View Full Version : DM Help Mists in Expedition to Ravenloft (3.5 Module)

2020-10-30, 01:44 PM
This is a seemingly simple question to which I can't find a definitive answer: Are the mists as described on Chapter 3, heading 3, Sheets 49 & 50 the same as the mists referenced before the tactical encounters listing on sheet 31?

More generally, are the super natural mists everywhere, only on the periphery of the region, or only in selective zones?

2020-10-30, 02:04 PM
The mists are in a ring at the edge of Barovia, keeping the denizens and PCs in, so they must deal with Strahd.

2020-10-30, 02:31 PM

I need to make the post more than 10 characters, so this test is filler.