View Full Version : Dream and Resting

2020-10-29, 02:52 AM
Hello all,

I’ve looked about a bit, and I can’t find a full answer to this question-

If Dream is cast (either offensively or defensively), can the caster get the benefit of a long rest?

The more I think about it I’m leaning towards that they can’t, as the spell has a duration of 8 hours and therefore the caster is actively engaged with it for the duration. Obviously DM’s decision, depends on the table etc. etc., but I was wondering if there was any consensus on the forum.

2020-10-29, 10:03 AM
The caster can get a long rest if someone else is the messenger, otherwise I'd say no.

2020-10-29, 03:16 PM
I'd say yes, they can. Dream isn't Concentration, so they don't have to stay awake, and there's nothing in Dream that states the messenger doesn't gain the benefits of a rest.

EDIT: Plus I find Dream to be a pretty weak spell anyways, so why bother penalizing someone that wants to use it.

2020-10-29, 03:35 PM
Personally, I'd let somebody get a Long Rest in wether they are the target or the messenger, but I don't think that's RAW or RAI since only the target is actually sleeping.

But both interpretations are valid- I'm on the 'yes' side because there is no reason the messenger shouldn't be able to sleep in a Dream.

2020-10-29, 03:53 PM
Personally, I'd let somebody get a Long Rest in wether they are the target or the messenger, but I don't think that's RAW or RAI since only the target is actually sleeping.

But both interpretations are valid- I'm on the 'yes' side because there is no reason the messenger shouldn't be able to sleep in a Dream.

Well, Dream actually calls out that it can prevent a Long Rest for the target.

You can make the messenger appear monstrous and terrifying to the target. If you do, the messenger can deliver a message of no more than ten words and then the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, echoes of the phantasmal monstrosity spawn a nightmare that lasts the duration of the target’s sleep and prevents the target from gaining any benefit from that rest.

But that's only if you specifically decide to do that. Otherwise the target can still benefit from their rest.