View Full Version : Reversing sides.

2020-10-31, 08:53 PM
Hi, so im planning a one shot where the pcs will be monster races although I want to have classes as normal. They will be sent out to battle a group of adventurers and other denzies who may get in their way. I really would like that final battle against adventurers to be at least somewhat representative of actually pc but also a decent bout.

Would I literally treat this like a battle royale? Or do I give the adventurers (5 or 6) other tools?

Any other suggestions, completely different if need be are most welcome.

I should note that I am going in intending to kill them in this final battle, or at least some. The adventurers are supposed to win right ;-)
Maybe not, but they will be under orders, beat back the adventurers or die trying, it beats the alternative. (Evil cackle).
On that note, who commands hobgoblins, orcs, bugbears and goblins? Maybe some sort of demon.

2020-10-31, 09:04 PM
I'm not sure what you're asking, but here's my advice:
-Don't use PC HP... PCs are glass cannons compared to most monsters, so you'll probably want to bump "adventurer" HP a bit.
-Use terrain, and pre-define 3-5 tactics or maneuvers that the adventuring team will use (use of cover, Fog spells, targeting spellcasters, a monk wall-running to get to the squishies, etc.)
-Simplify the statblocks. Give each adventurer enemy 2-3 iconic abilities that they will use in combat, but don't worry about tracking them.
NPC monk? Monk AC for his stats, move speed 50ft, his multiattack is 3 attacks per round, and he can Stunning fist once per round. His Reaction is Deflect Arrows. Now you don't have to track Ki...just run his turn, run his reaction, and move on.
NPC fighter? Each round he attacks twice, using one of either Maneuver A or Maneuver B, with a d8 superiority dice. His Reaction is Parry or something.
NPC arcane spellcaster? Don't build a full list that you have to choose from. He has Mage Armor already up, 2 cantrips that he uses (pick something unusual like the AOE Acid Splash for one), Shield twice (Reaction), Magic Missile twice, Fireball once, Counterspell once, and one or two other spells once each. Check them off on your paper as you go.


2020-10-31, 10:21 PM
That seems really cool. Simple is awesome. So looks like a 7th level encounter for my players with your suggestions.

Now that you've spelled that out maybe I'm better off finding stat blocks for a monk, ranger, wizard, fighter, thief etc.