View Full Version : NPC Ability too much?

2020-10-30, 03:39 AM
I've created stat blocks for most of my major NPCs that my players may encounter, just in case they're feeling murderhobo-y. These NPCs are mostly neutral, but in case a fight breaks out, I want their stats. I feel the need to mention that my players are accustomed to my NPCs having abilities and powers that PCs don't have access to, so surprises are not so rare that they'd get upset because of something unexpected. The latest NPC has an ability that is perfect for him, thematically, but i'm worried that it may piss off my players if they ever fought him (which, as I said, they should never have reason to, but you know how players can get).

Kissed by Lady Luck:
Salty Jim can re-roll any roll and use whichever result favors him. This not only includes his own rolls, but those of his enemies as well. He can do this 4 (CHA mod) times per long rest.

He is literally a favorite of the Luck goddess, and she actively pulls strings for him so long as he remains interesting. I raised his CR by 2 for this ability.

2020-10-30, 03:56 AM
Why not just give him the Lucky feat? It has 3 charges instead of 4 but is also more versatile since you can use it defensively.

2020-10-30, 04:16 AM

Give him some kind of magic tatoo in 4 parts visible from the players, that get "consumed" (or stop glowing) each time the ability is used.
So when the NPC use his supernatural luck, the players don't get the feeling of "being cheated on" but rather get the feeling of "having forced the NPC to use one of its defensive resources". This is a much better feeling.

2020-10-30, 06:18 AM
Why not just give him the Lucky feat? It has 3 charges instead of 4 but is also more versatile since you can use it defensively.

The Lucky feat has restrictions on what rolls you can re-roll, this ability does not. He could force a reroll of a player's saving throw, for instance, or the roll for a healing potion, or even the recharge die for a dragon's breath weapon.


Give him some kind of magic tatoo in 4 parts visible from the players, that get "consumed" (or stop glowing) each time the ability is used.
So when the NPC use his supernatural luck, the players don't get the feeling of "being cheated on" but rather get the feeling of "having forced the NPC to use one of its defensive resources". This is a much better feeling.

I definitely see where you're coming from, and agree that it would be a better feeling. Technically, the NPC doesn't even know that it's happening, as it represents divine favor, so I am loathe to physically represent it, but it may be the best way. Or maybe represent it as the sniper missing the headshot not because he was off-target, but because his target tripped at the best possible time. Hmmm.

2020-10-30, 06:34 AM
Meh, it's just four rerolls. I don't think it's a problem- a 'normal' group will burn through it in what, one round? I wouldn't get angry over this ability. It's a weaker, generalized version of Legendary Resistances.

2020-10-30, 04:05 PM
Honestly, you should go absolutely hog wild with this kind of thing if you want to. It makes things interesting and exciting.