View Full Version : Brewing and Spores

2020-11-02, 01:26 PM
SO. Let's say I want my Spore Druid to make alcohol using a brewers kit. Would their innate spore control help in doing that in your opinion?

2020-11-02, 02:21 PM
SO. Let's say I want my Spore Druid to make alcohol using a brewers kit. Would their innate spore control help in doing that in your opinion?

Depends what alcohol you're making. Do you control all fungi or only some kind?

2020-11-02, 02:28 PM
SO. Let's say I want my Spore Druid to make alcohol using a brewers kit. Would their innate spore control help in doing that in your opinion?

In general, I do not know enough about brewing to answer that from a scientific point of view.

So, from a DM's point of view... Sure. I'd require you to be brewing with fungi, which... Are hops fungi? I don't know. But, I see no reason to deny a PC a bonus on what's primarily a flavor thing if it makes sense. I'd let you have advantage on any brewing checks involving fungus, and likely other fungal checks.

2020-11-02, 02:43 PM
SO. Let's say I want my Spore Druid to make alcohol using a brewers kit. Would their innate spore control help in doing that in your opinion?

One of the characters I have been wanting to play for a while is a Myconid Alchemist Artificer//Spore Druid who flavors their potions as being spores of various kinds. As a DM I would definitely allow it, it is hardly game wrecking to make alcohol out of fungus.

2020-11-02, 02:51 PM
In general, I do not know enough about brewing to answer that from a scientific point of view.

So, from a DM's point of view... Sure. I'd require you to be brewing with fungi, which... Are hops fungi? I don't know. But, I see no reason to deny a PC a bonus on what's primarily a flavor thing if it makes sense. I'd let you have advantage on any brewing checks involving fungus, and likely other fungal checks.

Hops isn't a fungus, but it's less important for beer than many people think it is. It's basically just for the flavor, and beer existed way before they started adding hops to it.

The alcohol content of beer does depend on yeast, which is a kind of fungus, though.

2020-11-02, 04:32 PM
In general, I do not know enough about brewing to answer that from a scientific point of view.

So, from a DM's point of view... Sure. I'd require you to be brewing with fungi, which... Are hops fungi? I don't know. But, I see no reason to deny a PC a bonus on what's primarily a flavor thing if it makes sense. I'd let you have advantage on any brewing checks involving fungus, and likely other fungal checks.

You can make alcohol with mushrooms and such. I do mainly want to know how well it works from a flavor perspective. Since that's like the whole spiel

2020-11-02, 04:56 PM
Generally you can brew anything that has carbohydrate compounds in it. I had a friend who made grass wine. As can be seen by the following link, you can find mushrooms from which to make alcohol IRL:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11515544/#:~:text=We%20have%20recently%20discovered%20that, (2.6%20M%2C%2012.2%25).&text=This%20wine%20produced%20by%20A.

Seeing as it's your character concept, I don't see why you couldn't. Get together with your DM and homebrew a bit of fun. You don't even have to stick to reality. Perhaps in proximity to Fairy Circles a special type of Sweet Cap grows that makes a particularly strong kind of (spirit, wine, etc.)

If instead, you want to add external sugars to your fungal spirits, perhaps you add (insert any kind of berry, fruit, grass, etc.) Once the sugars get the process started the SCOBY (symbiotic community of bacteria and yeast) will take and modify the predominant flavours provided by the mushrooms.

You could imagine alcohols that are more earthy and akin to a meal in and of themselves. Or you could get crazy and conceptualize what would happen if you fermented a beverage based on crazy 'shrooms'. Perhaps a particular kind of mushrooms only found in the Underdark are truly fermentable... What kind of flavours do you imagine it would have? What escapades would you have to get up to, to keep your stock of Double Dark Shrooms from running out?

So yeah... Basically you can do whatever you and the DM decide is cool. Go crazy.

2020-11-03, 11:21 AM
To everyone talking about mushroom wine: I think the OP meant whether his druid's control over fungi extended to yeast, so he could make better drinks using regular ingredients (not just mushrooms).

Unless I am wrong @OP?

2020-11-03, 11:32 AM
To everyone talking about mushroom wine: I think the OP meant whether his druid's control over fungi extended to yeast, so he could make better drinks using regular ingredients (not just mushrooms).

Unless I am wrong @OP?

Well that's more of a question of what do the spores actually do? My thoughts were just to see how people thought of it in terms of plausibility, but it seems that most people are amiable to the idea of a Spore Druid using their innate power over the spores they have around them to do stuff with alcohol.

I have no idea what the spores are supposed to be, just fungus spores, so they could easily be any time of fungi spore. Considering it can cause Necrotic, and Poison damage, as well as essentially be grown into plant spawns to control dead bodies, I'd say the Spore Druid is controlling at least multiple different types of spores. OR they have some kind of all purpose fungal spore that they can mold to what they need at the moment, and if it's the latter, then they could basically just make yeast.