor the Lodge will use the route created for invasions for a total of 3 turns after agreeing to the deal, upon which time we can renegotiate something if your interested.

2020-11-15, 05:44 PM
Legion of Balance
Mor 7

We would not support the war if the Khanate ride against you and would speak out against them but we will make no promises about what exactly we will do if that occurs. The occurrence of a war between two large powers will weaken both, possibly bringing balance back and opportunities to the weaker nations.

Lady Greydane

That is not an assumption you can make. We would allow your settling if the others supported it but there was no strong support for you doing so. Therefore we will ask for you to pass on the matter and look elsewhere, possibly the islands to the southeast of there (11). Or inquire with the Hobbits about the land neighboring them (21).

We agree with that idea, it sounds like a well thought idea and would aid those who loose their homes to war. Possibly the land bordering the mountains to your south (20)? We would contribute a network of agents ready to smuggle out the refugees and supplies. Also some diplomats to sooth over any resistance in the land.

If you know another trustworthy nation we could offset the costs more.

The Project to do so would be 10 Esp, 10 Rep, and 10 Eco. It would automatically move the first nation to lose its last territory to 20, or whatever designated land you choose, if they agree. They would gain 4 points from the territory instead of the normal 2.


You offer an interesting deal. We would be willing to offer the fruits of our trade this season and also the aid of our few divine practitioners. In return for access to your agents this turn.

They would trade 3 Eco, and 2 Mag for 6 Esp.

Khanate of the Ironhoof
Mor 8

Sadly the Congress still effects the world around us, whatever you all decide on will effect us too. We still refuse to fetter ourselves to the desires of the weak though, we will not be fettered ever again.

We do not mean the area to the west of you, just the piece to the east of you and west of us.


We know not who told you about our route but given the gift of adventurers to charter new routes we could be... persuaded to build another and plan accordingly. We have interest in a route to Xihou as well.

We would take 3 Adv instead of Mor. To build a different route.

2020-11-15, 07:18 PM
Clan Baem

Morale: 3


greetings Nese (and those who give you authority),

As an extra to our deals for this season, what would you take for the rare potion ingredients (++ Tadv) Hayy found within the hollow peak?

-Good dealing, Clan Baem.

Esteemed Massimo de Leuteum

whoops, seems fitting, as we were careless with the potential offense behind our words.

Our groups have a lot in common in both our predilection to the arcane arts, subtlety and means of acquiring income. We suspect talks haven't been held because one usually looks to acquire what is lacking when making deals.

But you may yet prove us wrong, should our trade partners in the clockwork republic (which we're sure you've dealt with before, savvy as you are) have a positive for a recent proposal and you put a hearty word of approval for our claim in [35] with the legion of balance this deal can be sealed and mark the beginning of many to come.

-May we both return to greatness, Clan Baem.

pending St just's deal and you telling the legion of balance to allow me settling that useless bit of land the agreement sounds just great.

Should you be attacked by them you can count on our direct aid, though perhaps spread with the conflict to the west.

If we may boldly ask for a token after this pledge, could the courts tell the legion of balance they support our claim over the [35] islands? (where we could easily make a bulwark against possible invaders) apparently they need a more enthusiastic yay from their neighbours before being convinced we are welcome.


How does 50/50 support for our claim over the islands sound?
(2/3rds not counting you, but I wager your title name wouldn't allow you to like that number better).

-Clan Baem.

St. Justicar
2020-11-15, 08:40 PM
Clockwork Republic

Morale 6

Lovely, an additional 100,000 Virtues will be deposited in your account, and Academic Cahit and his embassy will arrive within the month to by put at your disposal.


So, honestly? More than you're likely to be willing to pay.

We have no use for the potions in the immediate future, but they keep, which means that that isn't a problem. The equivalent value in skilled labor does not.

So, in order to get any real value, we're going to need the equivalent of 300,00 Virtues, either cash and goods, or in the skilled labor of pamphleteers and goods. Anything else would simply not achieve any lasting success before being expended.

Willing to hear your counter-offer, if you've got one.


2020-11-15, 10:27 PM
The Four Courts of Hanrui

All messages sent at Morale 9

That is a price that we are willing to pay for you to look elsewhere for glory and conquest. The Spring Court will assist.

We will see what can be done with the Legion. They have claimed that territory as their own; we will not usurp that claim. But should they wish to give it to you, we have no particular objections.

2020-11-16, 02:36 AM
"Clan Baem"

Morale: 3

like you are not going to find an use for whatever we pay...

if the issue is of something that can be kept, how about we give you an amethyst the size of a hand this season (+ temp eco), which should keep useful and 200.00 virtues next season when we aren't so swamped with deals.

-Clan Baem.

Thank you very much, the legion does not seem too interested in the islands: "We would allow your settling if the others supported it but there was no strong support for you doing so" but on not upsetting their neighbours, a noble pursuit though uneeded if our clan wouldn't upset you.

-interesting times, Clan Baem.

2020-11-16, 09:16 AM
The Valence Lodge-Morale 6

Most Esteemed Logicians of the Clockwork Republic,

Gratitude for your patronage, know that it will not come to waste

M. de Leuteum

Hail Sons and Daughters of Baem,

We find you most agreeable, in spite of the conjecture that others may field re: your intentions for this sphere of influence. We shall advocate on your behalf to the Legion, as they have expressed disinterest in thus far acquiring the firmament that you have stated interest in. However, in the process of detent with the Legion they have come to us with a superior offer for the use of our Fieldsmen this season. As such, we propose a modification of the deal already provided to you, one that may help to ensure that Baem's primacy upon the world stage while also affording us cordial realtions with the Legion of Balance. Please inform us if these alternations are to your dissatisfaction, that we may come to a proper arrangement concerning your settlement of these lands.

May the Tides Ever Shelter You,
M. de Leuteum

So instead of 8 esp total, would 3 esp and 2 rep work with the promise of 4 or 5 more esp/rep next turn? I want to satisfy the Legion's deal this turn as well and figured that an equal distribution of resources between the two of you might be the best way to resolve things. This would be in additon to the 2 temp Econ and 1 temp magic being given to Baem this turn. Let me know if that works.

Most Learned Dyad of Dualities,

No doubt you are aware of Clan Baem's ambition's re: the southern landmass closest in proximity to you [53]. We would not presume to order such a venerable nation in how it conducts itself with regards to its own lands. Instead, We of the Lodge write to you with a twofold purpose. The first is to advocate for the settling of Clan Baem on the landmass previously detailed above. Again, We of the Lodge would never presume to order such a magnanimous nation as yours. Instead, please know that we merely recommend in the interest of mutual cooperation. It should be noted, however, that the Lodge is far from ignorant to the problems this may cause re: the balance of powers on Jhalalkraun. As this is a potential cause for concern amongst the various powers that are already extant on the continent, we would be more than willing to field a mediation between both factions should you be in need of another moderator for any polemics that may arise between the Legion and Clan Baem.

The second point of order we wished to address is the arrangement proposed between our nations. House de Leuteum records indicate that one Murthrow de Leuteum left the Mother's Cradle some time ago, to learn of and participate in the dual nature of your faith as it pertains to coin. By all accounts his tenure amongst your beliefs has engendered a mastery of the abacus and the measure of coin. We do not begrudge our errant Son this, nor would would decry his conversion to your religion. Indeed, by all accounts his studies amongst the Legion have instilled a fine sense of rationality, an education for which We of the Lodge are forever grateful. Rather than trade in coin or herb, as is the de Leuteum standard, we would trade use of our Fieldsmen and the services of our Estate Keeper in exchange for seeing this Son of de Leuteum returned home. Should you find this agreement dissatisfactory, please inform us, that we may discern and reach an exchange that both of our nations find well balanced.

May Balance and Equity preserve you,
M. de Leuteum

Will trade use of 5 Esp and the use of Magda C. Tarns, de Leuteum Estate Keeper (Lvl. 1 Esp VIP) for the creation of a half price Lvl. 1 Eco. VIP (Murthrow de Leuteum, Distiller of Equity)

2020-11-16, 09:40 AM
The Grand Collection of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside Under the Administration of the Great Council of Elders, Colony of the Exceptional Alliance of Free Hobbits Administrated by the Parliament of Duly Elected Officials
Morale 8
Rep 10

We believe it is for the best if we had it. One of the southern territories is being reserved for a special endeavor so we need the little extra land that 21 provides. It also gives us a direct connection with Red Aurora for trade and makes us a more effective border state versus the Khanate.

Have a nice day,
Guntram Von Banks

That sounds good to us. We will provide half of the diplomats needed and most of the money with just a slight number of spies helping with extraction this season if you can finish your half. If you can't just tell us and we will delay some of our investment but still get most of our half complete.

Looking forward to working with you.,
Guntram Von Banks

St. Justicar
2020-11-16, 07:20 PM
Clockwork Republic

Morale 6

Deal. Looking forward to dealing with you in the future. )Given how things are progressing, we very much are going to have a use for your spy network soon)


2020-11-16, 10:36 PM
MOR 10
To the leadership of Clan Baem,

Your timing is ill. As of this moment all our resources are accounted for. Perhaps you have not heard, but there are preparations for war and your request, we will consider in due time. The securing and defense of our borders is our top priority at this time.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements.

EoT was already submitted when I was made aware of this post (page number wasn't refreshing oof), will send 3 resources next turn, but this turn I don't have anything to give.

2020-11-16, 10:54 PM
Clan Baem

Morale: 3

Esteemed Massimo de Leuteum,

We appreciate your words to the legion, our pathfinders should reach your shores in no time as we can agree with the changes you propose.

Fruitful endeavours, Clan Baem.

As long as you two are in agreement, on that course we can't protest, do be careful in your dealings with your neighbours once it is yours and good luck with your endeavour in 21.

-Clan Baem.

To the circle of elements,

We had to consider it very thoroughly, but given that the choice of a proper gift will be ours in such a case
we can agree to wait, so as to keep good relations now that we'll be neighbours.

-Once again, good luck with your scrap, Clan baem.

2020-11-18, 04:35 PM
The Red Aurora College

Morale 6

Zander wiped his brow for the eighth time since exiting the aptly named ‘trash pit’, sticky sweat that was probably foul with some sort of poison was one of many unpleasant outcomes of the otherwise quite profitable dungeon crash. A few charms and transmutations had his body clean enough that he could peel off the stinking delving robes and exchange them for RAC hoodies and sweatpants. The other members of the Vancian Frat were equally bedraggled, though most were grinning with adrenaline and looted wealth. Once the expedition was back at the flying carpet loading up loot and swapping into touring gear he gathered everyone up for the Frat’s oath.

“You can’t delve?” He shouted, grinning wide.
“If you aren’t prepared!” The posse shouted back.

“And you can’t prepare if?”
“You get hungover!”

“Eight hours sleep?”

“Seven drinks DEEP?”

The team ran, flew, and skated towards the local village on any magical means necessary, decked out in enough college merchandise to make the Bursar blush. Whatever taverns existed in First Hill, it had was about to learn the reason ‘neutralize poison’ was a mandatory prerequisite for joining the Vancian Fraternity.


The Grand Collection of First Hill Hobbits, Clan Baem
I have no desires on territory [21] at this time, I would appreciate it in the hands of a friendly neighbor, rather than the Ironhoof. I trust you both to resolve this peacefully.

77 - The Phoenix Voice

Elda Hafnar
If it is indeed a mere [1 adv] that needs to be spared to build such a valuable trade route I will certainly agree, more than that may require additional consideration on my part, as there are many concerns that plague me in this troubled land.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Valence Lodge
Indeed, I would be happy to split the costs of the route and pursue this deal [next turn]. The Southern continent grows increasingly crowded, and there are dark rumours brewing about the fate of the now silent Nephelim. The extra security would certainly be appreciated.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Grand Collective
Forgive me Elder Guntram if I remain cautious of their words. There are few who would even think to attack the Grand Collective, but my College is not so renowned. If the centaurs ride to us in war and violence, there is little I will be able to do against them alone. Thus I wished to gauge the stances of our neighbors on the southern continent to examine similar concerns.

I only hope that they are willing to negotiate once the neutral territories dwindle.

77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Vancian Fraternity to the Grand Collective Tourism Board
Hey man, thanks for hosting us! Sorry about the smells and such, but I bet we delayed whatever trash monsters might have risen from that pit.

We’ll head to the washing area yeah. You know any good taverns around? The kind with good music and company not mysterious strangers and quests. I’ve had enough of those for the day.

Stay Awesome,

The Clockwork Republic
Academic Cahit,

I think this would be a good gesture of unity, and go a long way to re enforcing the stability of the southern continent. While my concerns lie with the Ironhoof, you are certainly wise to think past their presence and on a grander scale.

I would be willing to commit my forces to your aid should you be attacked if you would do the same for my college.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Silverhammer Protectorate
Then I am proud to call you my ally, Lord Protector. Be it so known that the Red Aurora will stand with you should war come to your borders.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

2020-11-19, 02:40 PM
Turn 3

“There are no beautiful surfaces without a terrible depth” -Friedrich Nitsche.

The burning summer and cool winds of Autumn fade into bleakness. The cool winds turn into a horrible cold as the winds of winter sweep over Hanrui, followed by the flash floods and heavy rains of Spring.


Land was snapped up like hotcakes in the previous seasons but that didn’t stop some nations from still filling their bellies this time around. The makings of Empires are starting while others merely add slightly to their homes.

On the seas islands are slowly being explored and settled. The Elda are taking the Reverent Span while Clan Baem moves along the coast of Vahsi. The Republic snatches up a neighboring island off their coast with ease.

In Xihou there is a mistaken conflict as two forces try to settle the same land and come into conflict over it, the Covenant and their army manage to take it though. Beating out the insidious spies of Clan Baem through sword and fire.

In Vahsi the Hobbits move along the coast to occupy and make safe their eternal friends, the people of the coast. The College moves deeper into the jungles to add to their eternal search of knowledge while the Khanate just spread to deepen their ability to wage war. The Bank has appeared in the depths of what was Phanos land while the sun giants have fled over mountains and seas.

In Jahalkraun the Fae swarm over their borders once more to capture the minds and bodies of their mortal neighbors in the eternal embrace of the Fae. The Guild and their monstrous leader march over mountains to take their due from the other side. The Legion marched in their guard to the north east of them to support the mission of Balance.

A Covenant of War

The Imperial Sorcerers attempt dozens of magical rituals and spells yet the varied peoples of the dragon are both magical beyond belief and used to magical attacks from more powerful sorcerers then the Imperial ones. They organize quickly and smoothly, moving their mages of the GArnet Moon and Emerald Eye to block the spells and reassure populaces.

Yet this failed attack was just a precursor of what was to come.

The Imperial Generals Zhao Ren and Songsun Yun strike like lightning through the province to their south as up and coming commanders strike out at the rest, their forces quickly defeating the tough opposition before them. Their forces quick march themselves down to the capital where the Covenant is caught unprepared and their army away.

The Capital cannot stand before the might of the Imperial Armies that humbled the North. The Castes are shattered and driven out, those that aren't slain or held there to continue work.

Trend Setter

Word has started to spread, the World Congress is impressed and so the information is being moved through the world. People are shocked to hear but there is no denying… the Hobbits are Trend Setters.

Everyone is talking about their VIP program they put forward in the Congress and how there was so many votes for it that it passed without a care in the world. These kinds of trends help the world

The Grand Collective gain the Title: Trend Setters. +1 Rep, NPCs like you more. Legion declares Alliance with the Hobbits.

Reasonable Loan Rates, Unreasonable Collectors

Phanos had fallen. They had been undermined from within, they were being attacked by the denizens of hell, the government had collapsed due to excessive debt, or their had been a religious schism based around souls. Rumors abounded, no one knew the truth. Only that the people of Phanos were fleeing their desert lands back across oceans or to distant mountains.

All were true as it turned out.

The Phanos government had discovered a rift deep within the caverns when they settled there. To their surprise, when they explored a little more, they found that the rift led to the hells and that groups of others had already found it… from the other side.

The giants found a large building built near the rift filled with devils, they brought force to bear against it but when they entered they were happily greeted and brought refreshments. The devils had formed a bank, they had gold and gems coming out their ears and no one to loan it too.

The giants were only too happy to take their deals at first, it allowed them to rapidly expand over the desert and fund their religious wars against others. They didn’t need all of their souls right? The loan repayments were drastically cut short when they added slivers of their souls to the mix.

Then a few years later the bank came calling. One of the minor giants in the government had defaulted on the loan. So the acquisitions department was deployed by the bank to collect. A squad of legion devils marched through the streets of Phanos right up to his door and ripped out his soul as he lived. They then ripped it into pieces, taking only the part owed them before releasing the rest.

Needless to say this caused quite a stir among the religious fanatics in the nation.

The goverment was forced by the populace to try and end the threat of the devils living right under them, unaware most of their leadership were in the same position. So they made a call. The giants attempted to bring their miracles of flame and light to the devils, regiments of giants clad in steel and prayer.

It failed, the leaders had their souls ripped from their bodies and the armies torn to shreds by legion devils. With the government destroyed and the armies missing the elites that gave them their bite the nation sundered. The 9 Layered Bank finally emerged from hiding, they called on their contracts. Binding the contracted to their wills and spreading their influence through the remnants of Phanos, only managing to take the main territories that they had influenced most.

A message is spread through the lands as the situation stabilizes though.

“Sell your soul now! Can promise good rates if sold immediately. Good rates will not apply if soul is sold after acts of unspeakable evil.”

Experienced Vassals

The Khalos Guild has put forward a motion to the World Congress, they only contributed a measly bit of gold… but with no better offers the World Congress shall be putting forward a motion this upcoming season. With the coming of so many talented individuals it is important to keep up their training, they may have reached some of their potential but they are merely at the base of the mountain with so much to still climb.

The World Congress would provide council and advisors for this season to aid them in their chosen actions, provide clarity and learning from real world situations.

If the nations of Hanrui choose that is.

This is a motion to be voted on during midturn, if it passes it will take effect this EoT. This would give all VIPS double experience for any relevent actions they do during EoT.

Very Important Person (Remnants of the Pillar)

There are the remnants of forces that made their mark in the ancient remnants of Hanrui still around in the world today. Some left before the fall while others sent representatives that made it back or passed along information before Hanrui had fallen.

The Pillar of Wisdom was one such group. They had brought the Pillar to Hanrui twice in the past and while they were busy right now and could not transport the Pillar, neither could they ignore the possibilities that Hanrui presented for their learning and knowledge. As well as the inevitable great works of magic that would occur from the powerful nations here as they rose to conflict and inflicting awe and terror both upon their neighbors.

The new Jade Wizard has appeared on the scene with a cadre of their personal mages to aid in the research. They have called on the World Congress to petition the nations to allow their entry. So they can travel, study, and possibly entertain offers of work from nations.

This is a motion to be voted on during midturn, if it passes it will take effect this EoT. You can bid to have the Tier 2 Mag VIP and their 3 Mag join your faction. Bidding is done with Eco and Mag. They can be manipulated by players as if they are an NPC until bidded on and secured.

Midturn is due Monday Night. Nov 23rd

Vrock Bait
2020-11-19, 02:44 PM
Celestial Empire of Longshan


Zhao Ren - General Who Pacifies the South
Li Jie - General of the Right
Xiahuang Ling - Queen of Xuezhou, General of the Left
Han Lu - Commander of Chariots and Swift Cavalry
Li Jie seems to be a newly rising star in the Shan military, while Xiahuang Ling and Han Lu are both children of older warlords who have since renewed allegiance to the Imperial throne after defeat in the campaigns of 1146 to 1148.

“They say the empress hasn’t been seen for a few months, could she be ill??”

“That Han Lu, very handsome, but have you heard his mother might have been a Northern barbarian?”

“This corporal, Zhao Xiang or something, got stabbed in the face and sent home. He’s been spending a lot of time with the noble girls recently, State Elder Yu told me that it’s like he’s writing an adventure novel.”

“State Elder Xiahuang was such a great boon to the community, but the daughter though... that unfilial bandit hag…”

“Lady Gan, never liked her… she got caught with the effigy of Lady Lu, did you hear? Lots of bad luck. The sorcerers won’t admit it, but half the court women are better at witchcraft then them.”
Nobody who is spreading these rumors seem to know if they’re true, but they keep on going anyway.

The bloodied head of Ixtal-lin had been mounted on a pike in front of city walls, along with a few minor officials and the captain of the city guard. The gruesome sight was a rather sharp contrast with the pleasant, bucolic shoreline.

“The lizard wasn’t a commander,” Zhao Ren noted. “I had Unit Commander Pei read his notes. Though he held high rank, he was essentially just the city administrator.”

“Yes,” Li Jie said, “we encountered their best general in our southern provinces. ‘Herne.’ He’s been raiding our caravans nonstop since the war began. Their other commanders fell quickly, but his army was the only one who posed any serious threat. He promoted his ministers to replace the generals we defeated.”

“Good. At least one of their numbers isn’t a weak-willed rice-bin. Do you think they deserve surrender?”

“We have their capital. Their most important religious site. The threat of plundering the treasures of their idol is probably enough.”

“Good. I understand Commander Han’s forces are closest to their headquarters at Zange. Have him send a rider, with the terms we prepared at the beginning of the war.”

A messenger arrives in the town of Zange with several scrolls’ worth of documents. From what local officials can tell, it seems to be a request for surrender and a couple of different terms related to it.

Choose either of these two terms and continue operating or the Empire will destroy your nation.

One: We keep territory 37 and also get territory 71 along with its corresponding stat benefits. Clearing of Corundynir’s Lair is guaranteed. Any religious paraphernalia found will be placed in the Palace District Museum or sold to private collectors. If any action is taken against us for the next seven turns (10 years), the Covenant must pay the Empire four temp Econ.

Two: Give us Territories 71 and 38. We will return your capital and its corresponding religious sites. However, you must pay us two permanent Econ in reparations and hand over any significant arcane (but not divine) artifacts you’ve found so far from adventuring as well as shutting down any stat attacks or active projects against the Empire. If any action is taken against us for the next seven turns (10 years), the Covenant must pay the Empire four temp Econ. The distance between your capital and your southeast territory will not be the empire’s concern. A meager 2 ADV could build a route and solve the problem entirely.

Otherwise, we can do a public diplomatic summit or I can finish taking complete control of leftover territories.

Morale 8

Several dozen suits of high quality dark steel armor and around five hundred taels of gold are delivered to the Guild. The Imperial emissary accompanying them expresses personal thanks from the emperor and a hope that their two nations can work more closely in the future.

Greetings once again to the First Speaker Aslund,

It is a pleasure to hear that our interests are so similarly aligned. I trust you have heard of our siege and capture of the Covenant’s Dawnstone Vale? A messenger has been sent with terms of surrender to the Crystalheart remnants. We may have a complete western alliance yet.

The Protectorate’s dealings with us have been honorable and we do not seek to invade houses of learning. Perhaps we shall find a time for a meeting between our peoples regarding this nascent alliance?

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven, Lord of Longshan, Defender of the Dragon Mountains

2020-11-19, 04:11 PM

Deep in the Silvermare Forest

It was almost daybreak, and Malcolm had yet to find shelter. He'd been hunting in this forest for years, but he'd never managed to get this turned around in the bramble, and as sunbeams started to cut between the trees he knew time was running out. They would be here soon, watching from the skies.

Malcolm took a deep breath and kept sawing his way through the bramble and branches. He wasn't about to give in. He wasn't about to stop looking and accept what was going to happen. He had a daughter at home and a son that had just moved out. His girl still needed care and his boy still needed his guidance. He was- lost. Malcolm was lost.

The greying hunter took a deep breath and exhaled out shards of ice in the cold winter sun. Something screeched far above him, and there still wasn't a cave or hole in sight. Malcolm closed his eyes for a moment and imagined a world where the Rocs wouldn't see him and hunt him down, pretending that he'd be the first one to ever get lucky. Then he kept cutting.

There was a second screech from the skies, closer now. Malcolm stopped cutting away the trees and bashed his body through the tangled branches. His coat ripped, his cheeks cut, and his arms bled as he rushed into the wood and prayed to his three patrons for a sign of hope.

Another screech.

Then the ground shook.

Malcolm didn't stop to consider what would make the ground shake during the daylight. He crashed deeper into the thorns and bark. Hilda needed today's furs. He wasn't going to leave Lian alone on his bonding day. There had to be a way out of-

Branches crashed above him and Malcolm turned to face his fate. Feathers and claws reached out to him.

And then they stopped.

The Roc suddenly shot backward and out of sight, and the screeching redoubled, but something had changed about it. The screech was horrifying, sickening, the kind of sounds Malcolm believed he'd be making. Blood rained from the sky and dripped from the twisted trees, and Malcolm stared up to see the shadow of Khalos covering the sky.

Messages and Intrigue

All Messages Sent at Morale 11:
Khalos Reputation: 8

To the Esteemed Alchemists of the Lodge,

If our ledgers are correct, you should be fans of the Guild's choice to suggest our original pitch to the World Congress as opposed to pursuing reparations for the Covenant. We understand you have many talented people in your Lodge.

Which brings us to the topic of our letter.

Our hunts for new dungeons have yet to be fruitful, both the Silvermare Forest and Briada didn't have a monster den, and considering our export of magic items and loot, we are going to quickly run out of floors. Simply put, we still would like to expand to new territories in order to hunt for adventuring sites.

The Khalos Guild would like to know your asking price to purchase your agreed-upon rights to the lands of 68 and or 66. Parhaps we could provide some assets that you lack so you can convince the member of the former Pillar of Wisdom to join your ranks.

We look forward to your reply and shall reach out if we discover any magic of intrigue this season.

I see the Covenant did not properly prepare their defences for your arrival. Truly a shame for their capital.

Though we appreciate your gift, we are unsure of the cooperation of which you speak. We are far from against working with the Empire, but as of yet we've made no attempts to do so... yet.

In times of war, we have no doubt that you will need resources to fund the recovery and stabilization of the regions you captured. We come with an offer for trade. Our economy relies heavily on the export of magical items and artifacts. With our ascension to the world stage, we have needed to unsustainably plunder the depths of Hanrui, and despite our best expansion efforts, we are quickly running out of dungeons to delve.

If we are allowed access to the dungeons of the Empire, we can provide resources that will assist in your stabilization.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

To the Trend Setters of Hanrui

Congrats on your new recognition in the world. We are happy to hear that our friends and diplomatic trade partners of ours are so well regarded.

We come with an offer for trade. Our economy relies heavily on the export of magical items and artifacts. With our ascension to the world stage, we have needed to unsustainably plunder the depths of Hanrui, and despite our best expansion efforts, we are quickly running out of dungeons to delve.

We understand that Hobbits don't have the largest stomach for adventuring, but you surely have a mind for coin. What would the price be to delve deep into the lands of the Hobbits to sustain our economy?

To the Masters of Balance

We come with an offer for trade. Our economy relies heavily on the export of magical items and artifacts. With our ascension to the world stage, we have needed to unsustainably plunder the depths of Hanrui, and despite our best expansion efforts, we are quickly running out of dungeons to delve.

We understand the Legion has bigger worries and plans for Hanrui than fighting monsters in the depths. We would offer resources that are useful to you for access to the dungeons of the land.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

The Khalos Guild thanks you for our partnership for the last two seasons.

With our contract ended, and the trade route already established between our nations, are there any resources that you lack this season? The Khalos Guild, whether through trades or facilitation of dungeon goods, would be happy to oblige.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos

2020-11-19, 05:54 PM
"Clan Baem"

Hye Baem's guess for the season

stationary plants have their leaves ripped by the wind, those long forgotten get a remembrance, and with a bit of luck you may finally find what you are looking, yes, you know who you are.


The bar was rough, there was no escaping that fact, but considering the state of the rest of the island it got a pass for now and the foreseeable future, getting many visitors especially of those with the specialist skills Clan Baem encouraged so much, today it was different though.

The people were the same, just less numerous, a small band with too many scars for their age, Chin-Hae who was quickly approaching the age were he just had too many scars and nothing else and yi the barman, a robust serving man in a sea of lean trickster types; with more throwing knives that a man could possibly carry sticking to most surfaces in the stage.

Chin-Hae began what was surely not the first drunken rant that day, judging by the reaction of the others "I had many kids you know, in every port back home..."

-you don't say- replied yi, as someone who was paid twice the price for his ears than for any drinks he served.

-I cared for them, those that kept their name at least, back when we still had some money and connections to throw around, I did because they were my blood... but they didn't really matter beyond that, only ones that did were those like me...

-like you how?

-That they would spill that precious blood for me as I would for them...

the group remained quiet for a while, drinking as if each was on their own room, until a new person broke into all of them at once, a young blood thief who was likely sent here to meet the man below the all-chief but below the network, all glanced towards him as he moved to the nearest seat with no pointy objects sticking out of it.

a throwing knife quickly threatened to cut his cheek in classic warning before hitting the wall behind, the kid dodged , he didn't get here without some sharp reflexes. Chin-Hae's voice quickly followed his knife:

-Don't you dare sit in Mee's spot.

-I don't see her here.-Eveyone but Chin-Hae threw him a look of panic before barely turning back to stop the named character from pouncing on the kid with two more knives in his hands, wisely the thief bolted for the door whitout bothering to hear the threats behind him:

-You won't be seeing anything you ***** *****... after a few minutes of restrain the bar turned back to the Saddened mood it started with, with the thoughts of our named character the only to be heard The order will come soon, I'll get you all back this time... Just move along and get the rest in order.

Days after

Captain Dae (as she have been called more often after claiming a few more ships) walked into the rough bar previously mentioned, illuminated by but one lit pipe, paired with such a reek of alcohol it made you wonder how the place hadn't combusted while lighting it.

it was strange seeing her lately outside her ships, not to mention so far inland, or with such a depressing grimace, all things that could be explained away if you knew were she was likely, how final the decision was if both sides agreed and how much she wanted to forget those last two things.

-room for another, old man? Yi said you wanted the place to yourself.

an unintelligible grunt and a lack of knives thrown towards her was taken as agreement as she picked up a place near him that looked to have been used recently and took a swig of whatever noxious brew Chin-Hae left far away enough to not be considered in use... Things were cheerier somewhere else though.

Somewhere else -Dent

The Islander (Dent) enjoyed the sun in a boat of his own, Dressed in robes of the Baem with charms of his people littering the deck, next to his people who were wearing them and manning the ship. It never ceased to amaze him how slow their own craft were compared to the foreigners' how little of the world they could really see before...

Some dread started creeping into his day before being turned away. There had been setbacks but Ashira of the waves had dealt them the stones of the Baem's and they were finally starting to make use of it, their people were becoming needed, valuable and if he worked well enough they'll be one, victorious and without just being absorbed.

He met Dania only briefly but he felt a kinship on their goals if not only on their blood, she went to the lodge to show the world what the tribes could do, he remained here to remind the ones who held both harm and opportunity to his own which one should be given; of course, here was a catch all term, right now he headed to the "irreverent isles" (those foreigners and their names) in order to finish hashing out peace terms with some local pirates who most likely didn't know who lived in idol's end before the Baem, and surely didn't speak anything closer than a similar sounding tongue. Just another day of work really.

Mor 4


Congratulation in both your new alliance and your territorial acquisition, we wished to make sure our previous claims and support for them were remembered, as our intent remains the same as before.

-Happy marriage, Clan Baem.


To Hjordis ys Orvar, Captain of Khombriss Depths, arrives a letter by magic arrow as Clan Baem attempts to replicate the previous season's diplomatic success.

Well met lords of the waves, we come to ask if you would considerate dealing as we spoke next turn, and if so what you would think of borrowing some of our most elite tomb delvers led by the most elite amongst them, in exchange for whatever recruits you have no better use for this season.

-New gifts, Clan Baem

1 adv and Dae Baem (lvl 2 adv VIP) for 5 mil, accepting counter offers of course.

To the Strongest monarch on this land who extends a rule back by heaven wherever he touches,

First we commend your great victory against those who held your land, even though sadly it is still under their control, we ignored your warnings of their character and were deceived, we wish for your approval in joining the crusade against them before you finish righteously sending them south to live with the hobbits, and take only what is our due for the lives that have been so early sent to their place as the guiding hand we are.

-With wrath and sorrow, The all-chief.

we hope the downfall of your dear neighbours brings no end to our trading, we may have some offers for this season depending on how the congress weights on the current proposal.

-Profit when you can, Clan Baem.

To the circle of elements,

We do not know what brought you to deceive us, your borders called as top priorities... your borders are breached while those we agreed upon were breached by you, The Clan calls for blood I call for blood my blood stains their lan...

Do not write that Euji!

We call for blood, for our own has suddenly filled with those enraged and the pool follows along rather quick revenge, we'll take them They'll need, we'll need something more than the paltry leftovers we were asking for, if there is to be a chance for anything but hate within our groups He won't let them...

I transcribed everything, for it is my job, and I didn't expect it; they never spoke like now, not that I remember at least and I've worked since they returned to their senses- Euji, Head Caligraphist.

-Clan Baem.

Vrock Bait
2020-11-19, 06:57 PM
A second horseman arrives with a new message. Apparently both contracts of surrender now both involve the cessation of the southeast peninsula. The invitation to open public diplomatic talks is still left open, however, and the Covenant is permitted to bring one foreign ally to the conversation to balance Baem and Longshans’ interests.

Morale 8

Greetings to Guild of Khalos,

I hope this message finds you in good health. Our old capital, Nanshan, was desecrated by bandit sorcerers during the years of the warring states. Before Imperial forces retreated to our current capital they retrieved all but the least important items. Thus, all that remains should be the demonic artifacts brought there by bandits.

If these artifacts would interest you, please send a small tribute and we will arrange transportation of your forces to the city.

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven, Lord of Longshan, Defender of the Dragon Mountains

Send over let’s say... 2 + half of however many floors you want to clear worth of Econ and we’ll build the route to your lands. You may keep any magical artifacts found.

Greetings once again to the dynasts Baem,

Thank you for your commendation. We have had additional terms sent to the Covenant regarding your rightful lands. You will have an equal place at the negotiating table should the Grandmasters come to their senses and invoke it. However, if force is required, can I trust that you would allow Imperial forces into your rightfully claimed peninsula? There will most likely not be too much need for overwhelming force on your front if you are willing to accept.

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven, Lord of Longshan, Defender of the Dragon Mountains

2020-11-19, 07:09 PM
Thank you for your offer,

In order to properly understand how much the dungeon is worth, we would need to know how many floors have already been cleared, this will let us better determine how good of an investment bringing our adventurers to the site would be.

Please let us know and we will be able to confirm or deny purchase so that you can make your economic plans for the season,

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos.

2020-11-19, 07:25 PM
Valence Lodge-Morale 6

To the Members of the Khalos Guild,

Regrettably, the resurgence of the one identified as the Jade Wizard takes our priority this season, though as ever de Leuteum remains flexible in such ventures, should a greater opportunity present itself.

As to the second item in your letter, we fail to see the rationality in such a proposal. To agree to something without knowing its value is presumptive and such presumption leads to error-a flaw which We of the Lodge would not ascribe to. Should we discover any areas of adventure in the territories promised to us-and should our adventuring assets be committed elsewhere-we would gladly lease the rights of adventuring to you for a fee. Until such a time, it would be otherwise unwise to act prematurely, no?

Five God-heads guard you,

M. de Leuteum

not saying no, just saying wait and see if I even turn anything up first when I do get there.

No doubt you have been made aware of the resurgent Jade Wizard seeking asylum across Hanrui. We would not compete with you for this but rather strike an accord. At present, you possess far and away the most territory on Jhalakraun. This is not an insult, merely fact. In light of this fact-especially when one considers de Leuteum's paltry holdings-We of the Lodge fully believe that the distilling of a compromise with regards to this individual is fully facsilitatable.

Pretty simple. Should it come to pass this midturn, dont bid on the Jade wizard and Ill give you 2/3 the permanent magic that comes with them. you have the territory for it and it would still put you ahead of me. Or we could just waste our biggest stats bidding :smalltongue:

Academics of the Red Aurora College,

Your concern is well placed, We of the Lodge do not feel fear yet admit a certain...trepidation at the occurrences in the west. Should you feel the need for more security, de Leuteum would be more than happy to oblige in such a manner. However, we should note that to do so would require a substantial commitment on the part of de Leuteum. While we are prepared for such an eventuality, We of the Lodge admit to a need for equivalent exchange.

Further, you are no doubt aware of a resurgence in the Jade Wizard-or at least the genesis of an individual possessing sufficient power to qualify for such a title. Our Archymist-herself known in more base orbits as the Topaz Wizard-should very much like to meet and welcome this individual to de Leuteum manor. As such, we would respectfully ask for an exchange of our more...militant aspects in exchange for use of the College's magics, so that we may entice this successor to the past into our fold.

M. de Leuteum

I have espionage to trade. Miiiiight have some MIL but that will cost you as it would hamper my plans for expansion this turn. Mostly looking for Magic or Eco in return.

2020-11-19, 07:43 PM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

The shimmering ships come for us, and we must dance to the beat of their drums. The spell-men of the Long Bright Dark throw their will into the sky, and the air crackles with light and wild colour. We are lost! Why can't you see? It will melt my shape like it did its soldiers. The Dark will give me fingers instead of legs and teeth instead of eyes. It'll steal my soul and make me giggle its rhymes, and I'll be counted as one of its, because the Idols won't want me then.

No one will want me then.

- Last recorded words of Korufa, Skerandre shaman

The Well of Sorrows (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc58XPgsJ3E)

Fetid air and the sounds of moaning were the first things that Alvi witnessed as he began to descend alongside the retinue of carls and officers into the Drowned Bowels, the depths of that titanic being that gave Leviathan's Landing its name.

What had once been stomach lining was now an avenue of carved bone, curving and multitudinous towers with no end in sight. All along their colossal surfaces, runes of abhorrent and forgotten power had been carved and anointed by sacred rite, channels and grooves dug by an intelligence both elder and more malign than even the creature whose body it was now desecrating. Here, built up in measureless eons behind history by the vast, loathsome entities that seeped down from between the dark stars, was the design of the Void, a chart to its becoming. Older bones were best; they could conduct the recrudescent spirals, the savage motifs with something nearing perfection. The patient dark was interrupted only by the occasional reprieve of wrapped torch, though the flames were limned in a nauseating sea-green.

Far above the hapless few, mountains of bloated greying fats were being consumed inchmeal. Faceless thralls, bodies bent and twisted from the long hours spent on the far side of madness, stood on crude scaffolds as they scraped away that which kept the minds from completing the work. They were not alone: gloam-spiders, flesh gaunts, and limbless horrors swayed to a rhythm that only they could hear, their chittering movements striking to Alvi in their regularity. And from the fathomless acidic depths of the lake at the center of the cavernous space protruded gardens of folded hands, long beds of fertile eyes and fecund tendrils of ichor-dripping seed that found purchase in the gibbering petitioners who swam in those waters. The occasional scream echoed out over the blind eternity, though Alvi could not be sure if they arose from rapture or agony. The skerandre of Khombriss Depths caught only a few glimpses of the true plethora of beasts that now called the bowels their home, though the lumbering shadows hinted at far more than he could properly discern.

Before long – or perhaps a lifetime or two – the group approached their destination: the steps of an edifice that had never been built nor ever discovered. Alvi could not grasp its contours entire, obtaining only the vaguest impressions of vast angles and stone surfaces—surfaces too great to belong to any thing right or proper for this earth, and impious with horrible images and hieroglyphs. And yet, the building's soapy, greenish-black stone with its golden iridescent flecks and striations was intimately familiar to Alvi and everyone in his party. The characters along the base would have been baffling to anyone other than the Elda; for all that the language there had never been penned by man, they knew the meaning and intent of each line from some deep-born instinct in their blood. They, like the script and everything else, now belonged to something horribly remote and distinct from other men; something frightfully suggestive of old and unhallowed cycles of life in which the world and its myriad notions had no part.

Alvi let out a contented sigh. At last, he thought, it was starting to look a little more like home.

At the base of a yawning landing waited another group, perhaps twelve in all. Their figures were largely indistinct and amorphous, covered as they were by robes of faded sun and grasping midnight, and yet even the smallest regions of exposed putrescence put every prior monstrosity to shame. To witness such a morass would make a lunatic of the madman, and so Alvi paid no heed to the groaning or what laid beneath the tattered cloth. One such figure – who bore the nine-pupil'd eye of Glimnir over the wounded man of old Utarsk – lurched before the others and raised a diseased hand to unfasten boltings around its jaws, and Alvi knew well his name.

There was only one person in the Fleet who still wore the standard of the old islands, and he did not stray outside of his domain.

"Alone I sat | when the Old One sought me,
The terror of gods, | and gazed in mine eyes:
What hast thou to ask? | why comest thou hither?"

The incantation burned incarnadine. Every word, every utterance found a groove, perfectly shaped and ready to welcome it not unlike the hollow in each of the rib-towers of the fallen leviathan. Alvi had never heard the greeting, and yet its twin reply flew past his lips unbidden.

"Wisdom, I know | where thine eye is hidden.
Deep in the wide-famed | well of sorrows;
Each morn I will drink | of its waters and
Widely then I see | over all the worlds!"

The reply had satisfied the gatekeeper, for Alvi found himself and the others in his company arriving on a balcony overlooking an inner sanctum. Dimly he recalled that neither he nor anyone else had climbed a single step, and yet now they seemed far above where they had begun. At their feet unfurled a scene of primal wonder and pure devotion. Animal fury and orgiastic licence here whipped themselves to daemoniac heights by howls and squawking ecstasies that tore and reverberated through those nighted pillars like pestilential tempests from the gulfs of hell. Now and then the less organised ululation would cease, and from what seemed a well-drilled chorus of hoarse voices would rise in sing-song chant some hideous phrase or ritual that passed beyond Alvi's hearing. The oracles of Kult Hala had sometimes been a mystery to him, even as a man who had gone over the horizon, but now in their motions he saw a sort of uncanny pattern.

However, the officer's attention was consumed by that which dominated the heart of the space: a hidden lake unglimpsed by mortals, in which dwelt a huge, formless white polypous thing with a luminous, all consuming gaze. And suspended directly above the surface, strung up by chains of cold iron, lay the vessel. It was in the shape of an upward facing cannon whose dimensions were perhaps five feet in length and half as wide, but it seemed to quiver animatedly, the edges of its existence unfixed as though it were a blemish, a mistake writ upon the world. The radiance emanating from the waters caught on the links and rounded corners of the ritual, blinding those that looked at it for too long. But not Alvi; as his retinas smoked and burned away, he took a step forward. Blessed darkness crept into the edge of his vision, but he was not deterred. Slowly and inexorably the ocular cavities collapsed completely, eyes dribbling out down his cheeks in steaming droplets. Devotion would guide his steps now.

He was sure that he'd stepped off of the balcony, but his footing was steady all the same. The song had told him what to do. Alvi reached out, and there were hands all around him. They held him upright, pointing the way until he could feel his clothing begin to smoke. The chanting of those frolicking in the shallows had intensified, wanton prayer now given focus. The touch of the hands, once gentle, now gripped him and held him close. He could not escape their reach now, not even if he wanted to. Then came a closed fist to his back, and then another. Prying, iron-hard fingers clutched at his flesh, pulling and yanking. Vaguely, he was aware of the snaps and pops of his bones as they were folded and bent well past their natural breaking point. His wrists and elbows were first, followed by his knees and finally his spine - each was broken in turn, viscerally and to the cheers of the gathered crowd.

"Widely then I... see..." some part of him managed to croak victoriously, "over all the worlds!"

The hands picked up his pieces, gathering them into a ball. He could feel himself being stuffed into the mouth of the vessel, like some gory incandescent grapeshot. Laughter ripped through his shattered frame, and he realized that it was him who was laughing.

The wound of the enveloped him now, glow burning away at his essence. He was destroyed. He was complete.

He awoke on the shore some time later, black waves lapping at what was once his face, and knew that he had changed. It started with stomach spasms that felt like writing lamprey nests hatching in his belly. Alvi could hear the hag-fish singing in the crushing depths, even when he pretended he could not, even when he carried the melody to the untouched beaches of his mind and the notes snapped in half before reaching the surface. Supernal awareness bubbled in his brain like the bends. Then pale flesh, barnacle sores, wriggling growths and sea cucumber discharges. Chitinous ridges emerged from the ruin of him, and he could feel the itch and burn as different species of coral battled for primacy of his ribcage. Every few seconds, the denizens of those reefs spat out their digestive enzymes in coordinated displays of time-lapse warfare. Something scuttled out of one new body cavity, only to be eaten by something hiding in another.

He – Alvi, no longer, simply the Wretch Before the Mast – was his own hunting ground now. And although the carrion birds sang a thousand songs, all he could hear was 'feed-feed-feed-feed-feed-feed!'

Morale 10

Fair winds to you both, Voice of the Phoenix and Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer,

After our correspondences with you both, the Elda are prepared to put forward a proposal. We understand that both of you have committed to a defensive pact, to go to war in protection of the other should there be any attack against you. The Elda see this as a wise choice. We have already reached out to the Silverhammer and they have agreed to engage us in a similar fashion, and therefore we propose that we turn our relationship into a proper western league.

Furthermore, the Drowned Moot would counsel that we announce our pact to the rest of Hanrui. As a tactic deterring aggressive actions by others, you would both have a great deal to benefit from announcing that you are under the protection of the Farthest Fleet, just as the Elda stand to gain from working with both of your illustrious nations.

Finally, there is the matter of trade. The Elda are in need of navigators and weather mages this season, and would be willing to open up routes in order to facilitate any loan of such services. In exchange, we are willing to offer up the work product of our new skalds and spies, modest as those operations are.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void

Pretty straightforward - I'm suggesting we make this relationship 'official' by going public with it. It will be a powerful deterrent against anyone screwing with us.

Regarding trading: I will only have a few ADV to spend right now, but if either of you have ADV, ECO, or MAG to spare I have 2 REP and 1 ESP floating around that I would be happy to trade. Since Baem and I are splitting the cost of a route already, I'm only going to have the 1 ADV to split a single route at midturn.
Safe course to you, Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven, Lord of Longshan, Defender of the Dragon Mountains,

The Elda have been watching your war with interest, and wish you good fortune on the surrender and handover of plunder. We should caution you against the nips and murmurs of small powers, for they often mistake the purpose and destiny of great nations as us with warmongering.

An alliance of western powers is certainly possible, though we do not yet know what the future of the conflict on Xihou will hold. Currently, we are in the midst of negotiating stronger bonds between the Protectorate, the Red Aurora College, and our own fleets down in the Reverent Span. Perhaps the west will rise.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void
The reply is met in kind.

Members of the Clan of Baem,

We are not some cut-rate raiders, to send such a meagre offering. You asked for ships, we will send you ships. You will take a fleet from us, and in exchange we plan on taking a more significant portion of your explorers and even a few of your mages. I have outlined the terms of the Drowned Moot below.

ᚺᛃᛟᚱᛞᛁᛋ ᛃᛋ oᚱᚹᚨᚱ,
Hjordis ys Orvar, Captain of Khombriss Depths

The Elda are looking to get more than 3 ADV for an expenditure of 5 MIL. As it happens, we have enough MIL to take two neutral territories without attrition. If you're interested in really getting the most of conquering, the Elda are prepared to send 10 MIL to you.

In exchange, the Elda would need at least 6 ADV or MAG paid this turn, as well as the 1 ADV to pay half of the cost of setting up the trade route between 29 and 49 (I would pay the other half). The remaining 4 ADV or MAG would need to be paid next turn.
Wonders be laid at your feet, Lords of Gilt and Gluttony,

If we shadows have offended, think but this, and all is mended. If we have unearned luck now to escape the serpent's tongue, we will make amends before too long.

Attached to this scroll is the bark of a blush carnelian, a flower known to grow only on the western hills of Xihou in the wake of great massacres and slaughters. Our explorers have collected this rare specimen with the permission of both the Celestial Empire and the Silverhammer Protectorate, as proof of our more civilized nature may have eluded you up to this point.

ᚺᛁᛚᛞᛖ ᚨᛋᛚᚢᚾᛞᛋᛞᛟᛏᛏᛁᚱ
Hilde Aslundsdöttir, Hala's Chosen and Devourer of the Black Sacrament

I'm officially claiming that I am REP 2+. I hope that is enough that we might begin to deal.

St. Justicar
2020-11-19, 07:51 PM
The Clockwork Republic

The sword kills. But the arm moves the sword. Is the arm to blame for murder? No. The mind moves the arm. Is the mind to blame? No. The mind has sworn an oath to duty, and that duty moves the mind, as written by the Throne. So it is that a servant of the Throne is blameless.

The palace of the Melquart was as poorly defended as she had been promised – the nephilim garrison were either dead or damned, depending on the rumour you believed, and either way far away in the old capital. The local troops were mostly gone as well, sent to suppress a rebellion among the hill tribes – by the time they realized the reports and requests for aid were forgeries, it would be far too late. Even the guards which remains wouldn’t prove much use, their evening meal having been liberally spiced with sedatives to leave them slow-witted and sluggish.

Everything was, in short, exactly how Itireae ir’Naeh had been promised it would been, carefully arranged to ensure the once-princesses homecoming would be as smooth and frictionless as possible. Not that she looked much like a princess anymore, of course – months of exile in the badlands had taken their toll, even before the injections of quicksilver and adamant had left her with monochrome eyes and sickly blue veins pressing against her skin. Still, she would gladly make every sacrifice and compromise over again, if it brought her here. After all, what good was a child who wouldn’t do what was necessary to avenge their father?

With her new sight, the iron frame of the palace’s upper windows shone in the pre-dawn light, and it was a simple matter of will pull herself towards them – by now the pulsing, burning pain from her veins was almost a comfort, as she gracefully flew through the night to alight on the windowsill. It hung open in the warm fall air, and it was barely any effort to pull herself inside.

She moved fast. Even if she couldn’t see the golden treasures piled high in the Melquart’s bedroom, she knew her way their by heart. She passed five guards on her way, and four four didn’t break her stride – a handful of iron needles pulled from one of the pounces hanging off her belt and pushed with more force then an a longbow towards each made sure they never got up.

The last was someone important – a royal bodyguard or captain, sleeping on a bed in the antechamber to the Malequart’s apartments. He she recognized – he had just as happy to have a place of honour at her fathers side, before the giants called down fire from the sky and massacred his entire host. And so she paused and drew her glass daggers, and took the time to make sure he recognized her before she let him die.

The Melquart was a Lumor, god-blooded, close to three yards tall, with flowing, braided crimson hair and a matching beard which grew fiery in truth when he was enraged – as he was now, charging through the door of his apartments in nothing but a robe, sacred and deadly bronze axe held in both hands, to find his bodyguard bleeding out before him. Which nicely distracted him as Itireae sent the first barrage of iron needles and blades flying towards him from her perch on the ceiling.

His roar as the blades dug into his back and spilled his sacred blood was so loud it was almost painful to hear. But then, she wasn’t the intended audience – and his divine grandfather seemed to understand perfectly. The room filled with a wrathful and ruddy light, and Itireae had to leap to the floor to avoid the blast of divine fire the lumor threw from his hands, letting out a gasp of pain at her awkward landing on the stone floor.

The holy runes etched on the Melquart’s axe glowed with an angry red light as he approached her, nothing but pure, deadly rage in his words. “I don’t know what you are, but if you start begging now I’ll just cut you down. Keep fighting, and you’re going to suffer. Burning slow so all the other humans know the penalty for striking the blood of the Sun.”

Whatever reaction he expected, Itireae’s unsteady laughter wasn’t it. Her hands trembled as she spoke, grabbing a thankfully unbroken vial off her belt. “Me? I’m no-one, not after tonight. Just one more debt you monsters never bothered to settle.”

She poured the vial down her throat, and tried to ignore her body screaming in protest as she started burning its contents before they were metabolized. A thin trail of black, acrid smoke leaked from her mouth, as her veins began to glow an unearthly blue. And the Melquart, axe raised for a killing blow, staggered and gasped in pain. Her fingers were bloody, gripping the seams between stones on the floor to keep from being slammed into his chest – but it worked. His fire went out as the light faded from his eyes, the blades buried in his back pulled through his heart and lungs until they pierced the skin of his chest as well.

She made sure, of course – used her glass daggers to cut his throat and put out his eyes, and open every major vein and artery. And then, satisfied, she set to work cleaning up after herself.

It was close to noon when she finally limped to their meeting place, lightly scorched from divine flame and throat too raw to speak from rushed alchemy. Still, her patron was waiting for her, wearing the face of the well-fed caravan driver she had travelled here with – though that disguise was beginning to crack, every hair already a pristine white and eyes faintly glowing, color starting to fade from their outfit. Turning to her with a slight smile and a nod, they said “Given the fire at the palace, I trust you have settled your personal affairs?” At her nod she gestured to the horses “Then we should be going. You have a higher purpose now, and the journey will give you time to consider a suitable new name.”

They made good time on the trip south, as behind them the last vestige of Phanosine rule in the far east collapsed into succession struggle and anarchy.

Tymon Sol managed to survive in the forest on his own for nearly two weeks. As soon as the strange, massive ships had been sighted and the chief and captains ordered their men to assemble, he’d heard the whispers of ruin and disaster on the wind. By the time the strange, green-coated soldiers had arrived and demanded unconditional surrender, her had already donned his mother’s mask and cloak, and taken everything he could carry. By the time the first cannon fired, he was so far away he could barely hear them.

He had found an ancient tree, and made a camp beneath its canopy, hiding it from man and beast, rain and wind, anything the flew or crawled or bit or stung. Since then he had almost never taken off the cloak or mask – hiding him from anything but the spirits, and letting him see their guidance to the food and water he needed.

All of which was to say, he had finally begun to feel safe. And so he was not at all prepared when something was waiting for him. It was dressed like an officer of the soldiers who had invaded his village, though its uniform was decorated with gold brocade and some sort of extra decoration. And otherwise totally devoid of color – snow white hair, pale skin, and clothing that remained pristinely and perfectly white even as it stood in the mud and leaned against his tree. Its eyes glowed faintly with a cold light, and when he looked at it he saw all the spirits who had protected his camp had shied away from touching it.

It, meanwhile, looked down at a pocketwatch in its hand with apparent fascination. Either unable to perceive Tymon beneath his cloak or unconcerned with his presence as he stared and froze in panic. After a long, terrifying minute the watch let out a chime and it spoke in a soft, pleasant voice.

“You are quite difficult to find, ghost-child. Before your spirits gaze I swear not to harm you, but I hope you will not force me through this effort again.”

Trying to remain calm, he circled around it, trying to see if there were any other soldiers. Eventually, satisfied to find no footprints or hidden men, he responded, speaking from the mouth of a bird perched above her.

“What do you want, then? You’re one of them, aren’t you? The soldiers who destroyed my home?”

It sounded genuinely sorrowful as it replied. “That should not have happened. My peer was here as a mercenary, a role which does not agree with them. They were needlessly harsh, in the interests of haste, and the marines followed their example as well as their commands.”

“Then, what, you’re here to say you’re sorry? Offer to build me a new house? I swear I won’t accept an-”

“Please listen before you speak rashly child. I am not here to offer empty words or simple blood money. Might you here my offer, before you reject it? If you do, then I will accept your answer, should you desire, leave you be.”

“...alright, fine. Talk.”

“Your family is fascinating. Five generations of power and worth carefully gathered, every action judged, the petty gods of nature whispering in your ear, whatever life you wished to have forgotten under the duty you inherit. It’s a great burden, for someone so young. And it will not grow any easier – the island’s new princes are brutes, liars and cheats. You could resist them, and see your family suffer, or serve them, and forsake every fragment of purpose within you.”

“My family? Who do you mean? Have you done anything to them?”

It smiled, slightly. “Yes. One hundred thirty-eight potential heirs, although beyond the first dozen they are wholly unprepared and would despoil your inheritance quite quickly. And absolutely nothing, beyond identifying them. I would like to help them, offer them new lives with warm homes, food and medicine, and the assurance that they will never have to worry about being hunted down. But for that, you will have to come with me first. You will do good on a grander scale, and in return none of them will ever want for safety or comfort. Would you not at least consider the deal?”

It paused then, waiting for a response. Tymon didn’t have one. After a silent eternity, it closed the pocket watch and gave a slight shrug. “I will return at this time tomorrow. I hope you will be here.”

It walked out of the tree’s canopy and stood in the sunlight, took a deep breath and looked directly at the sun. And then it was gone.

Tymon spent the next day and night performing every augury who could think of – it had never been a talent of his, truthfully. But the answers were all resoundingly clear. When the soldier in white returned the next day, he was waiting for it.


Three months latter, and the people who had once been Itireae and Tymon were ready.

The ritual was not exactly difficult – it did not take a great deal of power, and could theoretically be performed anywhere. But it was exceedingly intricate and precise. Hira stood before the two kneeling inductees, both dressed in the dull grey robe and bright red fez of a Janissary without official rank. The room they stood in had, minutes before, been almost claustrophobic. But as the seven layers of exactingly drawn circles on the floor began to glow and turn in time with some grand cosmic clockwork, the walls and ceiling faded away. They were outside, and the night sky was bright and full of stars – though the constellations were foreign to them, and the light cold and alien.

“Do you forsake inheritance and legacy, kith and kin, family and tribe? Do you forswear all covenants you have made, and revile all those who would demand your loyalty by love or affection?”

The two answered at once “I do.”

“Do you pledge yourselves to the service of Principle, to the creation of a rational and compassionate world, and the interests of the Esheri Republic, selflessly and without expectation of or right to comfort, safety or power?”

“I do.”

“Do you accept your role as the agents of history, and that you will be called to use and expend yourselves as necessity requires, without regard for you own selfish wants or particular affections, and will die and be forgotten with no memorial but the world you will help create?”

Again they replied “I do”. As they did, the alien starlight seemed to solidly around them, pouring down their throats as they spoke, marking them indelibly.

Hira smiled widely, opening her arms in welcome as she spoke “Then rise, Avra and Erem, and join us in engineering paradise.”


Morale 7, Reputation 5

77 – The Phoenix Voice,

I’m glad you find the proposal sound as well. Especially with the calamity that has befallen the nephilim who might otherwise have occupied the horde.

I have had one of my more legalistic colleagues draw up this draft. If it sounds agreeable, a joint public announcement of the signing seems the best way to go about making it clear to the world? If you wish to make any amendments, please do say.

And the treaty does need some sort of name, I’m told. Any suggestions?

1. The Red Aurora College and the Esheri Republic commit to defending each other’s integrity, both territorial, economic, and political, against the attack of any other great power, whether overt or otherwise.
2. If any power declares war on either of the signatories, the other will be obligated to immediately declare war on them as well, and prosecute the war in good faith, until victory or a negotiated compromise have been achieved.
3. If proof is provided that one of the signatories has been the target of an attack by a nation which has not declared war on them, then if the wounded signatory wishes to retaliate, the other signature will be obligated to declare war as well (and prosecute it as per the previous article).
4. If both parties agree that another nation is a threat to peace or to their independence, then by mutual consensus they can as a preventative measure declare war jointly and coordinate their offensive efforts towards the achievement of agreed upon war goals.
5. In the unfortunate and unlikely event that other treaty obligations leave signatories on opposing sides of a wider war, they agree to treat each other with strict and friendly neutrality, and not undertake any offensive actions toward each other’s assets, or provide material aid to other nations doing the same.

May your eyes ever be unclouded,
-Academic Cahit, Committee on Applied Metaphysics, Esheri Republic

Trade beyond the payment of your currently owing debt, which I’m sure will happen regardless?

But yes, out military might be occupied saving the savages out west before they get trampled to death by a centaur or literally dragged to hell, but anything else is absolutely open for negotiation (And even that is, really, but you’ll have to make an excellent offer).

In terms of what we could use – well, soldiers, if you have any to spare, but assuming not than whatever backstabbing sneaks and professional liars you do have. Though I’ll at least listen to whatever you can offer.

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

To Massimo de Leuteum
I hope you found our dealings over the previous deal satisfactory? If Cahit and his attendants lived up to expectations, we’d be quite interested in working out a continuance, or a similar sort of deal, anyway. No real need for diplomats, but your freaks are a really excellent way to get the crowds to show up to public events.
Quite open to discussing different methods of payment, if you prefer. Cash is always an option, after all.
-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

To the Great Khan Artios Fellstrider,
You rebuffed our last attempt at embassy quite harshly, but I write hoping you might receive this in a more peaceable mood.
The collapse of the Nephilim empire has left Vhasi’s central desert suffering from a power vacuum. I write fully understanding that you intend to fill it, hoping you might enlighten us on precisely where you intend to ride. There are more worthy foes for you to trample, I am sure, and I would hate for our armies to accidentally meet.
We would prefer to march north and secure the eastern coast, leaving you the more natural environment of the desert itself, but that is certainly open to compromise.
Peace and Reason,
Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

To whoever is in charge,
I asked, and I’m not allowed to sell anyone’s souls. Do you take credit notes?
-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

2020-11-20, 03:51 PM
Crystalheart Covenant

Grandmaster Isla Moray stepped off her boat, creaking as always and charred slightly from where Imperial fire arrows had struck the side, only to be extinguished by the waves of the seas. Evacuating people had been their top priority and in the weeks since the fall of the Dawnstone Vale and Port Adamis, she was still focused on smuggling as many out as she could. Sometimes they were successful, other times they were not. Tonight had been successful.

The Nereid definitely felt that she was more gray in the hair than she had been just a few weeks ago, and was certain that new wrinkles and worked their way onto her face just as surely as the furrows of her brow had become near permanent. They had saved some more tonight, but that thought did her little comfort as she walked up to a large house, dark except for the flickering candlelight from behind the dining room's windows. She stepped in, not even taking the time to dry before seating herself at the table, the occasional drip of salt water staining the dark wood in front of her. "Have we assessed the damage?"

The members of the Circle of the Elements looked at each other. The flamekin warrior, Agni of the Ruby Flame, was by far the one that looked the least worn of the lot, but he was a far more practiced warrior than any of them. There was no fatigue in his eyes, only anger and determination. "Our warriors are ready, I'd say the cowards dared not face us, but their attack was meant to be effective and overwhelm. We were poorly positioned and are unaccustomed to holding a defense, but the Ruby Flame burns brightest in adversity."

To his side, a human-looking woman of immense stature. Seated cross-legged on the floor next to them all, she towered over them, and her hair was in dreadlocks which were then braided behind her. Isla couldn't see it, but she knew the woman had a prosthetic leg from her left knee down. The Grandmaster of the Amethyst Forge was a half-giant, named Yjona spoke up next. "It's good that we expanded, we lost some resources yes, but it was not all concentrated in Port Adamis when it fell and much of it can be moved. The Forge suffered no losses aside from time."

A man with all the height of a short human, the proportional width of a dwarf and the pointed, tapered ears of an elf stroked a beard tangled with what looked to be leaves and twigs with one hand, as the other was held in a sling and bandaged. A reminder that not every evacuation attempt was successful in full. Isla tilted her head at the Grandmaster of the Emerald Eye. "Anything Calimus?"

The half-elf/dwarf sighed. "Very little unfortunately. Little Ixtal-lin was slain around the time of the attack, but whether it was by the Empire's hand or not, isn't clear. They took no time in desecrating the body and parading his head on a pike." They shook their head and then continued. "No sign of Rolf either, but he cuts a fine figure so they'd have paraded him for all to see as well, so he's gone to ground somewhere. Chin up, lass." Isla pulled herself up. She was perhaps closest to the missing Grandmaster of the Garnet Moon, but it hadn't been any sense of defeat like she believed Calimus thought it was. No, it was just general fatigue. She needed sleep. They all did, except maybe Agni.

At the far end of the table, there was a flurry of feathers and parchment that hadn't stopped since she had entered, the only other really source of noise in the room. A harpy with tawny wings and hair against pale skin was performing a delicate balancing act, using one claw to remain perched on the back of their chair and the other clutching a quill that was scribbling on them. Deidrana, the Guildmaster of the Topaz Fang spoke without looking at the rest of the table. "People will need to be informed. Scouts and adventurer's recalled, though I fear we might be getting a bit low on those. Gonna drum up some recruitment. Put up posters, flyers!" Isla winced. If that's what the harpy was doing, it wasn't going to end well. Her handwriting was simply attrocious.

"We'll delegate that out, figure out what appeals for aid will work best. Calimus, call for Herne when you can, Agni and him need to coordinate." Isla looked ahead into the next room, where a small, blonde girl could be seen curled up and sleeping on a chair, covered by blankets. "We'll also deal with that in the morning." Everyone in the room knew what she meant and even the fluttering harpy stopped for three whole seconds while they all turned their heads to look at the small, sleeping human girl. What a time for the return of the Peridot Breath.

MOR 10

Esteemed neighbor,

We come to you with a request for aid. The cowardly "Celestial" Empire over-reaches, making no moves for the territory they claimed and striking at places unrelated to the conflict. As men and women of faith, surely you would feel the same if someone took your sacred sites, and surely you would do anything to get them back. In the face of such unbridled aggression, it is plain they have no intention of peacefully sharing this continent. We are making preparations to cut off the Imperial forces occupying the Dawnstone Vale (39), but we have no need or desire for more territory on Xihou than we already had. We aim to coordinate an attack with your people.

We will strike at 36, and wish for your help in this endeavor in order to bring peace and security to our home, which we cannot have while Imperial aggression lays to the north. We are not warmongers, and so we will renounce any claim for the territory, though we do request access to it only for staging any further joint attacks further into Imperial territory if such is necessary in order to disable their ability to wage war and force them away. We will be willing to pay 1 stat per turn after taking 36 for the rest of the game as well if it will sweeten the deal.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements


We had not been clear enough after messaging you three times saying that we were intending to take it. Both of us have suffered terrible losses as a consequence of this and we understand far too well that animosity is not easily given up once it has begun. It is the tale of our people's past, and why until these past year we were nomads.

The "Celestial" Empire however cares not for the sanctity of our people, and rather than take what territory they laid claim to now lay claim to our most holy of sites, and laughably demand that they recieve all of what is contained within for their people to gawk at and gloat in their victory. Our ambitions to build a beacon that may guide our people must be abandoned, and with that our "need" for 39. We will give you the territory freely, and the 3 stats upfront this turn like you had requested, after the war with the Empire has subsided. Lives have been lost in this unintended conflict, and while nothing can bring them back, we can make way so that such things do not happen again.

The core of our territory will forever be the Dawnstone Vale(37), The Diamondback Highlands(71), and Zange(38). Our ambition for territory ends there with the renunciation of the Cobalt Cape(39). More than that will be held temporarily as we move onwards to disable the Empire's means of waging war with us. We must stop the Empire's dishonorable practice of war.

May whatever power you follow grant you fortune,
The Circle of Elements.

To the captains of the fleet,

We are not neighbors, and indeed we realize that you likely have little interest in us since we have avoided the deeper waters since our arrival here in Hanrui. We seek to speak with you about current events, and to try and to use our nation as an example. The Imperial Warmongers have no honor. When they laid claim to the highlands, they avoided them completely and struck instead at a place of worship. Their laughable demands for "peace" include then looting that same holy site for their own treasury, or bankrupting us of all of our economy and then some. Such a life is slavery, like they do to our citizens who were not slain or able to flee.

If they will do such things for a single territory, they will not stop at that. We realize you may not have stake in a larger landmass like Xihou rather than the isles on the open seas, but the same is not true the other way around. We plan to cut off the Imperial forces in the Dawnstone Vale(37), and would request that you use your fleets to raid or blockade the Empire. Such an offer is not made without due payment, and for each turn that you do so we will be willing to pay 1 stat and you shall have of course full access to anything that you obtain from the Empire with such a blockade.

May the wind be ever in your sails,
The Circle of Elements

Greetings Lady Salandra Greydane,

We have not had much in the way of communications, and have rarely interacted in the year since our people's arrival. However, we must reach out to all those we can in times of dire aid. The "Celestial" Empire is a group of cowardly warmongers, who claim one thing while seeking only our complete excision from Xihou. For what other reason would they attack an unrelated province with not a single soldier moving to claim the territory they want? For what reason would their peace demands be either putting a price that cannot be payed, or to make the very heart of our Covenant their plaything to be put on display and gloated over? These things are unacceptable.

While having ample reason to seek revenge in wiping them off of the maps of Hanrui, our people practice tolerance, and we do not seek to be warmongering aggressors ourselves. We seek to coordinate attacks to disrupt their ability to wage war and bring peace back to Xihou. While these battles on our shores are distant to you no doubt, they affect the balance of the region, a notion of which we understand is your utmost priority. As such, we seek any humanitarian aid you are willing to provide for our temporarily displaced citizens. After the war has come to a conclusion, we will repay you in any manner we are able.

Many thanks,
The Circle of Elements

In the following weeks a variety of letters and proclamations arrive in cities with variations of the following:

"Men, Women, and Peoples of Honor,

The Crystalheart Covenant seeks those of able body or skillful ability in the war against the Deceitful Empire, who dream more of plundering locations of holy import and demanding gold that doesn't exist from a poor and humble country, than in conducting an honorable war. When they were offered Trade, they instead chose a Sword. When they claimed territory that was never theirs, they ignored it in order to strike at civilians, parading the decapitated bodies of librarians and merchants around the street. Traders, mercenaries, adventurers, all are welcome to join us and aid in sending the Empire back North of the mountains! They hold only contempt for their fellow Man, and will not stop their conquest until they are stopped!

Those interested in providing aid, seek out the harpy Deidrana and the Nereid Isla Moray in Zange

Your terms are untenable. They are neither a price payable or a price our people would be willing to pay. You also claimed 71 saying that they needed to be "liberated" and not a single soul left for your Empire. No person is kept in the Covenant against their will. You then attacked our most holy of sites, and demand that we give you what is contained within so that you make gawk at it in your capital? You are lucky your messenger returned with his head. We are not a people prone to violence, though we are capable of it to defend ourselves. The dragon that guided and protected us may not have breathed on this mortal world in the last century, but his power is bequeathed into every single member of our peoples.

Should we pay a visit to your capital? Behead the people you hold dear and parade it in your city? You would scream at the congress like a wounded beast, begging for aid and decrying us as villains if our roles were reversed.

Corundynir's wrath will find you.

The letter also contains the second missive torn up inside it.

Lord Athos
2020-11-21, 02:05 AM
The Silverhammer Protectorate

To the most esteemed Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void, and the most esteemed 77 - The Phoenix Voice,

you speak Truth, Captain Aslund. It is a wise proposal, and it is only right that we announce the Formation of this August League of the West to the rest of the world. Glory to the League!

Know that there are some Runesmiths amongst our people who are proficient in carving weather runes. They will be under your command this coming season - and we would be honoured to have your skalds to sing of your sagas in our halls!

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual Strength,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

I can do 2 Mag for 2 Rep, that sounds good, and I can provide the other Adventurer for the route.

I`m open concerning the names for our alliance, though I think "League" has a nice ring to it.

To the most esteemed Oppam, Mouth of Khalos,

Of course, we are happy to continue our trading partnership. However, we cannot yet state what ressources we will be in need of this season until after our rangers return from the depths.
We are probably in need of services to improve our standing in the other courts (Rep), however, we will reach out to you once it is decided.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual advancement,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

To the esteemed Summer Court of Flaying Sands,

We agree that the Ironhoof is a danger to the lawful realms of cursed Hanrui. We already watch their progress with concern. If they dare to attack you, you may call on us.
Our duty is first and foremost to our formal allies, but if there are no more pressing matters, assistance may be granted.

Glory to the Flame,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

To the most esteemed Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven

Know that your great civility and tact is appreciated. We congratulate the Celestial Empire on the successful first strike at the Convenant, and wish you good fortune in your endeavour.
If you are in need of wares to support your campaign, know that we are open to trade.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual advancement,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

To the most esteemed representatives of the Grand Collection of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside Under the Administration of the Great Council of Elders, Colony of the Exceptional Alliance of Free Hobbits Administrated by the Parliament of Duly Elected Officials,

We have become neighbors, and thus it is time to make contact.
Welcome to Hanrui, the land of false prophecy.
Know that we have heard a great many things about you and yours, and we are convinced that you will leave your mark on these cursed lands before they sink back beneith the waves.
We wish you luck in your endeavors.

Glory to the Flame,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

2020-11-21, 10:44 AM

Good Evening, at least when this letter is being penned.

We understand your apprehension at selling the rights to territories before understanding what is inside, its disappointing to those of us who need the wares now, but it's understandable. Please keep in mind that we were never attempting to swindle, as we don't know the value of the territories either.

If you would prefer we can make a conditional offer on the territory. [10 Stat Points] for initial capture, if the territory has a dungeon, an additional [5 stat points] would be headed your way. We feel as if this is more than a fair trade considering you wouldn't need to expend resources finding the Dungeon within those lands.

Let us know if this deal interests you,

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos.

Welcome to the surface fellow non-mortals,

I am Khalos, one of the ancient guardians of Hanrui, a monster from the time before Hnarui first tasted the salt of the sea. Due to magical meddling, I have become one of the economic empires of this land and I believe that our resources could be a powerful asset if combined and used to support one another financially.

Unfortunately, I do not have a soul, but the Guild contains adventures eager to sell themselves to gain power as a Warlock, we may be able to reach an agreement.

Dio, Head of Khalos

I think building and selling you a VIP counts as selling as a soul? I don't know the stat spread for the Bank, but I likely have access to stats that they don't for VIP making.

The Guild is offering to build and send a VIP to the Nine-Layered Bank (or one of our three ECO Vips) for 'good prices' whatever those are.


Word has reached our shores or your incredible deeds on the battlefield and stalwart honour. Though you may have emerged on the world stage with low repute, that was clearly a misjudgement by the nations of the world, The Guild included.

We are writing to let you know that you have been officially added to the list of approved trade partners for travelling merchants of the guilds. You should expect some of our travellers to be arriving in your lands soon.

Additionally, as part of this we would be interested in seeing our nations work together to assist in one another's projects. There are some resources that the Guild lacks, like a proper spy network, which is why we do not know what you lack.

If there is anything the Guild can provide, we are sure we can come to amicable terms.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

We have heard your call for aid, but the Khalos Guild are traders, not men and women of charity. We come with two offers;

1. As a sign of good faith, if you construct a path between our nations, Khalos will trade any resources 1:1 to you, so that you may have optimal stats for combat. Our only exception is our adventuring, which will be used during the season and won't be available during marching months. If you would prefer, we can construct the path, but we would require better value on the trade as adventuring is our most important resource.

2. The Khalos Guild is prepared to purchase rights to any dungeons located in the capital holy city of the Covenant, pre-paying this season to ensure that you have power to assist in recapturing the Capital or have more leverage with the Empire. We are prepared to offer ECO, MOR, or REP for access to the Dungeon (unfortunately we don't have a proper amount of MIL to offer). Let us know your price and we can negotiate.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos

Esteemed Fey, The Guild Writes to All of You at Once

The actions across the sea bode ill for the coming years. Should the Empire run free on their landmass, they will surely turn their eyes eastward to our shared lands, and considering the threats already in the Ocean, I believe it's critical that the Guild and Fey combine our power to help destroy the Empire, or at least cripple them.

Once that Khalos Guild enters dungeons this season, we are prepared to provide any magical power we find to the Courts, on the consideration that it will be used as part of a ranged strike against the Empire. We would also be prepared to offer our limited spy networks to help cover-up that you made the strike, protecting your reputation.

Let us know your thoughts,

Alune, Mouth of Khalos

Sailors of the Clan,

The Guild Writes with a request, Dungeons are the lifeblood of our exports and imports, and given our ascension to the world stage we have quickly begun to complete and empty the bounty of Hanrui's dangerous dungeons, and unfortunately, our expansion has left us without an adequate number of Dungeons to work with.

We would request access to your dungeons for a fee. We would be able to provide raw materials (ECON) that your nation could use to raise any resource you wanted in return for access, but the Guild requires 2 pieces of information:

1. How many floors of the dungeon have been cleared?

2. What is your price?

The Guild has increased interest in floors 10 and 20 of any given dungeon.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

Our books are similarly up in the air until our adventurers have returned from the depths. We shall write.

2020-11-21, 11:39 AM
The Four Courts of Hanrui

All messages sent at Morale 11.

The message is a large, bomb-like package, which alarms those who first receive it. When opened, a thousand chains slink and rattle, sounding out the following message. Those familiar with the Fae would recognize the craftsmanship of Spring and Summer combined.

Perhaps we misjudged you in seasons past. Should you wish to open communications on a higher note, we would be willing to discuss possible trade or cooperation.

Your standing with the Autumn, Spring, Summer, and Winter Courts has increased. You may yet win the favour of any of the courts.

Got your rep up, so the courts like you more. Willing to open communications, for your magical or morale-related needs.

The message is found grown into the barnacles near one of the ports on [47].

Ah, we had misjudged you as an inconsequential, incendiary rabble. Instead, it seems your grand voyage has armed you with honeyed words as well as world-ships. Your words – and gift – are accepted. Tell us, Children of the Abyss, what do you seek?

Your standing with the Autumn Court has slightly increased. Your standing with the Winter, Summer, and Spring Courts has decreased. You may yet win the favour of any of the courts.

To our most esteemed neighbors to the north,

The Court of Autumn was pleased to receive your message. This arrangement is quite satisfactory; however, let us propose a counteroffer. Should you wish to secure the bid, we are prepared to add to your bid, in exchange for the return of the Infused and [1 MAG]. Should this come to pass, of course. The Spring Court, in their blustering naivety, is attempting to solicit support for that bid from more reputable nations, but it is in no way guaranteed.

Hail and well-met.

We are glad to see that you have claimed the territory that is yours – we hope you found more locations in which to delve within them than our Court did, this past season.

We would know your designs for the World Congress. Specifically, we would solicit your assistance with a particular bid, in exchange for favour in the future…

Considering your proposal, let us see how things progress. Your words are sensible, but to move all four courts is a drastic affair. We will consider.

Vote for the Jade Wizard, and we’ll support a proposal of your choice in the future, without hesitation. Got 10 votes – not as many as you do, but certainly well above the average.

See how much magic you get from your dungeon, and let’s see how midturn goes, and we’ll discuss. Not opposed to it, but my 16 MAG won’t do much damage with their MOR being as high as it is. Maybe you can get the Valence lodge on board.

Greetings, noble hobbits. The Court of Spring hails you, and congratulates you on your partnership with our neighbors. We have a proposal for you – use your considerable sway to support the Jade Wizard, and you will have our support in a proposal in the future. Even with the Legion of Balance, the combined votes of Jahakraum outweigh yours.

If you vote entirely in favour of the Jade Wizard VIP midturn event, we’ll support something of your choice in the future. Currently have 10 votes – not an insignificant amount. The other event is passing regardless, no need to throw away votes there.

A query was asked, in seasons past, by your emissaries. Baem seeks expansion, to the isle near our shores. At the time, the Winter Court cared not for the outcome. Now, they have thrown in their lot with the Celestial Empire. We would not have them on Jahalkraum. Deny them, and we will support your sovereign claim over that isle.

We would prefer if it remained anonymous, but yes, now against having Clan Baem on 53, seeing as they’ve joined the war against the Covenant. Presuming their ESP isn’t high enough to read this anyway :P.

What would you say to those without souls? Fire and ambition sings a song that we cannot resist.

Just saying hi, seeing what's going on with the bank and opening communications.

Vrock Bait
2020-11-22, 12:27 AM
Celestial Empire of Longshan

The mood in the air at the former bandit fortress of Helan was rather jubilant, even if not celebratory. For the three generals dining there, rice wine had been prepared along with a large roast fish and assorted vegetables. Xiahuang Ling has ordered her family’s old guzheng out of storage from the capital for the occasion.

“And that was a song taught to me by my village’s Elder Zhou,” Li Jie said nonchalantly, after having strummed up the musical equivalent of a storm. “It’s said to be the melody of crickets chirping at midnight.”

“Crickets? Really? Lanzhong, that must have been a thousand crickets,” Xiahuang Ling grabbed another chunk of fish from the platter. “That kind of population nearby, no wonder Elder Zhou was awake at midnight.”

“Ha, after that kind of comment, you really must show your own prowess,” Li Jie smirked and walked back to the table.

The Lady Xiahuang raised her chopsticks defensively. “Woah, no offense intended. I haven’t touched one of these since I was seventeen.” She gestured at Han Lu. “Buoren, you should go.”

“No need, Lanzhong can play another,” The commander said, biting into a shrimp.

“Come on, Buoren,” Xiahuang said, “We can take turns after you, you can hear me torturing the poor instrument.”

Han Lu sighed, “fine.”

He sat behind the guzheng and placed his fingers, covered in calluses from riding onto the strings. Surprisingly, a rather dignified, ethereal tune flowed out, dynamic and graceful like the wind.

“So, Lanzhong, how are things in the Crystalheart capital?” Xiahuang Ling asked, blowing lightly at a chunk of sweet potato.

“General Zhao was mostly building morale with the troops,” Li Jie said, “Master Songsun has been trying to organize expeditions into their dragon-god’s lair all spring. He tried tunneling straight to the end, but the structure itself was made of some kind of weird stone. We had it sent to his wife to check out.”

“Imperial sorcerers still ants below the eyes of children, then? They’re surrounded by Lady Lu, Lady Pei, Dowager Shang, my aunts…”

“Yeah, apparently they’re all mad we didn’t bring them along for the campaigns this time. Like they did anything last time, all I remember them contributing was pestering me about the bad star signs.”

Han Lu abruptly finished, leaving a high note in the air. Xiahuang Ling shrugged and took his place, beginning a hearty and bucolic, if piecemeal song on the instrument.

“That’s why among my mother’s people,” Han Lu said, “We select shamans with care. We don’t just pick up any religious nut who wanders out of the mountains after seven years without a bath.”

“I wouldn’t know,” Xiahuang Ling said. “All the bandit sorcerers I met hated me so I just killed or exiled them when I took over. The way I see it, the current type of sorcerer is the problem.”

“Well then,” Li Jie said, “It might be time to think about upgrading.”

Morale 8

Greetings to the great Guild of Khalos,

It will please you to know that no extermination efforts regarding the sorcery contained within have been undertaken by local administrators. The demons dwelling inside the city simply do not threaten the local countryside, so there has really been no motive to retake the former capital. The vast majority of bandit artifacts remain intact.

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven, Lord of Longshan, Defender of the Dragon Mountains

Greetings to the noble Lord Protector Silverhammer,

Your honor and judge of character is much appreciated in turn. My people would indeed be very amicable to mutual trade, though I fear governmental resources may be limited this season because of the war. We do appreciate your purposeful ignorance of the Covenant’s crocodile tears, and I do look forward to sharing some of their treasures with your people at war’s end.

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven, Lord of Longshan, Defender of the Dragon Mountains

Greetings once again to the First Captain and Speaker Aslund,

We have been strengthening bonds with the Khalosian and Baem states to our east. For now, we will be allying ourselves with Idol’s End in destroying the Covenant, since they have refused surrender. There may yet be a falling out, but I do not see it coming soon.

The Lord Protector and the Phoenix Voice continue to hold our respect.

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven, Lord of Longshan, Defender of the Dragon Mountains

The scholars at the Palace District Museum send their thanks.

You should find the items they don’t choose to take on the black market within a year. Do savor the irony of your religious treasures funding the campaign against you.

2020-11-22, 02:51 PM
The Red Aurora College

Morale 7


The Silverhammer Protectorate, Elda Hafnar
This seems a sensible alliance to make, our interest conflicts little with regards to territorial expansion. And we are each very capable in our own fields of specialization. Do either of your nations have a goal for this alliance beyond simple mutual defense? Working together on a shared goal could grant us great advantage if we can find one.

I for one look to the Ironhoof Khanate. They pose a dire threat to the Clockwork Republic, with whom I am working together with to forge a defensive pact. And while I doubt they would attack the First Hill Collection for fear of international retaliation, they may have gathered enough military power from their conquests of the southern coast to render these fears moot. I am unsure what exactly is the best course of action to confront this threat, but I would like to put it forward as a potential project for our alliance. Their lands are no less rich than any others, and a swift and decisive blow could prevent their long term threat while also enriching all of our factions.

Perhaps we should meet in person to speak further?

Best Regards
77 - The Phoenix Voice
OOC: I’m open to naming options, I like league as well, though ‘Western League’ might be a tad generic.

The Clockwork Republic
Academic Cahit,
A fair and even treaty. I will sign it. How have negotiations with the Khanate faired? I would prefer to know ahead of time if our alliance will be called upon this year.

I jest of course, we would come to your aid regardless. But my question stands, as they are currently by far the biggest threat to my nation and probably yours as well.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Valence Lodge
Master de Leuteum,
Perhaps our deal will wait then, as I have no projects with which to currently use extra espionage. Out of curiosity, what would your asking price be for military assistance in the coming season? Though it pains me, Hanrui is a troubled land, and swords remain in higher demand than pens.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

2020-11-22, 03:14 PM
Legion of Balance
Mor 8

Greetings Lords of the Wild,

This is good to hear. However we have already stated to the Clan that they must gather the support of two nations here before we would allow them to settle there. So all that must be done is a simple withholding of support on your part and encouraging the others to do so.

Lady Greydane


We do believe that the actions of the Empire endanger the balance of power in Hanrui, however slightly. Our response shall follow as such, a slight response to their actions to make a targeted point.

We care not for the single territory or capital, we must see a larger picture in terms of nations, blocs of power, and the ending of powers. We will send no aid the Covenant while we have to prepare for larger concerns.


We thank you for your offer. We do indeed have several lairs in our lands that need more handling then we can offer. We would welcome your adventurers to aid in the slaying of those monsters.

We would ask that certain things such as ancient tomes of lore(xp), any items geared to the subtle (Esp Items), and any ancient artifacts related to similar magics (Esp or subterfuge based artifacts) be given to us on unearthing.

If none are unearthed then a simple bit of gold (1 Econ) per 3 floors cleared.

Lady Greydane


As we said we would only release our claims on the island if two of our neighbors messaged us that they were okay with your presence. Have them message us this season.

Lady Greydane

Khanate of the Ironhoof
Mor 11


We thank you for the courtesy you show to the warherds and their might. We have little interest in the desert for the most part. We may take a single piece of it across from our plains but for the most part we now look for more worthy opponents then lonely villages and bandit Lords.

9 Layered Bank
Mor 4


Do not worry! We offer special packages for immortal beings, already soulless mortals, and soulless abominations. We accept time served in the future, souls in your possession you can trade, or dark and eldritch powers.

We understand that filthy lucre is quite the draw to those of the mortal plane and so have a great stock we are willing to deal for. Let us know if you are interested!


No soul, no problem. They are open go trades beyond just an exchange. Payment plans and multiple turn trades are all options.

Greetings Mighty Devourer,

We at the Nine Layered Bank are honored to make the acquaintance of one of the ancients of this world. Do not worry! We offer special packages for immortal beings, already soulless mortals, and soulless abominations. We accept time served in the future, souls in your possession you can trade, or dark and eldritch powers.

So trading us one your slaves valuable followers would be a very desirable deal. However we take other things in return, repayment in dark powers or more filthy lucre to lure mortals to their demise give even better loans in the future! For your valuable follower we would offer several chests of gold and gems!


No soul, no problem. They are open go trades beyond just an exchange. Payment plans and multiple turn trades are all options.
They would be very interested in your VIP offer though, offering either 8 Econ straight up or 10 Econ payed over 4 turns.


Do not worry! We offer special packages for immortal beings, already soulless mortals, and soulless abominations. Also those who are too attached to their puny souls to trade them. We accept time served in the future, souls in your possession you can trade, more filthy lucre, or dark and eldritch powers.

We understand that filthy lucre is quite the draw to those of the mortal plane and so have a great stock we are willing to deal for. Let us know if you are interested!


No soul, no problem. They are open go trades beyond just an exchange. Payment plans and multiple turn trades are all options. Econ is their main thing to trade but everything is for sale at the 9 layered bank.

2020-11-22, 04:20 PM
"Clan Baem"

Morale 3:


Clan Baem will bid all their votes (currently numering 5, but set to increase) in the world congress, for an ammount of time extending to either: The winning bidder's inhability to work as a proper colony, guild, etc or the disbanding of the world congress itself. This for but a one time payment in raw materials, work force or other assets, that will start the bid at the pathetic price of [3 econ], Irregular payment offers will be heard.

note that this means for every turn this applies it'll be one less out of the 7 trades for votes you are supposed to get for a win condition.

To the glorious Emperor Xisun, lord of the heavens,

Thank your for being so considerate about our plight, if we can't come to an agreement with words, you are allowed to send as many men as you find strategically feasible, as long as they are under nominal Clan Baem command* (your officers will still run it, being seasoned veterans, but you understand how important the difference is for the common man). Hopefully we can end this conflict without much more blood spilled.

-Favour with the dice, Clan Baem.

So more like borrowing the mil.

Greetings Lady Moira de Leuteum,

A pleasure doing business with you last season, we hope Dania is adapting properly to work within the lodge and hasn't caused too much trouble.

We have many things to talk about so lets begin with the deal: do you know what elements you'll be able to spare for us yet? we have a preference for "workers" over diplomats, but we agreed to a split on your terms. Also, as we mentioned before, our similarities just keep appearing as our plans seem to align, I don't suppose we can work out who will shelter the jade wizard and their kin, without levelling the land with a display of magic to impress them, as if common beasts looking to mate?

-Pleasing thoughts, Clan Baem.

PS: if you could remind the Legion of Balance that you would rather have us on the continent that away from it that'll be great, they seem to have forgotten.

to Hjordis ys Orvar, Captain of Khombriss Depths,

If you do something do it well? we can see eye to eye/to eyes on that, the deal is acceptable as is, though given the ammount of attention demanded of our Clan this season, we may not be able to spare enough pathfinders to meet your demand.

-May the waves treat you kindly, Clan Baem.

Deal sounds good, but there is the possible war (which may end up the reason for this deal), a bunch of other deals in the making and the midturn, so I'll have to put a pin on the answer for now and get back to you when I'm a bit more sure about my game plan.

Yes yes don't worry, of course it'll happen, though depending on our interests this turn we may need to work out an interest plan for it.

oh yes, we have heard of some of your protection efforts, excellent work by the way, hopefully some of it was inspired by our own "workers" that you borrowed way back.

Is not your troops we need right now, instead we figured since the "titans of industry" have so much money to throw around you may like to throw some our way, Specially if wanting enough for soldiers to take what youcan charitably call irregular line troops, more likely that our deal is for the usual professional liars either of the honest kind or diplomats.

-Good pickings until you find another neighbour, Clan Baem.

Still too early in the turn to decide on a specific deal, but most likely will be able to spare enough Esp for something, Rep also on the market if you want some.

Circle of elements,

three? we dear you to find two of the previous season's messages dealing with the territorial matter as a claimant, instead of glossing over it while implying agreement as the last one did.

Ugly then, that both of us who were exiled before to find a new path here ended up coming to blows and may not cease to do so.

We can't simply settle on the honouring of past deals, forgiveness can work in paper for small numbers who all agree, but not for those who need their strength recognized amongst peers, and even less now that so much of the Clan just wants blood for blood, including those who joined the all-chief by your swords; the rest is trying to see if the glimmer of gold can calm them down.

- The will to keep going, as we have done for long, Clan Baem.

I'm gonna need a little more as far as stats go, specially if I'm getting them one turn late, willing to hear offers.

Our commitment to aiding the lords of the seasons in the case of an attack from the south remains strong, could you please reming the legion of your support for our claim on [35] which such actions would benefit from?

Most esteemed Khalos, master of the guild, who looms over those who loom,

When I arrived such a proposition would be unthinkable, but as our adventurers have been more and more needed for pathfinding and such work seems to scarcely be letting up as the seasons go I'm willing to hear your counter offer to the options we adapted from a similar deal some other power made:

1) [1 econ] for every 2 depths you reach rounded down with no extra fees (so 11 is the same as 12) and you get to keep everything you find.
2) [1 econ] for every 3 depths rounded down, artifacts are to be offered at a reduced fee of [use of 4 stats, which to be negotiated at the time of sale] to me, but the clan can fail to provide the funds, in which case you keep it.
3) [1 econ] for every 4 depths rounded down, artifacts, lone hermits and books (I.E: anything giving Exp) are to be delivered to the clan. (Due to the importance of Familiar falls this is the only option we can offer for it)

In all of them we'd be shouldering the creation of a trade route half and half, unless you ask the Valence lodge to let you through our personal trade route. Our sites of interest would be familiar falls (6/20 cleared) and Syren's hideout (0/20).

PS: remember this is an initial offer, I'm not a stateman and have more money to spend on the usual that I know what to do with, so do tell me if I'm robbing myself, and if I'm only robbing you please refrain from cursing my absent parents in your reply.

PS 2: For smooth dealing, could you please tell the legion of balance how lovely it'll be to have Clan Baem on island [35]?

PS 3: I used to run a little soul trade back home, may offer you a better deal that the bank if you want to throw it on the table.

-Big fan of your work, Captain Dae Baem.


on it, again.

-Extreme sensations, Clan Baem.

to the Jade wizard and its following,

From group of mages to another, we sincerely hope the world congress allows you to seek learning within Hanrui and that you have an easy voyage if so.

-a Sharp mind and nimble fingers, Clan Baem.

2020-11-22, 04:35 PM
The Red Aurora College

Morale 7

Clan Baem
A generous offer to be sure, allow us to put in our transmuted gold [3 eco paid at end turn] in exchange for your word in world congress.

77 - The Phoenix Voice

2020-11-22, 06:29 PM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

Morale 10

Voice of the Phoenix and Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer,

Very well. At the next summit, we should announce our alliance of western powers committed to defending our lands and seas from outer incursions. My daughter Hilde has expressed a will to do this, though I think such words might be better absorbed coming from either of your camps.

The goals of the Fleet are conquest and wealth, pure and simple. The Ironhoof pose a challenging threat, but are not insurmountable on their own. We will see whether the winds blow our ships into their inlets. When the time is right, the Elda will be taking some of the southern shores - it is my hope that when that day comes, you will be by our side with spell and steel.

Might there be an inroads here to weakening them before any raiding party touches their shores? Or perhaps even stealing away some of their hordes via magic?

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void

I like 'The August League of the West' but my people will call it 'Vestur Halda', which translates roughly to 'Westhold' in Icelandic. Feel free to use that name if you prefer; I think both sound pretty cool.

Trade-wise, I'm open to building a channel between [28] and [30] during this Midturn. I'm happy to get 2 MAG for 2 REP.

And although their MOR is super high, I'm very okay with a big joint MAG, ESP, and ADV stat attack to steal a whole bunch of the Khanate's MIL, though it would have to be next turn on my end. I figure that between the three of us, we can muster up a fair bit of stats to sap their MIL strength dry and divvy up those sweet sweet stat points amongst ourselves? The stat theft ratio is double that of damage, so it's 4:1 after MOR with the 'efficient' attack stats.
Members of the Clan of Baem,

Very well, your reluctance is noted. Our offer will not last forever, but we are willing to entertain your time. For now, the Fleet is sending envoy ships through the Reverent Span to establish a trade route to your settlement. You should our ship halfway, and we will set up markers to our new port on Skerandre.

ᚺᛃᛟᚱᛞᛁᛋ ᛃᛋ oᚱᚹᚨᚱ,
Hjordis ys Orvar, Captain of Khombriss Depths

I'm glad that you are on board with this trade. We can work out the exact numbers before EoT - if you can't spare more than a few ADV, we can work out a different deal - but I'm willing to put forward my 1 ADV on the Midturn to make the route between [28] and [49], our closest territories (I'm doing the same with other trading partners).
Princes of the Profane and Profligate,

Most are naught but breath on the wind, to beg of your favor. I do no such thing. Gifts and sweet words may open doors, but it is action that wins the heart.

For the second time, I bring the message: the Elda will come soon to seek a bargain struck. You will know the moment, for it will be an axe-time, a sword-time, where shields are sundered and the courage of men fails. Wind and wolf, wyrd and wail shall be heard before the mast.

Be prepared, for there will be no third missive. Only the deal remains.

ᚺᛁᛚᛞᛖ ᚨᛋᛚᚢᚾᛞᛋᛞᛟᛏᛏᛁᚱ
Hilde Aslundsdöttir, Hala's Chosen and Devourer of the Black Sacrament

2020-11-22, 07:25 PM
Valence Lodge-Morale 6

Most Esteemed Logicians of the Clockwork Republic,

Our Archymist found the assistance you have provided to be most valuable in the genesis of new figures. As cooperation between our nations has yielded considerable results in the past, We of the Lodge would be most open to trading with you again. We of the Lodge are pleased to know that our experimentation has provided you with the capability for expansion.

Fundamental Forces Guard you,
M. de Leuteum

Coin Counters of the Khalos Trade Guild,

No doubt your venerable leader is most familiar with the aeons of history consigned to the stratum of Hanrui upon which we tread. Undoubtedly they are away of the vast epochs underneath our feat. Indeed, surely your leader is informed of the fact We of the Lodge place a great emphasis on the exhumation of histories, assigning them their proper place within the structures and foundations which form the basis of life. To trade such knowledges for such a sum as the one you have proposed is, regrettably, difficult for the Lodge to commit to at this time. While you may find insult in this consider an example such as the one We now present to you: what price would you afford the segment of the Hanrui heart that you have discovered? To deny the Lodge an opportunity for finding such an organ for themselves is simply beyond the scope of any price either of our honoured organizations.

This is not to say that the Lodge would disapprove of such an exchange, merely that we wish to know what it is we truly possess for comitting to trading it away. Yet this presents a further problem in and of itself. All living things require territory to function, and We of the Lodge would count ourselves amongst such beings. Surely an individual as learned as the mighty Khalos has plans for problems such as overpopulation, one of the many issues that current stymies and afflicts Our Lodge. We shall progress towards the accord forged. Until such a time as the goals of previous agreement are met, please refrain from fielding such further discussions.

Too low, you would have to make up the potential value of a dungeon for me to agree, considering that there could be at least 20 floors of resources available on any dungeons discovered. I can see some solutions in terms of trade.
1) Once I actualy acquire the territory I'm interested in possibly selling off some floors.
2) Any sort of magical items already found by the Guild (the VIP increasing kind or artifact fragments that is) might be worth a dungeon to me pending what they are.
3) Presumably the Guild took advantage of the World Congress ratification last turn and created 3 more VIPs. Pending what stat they pertain to I maybe up for trading territory for 1 or 2 of them.
4) Pass the Jade Wizard World Congress bill and aid de Leuteum in securing the wizard's services.

Academics of the Aurora College,

A shame to arrive to such a conclusion, but one that we comprehend nonetheless. Regrettably, we suspect that the coming seasons will see the full might of our militaries brought to the fore of those surrounding territories already promised to de Leuteum. This is not to say that new military creations are entirely beyond the scope of Lodge creation, merely that they will be more expensive given that it will be their makers that will have need of them most.

Phoenix protect you,
M. de Leuteum

I would trade at 2:1 (econ/mag:mil) in the coming seasons, but would only be able to trade for stuff Im not already going to use for expansions.

Should amnesty come to pass for the Jade Wizard, the Lodge may yet find such a notion preferably to the hostility displayed by other nations with regards to the mage's personage. Know that for now we wait as Hanrui does.

Morale 5

Outsiders of Wealth and Taste,

It is oft said that the orbital shells from which We of the Lodge derive our namesake are ordered in a manner not dissimilar to the Nine Layers from which you take your title. However, having witnessed your arrival upon this plane of existence, it is clear to the Lodge that the truth of our Order and reason pales when compared alongside that of your own economists and sophistication. To that end, rather than foster competition between the Lodge and Layers of Excellence, We would propose instead a joint effort of mutualism that would see us both to profit. Hanrui is rich in resources and we would come to an accord over them, rather than competition or conflict.

To that end, the Lodge has heard rumours that your banking ventures are concerned with the acquisition of souls-a most venerable trade, one our empiricist have strived ever to derive value from. The previous season has seen the Lodge swollen to term with a multitude of souls you may find value in. We of the Lodge believe some sort of fair exchange may be found in the trading of such an individual form some of the rarer ingredients and reagents found within the biomes of your plane of existence.

May others remain ensorcelled by your coinage,
M. de Leuteum

I have a VIP I'm willing to sell trade to the Bank for some sweet sweet cheddar. Several VIPs in fact.

Sons and Daughters of Baem,

Your sister is acclimating to her new habitation methods & alterations. We calculate it will not be long before she belongs-that her proper niche within de Leuteum hierarchy is correctly defined. Now. To the pressing matters at hand.

As you now doubt have witnessed, we stand ready to welcome the Jade Wizard to de Leuteum manner, should the rest of the world deem them worthy of accomodations. To that end, the Lodge will be voting for just such a recognition on the Jade Wizards behalf. Clan Baem has made it known to the public at large that the value of your words is for sale. We fail to see how this will result in the World Congress accepting the Jade Wizard into the international community. As such, we see no reason as to why the Valence Lodge and Clan would be at odds over such a development, given your apparent disinterest in making such a thing come to pass.

As to the status of our agents, know that the Lodge provides as promised. Your faith in us will be well met come the end of the season.

The final matter at hand: the Legion only wishes your settlement should it come with a consensus from the entirety of Jhalalkraun. While we of the Lodge have no issue with the terms of Baem's settlement, it is apparent that the Legion will contest your settling of the area claimed should even two nations provide reasons against your settlement. As such, while we hold no hostility for Baem and the plight, it must be understood that the Lodge will vote only in concert with the other powers on this segment of the firmament.

Luck to you on this adventuring season,
M. de Leuteum

Your selling your votes no? doesnt look like the jade wizard will even come to pass for us to fight over, but if it does somehow im open to negotiations.
As to the Espionage stats still owed, I believe 5 was the agreed upon number.
Not about to go against the two other powers on my continent. A reccomendation to the Legion will require some sort of deal-the negation of what the Lodge owes Baem would cover this.

Vrock Bait
2020-11-22, 07:49 PM
Greetings once again to the ancient dynasts Baem,

Several regiments have been deployed towards you, but unfortunately the only ones that could be spared were newly raised militias and an amphibious force from the former Port Adamis. I fear they will not reach you in time to coordinate, especially not with Covenant saturating the gulf. They have been instructed to invade the coast and meet you inland halfway. You could deploy a small naval force to assist their transit, of course, but I would not ask this of an ally.

There is also the matter of a... project my ministers have been working on. We would very much appreciate certain pieces of intelligence that we believe are in your hands, but this kind of documentation would be much too valuable to send by courier. I fear it would likely only be safe by guarded crossing, but this would be difficult in the midst of current circumstances.

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven, Lord of Longshan, Defender of the Dragon Mountains

I’d love to lend you the MIL... but I don’t have a route towards you, and I kind of promised my ADV to Khalos this turn. I said I could help with 39 because I have a route to... 39, which means I technically can only fight with you and not for you. Sorry...

I actually kind of need at least one more ESP right now, so maybe you can chart a route next turn and we can do a trade?

St. Justicar
2020-11-22, 10:17 PM
Clockwork Republic
Reputation 5, Morale 7

de Leuteum,
Glad to hear it. As I said, at the moment we’re most just looking to continue the previous deal, or part of it. Metaphysical expertise for whatever horror shows you’re working on, which I’m assuming you want, in exchange for party tricks and motivational aids, which you presumably don’t particularly care about.
The numbers depend on if Hayy drags anything too reality-bruising out of the mountains, but how much of a cultural mission would you say keeping the current embassy working for you would be worth? Not everything you can offer, of course, but you’d agree that theurges are more useful to you than entertainers, pound for pound, right?
Anyway, on a theoretically less mercenary matter – our resident experts in treaty-making and world-changing have spent a lot of time staring at maps, recently. Mostly how little empty space there is left on them.
Take a look at the treaty draft I’ve enclosed, see if it agrees with you?

1. The Valence Lodge and the Esheri Republic commit to defending each other’s integrity, both territorial, economic, and political, against the attack of any other great power, whether overt or otherwise.
2. If any power declares war on either of the signatories, the other will be obligated to immediately declare war on them as well, and prosecute the war in good faith, until victory or a negotiated compromise have been achieved.
3. If proof is provided that one of the signatories has been the target of an attack by a nation which has not declared war on them, then if the wounded signatory wishes to retaliate, the other signature will be obligated to declare war as well (and prosecute it as per the previous article).
4. If both parties agree that another nation is a threat to peace or to their independence, then by mutual consensus they can as a preventative measure declare war jointly and coordinate their offensive efforts towards the achievement of agreed upon war goals.
5. In the unfortunate and unlikely event that other treaty obligations leave signatories on opposing sides of a wider war, they agree to treat each other with strict and friendly neutrality, and not undertake any offensive actions toward each other’s assets, or provide material aid to other nations doing the same.

Some more active cooperation might be worth taking about, too. But that’s more something to consider in private – maybe I can visit in the New Year? (next turn)

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

We can certainly work out an instalment plan, if you find yourself in crisis. Though my preferred solution would be to simply take payment in kind, if you find yourself strapped for cash but with an uncomfortable number of unemployed assassins or diplomats loafing around.
We’ll wait to hear your offer, of course. Our available resources do depend on a few reports I’m waiting on.
I’m assuming you won’t be too offended that some of my colleagues reading your mail, given how everyone else and their dogs are too, so I hope you don’t mind asking out of idle curiosity – why are you looking to trade assassins for a credit not at the same time you’re doing you level best to dive into a war? (Though please don’t feel any need to reconsider your decisions).
-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

77 – The Phoenix Voice
Consider it ratified, then. Would you prefer it kept secret, or publicly announced?
We are, thankfully, seemingly not a very appealing meal for the Khan at the moment. Warrior-aristocrats as a class have certain collective delusions about glory, and we do not seem to fit their preferred image of a foe, at least not yet. Small mercies, I suppose.
I hope you’ll excuse some of my less restrained colleagues feeling the need to keep me informed, but I’m given to understand you’ve sought an alliance with some of the less bloodthirsty nations of Xihou (which is a somewhat depressing ranking, given the options). I hope you’ll give us some warning, if we’re going to find ourselves neighbours with soulless reavers or revanents?
May your eyes ever be unclouded,
-Academic Cahit, Committee on Applied Metaphysics, Esheri Republic

To the Great Khan Artios Fellstrider,
Your wishes have been understood. The Republic’s armies and agents will leave the northern desert, to which your outriders have already charted a path through the mountains, to you. [Territory 8].
I wish you the best of luck in finding a foe worthy of your wrath and capable of providing you a glorious war.
Peace and Reason,
Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

Cartloads of gold will be fine, precious gems, silk, wootz steel weaponry or armour, **** I’m pretty sure if I had a debt note secured against the promise of eternal damnation I wouldn’t even need any hard specie to back it with.
But anyway, yes, I’d like to take out a loan. Depending on the liquid capital you have on hand, either the equivalent of 400,000 Virtues in hard currency or the skilled labor of conjurers and alchemists – Which we would be willing to pay back with quite generous interest with three payments of 200,000 each across a year and a half – or, if you are able to make it work – 900,000 Virtues or equivalent labor, which we would be able to pay back across five payments of 300,000 each.
Willing to negotiate on the details, though not by much. See a way of making this work?
[For reference, looking to take a loan of 4 econ/mag and pay back 2 econ/turn over three turns, or take out a loan of 9 econ/mag and pay back 3/turn over 5 turns]
-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

Hayy (tier 1 Adv) and 3 Adv will clear floors 5-8 of the Hollow Peak, re-rolling loot on level 5

8 Votes for VIP XP

2020-11-22, 11:04 PM
The Grand Collection of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside Under the Administration of the Great Council of Elders, Colony of the Exceptional Alliance of Free Hobbits Administrated by the Parliament of Duly Elected Officials

Morale 10
Rep 11

The new appointed ministers of Peace, Information and Policy sit across Guntram.

A pleasure to meet you all. I hope you are all well. Let's get started on the meeting. Today we are going to talk about policy and congress. Guntram says reading his notes. That week of meetings was the worst but slowly they acclimated. Got used to their job and soon the bureaucracy of the Hobbits starts accelerating as they worked to better the use of resources.

Greetings everyone, it seems about time for another meeting of discussion and consideration. We would like to invite everyone to our home for a meeting of the minds.

The Hobbit Elders

I am glad that our alliance has worked out so well. We are close to finishing the refuge camps and it might be just in time.

Would you be interested in a full reputation alliance? We feel the extra votes will really help secure Hanrui and hope our trend setting ways have helped convince you of ability to do good.

Guntram Von Banks, Elder

Greetings, Jade Wizard.

It is a pleasure to hear of your potential arrival to Hanrui. We are mailing you to ask how you will be judging the bids? Is it strictly based on the highest bid? We might not be known for our magical might but you would find just by allying with us, it could reflect well on the Pillar's standing and our location would make an excellent safe research area, while being close to the unique shamanistic magic of the Khanate and the Red Aurora College. Will this be taken into account when it is time to bid?

We are also curious why this is being brought up in Congress? If denied would you still be allowed to enter if a nation invited you but not host any bids?

Glad for your time,
Guntram Von Banks, Elder

It is good to be cautious. I am doubtful they will invade you given the massive distance wrapping around the coast would entail but we will be here if they do to assist in protecting you. Perhaps we should have an official defensive alliance together to show the other nations our interest in mutual defense.

Guntram Von Banks, Elder

We suggest the Squeaky Wheel, they are near to the trashpit and most well known for their bathhouse with both private or traditional co-ed options. There is a shady person in the corner but we will flag you as uninterested. It is often a good choice for right after an adventure. If you prefer there is of course several other popular Hobbit establishments nearby. We may not be as known for our alcohol as the dwarves but you will be hard pressed to find better tavern food or company.

If you are interested in another dive just contact us and we will set it up.

Guntram Von Banks, Elder

I will send the matter off to the tourism board. We are quite open to tourism offers though we may already be booked.

We are glad to hear you got such a good deal on getting your proposal in. It is good to see us working together for much more efficient proposal making. We will do our this season most likely. How are you doing on securing a reputation alliance or the trades?

Guntram Von Banks, Elder

We heard you are interested in our exciting dungeons. There is a small fee of [1 temp economy] for tourism fees for parties under [5 temp adventurers] to use it payable after the exploring with an additional fee if you clear it. We would love for people to explore it. It is absolutely scenic with horrific screams, unique monsters and a great aesthetic. Up to [10 temp adventurers] may go for just [3 temp economy].

If that is too rich we do have a cheaper unofficial option we recently found but are not actively advertising at this time, it is free for under [3 temp adventurers] with a cost of [1 temp economy] for up to [7 temp adventurers] again with an additional fee if you clear it. We should note it is actively being used as a waste management system. Please note, the The Vancian Fraternity has first claim on the unofficial option as they have started it.

In either case all artifacts or consumable items are of course yours to keep with the exception of artifacts that boost reputation which you must offer to us for sale at a reduced cost of [3 economy per stat point]. In the case we are unwilling to pay for it that season, you may keep it.

Anyone adventuring would also be required to sign a waiver waiving any responsibility we may have for them choosing to go into our cave and that if through negligence they release a horrendous monster into the country side then you would have to clean it up.

We hope you are interested in exploring with us and have a great time!

The Grand Collection Tourism Board

It is good to hear from you. I hope as new neighbors we can work together in continued peace and cooperation. Maybe even a defensive alliance of sorts to help protect the lands.

Guntram Von Banks, Elder

We would like support and an official defensive alliance and we will agree. We currently hold considerably more voting power than you so it seems fair than a one for one trade.

I control more than double what you have in votes if I did the math right so asking for a defensive alliance.

Lord Athos
2020-11-23, 07:26 AM
The Silverhammer Protectorate


The Preying Rock - the Guardian Rock

Seen from the seas, the group of islands before the coast of the Protectorate seemed like mountaintops rising high into the heavens. Steep, tall cliffs, with only few protected harbours. Perfect for pirates, three Pirate Lords, who had been the rulers of the islands, collectively called "Preying Rock" for their dark reputation. From here, they had harrassed trade routes and explorer vessels.
Now, their hideouts burned, their men were slaughtered or driven into chains by but a small force of Dwarves, led by the Lord Protector himself. They had been no match for the disciplined Silverhammer Force, and neither for the Lord Protector`s holy spear of Flames, that effortlessly cut through weapons and armour and burned with a heat that melted the flesh from the bones of those it touched, and lit them on sacred fire.

The last one of them had grown wise, and knelt before the might of the Protectorate, put himself and his small fleet of pirate ships in the employ of the Silverhammer Clan.
His hideout, his protected harbour and pirate town was thus spared from destruction, and now slaves and the populace of the few settlements on the inland of the Preying Rock build it up to a veritable stronghold.

The red banners of the Protectorate now flew from a newly build dark stone watchtower, the beginning of a veritable fortress, and silver-plated undead Dwarven warriors patrolled the streets. The pirate's family and followers would learn to live with their new masters - for now, they stayed fearfully hidden inside, the streets eerily calm and empty.

There was much work to be done, but the Silverhammer Clan was nothing if not hard-working, especially in undeath.
Soon, from the "Preying Rock", a "Guardian Rock" would grow.

To the most esteemed Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void, and the most esteemed 77 - The Phoenix Voice,

then we are in agreement. Very good. Let us proclaim the alliance in the summit. Any further discussion is best handled more discreetly, thus I propose we do indeed meet in person to further discuss our plans.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual Strength,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

All right, Ill add the creation of the trade route this midturn.

To the most esteemed Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven,

The Covenant are but a conglomerate of fugitive rabble, and they have the manners and statesmanship of such.
Make no mistake though - their tears are very much real, and they are the most obvious sign they are unfit to rule and belong in chains.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual advancement,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

Ironically, a squadron of pirate ships (1 Adv) chart out a safe route for trading vessels between (30) and (28); they are working together with their partners of the Farthest Fleet.

Ranger Captain Balt Ashenblade (Tier 2 Adv VIP) leads three units of adventuring rangers (3 Adv) into the Stonghold of Giants (since the Caverns of Shame are blocked)

Voting for the Spire of Wisdom.

2020-11-23, 05:04 PM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

Morale 10

The ships of the Elda begin to move. Longships traverse the southern shores of Xihou to help establish a route to facilitate trade with the Silverhammer Protectorate [1 ADV to create route from 28 to 30].

Meanwhile, a few vessels travel further, crossing the Reverent Span and waiting for the signal from the Baem contingent. From there, charting a course from Skerandre to their home island is easy enough [1 ADV to create route from 28 to 49].

Voting: all 7 votes for the double XP motion.

2020-11-23, 05:58 PM
Malcom J. Blackstock, Quartermaster to the Empty Flasks, Bastard of Bastards (Lvl. 2 Adv. VIP), the Dyad of Stele (1 Adv.), the Mother's Quintessence (1 Adv.), the After-Births (1 Adv.) and the Empty Flasks (1 Adv-6 total) will go clear floors in the Yellow Forest. May the Mother have mercy upon their souls.

6 votes to the Jade Wizard getting a home.

2020-11-23, 08:56 PM
The Four Courts of Hanrui

All messages sent at Morale 11.

For ones so very well versed in material costs, you ask from us too steep a price. The magics of the Courts are not yours to armor yourself with. Do what you wish with your influence, then.

While the Fae are open to negotiation, the Fae think you asked too much. Your standing with all four Courts has slightly decreased.

Neighbors, opulent and grand. Clan Baem has, from spite, thrown in with the arrogant Celestial Empire against the Covenant. This displeases us. We shall not stand for them on Jahakraum. The Courts implore you to stand firm, and let the Legion know that you do not support their claims. Though, to the Lodge - perhaps do not let them know that such a suggestion came from us. The Clan sees faron sorcerous tides.

It is signed "Dame of Rotted Threads".

Ah, what reassurance it is to hear. Though we have no need for your services at this time, should you need magics to supplement your own, you shall find that the hospitality of the Courts is indeed renowned.

Wheels turn, winds blow. The Khanate is appeased. One of three is not sufficient, and so the Legion stands firm.

Be careful lest you cause offense, horizon-treaders; once you've danced along the string, there is no escaping the web. Autumn will be waiting.

3 ADV sent into the Deep Grove (3/10 previously cleared).

10 votes in favour of the VIP

2020-11-23, 09:05 PM

Dearest Courts:

We agree with your sentiments regarding the Empire and will update your on our adventures this season.

As for the territories, we did find a dungeon, but as you may have seen from our messages to other factions it has not met our needs in terms of dungeoneering opportunities, we are attempting to persuade some of the other nations of the world to work with us towards the need for dungeons, but we will not be capitalizing on any of their offers this turn.

We shall be committing our votes to the Jade Wizard this season as you requested, and will ensure it passes.


Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

Thank you for your clarification when it comes to your dungeons, though after balancing the books it does not seem like we can afford to delve deep this season.

We shall reach out again, though we understand if the terms have been changed once everything has settled with the Covenant.

To preface, we shall not be delving this season, our current dungeons have our attention, though you will be our first choice for them if we need it, and we shall reach out with anything ESP related we discover within the depths.

As for a message we received from Clan Baem, they have asked us to remind you that they would be an asset to our continent, though we don't claim to know the wants of the Lady of Balance, we would ask you to consider not allowing them to touch on our shores. The Clan is an order of Chaos that has entered a war with an already weakened nation. They are opportunists who know nothing of a fair fight.

We would prefer to continue not dealing with them.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos

Should it please you, one of our adventurers, Hannah Scalesbane has expressed interest in finding patronage at the Nine Layered Bank. We would send her this season, but she would have just been finished her training and would arrive just as the sun set on the season, meaning she wouldn't be able to work.

If it works in the books, we would prefer a direct payment for Hannah. She understands what she is signing up for. Once we have established our terms and the Guild Members are no longer nervous about being the first sent off to the Bank, we will likely have more recruits.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos

Making a MOR 1 VIP for you this turn that would be sent to you upon completion. That work for the Bank?

By the reply you sent us, we assume you can read our mail to others. This means that you must have seen that we are not endorsing your arrival on our continent. Between the Fae and the Guild, there is already too much room needed without adding a Fifth party, let alone one that has stepped into the cruel war between the Covenant and the Empire.

As for souls, let us hear your offer if you can read the letters.

Finally, we will not be dungeoneering outside of our lands this season, but your terms are quite fair and are of great interest for us. You are not robbing yourselves.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

You are astute traders, both impressive and frustrating how high you hold the value of potential profit. Understandable, but frustrating.

All of the Mouths of Khalos that have been trained in the past season were coin masters, but we are engaging with the Nine Layered bank in training some new recruits for their... program. Perhaps the same could be arranged for you? In the interest of honesty, they are offering us 8 ECON for each VIP, meaning that we will need similar terms.

As for the territories, we understand your price, but with tentative wars on the Horizion with powers such as the Empire, we don't believe we can commit that much.

We will be passing the Jade Wizard vote, and we would assist you in taking his assistance. Though we cannot promise resources without payment, we can offer our word, which is valuable.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

The Jade Wizard would cost resources if you want us to pay (or need to be part of a larger trade deal) but we would happily tell him that the Lodge and this continent is a better home than the college or hobbits.

Happy to hear! We have not engaged in alliances yet but it seems like the opinions of some nations improve for us each time we trade with them.

As for the dungeon, please let us know as we would be happy to work with you as opposed to some of the less savoury options around Hanrui.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos

The Adventurers of Khalos will dive deep into the Frost Wyvern Lair: sending 5 ADV to clear 1-5 and Khalos to clear 6-10

The Adventurers of Khalos will dive into the Forest of the Forgotten: sending 2 ADV, 2 MIL and 2 MAG into the Dungeon to clear 4 floors.

World Congress Votes

10/14 votes to summon the Jade Wizard
4/14 votes to the express training of VIPS

2020-11-23, 09:55 PM
The Grand Collection of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside Under the Administration of the Great Council of Elders, Colony of the Exceptional Alliance of Free Hobbits Administrated by the Parliament of Duly Elected Officials

Morale 10
Rep 11

We would argue, our deal was essentially in your favor and our vote was more good will. We are unlikely to be invaded given our good relations with the Khanate and the College while you are slightly more likely depending on how your relations are with the lodge. Our deal wouldn't have directly stopped any aggression you might have with others, though we might assist others we are in defensive pacts with. You should consider it further even if it is too late to affect our vote.

Guntram Von Banks, Elder

2 adventurers are going into my Trash Pits. If Red Aurora sends their people in as well, they will gladly adventure along with them.

10 votes for more VIP xp
10 votes for the Jade Wizard coming

2020-11-23, 10:28 PM
Clan Baem

Morale 4:

Your bid is noted, and appreciated, Clan Baem would be glad to put their voices behind such a respectable institution (though that doesn't mean we are not charging for it) and you'll be notified if anybody bids higher.

-Luck and auspice, Clan Baem.

PS: what are your thoughts on the coming mage and their retinue?

To Hjordis ys Orvar, Captain of Khombriss Depths,

Very well, we can hash out who leaves with whom once our respective fleets meet, we think there is a couple of islands near a rock formation shaped like rabbit ears (you do have rabbits right?), we can share maps near there, since is so visible.

sending my half of the route, we'll see about the ammount paid come midturn.

Lady Moira de Leuteum,

Thats good to hear.

You may have misunderstood our words, the clan will sell their voice in the congress from now on, as anyone who would be capable and likely to pay for it has been judged decent enough to throw our lots with (though who knows, we may yet end up voting with the khan...), but For this season at least we will support the Jade wizards' right to come visit Hanrui, and if they are willing we will provide the proper accommodations.

We wouldn't doubt your commitment to your word, and as to the matter at hand, the legion is neutral as can be on the matter (proper of them I should say) and only the fae seem to be losing some of their commitment to their promise of support which I can't blame on them as the beautiful beings are many things, but not centralized. Khalos will likely support us, as they seek for ever more crevices to explore so do know you won't be shuned by your peers for keeping this word as well.

nah, I'm not selling my votes this turn for that much (kind of pricy) I'm selling all of my future votes for 3 or more econ (depending on the ammount of bidders) though is looking mighty like it'll be for 3. Yeah, we agreed on 5 I just wanted to know if you could deliver all on ESP since you said ESP/Rep before. you mean if anybody gives a direct negative or are you changing the price for the previously agreed upon approval? *feel free to reply on discord PMs, this is more of an understanding question anyway*

Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven, Lord of Longshan,

We can spare the men, both to connect our people's and to aid in any endeavours that'll bring a quick ending to this war, seeing as any sort of mediation is nonexistant and thus failing to do so, the only problem we have is with a possible overcommitment to this conflict that some may see as a chance to strike, we can deliver in force if you promise openly for the world to hear, to back us in the next conflict to afflict our people, with your majesty on our side surely no one would dare threaten us.

I'll do you one better, a route connecting 49 to 40, and a decent enough ammount of ESP say something like 5-6x as much? for the mil to guide into battle and a guarantee to enter the next conflict Clan Baem is directly embroiled in, either offensive or defensive.

To the Coordinator Nese, wrestler of pigs,

Hey, if you bureaucratic types are willing to skip a step We'll gladly send a few men to vacation over there and make a mess in the direction you point them towards. It happens, our available offers are also waiting on such reports.

We'd be offended if you didn't. Couldn't get so many copies of proper writing out as there are of our diplomatic mail if all of what we pass for an industry was turned towards it. As to the answer, do you enjoy gambling coordinator? if you don't, learn a bit: the lowest odds seem by volume to favour the poor and downtrodden, those big numbers that can change a life paid for by the slightly tilted odds that can bring a rich man to ruin if he gets hooked on them but that can be worth it as well if dealt with care, and like with most things (including nature, as even your fancy excuses for a mage should attest to) it favours those that remember rules are but suggestions...

...But we are getting too wordy, the point is that we enjoy gambling, and worry not, we are winning.

-Beat the odds as well this season, Clan Baem.

Such is the fair way
Would you care for mortal men
Who pay for the stay?

Anything I can do to be a welcome neighbour

esteemed Lysa, mouth of Khalos,

I would not be so rude as to tell you your own intentions before even get the chance of telling us yourseves (assuming you would make that negative clear), as long as we are comming clean with our intentions...

I get the space concerns, but seeing as this place was reserved for the legion of balance (who hardly care before their usual habbit of inconveniencing one or another group) and not khalos or any of the other powers, so I hardly see any actual difference, you can even pretend is owned by the legion if you so wish, we'll even put our part for the coastal defense (assuming it is not done yet, intelligence is shaky on that).

The war is apart from me at least, but I can tell you from personal experience: nobody wanted it, we just wanted a bit of land, we traded for it, were betrayed, I don't know if hydras know grief, I ignore if when one head dies the two that replace them are even related. When a Baem dies he joins the all-chief (save some gorgeous exceptions) but is not the same as keeping them... the conflict is cruel, sure but it was cruel to us first.

I'll pass on the souls for now, apparently we are too over stretched to match even the feeble offers of the devils, at least this season.

we could stretch a bit more if it takes more than my words to convince you to support our claim on the islands, interested?* we just don't want a repeat of the last time we were allowed to take barely contested land...

good to know about the dungeons, hopefully I'll meet you in person some day.

-Captain Dae Baem.

Dae Baem (adv 2 VIP) will clear two levels of familiar falls, 1 Adv will be sent to create a route between 28 and 49 with the aid of the elda hafnar. And 1 adv to create a route between 40 and 49 with the aid of the Celestial empire.

5 votes in favour of the jade wizard thing.

2020-11-23, 10:59 PM
The Red Aurora College

Morale 7

The Grand Collection of First Hill Hobbits
Elder Von Banks,
Our borders feel significantly safer now that the Collection’s borders are between us and the Khanate. A defensive alliance… Well there is certainly potential. I only hesitate because we are already defensively allied to three other factions, and at this point stretching ourselves any further risks pulling half of Hanrui into an unthinkably large war if a conflict were to spark. Or perhaps even worse, being pulled into a war on behalf of an ally would leave us unable to honour other alliances.

If you are truly still interested in such an ally I am happy to carry this discussion further, but you should be aware of our diplomatic situation.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Clockwork Republic
Esteemed Cahit,
Indeed, we have sought to assemble a larger pact among the nations of Western Hanrui. The negotiations have moved quite quickly this year. While it is certainly embarrassing that you should find out before I had the chance to inform you myself, it was never something I intended to hide, and I would have informed you in my next letter. I don’t believe either of my new allies seek territory near your borders yet, though I will endeavour to inform you should that change. Shall we announce our pact at the latest World Congress meeting?

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The August League of the West
I shall send my trusted confidant, Feliana song to meet in person. I feel the finer details of our near future should probably not be by distant correspondence where a wayward ear could sell our words to the world.

77- The Phoenix Voice

Zander (lvl 2 adv. VIP), 4 adventurers, and 2 t.adv loot enter the Infested mine to clear 8 floors, with Zander rerolling on the 10th and 11th floors

7 votes in favour of double VIP xp

Vrock Bait
2020-11-23, 11:01 PM
Morale 8

Greetings to the many-faced dragon of the east,

Auspice and longevity to you, I am the Imperial Chancellor Songsun Yun, styled Wangde. His Radiant Excellency is unfortunately undisposed on a minor diplomatic matter, but will once again be available to serve the heavens within a few months’ time.

In accordance with the directives of the imperial throne, we understand your hesitance and the opportunity will remain extended in the near future if you wish to take advantage of it. We might inform you, however, that many artifacts of the a Covenant will likely soon be available for purchase if your endless-headed majesty so desires.

If any disagreement with the Khanate of the Ironhoof or any other adversary ever arises, also understand that our armies will be available.

With respect,
Songsun Yun, Imperial Chancellor

Greetings to the eternal defender of the south,

Auspice and serendipity to you, I am the Imperial Chancellor Songsun Yun, styled Wangde. His Radiant Excellency is unfortunately undisposed on a minor diplomatic matter, but will once again be available to serve the heavens within a few months’ time.

They may be fugitives and outlaws yet, but at least a handful retain our respect. Should they ever surrender we would happily fold them into our ranks to help them preserve their honor. Of course, they are still merely the magpie lizard between giants, and a simple show of force is the method prescribed to deal with such creatures. Their site of idolatry will likely suffice.

With respect,
Songsun Yun, Imperial Chancellor

Greetings to the long-preceded dynasts of the south,

Auspice and serendipity to you, I am the Imperial Chancellor Songsun Yun, styled Wangde. His Radiant Excellency is unfortunately undisposed on a minor diplomatic matter, but will once again be available to serve the heavens within a few months’ time.

Under the directives given by the imperial throne, such a contract of states would indeed be highly agreeable. The amphibious force has already charted a course adhering to this plan.

With respect,
Songsun Yun, Imperial Chancellor

Six MIL, then...? That’s what I’m going to send, but I’m also building the route, of course. Cool cool.

Use 1 ADV to assist Baem with the route between 28 and 49. For the proposals, can I vote yes to both...? Otherwise just the double VIP XP.

2020-11-26, 01:26 AM
Midturn 3

World Congress

The World Congress has tallied the votes from the member nations of Hanrui and find that the nations voted;
39 Aye
0 Nay

The Proposal has passed. The World Congress will aid in the training of new talent, old talent, and anyone else helping out their nations.
This EoT VIPs will get double xp for relevant actions, so 4 instead of 2.

The World Congress has tallied the votes from the member nations of Hanrui and find that the nations voted;
50 Aye
0 Nay

The Proposal has passed. The World Congress will allow the Pillar NPC to enter Hanrui at the behest of the nations, they will start entertaining bods for their services.
You can bid to have the Tier 2 Mag VIP and their 3 Mag join your faction. Bidding is done with Eco and Mag. They can be manipulated by players as if they are an NPC until bidded on and secured.

Legion of Balance
Mor 9

The Legion sent 2 Adv into the Minotaur's Lair and cleared 2 Floors. They came out with a rare gem (++) Econ, and a manual on stealth for Riban.

Mor 12
Route is forged between 16 and 28.

9 Layered Bank
Mor 4

The Bank sent in Sir (Tier 2 Adv VIP), and 5 Adv into The Pits of Hell and cleared 7 Floors.

They came out with a demonic tome of history ((++++) temp Rep), a rare diamond ((++) temp Econ), demon bones for spells ((+) temp Mag), several rare stimulants ((++) temp Adv), a powerful Dimensional Hut for long travel in unsafe areas (+1 Adv Item), a powerful Battlestaff taken from a demon mage (+1 Mag Item), and a tome of demonic power for Sir (8xp). A demon is unleashed (Lesser Monster).

Khalos Guild
Mor 10

The Guild sent Khalos (Tier 5 Adv VIP), and 5 ADV to the Frost Wyvern Lair and cleared 10 Floors. They also sent 2 ADV, 2 MIL and 2 MAG into the Forest of the Forgotten and cleared 4 Floors.

They came out with a plethora of ancient tomes regarding the adventures of an ancient construct (10xp for Khalos), They gathered Wyvern scales and fangs for spells ((++++) temp Mag), found a rare statue of a clockwork centaur ((++) temp Rep), a powerful ring of firebreath that Khalos can wear as fang jewelry (+2 Adv Item), a powerful Arcane Orb for Scrying (+1 Esp Item), they found stolen gems ((+++) temp Eco), and finally they found a rare powerfully magical green veiny egg that seems to radiate a powerful hunger (Hive King Artifact Piece, 2nd of 3).

While adventuring several of the adventurers were caught off guard as a massive Alpha Frost Wyvern pushed past them to break out into the countryside and killing some of them (Lose 2 Adv, Lesser Monster). In the forest the groups lack of adventuring experience saw them pass by a shambling mound which followed them out into the land beyond (Lesser Monster).

The Grand Collection
Mor 9

The Grand Collection sent 2 Adv into the Trash Pits and cleared 2 Floors.

They came out with a rare herbs growing in the garbage ((++) temp Mag), and what was thought to be a faulty potion ((+) temp Adv).They unleased a dire bear that had been living within however onto the local countryside (Lesser Monster).

Silverhammer Protectorate
Mor 8

The Protectorate sent Ashenblade(Tier 2 Adv VIP) and 3 Adv into The Giants Stronghold and cleared 5 Floors.

They came out with the remains of an ancient adventuring party and their gear ((+) temp Adv), a journal from a dead adventurer (4xp), several sacks of stolen gold coins ((++) temp Econ), and the remains of a giant shaman ((++) temp Mag). On the way out a rampaging giant chieftain broke out into the countryside (Lesser Monster).

Route forged from 28 to 30

Celestial Empire
Mor 8

Route created from 28 and 49

Clockwork Republic
Mor 7

The Republic sent Encyclopediest Hayy (Tier 1 Adv VIP) and 3 Adv into The Hollow Peak and cleared 4 Floors. They found rare spell ingredients ((+) Temp Mag), a small handful of clear garnets ((+) temp Econ), and an ancient journal of a band of traveling adventurers (8xp for Hayy).

Hayy becomes Tier 2

Valance Lodge
Mor 4

The Lodge sent Malcom J. Blackstock, Quartermaster to the Empty Flasks, Bastard of Bastards (Lvl. 2 Adv. VIP), the Dyad of Stele (1 Adv.), the Mother's Quintessence (1 Adv.), the After-Births (1 Adv.) and the Empty Flasks (1 Adv) into The Yellow Forest and cleared 6 Floors.

They came out with an ancient tome for Dyad (4xp), a small but living silver tree that drops silver apples ((+++) temp Eco), and a series of journals from an ancient goblin general regarding the rise and fall of alliances in ancient Hanrui ((++++++) temp Rep), and unleashed a wild ent (lesser monster).

Red Aurora College
Mor 7

The College sent Zander (Tier 2 Adv VIP), 2 temp adventurers, and 4 adventurers into The Infested Mine and cleared 8 floors.

They came out with a old haul of mined gold nuggets ((+++) temp Econ), several rare magicite stones ((++++) temp Mag), the potions of adventurers who have died ((+) temp Adv, a powerful old Hammer of Shattering (+1 Mil Item), what seems to be a larger ancient magic array with teleportation capabilities (1/2 Pieces of Teleportation Artifact), and an old hand written scroll for Zander (4xp).

Clan Baem
Mor 4

Clan Baem sent Dae Baem (Tier 2 Adv VIP) into the Familiar Falls and cleared 2 Floors.

The came out with a large ruby ((+) temp Econ), and small bundle of rare herbs ((++) temp Mag.

Routes forged from 40 to 49 and 28 to 49.

Elda Háfnar
Mor 10

Routes forged from 28 to 30 and 28 to 49.

The Fey
Mor 11

The Fae sent 3 Adv into the Grave of Lights and cleared 3 Floors.

They came out with bone dust and grave mushrooms ((++) temp Mag), a powerful stimulant ((+) temp Adv), and a long dead mages journal (4xp for Duke of Autumn). On the way out a Grave Wraith escaped with you (Lesser Monster).

EoT is due Monday night. Nov 30th

2020-11-26, 04:00 PM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

Morale 10

The winds of winter carry the carrion crows far. On the breeze whisper names best left forgotten, yet they speak not of war but of an observed quiet. They speak of treaties signed, of states rumbling and the shifting of great currents.

Three of the entities bear with them the announcement: the August League of the West is born today, ratified and recognized by the great people of Hanrui at the latest World Congress. Silverhammer, Elda, and Phoenix stand united together against any threats or challengers who would rise to match them.

Winds greet you, Society of Strange Steel,

Our emissaries have been watching your comings and goings. Though we seemingly arrive from opposite worlds, the Elda can recognize the power of promises made and spoken. Our mutual friends speak of your people highly, and we would not abnegate our covenant to contradict them even though there is no truth to be found in tinker shops.

The Farthest Fleet has no plans to call on you. You may occasionally see our prows breaking the waves on the horizon, but neither ship-crew nor wayward beast will occupy your shores. In keeping with our partner in this venture of empires, the Elda would like to offer assurances, such as they are, in exchange for oaths in kind.

We have heard that the Republic favors paper and ink for its dealings. Perhaps you may appreciate the scroll I have enclosed here, though for the sake of your reason I will spare you its provenance.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void

We are willing to draft a non-aggression pact between the Clockwork Republics and the Farthest Fleet. We are promising not to invade any territories held by the Republics, and we will not launch any stat attacks or interfere in any of the Clockwork Republic's dealings. In exchange, the Fleet expects the Republic to stay off of the water, leaving islands off the coast alone and to similarly refrain from attacking the Fleet's operations.
To you, the Elda spare the honeyed words and delicate analogies, for there is no need to dress up stark truths. You have been expanding over the plains, hills, and deserts, just as we have taken to the ocean and conquered the islands. The captains of the Moot respect the strength of your hooves, the power of your arrows, and the thunder cry of the horde.

There can be room for both of us to co-exist peacefully. In fact, there are several in my fleet who have made the argument that we should be trampling the rest of this chaff together. There is some merit to their arguments, I admit: we would make a fearsome combined power, and if you were to join the ranks of the August League of the West, the Elda would see to it that your clans are well fed and have enemies to cut down aplenty.

I am less sanguine. If you will forgive a single lapse into the poetic, I have seen the shape of Hanrui and know it to be a hunting ground. Whether steppe or shoal, one truth remains the same: there is only ever room for a single apex predator. I know what you will say to the offer that I have enclosed here, and what that truly means. If you refuse our terms for temporary non-aggression, the Elda will raise its banners.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void

We are willing to draft a pact of territorial alliance between the Farthest Fleet and the Ironhoof Khanate. We would trade and conquer the rest of Hanrui together. Whether the August League would remain in the picture is a matter open to debate, but we would split all conquest halfway down the middle.

For now, we will promise not to invade any territories held by the Khanate and will not launch any stat attacks against the Khanate. In exchange, the Fleet expects the Ironhoof Khanate to stay off of the water, leaving the islands off the coast (46-48, and 28-29) alone and to similarly refrain from attacking the Fleet's operations.

Given the expansionist nature of the Khanate and the Elda, there is one more clause. In keeping with the tone of the IC post, failure to ratify this agreement right here is considered to be a cassus belli, and declarations of war will follow. If they're not going to at least try to come to an agreement, we might as well have at it and save ourselves some Rep.
Blessed currents and fortunate voyages to you, Lady Salandra Greydane.

I approach you as a fellow journeyman, an explorer of note who has seen much of the world - and beyond - past the edge of my prow. The Farthest Fleet has travelled farther than most, and we have seen many nations whose purpose sways towards good or evil, law or chaos. Although many would label the Elda as the latter, be assured that there are those among us who offer true enlightenment. Not all of our number are axe-wielding savages.

To that end, I am extending a conditional offer of peace between our two factions. You have nothing to fear from the Elda... provided that your future explorations do not take you deeper than the shallows. What the Fleet seeks does not lie inland on Jahalkraun, but below the waves of Hanrui; we can stay out of each other's way and both remain the more prosperous for it. The Fleet may be additionally open to trading with your Legion in the future.

ᛖᛁᛏᚱᛁ ᛃᛋ ᚺᚨᛋᛃᚨᛚᛗ
Eitri ys Hasjalm, Horizon-Seeker and Captain of the Drowned Moot

We are willing to draft a non-aggression pact between the Farthest Fleet and the Legion of Balance. We are promising not to invade any mainland territories of Jahalkraun and will not launch any stat attacks against the Legion. In exchange, the Fleet expects the Legion of Balance to stay off of the water, leaving all islands off the coast (46-48, 35, 53, and 28-29) alone and to similarly refrain from attacking the Fleet's operations.
Weal and woe be in your favor, Counters of Souls.

Ware be to all who were worthy of your assiduous attentions, yet I respect those who know to cut a proper deal. We have seen ships headed to your shores, and suspect of the bargains struck in your halls. There are those on the Landing who sneer at what they see as shows of cut-price brinksmanship. They are savants and fools, as they have traded the vices of lesser men for higher purpose and in doing so lost the understanding that once granted them the capacity to make such mistakes.

The Elda will offer you a stillness. The waves will not come for you,

ᚺᛁᛚᛞᛖ ᚨᛋᛚᚢᚾᛞᛋᛞᛟᛏᛏᛁᚱ
Hilde Aslundsdöttir, Hala's Chosen and Devourer of the Black Sacrament

We are willing to draft a non-aggression pact between the Farthest Fleet and the Nine-Layered Bank. We are offering not to invade any territories held by the Bank, and will not launch any stat attacks against them. In exchange, the Fleet expects the Nine-Layered Bank to stay off of the water, leaving all islands off the coast (27-29) alone and to similarly refrain from attacking the Fleet's operations.

Congratulations are in order: the wizard seems to be coming to Hanrui after all. Though given the results of the motion, the Drowned Moot is not confident in your ability to procure him. We suspect that Fae or perhaps the Valence Lodge will edge you out on the bid, which would be a shame.

If you want to swim with sharks, you will need the strength to survive more than a few skirmishes. I have sent along a more detailed offer that shows what you have to gain by accepting our crews. It is always better to get something up front for your investment.

ᚺᛃᛟᚱᛞᛁᛋ ᛃᛋ oᚱᚹᚨᚱ,
Hjordis ys Orvar, Captain of Khombriss Depths

Our offer for the turn, reiterated: we are willing to send you 10 MIL in exchange for 6 ADV or MAG this turn (ideally with a VIP attached to the latter to minimize failure chance on operations), with another 4 paid next turn in any combination. That should be more than enough for whatever conflict you are getting yourself in, plus some extra to boost up your MIL should you want to.

2020-11-26, 08:56 PM
The Valence Lodge

“The Crippled God scattered some seeds onto the brazier’s coals. Popping sounds, then more smoke. ‘Peace. Warm yourself, warrior, while I tell you of peace. History is unerring, and even the least observant mortal can be made to understand, through innumerable repetition. Do you see peace as little more than the absence of war? Perhaps, on a surface level, it is just that. But let me describe the characteristics of peace, my young friend. A pervasive dulling of the senses, a decadence afflicting the culture, evinced by a growing obsession with low entertainment. The virtues of extremity—honour, loyalty, sacrifice—are lifted high as shoddy icons, currency for the cheapest of labours. The longer peace lasts, the more those words are used, and the weaker they become. Sentimentality pervades daily life. All becomes a mockery of itself, and the spirit grows…restless.”

-First read in Steve Erickson’s Repaer's Gale, Book the Seventh of Malazan Books of the Fallen

The tree had started screaming when the sun disappeared, as if awakened by the absence of sun. Amorphous, lidless orifices gummed at the pale, opalescent eyes they held, weeping tears of sap. Bark had split across the white tissues of the thing’s flesh, forming a gapping rictus that had screamed all throughout the night. Mouth foam had given way to spittle, which had passed into a murky quagmire of drool and sap at the tree’s base. Every screech or moan was punctuated by a great convulsive quivering across the lateral stratum of its tissue that sent a scattering of medallion-yellow leaves over the shade of the arboculture’s castabout gloom. By the time the meteorchymists were done with mapping out the Forest’s freshly wrought constellations, a beak like nose had pushed its way forth against the bark, like a face comically imposed against a garment or a particularly well….embalmed embalmed writhing to get out from under its bandages. The thing’s nostrils had added a snot admixture swamp already congealed about the roots and leaves not beyond the tree’s base. Taking soil and leaf samples had yielded mixed results, which wasnt to say they was both a positive and a negative. It had only been the latter. Like a great pair of matronly tits. Sample extraction had simply caused the thing to scream louder-no doubt a symptom of the fact that the nerve-processes of it’s roots extended well beyond what was aboveground. The leaves had looked more like almond shaped coins, until the first of the stock had lost a finger to the maws that had wheeled into existence across the scattered vasculature of the treefrond. He’d considered using their last incendiaries to burn a path to the visage and put his sword to it, given how close it had been to his tent. But someone had to retain common sense-and just like incendiaries-common sense seemed ever in short supply. Forrest had a way of sapping the sense from things like that.

Sapped. Hah. The thought came on bitterer than the Mother’s teat, and Malcolm Justice Blackstock rubbed at his temples for what he put at the hundredth and thirteenth time. Then blinked his sideways and looked at the tree-thing, willing it to just. F*cking. Stop. The yellow light of morning had just begun to breach the undergrowth of the Forrest thick foliage to mingle with what was left of the night’s mists. Malcolm thought he heard a bit of laughter in the way the wind rustled at the leaves. Thick exhalations of breath came forth, scattering a new ropy chain of drool from the horror’s mouth to an as of yet unreached distance. His attendant staff took a step back, and the Quartermaster of the Empty Flasks reached for his water skin to take another deep drink, utterly ignorant of the spittle flecked onto his long coat. He kept a hand on his bicorn and smartly wheeled about on his heal to face what passed for the leadership of the other interests on this fetid little venture. The bicorn went from coronal to sagittal, and Blackstocks long coat did a smart little snap in the turn’s wake, casting off a bit of the spittle with a dull thud punctuated by a few leaf-squeals. His eye caught the eastern portion of his camp as it was, the daybrew in his bladderflask compensating for what would have normally been a smeared vista of a complete whole. A sorry camp for a sorry bunch, and they really were all such a sorry bunch, if the turn of his eye was any indicated.

F*ck. Blackstock returned a contemptuous volley of phlegm over his shoulder and caste his eyes upon the freakshow now in front of him. He should have saved his phlegm. The tree had been a more seemly sight than the family and property now stood here. Everything was buggered from night to day and he wasn’t even sure if night was day or day was night or if there really even was a way to tell the difference, or if any of that really-really-mattered next to the fact that his flaskskin felt a little light. Truly a horrible misallocation of resources. Whoevers responsible should be fired. “Well, that makes it a fifth one then eh?” The Quartermaster of the Empty Flasks jabbed a thumb over his shoulder at the tree, which briefly increased the pitch of its oration to new heights before slumping back into a burbling mewl. Like the Motherless thing was insulted. Blackstock shivered, gave his staff a dashing salute-or what passed for one in the forest- and abruptly started for his hammock at a smart march. Taken off guard, the various de Letueum representatives’ to the forest scrabbled to keep pace with Malcolm and only Malcolm. It would have made him smile if everything wasn’t so ****ed. He winced as the tree shrieked again, this time in time with the four others that studded the perimeter of the camp-hovel. The latter may have been too generous, given that hovels had rats and those had were a species alien to the Fores-

The embalmed’s tripartite of thoughts bluntly addressed him, each flitting into the language centers of his brain in verses that were seemingly harmonious and discordant all at once. <Quartermaster. Quartermaster. Quartermaster.> Most of the embalmed under Blackstock’s command had been changed by the forest, but the Quintessence had been made strange. The property-really the closest thing the embalmed had to a leader-hovered over the Forrest’s soil by a centimeters, it’s legs and frame spindly. Atrophied. All three of it’s cranium were oblong and oversized, fused again and again and again at the temporal and occipital lobes, pulsing in time with the thing’s communications. With the way it lowered to just above the Forrest floor, <Have you. Any need. Of the Quintessence?> Blackstock cast a glance over his shoulder and watched the egregore sedately bounce through the air towards him. Even with its trio of fleshes so degenerated the thing would have stood two full heads taller than Malcolm-even standing on the ground. The areas where its skin was stretched to emaciation shone with a cyanotic bruising at odds with lurid radiance of the Forest ecosystem. Blackstock picked up the pace to his hammock and massaged at one of his sore temples. 114. Uck. <Stock, find yourself back to the other embalmed not sectioned to me. Take the right. Instruct Father: they are to join you there, wherein you breach the gap they afford.>

<Yes Quartermaster. Yes Quartermaster. Yes Quartermast-> “Blackstock! Blackstock you miserable simpering **** of a bastard! I would have words with you!” Blackstock judged the gait by the frustrated crunching it imparted on the topsoil, then judged it again to be Mira’s stomping footfalls. “Blackstock you ****. We are doomed by your hand, your waste and excess of the incediaries.” He replied with a dismissive wave of his hand and pressed on, gladdened to finally see his hammock between the two trees that weren’t screaming nonsense into the febrile air. “Bah, you worry too much cousin. Go polish some marble..” A sharp inhalation that bespoke of frustration. “Save your rage for further fights, cousin-lest you lose it as a future catalyst for whatever insipid actions pass for valuable between your and your…” He stopped and smartly wheeled, noting with a modicum of concern that the spittle on his jacket had calcified into a bright cyan plaque. Presence of boron, maybe? ”… Sibling”

Mira stood frozen in the incandescence of her wrath, arms-crossed and baring down upon the Quartermaster with a most baleful gaze. Who knew heterochromia was so suited to fury. “My brother’s Stele will feast on your limbs, and it will be the last thing you feel before we make a gate of your marrow to leave this Mother-disowned place.” Blackstock blinked, the upper and lower eyelids meeting in a sagittal parallel. “If I die, the Flasks will spittle on the Choir-trees limbs for naughts but the megaphids’n’bortadellin flies for company-“

“The Flasks will die or they will thank and serve and breed for us, there’s not a middle ground left to occupy, Malcolm. Not in this place.” Mira licked her lips and made the movement of her eyes a mad wheel about that was equal parts sarcastic and revelatory, encompassing as it did the majority of the foliage above them. He really needed a tent to go with his hammock-perhaps something composed of a suitably classy hide like chameleon or giant. He’d only need one of the latter, afterall…Luminous. Mira may have been looking about but Blackstock didn’t miss where her hands went: to her Stele. A replica of her twin’s in miniature, bereft of the cut handholds of strap harness that would have defined Merrick’s weapon yet cast of the same white marble tapered to a pointed obelisk like end. Her stele had a metal bell guard under the flat transverse end where the marble ended, and where the grip was obscured by her hand would normally have shown a sword-hand etched with carvings of de Leuteum’s greatness. The white marble of the Stele of Putrefaction throbbed with a ugly white light and Blackstock had to look away and back to his cousin. He narrowed his eyes upon her. “Cease your crooning woman, the only thing we’re going to do here is get ****ed-absent sibling affectations or appetites I might add-because nones of us can come to a consensus on how to f*cksing habitate. Not here.” Never now. Something in his voice mustve shocked her into silence, because her arms got crossed again. “By the mother…”

Heh. “Your drunk on a daybrew aren’t you you spineless f!ck.” Oh. Well it wasn’t as though she was wrong, and with the matter of his hammock calling to him and whatnots…Blackstock turned and kept walking, and threw a “You have the left” over his shoulder. He’d thought about saying more but the twins brought their own sort of mayhem to the battlefield that was best left to its own appetites.

“Then who has the centre?” He wanted to snort but was worried that some of his daybrew would come up past the turbinates. Bad form for a quartermaster to be wasting fight juice like that. Worse still to be hoarding the premium stuff for yourself. Treasonous, that. The Center was his. Obviously. Blackstock reached the bottom of his hammock and began rifling through the various alchymicals below it, setting aside what he’d need for the assault everyone knew was coming. A serious fight tonic, the kind that could flip a bull-salamander on its arse when at the brew reached its zenith. A pneumatic clockwork gauntlet that had to be tightly wound for any real use – something he’d specially imported from the south under strict de Leuteum tariffs-retrofitted with needles running along the length of fingers that dripped with malign solutions. Armour specially treated with high-grade compliance and elastic tonics to accommodate the increase in anatomical proprotions afforded by the synergy of his day-er and the brew he’d set aside. For the Fight. A fieldbelt slotted with the latest in alchemical munitions for the enterprising throwing arm: a mercury chakram shining in the morning light, a grape-like cluster of macrococci for quick chain-infections, and a new admixture of powdered ruby and crushed Forest tissues for the gas detonations that rounded out the rest of the bandolier. Ah. And what he was looking for.

Malcolm J. Blackstock squatted and then drunkenly stumbled down onto his knees, clenching the rather mundane-looking incendiary detonator in his hands as the flask fell to the forest floor.

The camp’s southern end skirted a massive stonewall, it colors flecked with patches of rust where iron had oxidated and, at the lower levels, the brown smears of old blood where the execution of de Leuteum prisoners had occurred in the search for more matter. A good distance above: a hastily erected watchtower stapled to the flesh of the stone’s side with alchemical paste, conjoined to the floor with a retractable rope ladder. Yet still higher, above the watchtower, like some sort of ominous apex predator occupying it’s niche atop an ecosystem: the homunculi watched Quartermaster Blackstock, observing the bastard in supplication.

They cannot comprehend...

The incendiary munitions clapped out a concussive emanation into the air that echoed back against the rock wall. Pale white tribesman bodies careened into the air with ragged stumps for legs, howling out an accompanying symphony that was drowned out by the second wave of blasts. Yet still the Awlnzrae-supported Scoorsk charged on, their bodies engorged and hulking on whatever xenochymicals they had wrung from the Forest-ignorant to the ground that pitched in heaved into conflagrations at their feet. They came on in a tight wedge, inured against the barrage of strikes that nipped at the Quartermaster Blackstock lead his men forward through the haze of the second wave of detonations, yelling and twirling his sabre about his head. It made a dull, meaty thwack sound as the blade’s cutting came into contact with a diagonal parry from the lead Scoorskan, but no one could hear it above the shared bellowing the two figures spat at one another. The duo’s sounds faded to the plurality of dirges filling the air, lost to the sound of life warring with itself.

Magda Compassion Tarns blinked and the world shifted from the drab ochres and yellows of the Forest to one where heat defined the shape of things. Where breath and blood was seen as small red puffs of cloud that scattered to black. The embers of expended incendiaries were blurred orange and yellow smudges. And on the Forest floor de Leutuem hominids and trees pulsed with the same red-green of fading thermal heat, highlighted only because the arboriculture’s convective winds had already begun to cool the site of the battle. Magda blinked and detached a pseudopod from where it had anchored in a crevasse, then splayed it into the signal to advance. The Forest was ever-unifying against de Leuteum interests, and while the bastard Quartermaster had accounted for the second wave of Awlnzrae. But hominid senses had their limits, like any sort of conventional physiology. Magda could see the Jhalilbrii in the trees, priming their blowguns. A red cloud of breath marked the beginnings of their volleys, though at this range even Magdas senses failed to spate the faint puff puff puffing sound of the assault. That would need to change.

She dropped, letting gravity pull her atoms downward in time with the splaying of her limbs. The membranes grafted to her caught at the wind and carried her left, to the last of the Euphony Trees that the bastard Quartermaster had discovered. A flagella shot out and impaled one of the creatures branches before reeling inward to pull Magda forward. She made contact with the tree and used the momentum to swing upwards and around the branch, squatting on it for a moment. If the tree was screaming more for having a passenger it was lost above the din of the conflict it bore witness to. The branches pulsed and flexed –receding around the touch of homuculus’ bared feet even as they resumed a turgid sort of stability underneath. The tree’s pulse was quickening, swelling and bulging around the wound Magda’s flagellum had made. Where the bark had been white it now swirled-a mangled aperture, leaking sickly yellow vitreous fluids to the floor below. The leaves chattered-once, twice, three times for every pulse that quivered through the tree’s’ flesh. The language of life’s systems. Itself a strange euphony-one absent from Magda. Sparing no thought for the observation, she pushed off from the weeping branch-just in time for the next in her cohort of homunculi to land.

Sympathetic alchymicals lent her the cadre’s senses, displaying the battle in a compounded viewpoint. The Dyad of Stele were closest to the homunculi’s position amongst the tree. They faired as they center did-a middling stalemate that saw them bogged down by the trilobites driven before the Awlnzrae. Merrick carried the Stele of Teeth in both hands-underslung-like one might a ram for breaching. The thing was a rectangular prism that would have been pointed at the end were it not active: the end of the Stele-the top-melted to flesh melted to the stuff of stars melted to a great, wyrm-like maw that chomped and gnawed and mewled and devoured what flesh stood in its path. The containment glyphs branded into the man’s flesh were glaring with a baleful purple that bespoke of the frigidness they imparted onto Merrick’s flesh. Yet they still held against the monstrosity in his hands. His sister caught those left in the maw’s wake, sweeping and extending the Stele of Putrefaction like a great baton of rot. Magda watched through the last of her cohort’s eyes as Mira thumbed a rune on the short-sword like column’s guard, telescoping it into the carapace of a trilobite’s shell. Flesh steamed and boiled a torrent of black dead-matter frothing from the new orifice. Screams came from the creature as it decayed from the inside out. A black, rotten gas wafted into the air above the trilobite, and the Stele of Maws roared-driving the gas over the few trilobites left, straight towards the Awlnzarae. They shrunk from it, weeping and coughing out a similar effluence.

Magda saw all of this in passing to her destination: the middle Euphony Tree. She leapt from another branch and daintily landed on another, then skipped upwards. Towards new strata. The sunlight shone brighter through the leaves as Magda shot upwards, flitting from branch to branch to apex of the Euphony Tree she occupied. The cohort continued on down below. Magda stared across the vast brush of the Yellow Forest’s zenith. Uniform. Like the topiaries of some vast, unknowable gestation seeded to the flesh of this plane. A wind blew, and the top of the tree that Magda occupied shrunk and bent back against the wind’s encroachment. A few stray leaves kicked up and chattered in the cold. Magda didn’t feel cold. Physical feeling was the purview of the human. She leaned back in time and bowed the treetop back with her weight, making the lean as exaggerated as the pliability of the wood could allow for. Magda loosed from the sapling-frond and arced towards the lurid yellow of the Forest’s sky in a controlled parabola.

She resumed the splayed, vulture like stances the membranes had afforded her early, drinking in the sensations brought to her from the grounded homunculi she’d left below. She saw the Jhalibrii ensconced in their tree, growing ever closer with the cadre’s pursuit. Heard the exhalation of their breath as clear as any scream from the battlefield as another dart went from blowgun to the neck of the Quartermaster’s man. Felt it all tear away from her as Magda’s descent subsumed any sort of extra-audible input beyond the screaming of the wind in her ears. Her eyes functioned properly-narrowed to the tree’s occupants. Highlighted the Jhalibrii’s anatomies and made them writ plain against the skeins of their heat. Magda’s wrists twitched and she drew her arms and legs close in time with the proboscises jutting forth from her lunates.

Below, she saw the Empty Flasks gain ground as the After-Births and the Mother’s Quintessence smashed into a Scoorskan flank now absent trilobites to support it. The embalmed made contact first-exploiting the gap made by the After-Births enfilade of launched alchemicals. An embalmed wreathed in lightning and cinder stormed the hole in the Scoorskan right-and a faint smell of burned flesh was carried over the wind as the arcs of lightning cleaved tribesman apart. Fire. A tripartite of embalmed, all conjoined at their ovoid heads-followed after, coalescing what tissue hadn’t been transmuted to ash into familiar geometries wrought from flesh. Air. The solids whirled and careened about the Scoorskan line, bludgeoning tribesman with their own dead. Some of the latter evinced loyalty, attempting to encircle the last of the embalmed to make contact-a centipede like beast wrought from spinal colums-only to be scythed down by another barrage of alchemicals from the After-births staves. The wedge buckled, collapsed then broke before the assault, scattering a retreat that took them into a quagmire wrought by the last two of the Quintessence that had tunnled below ground. Magda observed as thin, barely perceptible needles of bismuth shot from the Forest floor to impale feet and limbs. The Scoorskans tripped and fell and clawed there way back, anything to get away from the swampy death.

Vision and locomotion converged as all five of Magda-and their viewpoints-collapsed into a single destination. She took the Jhalibrii leader first, outstretching both lunates so that the first parts of her that made contact with the Reeve were the dual points of her proboscis-one to the spleen, the other puncturing the eardrum. The momentum of Magda’s descent pushed the man from his branch into a dusty impact with the ground, trailing screams as the paralytics in Magda’s stingers did nothing for the pain of broken bones. de Leuteum’s groundskeeper followed the fall down and let one of her hands wimple into a grappling-hook like flagella that ensured she would not meet the same messy fate. Her other hand snapped up the Reeve’s blowgun in time with her gripping appendage being pulled taught against the fall’s momentum. For a moment, Magda hung suspended from the tree. Like a fly caught in amber. Then her flagella retracted in time with the tensile bob of its trailing and she was pulled back up into the conflict above. She rose. Vomited a stinger into the blow gun, then watched through another pair of her eyes as the muscle and tissue around her throat bulged into a toad-like goiter. Breathing was ever the providence of humans, but it had its uses.

The Magda that ascended twirled mid climb and put at dart into the last Jahlibrii left on the tree. It caught the tribeswoman just below the eye causing her orbital to swell, become stauchly turgid then burst under the pressure applied behind it. A doleful cry was loosed before the remains of the tribeswomans grey matter spilled forth from her mouth, leading her to a sedate slump-handing from the tree. Magda completed her ascent with the indifference of a roc, ignorant to the mournful dirge sun by the tree. Below, Blackstock put his sabre into the Scoorskan chief’s chest, his litany of spat curses lending their own cadence to what was now a largely concluded conflict: “F*** YOU! F*** YOU! F***! YOU!” To his credit, the Scoorskan twisted at the last moment for what would have been a mutually fatal thrust-had the calcified sputum on the Quartermaster’s longcoat not stopped it. The Scoorskan chief collapsed, his chest a ragged, crimson would that pumped blood and air flush with crimson into the Forest’s ecosystem. The remaining forest dwellers-a few stray Scoorskans, those Jhialibrii that had survived their fall and even an Awlnzrae-melded trilobite-had shrunk into a vague half-circumfrence of surrender. There would be more.

She descended and coalesced but for two versions of herself. Approached the Quartermaster. Noted the spear-one different from the Scoorsk chief’s-that had impaled his third lung. The heat roiling forth into the air as the effects of the fight stimulants were sweated out from his skin. “Blackstock. The Archymist-“ The Quartermaster whirled on her, his titanic proportions wilting in time with the ebbing of the fight brew from his systems. His voice came out broken and mangled, the only human word coming as a snarl. “Tarns. What would my dear dear-” He paused, spat phlegm, fightbrew and more than a little blood from his mouth “-dear, dear, dear, dear...dear? Sister..."His words slurred, and the man had pause to wretch all over the dying matter around him have of the Empty Flasks?”

“Half-Sister, Quartermaster" A flash of irritation mixed with nausea. "And not the Flasks, Quartermaster. You.” Something feral gleamed in the Quartermaster’s eyes as he looked beyond the homunculus’ shoulder to where the other two of her yet to rejoin had begun to deploy what would be needed for the return journey. Bone-rods were snapped together, dermis snapped taught and the gate took shape. All it needed was de Leuteum blood to activate it. All it had needed was extrapolations from old Hanrui artiface-suffering in distance moved for what was made up in the cost of its components. The Quartermaster-longcoat and body now returned to normal proportions absent brew-cast an appraising glance about the carnage he and the others had wrought. A hand snaked into his long coat, and Magda re-coalesced into a singular form. “How could I refuse?” The Quartermaster took a swig of from his flask and stumbled forward to accept the hand Magda offered to him. And stepped through. To Home.

Amongst those of the de Leuteum adventurers still left to the flesh of the Forest and the shrieking of the trees, the duo of figures passed in silence, but for the alternating sounds of a stylus scribbling, the steady clatter of coin on stone and myriad footsteps, all trampling the firmament in concert with one another.

Will not comprehend

Morale 4

Constituents of Jhalalkraun,

To the Members of the Fae Court & the Khalos Trade Guild whom have already enjoyed this missive via the world congress, the Lodge apologizes for the redundancy but repetition ever breeds results. To the Legion of Balance, we convey this missive with the utmost respect and sorrow.

We of the Lodge are forced to draw the conclusion that Clan Baem makes preparations to move upon this continent. Baem possess a motive: they desire to settle lands promised to the Legion. Their disorganization makes them well suited to wage a proxy war on behalf of powers well equipped to wage one via them. In short they are like a most incandescent candle: burn twice as brightly when combustion is applied, but are incinerated away twice as quickly in the resultant conflagrations. In seeding conflict in our lands what would follow is simple: in the resulting conquests the winning side(s) would be too badly mauled to resist an invasion by the premier military powers on this most contentious of Hanruis. Indeed, there is precedence for this, given their assault upon the Crystalheart this season past. In support of such a bold observation-one that We understand may cause no small amount of alarm amongst you regardless of its factuality-We of the Lodge will avail ourselves of the extant communiques between Baem and the West, should you require further evidence from which to draw your own conclusions.

We of the Lodge are explorers, far from the famed warriors that guard the halls of the trade guild and those most hallowed of seneschals from the Fae courts-to say nothing of the vast duality of military knowledge espoused by the Legion, as every conflict is ever a study of opposites. We of the Lodge look to you for guidance, but know that we ever work towards this continents benefit.

The Solution is in your Beaker,
M. de Leuteum
Morale 4

What we gonna do about these lads coming to f**** us boys?

Indeed, we find this agreement possibly superior to the very one we proposed. Most equitable as well. The very study of contradictions we seek to derive in our pursuit of deaths enGive our regards to those who spliced your tetrarchy of ecologies into the various layers of human phyisology.

Deals good with me!

Most Esteemed Logicians of the Clockwork Republics,

No doubt you have observed that-for want of a superior parable-things are undergoing hairy period at this time. d. Our agreement will have to wait until we know more of current developments.

May your numbers sum correctly,
M. de Leuteum

Not saying no, but not saying yes yet. Need to wait on some things.

Its starting...Its starting again.

Morale 0

Unwrought Matter of Clan Baem,

Know that the Lodge does not begrudge you your dreams of conquest.I do not begrudge you your dreams of conquest. It has been derived that the natural state of hominids errs ever towards conflict-and the want for excess that is so often associated with such primal response patterns. The Lodge understands these desires. I understand these desires. Quantified, dissected and rendered them down to their essential elements in the search for knowledge. I understand your position, and know it to be a most difficult one. However, I cannot condone actions you are beginning to undertake. I not see you to annihilation at the hands of the Lodges allies on Jhalalkraun, nor would I see you fall to your masters in the west once your usefulness has outlived their purposes. The Lodge believes there is a compromise to be forged between us: we shall retain our neutrality in the coming conflict, and hereby forthwith resume the trade agreed upon last season. In return you will forfeit a percentage of the arms afforded to you by the Foreign powers to the Lodge and provide the agreed upon evidence.

May your answer be in the affirmative and preclude extinction,
Moira Retribution de Leuteum, Archymist of the Lodge, Architect of the Mother's Paradise, Baroness of High House de Leuteum

Simple really. Until you can prove that the huge amount of military your building up isnt aimed at me I'm suspending trade with you for the espionage/rep owed and will declare war in my next response barring we can reach some kind of solution similar to as outlined above. Big priority would be that I need evidence and proof that any military you have would not be used on me and have a VIP free for you to convey any proof via a PM, where we can also discuss things further.

2020-11-26, 09:20 PM
Legion of Balance
Mor 9

Greetings Allies,

We are happy that our friends became such trend setters, it drove us to declare our alliance publicly, but as for a Reputation Alliance we would like to wait and see how our current alliance works out after we finish our shared project together. Maybe a year or so after the project is completed?

Lady Greydane

Greetings Mighty Khalos,

We too have reservations about Clan Baem on our shores, so given that you are not giving your endorsement and it seems that none of the others will either we shall keep firm about our claim. We also thank you for keeping us in mind for your sales.

Lady Greydane


We regrettably cannot sign a non aggression pact. We have seen you spreading through the seas and with war brewing near you and the announcement of your new alliance we worry that the Elda may prove to be a... destabilizing influence on the region possibly. We must keep our options open so we can keep the balance.

Lady Greydane

Khanate of the Ironhoof
Mor 12

No worries little clockwork neighbors. You would not be a worthy foe, we do not look for gold but glory! Sadly your little republic would not bring us much renown or impress our herd leaders much.

Prepare to hear of our glory.

Greetings Mighty Ocean Born,

While we can respect your desire for expansion we cannot respect the way you did so. You took your people to the dark in the depths and sold your souls for power. We believe in power through hoof and arm, not selling the souls of our people for dark powers. We make no promises for peace or war, we are not peoples of the ocean but you would be a worthy foe.

Maybe one day this could be the start of a glorious rivalry or an alliance to make people tremble in their homes at the thought of earning our ire. It is not that day... yet.

Safe travels,
The Ironhoof

9 Layered Bank
Mor 4

Greetings Flesh Molders!

Well isn't that how all great friendships start? One having a surplus and the other having a need? We are very interested in your souls that you have to offer, especially since you have so many. The real question would be though are you interested at all in alternate forms of payment? We have other things to offer such as rare items from our dungeon or use of our network or legion devils.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bankers

Greetings Wealthy Republicans,

Well that sounds like the leadership over there has the right kind of thoughts on loans! We like to work with other local banks so your eagerness and ability to let us work with your local banks makes things much easier! Carts of gold, gems, and rare reagents it is!

For valued customers such as you though we would offer a much better deal, more money is to be made in repeat customers then fleecing out all your money at once. We need you to be much more dependent and hooked so we can get at your delicious souls best deals. :smallwink:

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bankers

The bank offers you 9 Econ/Mag at the rate of you owing them 10 Econ/Mag over 5 Turns (2/Turn).

Greetings Mighty Devourer,

We would love to have Hannah Scalesbane among us, you understand that she would have to sign several contracts before we take her and you receive your payment. Standard employment contracts for all our ground level employees; pay rates, vacation days, soul ownership, public relations, relations with dark powers, dental, and obviously secrecy clauses.

We will ship our payments shortly!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bankers
8 Econ will be sent this turn for the VIP.

Greetings Blackened Souls of the Deep,

While we find you all very interesting, your powers and 'worship' intrigue us greatly, we cannot sign any agreements with you. While you interest us you cannot offer us your souls as anything other then traps already beholden to your dark gods. Oh we're sure that you could trade in bodies of your own and taken slaves but it isn't the same.

We may be interested in some of your more changed beings, several devils in our employ have expressed much appreciation and interest in examining some. However we aren't drawn enough to bind us. We know the dangers of contracts.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bankers

Remnants of the Pillar
Mor 4

We thank you for your well wishes, we are now starting to explore the many nations of Hanrui.

Will you be among those offering bids for our skills? We are intrigued by your magic.

Greetings Friendly Hobbits,

We do not just consider the highest bid for our services, we are here for more then the highest offer. We consider the magical might of a nation, and to a lesser extent their influence with other nations, to be more important.

St. Justicar
2020-11-26, 10:52 PM
The Clockwork Republic
Morale 7

So, given the current diplomatic cluster**** you seem to have gotten yourself in, are you still looking to sell? Because I’ve officially got the cash in hand to hire as many diplomats or (preferably) knives in the dark as you’re able to find. More the merrier, and all that.
-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

de Leuteum
Right, yes, that offer was somewhat conditional on your not instantly starting a war with another trading partner of ours. Not good business, I’m sure your understand.
Now, for apolitical matters, given the recent discoveries in the Hollow Peak, we can offer [3 Magic] along with the services of Academic Cahit [tier 1 VIP]. For compensation we’d want [4 Morale] and [2 Mil, Esp, or Rep, your preference]. Though given our previous dealings I’d be willing to accept partial payment at a latter date. Think we can make that work?
-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

Deal. If any of you ever want a break from the whole hellfire and fleshhooks and poetic tortures racket, I’m sure I could find the budget to hire a few more competent accountants.
Just send over the paperwork [confirm how much of each stat], and send a copy of the contract draft, I’ll sign.
-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

First Captain Aslund,
We have no objection to mutual coexistence, provided you hold true to your word and do not trouble Vahsi’s shores uninvited. If your fleets do not trouble our merchants, then we shall have no urgent reason to trouble your reavers in turn.
Though, while you have been quite careful in your letter, I will endeavour to be blunt and clear – the Esheri Republic has no plans for further expansion beyond the shores of Vahsi, but as a matter of principle it entirely rejects any pretensions you may hold of maritime hegemony, and any encroachment on the Souswardi Isles annexed into it this past season will be treated as an act of war.
But I am sure that the messages I may have seen were improperly copied, or took poetic exaggeration literally, and so this will be no issue at all. In which case I see no reason why we may not live in peace, should things continue as they are.
Peace and Reason,
Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

The ‘letter’ is in fact a small but intricate mechanism of polished iron and silver. When wound, a light begins glowing in its core, projecting the message across any nearby surfaces.
I write on behalf of the Clockwork Republic of Esher and, perhaps unlike some of my colleagues, I received your message gladly.
As luck would have it, an opportunity for trade has presented itself. We have a certain project which would be expedited by your expertise. Nothing grand or costly – spectacle and glamour, mainly, illusions to catch the eye and enchantments to enflame the heart. Nothing dire or permanent, but trifles in great quantity still add up.
We would pay, of course. I would presume to offer silver from our newly established mines in Symponia and old-growth timber freshly felled from Xylea, but alternate payment is certainly possible, as is quibbling over the number.
[OOC: My life would, given the present state of things, be made easier with 6 morale. Making an opening offer of 3 Econ for it, though that’s negotiable]

May the light of Truth guide your path
-Encyclopediest Hayy, of the Clockwork Republic of Esher

Lord Athos
2020-11-27, 12:33 PM
The Silverhammer Protectorate


To the most esteemed Oppam, Mouth of Khalos,

The season draws to a close, and our situation still has not changed.
Thus, we would be very interested in a trade of resources.
The Ranger Corps has returned from their expedition, and they have recovered the magical remains of a giant shaman (2 Mag), which we would be willing to trade for your assistance in raising our reputation amongst the nations.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual advancement,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

2 for 2 is fair, I suppose? REP is preferred, although Mor or Eco would be fine, too. Honestly, I'd be fine with anything other than Mag :smallbiggrin:

Vrock Bait
2020-11-27, 05:16 PM
Celestial Empire of Longshan

The emperor sat alone, well within the Southern Palace but in a hallway far removed from the throne room. Without the ceremonial garb of his status and with an old treatise of history in hand, he could have almost been mistaken for a younger palace official.

One of the midwives stepped out of the chamber and bowed. “There were no complications, Your Excellency, it was a boy.”

He Xie smiled. “Can I go in?”

The midwife looked taken aback. She bowed hastily, then ducked out of the way before muttering some obsequities for good measure.

When he entered the chamber, the emperor was greeted by the sight of the empress fussing with her mother, as usual. A small bundle was nestled in Song Suying’s lap.

“I don’t need more hashish, mother. Uncle Teng’s wife didn’t use any at all, and she still rides around with Cousin Lu.”

Her mother, Lady Han, looked ready to go on another long diacritic about the ceremonial importance, but was interrupted by the emperor’s arrival.

“Lady Han, I’m sure this isn’t necessary,” He Xie said, “We’ll offer the proper offerings to the gods later.”

The Lady Han looked mildly reluctant to concede but ultimately decided not to argue with the supreme ruler of the country. She grumbled for the span of a few seconds then muttered something about a scribe and left.

Suying laughed, “I forgot you could shut up my mother like that, she was groaning about auspicious behavior the entire time. Now I wish I had let you in the room earlier.”

“You’ll see a lot more of me soon, I asked Master Songsun to take over from me for one or two months.”

The empress threw the cushion of her futon at him. “Sentimental idiot.”

“What?” He Xie caught it mid-air. “The last dynasty ended because each emperor was raised less and less by the previous one, right? Merchant Ming on the street can take a short break but I can’t?”

Suying feigned scoffing. “Here, want to hold him?” She held out the bundle from her right arm.

The emperor nodded, and gently took the bundle into his arms. The infant’s face was red, almost like the heroes of Shan myth, and gazed at him with what could only be called a calm determination.

The dynasty would march on.

A month after this scene takes place, the eldest Imperial heir is announced to have been born. His milk name is discarded for a new one, He Zhu.

Greetings to the artisans of the flesh,

It is recorded that the great general Kan Jin was like a valiant tiger with the halberd and a crafty rodent above troops. His forces took fifty commanderies before the wise strategist Xiahuang Gai sowed seeds of suspicion into his mind. By the time his sons stabilized his temperament he had already razed the halls of his ally states, Mi and Xu.

Be it known that paranoia and antagonism will not be tolerated in the realm of kings. You project these lesser traits upon others when you demand proof against actions that are not yet taken. If you wish to undermine the defensive integrity of the Idol’s End, also be it known that your walls fall as easily to Celestial incursion as any other.

With respect,
Songsun Yun, Imperial Chancellor

2020-11-27, 10:25 PM
Clan Baem

Morale: 4
Rep: 3


Respected Duty elected officials,

As the undisputed movers and shakers within Hanrui, even given the title of trendsetters. We'll like to petition your aid to pass a proposal, if you have not thought of your own to send to the world congress.

stats invested on long term projects are half again as effective (so 1 is 1.5, 2 is worth 3 and so on), catchy name up to you.

-may the sun rise with you and not the other way around, Clan Baem.

Moira de Leuteum,

Let our emissaries settle this issue once and hopefully for all.

-Clan Baem.

Hjordis ys Orvar, Captain of Khombriss Depths,

Thank you, it does seem that way, but who knows, fortune does favour the bold or so we were told many bold people ago, do expect our trades (should they ever come again) to involve far more magic should the wizard join us.

As for the deal, we'll take it, let the farthest fleet and the Baem wet their blades against a common foe, disproportional ammount of blades as it may be.

would a mixed ammount work for you, say 3:3?

To the Empire of Longshan as a whole, while the emperor is occupied,

Congratulations on new Heir, might the emperor live long enough for his hairs to grow white with age.

We appreciate your adherence to the promise of defense, though we suspect the Lodge's move to be nothing but a merchantile play on their previous debt is still good to know we can count on you, and know that you can count on us.

On the topic of the coming advance, what are your thoughts and plan for the peninsula's last step into the mainland, where it reaches your borders.

-With newfound reasons to respect you, Clan Baem.

Any chance you do not intend to annex 38?, most of my hopes for taking 53 are dead and dashed and I have enough spare troops to attack there too.

Coordinator Neese,

We are definitely paying our debt on knives this turn, though the selling will have to wait on a little diplomatic un****ing of the Cluster****, we wouldn't blame you for spending it beforehand.

Thanks for half-sticking up for the Clan, "Trading partners" would be the nicest thing said about the collective family in Hanrui if someone hadn't taken to calling us Dynasts.

-Expect a gift, something cheap of course, Clan Baem.


Of course, we'd be pleased to have you staying with us and will do our best in the bid, hopefully whoever does win ends up proving to deserve your attentions.

-Merry hunting, Clan Baem.

Vrock Bait
2020-11-30, 11:21 AM
Celestial Empire of Longshan

Forces have been deployed to exterminate your largest religious site. The divine artifact said to lie at the end of the structure will be sent to the capital.

Spamming MIL into your dungeon. Bye-bye whatever artifacts are at the end...

Morale 8

Greetings once again to the dynasts Baem,

We appreciate your well-wishes to the imperial clan. May your line also continue into eternity.

We will be taking the upper Convenant territories this summer. The threat to their idolatry is merely misdirection, and I advise your agents to conduct operations similarly. If you wish, you may simply establish a colony on the Eastern Continent by force, and you would have our support in such an endeavor.

With respect,
Emperor Xishun, Son of Heaven, Lord of Longshan, Defender of the Dragon Mountains

Yep, we’ll probably be taking 71 and 38. Dungeon threats are just a trick and you should probably do something similar so not to provoke their active defense. Do note that their passive defense is like 12 or 13, so it might be best if you invest all extra troops into 39. Otherwise, you can just take 53 anyway and we’ll fight the Legion for you.

2020-11-30, 02:42 PM
Morale 0

We have armed and girded ourselves with the facts provided by Clan Baem, a farcry from the rancor and banal suppositions bellowed across the sea by your subhumans. Consider employing the former, as Baem has done in their dealings with us, lest you find true cause for worry amongst your people.

The letter is unsigned.

Morale 4


Indeed, clearly you are most intelligent to make such a decision. We agree to your terms. Perhaps we may distill a proper alliance come the next season.

M. de Leuteum

Deal sounds good. will have my end ready.

Most esteemed bankers,
We would first need to view your catalogue before any true considerations be made. Know however that this does not preclude us from trade with you. Far from it in fact. The thrill of discovery is ever at the center of de Leuteum's outlook.

M. de Leuteum

2020-11-30, 02:56 PM
Crystalheart Covenant

In a clearing in the forest, the two figures stood opposite one another. Standing tall was the figure of Grandmaster Agni, his form clad in blackened half plate, a heavy, two-handed sword strapped over his back. Both the armor and blade were inlaid with ruby that simmered with an inner fire, much like the molten strands of his own hair. Agni cut an imposing figure, but the one opposite him dwarfed him in terms of sheer size. Agni was no horseman, but it was 20 hands to the shoulder... of the centaur's horse half. The centaur's human torso was no less imposing with heavy, corded muscle and broad shoulders. Agni might be considered the greatest warrior in the Covenant, but there was no doubting that this man was strongest among their centaur brethren.

"You came. I am impressed." Herne spoke softly, his voice deep and rumbling all the same. Agni had seen Herne in battle, and when shouting that voice would carry over the din of battle quite easily. Agni narrowed his eyes at Herne and glared. The two of them barely got along, and now Herne had invited him out into the wilds alone to have a discussion. Agni did not fear Herne, but in their terrain it would make things difficult for him, especially since Herne had time to prepare.

For his part, Herne the Hunter remained quiet and watched. He could read Agni's expression well, while in return his could not be read at all. Herne was clad in armor as well, though his seemed to have been grown from bark, vines and leaves encrusting the emeralds set in it and layering the armor in a set of thorns. On his head was a wooden mask, with sweeping antlers, causing him to cut an even more opposing figure. At Agni's height the top of his head probably hit where the belly button would be on Herne's human torso. "I did." Herne smiled beneath the mask. Agni was uneasy. Good.

"Can you do what this campaign will take?"

"What do you mean?"

"If it came down to the destruction of the Covenant or keeping your honor in battle, could you do what it takes? Could you do anything to win?" Herne reached out to the left, two magic arrows being launched from the trees where he had prepared them, in opposite directions from each other, though he only reached out to one. Agni did not hesitate, and with one hand on the massive blade, drew it and struck down the incoming arrow splintering it in half while his open hand reached out and flung a coiling fire behind him that grabbed the other incoming arrow and drew it into Agni's hand where it burned to ash. Agni's blade then burst into flame and he spun it in a circle, the grass of the clearing burning away along with the variety of magical spears that had been poised to strike. "Could you kill anyone who crossed your path? Anyone who was necessary to bring this war to a close?"

Agni made to move forward but vines from the trees above had descended, and entangled his arms with a whip-crack of motion. "Could you use your fire and burn down Imperial fields if it meant their armies would starve marching over the mountains to us?" In a motion, Herne took his weapon, the heavy, two-handed axe at his side and swung it down as if to take off Agni's head at the shoulders. With an almost bored expression, Agni was swiftly coated in a burst of flame, the vines falling aside in time for him to bring both hands up on his sword and meet the axe's swing. The two of them locked together as their weapons crossed, equals in strength. "Could you throw away warriors of the Sapphire Tear? The Garnet Moon? The Topaz Fang? Without hesitation if it was needed for victory?" Not equal warriors, however. Herne was less skilled with magic and spent less time on self-training and introspection than the Grandmaster. What made him the 'equal' to the flamekin was in his strategic mind and his ability to command, and they both knew that.

"Why should I have to? You seem more than happy to do those things yourself!" Agni shifted his weight slightly, and as his blade coated itself in flame, he angled up, slicing through the point where Herne's human and horse bodies connected, watching as it seemed to fray and fall apart like a ball of yarn cut in half, vines falling to the sides. "Was this just to see if my blade had not dulled during the settling, Herne? Do you think so little of me?" Agni's eyes flared as he stared directly to the side where the real Herne stepped out from between two trees, the axe slung across his back. "You were always fond of such childish ploys, even if it meant you'd trample your own honor under foot."

Herne laughed, the throaty noise filling the clearing. "And you were always so fond of swinging your honor around as easily as you do your sword. Honor does not fill one's belly, and honor does not bring one back from the dead." Agni glared at him and held his weapon still at the ready, his arms not wavering, and not even sweating a single drop from the brief clash of blades and ideals. "No, you have given me enough of an answer, I suppose. You knew I was here the entire time, Grandmaster, but you chose to ignore that and act as if we had an audience. That alone is enough to answer my questions even if you have not."

"A test? Did I pass?" Agni asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Herne paused as he turned to leave the clearing. "Only history will tell which of us was right, old friend. Until then, I won't stop any battles you or the rest of the Circle choose to fight, but if your honor cannot win the war... I will be ready. In order to survive this war, we must be ready to do whatever it takes. Even if that means killing you." Herne left, his figure quickly vanishing among the trees, leaving Agni standing alone, the scowl deepening on the flamekin's face as he too sheathed his weapon and turned to leave.

MOR 10
We do not have time to waste with your peoples and your aggression towards us. You have not declared war over the Cobalt Cape(39), but we have already fought over it. Since it is clear that you hold little stock in our words, perhaps deeds will do better. If you want the territory it's yours and we cede it willingly. As mentioned before our ambition for territory was already fulfilled with what we had before Imperial cowardice struck at our home. Be wary they do not do the same to you.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements.

2020-11-30, 04:24 PM
In the heart of the Nest, North of the Market and South of City Hall, there is a massive library filled with every kind of book imaginable or at least more books than a merchant could imagine having time to read. For the scholars and intellectuals of the world, the library was passable but lacked focus.

Within the study halls, tenured mages flexed their mental might on economic theory in exchange for access to Khalos themselves. None of them were there for the economic study, but they lent their brilliance to it so that they could examine the hydra and figure out how the beasts worked without getting eaten. Khalos was a rare breed, as most Druids weren't stupid enough to grant proper sentience to hunger incarnate.

Today, deep within the back rows of the study hall, two mages were marking up books, splattering red ink over tomes that had been authoritative a day before. They had to add the notes that evidence had been contradicted. Theories that had been used as a base for understanding magical biology had been incorrect all of this time.

"Does any of this hold up?" the first mage asked. She was younger, eager to study the new findings and practically whistling while she worked.

The mage beside her snatched the book from her hands with an exasperated sigh and looked over the essay she'd been going over. It was a long diatribe on how Hydras interacted with calories, with the conclusion being that they don't truly consume the food they eat, as they subsist on magical energies. The younger mage hadn't noticed it, but it was an essay he'd written three years prior to correct himself on some aspects of Hydra digestion theory. The older man sighed again and passed it the book back to the first mage, "No, none of it."


"It contradicts the idea of arcane adaptation," the second mage grumbled. He needed a new career. Years of study and then Khalos ate too many ice drakes and suddenly was a cryo-hydra. It wasn't even like cryo-hydas could be a product of normal hydras eating ice drakes. Drakes typically hunted hydras.

For the mages, this evolution of Khalos was a nightmare. For the people out in the streets, it meant Winter festivals. The monsters around the Nest already feared Khalos, so it didn't change much for them.

Khalos is now a level 6 ADV VIP and is a Cryo-hydra


We would be interested in knowing the results of the artifacts found within the lands of the Covenant. Though Khalos openly requests that wars are formal and dislikes deception, the Guild itself is far from against trading with wartime powers, alas the economy is the economy.

Though our local troops are tied up at the moment, the Guild does have access to significant Rep this season, and if you require diplomats during your campaign, we are more than happy to hear offers.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos.

Dear Patrons of Balance

A powerful scrying orb (+1 ESP item) has been recovered from the Ice Drake lair. Keeping true with our promises from before, we would like to offer you first purchase rights on the item. Send us your offer and we can get the item to you by the end of the season.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos

Attached are notations from mages about the use and effects of the item

We here at the Guild would happily trade 2 MOR for 2 MAG using the previously established trade route.

Have a lovely end of the season,

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

We shall likely be taking you up on your offer next season.

May we ask how deep into the dungeons have been mapped? Considering Khalos' resources when it comes to adventuring we'd loathe sending too many parties your way.

2020-11-30, 05:21 PM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

Morale 10

Abject Academic,

Your sense does you more credit than your title. The last librarian who tried to reject the claims of the Elda was tied to a mast and fed feet first to a Khasal devil-fish swarm. I did not pass over the horizon to bandy names on a map with a bookworm.

The Moot will keep its word: Vahsi will remain untouched for the time being. However, that which you call the sea will be returned to its masters. You see, what we search for lies at rest on one of Hanrui's isles. So while you may retain stewardship over the landmass you have seen fit to name 'Souswardi', know that the Fleet will seek to claim it in time. Perhaps next turn, we can come to an arrangement in your style.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void

Understood and accepted. I may bid to buy [1] from you next turn for a fair price - you can abandon territories with no stat loss within 2 turns of taking it, keeping the stats you originally earned for taking it - but we'll have to revisit that next turn.
Unfortunate, but not unexpected. Many of my captains - including those who were hopeful for a treaty - now look forward to meeting your horde in battle.

Out of respect for your strength, the Elda will give the Khanate the time it has asked for. Soon we will break the skies and seas with the tumult of war between us, causing such carnage as to make the heathen gods weep, but until then our prows will not sail to your shores.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void

The Elda are not declaring war... yet. We will revisit the issue next turn.
When it comes to the game of conquest, there is no such thing as too many blades. The Elda do not believe in fair play, only necessity. He who strikes first wins; everything else is theater.

Our rituals require a steady hand, so any sorcerers or reagents sent via ship will need to be accompanied by a practitioner of some skill. The Drowned Moot was very specific on that count.

ᚺᛃᛟᚱᛞᛁᛋ ᛃᛋ oᚱᚹᚨᚱ,
Hjordis ys Orvar, Captain of Khombriss Depths

3 and 3 sounds fine to me, provided that any MAG you send has a VIP to negate the failure chance for its intended use. I'm putting the finishing touches on my EoT now; locking in the MIL being sent to you.
The Elda come with glad tidings: we will be making safe your shores this season. Those who have fought you for your territory will soon be immaterial, and you will not regret having held onto your own.

The Fleet does not want you to fall prey to pirates and petty raiders. Although I have personally promised arms to such powers, the Drowned Moot has no intention of delivering them in any way resembling peace. Accept our help, and your people will wait out the storm.

Who knows, perhaps you may yet join the August League of the West?

ᚺᛃᛟᚱᛞᛁᛋ ᛃᛋ oᚱᚹᚨᚱ,
Hjordis ys Orvar, Captain of Khombriss Depths

Make sure you hold onto 39 tight this turn. The Elda will be making sure that Baem fails to take it, starting with yanking the 10 MIL I promised them. Without it, I doubt they will have enough MIL to take the territory from you given your passive defences.

And if you keep 39 for this turn, I can guarantee that Baem will no longer be your problem.

2020-11-30, 08:39 PM
Legion of Balance
Mor 9


We would be very interested in such an item, it will aid us in keeping an eye on the shifting balances of power to the west. Much is stirring over there. We would offer you our taxes for the season, use of our regiments, and our divine casters for a few weeks.

Is that acceptable?

Lady Greydane

3 Mil, 3 Econ, 2 Mag?

9 Layered Bank
Mor 4


What say you to our newly aquired Staff of Power and the contracts to some Legion Devils that may be of use to you?

+1 Mag Item, 2 Mil for a VIP.


We shall be sending our esteemed Glimmer there in person to oversee this deal (Tier 2 Econ VIP), along with several chests of gold and gems (2 Econ), and then several contracts for powerful demons and summoning paraphernalia (5 Mag).

Your Friendly Bankers

2020-11-30, 08:46 PM
Morale 4

To the Most Generous Coinsmiths of the Nine Layers,

How could we refuse?

M. de Leuteum

Heckin yeah I'll do that trade.

2020-11-30, 11:31 PM
Clan Baem

A small incandescent dagger clearly meant for ceremonial use is thrown towards a coastal outpost of the covenant, near a guard to be precise, a small note sporting a phrase in characters common across the Baem homeland "keep it, you'll need it".

Clan Baem declares war upon the Crystalheart convenant.

Morale: 4

We dearly hope to be rewarded as much as they have been for their actions, Send the hobbits our regards.

-Clan Baem

Congratulations on your winning Bid, Clan baem will now vote with you in every motion, though do remember to tell us what to vote for, payment delivery can be discussed when we have enough pathfinders free to link with the college.

-wealth beyone measure, Clan Baem.

2020-12-01, 12:17 AM
Crystalheart Covenant
MOR 10
Consider the offer made in an attempt to win over your good will rescinded in full.

Your timely aid in a dark hour is highly appreciated. We shall hold fast as long as we are able. Your aid will not be forgotten!

2020-12-03, 03:43 PM
Turn 4

“In war we must always leave room for strokes of fortune, and accidents that cannot be foreseen.” - Polybius

“So began a battle that none had expected; and it was called the Battle of Five Armies, and it was very terrible.” - Tolkien

Spring gives way to the burning hot summers and cool autumns of rest of the year. Dirt is baked under the sun, perfect for stomping feet of armies or the travel of emissaries. Summer is the season of war.


In Vahsi the loss of Phanos has seen land free up among the eastern desert. The Khanate and the Cockwork Republic both snap up tracts of land while the Bank happily moves not an inch. Over the mountains the Hobbits happily convince more neighbors to join their protection racket bribing them with the glory of snacks and gardens. The College moves further yet needing more room and resources for the new school year. New neighbors settle in beside the hobbits, tucked against the mountains.

On Jahalkraun little stirs among the powers that be but the small Valance Lodge ventures out of its zone to bring the mountain people near them under their banner.

On Xihou nothing moves but armies marching to war and struggling for supremacy.

The island chains are full of action as the Eda nd Clan Baem move to action.

Hanrui State of War

Xihou is a hotbed of sieges and wars this season. The twin Imperial campaigns launch towards the Covenant cities cutting through their lands until they come to the provincial capitals. Yet they are stopped there, without the armies abroad and no readied the Covenant forces put forward such a resistance in their cities that the Imperial Forces cannot crack them. The Clan Baem forces that arrive to the south with Empire auxiliaries attached to the expedition do not have the force to take their coastal target and when those soldiers return they mutter about missing reinforcements.

However the real war is the brutal takeover of all of Clan Baems island territories by the Elda who launched a sneak invasion to take the Clan by surprise. The twin fleets of the Elda move in concert as they hit the shores of their enemies, launching dark and powerful magics as their raiders and abominations run rampant through the streets. The Elda are eft with the spoils as the Can Baem refugees are left floating in the ocean as their exiled fleets gather to figure out the next move.

Fall of Fleets/Rise of the Reporter

“I stand here on Idols End reporting on a growing storm! It seemed like today was going to be sunny day at the beach but with those grey clouds it looks like everyone should stay inside. We will be keeping all you residents on the ocean informed.

This is Diviner Suzy with the Word Congress signing off!”

The human Diviner mage cuts off the feed to the scrying orb with a big smile for her viewers. The images that the orb recorded were in turn feeding back to the central one at the local World Congress headquarters which was then passed along to their scrying orbs in other locations. The taciturn dwarven artificer catches the orb as the levitation spell ends with a grunt and begins to polish it and tinker with the spell calibration. Suzy puts her hair back in a practical ponytail and pulls her coat tighter over her shoulders as the cold starts to sweep in. She peers out at the ocean.

“Thats so weird, it was so warm just an hour or two ago wasn’t it Bun?”

The Dwarf sighs and puts down the orb before joining her “Its Bunhildr Backweld, not Bun. It is weird though, I’ve been helping with the weather reports for decades and it only moves this fast when magic is involved.”

Suzy continues to look excitedly at the horizon as hye says that, and completely ignores his name correction. “It's used in affection Bun. Ohhh so you think theres some big magic being done near here? Maybe we could get the scoop, that would be a feather in my cap. You know all those stories about Hanrui being interesting is a crock. The most interesting thing to happen so far is that Empire taking a swing at the Dragon guys and its turning into just a basic slog of a war. I took this job cause one of the guys at Congress had all these records from the last time Hanrui was up and it sounded like a journalists dream. Now I’m just doing the weather.”

She sighs and sits down on the rock. Bun looks at her awkwardly and groans into his beard before lowering his creaking knees to sit beside her and give a rough pat to the shoulder. “Don’t worry girl, you have a good eye for detail and a personality built for the orb. You’ll get you chance.”

Then the screaming started.

The pair were away from the rest of the beach on a very scenic peak of rock jutting out into the ocean, when they turned to look at the main part they saw horrifying images. They spent a moment staring in shock before Suzy smacks Bun and screams “Get the Orb on! Get it on now! We have to get this on record! I’m sending a priority message to HQ”

In a minute the two are set up, hair still in a ponytail and jacket now flapping wildly in the wind “We are coming to you live from Idols End where there seems to be some sort of magical attack on the civilians of Clan Baem. If you look at the picture”, the orb pans to the beach, “You will see what seems to be children and the elderly turning into horrifying monsters we are classifying as a form of necromantic creation and feasting on the flesh of those closest to them. Those of you with children may wish to put them in another room.”

The pair pan to the beach where the monsters are tearing into the civilians and the survivors are fleeing back into the city. Then a massive crack of thunder booms and rain starts to pour down. Every flash of light now showing something on the ocean, a massive shadow. “We are seeing what seems to be a magical attack on Idols End, there seems to be a massive ship in the storm somewhere caus- OH MY GOD!”

The storm parts briefly and they see a massive ship tearing through what seems to be 3 Baem frigates with ease and horrifying monsters leaping to their decks where they sacrifice the fighters to the ship. “We seem to be seeing a resistance put up by Clan Baem but I believe most of their forces are away taking part in the Covenant War. Wait. Wait we are getting word that those ships attacking are the Elda and they have not declared war on Baem. They are attacking out of the blue and the Clan is unprepared for an invasion of this magnitude. They seem to be sacrificing their captive to, what I believe they refer to as, the ‘World Ships’. This reporter is just shocked by the level of brutality displa- WATCH OUT!”

Suzy screams as one of the flesh eating monsters jumps for Bun, she works quickly and a bolt of force throws it back and caves in its chest. While they were reporting a dozen monsters or so had seen them and approached. The other dozen scream as they approach, jaws slavering for more flesh they were enchanted to desire. Suzy tighty begins the sharp motions for a spell and mutters “Let me show you the damn weather your monsters”

Five feet before they get close the weather reporter finishes her spell and shows them the power of a mage who trains to walk into hurricanes, tornados, and deadly lightning storms just to report. Circle of lightning fluidly appears around her and Bun, pushing out and catching several of the monsters before erupting into a massive lightning cylinder that fries the monsters on it. A massive boom that bends in with the natural thunder blasts out but she isn't done. Blades of water erupt out of the ocean, scything into the monsters and splitting them in two. She gasps for breath as she turns to the dwarf cameraman “Sorry Bun, I’ll set up the sensor webs now.”

He just gapes as the orb continues recording. A few seconds ater the web is up and she is back to reporting “The Elda seem to be closing into the beach and landing their forces, they’re entering the city in force and we can already see the flames from here. Clan Baem seems to be fleeing the city from the port on the other side getting as many people and supplies into the boats as they can. Wait I’m receiving a Message from HQ. Apparently a good samaritan has come forward with proof that the Elda are confirmed to be the ones behind the brutal attack on Baem civilians. The World Congress is issuing a World Wide announcement, the Elda are not on any war treaties restricting such a thing but it is heinous nonetheless.”

They two notice as the sensor web goes off. Two hundred meters away a squad of Elda sailors have spotted them and are coming towards them with a shaman and another squad is taking a skimmer along the water towards them. Bun’s eyes widen and he uses one hand for the orb while the other weaves an enchantment, a large force barrier appears around them and he looks at Suzy “We gotta go girlie, they don’t care why we’re here. We got the footage and it's time to go.”

She nods and pulls out the wand of teleportation for Bun and starts to prepare the spell herself as she turns to the orb for her last words “This is a terrible tragedy for the people of Clan Baem and I will continue to investigate and cover this story so that our faithful viewers will have the whole story. This is Divine Suzy with World Congress signing off.”

The pair then teleport back to the Word Congress HQ, as the magic fades the two hear riotous applause for the daredevi reporting crew of two. Bun breaks out of his stone faced default to grin at his taller friend “Told ya it would happen girlie.”

Suzy barey hears him too caught up in the chaos that just happened and the riot of screaming and yelling in the HQ. Its almost too much. It is too much. She just killed a bunch of people that had only been monsters for an hour.

Her bosses start to approach her and she proceeds to vomit violently all over their shows.

A few days later Suzy is back on the news, she is standing on a ship with Bun filming her and what seems to be a fleet composed of Clan Baem refugees, Legion Ships of the Line, and Hobbit crewed Caravels. There are several shots of Suzy creating wind to aid the ships, creating fresh water, and helping a few odds and ends around the ship. Bun closes up on Suzy as she stands up from helping wrap a wounded leg on a Baem refugee. “I stand here on a joint operation from the Legion and Hobbits. We have learned that they prepared refugee camps in southern Vahsi for any nation that would need it, not knowing that their aid would be called on so soon. Only a few days after finishing their project the call was received and these brave selfless Hobbits and Legion Personal lept into action.”

She points to the distance “Only now do the refugees believe they are safe, now that they are within sight of Hobbit lands and the support caravans waiting for them. Maybe one day they will be able to move past the atrocities inflicted on them but until then be wary of the Elda and their unwarranted aggression towards innocents.”

She hefts a child onto her hip, the cute little girl is marred by a brutal three clawed scratch along her arm and she shys away from the orb, burying herself into Suzys side “Little Diane here is one of the few young people to survive when the Elda spell hit the beaches. Her younger brother was turned and tried to eat her, she hasn’t said a word since.”

Her face hardens “The World Congress has deemed the Elda to be Nation Breakers and for all to be wary of them. Do not dea with the Elda.”

Yet when the media says one thing, it can be taken in very different ways by a lot of people.

Gain Title: Nation Breaker (+1 Mil, Militaristic NPCs ike you more). Lose 1 Rep from Stat Attack on Clan Baem without having declared war.

Storm Event

While Suzy has moved beyond the weather it is still one of the key services that the World Congress provides to nations, with their world organization they can track large weather formations and dangerous movements. The World Congress has received word from a continent near here that a massive magically empowered hurricane is moving towards Hanrui.

It is called Hurricane Sigma. It is the eighteenth magically infused weather formation this year. It most likely will not affect all of Hanrui but will likely affect one or two of the continents/island chains. The World Congress is suggesting to the Nations of Hanrui that they all contribute to a Storm Fund to protect those that get hit. They also are providing the pans for protecting lands individually if they do not want to work together.

A storm is coming to Hanrui. The nations can vote to have the Storm Fund be an option, in which case it will be up to all the nations to reach the goal of 45 Mag or Econ. That will negate any damage the storm will deal to anybody. Conversely if the motion fails then every nation is on their own and needs to safeguard their lands with 5 points of Mor/Mag. The safeguarding can be done also if the motion passes but nations feel the amount will not be raised. Any stats invested are sunk and will not come back even if it fails.

Morale Contest

The Grand Collection of Hobbits have presented a grand idea that the World Congress endorses in this time of war and terror. The World Congress has prepared organizers and impartial judges for every nation to be on standby if the motion passes. If passed there will be a contest to see who has the best creative and defensive projects to boost morale or protect the innocent civilians.

The winners of such a project would be hailed as the masters of such a thing and gain great renown and boost the morale of their people for knowing they are so safe and engaged.

If this motion passes there will be a contest to see who has the best use of Morale for the turn. It is not based on who has the most but who has the best idea, fluff, and stat investment into it. This can be actions like stat attacks flavored creatively, defensive investments, or LTPs that are over half morale based. The winner gains a boost to Rep and Mor.

Midturn is Due Monday Night, the 7th

2020-12-03, 03:43 PM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

"I have bedimm'd
The noontide sun, call'd forth the mutinous winds,
And 'twixt the green sea and the azured vault
Set roaring war."

- Shakespeare, The Tempest

Clanfall (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4oiY1Mqj90)

It was Raja up in the crow's nest who first saw the storm rolling in; a wave of pitch that blotted out the firmament above, replacing Hanrui's moon and stars with seething striations of indigo and emerald.

The Kying had been set to patrol the northern inlets of the island near a fortnight ago, making several short trips back and forth from the harbour of Idol's End to survey the coves and bays to make sure that they were either vacant or being used by the ne'er do wells that paid their dues in a timely manner. A cushy enough job, if a bit repetitive, but the crew weren't exactly complaining. At least they hadn't been sent off to join the fleet currently landing on the Cobalt Capes, they said. Surely that's where the worst of the fighting would be.

They could not have known, then, just how ignorant that statement was.

"Weather, bearing on us from the nor'west! She'll be on us inside of an hour!" she shouted to the riggers below to pass on to the helmsman of the junk after checking the vane affixed to her post. The men and women hopped to it, as echoing cries were raised along the length of the vessel to sound the alarm.

The Kying had not been idle before the winds changed; the captain had aimed to sail her to Jade Dragon's Respite, at the northern tip of the island, where there was a berth waiting or them, and the beach was always full of revelers. It was a close call whether they'd complete the trip, now; this close to shore with the kinds of winds that were coming in, they'd be dashed on the shoals should the storm catch them before they reached their destination. The Kying would need to make it to safe harbour quickly, otherwise everyone aboard her was in for a rough spell.

Lines were let out, sails coaxed into the wind as the junk began to steadily gather speed. Judging by the quantity of lanterns now on the deck below, Raja might have guessed that at least half of the day's crew had been roused to join the night complement. The swaying back and forth as the prow changed direction was just as noticeable; the captain aimed to tack into the wind, to get as much speed as possible.

If Raja noticed the odd colours in the clouds, she did not see fit to mention them to anyone below. She'd seen her fair share of strangeness while traveling under Baem's colours, after all. It was not worth noting. Not at first.

As fire inundated the skies, the alarms were raised, though Cai-Shen wondered whether perhaps it was all too late. He and his crew had stood at the harbor's mouth and watched a sea of mist creeping towards Idol's End, seen the numbers arrayed against them. The Farthest Fleet had come to devour Clan Baem, the men whispered, and it would be their doom. Now thunder and cannon fire broke the peace of the night; the pounding of the guns, clatter of echoing steel and hoarse shouts of things that were once men were omens of events to come.

Deep down, he knew that his crew was right. It was not a matter of 'if' the home fleet would break, but 'when'. After the last of the Clan's ships were disabled or sunk, the raiding parties would soon land on the shore and bloodshed would follow swiftly after. He suppressed a shudder at the thought of the fates that awaited him and those under his command should they be killed – or worse – at the hands of that which waited in the abyss.

But this was no time to show hesitation. With the All-Chief's attention consumed elsewhere and the rest of Baem's forces away, he was one of the only prominent mages here on the island, and a quartermaster to boot. It was up to him now, and they needed to take a stand here or all was lost forever.

So, he'd gathered together all able-bodied crews at the edge of town, near the harbor gate. Here they would make their stand, if not to repel any invaders then at least to buy time for the rest of Baem's inhabitants to flee. Lin Chin and her people from the Jackrabbit had come, Li Xieren's contingent, and the easterners as well; the rest had fled or already fallen.

"Report," he commanded of the voice on the other end of the scrying pendant. Daring Tan, one of their scouts, had taken the other artifact. For a minute he waited for news, before the amulet crackled back to life with an angry hum.

"Cai-Shen… they're already here! Landed three longships on the south shore while their warships laid down cover fire… gods, they're all around me! You have to -" but there was no more from the magic device other than hideous shrieking and wet-gristle sounds.

"Ancestors save us all," he breathed, suddenly aware of their position. He whirled around just in time to duck and avoid a hurled battle-axe that buried itself deep into the wall of a nearby hut.

Here they were at last, emerging from the pools of shadow at the lantern-light's edge: the Elda. Rivets of black steel, whispering bone, and more multitudinous materials formed their garb, and all wore helms of individual design, garbed with trophies: the spitted teeth of drakes, curled ornate horns of stags, and stranger still. Each figure bristled with weapons, but no drawn blade was half as threatening as the eerie lights that burned where their eyes should be.

For the barest moment, silence reigned as the defenders of Baem turned to face their foe. It was the deep breath, thought Cai-Shen, before the plunge. Words to a protective ward were at his lips even while his hand crept to the flintlock at his belt, but the raiders were already charging. The battle had begun.

A cold dread began to fill Raja's belly as the lookout began to take note of the velocity of the clouds, the unnatural quality of their unrelenting advance and the vivid, angry hues that roiled within. And as she peered seawards through the gathering mists and strained her ears, she began to hear noises emanating from that dreadful place. The sounds of the surf began to fade, and in their place came thunderous cracks on the air, too rhythmic to be random. Each boom rippled over the waves, as though the very surface of the sea were contorted in fear of what swam within it. Within minutes the sound had multiplied, and with it came the groan of a thousand breathless voices, joined in something part-shanty, part-dirge.

That's when Raja saw it, in the negative space of the storm: the silhouette of a thing that was never meant to be. Vast was its shape, composed of sizzling smoke and twisted coral, lines of screaming energy tethered to sails that listened to no wind. The tempest moved around it, eddying and billowing outwards like a veil cast over a putrid corpse. But all the shrouds of wind and rain were not enough to conceal that which lay within.

Ald-Thaum had come, the Living Storm. A world-ship, one of the andverden was here!

Malice slithered up her spine and danced in spiteful shivers over the back of her neck. She could sense the thing's hostility as it gained on the Kying – not just the mindless aggression of a beast, or the simple fury of a man enraged. This was something different, something vaster, more timeless, and deeper than the ocean over which it travelled. It was a poisonous hate, something so ancient, so vile, that it could almost kill without any other action or being to support it, a hate so old and virulent that it had curdled and congealed over its surface into a stinking, staggering contempt.

This thing wanted to destroy them all, she thought. It wanted to hurt them. And it wanted to enjoy the process.

In that vague beyond, Raja recognized that the entity had not come alone. Dread prows pierced the gloom ahead, illuminated sporadically by the flashes of many-hued squall, and the ghastly truth was laid bare: upon the ghoul-winds had come the swollen hulks and decaying vessels of the Farthest Fleet. Though the world-ship dwarfed them all, Raja could count at least a dozen more ships on the waves.

But there was little time for thought or conscious observation, for the lightning had come to relieve the lookout of both. Across the dark the funerary march of an organ began to sound, and a spine glowed silver in the distance. Ald-Thaum had awoken, gulping greedily at the sky's seed and dispersing it into the depths. Light danced over the hills and valleys of the sea, the kind that brought fire in its wake.

As it pierced the outer hull of the Kying – igniting all of the junk's powder magazines in an instant – Raja closed her eyes. She did not hear the screams below, did not smell the red-black aroma of sizzling flesh. Even as she was enveloped by the heat and melted away, her last thoughts were of clear skies.

The two forces met in the rain, snarling beasts of metal and sweat grappling for advantage as the mage finished his spell and the droplets from heaven coalesced into a working at his side: a regenerative shield that would protect his flank. And not a moment too soon, for already one of them was upon him: a towering figure wielding a great hammer. The Myrkur warrior struck with a blow that threatened to cave in his ribs. Thankfully, Cai-Shen's ward shifted at the last possible second, the collected water absorbing the worst of the strike's impact, but the momentum of the swing still carried the weapon through the barrier. The hammerhead connected with its target, knocking the mage right off his feet and down into the mud.

Biting back a cry of pain, Cai-Shen grasped for the handle of the pistol. Though his hands were slick, he managed to pull back the firing pin and aim his firearm. He pulled the trigger and the gun jerked back; there was a cracking retort, and the Elda attacker was suddenly on the ground next to him. Scrambling to his feet, Cai-Shen ran over to the fallen figure and, drawing a hidden blade, wasted no time stabbing it repeatedly through the holes in its visor. It took eight thrusts for the creature to finally still.

Fingers dripping with arctic-blue fluid that he could only assume was blood, the mage dared to take a glimpse at his surroundings. To his surprise, his crews had not buckled immediately, fighting off the larger warriors by baiting them into the mud or using their numbers to surround them. The clash had still left at least two score corpses behind, nearly two thirds of which did not look like they belonged to the enemy. The raiders had eased off, heading back out into the night and leaving all of their dead behind.

For the first time that night, a man from Clan Baem felt the stirrings of hope. They had beaten back the enemy – so it was possible! They might not win victory here, but every moment they tied up the Fleet's forces was another chance that Baem's people lived on to fight another day.

But the good cheer died in his throat as Cai-Shen spied their the arrival of their doom. He had been mistaken: the Elda had not retreated, for here they came again. They had been testing him, waiting for reinforcements. For this time, the warriors were not alone – misshapen things lurked with them in the howling storm, slithering and stomping forward.

At the head of the enemy column was one such entity. Though it had no spines, it was something like a porcupine; though it had no tentacles, it reminded him of an octopus; though it had no wings or beaks, it seemed similar to a vulture; and though it had neither scales nor fins, it had most definitively crawled from the depths. It opened one of its many mouths, letting out a series of sounds that Cai-Shen realized after a moment was actually laughter. It pointed at him and said something in a monstrous tongue not known to man, and the rest of the Void's host let out a resounding cry.

Then they were upon them, and all was carnage.

He had been wrong, Cai-Shen reflected as the last of his magics failed and he was pinned to the ground, to believe that men could stand against such madness. He stared up into the petal-face of the Wretch as it unfurled its jaws and opened wide, unable to even scream.

"Bring honor to parents and country," he rasped before its mouths closed, "have compassion for the miserable, and become -"

This year's council at Skepnhaus had been long-awaited. As the captains filed inside, attendants in robes of jaundiced flesh closed the doors and promptly exited, leaving only those minds critical to the fleet in attendance. All of the old faces were there. Daring Eitri and fierce Rikke, inscrutable Zaotlus, and of course the women of the hour: Captain – now Fleet Admiral – Hjordis ys Orvar and Hilde of the Kult Hala. While the admiral had commissioned a simple leather chair, the high priestess had fashioned for herself a throne of living, biting carrion flies, though she did not sit on it, choosing instead to stand beside the polished black place at the far end of the hall.

The person who sat on that throne was more corpse than man. He did not eat or sleep, for his essence had outgrown both needs. The skin on his bones was as thin as a glove, but some kind of light pulsed beneath it. His skeletal visage acceded to the presence of the others, as they took their seats. The Drowned Moot was now in session.

"Everything has been done as you asked. Baem is no more: what's left of their civilization slinks away like a trickle of rats. Our coffers have been filled, and our blades quenched," declared Fleet Admiral Hjordis. Indeed, she had already carved a number of the fallen Clan's revered symbols onto her forearms and biceps as tattoos, a sign of dominance over her latest quarry.

The announcement was met with a chorus of thumps, as each captain present banged on the table in recognition of the deed. The noise only receded when the figure at the end of the hall raised a bony hand for silence.

"You have done… well, Fleet Admiral. Glimnir will reward you for your service," intoned Kannir Aslund through fleshless lips, and the fire in his eye sockets glowed with boundless hunger. "But the work is not yet finished! We have heard word that the Collection of Hobbits has offered Baem shelter. Until they are gone, this realm will not know peace."

Morale 15

Greetings, rulers of Hanrui,

Clan Baem is on death's door. We have broken their fleets, scattered their oracles, and driven their people into the sea. We have no intention of seeing the like of pretenders returning any time soon, and so offer all of you a unique opportunity to take part in dismantling the remains. The Farthest Fleet has seen to it that they are weak and will have no means to counter said actions. There are still rogue practitioners, spy networks, and pathfinders on the waves - they can be yours for a song.

However, if you should feel the burden of sentiment and decide to offer the dregs of the Clan shelter or sustenance, know that the ire of the Drowned Moot will find a new target. We are the masters of the sea now; do not put yourselves in the unenviable position of becoming our enemy. This warning is especially true for the Grand Collective, who have seen fit to offer shelter to the leeches.

To those few refugees that still serve the All-Chief, I offer my frank and honest advice: give up. Never again should you attempt to reform your clan, hold your lands, or maintain your titles. Although you exist at the grace of those stronger than you, know that the Elda will come for you. There is no remote inlet, no secret cove that is beyond our reach. Our captains do quite like a hunt, and will happily take the rest of your lives from you. Survive, go and live out your lives away from Hanrui.

ᚺᛃᛟᚱᛞᛁᛋ ᛃᛋ oᚱᚹᚨᚱ,
Hjordis ys Orvar, Fleet-Admiral and Captain of Khombriss Depths

My terms are fairly straightforward.

The Elda forego any claim to exclusivity in hunting Clan Baem: in fact, we are officially declaring open season on them. Steal whatever stats you want from what is left, since we have seen to it that their Morale has been lowered by our invasion. Happy hunting to those who want some nice stats with little investment - it'd be a much better return for all of you than humanitarian aid at this point.

Anyone who helps Baem by giving them stats or letting them settle any more territory should be expecting a prompt declaration of war from me. I have enough assembled MIL, MAG, and ADV to absolutely bury at least one player, and I will focus my fire at random if multiple people go against me on this.

To neriractor: the Farthest Fleet declare war on Clan Baem (obviously). If you don't concede the game and quit this turn, I will spend my stats to drive your faction into the ground.
Fortunate headings to you, fellow members of Vestur Halda,

The occurrences of these past weeks may have come as something of a surprise to either of your people. Please know that the Elda intend to honour our existing pact - as none was signed with Baem, there was no treaty for us to break, no matter what they might say. We have every intention of continuing trade and working with our neighbors. The Fleet respects the strong and the clever, and Baem are neither. These days, our enemies lie yet further afield.

As our great minds are currently occupied with some potentially unstable projects, the Fleet has to admit that its current best option for a representative is a vessel that has a... tenuous handle on temporal existence. It is / has been / will be at the right location to pick up your representatives, so that we may have an honest discussion about the future goals of the League. The Moot hopes that this is acceptable to both of you.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void

This message is essentially me saying that there's no pressure to join me in hunting down the last of Baem's people, and that our non-aggression pacts are intact. I am still very interested in a summit between our powers about this turn and next moves... but I hope you're okay with me sending an eldritch ship to represent me (Skadia, one of my world-ships).

Maybe she can take your people on a fun trip for our VIP meeting? We can serve food and drinks!
The letter is not so much a series of written words as it is a number of maps and sophisticated navigational charts, with market valuations attached for the island of Souswardi. Proposed figures and quotes from past expansions are included, and a fairly basic but binding agreement that has been signed by a single party.

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void

Our non-aggression pact will hold, despite us now being neighbors. However, we do have an offer for you.

We would like to take territory [1] from off your hands. However, we don't need to be at war for that to happen. If you abandon the territory, you lose no stats. We would be happy to pay you whatever stats you invested into taking the territory, plus an extra 25% of those stats for your trouble and reducing your stat cap.
Greetings, Great Hydra,

Though we have not reached out to you directly, the Moot believes in the power of negotiation. As we now occupy a much closer territory to your own, we are quite willing to discussing opening formal trade routes with your people.

There is also the matter of a more immediate, pressing trade that our captains are hoping to send to you. We have something - several somethings, in fact - that you may want. Just as importantly, you have something that we most assuredly desire.

So, to put this in more familiar terms... let's make a deal.

ᚺᛁᛚᛞᛖ ᚨᛋᛚᚢᚾᛞᛋᛞᛟᛏᛏᛁᚱ
Hilde Aslundsdöttir, Hala's Chosen and Devourer of the Black Sacrament

Here's my offer: exclusive access to all of my dungeons in perpetuity. No matter what happens, you will have access to any dungeon in my territory. I currently hold 5, three of which are totally unexplored and two of which are about halfway delved. You can delve them any time you want and take all of the rewards (with the sole exception of any piece of the Hungry Eye artifact that the Elda have, that one's ours). You will also need to pay the MIL or ADV to clean up any Lesser or Greater Monsters in the territory before they get loose. Otherwise though, they're all yours.

In exchange, the Elda want a public declaration from the Khalos Guild that supports the Fleet in their desire for Clan Baem leaving Hanrui forever. The strength of the language may vary, but we want a clear sign of support that you will not help Baem in any way, and will not support those that do.
Ruins and Raveners, Songbirds and Saboteurs,

In seasons past, we sought you out for a bargain. Here it is, in full: you will publicly support the death of Clan Baem and threaten retaliation against any who offer them sanctuary. In exchange for this boon, the Elda promise to pledge themselves to you entire for a season of your choosing.

The Moot is fairly certain that with our collected resources at hand, your fine Court will reap the greatest harvest that Hanrui has ever seen. Imagine an entire nation worshiping at the altar of Autumn! We would bare our necks for the knife, if that meant our hunt was complete to our satisfaction.

ᚺᛁᛚᛞᛖ ᚨᛋᛚᚢᚾᛞᛋᛞᛟᛏᛏᛁᚱ
Hilde Aslundsdöttir, Hala's Chosen and Devourer of the Black Sacrament

Pretty straightforward deal here. You are going to publicly weigh in on my side and threaten anyone who offers Baem stats or shelter, and in exchange I will let you control my entire faction's EoT (all stats and unused VIPs) for a single turn. I only have two conditions to this offer: the first is that you not use my stats to attack myself or my allies during the turn you choose to activate this, and second is that you wait until Baem is crushed or drops out of the game. I'd also prefer that you didn't do it while I was at war with a bunch of people, but I'm willing to be flexible on that point.

It might be a turn or so, but I'm offering you a hilariously lopsided deal in your favor.
Greetings, Enlightened Minds and Purveyors of the Unknown,

Though we have not reached out to you directly, the Moot believes in the promise of discovery. I myself have navigated far across this plane, and beyond its threshold. Before the Elda were known by that name, we were simply island raiders. It was my ship that found a path through Chaostide, and into the abyss of the Beautiful Void.

As we now occupy a much closer territory to your own, the Drowned Moot is quite willing to discussing opening formal trade routes with your people. I have not been given instruction as to the nature of your desires, but the Elda are in the market for friends now that our attack on Clan Baem has been met with narrow-minded scorn.

There is also the matter of a more immediate, pressing decision to be made across Hanrui. However, the Elda know little of your game. Do you seek to untangle the mysteries of the cosmos? Are you interested in creating new life? How far are you willing to go, in search of understanding the transmundane?

Whatever your aims are, the Elda may be able to help you. We have a great deal to offer, and hope that you prove more accepting and tolerant than halflings, children and weather-women.

ᛖᛁᛏᚱᛁ ᛃᛋ ᚺᚨᛋᛃᚨᛚᛗ
Eitri ys Hasjalm, Horizon-Seeker and Captain of the Sunken Skald

I realized that I have no idea what you actually want out of this game, so... what do you want?

Do you want to be friends with a REP 0 faction who is likely going to be dead in about 2 turns from combined stat attacks? I can make you the same deal I made to the Court, and offer that you control my EoT for a turn (obviously not the same turn), but you'd have to give me something suitably good in return. Maybe a declaration of war against the Collection?

If that's not your bag (baby), then we can work something else out.
Thunder on the plains and steel in your hooves, warchiefs,

You have seen now the power of our ships, the strength that we can muster. You seek worthy opponents? We may yet qualify... but the Drowned Moot has a bargain that may be of interest to you. Why waste our time circling each other here, when both the Khanate and the Fleet have barely eked out the barest possibilities of our potential? There is greatness to be had in conquest of a rival, but why not make things more interesting?

Instead of war being joined now between us - a predictable outcome, and not a fruitful one for either of us, as I suspect that our forces will largely balance one another out and become both the lesser for it - why not make a pact to wage a true battle? It will be a Last Battle, between centaur and leviathan. What is worthier than a contest between two great empires at the end of the world, when all other lesser contenders have been crushed beneath us?

Let us spend our time building up our power, combating the others who might stand in our way. Then, when the time is right, we will have our glorious war. What say you?

ᚴᚨᚾᚾᛁᚱ ᚨᛗᛚᚢᚾᛞ,
Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void

Repeating my desire for a formal non-aggression pact here, with an additional caveat - when we are the only two MIL nations left on the map, then we attack and kill each other with everything we've got. I'm looking for an honest, mano-a-mano superpower war, but only after we've absorbed the other expansionist nations like the Empire or the Fae and become as strong as we can possibly be.

Essentially, how far is my title going to take me here? Does 'more respect from militaristic NPCs' actually mean anything, or is it an empty gesture?

St. Justicar
2020-12-03, 04:46 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Reputation 5, Morale 9

To Senior Management, or his (its?) secretary

Pleasure doing business with you. Glimmer certainly lived up to expectations, and so have the horrifying hellfire-spewing automata it managed to finish on time and under budget. You’ll find the details of the repayment schedule enclosed in this message – bonds worth one hundred thousand Virtues, to be paid out in hard specie over five biannual shipments. Feel free to sell them on, if you can get a good deal – just send a note saying and we’ll transfer them to a new account.

And, not to presume on your future plans, but if you ever find yourselves in need of some urgent liquid capital to make a deal work, I’d be more than happy to move some numbers around to finance you tempting some other idiots into making a deal as bad as the nephilim did. For a reasonable fee, of course.

Anyway, aside form all the small talk, I was wondering what exactly your stance is on diplomatic entanglements. Ignoring all the sadistic torture and hellfire, the fact that you can be relied upon to actually follow through on what you agree to (and are able to read and write to begin with) puts you ahead of the Republic’s likely neighbours. My colleagues have been surprisingly amenable to the idea of formalizing friendly relations between us, if you’re willing to sign a treaty.

So, what sort of terms would you be looking for?

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

de Leteum,

As always, pleasure doing business with you. We’ve completed the project your entertainers and cultural experts have been so helpful with, so any more deals will have to be on rather different terms, but I’m sure we each have something the other wants.

If it’s not too rude of me to pester – have you had the chance to consider the treaty draft I sent, some months past? If one of yours host, I think a private conversation about future aspirations might turn out to be quite fruitful.

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

The message is carefully inscribed on the dead leaves of trees that once flourished on ancient Kyrsule. The message is repeated twice on each of a hundred leaves, in both the intricate calligraphy of Old Khasali and the sharp, angular runes of High Imperial Goblinoid. A trading sloop is paid handsomely to sail just offshore of territory claimed by the Autumn Court and release the leaves on a wind that will take them inland.

Oh Splendid Magnates of Gossamer and Shadow,

I would offer my regrets for our relations so far, but alas they are not mine to give. Still, I hope we might begin again with a brighter disposition. I have prevailed upon my colleagues and made them accept that we have more interests in common than it might appear. After all, your Courts have no wish to see this grand dance end prematurely, do they?

I would send one of us – Erem, a native of Hanrui, quite knowledgeable in arcane matters – to your lands, so he might properly discuss the future with one of your grandees. Provided, of course, that you can assure him safe passage and a swift return in the same state he arrived.

May the light of Truth guide your path
-Encyclopediest Hayy, of the Clockwork Republic of Esher

77 – The Phoenix Voice,

As always, I hope this finds you well, though I admit I’m mostly writing on behalf of my more severe colleagues, at that moment.

You’ll excuse me if I’m a bit awkward about this, I hope? Diplomatic niceties are not my forte. But regarding our treaty; well, that’s just it. The treaty is bilateral. I’m not at all sure what sort of game your void-dwelling friends are playing, but if they get bitten at, even if you enter the war on their behalf, the treaty will not apply. I hope you understand.

(Are you quite sure they’re allies you want, yourself? It seems the raiders of Idol’s End thought them friends as well)

In any event, I do hope my next letter will be in a lighter tone. If you are in need of any resources for your studies, I’m certain I would be able to help arrange something. And I would be honoured to host you or one of your most trustworthy pupils, to properly sit down and discuss the future.

May your eyes ever be unclouded,
-Academic Cahit, Committee on Applied Metaphysics, Esheri Republic

First Captain Aslund,

I will leave the empty threats to you, as I am sure you are the more practised at them.

I am afraid that such a deal seems unlikely. Commerce requires trust that each party will be true to their word, and your Fleet has just proven in spectacular fashion that it deserves no such thing. What assurance can you possibly provide that your promised payment will actually arrive?

In any event, I am truthfully unsure you are capable of making an offer worth what you ask for, even if you could be trusted to actually be true to it. The Republic’s Hanruin colonies are growing rapidly, and with the interior frontier now closed the Souswardi islands represent increasingly valuable undeveloped territory.

Peace and Reason,
Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

2020-12-03, 05:10 PM
The Four Courts of Hanrui

All messages sent at Morale 13.

We are glad that you secured the services of the Pillar of Wisdom. We trust that the remainder of our reward for the assistance will be forthcoming.

The Clockwork Republic has reached out to us, to arrange a private meeting. Unfortunately, we only have one individual available to meet. As such, would you be open to a three-way meeting? Though none who would dare spy on the Fae, your respective Courts are substantially less secure. Should you wish to meet as such, ensure that your reply contains the word “excess”.

An intriguing offer. The Winter Court is disinterested, but the Four Courts accept the invitation. However, we believe there is an opportunity to involve the Valence Lodge in our discussion, as we were to meet already. Shall the three of us discuss the fate of Hanrui?

Though none who would dare spy on the Fae, your respective Courts are substantially less secure. Should you wish to meet as such, ensure that your reply contains the word “excess”.

We have four floors of a dungeon, that we are willing to offer for you to adventure through (on condition that you deal with anything you release). We did not find the adventuring sites required to give you much more access, but we hope this token gesture is acceptable.

Otherwise, the Spring Court hopes you are well.

The thread is plucked. A thousand eyes swivel. Autumn accepts this bargain, knowing well you cannot be trusted. The stage is set, and the strings move us all. A grand strike, and only the shelter of another blunts the stroke. You have earned the respect of the Autumn Court, though we fear that Spring is less pleased.

We would see your attention elsewhere, and directs ours likewise. Should this be acceptable, do let us know.

It is signed The Dame of Rotting Threads.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Bold. I see how this goes. I accept, and then the League kills me before I have a chance to cash it in? Still, done, so long as the following is true:

I get to choose which turn it is, so long as I give at least 24 hours notice before the end of the turn.
I’m including it here, but I also won’t do anything to directly sabotage you or your allies with your stats. No promises as to geopolitical ramifications, but I won’t rules-lawyer you about what constitutes an attack.
If I start any wars, you keep anything you reap as a consequence from any attacks, and I take full and public responsibility for directing you as such.
You don’t allocate all your VIPs that turn to stop me from using them after I’ve given you notice.
You do not get to trade stats, or otherwise do anything to neuter yourself on this turn.
It will involve an accurate and up-to-date depiction of your stats when accepted, so I can know what I have available. Whether you want to send these by PM or otherwise is your concern.
Should you for some bizarre circumstance keep Baem alive to get out of this deal, you uphold your end regardless.

What’s more, we’re willing to offer you a five-turn non-intervention pact; you stay out of my business, and I stay out of yours. No hostile actions, or prepping a hostile action against each other. Also, no supporting others in doing the same. This would be an arrangement we would also want with the League, but we’ll start on an individual basis with you. Our priorities are elsewhere, to the south and north.

Clan Baem is ruined, and so too are any who provide them shelter or succor. Do not offer them aid, lest you risk the wrath of the Autumn Court. A grand coup, a treachery divine, instigated by the Elda Hafnar. It is not our place to alter the course. The winds and wolves howl of war; we shall not interfere.

Publically supporting the Elda Hafnar’s proclamation, and threatening retribution against any who disobey their terms.

Despite our proclamation, rest assured that we will not object nor retaliate if you intervene in Clan Baem's favour. We were offered full control over their actions in a future season, something we see as vital to ensure the balance of Hanrui in the long-term. While they required we support their terms, if your mission obligates you to act, we shall not interfere. Treat our words as though they do not apply to you, friend of Fae.

2020-12-03, 06:27 PM

“The war is just a different name for successful business.”
― Mladen Đorđević, Svetioničar - Pomračenje

The Market in the Silvermare Forest was buzzing with rumours, with merchants expelling that this diplomat or that mouth had said that Khalos was joining the war, or not joining the war. They claimed that the Guild was going to fund one side or the other, that there were already messages from the Elda sitting in Khalos' lair, that their bond with the Hobbits, however casual, would push them to support the refugees of the Clan.

Of course, the truth was, that all of these were rumours. The Guild had spent more money in the past season than had ever been spent on Hanrui during the Spring, and everything had started to become a wall of secrecy, protected by finely drafted NDAs and merchants knowing that spilling Khalos' secrets got you banned from the Guild.

Eventually, a single order came down from the higher ranks of the Guild.

"Craft weapons, we have buyers around Hanrui."

The Elda have spoken and made their judgement. They bring fire and hell upon the lands of those who will protect the Clan. Though we do not approve of their methods, their actions have proven effective.

The Khalos Guild protects its members first and foremost, and as such is announcing that we cannot put our own in danger to protect the Clan that we have shown no love for in the past. Especially as they previously attempted to attack the Covenant like Vultures.

The armies of Khalos will not march on the side of the Clan or those who protect them. Our armies will also not march with the Elda Hafnar.

The Guild could not ignore the letter you sent, despite the fact that the guild trusts you less than we trust the Fae to be forthright and reasonable. Which is quite the statement.

We have drafted the statement you wanted, and likely the statement we would have made either way. We avoided speaking to your kind for a reason, the worshippers of chaotic gods are a great source of income, but the bargain always comes with blood. We do not wish conflict with the Elda, but do not consider us allies.

Specifics on the dungeons would be appreciated. Exact depths and how much has been delved.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

An unexpected outcome to be sure, the Empire's armies failing to breach the walls of the Covenant lost lots of gamblers pounds of gold.

Should you need help breaching the walls, or preparing yourselves for some ocean-based combat, the guild has diplomats who can call in allied forces, whether they are fighting for us or others.

Consider the offer.

[OOC: The Guild has access to 10 REP, it's not MIL but it hits harder than the other stats. Let us know if you're in the market and maybe we can work out a deal. We would seriously consider offers that result in payment next turn.]

It does not look like the Clan shall be arriving on our shores any time soon.

We do not know what the letters to you from the Elda Hafnar say, but we would warn against giving them more power than they already have gained from this conflict. They may give blood to you now, but they will take it away in unglorious ways later.

Your offer is generous, though we regret to say that we are unlikely to have the troops to take advantage of it this season. We have projects beyond traditional delving that require our attention this season and it means we will have a disappointing return from our own dungeons, let alone others.

We are attempting to construct a meeting of those we see as the reasonable World Powers and will be sending Lysa, Mouth of Khalos to host. Given the chance, we would have the Valence Lodge, the Courts, Khalos Guild, and the Republic in attendance. The members of the August League are too far gone if they are not condemning their allies actions, and the Hobbits are too embroiled in the conflict with the Elda to be trusted as reasonable during the discussion.

The Guild and Courts started with minor squabbles about territories, which seems to have soured relations, but we search to move past this and work together for the good of Jahalkraun and Hanrui. Should the warlike courts seek conflict, there are many places to find it right now without threatening lands that are dear to both of us.


We are attempting to construct a meeting of those we see as the reasonable World Powers and will be sending Lysa, Mouth of Khalos to host. Given the chance, we would have the Valence Lodge, the Courts, Khalos Guild, and the Republic in attendance. The members of the August League are too far gone if they are not condemning their allies actions, and the Hobbits are too embroiled in the conflict with the Elda to be trusted as reasonable during the discussion.

If you wish to attend, simply ask for additional gold to be added to our trade. We do not know who is listening.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos

Additionally, the Guild did fulfill our part of the bargain when it came to voting for the Jade Wizard, we hope his services treat you well. If you have adventuring to spare, we are willing and happy to pay coins or magic to buy it off of you.

We are attempting to construct a meeting of those we see as the reasonable World Powers and will be sending Lysa, Mouth of Khalos to host. Given the chance, we would have the Valence Lodge, the Courts, Khalos Guild, and the Republic in attendance. The members of the August League are too far gone if they are not condemning their allies actions, and the Hobbits are too embroiled in the conflict with the Elda to be trusted as reasonable during the discussion.

If you wish to attend, simply ask for additional gold to be added to our trade. We do not know who is listening.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos

Additionally, we are in need of adventuring forces this turn. Should you be interested in either REP or ECO, let us know and we are happy to provide an avenue for trade.

We trust that Hannah's service began near the end of the Spring season, may she find purpose in her service to you. The Guild is interested in performing a similar transaction this turn, but we would be more interested in delayed payment than direct payment, as one of our projects will assist in our profits over the coming seasons.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

The Balance Tips, what say the Legion?


A Glorious conflict erupts around Hanrui. We must admit that we are surprised the Khanate were not the first Nationbreakers.

The Guild will not be joining the war unless we are forced to, but we do not shy away from blood, after all, a bit of cleaning and nobody needs to know the gold was pulled from conquest.

Should you enter the war, great warriors of the Khanate, the weapons of the Khalos guild will be cheapest for you above all others. Our lord, the mighty Khalos, has a soft spot for creatures being granted sentience and killing those who attempted to control them.

We await your war cries.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos

Your people are stalwart and should be proud of their resilience,

The Khalos Guild will pay a premium for adventurers this season. Luxuries that improve the morale of citizens are the key to surviving a siege after all.

Jhall, Mouth of Khalos

You seem to have found yourselves in a sticky situation. Though we cannot offer our, open assistance, we can assure you that we will not be helping the Elda in their conquest of the Clan. Such things are too bloody for our tastes.

The Guild, as ever, is open for trade, we will even accept terms with which we provide assets this season which you repay next, as you may need more than you currently have on hand should the wrath of Elda come down on your heads.

The Khalos Guild has assembled part of the artifact known as the Hive King. We are searching for the other pieces or a nation willing to buy our piece off of us.

St. Justicar
2020-12-03, 06:48 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Reputation 5, Morale 9

A pity, but understandable. Should your monarchs find themselves irritated by excess courtiers at some latter date, we would be happy to accept one as an envoy instead.

Should we have need enough for enchantment and witchcraft to make the journey profitable, I will of course write to you again with something more concrete to offer.

May the light of Truth guide your path
-Encyclopediest Hayy, of the Clockwork Republic of Esher


Such a low opinion of your neighbours in the Legion? Well, I’m not going to argue – always fond them truly insufferable once they start sermonizing.

The deal has potential, but it’s still a bit bitter. A few tonnes of gold would be an excellent sweetener, don’t you think?

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

2020-12-03, 06:54 PM
Simply put, we do not have a low opinion of the Legion as you would suggest, but if talks were to happen, the Legion has the Lady of Balance's will to consider, making them likely already decided.

To the Members of the Legion Reading, the Khalos guild suggested a meeting between ourselves and several powers, as of the moment you were not on the roster for the meeting due to our assumption above. We would prefer to clarify that here than have you hear accidental slander through the grapevine of your contacts.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos.

2020-12-03, 07:36 PM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

Morale 15

Hail, Mouth of the Beast,

Your pronouncement was adequate. The Elda are pleased to stay their hands from you or your shores for now, and you have bought yourself some goodwill with us. I have attached scrolls with maps and details of the sections of the dungeon sites that Elda pathfinders have already explored.

Regarding the... other announcement that you made: we believe that we uncovered a piece of the artifact, deep beneath our capital city of Leviathan's Landing. While I have ascertained its purpose, I currently lack the facilities to search for more pieces of this 'Hive King'. Therefore, I have determined that your people should have it... for the right price.

Currently, our standing in the World Congress has taken something of a beating. As the Guild is well-reputed, the Elda might benefit from some of your representatives smoothing the way to us regaining a scrap of respectability among our peers in Hanrui. If you do this for us, we will hand over the last piece of the Hive King to you, with the final condition being that I am consulted when it is time to activate the artifact.

Given what we have already offered you, the Moot believes this to be a fair valuation, and as the officer of a purported guild of trade, I hope that you will agree.

ᚺᛁᛚᛞᛖ ᚨᛋᛚᚢᚾᛞᛋᛞᛟᛏᛏᛁᚱ
Hilde Aslundsdöttir, Hala's Chosen and Devourer of the Black Sacrament

My dungeons are listed below, with the amount delved and the territories that they're in. All dungeons are clear and ready to be delved this turn.

The Drowned Bowels (48, 10/20 cleared)
Familiar Falls (49, 8/20 cleared)
Syren's Hideout (11, 0/20 cleared)
The Maw of Serpents (29, 0/20 cleared)
Starseer's Fane (47, 0/20 cleared)

Additionally, I didn't realize this but I actually have the other 1/3 of the Hive King artifact. I'm willing to sell you the other one for what I believe is a fair price (5 REP) and revise our earlier arrangement re: artifacts. If you find the last piece of the Hive King artifact in one of my dungeons, you can have it... but only if you and I get to decide together where we put the resulting NPC faction. :smallamused:
Dearest dread Dames of Rotted Threads,

We are pleased to hear your declaration to the rest of Hanrui's powers. The rest you will have in time - that thread will remain, until it comes time for you to pluck its string. A part of me shivers, wondering what kinds of profanities you might commit with our forces under your banner.

As far as maintaining our distance goes, the Elda will agree to those terms, so long as they are answered in kind. The Fae of the Four Courts will have no part in any dealing that is at cross-purposes with our expansion efforts, whether directly or through an intermediary. If my people are to extend to you absolute trust, we will need more than a modicum of security.

ᚺᛁᛚᛞᛖ ᚨᛋᛚᚢᚾᛞᛋᛞᛟᛏᛏᛁᚱ
Hilde Aslundsdöttir, Hala's Chosen and Devourer of the Black Sacrament

Your terms are agreeable to me - consider it done. The whole '5 turns non-interference' deal goes both ways, though, to anyone that the Fae are in cahoots or in an alliance with. Basically, we are committed to in no possible way screwing with each other, even if we get allies or other people. I'll make sure that the moment you tell me that you're taking the turn, I won't trade my stats or use my VIPs so as to make them unavailable.

2020-12-03, 10:48 PM
Valence Lodge-Morale 4


Truly your explorations are envied Hanrui-over to have engendered such envy from its occupants, though if you seek to sew such emotion and fervour amongst the Lodge We fear even your might would be hard pressed. Still, inquiry as ever demands responses

It’s said that life began under the seas, then ambulated forth onto this most holy of firmaments. Fish to mammal to man to...whatever comes next. Indeed in this study of verisimilitude courses of time we cut to the heart of the matter of the Lodge’s principal inquest: time-and the abnegation of its adjuvant entropies.

No doubt your missive to the Guild-inferred as response to their edict for all-concerns the past just as the past ever concerns us all.

Mother bless you,
Moira de Leuteum, Archymist of the Lodge, Bearer of Ynndalysh-Scargatornth, Architect of the Mother’s Paradise, Baroness of High House de Leuteum

Your 3rd of the Hive King artifact should do for me staying out affairs re: Baem.

Indeed, it seems the excess of conflict upon this plane ever stands to yoke clan Baem to this continents affairs. We of the Lodge would observe, and wait for Baem to contact us so as to better gauge their situation and motivations re: Jhalalkraun.

You got it.

To the Quintessient Heads,

We regret to once again inform you that such a sum is far and away too little for the alchymical wonders afforded to us by the Forest thus far. One need look no further than de Leuteum’s latest acquisition of territory this past season to witness its merit. Consequently, we would require more in exchange.

With this refutation fielded, we thank you for the aid in enticing the Garnet Diviner to our shores. Resources permitting post adventuring season, We of the Lodge will endeavour to compensate you for your efforts on our behalf.

May your explorations yield bounty,
M. De Leteum

Sounds good? Sounds good.

Esteemed Logicians,

Indeed, it seems conflict ever requires a further melding of resources amongst those who would rule out the very same as a tool for progress. Who better to weather the coming storms than those whose neurology most clearly mirrors our own. We of the Lodge look forward to the drafting of such a ratification-one that may yet guide us forward.

M. de Leuteum

2020-12-03, 11:02 PM
The Four Courts of God Posting on Mobile Sucks

All Messages sent at Morale 13

A bird sings a song, building a nest in an olive tree. What a sweet melody it sings, despite the hurricane to the south. We shall hear what you have to say.

Vrock Bait
2020-12-04, 12:00 PM
Celestial Empire of Longshan

Xiahuang Ling, San Rong, Song Ce, Zhao Ren, Xiahuang Nian, and Song Qian had lobbied for aid to be granted to Idol’s End and war to be declared on the Vestur Halda; some of their number had always hated the monsters to the west, the jiangshi and the empty ships, but others simply thought it honorable, the right thing to do.

Li Jie, Han Lu, Xiahuang Gan, Songsun Yong, and Guan Huang, on the other hand, were the more ambitious sort. They had petitioned that the Empire request entrance into the August League. The Clan was clearly done for, and the Dragon Mountains must always rise on the right side of history. Such is but the will of the gods.

That accounted for the entire court save for the Chancellor of course, who was as always, decidedly neutral in public. On these issues, it seemed most everyone had an opinion.

When the emperor finally exited his private chambers, he had donned a white jacket above his hanfu. Guan Huang whispered to Li Jie that such garb was too biased to one side of the debate, but Li Lanzhong scowled and ignored him.

“I have come to a decision,” the emperor said, murmurs already forming in the crowd.

“We have sworn no oaths on jade,” he stated simply, “The Empire will stay neutral in this conflict.The agreement honored shall be that of the victor’s.”

Morale 8

Greetings to the speakers for the many-tempered lord of the east,

Auspice and appetite to you. I am sure that you have seen our declaration of neutrality. The main barrier faced regarding the last three campaigns was a lack of harmony between generals, a problem we have attended to.

Unfortunately, there are still some matters of public works where our gold is needed. Infrastructure in wayward provinces have fallen apart in the years prior to reunification, but we are grateful for your offer.

To another matter: the Clan made no great enemies of the Elda, yet they were torn apart just the same. I believe it is in our shared interests to form some manner of public alliance of neutrality, if not of friendship, of shared interest. The August League of the West has shielded the Elda from those who would do them harm and concentrated power worldwide. We believe it is time for others to hold such sway.

With respect,
Songsun Yun
Imperial Chancellor

Greetings to the ancient seaspeople of the west,

Auspice and longevity to you. As we are currently still occupied with the war to the south, we have declared neutrality in this conflict. It will be known that we were originally contracted by the Clan Baem to fight for their lords in one war of their choosing. We have told their leaders that we will be spending a few months to muster an appropriate response to your threat - this is a lie.

If your conflict with the Clan concludes with your people exclusively remaining, let it be known that we will support any claims of sovereignty over foreign territories. This will be on one condition - the Elda do not aid the flock of Corundynir in any way until they enter the underworld. We will respect your war if you respect ours.

Let the victor’s voice ring as law,
Songsun Yun
Imperial Chancellor

Greetings to the dynasts-in exile,

Auspice and longevity to you. It shall be known that we are currently rallying troops to defend your lands. In the meantime, it is best to maintain neutrality as to not draw danger from abroad.

We will enter the war, but on our own terms.

Let the blood of kings flow rich and frequent,
Songsun Yun
Imperial Chancellor

2020-12-04, 01:48 PM
Crystalheart Covenant

Isla stood to one side of the room. It was far enough from the front lines that it was 'safe' but there felt like few precious places that were. It was at some times easy enough to forget a war was happening, unlike any that the Covenant had ever been a part of. In any other time, had they come under attack it was usually a battle or two, and then they left those lands for good, but there was no running here, and they were fighting tooth and nail to hold and reclaim what they held on Xihou.

Despite all of this, Isla didn't feel she was exaggerating to say that the war was the less important of the two major events that had happened in the past year. In the center of the room was the young girl known as Zephra Acker. A daughter of a human who had eloped with one of the many half-elves in the Covenant years before they had set to sea to sail to Hanrui. By all accounts the blonde-haired waif should have had little power. Her parents were nobody of note, and yet long before she had ever undertaken the ceremonies surrounding adulthood had shown power in wind magic, an art long lost within the Covenant.

Zephra stood, eyes closed and both hands stretched above a brilliant crystal, a perfect sphere that shone with prismatic myriad of colors. The Crystal Heart for which their Covenant was named. Corundynir's strength had been all but spent by the time he gave his final gift, and so while impressive, the Heart contained very little power of it's own. Instead it served as a beacon that would awaken the power within a child of the Covenant's blood, and bring it to light, which would cause one of the colors within to dance prominently. Particularly strong magic-users, and those of the Amethyst Forge would usually be accompanied by a little elemental effect or two. The human girl who stood over it now was doing it a full year early, but there was already no doubt what light would emerge from within the crystal. As Zephra dook a deep breath poured her magic into the Crystal Heart, no one was prepared.

Isla herself was blasted off her feet, as the room was suddenly filled with gale-force winds, and some of the other members of the Circle of Elements fared little better. The nereid could vaguely hear the indignant squawking and thought she might have seen Deidrana, the harpy Grandmaster of the Topaz Fang, tumbling out one of the doors blown open by the force of the wind. She shouted for Zephra to stop, and Isla thought she heard several voices join hers, though it was impossible to tell with that roaring tempest filling her ears. Though Isla could barely open her eyes against the force of the wind, there was no mistake that the Crystal was shining a pale green light, enough to illuminate every corner of the room easily.

As suddenly as the storm inside the room had started it quelled, and everyone could breathe and hear normally. Such power... for reasons that Isla didn't understand she could vouch with almost complete certainy that this girl who was a mere fifteen years of age could overwhelm each and every member of the Circle of Elements with magic. The next strongest she had presided over had been Grandmaster Agni's own coming of age, and the most he had done had been getting coated in a layer of burning flame. For whatever reasons Corundynir had seen fit, this human girl had been granted extraordinary, and rare power.

Next to Isla she heard someone clear her throat. As she looked to the side, she could see the stocky form of Calimus, his beard blown clear over his shoulder who looked at her and then nodded his head towards Zephra, who was looking at Isla. Grunting as she regained her feet, Isla smoothed out her formal dress, not even attempting to bother with the mess that she knew her hair must be. "And so it is that Corundynir's final gift to us, that binds us all together and brings forth the power of our soul welcomes another sister into our ranks. The Crystal Heart glows, awash with with the light of the peridot, which filled the wind beneath His wings. Once thought lost to us by time, now brought back by our latest sister Zephra, we, the Crystalheart Covenant, welcome you and acknowledge you as a grown woman in the eyes of the people, and of the law. Bring glory to the Peridot Breath and to our Covenant, Zephra Acker." Stepping forward, she brought out a sheathed dagger, its pommel bearing a large peridot in the pommel and handed it over to the girl. "This makes a poor gift to celebrate your coming of age, such as it is, but welcome Zephra. For the next few weeks we will devote as much time as we can to you. There is much to learn of the Peridot Breath, and no-one to teach you. The last time the Breath graced the Covenant I was a young girl about your age, but we do have records, and the Circle is skilled. We will teach you what we can, but the rest is up to you. You have been given great power."

The blonde looked at the dagger, and pulled it slightly from its sheath, the blade inlaid with an intricate pattern of wings laid out and filled with more of the pale-green gem. Putting it back in its sheathe and holding the dagger close to her chest, the blonde, human girl took a deep breath. "Corundynir's will be done."

Isla smiled, ruffled the girl's hair gently and held her close. "Corundynir's will be done."

MOR 10
To the Captains of the Farthest Fleet,

Your message and warning was received, and though it may not have been your intention to save us with your action, it certainly has helped us immensely in our conflict with the Empire to only have one front to our war. The Covenant shall ever be grateful and shall ride this new tide to victory in our war. You have our thanks.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements

Mightiest of hydras Khalos,

Your offer of trade for service is not unwelcome. While every able body that can be spared is put into the front to reclaim our home, no longer can we bury our heads in the sand and pretend that the world around us will ignore us as we have ignored them before this war. To that end we would be more than willing to give the services of some of our best and brightest adventurers. Taleah Camallo has been a hero to our people, but she is no warrior or soldier. She is an adventurer at heart and would likely love the opportunity to explore distant lands and dungeons, especially if by doing so she can aid her people in the Covenant. She is not the only one who would be available for use at your direction this season.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements
I can give you use of 2 ADV and Taleah (ADV3) that isn't spoken for in exchange for resources. Economy is probably my weakest area, and I can always use more of that to invest into my nation. Considering the war, MIL is also good but not necessary.

2020-12-04, 06:44 PM
Khanate of the Ironhoof
Mor 13


Greetings Oathbreakers,

You took what could have been a glorious conquest and show of martial power and turned it into something dark and ugly. Breaking oaths to those working with you, sneak attacks, the murder of innocent children.

You monsters are clearly not the people we took you for. We will not wait and let you do as you will. You have highlighted the problem atbrhe heart of Hanrui right now.

Maybe you will see the light one last time before your dark gods devour your souls.

Watch the scrying orbs craven lizard. We do not need you to join the war. Your neutrality has the stink of fear to it.

We make this declaration before our fellows, World Congress, and the gods.

We declare war on the oath breakers, the nation breakers, the liars and thieves, and the untrusted.

We declare war on those militant few, the war mongers, the aggressors, the saber rattlers, and the jingoists.

Fear the sound of our hooves, we shall come for you soon. We will break Empires and trample warlords. We will crush oathbreakers beneath our might and lease Hanrui of those who poison it with their machinations. There will only be the free and the trustworthy left on these lands when we are done.

We Come,
The Ironhoof

Ironhoof declares war on the Elda Hafnar, the Celestial Empire, The Dragonheart Covenant, The Valance Lodge, The Fae, The Red Aurora College, The Silverhammer Protectorate, and Clan Baem

Legion of Balance
Mor 9


We do not feel the need to be in your council. We have plans of our own in action and do not wish to lead any of you on.

Regarding our stance you should see it said later.

We have seen the powers of this world grow and spread, no thought to the survival of others. The machinations of nations meant to keep the balance are being derided and threatened.

Now we see a nation break the laws of interaction we have all followed and threaten any who would try to right the balance that was so horrifyingly broken. We see nations ganging up on others, We will not stand by and see these lands degrade into contests of who can abuse those who have the least armies.

We will not march legions or take lands. You who break the balance will feel our wrath nonetheless though.

Lady Greydane


Do you have any interest of loaning out your agents and spy networks this season? We have a need of them and the ability to pay in soldiers, coin, magic, or diplomatic aid.

Lady Greydane

You say friend but how can we trust you when you side with murderers and child slayers. You say one thing and mean another.

We had thought more of our neighbors but clearly you cannot overcome your capricious nature to cause chaos and play all sides.

You disappoint us. Don't count on our aid should troubles come.

9 Layered Bank
Mor 4


Greetings Valued Customer,

We are happy that Glimmer was so effective and we can see the automata are being useful with your expansion! The new embassy is great fun and we've had to put our employees on a rotation to visit or they would all cram in there every night!

Well we only break out torture for the customers when they request it or use it as a motivational tool for our employees! Really its barely used at all. And Hellfire is just a superior form of fire, why wouldn't we use it every chance we get!

Why dear Coordinator Nese we need to be wooed before we jump into bed with a nation. We're just so damn vulnerable and open with our feelings. Another turn or so of deals or a joint action and we would be happy to revisit the idea.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank

Greetings Valued Customer,

We to are interested in repeat deals with such valued customers, we would request an individual of differing specialties though if possible. To much of a good thing and all that. :smallwink:

Delayed payment plans work for us too. What did you have in mind? Any interest in payments other then coin?

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank

2020-12-04, 07:26 PM
The Fae of the Four Courts

All messages sent at Morale 13.

You call us liars, and untrustworthy. This is true of Autumn, and Winter, but by the pride of Summer, we do not lie to you. Should you have an emissary, we will make ourselves available, and explain why we have done what we have.

If the Khanate has a VIP, I'm leveraging my 6 REP to meet and see what it would take to settle this.

The Fae have not chosen sides. We wear but one face, and it is forged in bronze and steel and wood and stone. Sowers of chaos, yes, but there is a balance in that, we think. Should you have an emissary available, we will justify our actions.

Leveraging my 6 REP in order to hopefully meet by PM and discuss further.

2020-12-04, 08:14 PM
Red Aurora College

Morale 9

The air was slimy with magical residue in the exam hall. Barely an hour gone since more than five hundred students cleared out of the room in various states of jubilation or dread. Bursar Ferncrest sat at the supervisor array turning down the last of the safeguards and dampeners that protected the students during their high stress practicals. It was a calming feeling, draining the extra power into magicite batteries, each dial spin and lever pull relaxing the auric mood in the air.

“Empyre knows someone needs to turn down the tension” He muttered to himself. Surprise attacks from erstwhile allies and war declarations from predicted enemies.

“Nervous Bursar?”

The sound of the Phoenix Voice bore a melody to it that did not match the melodic voices of a skalds tale, rather it sounded more as though a very clever instrument had been teased into coherent speech.

“Do you deliberately go for such an edgy entrance or does it come naturally? You are worse than the first years.” Ferncrest did not look up from his work, trying to hide surprise under snark and disregard. “...boss.” One of the anti-cheat mirrors that had yet to dull reflected the Phoenix Voice giving a half defeated shrug, smile twisting the corners of her mouth.

“You’ll forgive a mysterious benefactor her quirks I hope?” She came around the array to lean her hip against the desk. “We need to speak of next year’s budget. The Braskina are not going to be enough to cover our military needs. We need to further develop the alumni program. Have it offset student debt if need be.”

“You do remember this is a school right? We can never be an empire with a proper military. This is neither Valebar nor Longshan.”

“We were declared as a target for the Khanate, the choice is not going to be ours to make this time.”

“And next time? These are children my lady, not soldiers.”

“Just because you triple their age does not make them children. They are adults whom can make their own decisions.”

“You did not answer my question, Phoenix Voice.”

“Your leading question implies you already know the answer.”

Ferncrest looked up from the humming array, responding with nothing but a withering stare. She had the audacity to smirk.

“Next time, no one will decide for us. We will choose when and where to fight.”


The August League of the West
Allies, I think it is time we began communicating with eachother with more clarity, to avoid quite the same diplomatic surprise of last year. I know not if any faction in Hanrui can read our misives at this point, but if any can do it it is likely the Legion of Balance, who are likely to be among our greatest opposition based on their ominous words. I propose an in person meeting. I can host in a conjured reality pocket, far away from prying eyes. A glimmering fog will appear in our embassies shortly, send in someone with a steady hand and clear mind, dimensional travel is not for the foolish.

-77 The Phoenix Voice

The Clockwork Republic
Academic Cahit,

That is a well understood aspect of our treaty, just as either member would not be pulled into an offensive war by default. As to their viability as allies, that remains to be seen, their methods may be brutal, but surely the Covenant would have suffered similar brutality had Beam not been stopped in their own aggression. Their methods are suspect, but I will not be passing my final judgement until I have spoken with them myself.

Regarding your next letter however, I fear that dark tones may be ahead. The Khanate have declared war as I feared they would, and I must call on your aid against the Ironhoof invasion. Will you honour our pact and stand with us against the Centaurs?

Wishing Fortune in Dark Times,
-77 the Phoenix Voice


The Ironhoof Khanate [Morale 0]
Ah yes, Red Aurora College, well known ‘despoilers of Hanrui’. We came to this land to study and flourish, craft great wonders and explore lost vistas. If you take such great issue with our presence on these lands as to declare war upon us we will defend ourselves with all ferocity necessary.

2020-12-04, 08:48 PM
Khanate of the Ironhoof
Mor 13

We can spare none of our leaders to talk to craven manipulators. We need everything for our offensive this season. If you want to talk send more dead leaves you cowards.

That might hold true if you didn't ally with undead religious fanatics whose predeseccors broke Hanrui for millenia or eldritch abominations who devoured innocent women and children in a bid for power.

Your high horse shall be freed by the Khanate. May it trample you to death afterwords for bearing so much dead weight.

Mor 9

We can talk but there are no promises of changing our minds. Words can not change your actions. Only redemption through action.

PM enabled. Finally a use for their free meeting!

St. Justicar
2020-12-04, 09:53 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 9

77 – The Phoenix Voice,

Politics is an ugly business everywhere, of course, but you must admit your friends are proving to be rather vicious victors. A dispute over territory is one thing. Demanding that your vanquished foes be scoured from the earth and threatening fates worse than death on anyone who offers them aid quite another. (And I confess I don’t truly understand what the clansmen did to earn such enmity).

Regardless, I admit the Khanate has struck at an awkward time for us – certain defensive preparations will only be completed in the new year, and our positions are rather weak because of it. We will answer our obligations if desired, but will not be able to provide much (if any) material help to you while we focus on securing our own front if we do so.

As an alternative, should we remain at peace than we can offer an expeditionary force, to help defend your borders while we finish our preparations. The full might of the Republic’s army on Hanrui (8 Mil, led by a Mil 1 VIP) to help defend your borders. With a few provisos, of course (that they not be used in any other conflict, that your friends in the Elda not take advantage of the opportunity to seize the Souswardi Isles, and that they not be put at any greater risk than your own troops, specifically).

I eagerly await your response.

May your eyes ever be unclouded,
-Academic Cahit, Committee on Applied Metaphysics, Esheri Republic

Oh, I’m sorry, I’ll be sure to see if there are any cafes you could fit your horns through the door of, invite you on a nice coffee date next time you’re visiting the big city.

But, fair.

Given you’re a literally diabolical banker, I’m sure you’re aware that knowing more than whoever you’re dealing with is the first step to screwing them over so badly they’ll die on the streets before they have a chance to sue you over it.

I’ve spent the last few months – and frankly embarrassing amounts of money – ensuring that my Republic knows a lot. Very nearly everything, really. Which is already paying dividends in keeping track of this mess of a war.

But, being totally honest, this continent is full of ****ing fanatics, and there just isn’t enough land to support the infrastructure we need to keep track of everyone.

So, I’d like to propose a bit of cooperation. Quid pro quo, anyway. You provide some of your finest secret whisperers and hellscapers to expand the operations we can support and in return, well- the whole point of having friends in business is to give you some gossip and tips to ruthlessly exploit or sell to the highest bidder, right?

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

Lord Athos
2020-12-05, 01:21 AM
The Silverhammer Protectorate


To the most esteemed Kannir Aslund, First Captain of the Drowned Moot and Speaker for the Void, and the most esteemed 77 - The Phoenix Voice,

We agree. It is time for the league to meet in person. We shall await the fog, if it is acceptable for your vessel, Captain Aslund, or the arrival of the latter at our shores.
Archon Avendor of House Eith'erant, representative of the Cult of Our Burning Saviour on Hanrui, will speak for us.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual Strength,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

2020-12-05, 04:17 AM

The Guild agrees with your assessment of the situation. The August League has drastically limited the ability of the international community to follow up on the actions of the Elda, and the lack of organization among the more reasonable powers has limited their ability to respond to acts of aggression.

Your acts against the Covenant would be considered the same, but declaring war drastically raises your status in the many eyes of Khalos.

That all said, a direct statement of complete neutrality within your conflict would barely be a statement of neutrality. Similar to how our distancing from Clan Baem has condemned them, a statement of neutrality from the Guild now would be, essentially, siding with you.

We would be willing to enter such an agreement, but the Guild would be giving putting much more political standing on the line by aligning with you, and as such we would need to outline terms for the contract of non-intervention. Additionally, we would likely word it is as a free trade agreement as opposed to a direct statement of Alliance.

Our Terms are attached, but we are willing to negotiate:

The Guild and Empire will not take offensive actions against one another for a full year.
The Guild or Empire will not trade any offensive resources (MAG, MIL, ESP) to powers at war with one of the parties.
The Empire and Guild are allowed to veto one another's submission to the World congress
Any established Trade or Adventuring Routes, and those made or Discovered by the Empire will be shared with the Guild
The Empire will vote alongside non-veto'd Guild Interests in the World Congress
If The Guild enters a Defensive War (Surprise attacked or is the target of a war declaration) the Empire will join the conflict on the side of the Guild within the season.

We would be happy to host Taleah this season as a member of the Khalos Guild.

After working on the books, we would be able to offer 5 ECO for her and her company. We would also like to assure you that Taleah would be overseeing the Fair Winds project for the Guild this season as opposed to adventuring. The last thing the Guild would want is for someone as talented as her to be injured in a Dungeon far away from her home.

Consider our offer. If you require tools for keeping the Morale of your people up, we are happy to provide, but unfortunately, the Khalos Guild does not lend their armies out into the fields of battle during an active war. We protect our own as fiercely as you do.


Though we do not know if you can fully read the missives we share, we understand that you know who we are speaking to, which includes your invaders. The Guild would like to assure you that we have not traded with the Empire, and will never provide them with tools that could hurt the people of your land.

Our only advice from our conversations is as such: The Empire will not make the same mistake of splitting their forces again. Prepare for a massive coordinated strike from their troops unless the Khanate or the Elda give them severe reason to end the war.

We do not know if this information is actionable for you, but it is information.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos.

A war on many fronts makes conflict an island, battered from all sides.

Of course, ships are similarly battered from the waves and yours have sailed farther than all others.

Expect our representatives within your borders in the coming months. We plan to example Guild efficiency within the Drowned Bowels.

As for the more economic matter. Our ability to purchase the Hive King piece, even at a price as good as that one, relies on our results from the depths this season, so we shall be able to touch on that once we are closer to fall.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos.

The Guild are happy to hear about a budding partnership between us! The Nine Layered Bank has become a matter of debate within the Guild Lands, but there are more than enough trainees seeking potential patronship.

The Guild can easily offer those of stalwart heart (MOR) or Diplomats (REP) for the Bank's selection. Depending on the deal, the Guild would even be willing to send a highly trained diplomat over (REP 2 VIP)

We can accept any resource as payment, our trade network is growing and changing one resource into another is becoming trivial for the Guild to do. Though, as we mentioned, we would prefer a larger payment in the Fall as opposed to payment now. Our trade routes are becoming more efficient and pending a trade with the Covenant the Guild may need to open a second account with the Bank.

To Balanced Books;

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos.

We do hope that our previous contributions to the Legion's efforts are helpful in actioning your plans in the coming season. Though Khalos does not know much of balance, he is impatient enough to eagerly wait whatever is coming.

Should the Legion need to balance the books after the adventuring season is over, the Guild is happy to help.

Jhall, Mouth of Khalos

2020-12-05, 02:40 PM
Clan baem

"but home is 6617 miles away;, a burning building. A sinking ship, a dying thing." - Ezinne Orjiako, Nkem.

"On the palm of my hand there is a disaster. I must have been born with it. I carry it with me wherever I go" - Margaret Atwood.

"Sometimes catastrophes split you in half and even if all the pieces are there, they might not ever fit back together." -Julie Murphy, Ramona Blue.

"I'm afraid that I won't do the right
in the face of disaster.

Or, I'm afraid I will be stupidly

-Ada Limon - Bright dead things

Do what you know

The Baem fleet recovered by the hobbits and the legion was a husk, even for a husk nation, merchant ships, repurposed canoes and many things that should not float but for raw magic; all crewed by broken things wearing the guise of people, empty eyes hinted at stolen souls, but no such dark arts were confirmed, the souls were there just... bare.

the efforts of the Baem to become more like a nation had paid dividends, but when calamity struck and the valiant defenders were shattered they reverted to old customs, and the coordinated evacuation of nations became the panicked efforts of scattered groups.

As word reached the farthest islands and embassadors, the trading missions and spies, as naturally sneaky people who wanted to avoid the sight of all were found, and the pathfinders under Dae scoured the waves and islands for survivors, avoiding the increasingly prevalent ships of the Elda that before were seldom seen east of the reverent span, then did the Baem trickled into the land, the promise of safety offered by the hobbits now they had lost their newest home.

Most of these last groups were different, they only heard or saw through shaking scrying blocked by clouds and eerie whispers, they felt grief for sure but their eyes flared mostly with unabated rage, The savage Elda must be punished, they won a victory with the treachery and surprise of amateurs, but the experienced Baem could pay them back with twice the fervour!... right?

cohesion was shaky as they waited for the rest, but so few were coming. But soon the All-chief was spotted in the distance, words spread, and broken people regained a semblance of hope as the floating citadel-sized bowl came nearer. Those near the hobbit coasts aglomerated to see their leader bring a semblance of order, as they came nearer many saw the shapes of humans crammed atop the all-chief or in magical platforms to fit them, for so massive was their number the bowl was not enough, and there was hope.

Soon the all-chief blotted the sun of the port, and some could see what appeared to be exhausted mages casting spells in their leader, with precise eyes telling it would move in a slightly different direction when many casted at once, and the hope waning as it was clear to the magically attuned clan than the runes and patterns covering the all-chief were blinking at random, only partially or not at all, in the case of those that always were. They all remembered the stories, but for those that lived them, it felt far too soon.

Proper reverence

A chant grew ever more loud as the rituals approached their conclusion, dozens of mages working in unison, the mood seemed somber, meant more for a funeral that for what was to come. The runes and glyphs upon the all-chief spiralled without pattern, apparently normal for this particular ritual, hardly different from what was standard this days.

A short mumur of whispers came from those mages who weren't chanting as Hye entered the area, excerpts of ...knew?, some..., ...failure... reached her ears, it was painfully obvious what they lacked. Feigning ignorance she approached one of the groups.

"all the instruments readied?"


She didn't need to be told where they were. Clearly waiting for her arrival a few idle mages followed to where several ceremonial daggers were carefully prepared, they discussed for a bit before grabbing a barbed thing that looked impractical for anything but torture (and even then only good for its looks) and a stiletto knife. The mages nodded to eachother and went back to where the ritual almost finished, today was to be a very special bloodletting.

Who is in charge

...Then the little girl pranced about the shallow waters (She looked like I presumably looked at that age), accompanied by some adult, as is meant to be for a child her age.

She picked up a particularly pretty shell as the water naturally floated away in preparation for another wave, but when turning to show her discovery the person was gone, she started sobbing and then crying, the water on her feet yet to return, a strong unknown sound behind her came moments before she was crushed under the coming wave, the struggle of a child was meaningless as the current seemed to purposefully drag her deeper, oxigen leaving her lungs and blood her veins as she was squeezed by the pressure, then a red light and a jolly childlish laughter before I woke up gasping for air, all in all it seems tamer than previous dreams, though it also took me longer to sleep the night before. -23.

The quill was placed away with a strain as Dae Baem finished writing on what one of the hobbits called a dream journal, she hardly wanted to remember any of the dreams keeping her eye bags heavy and dark, but with the sun barely piercing the sky there was hardly anything for her to do, the permanently active Baem slowly turning diurnal, leaving her insomniac self behind.

She looked at the writing for the usual confirmation that she was no writer and a sigh. She took a look around the room, repeating her waking up ritual of seeing what was different "all but the furniture" hobbit architecture looked nice but it was quite foreign to her "no salt on the air"... She could list things for hours and hours, but she was supposed to be too gung-ho to dwell on such manners, at least that was the image keeping her in charge, that and her new collection of scars... "Good healers my a**"

there was really only the one thing she allowed herself to fixate on: The old man was not here to fix this sh*t, they couldn't search for him in the All-Chief the way things were and if anyone could disappear as long as he wanted it was him, many theories abounded: from the reasonable, like him leaving to advice the Celestial Emperor until they stomp the covenant and move on to the Elda; to the outlandish proven fact that he fuc**d the world-ship that ate him and their twisted offpring was hunting the other ships one by one (at least thats what she thought she heard and wished to unhear, the man died from ethyl poisoning that night).

She took turns between wishing he was dead, and imagining he was too ashamed of being told how she knew this was going to happen and nobody listened... The last one brought something akin to a smirk to her face. She took the chance to widen it into a small respectful smile and started changing clothes and preparing for the day, keeping the smile as to not lose it while still deep in her thoughts, by the end of it the bustle of the early rising hobbits that oversaw them was already starting and taking that as her alarm she grabbed a few papers and left, greeting the horde of polite people requesting meetings with the smile she'd been holding onto.

Good day to most of you, though that most ever dwindles. We have received no messages but for those that we know to hold no fear even of... nothing, thats not meant for here, presumably because we are thought dead, hopefully not because your bottoms take a new darker shade when talk of the Elda abounds, and your high and mighty talk about morals drops when the most moral among us the Hobbits for crying out loud are threatened and you speak as if the attack they'll face is but a footnote in our much needed demise.

And high and mighty have been many, we have heard us called vultures for attempting to avenge our fallen, we have heard us called liars, thieves and untrustworthy, when our only current relation to that last word is to keep making deals with those that wield it, even to this day.

Still, if you don't trust us, I'll throw you a bone: Clan Baem messages are open to all this season, liars and untrusworthy alright.

Two things more for this message:
*I'll swallow my pride, and the pride of all of us and ask for aid, the Elda almost hold the seas completely, I'd expect all of you understand the importance of that in an archipielago.

*To the Captain that instigated this and her treacherous kin of the Elda: There is no place for me outside the Clan and no place for the Clan outside Hanrui, Hunt us all you want with your snail fleets, there is still pathfinders plenty and until the last one breathes this ocean is as yours as the Ütar islands you abandoned, and you wouldn't make a fuss if you didn't know it to be true.

** PS: I'll have the letter deliver my spit only to you if I hadn't written it before learning it was costly magic, so just imagine it did, I'll make it happen as soon as possible.

3secondcultist: check my last discord meme (05/12/2020 for future reference)

morale: Go ahead, read it.

Miss Moira de Leuteum,

We completed our end of the agreement, and ask for nothing more than its completion (though more would of course be appreciated we understand you don't run a charity), we trust you are not so easily intimidated or bought out of an agreement by the Elda.

-Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan.

-Emperor of the heavens and earth.

auspice and longevity to those who deserve it as well, do not worry about us, we know you to be guided by honour, but there is none in suicidally calling the Elda against you when the covenant is still your enemy, you are as forgiven for any lateness as we hope to be for not actually fighting the covenant anymore.

-Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan.

-Coordinator Reese. W

We hope you enjoyed the box of whisky, probably the last of that stock for a while because... yeah, you know. may take us a while to get back on our feet but we'd love to resume trade as soon as we get our isles back.

On the topic, we barely hit a bump on the road and there is already talk of wooing the second biggest con artists to grace Hanrui? that was quick... still, if you want to send totally anonymous help that will be repaid when possible they'll make for a great in between, we promise to scratch any manufacturer brands from the guns.

-Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan.

- to the circle of the elements.

Your transgression is not forgiven, and will never be if you were a factor on the Elda's betrayal, but since that isn't proven and we both have bigger things to worry about I hope we can tolerate eachother and get a ceasefire, we really are quite similar: exiled, proud and stubborn. It'd be nice if we both live to see better times.

-Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan (for what is worth I was against trusting the Elda, and by extension against attacking you).


big fan of your choice of some of enemies, not as much about others, not a fan at all about choosing us but it happens.

Do have good luck against those people worth having a scrap with, we do hope to grow enough to present a worthy challenge when you are done with them.

-Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan.

-To the Collective.

We always respected you as is shown by the few messages we shared, your tobacco is great and you somehow thrive in a world as treacherous as this one whitout leaving behind your own respect for other beings, we knew of your relief plan, some of us laughed about it, but ut is the kind of thing that should most often bring respect to admiration between us, and know that at least for me it did.

Our debt to you is eternal, what we have left is at your disposal and your enemies are our enemies, we only ask to be let through into the wider world, let them know we stand by you.

As blood to us,
-Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan.

To the Legion,

Let it be known we appreciate both your stance, and the courage shown by standing with us, no matter where such courage or stance comes from. if there is anything we can do for you just ask, though a reply would need to wait until we discuss things in depth with the hobbits... you may want to join such a discussion.

Respectfully, for the first time,
-Dae Baem Regent for the Clan.

Esteemed faculty of the Red Aurora College,

I do hope the new seasons receive your people well (almost said better than us, mighty redundant of me), We understand that for some reason that defies our comprehension (as is their usual trade) you are allied to the Elda, we wouldn't begrudge that as such deals with the devils must be made in politics (we do advise against it, from very personal experience).

Still we do hope our previous agreement for the votes can be completed, that is assuming that the college still retains the ability to make their own deals, or at least keep those previously made with parties that are on the same side of the centaur's aggression.

Promise to stay alive long enough for those votes to matter,
-Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan.

2020-12-05, 02:55 PM
Mor 9

The Legion invites you to join their PM with the Fae.

2020-12-05, 03:28 PM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

Morale 15


St. Justicar
2020-12-05, 07:01 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 9


Whisky was lovely. I saved a couple glasses worth to celebrate your eventual return to your home, or possibly your wake, depending. Still, nice to see you’re still alive for the moment.

So, our own security and those of people we’ve actually signed treaties with are at the front of the line for the moment – you’ll excuse a bit of healthy paranoia, hopefully? I’ll see if there’s anything we can spare, but I can tell you right now it’s not going to be any guns. And probably not much – the leftovers of whatever they drag out of the hollowed out mountain, being totally honest. I’d apologize, but, well, have to secure ourselves first.

Best I can do for now. If you manage to survive the next few months (big ask, I know), you should come visit, see the ocean again, discuss the future in person.


Vrock Bait
2020-12-05, 08:26 PM
Celestial Empire of Longshan

The waves rush onto the jagged rocks of the coast, each one rising just before the beach, hoping they would be the ones to make it. It is a pleasant, if cold day, and the sounds of warmth and tea flood out of a small settlement just before the sea.

An ophidian, white-bearded man, his ears almost elfine, sits just beside the window. He hums a short tune, some long-forgotten religious hymn, and takes another bite of rice with fish. Opposite him at the table is a taller, younger man, wearing clothes trimmed with gold, the mark of an emperor.

“I really must thank you, Your Excellency,” the older man says, “This ghost’s head bladefish is really quite the delicacy.”

“You refuse the best of everything else, Master Renha,” Xishun carefully pours his old teacher another cup of tea, “How can I respond but to seek the highest of fish?”

Renha Zhu laughs. “Ah, it is like yesterday that you sat a child, despoiling my good garlic. And the day before, that your father visited to seek young Songsun. Just a week ago, your great-grandfather-in-law and his peers left to help farmers to the east.”

He spits out a fishbone into his chopsticks. “But what have you visited for?”

He Xie sighes. “Our people have not left the Dragon Mountains, have not met a single other nation but those of the divine and the savage for eight hundred years. Seven years ago, our seafarers started seeing others on the horizon, who spoke of a mighty many-headed dragon who they revered. The dead rose from the forbidden lands of the south. Great Baem and Corundynir’s peoples came soon after.”

“Yes,” the older man says simply, beginning to slightly frown, “That is what happened.”

“You taught me to sense the elements, Master Renha,” Xishun says, “We use to practice feeling the law of the earth, the axiom of the water, and the obeisance of the wood.”


“I have felt no fate in the lands outside our own, no destiny of the elements. There is still emotion there, but it is like a deep enmity, an apathetic individualism.”

Renha Zhu was looking down now, his appetite all but gone, jagged teeth starting to show. “This is not a question I can answer, Your Excellency.”

“Do you know the answer?”

The dragon, an old man before, coils in the open coastal air, bristled his whiskers in every direction.

“I must thank you again for the bladefish, Your Excellency,” Renhacius, god of knowledge paused, “The Celestial Court knows exactly what this land is. We have always known, we were born here. So do you. This land is war.”

The emperor casts his eyes to the sides. A moment later, he turns back, and there are only the rocks of the beach and the smell of the sea.

Morale 8

To the thousand-mawed wyrm in his voices and wisdom,

Auspice and longevity to you. A free trade agreement will be acceptable to us as long as it is announced sufficiently public as to dissuade invaders. The only terms we would like to append: if we are caught in a war instigated by an entity other than ourselves, we would like similar support. Regarding trade routes, we would prefer if you either similarly disclose your exploratory actions or we simply remove them altogether. All other clauses are uncontested.

With respect,
Songsun Yun
Imperial Chancellor

We estimate that the southern war will be complete by year’s end, 1155. That will be all.

Greetings to the voice of the endless dark,

These terms are accepted.

Songsun Yun
Imperial Chancellor

Morale GM

Can I just get an empty response box so that people will think that I did something? Just in case though if I can’t, 2 ADV to chart a route to 46, I’ll just leave it empty in the future once I get confirmation but do this anyway for my sense of security.

2020-12-06, 09:22 AM

We will not sign anything that involves entering a mutual defensive pact with the Empire. Should you wish to see are trade routes we are fine with that.

The treaty, as outlined, benefits the Empire much more than the Guild if we remove the one-sided defensive pact. If offers no trade limitations to the Empire as the Guild is not at war, it offers say in the World Congress, which, without the Guild, the Empire would have nearly none.

We are offering a political shield or at least some political redemption that you can take advantage of as nations seemingly compete for who can commit more warcrimes in a season. Without a public declaration from the Khalos Guild the Empire will be regarded as the Warmongers who attacked the Covenant and will be hard-pressed to find allies during your new war on several fronts.

There also remains the fact that the Empire is MUCH more likely to have war declared on it than the Guild, and we don't feel like joining a war started by your saber rattling over seasons past.

Pardon the harsh wording, but the Guild is firm on the matter.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos

We shall keep your other buyer in mind. It's clear that there is another nation that is keen on keeping the artifact from being used. Perhaps when we stop by in the coming weeks you can let us know who it was between expeditions.

As we mentioned, we will know if we can spare the diplomats after we discover what's in the Bowels.

On a more political note, your messengers may representatives from Khalos going to Clan Baem, we are messaging them to let them know that we understand that they exist, but that their continued survival is of zero importance to the Guild, we recommended the Legion keep them off Jahalkraun, and we are fine with them leaving Hanrui for good.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos

Your networks are not secure. If you wish to take advantage of our offer simply let us know that our neutrality is cowardly and possibly make some comments about Khalos' bravery. They have let me know that they will not take offence to such comments in a coming letter.

We know you are alive, but to be frank, we are a trading Guild and the Elda have paid us a great deal to stay out of the Conflict. We imagine other nations have received similar offers, but we were able to talk our way out of condemnation and into a simple statement of Neutrality.

Simply put, we understand that the Clan cannot rally much in the way of income, but the Guild are happy to trade any resource for another (Save for adventuring which is unfortunately completely booked, or MIL of which we have only 2) if you need MOR, REP, ECO, ESP or MAG we are happy to offer a 1 to 1 payment.

If you would even prefer, we will even gamble on your nation's longevity and allow you to pay in the fall as opposed to in these summer months. Hopefully, that will stimulate some growth.

Additionally, though they may have a bad record from what happened to Phanos, the Nine Layered bank may be able to offer you a loan in these trying times, just be sure to pay them back.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos

*Messengers from Khalos come and go carrying generally available public knowledge to disguise the nation's private meeting. No more responses are needed, as this can appear as if our trade was settled.

*Messengers from Khalos come and go carrying generally available public knowledge to disguise the nation's private meeting. No more responses are needed, as this can appear as if our trade was settled.

*Messengers from Khalos come and go carrying generally available public knowledge to disguise the nation's private meeting. No more responses are needed, as this can appear as if our trade was settled.

Hail those of the Deep,

We see that you have yourselves caught up in the war that is threatening to consume all of Hanrui. Though I suppose all nations assumed the Khanate were going to attack sooner rather than later.

Seeing as things may become slightly rough this season, we are offering an offer to our previous trade partners. If you would like something other than (ADV) let us know and we can likely provide. We are even keen to offer trades that will pay us back in the coming season, though those would be at a slight interest rate.

Let us know, and have an auspicious digging season.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos

Creating a Path using ADV 2 from Kkalos Region to the Location that The Drowned Bough

Khalos wielding the amulet of fire breath (6 ADV+2 ADV) and 5 regiments of Khalos adventures are going to delve into the depths of the Drowned Bough, clearing all 10 remaining floors and seizing the Hanrui heart.

Khalos will be on the first 8 floors, with the 5 remaining parties clearing the 19th floor and boss room.

Because it's in their location, the Elda Hafnar are allowed to know our results regardless of MOR

Votes: (Whoops) 16/16 against MORALE contest.

2020-12-06, 08:53 PM
Crystalheart Covenant

MOR 10
To the Captains of the Furthest Fleet,

We have heard your message, and again we thank you for the "intervention" against Clan Baem regardless of your intention with it. It greatly aided us in a time when we needed it desperately. For that we shall always be thankful. May the sea and the wind be in your favor in this tumultuous season.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements

To Clan Baem,

We accept the cessation of hostilities between our nations. It was never our intent, but the past cannot be changed, and if it could, there would be far more important times than the brief quarrel between our nations. Wherever you go, we wish you well.

The Circle of Elements

To the mighty hydra, Khalos,

We find such terms to be agreeable, and Taleah herself will deliver this reply that you may know we will not renege on this deal. We shall put the ECO to good use on the protection of our people and understand completely your reluctance to donate MIL. After reclaiming our territory, our focus shall be to investing in the land's future defense and for that we appreciate the trade.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements

Trading 5 ADV in total (2+Taleah) to Khalos in exchange for 5 ECO this turn. Not much else to report unless something comes up.

St. Justicar
2020-12-06, 09:24 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 9

Honoured Elders,

I apologize for writing on such short notice, but the Republic has a small favor to ask of your government. It is the Esheri state’s intention to deliver aid and undertake mutually beneficial trade across your borders to the remnants of Clan Baem and the Red Aurora College. Would this be acceptable to your council?

Peace and Reason,
Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

[OOC: Turns out you need permission to trade with someone on the same continent if there’s someone else in the way. Hope that’s alright?]

2020-12-06, 10:35 PM
The Grand Collection of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside Under the Administration of the Great Council of Elders, Colony of the Exceptional Alliance of Free Hobbits Administrated by the Parliament of Duly Elected Officials
Morale 12
Reputation 11

We very much will be needing to buy soldiers and we hope we are able to get a good deal. If we are able to delay or stop the Elda then all of Hanrui will benefit. The forces they bring to bear are staggering but each delay brings one of us closer to reigning them in through the crushing power of politics. We also suggest a vote exchange, if we agree on the vote we can agree to swap votes to strengthen our political position.

Elder Guntram

Our main tourist attraction has had no one has successfully mapped it, so terrifying it is that no one has dared to launch a serious expedition into it.

The waste disposal pit however is much more in demand, it currently has the equivalent of 5 floors cleared on it.

the Grand Collection Tourism Board

Hello, we are contacting you wondering if you would wish to help with keeping the Elda away from Clan Baem and most likely more important to you away from your lands. Given their aggressive raiding nature, eldritch heritage and what they do with those they kill, it seems likely the more they expand the more danger your market share and your clients will be in. After all, eldritch raiding pirates don't bank, they destroy banks. You don't even have to directly declare war. Helping with reinforcing our territory will hopefully be enough and no one can fault you.

We are also curious if there is something we can trade for one of your votes?
Elder Guntram

I do believe we have lots to talk about privately.

Elder Guntram

We are willing to let them through though if you are sending anything dangerous to the College please make sure there is very specific orders they are not to invade us or Clan Baem. We are also interested in acquiring your vote if at all possible though it is required for allowing trade.

Elder Guntram

Hello again, would it be possible for you to ignore Clan Baem for now and instead focus more on the Elda? At this point Clan Baem clearly aren't going to be able to fight back nor do they hold any good territory but the Elda present a serious threat particularly given their alliances.

Elder Guntram

2020-12-06, 11:55 PM
Red Aurora College

Morale 9

Clan Baem
Politics indeed. You have my sympathy of course, for the brutal attacks of last season, but the safety of my students is paramount, and our proximity to the Elda means that a non-aggression pact is simply not a viable option versus an alliance. Not to mention the Ironhoof are a dire threat to our borders, even with the hobbits sitting between us.

That aside I’m of course willing to honor our previous agreement. I will ask the hobbits to facilitate the transfer, as their borders can act as a bridge between ours. This turn I would ask that you throw your votes in favour of the Hurricane Relief Effort, knowing the Collection their motion will pass regardless of my college’s agreement.

77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Clockwork Republic
Politics is a brutal business. An alliance with the Elda is significantly safer than a non-aggression pact, and while the Clan hardly deserved the grim fate the Elda dealt them, I do question their choice to provoke them diplomatically as they did while attacking another power.

Regarding the Khanate, I completely understand your position, if you are willing to provide an expeditionary force I will gratefully take it, and I will ensure they are only used as a reserve in emergencies so as to minimize your involvement and casualties. I am working with the Elda and Silverhammer to fight off the centaurs this year, and prepare a counterstrike next year. If things go according to plan the Ironhoof war will be over with enough alacrity to warrant your continued involvement [next turn] only if you desire it to be so. I will set up a route for your forces to travel to my territory [this midturn]

With Grateful Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Grand Collection of First Hill Hobbits
Greetings Master Von Banks,

I have a financial deal with Clan Baem which has become logistically somewhat awkward due to their recent… territory change. I am ashamed in my involvement but the political situation remains delicate to me especially due to the Khanate declaring war as feared. Would you let a few trade carts pass through your territory to the Clan Baem Refugees?

77 - The Phoenix Voice

2020-12-07, 01:51 AM
"Clan Baem"

Morale: go ahead, read it

Dear mouths of khalos, that can be used to suck it (I ignore if there is an it big enough, go find out).

I declined to call out that khalos in specific (mighty as it is) chose to hide in a hole and behind his "neutrality" (for caving to the Elda is no such thing), I only barely signaled you out for calling us vultures, but now you have the audacity to taunt us, speaking of claims that we clearly can't take right now, even without your clear opposition. Still, I'll make sure to take the isles when we can now, if just to spite you.

PS: I'd go personally smack whoever is responsible for this letters but we`re currently bound by the roads of the hobbits, and I'm not sure they go deep enough to find your hidey holes.

-Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan, known slayer of beasts.


Thank you for the thought, is nice to know someone will have a proper drink when I'm gone, or that other very optimistic option.

nothing to excuse there, I'll trade you some of the blind rash zealotry for healthy paranoia any day, but you wouldn't keep your job after that deal I imagine. Anyway, with just good wishes you are already a mile ahead of most so I'm happy with your distance.

Tempting, very tempting, Miss Nese, if I can ever get the house of cards stable enough to leave, without the wind knocking it over. Otherwise, the hobbits do make decent wine and I do own a pretty comfy place for you to crash in (nothing like my ship, but such is life right now).


Good luck, for the limits of skill,
-Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan.

Show me where, and we'll be there.

-Captain Dae Baem.

I have a free VIP just say the word and we are on.

To the Phoenix voice,

no worries, I know protecting those under your ward is the highest of concerns for those that have such responsabilities. Do sign whatever deals make you feel safer until it is torn to pieces.

As for the Centaurs, no kidding, on idol's end we were just expecting them to jump over any day, even now that we have some 30 mountains between us we're mostly banking on everything else looking tastier.

I don't expect the Hobbits to forbid the passage of a few caravans, hopefully the proposal we will back can pass just as easily.

-Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan.

Esteemed suits,

We heard your deals are as good as your horns are long, what kind of loans can you offer for people whose souls have dibs?

-Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan.

St. Justicar
2020-12-07, 09:46 AM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 9

Honoured Elders,

Your gracious hospitality is sincerely appreciated. And you have no need to worry – we have made our aid to the College quite clearly conditional on it not being used in any conflict but against the Khanate.

Sadly, our votes in the World Congress are already committed to another matter for this coming session. We may be able to make a deal regarding them next season, depending on the issues up for debate.

Peace and Reason,
Academic Hira, Special Adviser to the Secretariat

77 – The Phoenix Voice,

Thank you for your understanding. Though there’s no need to waste your explorers charting a route, for the moment at least. One of my colleagues has secured the Collection’s permission to march through their lands, provided our aid is not targeted against the remnants of Clan Baem.

I’m very much looking forward to seeing what sort of resolution to the war you have in mind.

May your eyes ever be unclouded,
-Academic Cahit, Committee on Applied Metaphysics, Esheri Republic


The wine I believe, the comfort seems like a bit of a stretch. But if you’re offering to host, I should be able to pull myself away from my books in a month or two [next turn]


Hayy (tier 2 adv VIP) and 4 adv delve into the Hollowed Peak, clearing floors 9-15, re-rolling floors 9 and 15.

9 votes against the morale contest

2020-12-07, 02:09 PM
The Four Courts of Hanrui

Morale 13

2 ADV (1 of which was banked from last turn) sent into the Grave of Lights (6/20 previously cleared.

12 votes against Morale Contest.

2020-12-07, 02:50 PM
The Grand Collection of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside Under the Administration of the Great Council of Elders, Colony of the Exceptional Alliance of Free Hobbits Administrated by the Parliament of Duly Elected Officials
Morale 12
Reputation 11

We agree though if you have to make a path please do it as far away from Clan Baem as possible. Also while I won't ask you to go against the Elda we do request you insure they don't pass through your lands to reach us. It is unneeded and I doubt they will truly honor any gift they may give. It is best to stay truly neutral in this conflict.

Elder Guntram

I vote 1 no on the morale contest, and 20 yes on the weather thing.

Lord Athos
2020-12-07, 03:56 PM
The Silverhammer Protectorate


To the most esteemed Oppam, Mouth of Khalos,

As usual, our needs will only become clear later in the season. We will send a missive once it is decided.
Know that we value our continued trading relations.

Glory to the Flame, and to mutual advancement,
Lord Protector Halgeir Silverhammer of the Silverhammer Protectorate

2 Adventurers scout a trading route to the Red Aurora College. (22)

All Votes against the Mor contest.

2020-12-07, 06:07 PM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

Morale 15

2 ADV to create a route from 29 to 24 to open trade with the Red Aurora College. 2 ADV to create a route from 49 to 11. 2 ADV to create a route from 49 to 29 (just making sure all of my territories are nice and secure with redundant routes in case anyone decides to snip a few).

7 votes against the Morale and Rep raising contest.

2020-12-07, 06:21 PM
Malcolm J. Blackstock, Quartermaster of the Empty Flasks, Bastard of Bastards (Lvl. 2 Adventuring VIP), will lead the sum total of de Leuteum adventuring (4 adv.) into the Yellow Forest to clear 4 more floors, with blackstock providing re-rolls for 2 of them.

Nae (neigh) to the Morale thing with 6 votes

2020-12-07, 10:22 PM
Clan Baem

Morale: go ahead, read it.

got it

Sending Dae Baem (lvl 2 adv) to clear 2 floors of the mountain keep dungeon.

All my votes in favour of the hurricane relief effort.

2020-12-08, 12:18 AM
The Red Aurora College

Morale 9

7 votes in favour of the Hurricane Relief Effort.

Zander [lvl 2 adv VIP] and 2 adv will delve 4 levels of the forest of wraiths, rerolling on 3 and 4

Vrock Bait
2020-12-08, 09:20 AM
Morale GM

Sorry, forgot to vote. Against and against. If the Jade Wizard is still up for offers, starting bid of 2 MAG since everybody else has forgotten.

2020-12-09, 04:13 PM
Midturn 4

World Congress

The World Congress has tallied the votes from the member nations of Hanrui and find that the nations voted;
0 Aye
67 Nay

The Proposal has Failed.

The World Congress has tallied the votes from the member nations of Hanrui and find that the nations voted;
37 Aye
8 Nay

The Proposal has passed. The World Congress will coordinate nation submitted resources to be able to fully protect any nation hit by the storm, as long as the minimum amount is reached.
The goal is 45 Mag or Econ. That will negate any damage the storm will deal to anybody. Nations can submit any amount. The amount submitted will be tallied up during EoT. Nations may still choose to safeguard their lands with 5 points of Mor/Mag.

If the storm hits your landmass and you do not have protection, either the successful preparation project or personal points spent, then you will suffer Mor and Econ damage.

Legion of Balance
Mor 9

Route made from 50-49.

Mor 13

Route made from 16-30.

Nine-Layered Bank
Mor 4

The Bank sent in Sir (Tier 2 Adv VIP), The dimensional hut (+1 Adv Item), and 5 Adv into The Pits of Hell and cleared 8 Floors.

They came out with several chests of gold ((++++) temp Econ), a rare statue of demonic obsidian ((++++) temp Rep), and several demonic stimulants ((++) temp Adv). They unleashed a powerful Demonic Wurm and its Brood (Major Monster, and Lesser Monster).

Celestial Empire
Mor 8
Route created. Also yes I can do empty ones for you if you want.

Khalos Guild
Mor 11

Route created 62-49.

The Guild sent Khalos (Tier 6 Adv VIP), The Amulet of Fire Breath, and 5 ADV to the The and cleared 10 Floors.

They came out with barrels of magical materials harvested fro the Leviathan ((++++++) temp Mag), some rare ivory ((+++) temp Econ), eldritch stimulants ((++) temp Adv), the prow of an ancient Templar ship ((++++) temp Rep), and what seemed to be the eternally bound Balor Izoran the Chained missing his trident (1st of 2 pieces of Izoran the Unchained). Hanrui Heart Gained.

While adventuring though the depths a massive corrupted abomination tried to eat Khalos, despite the tough fight Khalos won out but was wounded in the process. The dark eldritch energies sowing his regeneration (VIP wounded 2 turns).

Clockwork Republic
Mor 9

The Republic sent Encyclopediest Hayy (Tier 2 Adv VIP) and 4 Adv into The Hollow Peak and cleared 6 Floors. They found a few semi-precious stones ((+) temp Econ), a rare pain numbing agent ((+) temp Adv), several rare journals for Hayy (8xp), a powerful Rod of Mineral Detection (+1 Econ Item), and an ancient powerful Wand of Earth Manipulation(+1 Mag Item). While there they dug too deep and unleashed... a swarm of direbats (Lesser Monster).

The Fae
Mor 13

The Fae send 2 Adv into the Grave of Lights and clear 2 Floors. They come out with rare magical toadstools ((++) temp Mag), and a powerful stimulant ((+) temp Adv).

Silverhammer Protectorate
Mor 9

Route forged from 30 to 22

Elda Háfnar
Mor 15

Routes forged from 29 to 24, 49 to 29, and 49 to 11.

The Guild has cleared the last 10 floors of the Drowned Bowels. They came out with barrels of magical materials harvested fro the Leviathan ((++++++) temp Mag), some rare ivory ((+++) temp Econ), eldritch stimulants ((++) temp Adv), the prow of an ancient Templar ship ((++++) temp Rep), and what seemed to be the eternally bound Balor Izoran the Chained missing his trident (1st of 2 pieces of Izoran the Unchained).

While adventuring though the depths a massive corrupted abomination tried to eat Khalos, despite the tough fight Khalos won out but was wounded in the process. The dark eldritch energies sowing his regeneration (VIP wounded 2 turns).

Valance Lodge
Mor 5

The Lodge sent Malcom J. Blackstock, Quartermaster to the Empty Flasks (Tier 2 Adv VIP) led 4 Adv into The Yellow Forest and cleared 4 Floors.

They came out with an old memoir for Malcom (4xp), a large ruby ((++) temp Econ), and a powerful Sun-piercing Spear (+1 Mil Item). Hanrui Heart (Gain 1 Econ, treat Mor as 1 higher for 3 turns) Lose 1 Adv for lack of preparation.

As the final monster, a powerful Star Spawn that had consumed ancient Ents, is slain by the adventurers they rejoice. The adventurers leave with their loot secure in the knowledge that they are safeguarding their lands from monsters. No more will corrupted nature spirits prey on the villagers. What they do not notice is a small growing piece of unstable energy among the body ruin of the monster. Soon it is large enough for all manner of creatures to move through it and shadows start to appear in the portal...

NPC Nation unleashed on neighboring territory (59)

Clan Baem
Mor Just Read It

Clan Baem sent Dae Baem (Tier 2 Adv VIP) into the Mountain Keep and cleared 2 Floors. They came out with some ancient coins ((++) Econ).

Red Aurora College
Mor 9

The College sent Zander (Tier 2 Adv VIP), and 2 adventurers into The Forest of Wraiths and cleared 4 floors.

They came out with several rare woods ((++) temp Econ), several magical herbs ((+) temp Mag), and the potions of adventurers who have died ((++) temp Adv.

Rise of the Golem

The forest shudders as a thudding gets closer to it. Birds start to fly off as trees shudder and move, some knocked away by a seemingly powerful giant as row upon row of emotionless beings march behind it in perfect synchrony. As one looks at the giant being closer however you would see that it is not a giant, it is too perfectly proportioned. The face doesn't move much and there are none of the natural twitches and movements a flesh and blood creature would be seen doing.

Eventually the convoy comes to a stop, they have reached a coast further south from when they started but they sense intense magics and planar currents further to the south and west of them. Without a word the beings break out of their tireless marching formation and start to build. Hundreds if not several thousand bronze, stone, clay, and iron humanoids begin to construct a city the likes of which has not been seen in this world for millennia.

The giant golem rests on a nearby cliff, the watchful sentinel over his people. It breathes in deeply, despite the lack of lungs, and in a great creaking motion the mithral alloy lips bend into an emotionless seeming smile. The magic was rich here, it would nourish his people and keep them functioning for a long time. It was so rich that they had to start pans on bringing the rest of the dormant golems of their home world to join them. There may be natives here but it didn't matter none would stop the return of the Golemarchy.

If some tried they would face the wrath of Solemnus, The Eternal Watcher.

The new NPC nation, The Northern Golenarchy, has joined the game and is settling in territory 59. You may now interact with them.

EoTs are due Sunday Night, the 13th

2020-12-09, 07:59 PM
A retinue of adventures arrives on the border of Golem lands, carrying Guild banners high with their deep red and gold markings. As they run into scouts, the adventures show the package they were sent to guard, a massive chest filled with the magically beating heart of a leviathan, brought as a gift alongside the missive the Guild has sent. [1 Temp MAG as a gift to be officially given at EoT]

Welcome to Hanrui, A Land of Triumph and Disaster in Equal Measure

We are the Khalos Guild, Adventurers and Traders to your West on the island of Jahalkraun. There is a chance that you have seen our leader, the Hydra Khalos, on the horizon.

The Guild is one of the few nations on Hanrui not at war. We are reaching out to you to establish a trade relationship with you. If not a relationship based on trade, then one based on protecting our own people. Should you wish to trade with the Guild, have high-quality monster parts like those provided that you may find of interest, as well as other resources.

We also understand that you are new to these lands, and attached you will find a rundown of the other nations, should you be interested in our opinions.

Jhall, Mouth of Khalos

Attached is the second piece of parchment, the Guide to Hanrui through the eyes of the Guild.

Your Neighbors of Jahalkraun:

The Khalos Guild

The Valence Lodge: Powerful and mysterious mages consumed with the pursuit of biology and mutagens. Moreso than any nation we have encountered on Hanrui, they possess powerful minds and talented individuals. Over the past seasons they have kept mostly to themselves and have had a generally warm relationship with those they did end up in contact with, the Guild included. They have given us no reason not to trust them, though their obsession with strange magics may make them unpredictable.

The Fae of the Four Courts: Fickle as Fae always are, the Four Courts are a strange entity diplomatically. At their best they are reasonable and pragmatic traders in the Spring, but at their worst, they are cruel conquers in the Autumn. As all Four Courts generally work collaboratively, the pragmatic Spring seems to typically win out, but the Autumn court has recently sided with the Elda Hafnar in the conflict that is tearing this continent asunder. Something that has shown that they are more than willing to celebrate and encourage cruelty.

Whether the Fae can be trusted or not is a strange question and one that the Guild cannot answer for you.

The Legion of Balance: A strange force in this world looking to maintain the balance between good, evil and all things. They have mostly kept to themselves, similar to the Lodge, but our only interactions with them have been positive, they are worth trade partners and generally defenders of the weak in order to maintain balance.

The August League:

The Elda Hafnar: Cultists from beyond the far reaches. The Elda Hafnar are warriors who showed their true colours in the past seasons, slaughtering innocents and attacking a nation without an official declaration of war. They consume and twist the flesh of living things that are unlucky enough to deal with them. Though they have not directly affronted the Guild, they have proven that they are a danger to Hanrui and any who come across them.

The Red Aurora College: A mage college that is unremarkable politically in its own right, but they are allied with the Elda Hafnar and have never said anything against the atrocities committed in the last season. Though they have been quiet, they cannot be trusted to be any better than the Elda themselves.

The Silverhammer Protectorate: The Undead Dwarves of a forgotten age, the Silverhammer are isolationist, and rarely speak to anyone other than the other members of the August League, and the Khalos Guild. Though we cannot speak highly of their character considering their support of the Elda Hafnar, they have been nothing but honourable in the matters of trade, which makes them at least a possible economic ally.

Other Nations of Hanrui:

Clan Baem: Barely a nation anymore, the Clan were exiled from their lands and unfortunately landed here. The Elda Hafnar's attack was on them last season, and they lost all of their territory. If it weren't for the kind actions of the Grand Collection and the Legion of Balance, the Clan would be extinct. They are desperate at the moment, but they have given the Guild no reason to distrust them, and the Guild is also possibly helping them in their conflict against the Elda Hafnar. Currently at war with the August League

The Grand Collection: Short and kind folk, the Grand Collection are the other trade power that won't literally buy your soul on Hanrui. Master politicians and rich, the Grand Collection are some of the best friends a nation can have, though they are occasionally politically misaligned with the Guild. The August League is currently threatening war against them.

The Khanate: Warirders and Maruders, the Khanate are a powerful military force on Hanrui that, up until a month before your arrival, had been politically silent. The Khanate declared war on, and is at war with: Clan Baem, the August League and The Four Courts of the Fae.

The Nine Layered Bank: Good for a loan or trade, but ensure that you always have the resources to pay your debts. Their lands were previously those of another Empire but were repossessed. Death and Taxes.

The Clockwork Republic: Militant and Rich, the Republic are verbose but efficient. Perhaps the most reasonable citizens of Hanrui outside of the Hobbits and the Guild.

The Celestial Empire: Warmongers and prolific liars. The Empire are convinced that whatever they believe is the truth and it can be a dangerous thorn in the side of politics. They are at war with the Crystalheart Covenant, and have been generally aggressive against other nations. The Guild is friendly with them, but mostly due to the fact that they have remained neutral towards us and our standard is friendly until given reason to be otherwise.

The Crystalheart Covenant: Currently in dire straits but a sturdy and stalwart people. Our only direct interaction with them has been trade and defending them politically, they have been lovely with both. Honestly, they seem to be one of the two nations on Hanrui (alongside the Clan) that drew a short straw in terms of target practice for nations that needed to justify a military.

We are unfortunately not able to supply soldiers, Guild Policy to not put ours on the front lines under any banner but our own.

If you are interested in some favours we've saved for a rainy day we can absolutely spare some and ensure that you have the resources this season. In fact, if you need it you could even pay us in the Fall.

OOC: I have REP, not MIL. If you want some we can arrange something.

Well that letter was believable, so we'll ignore that it was over the line.

Let us know what you need and we can know how much you can have this season for repayment next season (or just pay us this season if you prefer). Have the Hobbits contact us so it seems as if this letter was the last word on the matter between us, we assume you're speaking to them privately.

If you cannot do that, simply send us three blank messages for the comedy of it.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos.

There is no official message from the Guild, but there are traders in the area showing wares from the adventure sites as soon as the adventuring season is closed. IF something is needed to balance the book, speaking to any of them will get you in touch with the Guild.

2020-12-09, 08:15 PM
The Four Courts of Hanrui

All messages sent at Morale 13.

Rep 6

Greetings to our esteemed neighbors.

How fascinating, to see ones who shape themselves. What beautiful destiny. We welcome you to what is called Jhalalkraun, and desire nothing more than friendship with you. Should there be anything you require in the coming seasons, do not hesitate to ask; we are open to trade, and recognize your sovereignty over the lands you have claimed. We are curious as to your aims, but hope that we can peaceably coexist.

It is signed The Duke of Indomitable Harmony.

Rep 6


We are curious as to the terms of your loans. We do not have the adventuring to chart a route to you, but would be interested in procuring some combination of [6 MOR/ECON]. What would be your terms for repayment for the coming season, and what would it take for it to get here? Would you be capable of arranging this?


It is signed The Lady of the Spoiled Feast

2020-12-10, 09:49 AM
Red Aurora College

Morale 9


The Grand Collection
Pardon me Master Gutram, I think you misunderstood. I simply need to send a payment of Econ to Clan Baem. None of my troops will be passing through your territory [this turn]. I have no intention of letting the Elda come through my lands to attack the Grand Collection, or even the remnants of Baem.

77 - The Phoenix Voice

Clan Baem
The Collection does indeed seem fine with the transaction. I’ll send the payment along shortly.

77 - The Phoenix Voice


The Legion of Balance
Greetings to the Legion,
We are near opposite sides of Hanrui from one and other, so I think both of us have felt we have little reason to speak previous to this year, but given the recent mass declaration of war by the Ironhoof, with my own institution being one of the major targets I would ask your opinion of the general political situation, if you would be willing to share it. There are of course many factors at work here, and I understand that your faction is less inclined to overt conflict, please to not feel overly pressured by this outreach, I am simply trying to reduce the potential surprises that will no doubt plague my college through this war.

77 - The Phoenix Voice

The Northern Golemarchy
Greetings Metallic Ones,
I am known as the Phoenix Voice, I preside over the Red Aurora College, far to the south west. Your new presence in Hanrui is fascinating to me, as there are few other dimensional travelers in this land, and though I count myself only as a dimensional dabbler, all manners of magic hold great interest to both me and my institution. Would you be interested in embarking on a long term research project in the coming years together? I would be delighted at the chance to study magic along beings who have such a different and fascinating relationship to magic from us creatures of flesh and blood.

Best Regards,
77 - The Phoenix Voice

2020-12-11, 12:17 PM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

Morale 15

Greetings, Mouth of the Beast,

Now that you have witnessed the depths of the Leviathan and taken what you needed from her belly, we approach you again with an offer for trade. The crown of the Ravening King, mantle of the ancient Hive, calls out for a master. Should you wish it under your control and not under the thumbs of those you do not trust, you will need to pay for it. As mentioned, there is another asking for the same piece of the puzzle.

All the Elda ask for in return is our fair price: coin or magical reagents would be preferred, but the Moot would also accept the invitation of our captains to your embassies in cities this season, as a sign of good faith. We have every intention of restoring our reputation among the people of Hanrui, and your blessing would be a good start.

One final thing: the Drowned Moot recognizes the power of what we plan on giving you, and hope that you would think better than to point it anywhere near our ports. If you need a villain to blame for an 'accidental' unleashing of the monsters within, the Moot would take the blame on your behalf. All you need do is ask.

ᚺᛁᛚᛞᛖ ᚨᛋᛚᚢᚾᛞᛋᛞᛟᛏᛏᛁᚱ
Hilde Aslundsdöttir, Hala's Chosen and Devourer of the Black Sacrament

Now that you've gotten your Hanrui Heart from the Drowned Bowels, you can have the Hive artifact for the low price of 5 Mag or Rep in any combination. We'll take Eco too, actually. I would also ask that you don't point that thing anywhere near me or the August League.

I'm happy to take the blame if you want to unleash it on an 'ally'. You know, in case anyone is threatening you politically or might be a threat to you in the future and you want to knock them down a peg? :smallamused:
Very well, philosophers and experimentalists,

Your competitors have set their price for the artifact. You will need to match it in order to obtain it from us, and provide assurances that it will not be unleashed anywhere near our lands.

If you need a villain to blame for an 'accidental' unleashing of the monsters within, the Moot would take the blame on your behalf. All you need do is ask.

ᛖᛁᛏᚱᛁ ᛃᛋ ᚺᚨᛋᛃᚨᛚᛗ
Eitri ys Hasjalm, Horizon-Seeker and Captain of the Sunken Skald

So the price to beat is 5 Mag / Rep / Eco. I'd prefer payments in those stats if you can spare them. The only other part of the price is that you don't unleash the Hive near me or any other member of the August League.

I'm also happy to take the blame if you want to unleash it on an 'ally', in case you would want to be blameless in that affair.

2020-12-11, 05:33 PM
Mor 9


The trades between our nations have been very helpful to our pursuits. We are open to more trades if you are, possibly work on a project together as the start of an alliance?

Lady Greydane

Greetings Hobbit Friends,

We thank you but we have had discussions with the Hobbits this season and believe we are following what they want to happen. Our stance is nothing but what even the meanest of nations should follow. We wish you well in your recovery.

Lady Greydane

Greetings Mageborn,

Well it is possible that your situation is directly related to your alliance with the horrible monsters that murder women and children without warning for no mjore reason then they were in the way of expansion? We are not sure but that seems like a good guess. The spreading of those scenes across Hanrui and further did not help either.

We ourselves are not too thrilled that such a learned instutution has sided with such people. They sell their souls, pillage, tear down institutions of learning. Clan Baem had some of the most powerful and learned casters and theorists in Hanrui yet your ally burned them to the ground and would have murdered the entire population had the Hobbits and I not interfered.

Maybe you will learn of the Elda treachery one day.

Lady Greydane

Mor 13

Hold your horses because we are coming to get them soon. You will crumble beneath the waves when we come for you.

Greetings Small Folk,

We wil have our reckoning one day with the Clan if this declaration has not caused them to clear up their act. However we have no way to reach them yet so they have their breathing room... for now.

9-Layered Bank
Mor 6

Easy solution... open air cafes. No doorways to worry about!

We applaud your work of digging out dirty secrets and tidbits of knowledge, we ourselves are no slouches but are sure we cannot compare to you and your networks. We believe fanatics are actually good for business... or at least ours. No one is more willing to sell their souls for pwoer then a fanatic!

We do support this idea and believe it will be a mutually beneficial arrangement indeed. We will send our imp masters, diviners, and whisperers to your lands this season.

They are willing to send 7 Esp for this.


We are exciuted to hear the interest in our humble little bank. We too are interested to keep trading and that experienced diplomat you entioned has several of our senior staff salivating, they would make a wonderful sacrifice employee. If you are interested in repeating payments and have no time line then we could arrange an annual payment plan for the goods you offer?

Especially if no specific payment matter to you. What total number would you be looking at for this deal?

Greetings my Moneyed Friends,

Well we do commiserate the fact that Pirates are so difficult to work with. We have no interest in Clan Baem and frankly our worry about Elda raiders are minimal, the benefits of living in a demonic wasteland of a desert far from the water. If you wish our aid though we are more then willing to supply the Hobbits with very reasonable loans!

Your people are known to be wonderful clients who pay promptly and with no hesitation. For a few measly souls we can send you contracts of regiments of legion devils, succubi/incubi diplomats, or even just large quantities of demonic gold or magic to help fund new hobbit armies.

What are you offers?

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank


You heard right! Our deals are even better then that at times, pesky Paladins tend to go for the horns first. The confused buggers equate massive phallic things with sources of power. It is quite fun to blast them after that. Well how dibsed are your souls? We do have experience in beating off the 'technical' owners of them.

We offer immediate payments with reasonable repayment plans. Contracts of legion devils, carts of gold, or diplomats of the succubi persuasion. What is your poison?


Well the route will be fine if you can convince neighbors to let us use their routes. Do you have equitable terms with any of them? Well we do more selling then buying but we could repay your loan of (4Econ/2 Mor) with (5 Econ/4 Mor) over the next several seasons (3 Turns).

What say you?

Northern Golemarchy
Mor 9

The party is met with what seems to be a high ranking golem, with the steel body and rune covered head and limbs at least, that brings them indoors for a several day wait before meeting with the Rune Mother. A medium sized adamantium golem covered head to toe in runes that you can feel sucking the magic out of the air.


We thank you for your very informative guide to the nations, we have explorator units out verifying your words as we speak and they seem to be trustworthy so far. At this time we are more interested in confirming our own position rather then trading but we have what seems to be a dungeon in our lands. We may come into goods you wish traded soon.

We have combat units you may wish to use next season or possibly our efficient work force for building? We desire but one thing in this new land. Magic and the experts to help us wield it. We wish to bring more of our kind through into your wonderful magic rich land.

Many Thanks,
Rune Mother

Greetings Magic Friends,

We thank you for your welcome. We in turn are fascinated by how your bodies seem to run on pure magic and your ability to shape the stuff of the great maker. We have combat units you may wish to use next season or possibly our efficient work force for building? We desire but one thing in this new land. Magic and the experts to help us wield it. We wish to bring more of our kind through into your wonderful magic rich land.

Other then that possibly a route to new lands for us to settle a colony to ship more resources through for our budding capital.

Many Thanks,
Rune Mother

Greetings Magic Wielders,

We thank you for your welcome. We in turn are fascinated by your ability to wield the power of the gods with such ease and without the Runes of the Mother.

If you wish we have combat units you may wish to use next season or possibly our efficient work force for building? We desire but one thing in this new land. Magic and the experts to help us wield it. We wish to bring more of our kind through into your wonderful magic rich land. If you would offer aid in this project we would surely accept.

Many Thanks,
Rune Mother

St. Justicar
2020-12-11, 06:31 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 9

Music to my ears. We’ll probably have something interesting for you in the next few months, depending on whether an initial effort pans out.

Now, I may have heard that you could use an established route North. As it happens, our pathfinders charted one a couple of years ago. And it would make my life much simpler if I could complete some deals with the College and Baem by just shipping across the interior. Call it a trade agreement?

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

2020-12-12, 04:28 PM
The Four Courts of Hanrui

All messages sent at MOR 13.

We believe we could arrange that. Would you be willing to accept 5 ECON/3 MOR in the next two seasons instead?

Thank you.

Ah, it gladdens us to read your words. Magic we have, and we would be happy to exchange in some capacity. We shall discuss soon, no doubt.

But alas, a storm approaches. We know not whether you are aware, but a hurricane approaches, of some considerable might. Take care you protect your new-fledged colony this season, lest you be cast adrift on stranger tides.

2020-12-12, 06:11 PM
Morale 5

Leader of the Golemarchy,

It is said that humanoid kind is a beautiful machine that functions incredibly poorly: a sentiment We of the Lodge wholeheartedly embrace.Uninhibited by the rigours and limitations of the flesh, your artifice stands as evident perfection of your design. We would exchange our words, our beliefs and purpose with you rather than the sharp ends of hostilities, that we together may derive a new schema that may be deployed upon Hanrui as a whole. A blueprint of cooperation, if you will, so that We may stand a hope of matching the ageless perfections made plain upon your multitude chassis. Indeed, there is much we could learn from one another.

May your mettle be strong in the face of arrival,
M. de Leuteum

I have things to trade! Oil for rust! Exotic minierals! Replacement parts! And all at a very good price, I assure you

Esteemed Logicians,

We of the Lodge are come upon a most brilliant weapon, one to be wielded by a far greater militancy than that which is currently present amongst Us. We would divest ourselves of such a currio and the violence inherent to it's use. For a price.

May your sums add to round numbers,
M. de Leuteum

Remnants of Baem,

Know that we grieve for the sons and daughters of your clan. But if anything the seas have ever known waste. Rest assured, the Lodge will honnor its contract with you.

Sure thing.

A shame-you come offering us what is wanted and then deny it within the same breath. We respect the haleness engendered by competition-to a point. As we have impressed upon you the Lodge's concern with the expenditure of time, do note its value to us in future negotiations-and what it would mean to waste such a thing come the future.

And here I was with a +1 mil item all ready to trade. The hydra can have the hive.

Even-Handed Masters,

We of the Lodge are fully willing to engage in such an agreement. We look forward to the rare herbs.

M. de Leuteum

2020-12-12, 07:43 PM
Unfortunately, with the coming hurricane, the Khalos Guild will need to put our bid on the Hive King piece, whether MAG or REP, on hold for the moment. We understand if you need to find another buyer during that time.

We would offer the following officially:

1 REP VIP for 8 of any combination of resources next turn, and 4 on the turn after. We believe you will find this agreeable.

2020-12-13, 01:06 AM
The Grand Collection of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside Under the Administration of the Great Council of Elders, Colony of the Exceptional Alliance of Free Hobbits Administrated by the Parliament of Duly Elected Officials
Morale 12
Reputation 11

Ah, we will see but I do believe their reach to go much further inland that one would expect. I guess we will see in the coming times with what happens with Clan Baem. What is the rate for the diplomats? As much as we would like Legion devils for defense, I imagine we will not be able to afford both. Are ritual sacrifices of valuable goods and animals accepted or are you specifically going for souls? Also for the souls aspect, what exactly happens with the souls? Is this a population boosting type thing where the souls come back as devils or is it more a power source type thing? As those two are quite different for us.

Elder Guntram

2020-12-13, 01:22 AM
Legion of Balance
Mor 9

Well we wouldn't have the Magic to completely make an even trade so what else would you desire?

Nine Layered Bank
Mor 6

You sweet talkers you! Nothing gets a demon going more then semi-legal trade routes for us to expand our influence. That would be amenable to us and we would allow our trusted friends access across our lands. Getting through the mountains and then other nations is up to you though.

That is tough, we will meet your terms. Though we can not always be so generous for deals without the benefit of souls on the line.


We would be amenable to that deal. We look forward to receiving the new employee.

Northern Golemarchy
Mor 9

Greetings Neighbors,

Well that is fortuitous for us then. We are willing to wait for trades, we wish to take this season to solidify our new lands anyway.

Greetings Way-Makers,

We thank you for your creation of the dimensional portal our people were able to use, the link to a magically rich environment let us awaken. We would be willing to trade for materials, the upkeep of our people is a never-ending project. However we are busy this season, maybe the following?


2020-12-13, 04:59 AM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

Morale 15

Greetings, Mouth of the Beast,

You disappoint us, herald. The Drowned Moot would have preferred that you were the one holding the power of the Hive. Let it be known that selling to you would have been a preferred outcome.

We hope that whoever does end up with control of the artifact does not point it in your direction.

ᚺᛁᛚᛞᛖ ᚨᛋᛚᚢᚾᛞᛋᛞᛟᛏᛏᛁᚱ
Hilde Aslundsdöttir, Hala's Chosen and Devourer of the Black Sacrament
The temporizing was not ours; the emissaries of Khalos promised a price before delaying the sale to this late point in the season.

Competition is natural - and what you have on hand is better than no offer at all. If you rationalists can look past you wounded pride, you may yet obtain a prize worth keeping.

It should be noted that the other term of our agreement still stands, even though the details of the arrangement have been altered by circumstance.

ᛖᛁᛏᚱᛁ ᛃᛋ ᚺᚨᛋᛃᚨᛚᛗ
Eitri ys Hasjalm, Horizon-Seeker and Captain of the Sunken Skald

I’ll take that action. A +1 Mil item for my third of the Hive artifact sounds like a decent trade. The only other clause (of not pointing it at me or my allies) stays.

2020-12-13, 10:20 AM
Clan Baem

Morale: go ahead, read it.

To the phoenix voice,

Great, hopefully thanks to your wise choice of project Hanrui can safely weather this storm.

With due respect,
Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan.

hehe, I would imagine. Ehh, I'm sure with enough work you could shake off the dibs, for one soul at a time, and frankly no one who wants to do it is worth the effort/willing to follow the order.

My poison is thrill, but I'll ogle your prices for carts of gold and diplomats.

Good business with the others,
Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan.

Lady Moira,

ouch, does the renmants sting, regardless of how thruthful it is.

We are glad to hear you are trustworthy as always, how do you want to handle the route situation, do you happen to have one for the hobbits already?

-Life worth living,
Captain Baem, Regent for the Clan.

how much spent each, etc.

2020-12-13, 12:41 PM


We feel no pride to wound. Merely an absence of productivity. Even the most dullard of cephalopods knows that one third of something is unequal to a completed whole. Measures would need be taken to ratify an equal exchange. Naturally we understand that this may needs wait until such a time as your in a position to do so.

M. de Leuteum

Cool. What else? I'm not trading for 1/3 of a nonfunctioning artifact for something for something that fully functions on its own. I'll hold onto it for this turn. If you have the stats for it next turn I'll take use of 5 mil and the Hive third for it.

Master of Balance,

We would be happy to have your legionaries stationed here for such a time-more than fair compensation for any perceived imbalances you may find in our current arrangement.

May you remain the even hand of Hanrui,
M. de Leuteum

Temp use of...2 mil work?

Remnants of Baem,

Indeed, a curious problem is presented to us-should it be acceptable to you de Leuteum will happily burden themselves with the cost of re-discovering your shores.

Next turn my adventurers are free for pathfinder-ing, so I can field finding a route to give it to you if that works.

Well Met as you are well-wrought,

You are too kind, though We of the Lodge full accept your thanks and welcome you once again to this world. We too feel this need to focus on the internal this season-mayhaps trade may resume on the morrow.

Until such a time,
M. de Leuteum

St. Justicar
2020-12-13, 09:34 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 9, Rep 5

To the Phoenix Voice,

Please find attached the order of battle of our expedition, to be placed at your disposal for the coming campaign season, subject to conditions already agreed to. Considering the logistical difficulties in arranging transport to the far end of Vahsi, in the future I am going to have to insist on a more direct route being charted, as at present our arrival is contingent on the goodwill of three separate foreign powers.

Nine Ships of the Line (Flagship: The Ascenatic) with accompanying marine detachments.
Two Regiments of Greycoats (1st and 2nd Hanruin Regulars)
One Regiment of Standard Heavy Automata (23rd Sariyan )
Two experimental detachments of metaphysically enhanced Siege Automota (1st and 2nd Pharosine)

-Strategist Valens, Appointed Captain-General of the 1st Aurora Expedition

[OOC: Just verifying our trade went through]

de Leuteum,

We do have a wand I’m told is pretty valuable we don’t have much interest in long-term, but afraid we need it just for the moment. Hurricane coming and all, you know, shiny sticks that make reality cry are suddenly in high demand. Assuming there’s no other imminent natural disasters, then after that’s dealt with I’d be able to work something out.

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)


I’ll keep this sort and not mention any specifics, given your concern about prying eyes (and hello to M. de Leuteum, and any calcified malnourished and traumatized pirates who might be reading this!). But writing to confirm that our side of the trade deal we’ve agreed to is en route.

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)


Wish I had better news, but afraid there’s nothing I can spare to send your way for the moment. You know how it is, sometimes it rains, sometimes swarms of giant vampiric bats darken the sky and start eating all the dairy cows. Still, officially have the devils go-ahead, so if you’re able to make a contribution to finding a pass through the mountains in the coming months arranging trade shouldn’t be an issue.


Glad to hear it. We’ll deal with that when it comes up. And your contribution to our joint project is very much going to good use. -Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member of the Committee of Industry and Progress (Hanrui)

2020-12-13, 09:40 PM
The Four Courts of Hanrui

All messages Morale 13.

Fair winds, and may the August League strike a blow against the Khanate that resonates through the ages

It is signed "Dame of Rotten Threads"

A pact is forged, then. You may ship through the Clockwork Republic and the Valence Lodge. We shall return what is owed in the year to come.

2020-12-13, 10:06 PM
Nine Layered Bank
Mor 6

Well we would be willing to offer (5 Econ) at a reasonable return of (6 Econ) paid back over the next 2 seasons. Or conversely we will offer a total of 7 Econ paid over 2 turns to you in order for a specially trained VIP (Tier 1 VIP).

Well... the souls will eventually result in something that makes our employees very happy. Maybe not right away but happiness takes time and SACRIFICE. As for pricing ranges we have a variety of options. We would be willing to send our diplomats (5 Rep) for the next two seasons (2 Turns, this and the next) in return for a specially trained hobbit to be placed in our employ (A Tier 1 VIP of your choice).

2020-12-13, 10:57 PM
Clan Baem

Morale: go ahead, read it.

Lady Moira,

Of course, do let us know which of the hobbits territories you'll be pathing towards, I'll rather they expect your arrival, especially with how on edge everything is.

-Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan.

agreed, but I thought of that last part, so let me know so I can tell the hobbits (obviously an open route as well, in case we need to make a proper trade some other time).

I'll take the first one, and give you a thank you for other favours in addition (you likely know what I mean).

Don't suppose you'll meet us halfway through the mountains?

-Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan.


Nice guys them, better than you'd expect from their name at least.

Is fine, I know the dungeon life all too well (perhaps too much for my own sake, the levels of humidity I'm comfy in are apparently not normal, I've been told), good luck to those corraling the pesky creatures, and hopefully I am alive enough for our little get together, whenever it may be.


2020-12-14, 02:26 PM
The Grand Collection of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside Under the Administration of the Great Council of Elders, Colony of the Exceptional Alliance of Free Hobbits Administrated by the Parliament of Duly Elected Officials
Morale 12
Reputation 11

Not this season, assuming we survive the strength of our potential offerings will be much higher. What would be able to get for a much more experienced Hobbit?

Elder Guntram
Offering a potential tier 2 next turn depending on what they have to offer.

2020-12-19, 04:03 PM
Turn 5
“There is a savage beast in every man, and when you hand that man a sword or spear and send him forth to war, the beast stirs.” - George R.R Martin

The burning summer and cool winds of Autumn fade into bleakness. The cool winds turn into a horrible cold as the winds of winter sweep over Hanrui, followed by the flash floods and heavy rains of Spring.


In Vahsi little of import is happening, the powers that be move their armies around and prepare for conflict that seems to be coming.

On Jahalkraun the new Golemarchy seems content on their small little state as they do not move this turn. The Valance Lodge continues to venture out of its zone, spreading through the last grasp of free lands in Jhalkraun.

On Xihou nothing moves but armies marching to war and struggling for supremacy.

The island chains are full of action as the Elda prepare but no more islands are taken this season.

Hanrui State of War

Xihou is a hotbed of sieges and counter invasions this season. The Covenant fights back with a vengeance, moving north west to cut off the newly taken imperial lands to the south, leaving those new imperial provinces cut off and in dire straits. The imperial forces match them in kind. Their massive army marched south along the east coasts to take one of their remaining provinces to cut off the southernmost province of the Covenant.

The Elda suffer massive amounts of damage this season, their vulnerable rudders attacked in a hope to cripple their ships. Nations outside Hanrui and local companies and trading groups pull their support, the Elda economy is crashing in hours of the news hitting. Various raiders pull their loot back for themselves and their crew. Then informants and insurgents start to spread among the newest 'additions' from the neutral isles, causing infighting and chaos. A quick broadcast over the scrying orbs has the world viewing the Elda as pariahs once more, no amount of bribes or college professors vouching for them could change it. Finally the few informants and spies they had throughout Hanrui and their own lands are flipped and turned, letting rogue elements among the Elda who believe they need no allies murder the leader of the Moot and leave his body in a public square to be found.

However the real war is the brutal expansion of the Khanate as they follow up their declaration of war with a triple invasion that managed to secure them on all three continents in a massive military coordination over the seas. Even that comes at a price as their now defenceless Peaceherds are left paranoid and crippled from indecisions and fear.

Ride of the Khanate

Fae defenses are set and the foot soldiers of the powerful Lords and Ladies are patrolling the borders and shores of the Fae. Their mortal servants build palisades and bastions against defenses and the powers of the Fae are turned inward as they manipulate the forests and natural boundaries to be more defensive and block the march of possible armies.

It isn't enough.

Artois Fellstrider, the Ironhoof lands on the shores of the Fae with his protégé Tiz'Rer Lancebreaker and his daughter Allae Longstep and one of the Khanate Warherds. Their shamans unleash the minds of the fae horses, not even their eldritch origin save them from the chaos and resentment that comes with their sentience. The Warherd breaks through the Fae barricades and what resistance the basic Fae and their mortal servants can put up. They ride through the Fae land, driving the maids and lads of the Fae through with their mortal slaves and servants. They put all who raise a sword to the sword with no regrets as they burn down the forests and towns of the Fae. The Fae horses join the Khanate shamans, using their natural Fae gifts alongside the centaur shamans.

Militia forces throughout the lands of the undead Protectorate are rallied and weapons distributed but the small forces rallied to supplement the national defense are not enough as it turns out. The gamble was one and it turns out it was lost.

The Centaurs led by the Azral Hollowdancer, the Mindbreaker, and Lin'Star Hoofshod are powerful and dedicated. They ride over the waves and onto the island where they wreak destruction. Their shamans unleash the minds of the horses and beasts of burden, not even their possible undead origin saving them from the chaos and resentment that comes with their sentience. The Warherd breaks through the barricades and what resistance the undead dwarves and their allies can put up. They ride through the island, driving the non-combatants to the boats. They put all who raise a sword to the sword with no regrets as they burn down the forests and towns of the Protectorate.

Imperial defenses are set and Imperial patrols are patrolling the borders and shores of the Empire. The servants of the Empire build mighty palisades and bastions for defense and the imperial forces seem ready for attack by Covenant skirmishers or Elda raiders.

It isn't enough.

Raen Longmane, the Ironhoof General lands on the shores of the Empire (40) with one of the Khanate Warherds. Their shamans unleash the minds of the imperial horses and beasts of burden, unleashing the chaos and resentment that comes with their sentience. The Warherd breaks through the barricades and what resistance the patrols muster. They ride through the Imperial lands, driving the men and women of the Empire out of their homes and into the other parts of the Empire. They put all who raise a sword to the sword with no regrets as they burn down the hills and towns of the Empire. The Imperial horses join the Khanate War Herd, using their hard won military acumen for their new allies.

This is just the beginning

Night of Knives

All across Hanrui the messages are being sent, there were just too many deaths this season. Too many important people, leaders of powerful nations or the nations powerful subordinates, are dead all at once. It didn’t happen all at once, no massive coordination so the news hits the world all at once but this is almost worse in its own way.

Some are spaced as far apart as 2 weeks while one death follows on another the next day. It builds into a frequent state of fear, of the knives coming in the night for your leaders and loved ones. If they aren’t safe? How could you be. Newspapers, bar gossip, and every second on the scrying orb. It is all dedicated to war of death this season.

An Emperor raving madly about death and destruction as he dies in the heart of his Empire amid loyal servants and courtiers. A lesser god, a World Ship, rotting away from the inside out until hundreds of abominable creatures pave the way for this god on the road to death and its return to the void. An Undead Ranger who has seen millenia pass and empires fall like rain, melting from ravaging poisons even his undead body couldn’t handle. A powerful young mortal who could fight on the level of Lords and Ladies of the Fae, the Infused who had the magic ripped from his body until he was a broken husk. Finally the Voice of a generation, the College dean who was found with his mouth and throat stuffed with correspondence and papers while the virulent poison used his powerful magic as a medium to break his mind before death.

Titans and leaders to their people, some with powers to conquer lands and level cities. All dead. Who will be next?

Weathering the Storm

The Storm has apparently hit the shores of Jahalkraun, The Realm of Monsters. The massive magically stimulated hurricane crashes on the shores of Jahalkraun, The Realm of Monsters. As this storm hits the shores you can see that it is no regular hurricane, the winds are strong enough to tear forests from the ground and crash the behemoths of the sky against the mountains until they are dead. Rainfall and hail hit the ground like crossbow bolts, demolishing unprotected buildings. Luckily the residents seemed to get the memo of how serious it was and prepared. Fae Lords and Ladies, Valance Bodymancers, Guild craftsmen, Legion Priests and engineers, and Golem Artificers. All managed to find their way through the possibly devastating storm.

Legions of Fans

The Legion of Balance has worked with the Hobbits closely since their arrival two years earlier, their works have led to the rise of the importance of World Congress, the saving of a nation, and the aid of each other's goals. The peoples of both nations travel to and from each other's lands, government leaders having dinners and events see the other as they engagedly plan for the betterment of Hanrui and the World. Truly if the Legion left tomorrow they would consider this venture worth it for the Allies they left with. In light of the growing trust and relationship between the two the Legion messages the local World Congress with a very important message that the organization then blasts out to everyone who would listen.

The Legion of Balance is now endorsing The Grand Collection of Hobbits with all their influence and ability. They are truly leaders among leaders and would bring Hanrui to an Age of Peace.

The lesser advertised fact is the budding relationship of the Guild and the Legion, season after season of trades and common agreements has led to the Legion decision to try on their northern neighbors as possible allies and see how it goes. As they say, Balance in all things…

Legion declares a Reputation Alliance with the Hobbits and regular alliance with the Guild.

Highway Your Way

The Moonlight Revelers, a powerful mercenary army of banished High Elves, are requesting permission to move through Hanrui waters. They have been contracted by the Empire Everdawning to attack an enemy of the Empire from the sea on the opposite end the Empire will be attacking from. They wish passage through the seas of Hanrui to cut down travel time and for the surprise. Because who would be idiotic enough to travel through the deathtrap that is Hanrui.

They would pay nations for knowledge of their sea routes and then combine it all to chart their course. They will keep their course secret and any forces that come across them will be treated as possible enemies in the worry that their enemy may send a navy to attack them under the guise of a local.

A group wants to use existing sea routes to travel through Hanrui, they will pay 1 temp Econ for every sea route a nation has, but it also means there is a 25% chance of casualties for any army traveling a sea route this turn.

Stat Investment Contest

The Global Cartel of Shine has messaged the World Congress to petition the nations of Hanrui to listen to their proposition. They have heard tell of the ancient resources, gold, and manner of riches that have been found in Hanrui and they are curious. They wish for the World Congress to facilitate a massive contest on the Cartels money to see what these riches are and the wonders they wrought. However they only want it to be done if there is enough content to show to their various cartel bosses and connections. If only one or two nations have a piddling amount of riches then it would be useless for them to try and make connections there.

If enough nations have riches worth seeing then the Cartel will be willing to make connections to all the nations involved with bonuses for the greatest contributors and richest trading partners.

A nation wants a bunch of Econ to be invested in a Hanrui wide semi-coordinated contest, 25 minimum and the highest 2 contributors get extra rewards. Basic reward for every contributor if the 25 is met is a point of the stat invested. The top two rewards are secret until the winners are chosen.

Khanate of the Ironhoof
Mor 5


The Khanate has been tricked and used as tools! We were told reliable information that our targets would be either aided by the Elda and their armies or fall to them before we got there and be ripe for the taking by hoof and by blade! We saw no Elda this season and while we made worthy war on our foes who showed no fear we SAW NO ELDA.

We will find who did this and make them suffer the torture of the endless hooves!

To those we have warred upon, you are worthy foes and we will not disgrace ourselves or you by attempting to make peace when many of you will surely desire vengeance. We will be leaving your lands behind however to focus on our true enemies.

We will see you on the battlefield we are sure.

Midturn due Dec 27th

Vrock Bait
2020-12-19, 04:32 PM
Celestial Empire of Longshan

It had been a harsh seven-day procession.

Regardless of his cavalier attitude towards the gentry, he had been raised knowing many of them, and they still felt some measure of grief. Many officials wore garbs of full white and cried openly in the street, but more than one scholar-advisor had been executed for not observing the proper ceremony.

Of course, in the city itself and the country, the markets and homes were a sea of white, the sounds of wailing the rush of the tide. The seven days of mourning had been seven days of rain, and through the dark sky some claimed to see the shape of dragons, singing the songs of the ancestors.

Zhao Ren and Li Jie are occupied in the south. The Empress Dowager simply says she isn’t a leader. Han Lu ignores messengers, furiously riding against the horse-spirit invasion, while the Queen of Xuezhou stays passive within her domain.

When imperial retainers seek out Songsun Yun, they find his study empty, all his writings and treatises left behind. A single letter is sent to his chosen successor.

“I am old now,” it begins, “Zhao Xuanming is intelligent, noble, but emotional. When his last brother died, he mourned for one hundred days and could not fight for one-hundred fifty. He has grown tempered with time, but he is still the angry young outlaw who murdered an official. Seek his counsel for the war above the map.”

“The empress is intelligent, canny, but in the ways of battle but not the battlefield. She knows the armor and the blade better than the flag or the map. In a different world she would be the blunt tool of kings. Seek her for logistics and doctrine, morale but not strategy.”

“I have been ill for five years now. I have stayed in this life to fulfill my oath to the Late Excellency’s father. Take my seal, my position. You attract men of talent and are good at making friends. Transmit these traits to the young Excellency. Wed for power and sue for victory. Rule for Jian well.”

With that, no one sees Songsun Yun ever again.

“Are you sure you’ve got it?” San Dumeng said, placing a stabilizing hand on Han Lu’s shoulder.

“I’ve broken the mountain horses of the North, Filial Prince,” Han Lu replied, clutching at the reins, “Your father’s riders may have been of a different sort entirely, but I know the beasts of war all the same.”

Dumeng signed. “Alright, just go.”

Han Lu lifted up the reins, with one hand, ignoring his stirrups. With a crack, he brought his riding crop down onto the riding bull.

Instantly, the bull rushed forward without restraint, charging and shaking across the meadow.

Han Lu laughed, finding the unbalancing act also soothing, something he might have rocked a newborn to sleep with.

He spent a few more rounds getting used to the temperament of a bull. It was feverish, angrier than a horse, stronger, but it was also more stubborn, and he sensed that it would not run at the first sign of trouble.

And thus begins the Imperial Bull-Calvary.

Morale 8

To the steel-toed horsemen of the south,

It shall be known that we have no wish to fight in a three-way war. We recognize that you are a warrior people, who hold yourselves to ideals of honor that we profess we do not. I am sure that it can be agreed that in this war, us two peoples are first in honor, the Covenant second. Three sides in any conflict is messy and disjointed. As such, we will ask that we dispense with those dogs before we may truly contest to see who holds the true favor of the divine will. A sizable payment of gold made be placed forward if you are amenable to the treaty attached.

If you do not trust our words in such an agreement, you may trust our self-interest that it would be mutually beneficial to remove the Crystalheart tick before we truly meet on the battlefield.

With respect and obsequity,
Xiahuang Nian, Imperial Chancellor and Regent of Great Jian

Three sides in a conflict are messy and disjointed. I think we can agree that one of us two nations should be the real victors in this war. We are willing to pay 4 ECON to you for an agreement: we will not attack you, and you will not attack us until we have vanquished the Covenant. After that we may resume a proper duel between warrior kingdoms. Alteration of these terms is negotiable.

St. Justicar
2020-12-19, 10:26 PM
The Clockwork Republic

The central plaza of Port Mantik – Symponia’s capital and principal port, now that the colony had grown large enough to justify the differentiation – was large and perfectly manicured, as could only be expected. As on every first of the month, it was filled with the local civil guard, in their striking blue-green uniforms, parading and practising their formations and musket drill. The largest city in the Republic’s Hanruin holdings (really the only city, by the standards of the mteropole) several thousand were mustered, showing impressive amounts of discipline and marksmanship for a semi-professional militia.

Of course, they did have slightly more motivation than their provincial counterparts – they could just look up at the stage and see the eyes watching them. In addition to their usual captains and colonel, they were graced with the presence of high ranking prefects or committee chairs. And today, as news of assassinations and invasions and every other manner of chaos filled the broadsheets, three of the colony’s ruling council looked down on them.

Valens, dressed in full parade uniform with his arms clasped behind his back, couldn’t keep a grin off his face as he looked down on them. “2 years of effort, but look at them. Better soldiers than most of the fanatics and rabble this wasteland calls armies in a meeting engagement, I’d wager. Let alone defending fortified positions and their homes.”

Nese, dressed in a tailored black tunic and trousers with enough embroidery to pass as formal, if barely, and a flask on her hip, snorted. “I ****ing hope so, given how much this little deterrent cost us. We should put on a ball, invite over ambassadors. Put on a show and get some use out of them. Given, you know, we’re not at war.”

Hayy sighed at that, not quite resisting the urge to fidget with the eyepatch he’d acquired since his last trip into the Hollowed Peak – not that he had lost the eye, technically, but he certainly couldn’t see out of it anymore, and the law was clear about brandishing weapons unnecessarily – as he replied. “Do you believe they would have been enough, if we were? My friends, you have read Hira’s reports form the north, yes? I will not say we’re lucky, but it’s best if these fine citizens are not trampled to death to prove their worth, no?”

Nese uncapped her flask as she brought it to her mouth and drank in one fluid, practised motion. “And, on that note, I have work to do. Or travel to arrange, anyway. Wish me luck, everyone, and if you find my corpse choking on bad cheques or whatever the paladins think is poetic, burn down something they think is important for me?”

As she turned and left, Hayy nodded to the Strategist “I have an expedition to attend to as well, Valens. There is a lich-king hiding in a mountain to bring to justice. I will see you before I leave, and write. Try not to get us all killed, yeah?”

Now standing alone on the centre of the stage, he mastered himself sufficiently not to frown as he looked down at the drilling militia, going over hypothetical stratagems in his head.

Morale 10, Reputation 5


That invitation still good? Looks like there’s quite a few topics of conversation to go over. And I am curious about those drinks.


To who it may concern,

My condolences for the loss of your Voice. I presumed to consider her something of a friend, and her death is a loss to us all.

I feel safe in assuming that the war has not exactly progressed how you would have hoped, not least given your new enemy, but I’m certain that the Republic would be able to provide assistance in whatever offensive operations you intend to undertake in these coming months. Though, depending on the specifics, it may be best to discus them in private?

-Academic Cahit

To Management,

Hope business is going well for you. Your contribution these past months was greatly appreciated, and we’d love to keep moving forward on the same terms, here. Or work out something similar?

Anyway, in terms of dividends – you might find it interesting to know that the wannabe imperialists up North (...not specific, I know. The ones that actually call themselves an empire) have offered everyone’s least favourite equines a significant bribe to ignore them until the Covenant is partitioned.


2020-12-20, 03:35 AM

Dark tides in dark waters, leaders of the Drowned Moot.

The attack from the Clan, wasn't only from the Clan, as your leaders likely have surmised.

The Collective of Hobbits backed their attack with reputation, likely traded from several powers around Hanrui. Unfortunately, we cannot discount the idea that some of the Guild's repute was included in the strike, but it would have required the Nine Layered Bank to have rallied against your kind as the Guild sent most of our Reputation to the bank during the Summer in exchange for resources that will be sent in the next several weeks.

We understand that the Elda are proud and powerful warriors, but the Guild's portfolio is more diverse.

The Guild needs troops for the coming season, and as a sign of good faith for our delving last season, we are willing to overlook your previous duplicity in the art of trade.

Our offers are attached:

Dio, Head of Khalos.

4 MIL - 4 ECON / REP

8 MIL - 8 ECON / REP

12 MIL - 12 ECON / REP

16 MIL / ADV - 16 ECON / REP

Basically MIL for ECON / REP up to a certain point. I need troops to train and / or land Covenant / Empire land depending on their MOR numbers.

Pleasure doing business as always. We trust that representatives trained by the Guild are still desirable to you.

We will need to see the results of our adventuring season in order to consider the same offer again, but at this point we would like to remind the bank that we are open to trade resources for any other, as long as we can swing it with our contacts around Hanrui.

For the sake of balancing our books, we would enjoy knowing the exact resources being sent by the bank sooner rather than later.

We hope you enjoyed our offering last season. As our leader can attest, killing that beast was a monstrous task.

The Khalos Guild, unlike our closest neighbours, doesn't have a large amount of magic continually on hand, meaning that we cannot offer more than [3] MAG for trade before we count the magical regents pulled from abbarations. That said, the other way we are unlike our neighbors is that we are unprotective of our magic. For us, gold carries the same weight.

We are searching for might battalions for a potential coming battle, or at worst to train our troops. We would offer magically charged items for the equivalent power in military might. Should you need more than the Guild has on hand, we will reach out to one of the many nations we are friendly with. Pecuring extra tomes should be no problem to the Guild.

Let us know your needs. Our current offer with no trading around Hanrui would be 3 MAG - 3 MIL but we are willing to go much higher if we can make it work.

Signed, Dio, Head of Khalos.

Eight hearts break at once to hear about the passing of a mighty Emperor.

Though the Guild does not have soldiers to lend to the Conflict, the people of Khalos are trained adventurers and deft pathfinders. They could be used to connect your currently split Empire over sea and ensure that supply lines are maintained during this war on multiple fronts.

Or, if needed, the Empire could simply purchase coin from the guild, to stimulate the growth of the lands that are still under Empire control.

Whatever the nation needs during this period of mourning, the trade ports are open to assist in showing those attackers the strongest version of the mighty Celestial Empire.

We do not know which court to write to in terms of directly Economic matters, but the Dame of Rotted Threads was our previous contact.

Dark tidings on the shore of Hanrui as the hoofbeats of the Khanate pounded our beaches, but their promise to leave seems to be earnest. Unlike some of the other nations of Hanrui, the Khanate don't seem like the kind to bluster about anything, let alone a retreat.

We understand the books are relatively skewed in our direction this turn with the loan, but should you wish to engage in any other trade this season, the Guild would be particularly interested in MIL and MAG, though we understand you likely want the former to march the Knights of Autumn to the Khanate lands.

Our trade ports are open to the mysterious Fae, as always.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos

OOC: Hey, if you need ECON to get your stats back into order, I gotchu.

Does Hanrui feel more balanced than before? Does her heart feel avenged? Does she breathe easier with the added souls of the dead? Perhaps.

Of course, it is unknown if the Legion were part of striking this balance, either way, perhaps the whims of nations simply shift towards it, no matter how much we battle the tide.

Eyes will turn to the Legion in the coming months. Eyes suspicious of the most talented assassins on Hanrui. Fair or not, the red eyed rage of nations will make your hands look bloody. Your people will need to be stalwart, and though the Legion is obviously steadfast, the Guild can offer it's help.

We have Morale building resources to share, and we're happy to share them for a fair price.

Dio, Mouth of Khalos.

Serindipidus that our two nations, along with the Lodge, seem to ceaselessly slip between the armies and assassinations that are naive to Hanrui.

Of course, serendipity and luck are ofter the results of preparedness.

Allow us to congratulate you on our lucky happenstance, and reassure you that our trade networks are open, despite the fact that our books didn't see eye to eye last season.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos.

Congratulations to you on your high standing with the Legion. Though ours has less fanfare we're happy that we are also on good standing with them.

As always, our trade ports are open to the Grand Collection, let us know what you need and our ships can bring it to you by the end of the season.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos.

Peace shall hopefully be there soon.

The Empire will surely see that this war is folly and simply hurting both sides. Your hard-fought victory against them this season has left them exposed. A split Empire will fall if left divided. Your newest acquisition is the most important territory in this war.

The Khalos Guild still does not send troops, but as you saw our coin is trustworthy. We would request the services of Taleah again, though this time she would be delving into the heart of the Forgotten forest alongside the adventurers of the Guild.

We are also in need of ADV continuously, or MAG this season. We would offer to accept MOR but we assume that you'll be needing that.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos.

St. Justicar
2020-12-20, 09:40 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 10, Reputation 5


Luck, hiring enough diplomats, and generally not being blatant *******s where everyone can see. Shockingly effective strategy, can’t imagine why more people don’t try it.

Anyway, in terms of trade and cooperation, a few things do come to mind, but I recall you being rather paranoid about security a few months ago. Shall we negotiate in the same style, or have you gotten more reloaded in the interim?

-Coordinator Nese, Ranking Member, Committee of Industry And Progress (Hanrui)

The message is not exactly a letter. It is, rather, an ingenious mechanical bird, holding within it a song. It flies into the centre of the Autumn Court’s territory, or until it is stopped, and sings a three minute recorded melody, at the very end of which is a couplet in old Imperial Goblin. The process of doing so irreversibly damages its internal mechanisms, rendering it incapable of being rewound or replayed.

“Oh Lady of Rot, has your weaving come to naught?
Or shall the same tongues now sing different songs?”

de Leuteum,

Well, all that storm preparation turned out to be so much wasted effort. If you’re still looking to buy, one Wand of Earth Manipulation officially on the market, never used. You had something of equal worth in mind to trade?


2020-12-21, 01:42 PM
The Four Courts of Hanrui

All messages sent at Morale 16


2020-12-21, 03:39 PM
Clan Baem

placeholder for fluff, with the midturn on 23 and a couple of days far from my computer the messages will have to do.

Morale: 4



I'm still alive, aren't I? I'll keep the place clean, so come whenever you like.


Esteemed faculty administration,

you have our condolences for the terrible loss just suffered, our network may not be as strong as it could be, but if even catch a hint of whoever did this you'll be the first to know.

-Captain Dae Baem, regent for the clan.

Celestial regent,*

Know our people who still had tears to shed, shed them for the celestial sovereign, our network is not as impressive as it could be, but if we catch even the tiniest hint of who may be behind this we'll let you know.

just who is regent currently? is it the empress, Zhao Xuanming, both or another one?

High Baroness Moira de Leuteum,

we are taking offers currently, as our situation has more or less stabilized (or at least our doom stalled), otherwise I just wanted to remind you of the payment (I'll take it you'd be offended by someone who didn't remind people constantly of such debts), and we can even use the route you for any of teh previously mentioned offers.

-Captain Dae Baem, regent for the clan.

Duty elected officials,

Our attack was a success, and the Elda are (apparently) in disarray, we owe the safety and time to plan such a strike to you and will restate our wish to aid in all that you do.

Trying to express our enormous gratitude without seeming like suck ups,
-Clan Baem.


We didn't ask after tragedy struck for obvious reasons, but I don't suppose you'd let the 53 island for Clan Baem, once this is all over, I promise is not just to spite someone.

-Captain Dae Baem, regent for the Clan.

ho there strangers!

I heard you like magic and appearing where no one expects you to... we are going to get along just fine, do let me know if you want something to punch (or some other thing) and are taking reasonable pay for it.

-Captain Dae Baem, regent for the Clan.

2020-12-22, 06:41 PM

Zephra was another year older. During any other time, she would have spent the season in eager anticipation of undergoing the rituals the Covenant had to place people into the castes that would act as a second family for their entire lives. The blonde human girl would be alone, however. Her family killed in the initial attack on the Dawnstone Vale. She'd been quiet before that. Her parents were part of the Emerald Eye, and had been among the first to leave the initial port and begin farming. They would have been working their second harvest since arriving.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts and instead surrendered them to the flow of the wind. She had found a remote place, far enough away from where everyone was in the hills to practice her magic without people gawping at her. For near a year and a half she had been effectively adopted by most of the Circle of Elements, those who weren't missing or off fighting the war effort. She was truly indebted to them but... she was still young. Sure she was powerful with magic, but could she actually use it? Most of what she did was on instinct and there was nobody who could teach her anything proper.

Raising her hands she created a whirl of wind in front of her, its gusts following the tumultuous feelings in her. It was so powerful, and she could feel, it would only take a little amount to turn that buffeting gale into a razor sharp wind, to tear into Imperial lines... she shook her head and the wind's disappeared with an almost audible pop as she lost concentration. Could she turn that against another person? She... wanted to, but should she?

"Heeeey! Zephraaa!" Zephra's soul-searching was interrupted by the arrival of a woman with lion-like legs, slightly clawed and scaled hands and a pair of tawny wings carefully tucked behind her. Nearly everyone in the covenant would recognize their most famous adventurer. Taleah sauntered up the slightly awestruck girl and smiled warmly. "What are you doin' out this far? Practicing?" Zephra nodded her brain blanking out.

"Is there... uh... anything I can help you with?" Zephra managed to squeak out.

Taleah's smile grew wider. "Actually yeah. See, I was hoping that you could help me on an adventure or two. It's not easy work but, don't worry, you'd be safe with me!" Zephra found Taleah's smile infectious, and her grim thoughts flowing out of her head bit by bit. She nodded eagerly and Taleah clapped her hands together. "Excellent! I suppose I should ask Isla but... eh, it's probably okay. Oh yeah, and come to my place, my little crew's having a party tonight!"

Zephra nodded numbly as Taleah walked away, waving merrily. Her heart beating in her chest. She had to remind herself she wasn't just a simple farm girl anymore, she was arguably as famous as Taleah, being the first in hundreds of years to belong to the Peridot Breath. Surely that was it, and not the gryphon-kin wanting to spend time with her. Zephra sure wouldn't mind, spending time with her and her toned, perfect body. Zephra shook her head. It was just a party and there would be other people there, what was she thinking? Regardless, her previous dark thoughts had been replaced without her noticing and she hurried back to the home she had been staying in.

MOR 10, REP 4

Thank you for your wishes, it is our hope that the Empire sees reason as well, though we shall prepare for the worst regardless.

As for an arrangement, we were glad that Taleah was of use to you last season and hope that she can be of good use as well. Would the same previous deal work well for you? If not something of equivalent worth could be exchanged for her services this season as well. If all goes well this half-year we will be focused on internal affairs for the next season or two, but then we can resume the deal, assuming Taleah has no objections.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements
Will trade Taleah + 2 ADV for another 5 ECO, if thats agreeable.


The words of your enemy may mean nothing, but the loss of a leader is always keenly felt, especially one so young and with their life ahead of them. At a time like this, a focus should be put on securing the realm, and with the arrival of the Khanate, that security is in jeopardy. We have been fortunate to avoid their wrath, but this conflict has gone on for long enough without a satifying resolution. To that end we propose a peace and a trade.

Your forces in the Dawnstone Vale (37) and Zange (38) are cut off, and between storms, the Fleet, and the Moonlight Revelers, extracting your soldiers and citizens there would be difficult. We will return territory that you have claimed to you, both 36 and 71. In exchange we recieve 37 and 38 back. We understand fully the power of your might, having seen it firsthand, and we may bend, but you cannot break us without slaying every last man, woman and child.

We hope that those in power have had enough of this war, and the loss of life on both sides and that we may start anew.

Our greatest sympathies for the Imperial family,
The Circle of Elements

Mighty Khan,

There are some of those who feel your call to battle keenly as brothers. Many centaurs fill the ranks of the Emerald Eye, and no some few of our warriors are genuinely curious to test their mettle against you. However, the needs of the many outweight the wants of the few, and as you have not invaded our lands, we will not take aggressive action against you. If you wish to maintain our state of war, that is fine, but we shall defend our lands with all our might, as is our way. Know that your people would be wecome here in trade and peace. There are many ways to gauge strength outside of battle and we would be more than willing to partake in such things, if you are amenable.

May you find glory in your conquests,
The Circle of Elements

Greetings from across the sea,

Forgive us our late tidings to the latest newcomer to Hanrui's shores, there has been a war ongoing on Xihou for quite some while and it has occupied our attention. Let us formally greet you, and extend a cautious hand in greeting to you. We are amenable to trade a variety of resources if you have need. We find your magic in particular interesting, it is very different from our own, and we are curious.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements

2020-12-23, 03:56 PM
Mor 5

Greetings Vermin,

You have the honor of dogs and we have no wish to join your mission of enslavement of people you deem lesser, no matter how much we dislike them. We believed the Elda would be here and despite them not being seen we do not regret the turn we have done to you imperial dogs. Keep your money, we withdraw fro your cursed lands this season to focus on those who deserve our wrath, the Raiders.


Greetings Dogs,

We claim no relation to the paltry nags that have chosen to bow their heads to the two legged among you who are more like whipped dogs free from the chain then any leaders. We came seeking Elda but see ony petty wars waged between vermin and dogs. We wil leave you too it and maintain our war with you, we will come after the Elda are dealt with.


Mor 10

Greetings Mighty Allies,

Perhaps Hanrui is more balanced with war mongers and oath breakers dead and gone, but we would not know until the dust settles. Mayhap some other nation leaders tired of the threat of war on them or the rise of those who would call them rulers. Many are dead this past season.

The Legion often bears the brunt of the red eyed rage at the balance. We are no babes in the woods when it comes to this. If we must bear violence because of suspicious nations or hated war mongers then so be it. We would be open to some trades in Morale this season.

Lady Greydane

Greetings Wide Travelers,

We would be open to readdress the issue If your Hobbit friends ask us to we shall withhold our objections. Though we do not speak for our neighbors.

Nine Layered Bank
Mor 6

Greetings VIP Customers,

That is quite the fascinating little tidbit we must thank you and address possible wartime loans for Xihou. The project seems to be going swimmingly and we will be open to contributing a little more this season as well. Let us know if you have any other deals you wish to address.

Good doing business,

Greetings Favored Guid,

We are sure that you are indeed very concerned about payment but do not worry, we always pay on time. Our word is our bond. We plan to send you (6 Mor, 2 Mil) this season for your uses. We are already enjoying our new employee here at the Nine-Layered Bank.


Northern Golemarchy
Mor 10

Greetings Ancient Mage Beast,

We thank you for your kind gesture, we were able to create new Golems with the magic you sent us.

Our War Golems are up to any task you wish, they will take their payment in the magic that sustains us Soaking it up from your very land and from your mages. After that they may lead your armies, break monsterous foes, or train your people in the Art of Rending which is our peoples martial skills. We will send as many Golem Battalions as you have magic to sustain them (3 Mil for 3 Mag).

We also will accept trades in goods to promote magic in our lands for Military (temp magic or anything that can make Mag at a ratio of 6:1 or better).

Rune Mother

Greetings Sea Mages, All-Chief Children,

We have a burning desire for magics of all kinds, but the raw untapped magical power most of all. Our bodies need it and this new world is filed to the brim. Our War Golems will march for pay in raw magic. They will take their payment in the magic that sustains us. Soaking it up from your very land and from your mages. After that they may lead your armies, break monstrous foes, or train your people in the Art of Rending which is our peoples martial skills.

Rune Mother

Greetings Dragon-Kin,

We are new but have still heard tell of the wars on Xihou. We do have a deep seated need for magic. Our bodies need it and this new world is filed to the brim. We are willing to trade for magic. What do you wish to trade for?

Rune Mother

Vrock Bait
2020-12-23, 04:17 PM
Celestial Empire of Longshan

Appointments of the Month of the Tiger, 1150

Grand Chancellor and Regent of Great Jian: Xiahuang Nian
Minister Over the Masses: Imperial Uncle Song Ce
Minister of Works: Resolute Marquis Li Jie

Minister of Ceremonies: Duke of Qie Songsun Dun
Minister of the Imperial Clan: Imperial Uncle He Chan
Minister of the Household: Xiahuang Gan
Minister of the Guard: Duke of Li Pei Shun
Minister Coachman: Marchioness Dowager of Wan Yishantou Qi
Minister of Finance: Robust Marquis Huang Wu
Minister Herald: Administrator of Jou Pei Wei
Minister Steward: Xiahuang Ke
Minister of Justice: Songsun Tian

Bearer of the Gilded Mace: Imperial Uncle Song Qian
Court Architect: Liao Jin
Colonel Director of Retainers: Guan Yi
Supervisor of Rituals: Duchess Dowager of Qie Lu Ning

Grand Commandant and Bearer of the Imperial Battleaxe: Duke of Lei and Imperial Uncle Zhao Ren
Corporals: Zhao Tong, Liao Mian, Hua Ca, Songsun Cong, Huang Kao

Resolute Cavalry Commander of the Right: Marquis of Wan Han Lu
Swift Oxen General of the Left: San Dumeng
Corporals: Xiahuang Tai, Chen Shao, Cai Sun, Xu Ge

Most of these posting were fairly expected. While Xiahuang Nian, an older statesman, was generally not favored in gossip for the role, he had almost no enemies and could be a more impartial choice than the zealous Zhao Ren or the conservative Li Jie.

Morale 8

To the esteemed chosen of the divine Corundynir,

We sent a far less harmonious proposal to the horse-spirits just weeks ago. With the Late Excellency or Songsun Yun still on the earth, we may have fought to the death for our cause. Alas, the heroes are dead and the statesmen are all that remain.

We accept your proposal. Please observe the attached treaty regarding cessation of hostilities. Military aid and the funerary rites of your dead may yet be arranged, and we are sending envoys to enter talks with the August League regarding invasion of Ironhoof territory. Please respond if interested.

With respect,
Xiahuang Nian, Grand Chancellor and Regent of Great Jian

We’ll take the deal, along with a formal retraction of war declarations from both sides. We’re also prepared to give you some MIL for the turn to help you out against the Khanate, and maybe we could grab some MOR in exchange?

To the many levelheaded beast of the East,

Marquis Wu, our Minister of Finance, has reported a surplus of gold in the Imperial Treasury as of this season. There may yet be certain goods we would like to purchase from you. We will contact you as soon as the harvest season ends.

With respect,
Xiahuang Nian, Grand Chancellor and Regent of Great Jian

To the sea kings exiled to land,

Your condolences are much appreciated. While evil ritual may be to blame, it will be the will of the gods which determine to which path destiny takes us next.

With respect,
Xiahuang Nian, Grand Chancellor and Regent of Great Jian

To the phoenix-plumed sages of the South,

Our sincere condolences on the passing of your great teacher. We are contacting you to possibly arrange the invasion of the Ironhoof Khanate and the division of land and effort thereof. We understand that your league of sovereigns shares information between yourselves and that the Four Courts is also very close to your lands diplomatically. If it is at all possible, we would like to propose the arrangement of a meeting regarding the aforementioned matters of war.

With respect,
Xiahuang Nian, Grand Chancellor and Regent of Great Jian

You all share messages and talk to the Fae, right? We can do a public or REP VIP meeting to discuss cutting up the Khanate’s territories. There’s mechanically not that much difference because nations can’t concentrate defenses in one place and there’s no mechanical benefit for knowing where someone is attacking in advance.

2020-12-23, 09:01 PM
Crystalheart Covenant

Grandmaster Calimus Nuln sighed as he left the nodescript house, heading down the road back towards town. There was much to do, including organizing a response with the Circle of Elements. Many pieces were in motion, and many places where things could go wrong. Surely this wasn't a good idea, but it was a necessary one. The events of the war had proved that the world was not something that could be navigated by sword or shield alone, and that some times things were going to require a more delicate touch. A dagger in the dark, could be just as powerful. The rest of the honorable council would never accept such a stance, which is why he had to sneak out here to make headway on such things.


Caliums nearly jumped out of his skin as Herne stepped out of the treeline. The centaur was large, so Calimus knew the only way he could have missed him was if he'd been too heavily focused. "O-oh, Herne, forgive me I wasn't lookin' where I was goin', lad." The centaur fell into step behind him. The two of them were a complete mismatch for size, and Calimus didn't even reach the shoulder of Herne's horse half. It was no secret among the Emerald Eye that Herne was the strongest warrior in the caste, but had not been chosen to govern the Emerald Eye by the previous grandmaster, Calimus' grandfather. "Anythin' intrestin' you've seen in your time abroad?"

Herne's voice behind the wooden mask was a low, gravelly rumble. "Not nearly as interesting as what I seem to have found at home. I hear talk of an emerging ring of spies. A cowardly thing." Calimus did his best to not break out in a cold sweat, though he could feel it pooling in the small of his back. "I hope you will keep me abreast of this situation, Grandmaster. It would be a terrible thing to marr the honor of our peoples."

The dwelf craned his neck to look up at Herne, face masked and looking straight ahead. What was the centaur's game? Calimus knew that unlike Grandmaster Agni, Herne wasn't concerned about the "honor" of a fight, but its results, and still... he could do very little to understand the man. Regardless there was no doubt in his mind that Herne was shrewd enough to have seen through what he was doing, otherwise their conversation would never have happened. And now that Herne knew, he had leverage on Calimus. The Emerald Eye's grandmaster fell into a troubled silence as they continued to walk until they had reached the outskirts of town.

"Have a good evening, Grandmaster. We'll talk later. I look forward to it."

Calimus was not looking forward to it, and hustled his way to where the rest of the Circle of Elements were waiting.

MOR 10

Honorable Regent,

We are full grateful for your acceptance of our offer, let us coordinate our efforts to ensure the transfer of territory happens with the least amount of complications. As for your offer of military aid against the Khanate, we shall accept, as long as they hold territory on Xihou nobody here is safe.

May we go forth in peace,
The Circle of Elements
I can spare up to 3 MOR, so I'd be willing to take 3 MIL for it, equal exchange.

2020-12-26, 11:57 AM
Clan Baem

Morale: 4


To the legion,

first of all thank you for not calling us renmants, thats getting mighty popular.

second, fair enough, I'll ask the hobbits. As far as I'm aware the opinion of your neighbours was that the space was yours to do as you please, up to and including giving it away. What they objected to was supporting my attempts at convincing you (only the Valence lodge would likely say they support me directly if asked).

May balance be attained someday,
Clan Baem.

To the golemarchy,

terrific, our mages have plenty of magic to spare for your kin, we just need to figure out if we'll actually need you, we'll stay in touch.

-Captain Dae Baem, regent for the clan.


so should I request game of champions for a VIP room, yay or nay?

Xiahuang Nian, Grand Chancellor and Regent of Great Jian,

So it shall be, assuming your truce goes smoothly, and the khanate withdraws as it promised (I wouldn't count on that), do you think we could trade for some of your spare troops, agents and mages are almost as plentiful as usual, worst thing is having to retrace proper routes.

Curses for your enemies,
-Captain Dae Baem, regent for the Clan.

votes pending on a reply from A_Dinosaur. Sadly no adventurers put to work :smallfrown:

2020-12-26, 03:27 PM

Let the Guild know Taleah's opinion on the matter if she agrees to come, we will prepare her quarters and set up equipment for her to use.

Just as a note, in order to co-ordinate her exploring dungeons this season, we will need you to help us arrange things on our end.

If you have any need for more ECON we are happy to provide it. We would be able to arrange for up to an additional 6 ECON (so 11 total) for any more adventuring you have, MAG or REP.

Basically, if she's dungeoneering this season it needs to be mentioned in the midturn, so I have 2 requests;

1. Mark the Midturn Khalos and GM. She's going to be carrying an item so I need to know that it's coming properly. If you care about your votes being secret you can mark a second spoiler with just the GM permissions.

2. Taleah is going to be delving the Frost Wyvern Lair, with found items going to the Khalos Guild. She can keep any experience we get as loot as she is going to be the only VIP attending the delve in that dungeon.

We can agree to those terms in the short term, but we will know over the coming months if we have more magic to offer you. We are reaching out to some of our trade partners as we speak.

Oppam, Mouth of Khalos

If you are accepting trades in order to get morale maintaining resoruces this season. We are happy to trade up to 16 MOR for any combination of resoruces the Legion of Balance has on hand. Smaller numbers are of course allowable as well.

Lysa, Mouth of Khalos.

Simply put, the eyes we were most worried about reading our mail last season are now allies of the Khalos Guild, so we are less inclined to commit Lysa or a similarillarly talented individual to avoid them reading our mail. We also frankly have less of import to say this season.

If the Republic has something they wish to say behind closed doors, we would be happy to attend a meeting though.

Jhall, Mouth of Khalos,

PS: If you are searching for resoruces this season, let us know which ones you need, the Guild has a wide net and is always in the market for certain assets.

We look forward to your missives after the Harvest season.

We know surprisingly little about the needs of the Lodge, save for your lust for Magic. As it turns out, the Guild is actually in the market for magical materials this season.

Should you be interested, we'd be happy to provide resoruces in return for MAG, simply let us know what you need.

Khalos Guild,

2020-12-27, 12:05 PM
The Grand Collection of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside Under the Administration of the Great Council of Elders, Colony of the Exceptional Alliance of Free Hobbits Administrated by the Parliament of Duly Elected Officials
Morale 12
Reputation 11

We are glad trade is still open. We are curious seeing you skipped your world congress nomination last time if you are interested in taking it this time?

Elder Guntram

We should have some private talk again.

Elder Guntram

We are sorry for our delayed greeting. We hope everything is going well up there.

Elder Guntram

Hello, we were wondering if you would have talks with Clan Baem and I about future moves.

1 vote no on the econ for shipping routes.

All 17 votes plus the Legions yes on the trade deal

Lord Athos
2020-12-27, 04:31 PM
The Silverhammer Protectorate


2 Adv build a new trade route to the Elda, 2 Adv build a new trade route to the Red Aurora

St. Justicar
2020-12-27, 07:27 PM
The Clockwork Republic

Morale 10, Reputation 5

Hayy (Tier 2 Adventurer) and 3 Adv will clear the remaining 5 floors of the Hollow Peak, rerolling loot on floors 19 and 20

10 votes against the joint project

OOC: Yay, sorry, distracted by the holidays

2020-12-27, 09:21 PM
The Four Courts of Hanrui

14 votes against Stat Investment Contest.

2020-12-28, 12:13 AM
Crystalheart Covenant

Trading 2 ADV and Taleah to Khalos for 5 Eco again

The ol silent midturn shenanigans. ADV's all spoken for either by endturn or khalos, and no investment in either of the midturn shenanigans, just gotta look like I'm up to something :P

2020-12-28, 12:28 AM
3 adv to scout a route to Baem from [69] pending hobbits permission.
Blackstock (lvl 2 adv) will Scott the mountains between [66] and Guild territories
Vote nay on trade routes.

2020-12-28, 01:21 AM
Red Aurora College

Morale 10

All votes Nay on Highway Your Way

OOC for all
Ahhhhhh why did I have to be born on the 26th of december??? This time is already busy enough! Sorry everyone, I have the rest of next week off, no more excuses!

2020-12-28, 03:40 AM
Taleah, from the Covenant, (ADV 3) will join Khalos Adventurers in delving the Frost Wyvern Lair. She will be wielding in Amulet of Fire Breath that is typically equipped to Khalos. (ADV 5 Total)

Most of the Khalos ADV regiment: 8 ADV will also delve into the Frost Wyvern Lair, for a total investment of 13 and a clear of Floors 11-20.

I believe the other ADV from the Covenant technically arrive during the EoT :)

The Khalos Guild has a total of 21 votes in the current World Congress:

Khalos votes 10 YAY to the ECONOMIC Challenge

Khalos votes 11 NAY to the passage of the Elves.

Vrock Bait
2020-12-28, 09:50 AM
Adventure routes from 45 to 14 and 13. (ADV 4) Vote against all proposals.

2020-12-31, 02:11 PM
Midturn 5

World Congress

The World Congress has tallied the votes from the member nations of Hanrui and find that the nations voted;
0 Aye
38 Nay

The Proposal has Failed.

The World Congress has tallied the votes from the member nations of Hanrui and find that the nations voted;
37 Aye
27 Nay

The Proposal has passed. The Cartel looks forward to the economic works of the nations of Hanrui.
A nation wants a bunch of Econ to be invested in a Hanrui wide semi-coordinated contest, 25 minimum and the highest 2 contributors get extra rewards. There is a basic reward for every contributor if the 25 minimum is met, it is a point of Econ. The top two rewards are secret until the winners are chosen.

Celestial Empire
Mor 9

Routes Successfully created from 45-13 and 45-14.

Khalos Guild
Mor 11

The Guild sent Taleah (Tier 2 Adv VIP), The Amulet of Fire Breath (+2 Adv), and 10 ADV to the The Frost Wyvern Lair and cleared 10 Floors.

They came out with a barrel of magical materials harvested from dead Frost Wyverns ((++) temp Mag), some rare mountain gems ((++) temp Econ), adventurer gear harvested from the dead ((++) temp Adv), the Remnants and Journal of a Shemesh Priest ((++) temp Rep), and a massive magical array meant to link to another across vast distances (2nd Piece of a Teleportation Array). Hanrui Heart Gained.

While adventuring though the frozen caves of the Wyverns a youngling takes a small group that had been securing the rear by surprise and rips through them before dying of its wounds. The chaos also cause some of the treasure the group had secured to fall down some side shafts, losing a bag of silver. (Lose 1 Adv, Lose Loot on Basic Floor)

Valance Lodge
Mor 6

Routes Successfully created from 66-64 and 69-17.

Mor 10

Adv were sent.

Cockwork Republic
Mor 10

The Republic sent Encyclopediest Hayy (Tier 2 Adv VIP) and 3 Adv into The Hollow Peak and cleared 5 Floors (1 Floor Left). They found a rare stimulant ((++) temp Adv), several religious texts from Ancient Hanrui depicting the old Legion, Church, and Templar's ((++++) temp Rep), and what seems to be a giant glowing toadstool ((+) temp Mag). While there though an adventurer fell into a patch of dangerous plants and suffered several severe fungal attacks whose spores spread through his group, killing them (Lose 1 Adv).

Mor 8

Routes Successfully created from 30-29 and 30-22.

EoTs Due Jan 5th Night!

2021-01-02, 11:04 PM
Mor 10

Greetings Valued Friends,

We would be amenable to such a meeting.

Greetings treasured allies,

We would consider a trade this season. We would quite like (4 Mor) for (3 Econ) if that would be doable for you?

Lady Greydane

It is easy to not refer to you that way since you are clearly no remnants. As for what you believe our neighbors were telling you that is your business, this is now.

Get the Hobbits approval and we will withdraw all claim on it but don't be surprised if those new neighbors you wish to have pushback on it.

Mor 10

Greetings Food Makers,

We are settling in nicely in our new home. We, as always, have a need for magic since we are trying to bring our fellows into this world from our dying one.

Rune Mother

We thank you for your thoughts on the matter. Have you thought any further?

We hope to hear from you soon.

2021-01-03, 05:32 PM
Thank you for your outreach this season about the World Congress, simply put, we didn't have any... suggestions that we believed would pass. We were keen on the taxation of trade routes to punish some of the nations that have many they are using for warships, but we'd figured we would need more than local support. We'll pass the suggestion on attached to our letter and see if you're interested.

As for this season, the contest presents an interesting opportunity for both of us. We are almost assuredly the two victors, as we have by far the broadest budget in the region, so the main worry for us is ensuring that the project the world congress is working on passes. Though I believe it would be possibly unwise to take the entire investment on ourselves. If we speak to some of our allied nations we might be able to convince them to contribute the token amount needed to get them a prize, while admitting that the two of us will likely take first place.

We mention this to you as the most likely candidate for that would be Clan Baem, as they are indebted to you and are likely quite keen to gain some economic stability.

Trade Taxation: All overseas trade routes require an upkeep of 1 ECON this turn, if this is not paid by the EoT the route is counted as broken.

This would be an easy tool to absolutely cripple the Elda while costing the rest of the nations a token amount of ECON.

Dearest Legion,

Though we are hesitant to discuss in open channels, given our alliance we admit that our ships are better equipped for larger trades, and the Guild benefits more from transferring more resources at a time. Though we are happy to do the trade as stated, we would be keen on increasing the overall amount sent and received, even if it means the Legion cannot send Econ. The Guild has enough trade networks to turn anything into a useable resource this season.

Our alternative offers are attached:

5 MOR for 4 ECON

10 MOR for 8 ECON

PS: Shall you be participating in the economic project this season? The Khalos Guild is considering a large contribution to the project.

We were able to find some magical artifacts in the dungeons below our lands. We can at 2 more MAG onto our previous offer. Unfortunely we do not have ECON or ADV to spare this season for additional trades. This would bring the total to 5 MAG for 5 MIL. Two of the MAG is temp.

Should you be interested, we are still waiting on our neighbours, the Valence Lodge, to see if they are willing to send more MAG our way which we could send to you.

Khalos Guild,

PS: Are you planning on participating in the Economic project this season? The Guild is considering a large contribution.

To our esteemed friends and masters of economics.

As always let us know if there are any trades we can facilitate for the bank. We are happy to provide what we can for a fair price.

As for the project this season with the World congress, we were wondering how the bank shall be participating? Seeing as the Guild is considering a large contribution it would be good to know how friendly faces are planning to contribute.

Jhall, Mouth of Khalos

Success is glorious. We expect that Taleyah shall be home soon, though she'll likely be a little worn out after battling through so many floors of the dungeon. We appreciate your partnership.

Though we must admit that we know you're getting quite the deal out of this whole trade of ours, considering the value of raw coin has gone up this season with the recent passing of the World Congress proposal. Of course, the Khalos Guild will always keep with agreed trades, but we regretfully inform you that any future wants for ECO this season will likely have an additional price tag.

Have a lovely latter half of the season.

Jhall, Mouth of Khalos.

OOC: The 5 ECO for the adventurers you leant is on the way.

We hope your harvest season was as bountiful as ours was. Let us know if you need anything and the Guild is happy to provide.

By the way, we are aware that your scouts have likely seen missives between us and one of your current opponents, the Covenant. Seeing as honesty is a business worth dealing in, we simply engaged in trade with them, providing them 5 ECO for the exchange of 5 ADV, some of which was their champion Talyeah.

If you have doubts, a copy of our letter to the Covenant is attached. We don't wish for any animosity when trade ships sail. As a reminder, the Khalos Guild does not send their own outside our borders, both ADV and MIL are off-limits to trade to nations in conflicts.

You have permission to read my message to the Covenant in this post as if it were addressed to both you and them.

We imagine your wars on multiple fronts are keeping you quite busy, but we figured we would write to trade partners, whether they have the time to reply or not.

Simply put, should you need any resources, the Khalos Guild has a wide net and is more than happy to act as a subsidiary for trade between nations that may be hesitant dealing with the August League. If they have something you want, there is a chance that we can purchase it for you and send it over.

Have a lovely latter half of the season,

Jhall, Mouth of Khalos.

Evening, Afternoon or Morning Dean, however, this finds you.

We know we have not been trading partners in the past, but the Khalos Guild has come upon an artifact we think you might find interesting. We have uncovered half of a teleportation device. Something that would allow two territories to be treated as neighbours if the other piece were uncovered.

The Guild isn't marching to war any time soon, but we are sympathetic to the fact that the College has some enemies that may be hard for them, or their allies, to reach at the moment, and that your researchers would enjoy such a device.

We await a reply about how interested you, or the league in general, are.

Jhall, Mouth of Khalos.

Vrock Bait
2021-01-03, 06:19 PM
Morale 8

To the Grandmasters of the crystal mandate,

In the spirit of our new peace treaty I would like to notify you that the Khalos Guild has given free access to the message sent to your halls. It seems no similar agreement has been offered to your agents.

Attached is a copy of the message sent to us in the spirit of fairness. Regarding your plans the future, do you think it wise to notify the world at large of the agreement yet?

With respect,
Xiahuang Nian, Grand Chancellor and Regent of Great Jian

Is 2 MIL VIP ok? It comes down to one more point of MIL with regards to your attacks, and coincidently prevents you from sending the extra MIL at me.

We hope your harvest season was as bountiful as ours was. Let us know if you need anything and the Guild is happy to provide.

By the way, we are aware that your scouts have likely seen missives between us and one of your current opponents, the Covenant. Seeing as honesty is a business worth dealing in, we simply engaged in trade with them, providing them 5 ECO for the exchange of 5 ADV, some of which was their champion Talyeah.

If you have doubts, a copy of our letter to the Covenant is attached. We don't wish for any animosity when trade ships sail. As a reminder, the Khalos Guild does not send their own outside our borders, both ADV and MIL are off-limits to trade to nations in conflicts.

Spoiler: OOC:

You have permission to read my message to the Covenant in this post as if it were addressed to both you and them.

To the maws of Great Khalos,

We thank you for your honesty. There are certain rare ores useful for military purposes found in your lands. Attached is a document regarding the offered transaction.

With respect,
Xiahuang Nian, Grand Chancellor and Regent of Great Jian

Do you have any MIL? Five ECON for 6 MIL?

To the dynasts-in-exile,

We do, in fact, hold surplus troops this season. However, there may be some degree of difficult in delivering them to your command, as the volatile political situation in the south has blocked several traditional trade routes.

With respect,
Xiahuang Nian, Grand Chancellor and Regent of Great Jian

We have 5 MIL to spare, if there’s no sudden declarations of war. No adventuring routes to your area though...

2021-01-03, 07:15 PM
Clan Baem

Xiahuang Nian, Grand Chancellor and Regent of Great Jian,

we can meet halfway from hobbit coasts if you can spare the ships, do tell me if you prefer a specific set of experts or goods, would hate to send paper pushers when you wanted something more deadly...

spending 1 adv each for a trade route with the hobbits sounds good? also, what would you like the most for the 5 mil.

To the college leadership,

In the absence of direction for our vote (not that you are to blame, having a leader be abruptly severed from its duties is hard, as I'm learning) we asked pretty please to the world congress for our votes to count towards your preferred proposal, I hope thats good enough.

-Captain Dae Baem, Regent for the Clan.

2021-01-03, 11:43 PM
Crystalheart Covenant

MOR 10
Mighty master of the Khalos Guild,

We are glad that Taleah is returned safely to us, and are happy to hear that she has been of use. Furthermore we are excited and eager to hear tales of her adventures. We will not renege on our promise and the other adventurer's we spare are being sent your way, even as you share your wealth with us for their service. While we will not be able to repeat this deal in the upcoming half-year (ooc: next turn) we would be happy to share them with you again in the future.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements
Sending 2 ADV as promised!

Grand Chancellor and Regent Xiahuang,

We appreciate this trust. This is not our first dealing with the hydra and their guild, and should the sea between us remain traversible, it is likely we might go through with such a deal in the future. For now, our focus will be on rebuilding. To that notion, your offer for lending one of your commanders is quite generous, and if we may be so bold as to request one who is skillful in the art of fortification, we would be much obliged. Between our own war and the Khanate's arrival, it is clear that the strength of our people does have limits on their own. We promise that they will be used only to guide us in the appropriate placement and construction of walls, and defenses for our land. Ours were a nomadic people, and permanent fortifications

As for the announcment of our peace, let us bring it forth. It is clear by the events happening around us that we must be more proactive in global politics and that we cannot live in isolation, no matter how much we had willed it. We shall convey our agreement as it is written.

Corundynir's will be done,
The Circle of Elements
A MIL VIP is fine, sending 3 MOR as my part of the offer. Cheers!

MOR 0, REP 4 - Public Announcement

Let it be known that in this season the Crystalheart Covenant and the Celestial Empire of Longshan have brought an end to our bloody conflict. Battles related to it will stop immediately, and with all feasible haste we will undergo the transfer of territories 36 and 71, for territories 37 and 38. In the wake of this bloodshed we are exchanging resources in order to quell any animosity and quicken the rebuilding process. Let us move forward, and keep the lessons of the past to heart as we pave the way for a brighter future for Hanrui.

2021-01-04, 03:06 PM
Morale 5

To the Quintessent Heads,

Indeed, it seems that even admist the grimness of this season de Leuteum and the Guild ever persevere. Most suspicious, no? We would alleviate any such feelings on both sides via mutual cooperation-achieved by trade. What would you consider in exchange for our Archymist's services?

M. de Leuteum

I do have some magic to trade, what are you offering in return?

Most Esteemed Logicians,

A fair trade, a fair trade indeed. The Lodge would approve such a transaction wholeheartedly. We look forward to receiving this tuning fork for the flesh of Hanrui-you will have to inform us as to the performance of the sun-spear in whatever theatre it is deployed.

M. de Leuteum

2021-01-05, 12:58 PM
The Grand Collection of the First Hill Hobbits of Taedhea and Surrounding Countryside Under the Administration of the Great Council of Elders, Colony of the Exceptional Alliance of Free Hobbits Administrated by the Parliament of Duly Elected Officials
Morale 12
Reputation 11

We can send some mages if that would help, though we aren't particularly known for it at least it would be something. We can contact the Alliance to send some mages but with the politics around Hanrui they won't be able to send any assistance until it is under control.

Elder Guntram

It is acceptable to us. We will suggest it if you have no complaints.

We believe that the economic challenge should work out. There might actually be over investment but that is pretty unavoidable.

Hello, now that the training is done we offer a much stronger VIP than before, she specializes in economy and is known for her masterful economic skills. We are mostly looking for diplomats and spies.

Offering a tier 2 econ vip to the bank for trade

2021-01-05, 03:24 PM
Mor 10


That deal would be acceptable for us. We shall send our War Golems at seasons end.

Rune Mother


That is unfortunate but we shall make due this season without your mages. We can send Mil next season is you wish or some of our diplomats.

Rune Mother

Mor 10

Greetings Valued Allies,

We are sorry we do not have more to offer in trade. The gold we offer is all that we will have gathered by seasons end. Our other stats are spoken for important projects this season but next turn we can offer Econ and Adv in trade as well as our diplomats?

Lady Greydane

Mor 6

Greetings Gold Masters,

We are open to trade this season for your expert. We can send our diplomats and succubi to you (5 Rep) and some of our spies with our coordinator (Tier 2 Esp VIP and 2 Esp). Sadly the rest of our spies are spoken for this season. We will also send several large chests of gold (5 Econ). Your Economist will be put to good use and most likely will not be graduated to sacrificial hires department for a few seasons. Feel free to purchase the contract from us before that point if you wish too.

The Bank

5 Rep, 5 Econ, 2 Esp, Tier 2 Esp VIP. Sadly the rest is busy.

2021-01-11, 11:47 AM
Turn 6
“Woe to the Vanguished” - Livy

Spring gives way to the burning hot summers and cool autumns of rest of the year. Dirt is baked under the sun, perfect for stomping feet of armies or the travel of emissaries. Summer is the season of war.

Hanrui State of War

Peace reigns among Xihou this season. The Covenant-Celestial war has ended, exchanging territories and redrawing the borders until peace could be had. It is leaving both sides to focus on the more important issues. The Celestial Empire musters its armies and allies and Ozen Cavalry to invade the recently taken land but find no Centaurs to fight when they arrive. The Undead Dwarves rush back to their island only to find it unclaimed as well, resecuring the borders but finding the land stripped bare.

On the open seas a flurry of activity took place The Elda surprised everyone by going back to their isle of horrors for unknown reasons. They left their conquered lands and islands to their allies in the August League. The College gained the multitude of islands to the North of their lands and the Protectorate gained the old Baem lands for their own. Yet the activity did not stop their, the Khanate gathered a mighty army and crashed upon the shores of Idols End… only to not find any Elda there again. Just a few undead dwarves wondering what they should do with the new land. The violent murders of Azral Hollowdancer, The Mind Breaker, and Tiz’Rer Lancebreaker left the Horde open to backlash from their own magics. As they got close to the raw and powerful magics of Idols End several of the spells allowing them to walk upon water failed and several mages were hit with the backlash as a few battalions found they could no longer run the waves.

Yet the true battle lay on Vahsi. Baem worked with their Hobbit allies, nestled against the mountains and friendly allies. They never say it coming, the brutal magics hitting civilian centers, raids on their remaining trade ships and refugee boats, and tactical strikes against community leaders and their remaining soldiers. When the smoke cleared the Remnants of Baem were evicted from their land by an angry populace.

Contest of Money

The Global Cartel of Shine has seen the wonders and riches that the nations of Hanrui has to offer, only a few nations deigned to work with the Cartel but those few managed to convince the massive group that this was a pace worth making deas with. Their ultimate finds were the Grand Collection of Hobbits and the Trade Guid of Khalos, they are attempting to make close ties with these economic powerhouses in the hopes of making gold hand over fist from them.

Route Taxation

The Grand Collection of Hobbits have presented a grand idea that the World Congress endorses in this time of economic progress. Taxing of overseas routes will make nations focus their trade and business inward, letting local businesses flourish. If the motion is passed then nations will have to pay a small sum per overseas route they have.

If the tax is not paid for the route then the World Congress will obfuscate the route with its weather mages. A nation unwilling to pay for its trade routes is unworthy to have them!

If the Event passes then nations wil have to pay 1 Econ per oversea route or it will be broken.

Betting on War

Powerful nations from the mainlands are reaching out to various nations in Hanrui, each one is trying to find a nation from among you to fund its wars. On one of the larger mainland continents dozens of nations are forming coalitions and fighting all over. The nations are asking for funds, soldiers, and spies to wage war on their enemies. They promise if they are successful your investments will be repaid twofold. If they lose though… losers pay back no loans. The vast majority of these nations are reaching out through the World Congress organization. The Congress will put forward the motion this coming season to see if local nations are interested in being involved with these desperate nations.

Mil, Esp, Eco can be invested, returned back double if funded nation wins. Each investment is independent of any other investments and not effected by what another faction in the game may put in. Odds are slightly adjusted to be in your favor for each point invested. Starts at 50/50 odds.

This is an Event to vote on this Midturn

Banks Make Friends not Just Customers… Right?

The Nine Layered Bank is an entity that prizes its reactions with other nations after all who would they trade and give loans to if everyone hated them. Yet two nations in particular have stood out in this matter. The Hobbits, and the Cockwork Republic.

The Bank has worked closely with the Republic for several seasons, trades and mutually beneficial deals started the relationship and it quickly evolved to the two opening embassies in each others lands. The Demons gain particular enjoyment of trying to corrupt the Republic diplomats in their off time from the bank, it's very relaxing.

The Hobbits are newer friends but they jump headlong into friendship with both arms open. The arrival of a significant Hobbit corporate master and entrepreneur has stunned the partners at the Bank and made them look to the Hobbits with new eyes. They want to see what ese the Hobbits are capable off!

The Nine Layered Bank is endorsing both these nations with the World Congress as both allies and nations on the rise. World Congress in turn sends the Hobbits a message, they are impressed by their political and diplomatic acumen. Word has been sent to the world at large about the greatness of Hobbits and their trustworthiness as allies.

OOC: Hobbits and Republic are declared allies of the Bank. Hobbits gain the title, Diplomatic: Alliance with 2 or more NPCs (+1 Rep, NPCs like you more)

Clan Baem… Where are they Now

Much time had passed since the Elda had stolen the clan’s new home, the broken people had united again, scars healed into war stories, and even with the all-chief gone there was a semblance of leadership, as the ever popular Dae stepped up, joining the Clan properly through blood.

Commerce was restarted, as deals with the devil and trades with those who cared not about their diminished prospects but about their trusted word and particular skills, the campaign of retaliation against the Elda gave results, sinking some of their monstrous demigods, uniting the people in the glory of victory, even bringing the disappeared Chin-Hae back with a tantalizing tale of someone who saw firsthand one of the Elda worldships die.

It was not all for naught, they fought and banded and made an inspiring tale of overcoming adversity, but karma had other plans for the Clan, and preparations had not been enough.

Fighting and spells and sabotage and death ensued, as had happened before, as the Elda made a last bout to the detriment of their own defenses, a crack that the Baem, slightly less vindictive in their unity couldn’t exploit, they were soon rid of many assets, of their new lands and diminished once again to the point of remnants, and then pushed a bit beyond by their greatest foe.

Infighting ensued, the all-chief remained silent, leading Baem threw insults and knives as one would to long hated enemies, as perhaps many were at this point blaming each other, blaming themselves and the adoptive daughter of the Clan that tried and failed.

Still alive

Dent often disliked delving into the past at all, his childhood memories were tainted with too much nostalgia to remember if he actually liked their… “uncivilized” ways, the times as the Baem settled were but a blur of learning and gambles for the long term and for the rest… He did not enjoy dwelling on failure.

Too many setbacks had befallen his people already; news came in that the lot of them were now under the Khanate’s hoof, which he considered only mildly better that the Elda, pretty much everyone of island blood joined him in asking the hobbits for citizenship, and he was impressed with the amount of Ex-Baem who decided to join them as well, following him as they would any of their leaders, the pressure was heavy.

Quickly enough the hardest part was dealt with, as hobbit officials aided in their relocation and settlement, provided payment from seemingly endless pockets for the particularly skilled, and his people found yet another home while waiting to reclaim Their isles now that they were disjoined from the Baem. In a particularly idle time between dealing with the hassle of joining their new country he started thinking of a collective name for his people to call themselves, coming short of something he liked every time, but knowing that islanders was way too broad and frankly just sounded silly right now…

Last boats to the east

The pathfinders were as usual unsullied by the attack, for a time their life had been nothing but an extremely long skirmish with the Elda, with a few booze breaks in between. They were much appreciated by both traders and spies, mages and the Clan as a whole but not today, as those that lost again their lands and saw their new works made to dust had nothing but blame to give, and the pathfinders just weren’t there when they were needed or so it went.

Amongst the many divisions of the forced nomads appeared a new one, as those that travelled light and fought on the run were just the same as traitors, harassed by their family even as Dae struggled to keep the clan together, left to starve or thirst by those who had enough to share even as she accrued debt to provide for the clan, threatened or persecuted even as she organized defenses for their camps, soon they had enough, she had enough.

Chin-Hae went to discuss the future attack on their lost refuge on Dae’s tent, and within minutes curses were flying, then daggers and spells, a fire and an explosion soon followed.

By the morning Dae and her fleet had left, a middle finger an inscription reading “F**ck you ungrateful d*cks” and empty tents all that was left of her and the pathfinders, as they soon reclaimed their ships from hobbit ports and left for good.

The journey they followed is uncertain, as documentation exists of a raid on lightly defended isles off Elda coasts coincide with a supposed ritual conducted near fae forests, with a scraped letter requesting trading rights supposedly discovered far after the last known sighting in the imperial court and some very hangover (as is their natural state) fraternity members from Aurora gossiping about heavily tattooed party crashers; Only event that's any certain (and last of the sightings) is a recorded docking on the Symponia, with the purpose of resupplying their ships for a long voyage, renewing paperwork with Hanrui’s premier bureaucrats and obtaining a permission to trade in clockwork ports, followed by turning their sails east until they disappeared from sight.

A reason why

Amidst the power struggle that followed when the leaders disappeared and the fractured Baem became ever more so, it was to be expected that even a disabled All-chief would play a major part, it was their leader for the longest time and remained their afterlife, The clan was not a normal family, for blood joined them in the all-chief far more thoroughly that any other blood could, and many theorized that without such union the Baem would be no more magic than any other groups of humans.

At first the citadel-bowl served but as refuge, big enough to weather the elements, powerful enough to make most tasks simplicity itself for skilled mages (virtually all the clan), plots and plans ensued as all vied for what may very well be the most important thing left to the clan, and soon enough a winner appeared amongst them.

Hye Baem the renowned oracle, unsurprisingly, always knew what to say and who to say it to, making a following amongst the most powerful mages since her arrival and exploiting it as the moment she foresaw, the reason she didn’t cut ties with the clan back home came ever so close. With but that goal in mind she soon enough set what would be the final nail in the clan’s coffin, as The all-chief and her retinue journeyed to the Hobbits dungeon with petitioners and layabouts following along with no hope but the all-chief and its mage, entering the caves even as an earthquake (whether caused or natural) sealed them off from the surface, moving ever deeper towards whatever destiny awaited them, awaited her, finally.

What about...

Chin Hae went into hiding once again, or died or lived forever for all that matters. And the rest of the Clan were scattered to the winds as they were ever, but with no home their own to return to, perhaps taking new names to shake the curse that plagued the Baem; off they went to live different lives (or more less other lives) under other nations, to have childs who would head to elysium or the hells or may haunt places when they die; and eventually perhaps forget themselves before their time of death that they ever beared the name of an influential clan which fell to ruin, forget all about their lost and the hard path to that well deserved death, forget all the worst before their fleeing souls are dragged from their bodies to their rightful place with all the Baem, to the depths of Hanrui, that continent most known for its dead.

Clan Baem has been eliminated from the game

Midturn is due the 16th

2021-01-11, 11:57 AM
ᛖᛚᛞᚨ ᚺᚨᚠᚾᚨᚱ
Elda Háfnar, aka 'The Farthest Fleet'

"Of such great powers or beings there may be conceivably a survival . . . a survival of a hugely remote period when . . . consciousness was manifested, perhaps, in shapes and forms long since withdrawn before the tide of advancing humanity . . . forms of which poetry and legend alone have caught a flying memory and called them gods."

- Author unknown

Promises (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUYcfJ3sXzc)

Kannir Aslund lies dead. The First Captain of the Moot, Speaker for Glimnir, is eviscerated by a cadre of rogue mages, the end result of a series of deadly coups that have crippled the breadth of the Farthest Fleet. For months, what was once the semblance of a navy descends into utter chaos, as bribes to itinerant mates result in mass mutinies. At any given port where the Elda once traded or dealt with allies, one might find the docks on fire or perhaps the ruined carnage of hulks sunk beneath the waves. No contact is made available to the outside world during this time, for truly there is no seeing who, if anyone, speaks for the Elda. The attacks by the Khanate on their allies and the looming threat of war does not seem to concern those who, at the end of the day, signed on for promises of survival and prosperity.

A pirate is a pirate... until the day he isn't anything at all.

That which comes next defies easy description. It would not suffice to call it a storm, for storms have ends and beginnings. It would not suffice to call it a power, for emptiness is no such thing. And it would not suffice to call it malevolent, for neither cruelty or malice have any meaning in that which lies beyond. Yet the annals of man are simpler things, prone to labeling that which they could never understand - so when the stories speak of this moment, they will surely tell of a dread and eldritch hurricane that rises over Hanrui. The weeping winds are entirely literal, as screams can be heard over the din of crashing waves, the rumble of laughter somewhere deep in the thunderclaps. Colors phantasmal that have never been seen by anyone living play along currents of biting air. Glimnir has come in its fullness, an event that will never be repeated.

Everywhere the dark touches, those who traveled over the horizon change. Their eyes turn glassy, their movements unified by the unknowable purpose. The seas run red as the Void's children fulfill their new instructions. From the outer shores of Myrkur, to the realms of Xishou and south to Vahsi, across Idol's End to Jahalkraun, the Elda make good on their promises.

ᚾᚨᛏᛁᛟᚾ ᛒᚱᛖᚨᚲᛖᚱᛋ

Nation breakers. The first of the promises is a balance of bonds as much as it is in blood. The great fleets of the Drowned Moot, without leaders, heed the song of the deeps as they abandon the shores of the conquered. What use has darkness of such chattel? They have broken the power of nations and tribes, gathered crews under the banner of the Beautiful Void, but the Moot did not chart its course alone. Even as their sails darkened the waves, the humans cultivated allies: a league of corpses and hedge-mages huddled around the label of a cardinal direction, with the erroneous assumption of majesty. About the group's name the Void cares not, but the wheel on which mortal loyalties turn cannot be ignored entirely. There is something else that the dark reads in this union: a strange sense of obligation.

A mistake was made. To the south, herds of centaurs charge forward unbroken, because the Elda failed to take action when the time was right. Had their purpose been truer, had they divined the nature of their conflict, perhaps the equine vermin might have remained contained on their landmass or driven further back into the desert steppes. The dark does its best not to distinguish between the mortals - lest it be snared further into their squabbles - but it does actively dislike the smell of horse. As a result of the Moot's lapse in judgment, the horde of infestation was allowed to spread; death and chaos were sowed among those whom the dark’s children purported to be allies. To provoke such glorious conflict only for one's associates to reap the consequences is a course that requires correcting.

All across the sea lanes of Hanrui, ships and islands begin to change hands. Crews of longshoremen and raiders, galleys of conquered slaves driven by the whips and chains of tireless masters, find their way to the mountain and jungle harbors of the closest confidants of the mortal captains. An endless procession of skilled laborers and tradesmen, the populations of entire villages uprooted and carried below decks while undergoing unyielding torment only to be dropped off - blinded, branded, and screaming - as surprise gifts. The holds of the slave-ships overflow with cargo, much of the merchandise being literally thrown overboard or simply walked off the plank at the point of a sword or a flintlock pistol. The dark pays the condition of the souls no heed, for they are but pack animals, temporary vessels to be used and then discarded. For near a fortnight the gifts are delivered without cease, hundreds and thousands to swell and bolster the ranks of those the Elda could not aid.

Perhaps with these new slaves and lands, the members of the Moot's alliance will be able to break more nations, or at least withstand their own breaking.

ᚠᛟᚱᛏᚢᚾᛖ ᚲᛟᛚᛚᚨᛈᛋᛖᚱᛋ

Fortune collapsers. The second promise is an oath made to a task left unfinished. Some time ago, Glimnir's anointed took it upon themselves to rid themselves of any future competition, a clan of upstart sea-rats who prayed at the altar of a lesser power. The dark forgave their ignorance some time ago, but it allowed its children the chance to make up their own minds. Perhaps the oneness of Void should have been less surprised when a generation of its most devoted declared this clan no longer worthy of existence. Action was taken to snuff out the offenders, an entire fleet of ships with sea-witches aboard them to deal out blood and death to those who would claim falsely stewardship over the sea. The Elda went with the dark's blessing, and its own favored - Stormbringer, Mother of Monsters, and Time's Shadow - accompanied them.

But another intervened. Underground intercessors, who live in burrowed dens and drink boiled leaves, and so what should have been a clean kill was flawed. The children of darkness missed their mark the first time, and a promise was sworn before all nations that a hunt would continue. Before the hidden destiny of the land's shape comes into focus, the Moot said, those who they had driven before them would be sacrificed to the Void. This pleased the darkness, for all the same reasons that any god accepts such offers. Retaliation was awaited, and retaliation came, the very same that helped usher in the entity's full attention. All there was to do now was complete the work.

In fulfilling this vow, the dark is patient, spiteful, and unyielding. Sacrificial rituals are begun, countless scores of circles etched in blood and craven chanting to the space between the stars. The childless and the old march in first, singing of home and shrieking in exultation as they immolate themselves, but they are hardly the last. From deckhand to admiral, all of those who hear Glimnir's call heed it without question. At the moment of their passing, they give unto the Void their life - what years they might have led, the deeds done, and titles earned. A jarl, who was destined to kill many enemies and reap a great plunder for his crew. A swab, who had just worked their way out of slavery and was on her way to becoming an officer. A captain of the Drowned Moot, whose ship had gone on the account and was fated to drown in pursuit of a prize. The manner of the executions matters less to the dark than the weight of them: the span of taken life allows it the freedom to enact its will.

And then the hunted begin to perish. The darkness wastes no time for threats, for one does not bandy words with vermin - but a promise is a promise. When the shadows come for them, they are multitudinous and inexorable, tendrils of everything and nothingness to pluck them from this world forever.

ᛟᚨᛏᚺ ᚲᛖᛖᛈᛖᚱᛋ

Oath keepers. The last of the promises is, in many ways, the perfect heir to its predecessors; honor and enmity in equal measure. Extension was made to another patron, a power near to the dark in peer yet not of the same substance, a price for words spoken and lines drawn on sand. A single prayer, the span of which will not exceed six times the moon's passing, during which the Beautiful Void grants the lords of treachery and excess the last assembled might of the Elda.

The darkness is true to its word: before the shores of the fae comes to rest a forest of black masts and many-hued sails, propelled safely by the entity's will. They are not empty, for upon those decks, whose planks have long since been stained incarnadine, stand thousands of figures perfectly still. Rows of cannons, have been loaded and primed, horrid beasts circle both above and below the waves, and a wealth of sorcerers collect their reagents for the next round of incantations. The Age of the Elda has passed and while it was all too brief, it has saved the best for last. In the swirling maelstrom above, the disembodied voices of the faithful coalesce into a chorus that boom across all of Hanrui, and whose tones shall never be repeated on this plane again.

Host of the Ever Wanting, Profligate Princes of Treachery’s Art! The Beautiful Void holds up its end of the bargain, in the spirit that it was first offered. Take your due, and shape with it a world in your own image.

So I have an announcement for everyone, as I am not allowed to message anyone privately this turn (as it's one of my 0 penalties).

A few turns ago, the Elda made a deal with the Court of Autumn. In exchange for publicly backing a stance against Clan Baem – an action which invited the ire of the Khanate - the Elda promised a single prayer to the wanton lords of the gluttonous host. Mechanically, this means that I promised the Fae one of my EoTs; they would, in effect, control the Elda for that turn. We had a number of different prerequisites for this deal, most of which don't matter now.

As of this turn, the Farthest Fleet is fulfilling its promises. Clan Baem is finally destroyed. The August League has been paid in lands and Morale, one final due as the Elda get ready to leave these shores forever. Now I'm giving over my EoT completely and in full to the treacherous Court of Autumn. Despite having 0 stats in Eco and Rep (and a 1 in both Mor and Esp, thanks to bottoming out Baem and gaining my second title for it), my offensive stats remain almost entirely intact: I have 20 Mil (4 from VIPs), 7 Mag (1 from VIPs), and 8 Adv (2 from VIPs). The Court of Autumn has access to all of these stats for this EoT; I relinquish all other previous conditions to this deal, so the Court can use them as they will.

2021-01-11, 12:58 PM
Mor 6

Cursed Elda have fled once more! We have withdrawn from the lands we mistankenly took as we said but still we cannot pin down our foe! However we have seen nations of Hanrui better themselves work to improve their honor and their actions. We know not who killed our beloved war leaders but surely it could not be those we list below.

Therefore if they will concur we will declare peace with the following nations, our war is no longer with them;
- Red Aurora College
- The Silverhammer Protectorate

To the Fae. We see you using your deals with the dark and murderous Elda not just endorsing them any longer. Put aside the raiders and clean your hands of the matter and we shall make peace with you too. Yet if you use their dark ways and honorless raiders for your purposes then know we shall continue our war with you and them until we are burnt husks or you are.


2021-01-11, 05:08 PM
The Four Courts of Hanrui

All messages sent at Morale 20.

Reputation 6

It is time you were told the truth of the happenings with the Elda.

Yes, we made a pact with them. For a public showing of support, they promised us a season during which they would bow to our whims. Acutely aware of the threat of the August League, we agreed; for nothing more than lip service to Elda this would allow us to ensure that the Elda were completely undefended when the time was right to eliminate them. In secret, we organized and contributed to a crippling strike on Elda, in concert with the Khalos Guild, Clockwork Republic, and Grand Collection – all of whom can confirm this. This was why we sought to speak with you privately in seasons past; we dared not give word to the Elda of the strike upon them, or our motives for publicly supporting them.

We underestimated your response, it seems, and have paid an iron price for our mistake.

You may view the actions we took as duplicitous. It is true. All should know that alone, the word of the Court of Autumn cannot be trusted. But Spring and Summer are bound by laws and oaths.

Thus, all Four Courts give you this word: we will not attack, undermine, or invade any other nation – including yourselves – with the might of the Elda while we control it. In doing so, we prevent the Elda from striking any others, including yourself. We will likely secure the territory you had previously taken, along with [53], and strengthen our nation for conflicts to come. Perhaps we could give you a portion of their forces, to be slaughtered first in your war against the Celestial Empire, and so to prevent the losses of your own troops.

Is this acceptable? Can there be peace between us, with such terms, and with such understanding? The Elda Hafnar will die, and pass from this world, but not before they have given us redress for the damage suffered at your hands.