View Full Version : The effects of going to Hell on the party. My party is taking a vacation to Hell

2020-10-29, 01:34 PM
So my party is going to be sent to Hell. So I have a few ideas and want feed back on them and anything you want to add. So Hell is a firey wasteland for the most part. So I was thinking that while they are in Hell they can sleep and rest properly. So mechanicly this means they can't recover HP and levels of Exhaustion by resting. But they can use rest to roll hit dice and those do come back after a long rest. They have a cleric and a paladin so Exhaustion shouldn't be too much a problem. So speaking of the cleric. The light cleric has and is attune too a staff the let's him bypass fire immunity and res but with the trade off they are vulnerable to fire damage. Would she be more effected by this Hell scape. If so how?

2020-10-29, 02:20 PM
So my party is going to be sent to Hell. So I have a few ideas and want feed back on them and anything you want to add. So Hell is a firey wasteland for the most part. So I was thinking that while they are in Hell they can sleep and rest properly. So mechanicly this means they can't recover HP and levels of Exhaustion by resting. But they can use rest to roll hit dice and those do come back after a long rest. They have a cleric and a paladin so Exhaustion shouldn't be too much a problem. So speaking of the cleric. The light cleric has and is attune too a staff the let's him bypass fire immunity and res but with the trade off they are vulnerable to fire damage. Would she be more effected by this Hell scape. If so how?

Well, first, a few things:

1) the only Hell to which you can be sent to, unless it's by Asmodeus himself or if he gave his approval, is Avernus.

2) Hell is not a fiery wasteland for the most part. Some of the layers are actually a frozen wasteland, for example.

3) The conditions of traveling/hanging out in Avernus are described at length in Descent into Avernus, you should take a look at it.

If you want I can give you the cliff note version of Avernus's conditions.

2020-10-29, 03:17 PM
This completely depends on what version of hell you are going to. The Nine Hells is very different from the Abyss, and both are different to Khyber in eberron, and while the Nine Hells are somewhat similar to those described in Dante's inferno, those are different still.
And maybe even it's a homebrew version of hell, whereas anything goes.

2020-10-29, 03:24 PM
So Avernus, the most accesible layer of hell, isn't all that fiery. The dangers are far more complicated than that. The biggest obviously is devils, find things they need then offer them deals for them. Bring in powerful enough devils that they will think twice about just killing them on the spot.

Like Unoriginal said, Descent into Avernus provides some really good resources to use for it. My other favourite threat is the Styx, where just touching it erases memories.

Overall though, the best tone for hell is that the party is so incredibly outclassed. There are threats everywhere that they just can't deal with so must either be avoided or bargained with.

2020-10-29, 04:09 PM
So my party is going to be sent to Hell. So I have a few ideas and want feed back on them and anything you want to add. So Hell is a firey wasteland for the most part. So I was thinking that while they are in Hell they can sleep and rest properly. So mechanicly this means they can't recover HP and levels of Exhaustion by resting. But they can use rest to roll hit dice and those do come back after a long rest. They have a cleric and a paladin so Exhaustion shouldn't be too much a problem. So speaking of the cleric. The light cleric has and is attune too a staff the let's him bypass fire immunity and res but with the trade off they are vulnerable to fire damage. Would she be more effected by this Hell scape. If so how?

tell them to get a better travel agent, that vacation is gonna suck

2020-10-29, 09:31 PM
The DMG gives a starting point for an optional effect in the Nine Hells (assuming it's that hell):

Evil pervades the Nine Hells, and visitors to this plane
feel its influence. At the end of each long rest taken on
this plane, a visitor that isn't evil must make a DC 10
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's
alignment changes to lawful evil. The change becomes
permanent if the creature doesn't leave the plane within
ld4 days. Otherwise, the creature's alignment reverts
to normal after one day spent on a plane other than the
Nine Hells. Casting the dispel evil and good spell on the
creature also restores its original alignment.

It also gives some descriptions for each layer that could be a good start for brainstorming level-specific effects (pp. 64-66) before getting into a more detailed source (like the Forgotten Realms Wiki or Descent into Avernus).

2020-10-29, 09:47 PM
Its a homebrewed world. Hell is a firey wildlands. I don't have a nine hells and the Abyss. There's just Hell. Devils have great cities and demons are more like roaming tribes. The party of lv10 ancient paladin, Light "moon" cleric, psionic wizard, Ascendant Dragon monk. They must find a artifact sword that is the only weapon that can kill one of the BBEG's. Steal it from a powerful devil then figure out how to get out of Hell.

2020-10-29, 09:52 PM
Its a homebrewed world. Hell is a firey wildlands. I don't have a nine hells and the Abyss. There's just Hell. Devils have great cities and demons are more like roaming tribes. The party of lv10 ancient paladin, Light "moon" cleric, psionic wizard, Ascendant Dragon monk. They must find a artifact sword that is the only weapon that can kill one of the BBEG's. Steal it from a powerful devil then figure out how to get out of Hell.

Well if it's your homebrew world and you know how Hell is, then you know best how to handle it.

2020-10-30, 02:34 AM
The DMG gives a starting point for an optional effect in the Nine Hells (assuming it's that hell):

I never liked that one. I want the characters' alignment to change out of bad deals and decisions, not out of a failed save.

2020-10-30, 02:46 AM
I'd be cautious about messing with the only way to recharge abilities in a land that's tough enough already. It sounds like short rest will be unaffected and long rest will still restore spent HD... but nothing else?

Can you list exactly what you're thinking about changing?

Mr Adventurer
2020-10-30, 05:53 AM
So my party is going to be sent to Hell. So I have a few ideas and want feed back on them and anything you want to add. So Hell is a firey wasteland for the most part. So I was thinking that while they are in Hell they can sleep and rest properly. So mechanicly this means they can't recover HP and levels of Exhaustion by resting. But they can use rest to roll hit dice and those do come back after a long rest. They have a cleric and a paladin so Exhaustion shouldn't be too much a problem. So speaking of the cleric. The light cleric has and is attune too a staff the let's him bypass fire immunity and res but with the trade off they are vulnerable to fire damage. Would she be more effected by this Hell scape. If so how?

Hmm. What does having a Cleric and a Paladin have to do with avoiding Exhaustion?

Greater Restoration can reduce it by 1, but it's 5th level so the Paladin won't have it and it's one of the Cleric's top level spells. It also has a consumed expensive material component.

2020-10-30, 07:25 AM
I would suggest looking at the various material available on the plane of fire, as that more resembles your hell than the actual ones.