View Full Version : Crag Noir (IC)

2020-11-07, 08:41 AM
The subterranean horrors of the Underdark among the worst the universe has to offer, but when you come across one of the cities of the drow down there, you are almost better off not to take "refuge" there, for the drow are nasty to even their own kind, let alone a stranger. The largest of these cities, at least on Daystor, is Crag Noir.
Crag Noir takes its name from a gigantic crag it sits right next to and of course from the perpetual darkness that is the reality of the Underdark. No one has explored the depths of the Crag, at least, no one who has come back to tell of its contents. Perhaps it is better that way. There are even rumors that there is a gate that leads directly to the Abyss inside of it, into the layer controlled by the patron goddess of the drow, Lolth.
Lolth holds sway in Crag Noir, there arent many other drow deities to begin with and none of them have an official foothold in Crag Noir. That doesnt mean that there is any less in-fighting among the noble houses, in fact it might even cause more, as they vie for absolute control of this largest of the drow enclaves. Its probably better for the upper world that none of them have ever seized this sort of ultimate power (although even if they did, Lolth would probably just disrupt it because of her chaotic nature) because they would cause a great deal of misery. But even though Lolth does not face problems with her drow deity kin, she has another issue.
The demon goddess Nocticula, Queen of the Succubi, has lately become rather interested in the drow and Crag Noir. To Nocticula, the drow are the perfect hunting ground for expanding her influence. The drow are already a matriarchal society that worships a demoness, so that part of their mindset does not need changing, its just a matter of which demoness they choose. And with the resources at Nocticula's command, bolstered by the wider range of her upper world cult, she has become a thorn in Lolth's side.
And its not outright temptation that Nocticula relies on, even if that is a big part of her game. The battles among the noble houses are always bloody and always end in the destruction of one of the two (or more) houses involved in it. Most, if not all, of the members of the losing house are either killed (the fate of mostly men) or absorbed into the victorious house (what usually happens to the women who hold divine or arcane power), but once in a while, one slips through the cracks. Short on prospects and no doubt disillusioned by the fact that their supposed goddess abandoned them, they are prime recruiting material for Nocticula and her followers.
Natalya Kil'Ratha was one of those drow. A rising member of the house of Kil'Ratha, Natalya was probably headed for a life in the second tier of drow nobility, with a better than average chance of moving into the upper tier via promotion or marriage when fate intervened. Kil'Ratha was attacked by House Shal'Dahn, Natalya has no idea of why but given that Shal'Dahn was a vassal to House Dereth'Karn, it was probably ordered by that upper house, somehow linked to a move against the overlord house of Kil'Ratha, Kerith'Kahn. As the victorious forces of Shal'Dahn rampaged through the House of Kil'Ratha, Natalya hid, not trusting that her talents would be judged useful to the Shal'Dahns or the Dereth'Karns and sought a way out of her burning home. She ended up getting caught in a dead end corridor by a Shal'Dahn male, facing a probable rape and murder (drow society having particularly gruesome tortures for males who rape noble drow women, even those of dying houses) when a woman appeared behind her, blasting the offending male with a lightning bolt. She extended her hand to Natalya Come with me, if you want to live and with the fire and other Shal'Dahn forces closing in, Natalya took the lifeline. She was teleported from the home, and with the house lying in complete ruins, it was just assumed that her body was consumed by the flames.

2020-11-07, 09:20 AM
When the world came back into focus for Natalya, she found herself in a room with two other women, the one who rescued her, and another, so beautiful as to be breathtaking. She was dressed in the robes of a priestess (their style being particular among the drow and exclusive to those possessing divine arts) but instead of the symbol of Lolth, she wore the symbol of a flaming pentagram, a symbol unknown to Natalya. She smiled at Natalya (an action that made her weak in the knees), and told her...Your house was destroyed in one of the foolish and perpetual battles of our kin. No matter what power we manage to build, theres always someone willing to tear it down, and if they dont do it on their will, Lolth forces them into it. Or guides the first house to attack them. It never ends. Instead of consolidating power, it scatters it. I offer you a better way...not to mention a way to stay alive.
(see PM)
We are the women of Nocticula. You may or may not know that Nocticula is the Queen of the Succubi (Natalya didnt have a priestess's education about Abyssal politics, but she had vaguely heard the name) and we offer a chance to others we deem worthy. A chance to escape the never ending cycle of climbing up and getting knocked back down for the amusement of an uncaring goddess. What you make of your life with us, is what you will keep. We promise never to backstab our own. Join with us, and you have the chance to build whatever power satisfies you. How high you do is completely up to you, you will never be challenged to do better or die, nor will you have to worry about some upstart trying to carve out their name by taking you out. The powers...and the pleasures she turns back to face Natalya straight on are yours to either chose or decline. If you wish, you can discuss with Evindress here, and i will be back in an hour for your decision. If you choose not to stay, we will not harm you, but you will have to leave. By the way, my name is Kalrissa

2020-11-07, 10:50 AM
One of the inevitabilites of Crag Noir life happened. And it happened earlier than Natalya would have liked. So much in her training is yet to be done, raw talent meaning little if it is not fully realized. Worse, they are ambushed by those fighting with overwhelming power, the surprise and the sheer force undoing what advantages house Kil'Ratha had. And with the lapdogs of house Dereth'Karn attacking them, there is no hope for survival, for any of them. When ending in the dead end, by that point, it is all but certain that her family is dead. Her mother, the matriarch ever seeking for a way out of the invisible cage of their liege house and the one who had put high hopes in Natalya, gone. Her father, unusually loyal and capable for a male, gone. So much wasted life and potential in the deaths of her talented sisters and brothers. With the only small mercy being found in the death of her younger brother and her next-older sister, both always having lacked the willpower to survive and excel in this world, slaves to temptations as escapes from their lives (and some of those temptations taking form of their own sister, and whether or not those desires were their own or games of their liege ladies and lords, the fates of both of them were sealed once Natalya discovered this). The both of them were spared a life of misery and having no control over their own lives and minds.

With the Shal'Dahn scion approaching, Natalya judges her chances in a straight fight slim. The Kil'Ratha way is one of striking unseen and surgically, not extended brawls or withstanding withering alpha strikes. No doubt the male came prepared against enchantments, and her illusions are perhaps her only real chance, if still a risky gamble. Lustful or not, a battle mage male can still decide to simply destroy the entirety of the dead end she is standing in and save himself the trouble. Regardless, Natalya shows and feels no fear. She knows what fate awaits her if she fails. If she fails, then that is simply how it will be. There is no need to give her opponent the satisfaction of seeing her afraid.

And just like that, she experiences an instance of what the fool surface humans would call a guardian angel. Of course, there is no such thing, not for her. All comes at a price in Lolth's domain. Still, the woman is right. There is no other way if she desires to live. And she does. So she takes her hand and takes the plunge into the unknown.

When her head clears, she sees her rescuer, and one of the most beautiful drow women she has ever seen. Natalya is doing her best to maintain her composure, whether or not her heart betrays her by beating faster and feeling warmth gather in unhelpful places, though her composure may not help much. These are powerful women. And while she would describe herself as capable, Natalya has no illusions about the gulf in ability between her and the elite of drow society, or women such as these.

What she hears, though... in a way is too good to be true. There have been private thoughts, heretical thoughts, against Lolth's rule. About all the senseless war and death, serving no purpose but the fulfillment of their goddess' twisted desires. The goddess is sick. Broken. Her ambitions drowned in her need to control and torture her people. Nocticula... she offers pleasures, claiming power by your own might, but above all... unity. Perhaps not total, but still of a kind that feels nigh utopian to a drow of Crag Noir. And Natalya still has enough capacity, perhaps foolishly, to believe in such a future.

The young drow examines the two women, considers what she has been told, and cannot help her eyes wandering on occasion. Her life was to be over, ended in pain and misery. It did not end. But without a house or station, getting back on her feet will be difficult at best. She may as well gamble with this life she should not be having. And see what comes of it.

"My name is Natalya Kil'Ratha, and it appears I am in your debt." And to be in another drow's debt is normally a dire circumstance indeed, whether or not one betrays that debt later on. Her voice is pleasing to say the least, having made several let those lingering thoughts and fears drift away, but it comes from a place of strength, and one claiming another's attention, rather than demanding or begging for it. With Priestess Kalrissa leaving them, Natalya turns to Evindress.

"If you are truly offering me a path of unity under your demon goddess, an end to our race at its own throat, and a way to build my power however high I wish to go... then I wish to test your claim by aiming as high I can in Crag Noir. Tell me of your goddess Nocticula, Evindress. It is one thing to agree to serving a goddess and being lured by a bewitching priestess. I wish to hear from one of her believers how your goddess fills your heart. Lolth has done little to fill mine, other than with pity for her." Natalya's words demand, but the way she says them makes it easy to give in to them. After all, she is hardly asking for much. And has revealed being fertile ground to have a more caring, appreciating mistress take root in it. Perhaps they had observed her before. If so, Evindress notices Natalya's voice and gaze are softer when adressing her and Kalrissa. This young drow is not beyond showing appreciation for the women that saved her.

2020-11-07, 12:09 PM
Everything I have, I owe to Nocticula and this group. I was not one such as you, I was not noble born, I wasnt a slave but wasnt much higher. My parents owned a small store in the east quarter. I was the second sister. I could always do things with my force of will, little things, but even when I managed to sneak a peek at a wizards spell book, it was all meaningless babble to me. I found that the more I worked at things, the more I could do. Ideas would come to me and I would practice. There wasnt much time to practice, working the store and such but I found the time. But I knew it would end, I would either be married off to some lug in order to advance my parents store, or would catch the eye of some noble looking for a pleasure slave. Neither of them appealing.
Kalrissa came into the store one day, looking to buy some things. I was totally entranced by her and followed her all over the store, getting what she wanted. She came in a few more times, and each time I would follow her almost like a lap dog. She cared for me, she listened to me, and she told me never to give up or give in to what my parents wanted if I didnt want it too. One day, she came in just as the store was about to close, both my parents were gone as was my sister, leaving me to lock up. We talked for the longest time and then we took a walk together. I dont even remember if I kissed her first or she kissed me, but one thing lead to another. It was the most perfect night of my life. After we were lying together, she told me about Nocticula. How I could be safe with her. How I could advance with her. How my life choices would be my own. I jumped at the chance. They told me my magic was that of a sorceress and while study does nothing for that, practicing with another sorceress helped. They unlocked my full potential within weeks, more than years of practice could ever do. They taught me many other things too. Every day that I pray to Nocticula, I feel her in my heart. Not words, I am not a priestess that would hear the voice in her head, but I know she listens. And each time I master a new spell, I can feel her approval. I know that one day, we will end Lolth's dominance in Crag Noir...and then we can carry her words to the other cities, unite with our sisters there and turn the drow into a force to be feared, not by each other but by the other races of the world.
And her demon sisters are with us, always. Not the disgusting vrocks or herzou, with their slobbering, mindless bloodlusts her succubi are with us. I learned more from one succubus sorceress in one week than I had in two months once. Nocticula was with us the whole time. Not in the flesh, we both lacked the power or the permission to summon her, but we both knew she was watching.
She winks at you for a moment. And I doubt you have experienced such pleasure as your sisters will be able to give. Not a mindless rutting where only his pleasure is being served, but a joyous experience together, with a loving goddess approving it all.

2020-11-07, 01:58 PM
Despite her being the one brought to this unknown place rather than the other way around, Natalya gestures for Evindress to sit with her, making the other woman more comfortable as she recounts her story. An attentive listener with effortless poise even as she sits, Evindress finds it feels good to talk to this new recruit. As she speaks of events she clearly cherishes, a pleasant, gentle smile and the occasional nod only further encourage the Nocticulan to continue. Evindress' last remark is met with a small, if good-natured, smirk.

"No, I cannot say I have. Among nobility, pleasure is about power, and for my house especially, it was a weapon. Nearly every such encounter is colored by the endless struggle for position, and the difference in station, be it due to what house you belong to, how important you are in your house, and what gender you are. If we did not take care of it ourselves first, our first experience would be one willed by Lolth as a primal, mindless rut when we come of age. The only warmth we could expect is what little was given by each other when we trained. A very few of us lost themselves to this little bit of warmth, and it doomed them to having lost the struggle before it even truly began. We pleased our liege ladies and lords whenever they felt in the mood for it, the more aware of us feeling the invisible leash while doing so. When we did our masters' bidding on missions, those who experienced our pleasure were unknowing victims. Yes, even as a minor noble house, we had luxuries beyond what most commoners could hope for. But there are sides to that life I am glad you never had to experience. The noble houses are higher in Lolth's favor, and they are rewarded with more viciousness."

The time it takes to speak allows Natalya plenty of time to consider. There are often layers to a deception and to a seduction. From a normal drow perspective, Natalya is playing a dangerous game, going against Lolth, but also beginning to turn herself towards another demon goddess. She is promised a much better life, but could also just be enslaved in a most pleasant way. It is difficult to tell. However, she has only this one chance. Evindress speaks true. And simple logic demands that not every force of evil chaos can be as isolationist and self-destructive as Lolth. The Blood War exists. Even with what is said to be endless hordes of the Abyss under the leadership of many different lords, it has raged for eons against what is said to be a much more organized opponent. Lolth would never achieve even such a stalemate, even if she had near infinite numbers. Too obsessed is she with tormenting her own. And there has been scattered tell of Nocticula cooperating with other deities.

Natalya reaches out, gentle touching Evindress' cheek, her thumb caressing her, sometimes wandering a little, tracing her lips. "You speak of ending Lolth's reign, of making the drow a force to be reckoned with. We share the same dream, one shared by Nocticula as well, it appears. But I wish to go further. A mercy, if you will, even if the recipient is not deserving of such. My male siblings, and those of either gender whose wills were too weak for life as a noble, I still gave them comfort. The love of a family and it was not their fault they were born inferior. I feel the same about Lolth, in a way. Somewhere along the way, she cracked, making her unfit for ruling our people. But she still created us. I wish to see her removed from her rule. And I believe she would thrive under Nocticula, shown new pleasures... as the concubine of your goddess. Or, if she will have me, our goddess." This is a life she should not have, if it had not been for Nocticula's intervention. It is better to take this chance and aim as high as she can get away with. And she would be lying if she said she did not also want everything else she has been offered thus far.

Evindress can tell Natalya is opening to letting Nocticula into her heart. And that they could achieve their dream together, side by side every step of the way... and perhaps so much more.

2020-11-08, 12:21 AM
Sensing that Natalya is about ready to commit herself to Nocticula, Evindress puts both of her hands on Natalya's shoulders I would be honored to be the one to lead you formally to Nocticula...if that is your wish

2020-11-08, 06:27 AM
It is unclear how many interactions with nobility Evindress has had. In normal drow society, nobility squirms under Lolth's heel, and they carry it on, stepping onto the commoners. Now, Evindress faces Natalya and feels none of that derision, of being looked down on. Perhaps Natalya has always been different due to her lot in life an unusually clear sight. Perhaps all it took was to be freed from Lolth's shackles. Hers is a noble bearing, in the truest sense of the word, drawing Evindress in. The status enforced by an uncaring goddess falls away, just two women sharing the same dream, about to be united by faith in Nocticula. Evindress is special to Natalya. She can feel it.

"You saved me from the death of my house and a crueler fate still, giving me a new life and a new hope," Natalya says, and with one smooth motion, the noble drow comes much closer, face to face, Evindress' arms now around her shoulders, just as Natalya embraces her savior. The woman she wants to accomplish this new dream with.

"It is my wish. The honor would be mine," she whispers, sending pleasing shivers through Evindress' body, and draws her into a kiss. Most perhaps would simply passively receive this initiation. Natalya wishes to celebrate it with the woman who will open her heart to her new goddess.

2020-11-10, 03:50 PM
The next few days are a bit of a whirlwind for Natalya as she joins the coven. Naturally, she is introduced to all the members, its not a large coven, but theres probably no way she will remember all the names. But at least she has been introduced.
While Natalya kept all of her magic items and her money, her current clothes are in tatters, and her wardrobe is buried under a burning pile of timber. Kalrissa arranges for a full wardrobe for her, including a replacement of her special cloak, the only difference being that it does not bear a symbol of Lolth. This is not noteworthy, many non-priestess drow do not have such a symbol on their clothes (they arent cheap after all) and almost no non-noble has one. She waves away any protests of Natalya to pay, telling her that the coven looks after their own and has each other's backs, given that they are a small group in a very, very hostile place.
She also finds a special gem for Natalya, hung from a golden chain. As Natalya looks at it, it seems to catch the light in certain ways, making for a very eye-catching flash and sparkle....telling her that she knows of Natalya's talent with hypnosis and that this gem will be of some help to her.

circumstance bonus of +2 to Save DC.

2020-11-10, 05:21 PM
Natalya looks forward to meeting the rest of the coven. This is a long endeavor and there will be time to get to know the members better. In a friendly environment and notably more relaxed, Natalya carries herself with effortless dignity and unmistakable presence, but after the initial exposure to her, the other coven members find her comfortable to be around. She plans to commit every member of the coven to memory in time, and learn more about them. Learning has been a strength of hers.

Receiving a full wardrobe, even to her specifications (at least in some instances), she thanks Kalrissa for her generosity. If she is not allowed to pay for this, she will instead reward this with her work for the coven.

The gem does pique Natalya's interest. She examines it more closely, seeing the masterful cuts and the simple yet elegant craftsmanship of its setting and chain. Even more remarkable is that while its vivid color does wonders to draw the eye and mesmerize another, even in the black-white of darkvision, it still plays with the miniscule light in unexpected ways. This also tells her that she has been watched for quite some time now, not just being an opportune recruit (though the attack on House Kil'Ratha may have changed some plans in one way or another). For many, this would be a simple accessory. For Natalya, this is a remarkable gift indeed. The young drow woman puts the necklace on, becoming part of her look as if it was always meant to be there, the gem just so happening to perfectly nestle in her deep cleavage.

"This is the most thoughtful gift anyone has given me to this day. Thank you, Kalrissa. I will put it to good use for the coven." A bewitching smile plays across her lips, her posture just so changing that Kalrissa finds her eye drawn to the gem (and what surrounds it). "And recreationally." Though it is all ultimately for the benefit of the coven and the coven looking out for itself, Kalrissa nonetheless earns herself a kiss for the lovely gift (and the promise for a little more later). Little things like being able to be gifted something with no hidden traps, and being able to be genuinely grateful for such a gift from someone who cares about her are small pleasures Natalya embraces, all part of her new Nocticulan life.

As she is given this tour, she starts to consider the tasks ahead. "With my house destroyed and me officially having perished in the flames, would you like me to construct a new identity to move among Lolth's society, or would you prefer a new cover for every assignment, discarded after each one?" Since they have been operating in secrecy for a while now, it seems prudent to ask how they go about said secrecy. That and Kalrissa may already have plans for her in particular.

And of course, while getting to know the coven and learning more about Nocticula is wonderful, she does ask "Do you have tasks I can aid the coven in?"

2020-11-11, 04:36 PM
Evindress is the one who shows Natalya around and is generally there for her. Being the one that "rescued" her, she takes an interest in her, and its clear there is a growing attraction for the newest recruit. Natalya learns that she is a sorceress and while its not unknown for the followers to have a talent for sorcery (even though witchcraft and divine powers are certainly 1 and 1A), Evindress is very unusual in that her sorcery is not geared towards enchantment but more towards evocation...or as she likes to call it, blasting. She also has bardic powers, but more towards the performing arts rather than arcane talents. She is a remarkably good singer and dancer and enjoys her performances.

2020-11-12, 07:07 AM
Evindress being there for her does not go unnoticed or unappreciated by Natalya... and her savior's growing attraction does not, either. Evindress finds it so easy to talk to Natalya, the noblewoman ever attentive and encouraging her to simply speak her mind. While knowing blast magic is not the most desired form of magic for the Nocticulans from what Natalya can tell, Evindress seems to cherish her talents greatly. The same goes for her bardic talents, appreciating her artistry and drinking in her marvelous performances, even asking her for the occasional private one. Perhaps she already knows, perhaps she only knows in vague terms, but Evindress learns that Natalya is a sorceress as well, though perhaps not yet as developed as her. Her choices are more eclectic, but blast magic is part of her repertoire and on her agenda going forward, if trending more towards precision than room-clearing. However, her sorcerous talents have an additional layer, one of surprising depth to uncover secrets, infiltrate, misdirect, divide, and seduce. She does not have the raw offensive power of Evindress in combat, but to call her defenseless would be a gross mistake. Fighting against Natalya will almost never result in a fair fight.

Since Evindress turned out to be a fantastic dancer, Natalya, one evening, asks her if she ever has had a good dance partner, whether for a performance or more intimately. Thus, the noblewoman invites her to a private dance, guiding Evindress to her room. Having received a new wardrobe, Evindress gets to sit comfortably, watching that full figured silhouette on a thin dividing wall as Natalya takes her time to get dressed, emerging in her best. With a smile, Natalya lets Evindress feast her eyes for a while, taking in the revealing yet concealing dress and the curves it graces, her eyes drawn to Natalya's every so often, but even moreso to where her gem necklace is nestled snugly. Stepping closer, Natalya offers her savior a hand, asking for a dance. For once, Evindress does not have to take the lead, so comfortable in her companion's arms, moving so effortlessly to her rhythm, her body close to her own, taking in her fragrance, hearing the softest singing as they dance. Every swaying step as one, like a gentle wave sweeping them up and guiding their motions, back and forth, back and forth.

"You may be seen as unusual, but to me, you are irreplacable. Sure, most of your magic will not twist thoughts or seduce those weak of mind, but you are there for your Nocticulan sisters in their time of need, when subtlety falls away and decisive action is needed. You eliminate those who threaten us, you protect us, you save us. As you did for me. I want you to never forget the peace of mind you are giving those around you, and how much you are loved for it," Natalya whispers to her partner, looking deep into her eyes, every syllable caressing her mind, making he feel so warm inside and sending pleasant sensations across her skin. Everything comes so easily, everything in this rhythm, Evindress simply able to let all thoughts and worries go. Like she has made Natalya feel safe and loved the night she saved her, so does the noblewoman now do for her. Ever continuing the slow, intimate dance, Natalya draws her partner into a gentle, deep kiss, after which the soft singing continues.

This is the first part of this scene, and this is both having a wonderful evening with the woman who saved her, but also Natalya wanting to see how receptive Evindress is to her hypnosis (with no bad intentions behind it, rather for Evindress' enjoyment). I will continue the scene once I know how Evindress reacts, and if she is starting to show signs of succumbing to the hypnosis (as this is only the preliminary stages, with the actual hypnosis to come).

Perform check (dancing, singing, oratory, and hypnosis working together here, getting +2 on the check from Versatile Peformer) [roll0]

2020-11-12, 04:02 PM
Its clear that Evindress is very receptive to whatever Natalya has planned. The compliments she pays her have had a strong effect on her, it had become clear to Natalya that the other women of the coven do not understand her magic, although they have an appreciation for it. The appreciation was deepened when on a recent raid, the mission had gone partially sideways and the entire squad was facing down a room full of drow warriors, backed by bugbears...until Evindress used a scroll that she had pilfered from a wizard's desk on the mission and blasted the room with a maximized fireball, obliterating all of their opponents. That she was able to cast a spell beyond her level was impressive enough and the fact that it saved the mission made it that much more of a thing. So she is respected, but they dont entirely understand it.

2020-11-14, 09:33 AM
After a long night (and morning) with Evindress, the drow sorceress tells Natalya that its time for the weekly briefing. Evindress explains that many drow surface missions fail because the drow are unprepared for the surface, either its environment or its culture, their lack of basic knowledge of the power players giving them away as being non-surface dwellers and thereby evil.
They go to the temple hall, where Kalrissa is preparing to give her report to the assembled. Even though she has met everyone, Natalya is formally introduced as the newest member of the coven and then Kalrissa goes through some of the reports of doings on the surface world, for now, those are not really important to Natalya.
She then goes on to talk about what her spies have reported from the city itself. She comes to the part about House Kil'Ratha being destroyed by House Shal'Dahn, this has now created a void for a new vassal house for Kerith'Kahn. She outlines that two lesser houses, Ral'Tepin and Kal'Durtha are vying to become the new vassal for Kerith'Kahn, and that Ral'Tepin had made inquiries among underworld figures about getting some sort of aid in their contest. Kalrissa has been in contact with them (without revealing their allegiance, of course) and they are interested in hiring one or two operatives for a mission. She is looking for volunteers

2020-11-14, 10:52 AM
Natalya is pleased to hear that gathering intelligence is of such importance to the Nocticulans. Another mark in favor of her new sisters. Getting confirmation that dwellers of the underdark are equated to being evil (and most likely following Lolth, in case of the drow) is also valuable. A few drow live on the surface, following the pantheon of Daystor or their own interests, and given the alternative, Natalya can hardly blame them. It is difficult to feel a fondness for the home of one's people when those people are deadset on stepping on each other for their own gain and to please a cruel goddess. She has also heard a few of their kind not being cut out for the worship of Lolth or Nocticula, drawn to dance beneath to moon under the protection of Lolth's estranged daughter, Eilistraee. While what little she heard about their meager ambitions is disappointing to a degree, perhaps this is for the best. They are still of her kind, and better to have a place for drow like them, away from the destructive as well as the ambitious, then to have them wither and die.

At the meeting, going with the formal introduction, Natalya gives an elegant bow with a little graceful flourish, and if given opportunity to adress them, once again expresses her gratitude to her sisters and looking forward to getting to know and work together with them, to achieve what others see as impossible.

Though the information is not mission-relevant to Natalya yet, she does listen attentively when reports of the surface are relayed. Information is powerful indeed, and it can be the difference between survival and death. No questions are asked, however, as this part of the briefing is for the benefit of those currently operating on the surface, or being in contact with it.

And finally, the matter of the new vassal house of the Kerith'Kahn. Like clockwork, the jockeying for position has already begun after the demise of her house. And being on the outside of this process for once, it is rife with opportunity to inject seeds of future conversion and the disruption of the status quo. When volunteers are asked for, Natalya steps forward, without hesitation, yet tempered with calm.

"I volunteer. I have been trained as an operative for clandestine missions from the day I was born, and wish to do my part. As a former vassal of House Kerith'Kahn, I can also assist in manipulating our liaison at House Ral'Tepin towards our cause, hiding my true identity beneath a cover and an arcane disguise, either of your choosing or of my own creation, as you desire. I would gladly go on this mission by myself if you will it, but as I have not yet proven myself to the coven, I would be humbled to assist one of my more experienced Nocticulan sisters." As Natalya makes her case with calm confidence, the other members of the coven feel she holds them in high esteem and does not simply assume their favor or trust in her abilities specifically. She wishes to be an active part of this coven, and an important first step is to prove that she can be relied upon and that trust in her is well-placed.

Naturally, when saying she would gladly assist another, she does have an idea who might volunteer alongside her, and who would complement her abilities perfectly with her artistry in the use of magic items and blasting magic, especially if the mission should need to go loud.

2020-11-14, 12:42 PM
True to Natalya's suspicions, its only seconds later that she hears a familiar voice right beside her I volunteer as well as Evindress steps up with her. Kalrissa has a smile on her face Given how close you are to the situation, I had you in mind. Take care that you do not engage any members of House Kerith'Kahn in your mission, disguises can only go so far and it would not go well for you to be seen as a survivor. I will set up the meeting for you, but no matter what, anything you find in House Kal'Durtha gets vetted by me before you hand it over to Ral'Turpin and any Durtans you kill, well, thats the price.

2020-11-14, 02:39 PM
Natalya glances to the side, Evindress spotting a private little smile just for her, making her all warm and fuzzy inside, before the (well, former technically, but still actual in bearing and what the word should embody) noblewoman focuses back on the task at hand, answering Kalrissa's smile and assessment with a smile of her own, as well as a nod.

"I understand. I will avoid any contact with House Kerith'Kahn I possibly can, they may be our biggest threat, outside of House D'Espana." Natalya understands this perhaps better than most, a shadow playing across her face for a moment before returning to her usual dignified demeanor. "Do not let me hold this meeting up any further, we can discuss specifics afterwards, if it pleases you, Priestess," using the word priestess as a term of honor. With that, she gives a light bow, and returns to the crowd, standing right beside Evindress, to let Kalrissa continue the meeting or finish it.

2020-11-15, 09:40 AM
The rest of the meeting continues without any other comment or items of note, and when it breaks up, Kalrissa takes Natalya and Evindress to her private office. They wait and about 10 minutes later, one of the coven brings another drow woman into the room. Matron Mother of House Ral'Turpin to see you, priestess
Looking at the other woman, Natalya thinks she is rather unremarkable, certainly nowhere near the presence of the other Matron Mothers she has met, although Ral'Turpin was a rank below her own house before its demise. But now, she sees herself as a social climber and looks at both of you with a haughty glance If this is the best you have to offer, I suppose it will have to do. Dont just stand there gawking, introduce yourself, girls Girls being a term only used for servants in the noble houses, a member of the family would be termed sister or daughter.

2020-11-15, 11:37 AM
Having received no prior warning and no information about what exactly they are meant to represent outside of being part of the underworld somehow, Natalya quickly silent-casts disguise self before the Matron Mother can enter the room. Altering her appearance only slightly, mainly her face, so the Matron Mother cannot blab about a drow whose description might tip off the Kerith'Kahn, especially if this sad excuse of a matron wishes to become the vassal of the most manipulative major house of Crag Noir. Since she does not know much of anything about Kalrissa's plans yet, Natalya can only assume that she wishes to install an inferior house as the new vassal to weaken the Kerith'Kahn (compared to having the agents of the Kil'Ratha at their disposal), or that Kalrissa and her fellow Nocticulans will use their new influence to shape the house into better (most likely unknowing) pawns that are not easily devoured by rivals... or their liege house.

The slight seemingly washes over Natalya, showing a devout flourished deep bow, the execution speaking of grace and skill, and the presentation stroking the matron's ego. "The Queen of Spiders' glory upon you, exalted Matron Mother. My name is Milena. How may I be of service?"

2020-11-16, 04:23 PM
As Evindress makes her introductions, Natalya sees Kalrissa out of the corner of her eye, and she gives an approving nod. In that moment, Natalya realizes that she just gave her a little test, to see if she could think fast and on the fly, and she passed. In the same moment, she knows that Kalrissa wants her to succeed but she cannot hold her hand in the cutthroat world of the drow, and needed to know she wasnt just some pampered noble house woman.

The Mother continues. There is a void in the vassal houses of Kerith'Kahn and we intend to fill it. Of course, our house is vastly superior to that of House Kal'Durtha Natalya sees Kalrissa roll her eyes But we are always looking for a way to tip the scales even more. I want someone to break into House Durtha and find something either incriminating or some source of power that they think gives them an advantage and neutralize it. I have already made agreement with Kalrissa about a fee.

2020-11-16, 04:58 PM
Self-sufficient, meritocratic approach. Natalya can appreciate and work with that. Still, she hopes there will be time to discuss at least a bit of the overarching strategy, at the very least about how Kalrissa wants to present the coven's front, and whether to establish a full-fledged cover identity for extended contact with Lolth society, or to remain relatively anonymous. Those two already tell her much about her role in the coven, at least for the time being.

"Milena" stands beside Evindress, carrying herself as a perfect complement to her lover, while maintaining an air of grace and precision, so obvious that even a delusional drow matron can see. Though she would hardly drop anything approaching even faint praise for filthy servants, perceived competence can go a long way towards having the matron lower her guard.

"Your wish is our command, exalted Matron Mother. If you'll allow me the question: is there anything that would particularly enjoy seeing stolen, destroyed, or sabotaged," Natalya throws that last one in to get the matron's mind going a little. Perceived value is sometimes even more important than actual value, especially for someone whose ego appears to be getting the better of her from time to time. Usually, such people have at least one matter in which they wish particular misfortune upon a loathed rival, even if it something petty and ultimately meaningless like being caught in a compromising situation or drawing ridicule for something. "or are we free to bring about what you desire by our own discretion?" Natalya's honeyed words stay on the side of stroking the matron's ego, good little servants to the "mighty" matriarch, but enough of a professional approach is kept to not strain that particular angle overmuch.

2020-11-16, 10:04 PM
You can do as you wish. Incriminating documents are always nice, magic can be replaced but proof of traitorous intent cant be undone. I dont claim to know what Durtha is up to and Natalya has to suppress a gasp of shock at the stupidity of a noble house having no idea of what their opponent is up to but if you find something juicy, thats good. If you find something that you dont understand, either bring it along or smash it to smithereens.

2020-11-17, 05:43 AM
Unless this matron is running spells that make detecting lies all but impossible, such as glibness (something Natalya feels she is on the cusp of mastering, such magic not coming as easily as it does for witches), Natalya really needs to hear from Kalrissa about the goal of establishing this house.

"As you wish," "Milena" says, with another bow. A subtle look to Kalrissa to see if the priestess would like the both of them to stay there and wait for the matron to leave, or to get going immediately.

2020-11-17, 04:48 PM
Seeing Natalya wanting to talk, Kalrissa wraps up the meeting, telling her that they will be in touch as soon as they have something, and that the pair will head out within the hour. Once she is out of the room, being escorted by the woman that brought her, Kalrissa turns back and says...So, what do you think?

2020-11-17, 05:37 PM
"Either this matron is a very good or glibness-boosted liar trying to pass herself off as an imbecile to have others underestimate her, or she is utterly incompetent as the matron of a noble house. If it is the latter, and she is representative of the rest of her house, Ral'Turpin is dead in the water and will be destroyed soon, and unknowing slaves to Kerith'Kahn beforehand. Whatever use they have, it will most likely be shortlived, but that could also mean taking the fall for anything disruptive. If one of her daughters is more competent, we might be able to get to her and install her as the one pulling the strings inside the house, but she will need to be good. We could also attempt to reinforce the house with a few choice "servants" and "advisors". At least this is based on this conversation and the current situation, so my assessment is limited in scope and accuracy."

"I would like to ask what the coven's strategy and goal is for this house, at least as far as you are willing to share with a new operative. Additionally, I would like to know how the coven presents itself to the rest of Crag Noir, and whether I should create a more in-depth cover identity for myself that could hold up to some measure of extended scrutiny, or if you would prefer I stay mostly anonymous, taking on and shedding covers and disguises as needed." The coven appears to have a front as an underground group that hires out services, but there is still so much she does not know about the coven.

2020-11-18, 05:18 PM
She is neither equipped with glibness nor is she trying to play up being incompetent...and the house has its status by pure luck. Her house will devoured soon, in fact, without what we are going to provide, they wouldnt stand a chance. As for why we are backing them, its all about the coin they offer, nothing more. The battles between the houses are something I dont care about, in fact, the more they fight, the better. We dont want one house eventually taking full power because once they dont have each other to fight, they might begin to notice us. Thats why, under no circumstance, would we ever support a D'Espana venture, they are too high ranking. Same goes for Dereth'Kahn.
As well, there is a daughter in the Durtha family that we have had our eyes on, and if they go down, we might be able to rescue her. Or if they manage to win, there is a prospect among the Turpins.
As for your other question, we do not present ourselves to society at all. We dont exist. The Spider Queen does not tolerate any other religions, and as you will soon learn, Lolth would rather make out with Corellon than see any of us live. Compared to how she hates us, she positively loves Eilistraee. They dont know we are here, and we need to keep it that way. The Turpins dont know of our aid as coming from Nocticula, they were looking for someone to pull a heist and we offered up.

2020-11-18, 06:08 PM
"I meant the front the coven puts forth. I thought the secrecy of the coven's true identity self-evident. We are, apparently, posing as some form of underground group for hire, and knowing what we pose to be could aid in dissuading anyone from looking deeper, should any attention be drawn to the coven for one reason or another. I would also be interested in the name and appearance of this potential Durtha recruit, so no harm comes to her."

Afterwards, Natalya excuses herself, saying she will begin scouting the Kal'Durtha residence and gather information, to plan their heist.

2020-11-19, 04:38 PM
We dont try to put forth a front, we operate in secret. Its unusual for us to hire out, we usually hear rumors and such and if taking action would be useful, we do so. We do hire out, but try not to be seen as an organization, just a person heard something and recommended She also gives you the name of the recruit.

Evindress takes a paper from Kalrissa, and leads Natalya to the same place where her wardrobe was replaced. Handing over the paper, she requisitions two skin tight catsuits, along with two pairs of soft boots. These have to returned after the mission, but we do have supplies for certain things
(+3 circumstance bonus to hide/move silently)
She also requisitions a masterwork lockpick set for herself.
So how do you want to play this?

2020-11-19, 08:24 PM
Back in their room, Natalya suits up with her new infiltration outfit, much to Evindress' viewing pleasure (and much to her delight, the noblewoman's lover gets to make many hands-on checks and adjustments).

"Fast, to be honest. We scout the place, get an overview on all ways in and out, where the more important rooms seem to be, as well as what guard patrol routes we can spot. The house is more competent than Ral'Turpin and will be ready for some sort of action by them. I would not be surprised if Kal'Durtha will soon learn that the matron hired outside help for an operation against them, so the sooner we move, the better. Social infiltration is out, as is thorough planning and information gathering. We spend as little time as possible on their territory, fast in, fast out. If we can get our hands on a house servant running errands during our scouting, that is a bonus, but we cannot plan for that. We try to keep our operation silent for as long as we can, and if we are discovered, we grab and destroy what we can, and retreat. If we can create a distraction beforehand or during our robbery, even better, but I fear we will need to play some of it by ear."

"I have to admit that the attack on my house came at an unfortunate time. Kil'Ratha infiltrators rely on magic for stealth and opening locks, but I am still at the cusp of mastering a more practical kind of silence and my magical reserves are limited. A consequence of having to cover so many roles individually. Hiding is not an issue, staying silent is without magic, and thus far, I am only able to create a field of total silence. I would provide invisibility and silence to us, dropping the latter should we need to go loud. For our scouting, I can provide us with the ability to see in darkness further than what drow are usually able to. I am also capable of very short-lived flight, to reach higher places or escape, but that is limited to myself, sadly, but spider climb is also among my spells. Needless to say, however, we will we need to plan what spells to use, as I am still limited to a few of them. I will not be able to renew any of the spells, so we need to make them count."

Looking to Evindress (and also helping her with her catsuit), she asks "Are you trained in matters of stealth, opening locks, and disabling traps? What spells are you able to cast?"

2020-11-21, 09:35 AM
It takes much longer than it normally should for the two women to get changed into their stealth outfits, mostly because Evindress takes full advantage of Natalya's obvious open invitation to doing hands on adjustments, especially around the chest where most drow are not as endowed as the noblewoman...it takes some time to make it fit. As she helps her, she recounts her talents....Apart from performance skills, my bardic talents are pretty much all about infiltration, such as opening locks, shutting down alarms, moving quietly and even bluffing my way out of trouble. In contrast to that however, my magic is pretty loud, concentrated in the school of evocation and when we raided that mage school, I made off with several scrolls of spells I cannot naturally cast.
With one last squeeze and rub, Evindress stands back...fits perfectly. Shall we?

2020-11-21, 04:56 PM
"It appears we are a perfect fit in more ways than one," Natalya says, pleased to learn her lover's abilities exactly covering her own shortcomings and vice versa, and just how insatiable Evindress' desire for her is. She has always been aware that her body has a particular appeal among her kind, but much to her satisfaction, it seems tailor-made to be Evindress' weakness. "I will look for traps, disabling them if you can and opening locks, I shall leave to you."

With that, Natalya heads out with Evindress, towards the Kal'Durtha residence. Once they have found good vantage points on their target outside of the 120ft darkvision range of the guards, Natalya casts ebon eyes on both herself and Evindress, granting them the ability to see in the dark as humans can see in the sunlight on the surface. Using their superior sight, they examine the defenses, number of guards, their patrol patterns (especially what they can see through any windows), entrances to the residence (especially ones mostly out of sight should they be mysteriously opened), whether they can make out any rooms like studies or chambers of the nobles, and how much appears to be going on in and around the residence.

They must not spend more time inside than necessary, so ideally, they want a route through the residence, covering as much ground as they can while looking for their objectives, then have an exit for if they manage to not get detected, or a laundry list of emergency exits should things go sideways. Noise is perhaps Natalya's biggest worry. Her stealth skills at moving silently are minimal due to her particular training, and a silence spell can quickly raise suspicion in close quarters if the surroundings are not on the spacious side, alerting people to a sudden loss of hearing. Another reason why she wishes to move fast, under the cover of invisibility. A passing moment of silence may well be recognized as an infiltration attempt, but it may also leave the guards confused at first. Seconds they can use to take what they need and get out.

As they are gathering information, Natalya (along with Evindress) also keeps an eye on any servants of the house leaving the Durtha residence, preferably the more meek, housekeeping kind, who may have knowledge of the house. A male would naturally be ideal, by far the easiest to get under their sway. But if no one like that can be seen, then that is how it is. Another thing she keeps an eye on is anything that could serve as a distraction, be it something particularly flammable or that would cause quite the scene.

Ebon Eyes on Natalya and Evindress, lasting for 50 minutes.

2020-11-23, 05:02 PM
Approaching the Durtha residence, Natalya can see its a one story residence, a bit spread out, but not as grand as her former home. That makes sense of course, the Durtha's are currently third tier nobility in the city. As can be expected with a house planning some sort of action, there are more guards than usual, but given the chaotic nature of the drow, their patrols are disorganized. Its good in one way, there are more openings for approaches, but bad in that you cant time them out to know how long you have. The dark interior of the house makes for looking very difficult and there arent a whole lot of windows anyway, seeing as drow are not much given to staring out at their landscapes.
Natalya also notices a large collection of barrels, what they may contain is hard to ascertain, but they might be flammable. As they continue to watch, a small door in an out of the way spot opens, and a figure (gender indeterminate at this distance) comes out, waiting beside the door. A small flame appears for a just a moment in the hand, and then a curl of white smoke as the person places something in their mouth.

2020-11-23, 10:03 PM
Single-storey building is good, that will save valuable spells. The few doors and windows make it crucial to memorize them. The barrels are earmarked for the time being, Natalya noting where those barrels are relative to the house (especially the small door that just opened) and how much it is observed by the guards.

The door may just be their entry point, and thus from there, a route through the house emerges, ideally taking them from one end to the other. Moving around the residence, but staying out of darkvision distance, Natalya tries to get a better look at the one taking a smoke break, especially trying to see if this person is dressed like a servant, or like a noble or someone unusual.

Natalya keeps all these brief. The open door is a good entrance, so right now, she is quickly trying to determine what is and is not feasible. If the barrels are in an opportune position, a fire can be started there, leading to a distraction for a few minutes. If the person who stepped out looks like someone fairly minor, they could be seduced for information. The former buys more time, the latter would make the silent raid much more focused.

2020-11-24, 04:19 PM
The barrels seem to be right beside the wall of the house. The person taking a smoke is dressed like a servant, and is male.

2020-11-24, 06:20 PM
Natalya shares her plan to lay a fire at those barrels before they go in to cause a distraction, but before that, seeing how a prime opportunity is presenting itself, she looks to her lover with a cutting smile. "How are you feeling about having that rube spill a few secrets?" She nods towards the servant by the door. "Now, I do not feel like threatening him or knocking him out, that would only raise suspicion. Rather, I want him to eat out of my hand, and forget he ever saw us afterwards." Evindress knows Natalya means her hypnosis, and her eyes wander to where the gem necklace is snugly hidden beneath the catsuit. "I could use your help to make him more eager, and faster so. You working the body, me working the mind." Sharing her impromptu plan right after, Natalya loses little time to put it into motion.

Being at the edge of normal drow vision as she is, Natalya casts a disguise self to both alter her face (and hide her ebon eyes) and to give her the look of what may be a scantily clad courtesan or the particularly promiscious (and presumed dumb, thus harmless) young minor noble type that lowborn drow men like to fantasize about, making sure her curves are impossible to miss (also retrieving her necklace from beneath her catsuit). Casting a message directed at the servant, she whispers "I've been having my eyes on you, honey. Working sooo hard for your masters. No need to smoke over there all alone... when you could be over here..." Once the servant starts looking around, Natalya steps into his vision, striking a pose making both her curves and intentions unmistakable, even at this range. "getting a closer look at me? Don't keep me waiting, honey." Her whispered voice is dripping with promise, and he sees this woman beckoning him over to her before she steps out of sight again, adding a little secrecy to it all, with the direction she disappears into being the location of a lone alley (where Natalya awaits, with Evindress in hiding, both of them monitoring the servant outside of his vision range).

Should he answer the message, Natalya keeps luring him with honeyed words, preying upon the desire of drow men for women beyond their station, where in his mind at best he'd wrap a stupid drow noble around his little finger, and at worst, he'd get some relief out of this that he can later brag about.

2020-11-25, 04:29 PM
The servant has little resistance to Natalya's implied promises, and eagerly comes forward, following her into the alley

2020-11-26, 09:55 PM
Even though Natalya and Evindress have never worked together in the past, its like they have been a team for years, and the hapless servant has no chance to resist her hypnotic powers...his eyes slowly glaze over and close.

2020-11-27, 08:14 AM
"You are doing so well, honey," Natalya whispers to the servant. "You feel so good when you obey a woman, nothing brings you pleasure like doing anything a woman tells you and pleasing her with your faithful service. And even above them, you love doing anything I say. Because pleasing me makes you feel so very, very good. You could not even think of ever harming a woman, let alone exploit or force yourself on one, no matter how helpless she may seem, the mere thought making you feel so empty and full of pain."

Evindress can tell that, in a way, this Natalya's re-education, but also what she sees as mercy. Drow society can be a violent one, especially its men, given how repressed they are. This way, she curbs those dark urges instilled by Lolth's cruel society, and gives him a path to happiness. With the groundwork established, Natalya continues. "You will tell me everything you know about any magical and valuable items and magics in the Kal'Durtha residence, as well as where any studies, bedrooms, war rooms, archives and the like of the house's matron and her closest confidants are. You will tell me how to get to them. You will also tell me about any security measures you are aware of."

Once she has the answers, she continues "Soon, I will count to five. When I reach five, you will wake up, and feel better than you ever have. You will forget about about me and my partner and anything you told us or heard from us, but your subconscious will still remember every command and follow it faithfully. You will wake up, and in your great mood, you will have a quick smoke by the barrels next to the residence wall, out of sight of any guards, carelessly throwing the fire and smoldering leftovers to them where they would slowly catch fire. Then, you will return to the residence and continue your tasks as you have before, leaving the backdoor open for a little while, slipping your mind because of how good you feel. You will do all this, and it will make you feel so good, so fulfilled."

With that, Natalya begins the slow count to five, repeating the commands in between, while walking away from the servant standing entranced with closed eyes in the alley. By the time she reaches five, he is alone in the alley, Natalya and Evindress having taken a good vantage point to observe the servant, Natalya ending her self-disguise. Once what will soon become a fire has been started, Natalya readies herself and her lover for the operation. "You will not be able to see me, my love, but I will be able to see you. I will wreathe us in silence, but I will drop it should we need to go loud. I want you to squeeze my forearm to have me drop it or run out of the zone of silence if you judge we will have to go loud. Should I wish for you to stay put, I will pat your shoulder twice. Know I will always be with you, and guide you. Should we nonetheless be separated for more than a minute, I wish you to make your way out of the residence, grabbing or destroying anything opportune without slowing down, and go back to our original vantage point. I, too, will return there and wait for you, should we be separated. However, you are a marvelous guardian, Evindress. Trust your own judgment to keep us safe, as I believe in you. Let us move quickly, but with sureness."

Giving Evindress a kiss, Natalya begins the magical preparations. On herself, see invisibility and expeditious retreat, to see Evindress and be able to move quickly if necessary. Then, invisibility on the both of them, and finally, silence (in a little coin, so she can throw the source of silence if needed). Evindress feels Natalya holding her hand, taking point, giving her a reassuring squeeze. They move, quickly, but not hastily, heading in through the door left open. The silence very brief moment of silence as they pass may simply confuse the lesser drow, thinking it a brief trick of the mind, but things are less certain with guards or some of the more well-versed in infiltration members of nobility. That is alright. They only have five minutes of invisibility, they will need to make the most out of it. They would run a higher risk if they tried to sneak slowly through the mansion normally, especially on alert as they are at the moment. The fire outside should by them a bit of time as well, as they head straight to the most valuable locations, grabbing all evidence and conveniently sized magic items they can, and smashing the rest, quickly moving on to the next location, ever on their trajectory that will lead them back outside through another exit.

Natalya and Evindress will double-move every round, not run, as they need their maneuverability. With invisibility and silence lasting five minutes, the cast times, and the little run-up to the mansion and needing to exit, if everything goes more or less well, they will have about four minutes of invisibility time to get things done in the mansion. So they beeline straight to what locations have been highlighted to them and really just grab what they can and smash the rest.

I imagine this as a sort of five minute high-tempo tracking shot from a movie starting and ending outside of the mansion (should everything go well), both of them moving quickly, efficiently, not stopping for long.

All the above, IC and OOC, is the plan. How well it will work out, depends on what will happen next, I guess.

2020-11-28, 08:33 AM
Completely under the effect of Natalya's hypnosis, the man eagerly complies with her requests. Apart from the usual mention of bedrooms, treasure storehouses and magical items, there are two items that stand out in Natalya's mind.

The first is what the man describes as the Matron Mother's personal study, a room where she meets with the most powerful guests to the house or guests who are not going to be known to the general population. Of course as a mere servant he has no idea of who has been there, but the Mother has had more visitors than usual in the past week.

The second is a glowing staff in the main war planning room of the house. He has no idea of what it is, but he knows that the house is quite proud of its presence. By his description, Natalya knows that her house never possessed such an item, but her former overlord house, Kerith'Kahn did and the one time she saw it, the priestesses made sure she didnt get too close to it, or even ask questions about it.

Once the man finishes spilling the beans about the inside of the house, including patrol routes (haphazard as they are), the two women move off, with Natalya doing her slow count. When she reaches 5, the man comes to alertness, shaking his head for a moment, and probably trying to figure out how he got to this place from his private smoking spot. At that point however, the subconscious instructions kick in, and he heads right over to the barrels, lighting up another smoke. The remains are tossed into some rags beside the barrel, with just the faintest curl of smoke and he heads back inside, presumably leaving the door ajar.

2020-11-28, 08:52 AM
From the descriptions of the locations, the guard patrol paths, and the descriptions of how to get to those points of interests, Natalya draws on her considerable intellect to create a rough mental map of the place, as well as an optimal path through the building, moving to the closer of the two locations (the matron mother's personal study, and the artifact in the war room) first, then the other, then out. It might be more beneficial to steal the staff, rather than destroy it, if it is indeed such a powerful artifact. However, they must not immediately take it back to the coven. Measures must be taken to avoid tracking the staff to the coven. The path Natalya creates makes some adjustments to avoid guard patrol routes, but most likely not all can be fully avoided, though they will need to play this by ear anyway. Same with what to do if the target rooms are occupied. This will have to be a quick and dirty smash and grab, in and out before the house can find and mobilize against them, literally shoving stacks of paper and ledgers into bags and stealing the staff.

Once the door is ajar and the spells are in place, Natalya and Evindress move quickly, following the route as best they can, making adjustments as they go, but absolutely not slowing down. Time is against them and they have to hope the fire will draw significant attention away, to not have the residence burn down.

Please refer to my previous post about preparations and proceedings. Yeah, Natalya's approach is basically brute forcing things, but I don't see her succeeding with regular stealth, between her lacking move silently modifier, lacking the spells to properly compensate for that, and the entire house being on alert and actively preparing for war. I have no idea how good or bad third tier noble house guards are, but Natalya is just 5th level, too, and slow sneaking sounds like it would force so many spot and listen checks that probability is just completely against her at that point, since she only needs to fail a single one to get discovered and have things go sideways. With guard patterns specifically being called semi-unpredictable, that also throws careful planning to minimize contact out of the window, and I kind of doubt drow, a race that doesn't sleep and also only has to meditate for four hours while still aware, has a sort of "bed time" as humans know it where most people are "asleep". Bonus points if drow still get tired at the same rate as humans, thus leading to the times where they "sleep" moving in four hour chunks from day to day.

2020-11-28, 12:13 PM
The first door leads to a kitchen and pantry, there is some activity but not much and sneaking through the place is not difficult. Once into the main complex, the pair begin their stealthy path towards the matron's personal study. Moments after they start moving, they hear shouts of fire and alarm and the sound of running feet heading towards dealing with the issue, freeing the passages of any random guards. They arrive at the Matron's study, the door is locked.

I'm going to ask you for some control on the actions of Evindress to avoid a DMPC situation, I will do some of her stuff, particularly social, but here, you need to give directions.

2020-11-28, 01:50 PM
The distraction seems to be working what it should. Arriving at the door of the study, Evindress feels Natalya's invisible hand, that has been leading her with absolute sureness through the mansion, guide her own to the lock. Evindress needs no further encouragement, feeling what her lover wants, beginning to pick the lock. Laymen may think that picking a lock without sound would be very difficult, but in actuality, everything she needs to know comes from feeling the levers inside the lock. As she works, she feels Natalya's hand warm on her shoulder, the thumb caressing her neck in a steady rhythm, calming her, helping her focus. Evindress knows her lover is close, relying upon her, believing in her, and watching for danger.

Sure thing. Just let me know whenever you would like me to co-pilot Evindress, or if I should do so in general.

2020-11-28, 02:03 PM
Evindress is skilled with locks and the set she was loaned by the sect makes the work even easier, in almost no time flat, the lock pops open. Opening the door carefully, Natalya sees a neatly appointed meeting room, with a large desk and a magnificent chair sitting behind it...the chairs on the other side of the desk are much more plain, all part of making the visitor feel like a supplicant. The desk is covered in papers, mostly stacked to a certain extent, but what really attracts her attention is a large safe behind the desk and chair, this one has a padlock on it.

2020-11-28, 06:31 PM
Evindress feels a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder as the lock opens. Both women move inside like clockwork, closing the door behind them. The spot is the go-to target in this room, no point in searching for more hidden locations. They move to the safe, and as they examine it, Evindress feels the signal to stay put. Or rather, as the bardess can tell from context, to wait a moment. The door was unlikely to have very high security, but the safe will most likely have a more intense lock, maybe even a trap. If Evindress is trained in trapfinding, she examines the padlock, while Natalya does the same.

Search [roll0]

Should no trap be found, Evindress feels Natalya's touch, telling her to go ahead, along with guiding her hand to the padlock. Natalya once again calms and focuses her lover with her touch, so that Evindress can completely focus on her work, the noblewoman once again keeping watch, but the noblewoman also keeps track of their time table. They made good time here and into the study, but they must not be held up by the safe for too long. Should Evindress not be able to open the padlock within three tries, Natalya slides her silenced coin against the wall right next to the door (the side that opens, not the side with the hinges). Due to the wall and door, none of the silence can get outside due to the source of the spell not having line of effect to the outside, preventing anyone happening to pass closely by the door from noticing a quiet area. Without further ado, now out of the silence, Natalya casts knock as quietly as possible on the padlock and safe (if they do not count as the same thing for the purposes of the spell, then the padlock) to get it open.

Should a trap be found by Natalya, she slides the silence coin to the wall next to the door and whispers "Trap", describing it, letting Evindress get to work on the trap, then on the padlock as above.

2020-11-28, 08:42 PM
Natalya and Evindress do not find a trap on the lock, and while it is a little tougher than the lock on the door, it still cannot resist the clever fingers and tools of Evindress. The lock springs open and she is able to open the door, revealing a red colored file folder, marked SECRET

2020-11-28, 10:28 PM
Natalya flips the folder open, does a very quick check if the first page is not just an obvious fake, then bags it. Evindress closes the safe at the same time, putting the padlock back in place. Then they leave the study immediately (closing the door behind them, which while it will not hide the unlocked door, will at least avoid immediate suspicion from being left open), heading on to the war room (Natalya still having her silence coin on her, both still invisible).

Still double-moving to move around.

2020-11-29, 11:15 AM
Using the drow sign language, Evindress asks if Natalya wants to take any of the other papers on the Matron's desk...seeing as the disappearance of the staff is going immediately raise the suspicion of a break in. If she agrees, Evindress does a quick grab of some stuff.

2020-11-29, 01:30 PM
Evindress feels an affirmative squeeze, encouraging her to go ahead. A few papers farthest away from Evindress also disappear into the invisible bag held by Natalya, before leading the way outside and to the staff (as described above).

2020-11-30, 04:13 PM
Exiting back into the corridor, Natalya and Evindress make their way to the conference room. As they move about, they hear the sound of running feet and calls for water, they even pass a few guards in the process. Perhaps if the house wasnt burning down, the guards might be alerted by the momentary lapse of noise, but they have bigger issues to deal with. Arriving at the war room, they find the door ajar, and moving in, they see the huge glowing staff, clearly adorned with the symbol of Lolth. Unfortunately, the room is not empty, there is a female drow inside and from the description Natalya was given, this is the Kal'Durtha daughter that the coven has their eye on, but this is not really the time they wanted to run into her.

2020-11-30, 09:27 PM
The situation is... unfortunate. Moving all the way to the staff with the silence effect would most likely eventually include the daughter in the effect. Natalya also does not want to harm her in any way. Should the house get destroyed at some point, it would not do to have injuries be held against the coven, should that ever come out. But Natalya also does not want the invisibility to be broken, as that would be a gross waste of resources and would make escaping more difficult. The staff looks... concerning. Still, Natalya is not one to be stooped for long. This will likely be the moment where their operation will be discovered, but ideally, by that point, they are already escaping and it will take a few moments for the guards to react. Natalya silent-casts protection from evil on herself and Evindress, as an extra precaution against the staff (even though Natalya has no intentions of touching it directly), but also any errant enchantments, her metamagic aptitude allowing her to position herself and her lover in the meantime.

She had the thought of ghost sounding guards talking about the daughter in quite insulting terms, thinking no one could hear them, but that would probably lead to the daughter yelling down the corridor, and that is almost the same as yelling about an intruder. So, yeah. This is it.

Moving Evindress as far into the room as she can (handing her the silence coin, trusting that she will toss it if she really thinks she must cast a spell) while still covering the door (so no sound gets out), but not yet engulfing the daughter, there are a few options. If the silence radius is too small and engulfing the daughter would lead to not covering the door anymore, Evindress stays put. If it is big enough to cover the daughter and the door, Natalya trusts that Evindress knows how to weaponize the spell area to prevent the daughter from casting if it looks like she would do this when detecting an intruder, which should ruin at least one spell, thus buying precious seconds. Natalya moves to the very edge of the spell area, clear path to the staff, large (invisible, as it was on her person when she turned invisible) sack in hand. And then she guns it for the staff, using her highly enhanced speed (due to the earlier expeditious retreat) to cross the distance very quickly and yank the sack over the staff. It is a magical item, magical items are unusually hard and durable, it will not be damaged by something like this. At the same time, Natalya will not need to directly touch the item as it goes into the invisible sack.

The moment of surprise at the footsteps and the staff turning invisible (any yelling or other noise eaten at the door by the silence), Natalya casts obscuring mist, engulfing the general area (and likely the daughter) and running straight back, grabbing Evindress, and running for their nearest exit, to escape into the city.

None of the above should cancel the invisibility of either woman. Honestly, this feels like the best I could come up with without harming the daughter, drawing guards before even getting the staff, risking the daughter leaving with the staff (such as faking the fire having spread close, so she might grab the staff and run out with it to save it), or taking way too much time (or too much experimentation). Natalya knows too little about the daughter to manipulate her towards the desired result, and she lacks the spells for something more sophisticated (creating an illusory duplicate of the room around the daughter is problematic with a glowing item constantly casting shifting light, while also needing to concentrate on it). Any spell requiring a save also felt way too risky, between the inherent drow save bonus and spell resistance. So element of surprise, grabbing it, and leaving the daughter as disoriented (and unable to scream for guards, and hopefully preventing a spell or two) as possible before hightailing it out there seemed like the way to go. Not the best, but, well.

Also, Natalya is stealing the staff because while the other matron mother told them to just smash something, Kalrissa also told them to first show stuff to her. Natalya will also be intending to not directly go back to the coven with the staff, but rather send Evindress back there to relay what they got (and deliver the paper evidence), asking what to do with the staff (whether to try and break it, dump it, or bring it back), since it is a Lolth item.

2020-12-02, 10:29 PM
As Natalya suspected, the running footsteps and the sudden disappearance of the staff do alert the daughter that something is very wrong, and she does try to cast, but the silence spell foils her attempt. At that point, Natalya puts forth her obscuring mist, throwing the situation into total confusion. They high tail it out of the room, moments later hearing the daughter screaming for the guards and thieves being around, but seeing as all of them are fighting the fire, there is no one to respond. As the pair make their way, they pass at least two women who are likely priestesses heading towards the screaming from the war room, but neither of them are able to detect the two invisible drow headed out at a frantic pace.
As agreed, the moment they are out of the house, Evindress turns right, headed back to the coven with the file notes, while Natalya turns left to disappear into the town until she receives telepathic instruction from Kalrissa.

2020-12-03, 06:25 AM
While she waits for word from Kalrissa, Natalya uses the rest of her invisibility time to put some serious expeditious retreat-fueled sprinting distance between herself and the residence (giving Evindress the silence coin, for her to discard as she pleases), even throwing in a brief bit of swift fly to skip over a set of houses and thus on a path that could not be taken by someone escaping on foot. Shortly before she becomes visible again, she uses a disguise self to assume the look of a passerby (the sack turning into a much smaller looking backpack that could impossibly fit the staff), a face easy to lose in a crowd, walking at a brisk pace telling of having places to be, but lacking the treacherous urgency. Everyday people doing their everyday things go about it routinely, after all, even among the chaotic and often cut-throat drow (who carry themselves with a baseline of readiness instead, but one projecting strength, not worry or fear; that or they try to avoid detection as much as possible). Her pace takes her through uneventful (by Crag Noir standards) parts of the city, occasionally and without steady rhythm interspersing little things that reasonably allow her to glance around a little, opportunities she uses to covertly check for anyone following or observing her. There is some distance between her and where the coven is located, but always makes sure she has a path there and that she does not get away from it.

Perhaps she is being overly cautious, but if the staff is indeed something that is tracked or would bring Lolth's followers to the coven's doorstep, that is one mistake too many already. Kalrissa might know enough about the item from the description given by Evindress, and if not, things can be arranged to determine whether this vaunted treasure is worth keeping.

2020-12-04, 03:49 PM
As Natalya skips through the city, eventually her invisibility spell ends, and she wanders normally. More familiar with the noble areas of the city, she accidently wanders into a slightly less reputable area of the city (less reputable being a relative term among drow) and as she walks, a drow male comes out of the shadows.
What do we have here, something scrumptious?
He is clearly not a noble, and weirdly, he has a pet on a chain. A pet ogre, it seems. Right now the ogre is on all fours.

2020-12-04, 05:38 PM
The disguised Natalya gives a mirthless chuckle, maintaining her course undeterred, projecting an unapproachable aura from how she carries herself with every exacting step.

"Hardly. Though men tell me they find the experience of my heel on their faces positively delicious," she answers, straight no selling the attempt at cowing her as if the character she is inhabiting is saying "oh please", far too used to such attempts. And from what she is saying, she appears to be used to the seedier (by drow standards) sides of town.

Intimidation [roll0]

Note that Natalya is not going for making the guy cower in fear or anything like that, more aiming to have him back off and look for easier prey (with perhaps a blow to his self-esteem for how little she regards this little entrance). In a way, it's like a professional courtesy to let him know he is trying something with the wrong type of woman and should save both of them the trouble.

2020-12-05, 08:19 AM
It looks like the drow might have backed off, but then he remembers his little pet and gives the chain a shake, causing the ogre to stand up, towering over both drow
Or perhaps Otto has to soften you up and take those heels off...

2020-12-05, 10:18 AM
The man gets a quite dim stare from Natalya, along the lines of "really?".

"Go be Otto's good little breeding toy, boy. I do not have time for your antics." With that, she weaves a spell, aiming to engulf "Otto" in shadows (but hey, perhaps this drow male also happens to be exceptionally weak of will, to the point where his inherent double resistance to spells fails him), followed by simply flying up onto the roofs of the nearby houses.

Net of Shadows on the ogre and the drow male.
CL check vs drow SR [roll0]
Will DC 17 or they are wrapped in shadows, only allowing them to see 5 feet in front of them (and everything in those 5 feet still having concealment) for [roll1] rounds

Natalya casts swift fly and flies up to the nearby roofs.

I feel very fortunate that my meager plan worked out so well during the raid of the Durtha residence, so I probably spent all my luck, but it would still be funny to see the ogre flail about due to the roiling shadows suddenly around it and accidentally smacking the drow male or throwing him around because one ogre arm catches on the chain. :smallbiggrin:

2020-12-05, 02:10 PM
The net of shadows descends around the drow and the ogre and Natalya hears the sounds of flailing about, even perhaps the sound of a big meaty fist slamming into a head. By the time the shadows are gone, Natalya is long gone along the rooftops.
After several more minutes of wandering, paying a bit more attention to where she is going, Natalya hears a voice in her head. You can come in with that staff, its not a trackable item and I know exactly what it is.

2020-12-05, 03:04 PM
As unwelcome as that sort of attention tends to be, it was resolved relatively swiftly, and in a somewhat amusing manner. Still, behavior like what the male showed will need to be gently curbed once Crag Noir is no longer in Lolth's hands. That this even happened in the first place is, however, also a reminder to Natalya that she is still hardly more than a novice who let a moment of thoughtlessness creep in. There is little doubt about her still having a long, long way to go. As well as the raid went, it was against a third tier noble house, and her abilities are still lacking even for such a task, missing many tools that would have made the task trivial to one of her elder sisters (or her mother in her operator days). While they were all living in a hostile environment, perpetually focused on the house's survival in one way or another, and no doubt at least one of her elder sisters must have had some sort of ambitions beyond that... she still quietly wishes their souls to have gone elsewhere. Anywhere but the eternal suffering that is Lolth's Demonweb Pits.

The mental message arrives. It turns out her precaution was not necessary, but Natalya does not regret such a thing. She would rather be guilty of ultimately harmless superfluous measures than thoughtlessly endangering the coven through lack of foresight and knowledge. Much like how she operated with her now deceased family. If she can answer, Natalya responds with ~Understood, Priestess. I will arrive shortly.~ Evindress made it back as planned. This is good. Evindress already sounded more than capable from her own rather unadorned accounts, but Natalya got to see her in action today. Intelligent, quick-thinking... and an astoundingly good partner, often feeling like they were acting as one. Evindress' devotion came quickly, while Natalya was not able to feel like her from the word go, but she was interested in the bardic sorceress. But with what happened today, Evindress rose considerably in Natalya's favor, not merely being a great lover, but also a great partner in general. Call it a side effect of her heavily results-driven upbringing, but Evindress turning out to be as capable and formidable as she is just made her genuinely a lot more attractive and intriguing to Natalya than before. Perhaps that explains Natalya's previous lapse in navigation.

Without further ado, Natalya makes her way back to the coven. She adds one or two slight detours to obscure her path, and discards the disguise at some point, until she arrives, heading straight to Kalrissa (though any sister she passes receives the respectful, elegant greeting she has become known for in their circles). As soon as she enters, Natalya humbly presents the staff to Kalrissa. She does not report yet, waiting until she is asked to (if she is asked).

2020-12-06, 09:01 AM
You have both done quite well. I have looked through the notes, the ones you took from the safe detail a plan, hatched by Derith'Kahn. In fact, Kal'Durtha is secretly allied with Dereth'Kahn but was trying to become a vassel to Kerith'Kahn, to provide inside information and when the time was ripe, betray them in an attack. Dereth promised that they would be elevated to become the new 6th house. Handing this information over to the matron mother will ensure that Kerith doesnt choose them and will support the Turpins attacking them.
The staff you found, while quite powerful, is not unique. It allows a priestess to channel more of Lolth's malice and power into her spells. Every top noble house has one, its unusual to see a second tier one to have one, and very unusual for a third tier. The acquisition of such an item is what raised Durthan ambitions. They have probably become pretty reliant on it, and when the Turpins attack, possibly aided by the Dereths, it will be game over. We wont be telling her about it, she doesnt even know it was there, but she is so full of herself, she thinks she will win anyway. As a relic of Lolth, we cant use it, and I dont want to see it getting loose into the city. One less power source for Lolth, we will destroy it.
Looking at some of the other papers, if they are to believed, it seems that Dereth is playing some sort of long term game with the houses, your house was wiped out to create an opening to slide the Durthas in, they may be up to the same game elsewhere, probably in an attempt to expand their powers before challenging the D'Espana house. Thats just an educated guess. If Dereth does challenge D'Espana, we sit that one out. The top two houses fighting each other can only benefit our cause. If Dereth tries something with some of the other vassels, that, we will have to deal with, we cant have Dereth holding two or three first tier houses as vassals to themselves and then going for the top dogs.

2020-12-06, 10:15 AM
Natalya bows in response to her performance assessment. Her house having been destroyed as part of some wider coup for the top of the Crag Noir food chain... in a way makes the destruction of her house more palatable, as Shal'Dahn likely had support and advantages far beyond what could normally expected on an assault on a second-tier house. But it does also drive home that the Kil'Ratha simply were not good enough as spies and agents, not having seen this coming. Well, it is in the past now. Natalya still carries the name, but she will redefine what it means to her, in service of Nocticula. And if her house had not been destroyed... she likely would not have been recruited. It is just a shame that her sisters and mother were lost. Some of them may have come to embrace the Demon Queen as well.

"I am glad to be of service, Priestess. We will watch the situation unfold, in that case, though there is the chance that Dereth'Kahn will start looking for who keeps foiling their plans. We should be ready to run interference for their investigations, or have scapegoats ready. We also met our potential recruit while retrieving the staff. While she detected someone's presence, she did not see us, and we made sure to not harm her in the slightest. She also seemed to be quick-thinking, attempting to cast only a few moments after being alerted to an intruder's presence, which I feel speaks well for her, regardless of us counteracting her attempt. If I may, I would humbly like to make two requests. On future assignments, I would like to be paired with Evindress as much as possible. Our private involvement is well-known, but more importantly, she is the best partner I ever had, even moreso than my sisters who I trained to work together with for years. Her presence, skill, intuitive understanding, and situational awareness allowed this operation to go as smoothly as it did, and yield the results it did. I would also request being taught about Lolth-related items, insignia, and artifacts, in order to identify any potentially valuable items on future assignments that may be less obvious than the staff, whether to have them destroyed or used for our purposes."

The request about Lolth items doesn't have to happen in-character, but more with the goal of when Natalya stumbles on something Lolth-related, she will know what it is, or at least have a basic understanding of it (and whether she should be careful about it possibly being tracked/bringing it back).

I also would like to mention that Evindress chiming in about the papers on the desk was much appreciated, both because it turned out to be mission-relevant (the desk having slipped my mind), but also because it gave Evindress some more presence and agency. I will need to do the heavy lifting for the plans and operations, since this is a solo game, but it helps a lot to have the character my own character spends the most time with being active and communicating and thinking for herself. Even little things like Evindress asking questions or chiming in with something (ideally with direct speech) or adding her own little touches helps make the character feel a lot more alive and endearing (and thus easier to get invested in and give a damn about).

2020-12-06, 11:41 AM
If that is Evindress wish as well she nods her head in affirmative then we can certainly make that happen.
Now in terms of some sort of compensation, you were not able to get any valuables for yourselves and that staff is useless for anyone who isnt a priestess of Lolth. The money coming from Matron Turpin is already earmarked for our tribute to the main temple....but in compense, how about those boots and catsuit becoming yours permanently and she picks up two bottles, handing one to each of you and a dose of our own particular brand of sleeping poison, you will find it much more effective than the crude general product.

2020-12-06, 01:35 PM
Natalya glances over to Evindress, catching her smiling as Kalrissa agrees to making them a permanent team. She accepts the bottle.

"Thank you, Priestess. For better or worse, I mostly rely on invisibility and silence when it comes to stealth, due to my training, so I would be glad to give my catsuit and boots back for the benefit of another one of our sisters. Though the catsuit may have been... stretched out a little by now." Partway through being open to handing the stealth equipment back, she is most likely catching Evindress staring, as if to mentally will her to keep the suit, even (or especially?) if only for private purposes. "I assume the poison still needs to be delivered through a wound?"

Compensation honestly did not cross Natalya's mind during the mission. Honestly, she is glad she was able to finish the mission smoothly within the limitations of the spell durations, the spells themselves, and her meager magical resources. She herself is fine with this, as she is working for a much grander goal, but she does feel a little bad about Evindress, who may have prefered a detour to a bedroom or two for additional riches.

"If I may, personally speaking, the greatest compensation the coven can give me is additional training. I frankly have not reached the standard of a Kil'Ratha operative, and especially mentoring to reach higher spell levels and deepening my magical resources would be far more valuable to me than monetary compensation, Priestess." And with such improvements, a lot more room to pilfer riches along the way would be created.

2020-12-08, 04:53 PM
The poison does require getting into the bloodstream, you cant get them to take it orally. As for the two items, keep them anyway. You never know when you might come into an anti-magic zone, and you can use them for an approach to save your spells for the actual infiltration


Kalrissa brings Natalya and Evindress back into her room. As you probably know Natalya, the Al'Tavar family, the 6th ranking noble family, specializes in conjuration spells or what some might call summoning. Both of the mundane variety and of course, demons. Depending on how much power the person has, you could see balors, nalfeshnee, glabrezu, herzou or vrock. Very rarely will they summon a marilith and almost never a succubus. A good portion of marilith owe allegiance to Nocticula and every succubus owes at least a nominal allegiance to her, and thats the reason why. We seek to change that, a couple of succubi and even a marilith into that house could cause a lot of chaos.

2020-12-08, 05:47 PM
It is an active two days for Natalya. A hand crossbow bolt is carefully prepared with the new sleep poison, whether to shoot it or use it to prick someone. Evindress has trouble keeping her hands off of Natalya, not that the noblewoman dislikes her attention, not at all, also using every experience to ensnare her a little more, learn a little more how she ticks beneath the surface. A good bit of time is spent on learning more about being a Nocticulan and exploring her new faith with Evindress and her fellow sisters, wishing a closer connection to her new goddess. Evindress and her Nocticulan sisters witness Natalya working hard on her magic, clearly not satisfied with where she is at. Not just in a self-improvement way, but rather, that her magic as it is right now is inadequate.

However, Natalya also spends a lot of time on Evindress (even beyond their morning, noon, and nightly activities). Working on deepening their intuitive connection and understanding, getting a better sense of her magic, exploring her magic item talent... but also simply getting to know her better, and vice versa. Evindress feels Natalya is her true love, while Natalya was not ready for such a thing in return. But there was interest. And after their mission, the noblewoman has gained a great deal of respect for her lover, intrigued by her and how effortlessly they act together. So, during the second day after the mission, Natalya has a nice, classy dinner with Evindress, just enjoying herself with her, talking, asking her to a slow dance afterwards. Evindress gets the sense that her lover has been put under tremendous pressure her entire life, the threat of the other noble houses, even their masters, always looming, perhaps explaining why she is so slow to open herself... and her assertive tendencies.


Natalya arrives in her prefered attire, ever hard to miss as she enters a room. Her lover's appearance seems to bear a touch here and there of the noblewoman, bringing out a little bit of hidden beauty. Listening to Kalrissa, Natalya strokes her own chin in thought. "I admit I am interested in meeting both kinds of demonesses at some point as well. A demonic bridge to getting closer to our Queen, if you will," Natalya comments. She has heard stories from the other Nocticulans. Based on those, should she ever get to meet a Nocticulan succubus or marilith, she is in the process of trying to be at peace with the fact that she may not have much control in those situations. Her Nocticulan experiences have been helping with this sort of thing... but there are still old wounds that have not healed yet.

"What do you have in mind, Priestess?" Natalya asks. "Perhaps a younger Al'Tavar scion to be lured into the arms of a demoness? Or exploiting ambition unmatched by reason?"

2020-12-08, 06:53 PM
What I have in mind are these she gestures to a couple of scrolls on the table Any summoning spell uses a demon's name, and these scrolls have the names of two succubi who have already been primed for this mission. We want you to sneak into the house and swap out the scrolls they have for summoning what they think are "safe" succubi for these, and then let things unwind from there. Not only will the succubi
be primed to turn them to mischief, they will also be advocating for summoning a marilith or two, ones obviously loyal to Nocticula, and then things get really interesting.

2020-12-08, 07:39 PM
"Ah, I see," Natalya says. It is good to learn about Nocticulan methodology by example. The task itself is very simple. However, getting there and out again might be much less so. "Hm. Infiltrating a major house, even if it is the least in rank, will be difficult. Since they are summoners, I would be surprised if they did not have several summons with a variety of senses on site, and better guards. This may need a fair bit more preparation than the Kal'Durtha residence, at least from my limited perspective." Her magic was barely enough to get into and out of the Kal'Durtha residence. Natalya was lucky they did not run into any significant roadblock or they would have had been significantly weighed down by Natalya's lacking mundane stealth skills.

2020-12-09, 05:52 PM
The Al'Tavar residence gets a regular delivery of sargentum which they use to bargain with the demons We know the route that the delivery men follow and we have divinations that show that the delivery men are given admittance and take the product directly to the summoning room...no other mortal is allowed to touch the substance. No personal experience but I hear its potent stuff. You will waylay the delivery people and disguise yourself and enter that way. We've also made arrangements for things to get noisy on the other side of the house at the same time.

2020-12-09, 06:18 PM
Natalya looks to Evindress. "We are going to need a disguise kit for you. Our voices might be the biggest issue."

Back to Kalrissa. "How large and heavy are the deliveries? Are we to leave the delivery men alive and make them believe they made the delivery, or should they die?" The first question pointing to a quite obvious issue: Natalya being physically weak. House Kerith'Kahn liked their Kil'Ratha pleasure slaves shaped for the bedroom, not the battlefield or, even worse, hard labor.

2020-12-09, 07:41 PM
They should stay alive but believe they made the delivery. It could be some time before the scrolls get used but if there is a disruption to deliveries, they might investigate too much. The actual shipment is very small, as I said, its potent stuff she indicates with her hands a small box

2020-12-09, 07:56 PM
"Hypnosis it is. How much time do we have until we have to intercept them, and how much time do we have to make the delivery? Is there anything else we should look for or be wary of inside the Al'Tavar base?" Knowing how much time they have to prepare plays into scouting out where to best intercept the delivery men. Knowing how much time they have from intercepting to when they are supposed to deliver plays into what sort of hypnosis is viable. Natalya's style is the most reliable and thorough, but it is not fast, and is meant for a single target. Magic hypnosis is risky against drow, but fast.

2020-12-11, 08:41 PM
The shipment is tomorrow she spreads out a map of the area This is probably your best place to ambush them showing a back alley and from there its about an hour or so to the house. Al'Tavar is probably the most martial of any noble house, along with the conjuration

2020-12-12, 09:07 AM
"That is enough distance to make delays normal, given the chaos of Crag Noir. Very well. Are there any known physical checks at the entrance? That may rule out my standard approach of an illusory disguise. Other than that, we will see what we can requisition for the task and will head out tomorrow."

To the coven's quartermaster (quartermistress?), Natalya asks if there are any spell scrolls of alter self or disguise self available (the latter only if illusory disguises have not been ruled out). If not or they are needed elsewhere, she asks for a disguise kit.

2020-12-12, 08:31 PM
Alter self scrolls are available, and seeing as you are still trying to look like drow, but a specific drow figure (whom you will get a chance to see), they would be the best choice

2020-12-12, 10:01 PM
Natalya requests two scrolls of alter self (and while it displeases her to take the form of a male, outright assuming the correct physical form is the safest option; she is still very, very far away from creating illusions that hold up to touch), as well as appropriate clothes (taking the deliverymen's clothes is a no-go if they are supposed to think they delivered successfully).

"Due to the duration, we will need to apply the disguises shortly before reaching the Al'Tavar."

With that taken care of, there is little else to do than putting the plan (what little there can be, anyway) into motion.

2020-12-14, 04:06 PM
With nothing else to discuss (unless you think of something), the plan is put into motion. Natalya and Evindress move to the location for the ambush suggested by Kalrissa and settle down to wait. Its about half an hour wait, and then the two drow spot two women moving though the alley, appearing to wary about being seen. One of them is carrying a box about the size that Kalrissa had indicated...she had said delivery men but it seems that the "men" term was misplaced.

2020-12-15, 10:16 AM
The deliverywomen come across two other drow women. One looking like a born dancer, the other one of the most beautiful women they have seen, looking like a high-class courtesan through and through, the former passionately kissing and caressing the latter. Natalya acts like she just noticed the two newcomers, managing to free herself just enough from her lover's skilled attentions (having her neck kissed instead) to look to them.

"Ah, did not see you there. Hello, my dears. Please excuse my lover, she could not wait until we get home, ever hungry little thing she is," Natalya purrs, looking at them and moving in just the right way (Evindress once more acting like the perfect partner she increasingly appears to be) to give more than a few enticing glimpses... and implications. They feel this courtesan look at both of them, from top to bottom, almost like a caress on their skin, and judging from the quirk of her eyebrow and the smile that is making their knees weak, she likes what she is seeing.

"Say, dears... I am sure you have a little time to spare. Normally, you could not afford me, but my lover has me in a good mood and I am feeling generous, so just this once..." At this, Evindress looks to them as well, smiling enticingly as well during the little pause. "...the first taste is free." The implication naturally being that they would do anything for another, but that is a problem for the deliverywomen's future selves. Right now, a (for women of their status) once in a lifetime chance presents itself.

Bluff check to play the part and seduce (possibly aided by Evindress) [roll0]

If necessary, Diplomacy check [roll1]

2020-12-15, 09:18 PM
Its clear the one woman is more than willing to get a free taste, but the other woman (the one carrying the box by the way), reprimands her...remember our mission, you silly twit, Turning to Natalya we are simply too busy, on too important of a mission for this.

2020-12-16, 07:04 PM
The look the willing woman gets has her squirming, but the other seeks to spoil the fun. It appears more risky measures are needed. Natalya untangles herself from Evindress, the dancer already approaching the more willing woman, while Natalya walks towards the box-carrying one, beauty and fragrance on full display.

"I can be very accomodating, my dear. If quick relief is on your mind, why, the streets of Crag Noir are winding chaos, a little delay would hardly be noticed. In a scant few minutes, I can have you and your partner reach the seventh heaven. And the eight. And ninth." One hand glides through her luxurious hair as she walks, before drawing the eye to her gem necklace. There could not possibly be any repercussions, these women so understanding of their plight.

Bluff to "feint" the women (to conceal the casting of the following spell from them) [roll0]

Then she casts hypnotism on the box-carrying woman. [roll1] hit dice and duration.
CL vs SR [roll2]
Will DC 18 (includes +1 from Cloaked Casting)
The woman takes -2 to the save due to the spell only targeting her

edit: Well, the dice really are hating me this mission. Now I can only hope the bluff and words entice her more or that they don't immediately start to fight or run.

2020-12-17, 08:21 PM
Out of the corner of her eye, Natalya sees that Evindress has the one woman hook, line and sinker, leaving her having to only deal with the stubborn one. Her spell falls absolutely flat because of the drow resistance, but at least her casting is not detected by the woman. While the spell fails, the gem does not rely on magic to work its power and the woman seems unable to draw her eyes away from it consistently, and her speech is clearly affected. We...we have a...a...mission, a del-del-delivery to...to make...we cant possibly...spare..spare a moment

2020-12-17, 08:59 PM
Well, the backup for the backup is at least working out.

"Aw, honey," Natalya purrs, moving one hand to her own cheek, the other holding her elbow, just so emphasizing where the gem necklace lies generously cushioned. "All the hard work having you so high-strung, you poor thing." There is the slightest sway, as if unconscious movement while examining the other woman.

"Rest assured that it is also in my interest for you to keep your livelihoods. However else are you supposed to visit me in the future, perhaps even with a discount for fondly shared memories?" Natalya sashays closer, keeping the woman's eyes fixed where they are, speaking in just the most soothing voice, like a caress of the soul. "I will not keep you for long, honey, like I promised. It will be but an unforgettable little taste, just for you. I can be swift, if you do just two little things for me:"

Natalya is now so close, her opposite's eyes transfixed on the jewel, while she breathes in Natalya's fragrance and hears her whisper, so private between them.

"Tell me your deepest desire right in this moment... and give yourself to me, just for a little while." Let's see how far the beginning hypnosis (and the temptation coming with it) has already gotten

2020-12-17, 09:51 PM
Its clear that the woman's eyes are now firmly fixed on the jewel, her replies are really only a mumble of incoherent thoughts. She is obviously ripe for Natalya to try her play, and she can see that the other drow is totally oblivious to what she is doing, as a result of Evindress attentions.

2020-12-18, 07:06 AM
Without further ado, Natalya begins her hypnosis in earnest, also wanting to see how quickly she can have both women under.

Perform [roll0]

2020-12-19, 08:18 AM
She has only been with the Nocticulans for a few weeks now, but Natalya's hypnotic skill has increased by an amount she would have never thought possible...and probably far beyond what she could have ever done on her own. Part of it is the necklace to be sure, but the necklace only serves as a focus and starter for her talents, and not the core of what she does. Much more practice of course is a good thing, seeing as when she was with the Kahn overlords, they were not interested in being hypnotized by her at all, and her own house members had proven to be of little challenge...and there is just something about being a Nocticulan that puts her in touch with the skill. Both women are easily hypnotized, the previously stubborn woman succumbing after a bit of effort and the first woman, totally prepped by Evindress is taken even further, even quicker.

2020-12-19, 09:29 AM
One cannot claim that Natalya lacks confidence, but her degree of success surprises her... and feels quite wonderful as well.

"Very good, my dears. You will hang upon my every word, and answering my questions completely, quickly, and truthfully will make you feel so very, very good. No harm could ever come from telling me anything, only pleasure. Now, let us begin."

And one after the other, she asks the women for the following, giving them time to answer with each one:
- Their names
- Their employer, if any
- Who they are supposed to deliver the package to and what they need to be careful about
- The expected payment for their delivery and whether they are supposed to bring it back or whether it will be transfered to whoever the noble house made the deal with later
- Whether they have made deliveries to the Al'Tavar in the past and who there they know
- Where the women live, how they feel about each other, and whether they have partners

(Once again, I am fine with not writing all this out if I later get a heads-up about important stuff Natalya and Evindress should know, or they simply handle things correctly in narration)

That should cover the information-gathering part, leaving the memory-altering part, which will change based on the information, especially in regards to any employer, how the payment will be delivered, and the personal information about the women. Everything has to fit to insert and remove themselves seamlessly into this transaction with none the wiser... but Natalya does not like letting a small additional opportunity go to waste. Namely, sowing the seeds of Nocticula's faith in the women. They are involved in the trade of sargentum, so they may present an "in", however small, into that business. And they are drow women, thus laying the groundwork for eventually embracing a better life than Lolth can give them is her gift to them.

2020-12-20, 10:45 AM
The two women eagerly relate their names, and Natalya can see the visible signs of their bodies quivering with pleasure from the programming she instilled in them. Of course, this makes them even more eager to be truthful and forthright, which in turn brings an even richer reward, a circle that keeps getting stronger and stronger. The women also give up the name of their contact to get the sargentum initially, and the fact that they do not receive any payment from the house, thats all handled at a higher up level. They do not have a regular contract at the Al'Tavar house, the women in the house who make the decisions know that a shipment is due on whatever date, and the guards are alerted to be waiting for it, along with a description of the delivery women and once given admittance, they take the product to the summoning room (giving Natalya specific directions to get there) and drop it off there, leaving by the same door as they entered from.

2020-12-20, 11:37 AM
"Pleasing me makes you feel so very good. And you pleased me greatly, my dears. Now, I have a little task for you. I will count down from five, and once I finish to do so, you will be wide awake again. You will forget ever having met both of us and what happened here, but your bodies and subconscious will remember my every instruction and follow them eagerly. Once you awake, the next two hours will fly by as you enjoy yourselves together here, hidden in the alley. Once the two hours are over, you will clean yourselves up, and all you will remember since entering this alley is that you successfully delivered the package and are on your way back. Your bodies will remember the sight of my necklace, and when you see it, you will eagerly do anything I say. Because obeying me makes you feel so very, very good. Your pleasure rewards will no longer be immediate, but they will come once you two get together in private, and they will be all the sweeter, and you know it, and it is a secret among us."

With the programming done, Natalya takes the box, applies a cleaning prestidigitation to the women, and heads away, whispering to the women via a message spell, so they are out of sight once she hits zero. A quick observation of the women following her commands, and once they do, Natalya swiftly heads towards the Al'Tavar base with Evindress, and a few minutes before they arrive, they will use the alter self scrolls in a hidden corner to give themselves the appearance of the women, Natalya being the stubborn box carrier, Evindress her partner. From a disguise kit she took with them, they pick appropriate clothes to sell the roles.

On the way, Natalya looks to Evindress, caressing her cheek. The bardess keeps impressing Natalya, and once again, she makes it easier and easier to be endeared by a capable woman such as herself. The successes Natalya has just now had gave her many new ideas. Ideas Evindress surely will love to have tested on her, once they are done.

2020-12-22, 05:16 PM
The pair make their way to House Al'Tavar, stopping only to cast the disguise spell about 5 minutes away from the target. Its a bit of a come down for both women in terms of charisma, especially for Natalya, but sacrifices have to be made. When they get to the door, they are greeted by two guards, a man and a woman. The man seems totally bored to be there, but the woman is Miss Queen Efficiency, checking the descriptions given to her against what she is seeing now and making a point of doing the password before letting them in. They both know the way, courtesy of the deliverywomen (and unless Natalya feels like making a detour, I will continue with arrival at the room)

2020-12-22, 05:47 PM
There is the thought again of trying to gather valuables, but she knows precisely nothing about the layout and security of this place, so that is testing her luck far too much. Plus, they have to sell their roles enough to not cause any issues that might lead to Al'Tavar or whoever the deliverywomen are working for to notice something being off. If the women who clearly know the way suddenly are found straying or valuables go missing at the time of the delivery, suspicions could be raised. Suspicions the coven really cannot use right now.

Thus, Natalya makes her way straight to the summoning room, moving with a routine disregard of someone clearly not making this sort of delivery for the first time, tempered by trying to be on good behavior, since her character is in a greater noble house and a lapse in respect and care could cost them. Evindress follows Natalya's lead, of course adjusting her behavior to fit the less strong-willed deliverywoman.

2020-12-23, 04:16 PM
Natalya's house were not big on summoning and even when they did, it was usually something simple like a vrock or even less. So there wasnt a dedicated summoning room, more like a chalked out version of the needed circles is a space cleared for the purpose. This room is something completely different. The summoning circles are literally carved into the floor, perfect in form and style, and the channels are even filled with gold. Every needed accoutrement is present, and there are numerous neatly stacked scrolls and books with rituals and names. The whole room absolutely reeks of evil, even without a detection spell activated, just stepping in seems almost wrong in both body and soul. You may not be any sort of saint, obviously, but you arent of a completely different realm, and many of the things summoned in this room leave a taint beyond anything you could do.

2020-12-23, 04:53 PM
Natalya, once inside the room, surreptitiously checks for anyone else being there, and if it looks like they are good to go, their path takes them to the scrolls, Evindress keeping watch. With luck, the scrolls are divided by demon type, but if not, Natalya begins to scan through the scrolls for indications of succubi summoning, in order to replace two of them with the scrolls given to her, as instructed. She makes sure to memorize the order of the scrolls beforehand, in order to leave the collections as close to how she found them. The scrolls that are taken are flattened out and placed flat against her skin under her clothes, in order to not be felt by any pat-downs on the way out. The room having more scrolls than before would be just as bad as leaving too few (especially with how organized the scroll stacks are). Burning feels too dangerous. Takes too long, leaves a smell and ashes. Once done, the box of sargentum is placed as told by the deliverywomen.

Even with the planned distraction near the house, should anyone enter in the meantime (or once they are done and are about to get out), Natalya and Evindress act... unsettled, like a commoner would in a place this blatantly corrupt and evil, regardless of whether or not they have already been there. Hopefully, that should be enough to explain away any delays. It helps that the atmosphere of the room makes it very easy to make that sort of play, making the lovers' skin crawl. Natalya was kept away from summonings in her house, perhaps to protect her, so she cannot claim much of any experience with demons.

2020-12-23, 05:37 PM
Just as Natalya is in the act of replacing one of the house scrolls with one from the cult, there is a slight cough. Looking up (and knowing she was caught unless the person was totally stupid), she sees another female drow, one that is taller than any female drow she has ever seen, and a lot more martial than most females...the sword she carries looks exceedingly sharp and deadly. Looking at the scroll in Natalya's hand, So is there something I can help you with? , her tone being icily deadly, but as she continues to look, the woman's hands flicker in the drow sign language, there really isnt a drow word that means friend but she is signing probably the closest thing to it, with a what would be a question mark.

2020-12-23, 06:04 PM
Well crap. Either this woman was invisible or she was too stealthy to be caught by Evindress. The hand sign is the only thing that gives Natalya any hope of the entire thing not having gone up in flames entirely yet.

"W-we are here to make a d-delivery, mi'lady," Natalya's character says. She can feel Evindress tense, her bodyguard instincts engaging, but Natalya still has a faint hope of salvaging this. And wanting to see where this goes. She sign-answers back "a secret one", in a way beyond the means of a simple deliverywoman, with a... remarkable fluidity, grace, almost mesmerizingly so. While Natalya maintains the role outwardly, the signing makes it clear that she doesn't dumbly try to worm out of this or try to treat the woman as stupid. There is a brief pause in the signing while her character fumbles through her sentence, then Natalya signs a word close to "share", implying asking the woman to sign what is on her mind. She would not go for something clandestine as a secret speechless conversation if she would just want to catch a thief. But Natalya also cannot immediately assume the woman is in the know about the coven.

2020-12-24, 04:06 PM
The woman slowly moves forward into the room I can only assume that the scroll you have names a demon that would be allied with yourselves, as opposed to ones the house already knows and trusts. And given you are in the section of succubus scrolls (damn the drow for being organized) I can only assume that its a succubus of Nocticula.

(For some reason, the site wont make those words in a small font, but she is whispering)

2020-12-24, 04:36 PM
...Interesting. Natalya's character maintains her fretting pose, befitting the room and the imposing woman before her, but her whisper is much more sure and defined. "Yes. And I believe it will do this House good, in the long run." There is a slight pause. "You are familiar with us. Wariness... or yearning for something better?" There is really no point in hiding. Though Natalya does not enjoy being at someone's mercy, this woman intrigues her. That, and the Kil'Ratha daughter is far too weak at this point to not be beneath several women in Crag Noir.

Since Christmas shenanigans begin today over here, a Merry Christmas to you (or happy holidays, if that is more appropriate; I was informed that "Merry Christmas" seems to mainly have Christian connotations in the English-speaking world instead of just being a thing that happens on the 24th/25th of December).

For what it's worth, I can see the font being small in your post.

2020-12-24, 05:06 PM
Us? There is more than you two? I was not aware of any in this city that would dare oppose the Spider Queen, let alone her most hated foe. And I am sure that a succubus of Nocticula would spice things up here.

And Merry Christmas to you and yours as well. I despise the term Happy Holidays, just like I despise anything politically correct.

2020-12-24, 05:45 PM
"Oh, she will. And I have an offer for you." Natalya finally steps closer, straightening up. "You have the upper hand. But you are different than most. Let me switch these scrolls out. Pretend the women we impersonate delivered the sargentum as normal. Let the glory of Nocticula's succubi play out. Do this, and they will show you a new freedom without Lolth's cruel hand around your throat every moment of your life, and the thrill of defying her self-destructive ways. An opportunity most drow women would not recognize as they are right now. Unlike you. Or perhaps..." Evindress by now has walked up behind Natalya, having put an arm around her. "...an intelligent woman like you would prefer a more... mortal introduction, without the threat to your soul?" By now, it should be clear there are other women hiding beneath the forms of the deliverywomen. And the way they talk and move... surely, they are much more enticing. And certain to spice her life up.

Merry Christmas it is!

No idea if I am extending way too far here with Natalya... but this sort of feels like a play she would make. Technically at another's mercy, everything one step from falling apart, but instead trying to entice her opposite to join her. Natalya soon having both a magical and a physical bodyguard? :smallbiggrin: (I kid, I kid)

2020-12-24, 07:34 PM
I have a different offer for you. I will let you switch out those scrolls and we will see what happens. But Lolth's hand is not around my neck, not now and not any time soon. I would, however, like to know more about this group you seem to belong to. Unless I miss my guess, you are not strong enough to write those scrolls yourself so you must work for a larger, stronger group. I had no idea that there were any other worshippers of Nocticula in this city, and that I was a lone wolf.

2020-12-24, 07:55 PM
A smile spreads on Natalya's face. "Even better. You are correct. We belong to a coven of Nocticulans acting in secret, led by a true priestess. And we will see to women like you and us not being so alone with our faith much longer in Crag Noir. Another sister of Nocticula's faith would be most welcome, and I would gladly introduce you... if you wish to change this city. You will see. We look out for one another." Natalya replaces the scrolls, as a sign of good faith, and, most likely highly unusual for the other woman, trust. Trust is something usually seen as highly foolish. But things can be different between Nocticulans. "This is Evindress, I am Natalya. Does our lone wolf have a name?"

2020-12-25, 08:33 AM
Shandis. Shandis Al'Tavar

And while the name means nothing to Natalya, to Ridai it would so yes, this is the Shandis Al'Tavar of the ruling trio of Rennador, albeit a much younger version of her. That would also date this game as being several decades before the events of the Unification and even those of the Crown Jewels (whichever version you wish to consider canon)

2020-12-25, 09:08 AM
"A pleasure to meet you, Shandis," Natalya says. "We only have a few more minutes before the shapeshifting spell wears out and we need to have left the house. It is important to us that no change in the deliveries is noticed, that the coven's activities stay unnoticed. You said you wish to see what will happen with the summoned succubi. I know someone's word counts for very little in Crag Noir, but I am sure I speak for all my fellow sisters when I tell you that we want you to join us, so you do not have to be alone with your faith. So I ask you to let us carry out our mission, but I will tell you where the coven is. So that you can speak to our priestess. You will not be coerced. There will be no attempt to force you to do anything, though I am sure few could force a formidable woman like you into much of anything. You will talk, and you will receive an invitation, but you can simply leave again if you do not want it. The same was offered to me not too long ago."

Natalya moves her hand, signing what would in surface cultures be akin to an offered handshake on a deal. As she speaks, Natalya is genuine. There are times to be careful, to circle something, speak in veiled terms, or try to wrestle the other into a less favorable position. Natalya wants Shandis to feel that, no, for her, this is a matter between sisters of the same goddess. There should be no veiled daggers at between them, unlike Lolth having all of her followers ready to betray and kill each other at a moment's notice, at all times. The Kil'Ratha daughter genuinely feels Shandis' life would be better if she connected with the coven.

The Daystor Roleplay-o-matic Universe grows! Looks like Natalya will accompany Shandis a little while. This version of Shandis having been described as unusually tall and martial made me think "that sounds a lot like Shandis. Must be a coincidence." not too long ago.

2020-12-27, 05:19 PM
Shandis watches where Natalya places the scroll, and actually moves it once it is down I know the order they take things in, this will be in first place and then steps back, asking where the coven is located. I will consider your offer. Although from what I read, the Nocticulan way and my way are not fully in concert, sometimes you do need to just do things with a big sword.

2020-12-28, 07:07 AM
"I cannot speak for the others on this matter, but yes, most Nocticulans I know prefer seduction and manipulation to solve problems. I am no different, it is where my strengths lie, though to be fair, I am still in the beginnings of my assassin and attack mage training. My dear Evindress is a talented battlemage and knows the time for a well-placed fireballs very well. I trust her with my life, both for protection as well as to determine when the time to go loud has come, because she simply knows better, and knowing this in return gives me sureness to do my job better. So while I do not know how the rest of the coven thinks about this, I appreciate working together with talented women like Evindress and you. There is a time for infiltration and honeyed words, just as there is a time for fireballs and swords. Sometimes the latter are not needed because the former goes without a hitch, sometimes things go sideways immediately and your prowess is vital, and sometimes your mere presence can keep things from escalating. As long as there is actual cooperation, that is my Nocticulan way." Natalya's words, even though using a different voice right now, are like loving caresses felt by Evindress.

Natalya places the box of sargentum and as she walks past Shandis, she briefly stops again. "I do honestly hope you give our coven a try. And even if you decide not to stay with us, it is my wish that you at least come to visit Evindress and me. We have much to thank you for. And in more pleasant shapes than these." Natalya does tells Shandis where to find the coven. Perhaps she is overstepping her boundaries here, but Shandis' actions speak loud and clear. And Natalya wishes for Shandis to feel that this fellow Nocticulan cares about her well-being, appreciates her talents, and is thankful for allowing them to complete the mission.

As soon as Natalya and Evindress step out of the summoning room, they are very much inhabiting their roles again, looking suitably harrowed by the evil of the room, with only the slightest bit of having gotten used to the room a tiny bit, explaining their somewhat quicker steps. Such a thing should hardly be a surprise to the guards, and if they have any inquiries, the pair explains they did their job with great care as to not disturb anyone or anything in the house. Should nothing else happen, they leave.

2020-12-28, 08:32 AM
Natalya and Evindress are not connected telepathically, not yet anyway, but Natalya learns more about her lover every moment they are together. For instance, this time, Evindress did not bat an eye as Natalya revealed the location of the coven to Shandis, a human might judge this as evidence of the level of trust Evindress has in Natalya (which could be part of it) but drow are just not wired that way. Rather, Natalya learned in her (so far) limited studies of the Nocticulan beliefs that there are some women that has an intuitive feel of whether or not a woman is prime material for Nocticulan seduction, and clearly Evindress is one of those women, and she feels Shandis is a good gamble. It also explains why she was sent on the mission to "rescue" her, although that has clearly developed a lot more than anyone would have expected (but even there, maybe Nocticula "did" know).
Shandis says nothing as Natalya finishes her recruitment speech, clearly giving the matter some thought. Out of the corner of her eye, she can see effect her words are having on Evindress, her words were like her caresses and she shivers just a little. With nothing else getting in their way and having planted the seed with Shandis, the two make their way out of the building. True to Kalrissa's words, there appears to be a minor attack being launched against the House of Al'Tavar by some disorganized malcontents as they are looking to make their escape, and under the cover of this mortar fire, they are able to scoot away. Taking a look back at one point, Natalya is sure she sees a taller than normal drow woman leaping into this fray, cutting down would-be attackers with ruthless abandon, not even the males (who are supposed to be the martial arm of drow society) of her house can keep up with her, let alone the tools who lead the attack.

2020-12-28, 03:48 PM
With every passing day, Evindress fascinates Natalya a little more, both with her hidden talents, and the depths of her devotion to the noblewoman. Something also tells Natalya that she will not have to wait long to meet Shandis again. Naturally, the display she gets of Shandis' considerable skill does much to make that moment of reunion more enticing for the Kil'Ratha daughter.

Moving away, they retrieve their hidden belongings, changing appearance in body and outfit once again, and this time, Natalya has Evindress guide her home to the coven. It is another mission without having been able to get something for her lover along the way, but it was an important mission, and they gained much for their cause. Still, one day, Natalya will make it up to her lover. She is not in the habit of letting Evindress go unrewarded, not counting her more private praise.

2020-12-28, 06:58 PM
Nothing opposes the two drow as they make their way back to the coven, where Kalrissa waits for them.

2020-12-28, 10:09 PM
"Greetings, Priestess. As far as we can tell, the mission was successful, with a surprise, if a welcome one. We intercepted the deliverywomen, put them under, and programmed them to remember nothing about our encounter, instead waking up two hours later, thinking they made a successful delivery and are on the way back. We assumed their forms, and entered the Al'Tavar house without issue. We were discovered in the summoning room by a daughter of the house, Shandis Al'Tavar, while replacing the scrolls, but she turned out to be a Nocticulan not knowing about the coven. After a bit of talk, she agreed to let us complete our mission, and even specifically made sure one of the scrolls would be picked first, wanting to see how it would 'spice up' life in the Al'Tavar house. I took the liberty to tell her the location of the coven. Evindress could tell she is worth the risk, and I felt the same. She is more martial in talents and interests, and she noted that her way of dealing with problems might clash with most Nocticulans, but I encouraged her to come to us all the same. The sargentum was placed, we left as the staged attack began," Natalya reports. She retrieves the summoning scrolls she took and replaced with the Nocticulan scrolls.

"These are the scrolls we took, perhaps they can bring at least some value to the coven. Or be destroyed if selling is not an option. We also learned who the deliverywomen got the sargentum from." And she relays that information as well. "As a small side observation, I also noticed that my hypnosis turned out to be surprisingly strong in effect, even on other women. I will need to explore this further. There may be further applications for this."

2020-12-29, 08:14 AM
A perfect mission on all counts. I am quite sure a succubus or two will indeed "spice up" life in the Al'Tavar house. I had always wondered about that house and their eldest daughter who never attended the cleric college, we all knew it was because of her martial talents but now I see it was something more. If she does join us, there will always be a place for her, just like Evindress who knows when things need to go boom, there are always problems that just need their head removed from their body. And having a contact to buy sargentum is very useful. She retrieves a sack of coins. Those are 3 scrolls of greater planar binding and I will give you full price on them, which comes to 9000 gold. Good work all around. Take a couple of days, both of you, to rest up, we have a VIP visitor coming at that time.

2020-12-29, 12:21 PM
"Thank you, Priestess," Natalya says as she accepts the coin with a slight bow. "I will make sure we are in perfect shape once our guest arrives. And should Shandis come by, we would love to welcome her." Beside her, Natalya can already feel her Evindress anticipate both matters discussed. The unspoken invitation for Kalrissa to swing by to join them in resting up whenever she feels like it is there, of course, even though Kalrissa would never not be welcomed with open arms by any member of the coven at virtually any moment. Natalya lacks the direct divine connection, but Kalrissa is nonetheless a living inspiration, and something to aspire to. The Kil'Ratha daughter is shockingly young for someone as proficient as her, having reached formal (if not fully physical) adulthood in what feels like almost yesterday from a drow's perspective at a scant six years ago, and as far as Natalya and her standards are concerned, her body, grace, mind, and talents are hardly done developing and are still in dire need of refinement. Care, training, and experience that may one day take her to the heights of Priestess Kalrissa... perhaps even beyond, if personal excellence, circumstances, and Nocticula are willing.

Excusing themselves, Natalya guides Evindress back to their room. Their budding connection tells the bardess her lover has much on her mind, both in terms of future ambitions, and a more immediate list of things to do and experiment with. Today's mission has revealed much to Natalya. Learning alter self will need to be accelerated. This will hardly be the only time she will need to impersonate someone, and the arts of the illusory veil... well, they are far outside of her reach for now. Natalya has always been good at bending her sorcerous talents to her needs, perhaps Evindress can join her in this as well, if her more combat-focused talents allow for it. Then there is the evergrowing mystery of their connection, Natalya so very much enjoying peeling back the layers and seeing how deep this connection goes. And, of course, the implications of today's hypnoses. In hindsight, she was uniquely talented in this regard if not one member of her family could resist her at all (not even her mother, or her eldest sister who handled much of her training, be it as a mage, assassin, or seductress), but she feels like she is only scratching the surface in terms of just how much she can get others to do as she wants... and how this talent may be further developed.

But for now, Natalya arrives back at her shared room with Evindress. It is remarkable how quickly the coven has started feeling like home, and this room especially. Evindress has been a true gift, and she keeps giving relentlessly. So placing the heavy bag of on the table, Natalya has her lover take a seat, feeling her stare as she herself goes to fill two glasses with wine. She hardly drinks alcohol on the regular, usually only when needed as part of a role, but she does like to keep a bottle or two around for various occasions. And given the tremendous success of today's mission, it seems more than in order. Soon, she seats herself very close to Evindress, handing her a glass.

"To Nocticula, as well as my dearest lover, never ceasing to fill me with wonder." Natalya smiles, making Evindress glad she is already sitting because her knees would have given out. A clink of glasses, tasting the bit of wine (there for the taste, not to get drunk), and Evindress finds herself being drawn closer, comfortably so, by an arm around her shoulders, and into a kiss. "It appears we have some shopping to do. If we manage to get out of this room the next few days." They are on strict orders to "rest up", after all.

Since the 9k are for the both of them, what magic items does Evindress have, and what does she want to get? For Natalya, I am thinking getting her a +5 Sense Motive on something (since not everyone will have access to glibness or astronomical Bluff modifiers), since that feels potentially useful and in-character for Natalya, perhaps a +1 saves item, but the rest will need to go towards saving for another Charisma increase.

2020-12-29, 02:20 PM
Well, there is one thing. Ive always worked at trying to build up my supply of scrolls and havent really focused on permanent items. Ive often wanted to get one of those charisma boosting rings. But that would be nearly half the money.

2020-12-29, 07:25 PM
"Even if you were content with only ever having a single permanent item, I would want you to have one of these. You deserve it. They usually come in the forms attuned to the shoulders or the head. I would recommend the latter, either a headband, or earrings like I have. They get much less in the way when clothes become a hindrance. Let us go commission that first, before we get to our... resting." Natalya looks to Evindress with one of her elegant smiles, albeit with a hint of mischief. "If you are adamant about feeling guilty for sinking half our take into bringing out your true beauty, you are welcome to placate me with dances and plentiful worship until the terrible weight no longer burdens your conscience." And, of course, with worship, while there are altars and temples to Nocticula, the body of another Nocticulan is perhaps the most direct means of prayer to their goddess.

"On my end, I am considering a ring or perhaps enhancing my earrings to sharpen my ability to read others. It is an important skill to have as a spy and for my hypnosis. It would run us 2500 gold, however. Of course, I would also be interested in anything that would improve my means of hypnosis, however I am unaware of anything that would directly improve it. This necklace was and still is an extraordinary gift, and I cannot help but be curious whether it can be further improved, or if there are other items that would benefit me, be it to bring more targets under at once, or to take them even deeper, faster. Perhaps Kalrissa might know more. Anything unused, I would make an operating budget for the both of us. Whether to buy scrolls and wands we may need, or to save for bigger purchases. I would like to upgrade the charisma boost given by my earrings at some point, but that is still far off for now."

2020-12-29, 09:48 PM
That gem was commissioned by Kalrissa, about a month before you joined the coven, right after I completed my recon mission regarding you. It was made by Calista, she does all of our crafting, she would be the best person to talk to about making it better. Of course, you will have to be prepared for an "experience" with her.

2021-01-01, 09:41 AM
After a long time together, Natalya makes her way to Calista, to humbly ask for an audience at her earliest convenience, specifically seeking her knowledge and expertise in regards to what may aid with her hypnosis, and perhaps reading other people. And, of course, thanks for the necklace should be given. Of her physical possessions, it may already be her dearest in this short time, up there with her earrings.

2021-01-01, 10:18 AM
The coven may all be servants of Nocticula, but they are drow after all, so there are a few issues with trust to gain an audience. A chance meeting with Kalrissa gains Natalya a note for her to be given priority access to the crafter. When she signs the note, Natalya sees that she signs it Kalrissa D, the D being rather stylized and flourished...to anyone else in the coven (who is not a noble), it would just look like a fancy D, but to Natalya its quite clearly a D that was written by a member of the house of D'Espana.

2021-01-01, 11:23 AM
"Thank you, Priestess, you are too kind," Natalya says as she accepts the note. There is a moment of recognition, and Kalrissa knows that Natalya knows what the D means. That tiny moment is wordlessly shared. It is hardly surprising for Kalrissa, she knows Natalya is a noblewoman, after all. And Natalya, while surprised to learn what house she is from, feels this is a good thing in the end. Their leader knowing how the most powerful house works is an asset. Nothing else is said, a mental note is made, a courteous bow is shown. This is not the time for discussion, perhaps learning more about the circumstances of Kalrissa's conversion and such.

With the note, Natalya heads to find Calista.

2021-01-02, 06:54 PM
Natalya was not quite sure of what she would find with Calista. Her past experiences tell her that she would find a bunch of wizened and almost completely sucked dry of life drow men and women (just because they are matriarchial doesnt mean they wont enslave women). Drow who were probably in the prime of their life chronologically, but venerable+ in terms of physical age. Crafting, in a noble house, can be a worse sentence than the most demanding slave mine imaginable. But the coven eschews all such drow conventions, and so, it would have to be different.
The note from Kalrissa opens doors with almost no fuss and Natalya soon finds herself ushered into Calista's presence. And everything she expected to see disappears in a moment. Calista is vibrant, Natalya can tell she is no longer in the full bloom of youth, but she is still a stunning drow woman, and perhaps with a few more years on her body and mind, her wisdom and intellect is sharpened. Her workshop is clean and immaculate and the few helpers she has appear to just as healthy and hearty as any other coven member is...seemingly truly enjoying what they are doing, their part in the coven's operation just as important as any seduction or conversion.
Calista approaches Natalya, her eyes taking note of her special gem, but her eyes flick away from it, almost without effort, the smallest hint of a smile playing about her lips. And how can I help the former youngest membe of House Kil'Ratha?

2021-01-02, 09:30 PM
Simple observations can go a long way at times. Natalya is learning much at the moment. Nocticula's faithful are full of wonders, indeed. "By what the high praise for you and the craft of this necklace tells me you do best, and if I am very fortunate, perhaps a little enlightenment as well. Though you may need to endure another helping of admiration beforehand. Greetings, Calista. It is an honor and pleasure in equal measures to meet you." A flourished bow is added, showcasing Natalya's natural grace, though keeping the gesture free of stuffy mannerisms. One should not attempt to dampen someone as radiant as her opposite, at least not in friendly circumstances.

"I was and still am impressed by this necklace, and how it is helping me entrance another. I was not aware of the existence of such items, and I am grateful to have received it as a gift and, frankly, investment." Gift or not, high-valued or not, it makes Natalya better at what she does, and thus makes her more useful for the cause. This is a good thing. "Thus, I would like to request a charisma boosting item for Evindress. She spoke of a ring, if possible, though I imagine earrings would also do fine, should the magic affinity of a ring for charisma-enhancements be an issue. As for me, I thought of an improvement to my ability to read others, perhaps added to my earrings, however... I am curious in what ways my necklace could be enhanced, or if there are other items that would help with my hypnosis." She also gestures to the bag of coin she has with her.

Natalya looks at the workshop and the other helpers for a moment. "I also cannot help but notice your enchanting differs greatly from the wasteful methods my house employed. Trade secret, or may I pry in that regard?"

2021-01-03, 10:57 AM
There are two ways we differ from your house. The first one is that the person we are crafting for actually "donates" the life force that powers the item. Its not widely done by drow although everyone knows the way, but the inherited greed of a drow precludes that method most of the time. The other is for me to summon one of Nocticula's angels and send them out into the city to draw the life force from an unlucky target, which I then barter for with sargentum or a promise of freedom. That method is far more popular.

As Calista talks, Natalya notices a gem nestled in her cleavage, it could be a twin to her own as it catches the light, winking and catching her eye, almost impossible to look away. Calista's voice becomes soft and relaxing, so pleasant to just listen to and not bother to think about so much.

Natalya can choose to make saving throw, roll here or voluntarily fail her save.

2021-01-03, 11:35 AM
This... is actually becoming much more interesting than Natalya anticipated. This is the first time she is meeting someone else who does what she does... and she might just learn something.

Will save [roll0]

(Right off the bat, Natalya will go under, because this is probably the safest way to get a first-hand experience in this art she could ask for, and this would help her a lot with getting better at it. This is more meant as Natalya leaving an impression, and perhaps making Calista become interested in her, if she has not already managed those.)

Natalya gazes at the necklace, feeling herself relax, feeling just how masterfully Calista is ensnaring her mind. She steps closer, entranced... before she glances up at Calista's face. Natalya knows exactly what is going on... but she does not seem to mind. Rather, she actually seems like she gained a new respect for Calista. "I may resist now, but I do not think I want to resist for long. I never got an opportunity like this, and I want it," Natalya whispers, since they are so close, creating a comfortable intimacy, the cadence of her voice so wonderful. Words like a soft, erotic embrace, from a body most could only dream of, luring the eye, inevitably drifting down to her necklace, and where it snugly rests as light plays on it, so inviting, so relaxing...

Natalya has little in the way of illusions to "win" this "contest". Rather, it is her introduction to Calista. And an expression of her desire to become much closer with her, to learn from a mistress of the art, of a facet of Nocticula's irresistible nature. Perhaps she gets Calista to look for a moment, perhaps not. Either way, Calista feels that Natalya did not disrupt what she was doing, rather inserting herself into it, extending the lure to Calista herself. Call it a fortunate happenstance or professional courtesy, but after Natalya has done this, the gives herself to the lure again, wanting to see where this goes... unless Calista has other plans now.

edit: I think it is safe to say that Natalya fails this check, but perhaps some aspects discussed in the spoiler tag still become apparent to Calista somehow. Natalya is actually intrigued and delighted to meet another Nocticulan proficient in this sort of hypnosis and wishes to learn.

2021-01-05, 07:33 PM
Read PM message before this.
My name is Karindal Kalvar, and I am the second highest ranking priestess of Nocticula in the upper world. Dalcar Sontin, our high priestess, has sent me here to open relations between our covens. We of the upper world had no idea that there was a burgeoning following of Nocticula among the drow, we had thought the iron rule of Lolth made that impossible. But our goddess guided Dalcar’s hand, and Kalrissa accepted our request to meet. We know that drow and humans have a long history of mistrust and even antipathy, but you are clearly not like other drow, having been freed of your race’s issues by the divine hand of Nocticula, and we humans are your sisters by faith. I am here to start a dialogue between our peoples, naturally we cannot show up in any numbers in Crag Noir, the sudden appearance of so many human women would bring too much attention on you, but perhaps, in time, some of you can visit the surface, we will have to work out the logistics of that, but with the guidance of Nocticula, nothing is impossible. I will be here for several days, learning and listening, I hope to speak to as many of you as possible, one human woman is not going to raise eyebrows hopefully and I dont plan to move about the city.

2021-01-07, 07:57 PM
Even though low ranking (at least in terms of level), Natalya eventually makes her way to speak to Karindal, and at this close range, it seems like her effect on her is even magnified. Karindal is courteous, inquiring after Natalya's talents and experiences, how she came to join the coven, and what her short term and long term goals are.

(As a note about what I am saying "in terms of level", most of the members of the coven are not nobility, although some certainly are, Natalya knows Kalrissa is, and Evindress is not. So while Natalya does not match many in actual adventuring power, she does earn a certain amount of deference based on her former noble standing)

2021-01-08, 09:24 AM
Natalya does her best to keep it together enough to speak coherent sentences, but otherwise, she does not try to hide or deny the effect Karindal is having on her. It's another bit of enlightenment bringing her closer to her goddess.

"Natalya, of the now destroyed House Kil'Ratha. My dear Evindress saved me when the house was attacked by another vassal. She and Kalrissa showed me Nocticula's grace, and I accepted. Lolth's teachings and society only really brought suffering to me and my family. I was trained as a agent, assassin, and courtesan, serving my former liege ladies and lords, but the attack came before I could complete my training. Illusions and enchantments, as well as various utility spells, alongside social graces and select stealth capabilities, along with a talent for hypnosis. As for short term goals, well, completing my training to at least get up to former Kil'Ratha standards, as right now, I have too many limitations as an agent for my Nocticulan sisters. I hope to earn the privilege of being mentored by Calista, as well as improve the necklace helping me with my talent. And I want more Nocticulan experiences... ideally, one involving you as well." It should be obvious to tell the affection Natalya has for Evindress (and perhaps also spotted them earlier), but also the crush on Calista.

"Long term... why, self-perfection. Reaching the heights women like Kalrissa, Calista, and you have, perhaps even beyond. Charisma, beauty, magic, graces, faith, among others. Not to usurp anyone of our covens, more to see what potential I have. Become a mistress of my craft, be it as an operative or a hypnotist, without a man ever touching me. Freeing Crag Noir from Lolth. Bring as many drow women into Nocticula's faith as possible, and the men under their control, where they belong. And finally, seeing Lolth become Nocticula's willing concubine. She may not deserve such mercy with how needlessly cruel and self-destructive she is to herself and to her people, but she did create something beautiful, namely us, in her image. Under Nocticula, her mind taken off of all those thoughts that poison and embitter her, she too would flourish, much like we do." Several of those may well not fit into a single drow lifetime, but Natalya does not seem to care much about that little thing. It is something to strive for. And perhaps she will find a way to simply live long enough to see everything come to pass. Lack of ambition is not one of her flaws.

2021-01-09, 08:18 PM
Natalya is not quite sure whether she sees one of Karindal's eyebrows quirk just a bit when she mentions not allowing a man to ever touch her, or maybe it was just a figment of her imagination. What is not a figment is Karindal's reactions to the rest of her words. Calista would be an excellent choice as a mentor to you, we would have to see what her workload on crafting is like before making that decision. Lolth as the concubine to Nocticula, that is a bit of an amusing notion, it would solve many of our problems, but bringing a goddess to that level might be a stretch. She may not be much of a divinity, but she still does have that spark. But things can change. Keep up the path you are on, and I am sure you will see the results you want.

2021-01-09, 08:42 PM
It is so hard to think, being so close to Karindal, who feels like an exotic beauty to her. Sure, humans are the most numerous race, but most are nowhere near the grace and beauty of the drow. And she very rarely interacts with surfacers. To see a human woman this beautiful, her presence and voice so bewitching, and being the second-in-command of Nocticula's faithful... thoughts drift constantly, concentration slowly failing. The presence of so many other remarkable women and how Karindal affects the entire room certainly do not help.

"You honor me with your words and your time, Priestess. I look forward to any ceremonies you may wish to conduct here, much like I do to Priestess Kalrissa's. I wish to know more about our surfacedwelling sisters. And should you ever wish to, feel free to call upon Evindress and me." To Natalya's credit, she manages to remain relatively eloquent and pleasing in tone, even adding a bow, before excusing herself. She also sees Calista, and the sight certainly does not help her state any (though the master craftswoman will always spot the longing in Natalya's eyes and body). Before she entirely loses control, she collects Evindress and heads to their room, post-haste.

2021-01-11, 07:02 PM
After a night of passion with Evindress, the two drow wake up the next morning to the sounds of explosions. Rushing to the window, they both see the signs of a noble house battle, with fireballs and lightning bolts going off. Judging by the direction of the noises, its clear that the Kal'Durtha house is under attack, and given the recent history, its pretty obvious that Ral'Turpin is doing it. Moments after they see the attack starting, Evindress gets a look in her eye...I need to go to see Kalrissa, I..or perhaps we, have a rescue mission to deal with, and only seconds to spare

2021-01-11, 08:31 PM
Seemingly of one mind, Natalya is already dressed, taking her equipment, casting her spells, helping her lover prepare the same as swiftly as possible. "Yes. Let's hurry." She will not let Evindress head into the fray alone. And she, too, wishes the Kal'Durtha daughter to be rescued... and invited into the fold. A gift she received not too long ago. A gift she wishes to share. No further words are exchanged, running to see Kalrissa.

2021-01-13, 07:02 PM
Both drow hustle to see Kalrissa, who was obviously clearly waiting for them. Evindress knows the drill, so the priestess addresses Natalya. She first hands her a small glowing stick. Break this when you are ready to return, it will activate a teleport back to here, so make sure either you or Evindress has her hand. You are going into a battle zone, assume anyone you see is an enemy, both Durtha and Turpin. You arent out to save everyone, only the first sister priestess, anyone else you see, you kill or neutralize. I know this sort of mission doesnt play to your strengths, but Evindress can go loud when she needs to. You've been in the Durtha house before, assume the priestess girl will be in the room where you found the staff.

2021-01-13, 07:37 PM
Natalya has comments in regards to very much expecting not every situation to suit her, but now is not the time.

"We will bring her back, by any means necessary." If they are to be teleported, she casts see invisibility on herself and invisibility on both Evindress and herself, then says they are ready, holding Evindress' hand. Otherwise, they move out immediately, heading to the Kal'Durtha residence in their catsuits.

2021-01-15, 08:51 PM
Kalrissa looks to assistant who nods, and teleports the pair. They arrive at the back door, servants entrance to the house, the one they first entered by. At the front of the house, the battle is raging, the Turpin forces have breached the defenses and are entering the house, so the two drow realize that they can meet forces of either side once they are in. Fortunately, they know the way to the staff room which the Turpins do not, nor do they even know of its existence. But with Turpins getting in, their time is very limited

2021-01-15, 09:11 PM
Natalya could go for a silence spell, but no. With all the chaos and noise of the battle, the silence would actually make them more noticable, in addition to preventing Evindress from raining destruction on anyone opposing them. Their best chance by far is to simply run and not stop. They cannot afford to stop moving, even in case of a fight.

Thus, Natalya takes Evindress by the hand as they have done the first time, and this time without any care for stealth, the invisible drow move into the residence, literally running to the staff room, or at least double moving when more maneuverability is needed. She trusts Evindress to step in with attack magic when it is absolutely necessary, though there is no need to start a fight if they can simply run past while invisible. Perhaps the illusions will hide them all the way, perhaps not. But it will save them at least some time.

2021-01-16, 09:47 AM
The signs of disorganization and chaos are everywhere, the Durtha household had no business playing in the big leagues of drow noble politics, they had gotten there with an item way above their paygrade and now they no longer have it, their forces are overmatched. The Turpins arent that much better than them, but at least they never learned to lean on a crutch and its a mismatch. Natalya and Evindress are able to avoid the first couple of patrols running around like chickens with their heads cut off, but they soon come to a problem that cannot be avoided. A group of 4 drow warriors are guarding a hall, and while they dont see the pair, they are on guard for anything, seeing as the compound is under attack. And spread out as they are in the corridor, theres no way to slip past them without making physical contact.

2021-01-16, 10:29 AM
(If it is impossible to pass by them without contact, that means they are all at the farthest in adjacent squares, so four consecutive squares)

Natalya stops Evindress' movement. A squeeze of the hand tells the bardic sorceress that they will strike. Without further ado, Natalya draws on her own magic, having a burst of golden, glittering particles explode all over the guards. Drawing on their inherent vulnerability to sudden light, the particles being so close and getting into their eyes might make at least some of them useless for long enough to be dispatched by Evindress, or bypassed.

Casting glitterdust on the four guards, as the spell covers a 10ft radius. +1 DC from Cloaked Casting. Will DC 19.
Caster level checks vs SR
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

2021-01-16, 03:49 PM
Following right after Natalya's spell, Evindress fires a scorching ray which takes out two of the drow fighters. Caught flat footed by the attack and still blinded by the glitterdust, Evindress has the initiative in the first round, and fires another scorching ray, a third soldier falls but last one manages to survive the beam (taking some damage but not enough).

Natalya's turn

2021-01-16, 04:11 PM
Evindress makes beautiful short work of the guards, leaving the last one to be mopped up. In hindsight, Natalya is a bit of a freak, having managed to bend her sorcerous talents towards whatever she wanted, and while she can hardly be called a battlemage, she did develop something specifically to fight drow. Forming an upward claw with her hand, a floating ball of roiling acid forms itself above her fingers, soon after sent towards the remaining guard. Unfortunately, she is so out of combat practice, not having had any sort of violent conflict in months, that the shot still goes wide.

Casting lesser orb of acid at the remaining guard. Ranged touch attack, does not allow spell resistance.
[roll0] vs touch AC, [roll1] damage

edit: Man, Natalya is really bad at this combat thing.

2021-01-17, 09:48 AM
Evindress finishes off the offending guard with a magic missile.

2021-01-17, 01:14 PM
No time to dwell on her fumble (though giving a nod to Evindress), and not enough magic to restore their invisibility, so Natalya advances immediately with Evindress to get to their target.

2021-01-18, 03:44 PM
Its only moments more before the pair bursts into the former staff room. There they see a strange tableau. There are two male drow warriors menacing a drow female. Also in the room, about 40 feet away from this confrontation is the drow daughter the two are aiming to rescue. By looking at the two women, its easy to see the family resemblance, so this woman is either the matron mother or a sister.

2021-01-18, 05:02 PM
Natalya almost absentmindedly flings a globe of acid at one of the men, before suddenly being very close to the daughter, moving with unnatural speed and grace. There is a sense of danger... but at the same time, if this tight catsuit-clad, masked woman wanted her dead, the spell would have been aimed for her.

"Die supporting a house crumbling without its crutch before a pathetic enemy, or come with us if you want to live," While Natalya borrows Evindress' quite appropriate words, adding them to her own, and ending by saying the daughter's name, she delivers them calmly, if swiftly. Speaking the naked truth, no hostility towards the daughter, but there is unmistakable weight to her voice. And a hand offered without any hesitation.

(Lesser Orb of Acid at one of the guys [roll0], [roll1] acid damage, no SR)

2021-01-18, 07:58 PM
Evindress unloads an orb of fire at the matron mother, blasting her to ash. The remaining fighter leaps toward the priestess, hoping to at least take her out, and with a lot of hesitation, the priestess takes Natalya's hand, allowing her to teleport the two of them out, Evindress following suit.
The group arrives in Kalrissa's study, whereupon the priestess immediately attempts to summon a flame strike on Natalya, which Kalrissa quickly counterspells. The priestess tenses to cast again, but sees Kalrissa ready to negate it again. She relaxes from casting mode but is still tense and ready to fight.

Who are you?
What have you done to me and my house?
Why have you brought me here?

2021-01-18, 09:44 PM
Natalya removes her stealth outfit's mask, raising a hand that she means no harm. "Your house lived on borrowed time. The matron mother leaned too heavily on the staff you had, and without it, even a house like the Turpins became too much to handle. Even if you had ascended to vassal status with the staff, the pressure would have only increased, the meaningless war between the houses grinding yours down and stamping it out. Much like what will happen to the Turpins, soon, inevitably. As will happen to the other houses. Nothing is ever built for long, only divided, scattered, destroyed. For the entertainment of an uncaring goddess. Weakening our people, throwing them to the ground, consuming all. As it would have consumed you. We offer a way for you to break out of this cycle. A way to save your life in the process." Natalya speaks calmly, her body outlined in the soft, Evindress by her side.

"We are the women of Nocticula, Queen of the Succubi. We saw you, we recognized you, and we wish to make you an offer we only extend to those we see as worthy. A chance to no longer be at the cruel mercy of an uncaring mother goddess, delighting in nothing more than to see her people at each others' throats, day after day. Who, at a whim, robs you of all you have achieved. One who did not lift a finger to prevent anything that has happened to your house, or you, no matter how much you worshipped her, sacrificed to her, observed her rites and her teachings. We offer you to finally take control of your life. To achieve what your will and your drive and your talents allow you to. To keep what you have achieved and earned. To be free of those who would whip you to go ever higher, never satisfied, holding a knife to the heart ready once you stumble even once. To be free of the paranoia a higher rank and defending it against jealousy and ambition would have brought you anywhere else in Crag Noir. Power, glory, excellence, pleasures... they are yours to choose. A true choice. Perhaps the first of your life. You are free to decline it. We will have you leave, but none of us will harm you. Or you may wish to stay, to be initiated by our Priestess Kalrissa. Evindress and I will answer your questions, if you desire, so you do not have to make your first choice blindly." Her presence is hard to miss. Sure, strong, but at the same time, inviting, her voice unexpectedly soothing. Natalya does not attempt to hypnotize. She will not sully such an important moment with such actions. But she does seek to calm the daughter's nerves, to allow her to consider, unclouded. And see this invitation (in many ways, judging by the smiles of Evindress and Natalya) as genuine, as it is meant to be.

Though to perhaps to add a little something, to show she is speaking from experience, that she once was in the daughter's shoes, and not too long ago, Natalya shows a little flourish. "Allow me to introduce myself. Natalya Kil'Ratha. A pleasure." The scion of a fallen vassal house. Perhaps making the daughter, if she still had doubts about the inevitable failure of her house, reconsider, as even an established house like the Kil'Ratha was wiped away by a swift and brutal attack. If they were... how would the Kal'Durtha have fared? At the same time, Natalya's beauty, elegance, the comfort she displays next to Evindress...

Yup, Natalya is playing it mostly safe by staying close to Kalrissa's speech from the start of the game, because, well, it was effective and it covers what needs to be covered. This is her first attempt at bringing someone into the fold, and she lacks Kalrissa's experience. Did put her own spin on it here and there, but the most important thing is to get through to the daughter.

Could I know her name now? It is a little awkward to keep refering to her as "daughter"

2021-01-19, 04:59 PM
I need...to talk to someone.....to you she is looking at Kalrissa

You did perfectly. She sees me as a sister priestess, thats what she wants to talk about. I will bring her the rest of the way. But you provided the bridge

2021-01-20, 11:02 AM
"Of course, dear," Natalya answers with a benevolent smile. And mentally, she responds with Thank you, Priestess, only after the fact noticing that... it happened as easily as talking normally. Outwardly, there is only her perfect composure and grace, but Natalya becomes curious, ending the telepathic bond... and opening it back up on her own, without a spell.

Would you like us to assist, or shall we leave you to it? she asks Kalrissa with the speed of thought. Either way, the thought of giving the appearance as if the coven understands each other without so much as a word or look... it pleases Natalya.

2021-01-28, 11:23 AM
With Silistra having accepted Nocticula, Natalya and Evindress are able to take their leave. Silistra will be spending a few days figuring out her position in the order of Nocticulan clerics (rather high, after all, given the size of the coven) and Natalya would not be involved in that.
A few other things begin to manifest themselves. Since not many of the coven are noble-born, most did not have the "education" that Natalya had, and even some of the nobles lack one thing she has. She finds that many of them cannot speak Abyssal, and when her ability with the language is learned, some come to her to be tutored, if she accepts them, in the language of their goddess.
On another day, Shandis finally shows up in the coven. She accepts a special challenge and is placed in a hastily constructed gladiator ring. She is blind-folded, given only a dagger and put in the ring against 4 strapping drow males, who are all armed with drow type long swords. Natalya knows this to be a form of entertainment execution among noble families, unfortunately someone forgot to inform Shandis of how outmatched she was. The first male takes a dagger to the heart before he even knows what is happening. This gives Shandis the long sword she needs and a second warrior finds out how easily she can find a neck, even blinded. Now a dual wielder, the third male doesnt stand a chance and the last one, the biggest and baddest of the bunch (or at least, so he thought) is given a long and painful lesson in sword play...a pity he will never be able to use the lessons learned as she finishes him off as well.
Finally, the visit of the surface woman of the Nocticulan cult has slightly widened the interest of the women in the arts of summoning. They knew the rudiments before, but demon summoning wasnt a big thing in the group, partially because of lack of power and partially because drow summoning in Crag Noir did not focus on succubi and mariliths (given their partial allegiance (and in the case of succbi, total allegiance) to Nocticula), but Karindal left some texts and instructions and some of the women have taken to studying them.

(Natalya can explore any of these events further, or suggest her own courses)

2021-01-28, 03:48 PM
While every now and then dedicating most of the day to her lover, finding their seemingly subconscious connection intriguing and worth nurturing, Natalya does like to keep a full schedule (though some items on said schedule naturally involve Evindress). And having achieved an important step in her personal development, it does allow her more time to be spent on the coven, wishing them to grow as she has in this short time.

Being approached to teach the Abyssal tongue does not surprise Natalya. Despite being a noblewoman, she remembers Kalrissa being surprised she could speak the language. Thus, her expertise was bound to be in demand, sooner or later. The women coming to her are met by a willing teacher. However, they are all gathered, to have a few words shared with them: "There are a few matters you need to know. While I am able to teach you faster and better than most, learning our Goddess' tongue is a long, intense process. It is a vast, intricate, and powerful language, spoken as much as it is felt. It will defy many rules, even seem nonsensical or self-contradictory. It is this. Yet it also is not. Thus, I will only accept those who truly wish to learn. I will not suffer fools neglecting their studies and experimentation, just as I will not allow my lessons to be disrupted. I will demand excellence from you, so you do not sully our worshipping with ugly squawking. This does not mean I will leave anyone behind simply because they progress a little slower. Where help is needed, I will give it. But only to those who put in the time and the effort to learn and improve. And I will expect you to learn and experiment with each other in your own time as well. Waste my time, and you shall not enjoy yours in the slightest. Work with me, and the journey to achieving our Goddess' tongue will be one of the most satisfying experiences of your lives." It sounds like hyperbole, but Natalya certainly does not look like she is joking, actually having an imposing presence, a taste of the exacting teacher she will be. And when her students-to-be do swear to learn well, fueled by divine inspiration, the smile Natalya gives them makes them collectively weak in the knees. There is a joy in teaching others, after all, especially if they make her proud.

The very first lesson is an important one. Giving them their first taste of what Abyssal is. Vast in its capabilities and chaotic evil through and through, it can be intimidating. It also covers much more than Lolth's backstabbing viciousness, or Nocticula's bewitching seduction. Her students experience an overview. They are told the raw words first, then she actually intones them as they should be, often adding a telepathic, layered component to it, to achieve the full effect. The women go through fear, anger, hate, despair, envy, maniacal joy, until finally, the mentally and emotionally exhausted women arrive at the part Nocticula and her angels excel at, sinking into the softest cloud, just letting all that pains and worries them go, just so eager to listen to Natalya, to hear more of that wonderful voice speaking their Goddess' tongue. All from simply how Abyssal sounds.

As the women recover, feeling tired and drained, Natalya is there with them, and more importantly, there for them. A first full exposure can be daunting, it can scare many away. But it gives them something important: perspective. And a taste of what they can achieve. Natalya will guide them, navigate them through the perils, care for them. As long as they are as dedicated to her, and to learning the language. She teaches them their first word, the word that will be the touchstone for learning. "Temptation", the Nocticulan variant. Natalya has them repeat it many times, correcting even the tiniest mistakes, burning it into their minds, making not just speak it, but feel it, embody it. And once they do, they will begin to understand the chaotic, living nature of Abyssal. Feel the first step closer to the Goddess. Natalya is looking forward to the months, if not years to come, first teaching her students, then honing their mastery together. And they will soon wish Natalya taught them everything they ever learned in their lives.
While Natalya has no particular love for bloodshed, she is very much able to appreciate art as well as mastery. Shandis exhibits both in spades, deeply impressing Natalya. She has heard much, and saw her first glimpse when she left the residence with Evindress. But this confirms it. However, what pleases her the most is that she truly came to the coven. There is a knock on the door of the chamber where Shandis rests after the spectacle, a voluptuous woman carrying herself like a noble, and a woman who looks like she was born to be a dancer, moving like quicksilver, entering the room. The legendary warrior saw both of them when she arrived and in the audience, something about them seeming familiar.

"It is good to finally meet you under better circumstances than replacing summoning scrolls, Shandis." And thus, she learns what the women beneath the disguises, Natalya and Evindress, as they said their names were, truly look like, looking very comfortable with each other. Perhaps the sight of trust and affection between two drow is uncommon to her. "Thank you for coming. We have been hoping you would take the risk. And thank you for the marvelous display just now. I doubt it winded you much, however, if you would like a bit of welcoming hospitality and relaxation, that can certainly be arranged. When was the last time you simply got to enjoy without a worry on your mind, I wonder? It is your choice, and your choice alone." She could not force Shandis to do anything, but Natalya wishes to emphasize. Things work differently in the coven. Faith sisters, united. No veiled threats, no sinister hidden intentions. "Though, I do have to ask: how did you enjoy meeting Nocticula's angels? And would you like to elaborate on what transpired?"
This one has her curiosity. Natalya has been kept from summoning, and she sadly lacks the talent to cast such spells herself. But ever since she has been on the mission to replace the summoning scrolls (and, in a way, since meeting Karindal, whose beauty and presence still haunts her), the Kil'Ratha daughter has been curious. There are things one can only truly learn or understand directly. And she wishes to meet Nocticula's angels. Both those winged, and those of a more serpentine persuasion.

Thus, she approaches the group studying Karindal's notes. "Would you like assistance in your studies? My magic is not suited for the summoning itself, though I would wager my spell knowledge, aptitude for rituals, and my Abyssal will prove useful."

Beyond those activities, she also gathers the courage to request a short meeting with Calista through the proper channels, when the craftwoman's time and interest allow. Should Natalya be granted such an audience, after steadying herself, feeling her heart beat faster, she decides to rip the proverbial band-aid right off. "Calista, I wish to learn from you. Your talent for hypnosis, for seduction, for everything Nocticulan, I feel myself drawn to you, and if I could learn from only one woman, I would want it to be you. I know this, I can feel this, like a kinship I know with none other. You are essential to us, and I know you are terribly busy, but if your time and interest allow, it would be an honor beyond words for me." Ultimately, more than she originally intended was said, in a way she would talk to few. Evindress knows her softer, more vulnerable sides she rarely shows, doing much to act as an inspiration to others, or perhaps a constant to depend upon. But in front of Calista, the words just flow, no mask is worn. She just can't, having wished to meet her again ever since their first meeting.

2021-01-29, 05:07 PM
(Some quick answers first)
When Natalya sets up her first class, she has 15 applicants. After seeing what she will demand from them and just how daunting the learning will be, she is left with 8. Which is a pretty good size to work with. The 8 she has are determined to learn and make better students.

Evindress is no stranger to battle, but what Shandis does goes so far beyond that. terrifying in its beauty and destructiveness. Halfway through the display, she cannot take anymore and slips out a side door, and Natalya ends up going alone to meet the swordswoman. In answer to her question, Shandis tells her that the scrolls have not quite been gotten to, but they will be the next ones used.

The women thank Natalya for the offer of help, but they are having too much trouble trying to make heads or tails of the instructions left to them, and they just dont think that Natalya, whose magic does not run in summoning lines, will be able to help them, at least not now.

2021-02-01, 01:03 PM
Natalya appreciates the honesty of those who decide not to become her students, and she tells them as much, and that they will get to learn in time, and more to their liking. Natalya's style of teaching of this language is not for the faint of heart, born out of her own experience of not getting to take things slow, needing to perform in the hostile noble environment. Her remaining students will become the means to spread the Abyssal tongue among the rest of the coven, each teaching the way they feel is right, taught to the best of Natalya's ability. The Kil'Ratha daughter my be a demanding teacher, but the desire to learn by those who left is noted, and they are members of the coven. And she appreciates all women of the coven, since the day she joined them.

To the summoning research team, Natalya gives an understanding smile. They are in the process of doing good work for the coven and their goddess. "I understand. Would you still allow me to make an attempt at deciphering some of the instructions, while you continue your work? Should it lead to nothing, I will leave you in peace, of course, unless you have need of me in the future." She does note just how much the gears are turning in their heads, heads that are running hot. "And should you need someone to help you relax, clear your head, I would be happy to aid my hardworking sisters." And it doesn't sound like the standard Nocticulan offer. She speaks like an expert on this particular matter.

2021-02-02, 04:23 PM
The women make copies of some of the "first step" scrolls and give them to Natalya to study and see what she makes of them.
After about a week, Natalya hears from Calista, that she has an afternoon free and would be willing to meet with her at that time.

2021-02-02, 06:03 PM
Natalya feels more than a little joy at getting to meet Calista again, awaiting the moment and heading there exactly at the appointed time.

Before that, however, she thanks the summoners, promising to return should she gain any insights, and leaves them in peace from then on (though, true to her word, she is available to them should they find themselves in need of a break). Actual demon summoning is no small feat, and the notes were penned by a most powerful and skilled woman, thus Natalya does not expect any guaranteed findings. However, while her sorcerous powers are still far, far too weak for even a lesser planar binding (and entirely unsuited for a planar ally), this is an interesting piece of arcane script, not to mention aligned with the worship of her Goddess and the summoning of Her angels. There is much to learn from this.

This feels like a prime job for Spellcraft. Not expecting any wonders out of this, as this is clearly way, way above her level, but it feels like something Natalya would study both to improve her proficiency with magic, and out of her own interests. And if she is lucky, she might actually make a breakthrough or learn how to help conduct summoning rituals. Out of curiosity, she also tries to add a read magic spell while she studies the text. It is not a conventional spell scroll or scribed spell, but who knows. It might help, it might do nothing.

Spellcraft [roll0]

edit: That's... actually a surprisingly decent result.

2021-02-06, 08:43 AM
While the idea of summoning, let alone controlling a demon is still way beyond her level, Natalya does put a few pieces together, like a puzzle, of what she has been given. By her understanding, it looks like what she has put together will guide the spell, at least in its initial stages, towards demons allied to a specific demon lord, although the "fine tuning" down to a Nocticulan ally is not quite there, with what she has. Nevertheless, she takes her findings to the summoning sisters, who thank her for putting that part together, which also gives them insight into some of the latter stages they were having issues with.

2021-02-06, 11:57 AM
Having proven herself despite her current lack of summoning magic and her still low raw power, Natalya says "I am glad to have been of service. Would you like me to extend this service?" She may not be the kind to drive the main research, but she would like to think she can nonetheless assist. This form of summoning is of great interest to her, as is her desire to see her sisters succeed.

Later, she also finds her lover. Her mysterious aptitude for any magical item continues to intrigue her. "Love, how much have you experimented with your talent? And how much would you like me help you with that?" She smiles, so difficult to deny, though deep down, Evindress knows her lover will not force her decision one way or another.

2021-02-07, 05:54 PM
The rest of the day is spent with Calista, showing her technique and style. For the most part, Calista remains quiet and watchful, she does make a few suggestions, but Natalya is surprised that she does not, like all of her trainers before this, tear everything down and rebuild the whole system. The small changes she does make seem to make perfect sense to her and she feels like she advanced more in this one day than she did in her whole life to now.
(+1 to hypnosis skill)
When she eventually finds Evindress, the talk of her power with unknown items surprises the other drow. Ive always wondered about it, and how I could advance it, but I really dont have an idea of how. Not too many items come my way, and most people have already taken actions to figure things out on their own.

2021-02-08, 06:44 PM
Natalya is immensely grateful for Calista's teaching, especially for how she opens up new insights to her with so little. Natalya feels she herself still has a long way to go until she can even think of being such a great teacher, though she feels validated insofar that she is planning on letting her eight students flourish in time (though for Abyssal, she still has to instill the basis for such growth in her students, as this is wholy new territory for them). A rigid approach would only hinder their development, especially with a chaotic tongue as their Goddess'. In her own training, Natalya experiments with her body language, how she modulates her voice, volume, speech patterns, occasionally asking Calista for her impressions as a recipient of her attempts. Overall, Natalya has a voracious mind, absorbing tons and tons of input, evaluating, adjusting, exploring. And the resulting process of self-development is a clear source of joy for her.

The mystery of Evindress' talent is most intriguing indeed. It would be a shame to leave it unexplored. "Practicising by activating scrolls and wands would be costly indeed, but I have a feeling this will not be necessary. I am sure our dear quartermaster would allow us to take a look at the coven's inventory, as long as we do not remove or discharge anything. I have one or two other ideas as well, but before we get to the doing, let us go over what we already know. From what you told me, you appear to have no difficulty activating scrolls beyond your level of magic proficiency, you have a high degree of practical intelligence and skill when it comes to making use of an arsenal of scrolls under pressure, and appear to be able to quickly decipher even advanced arcane scripture. Does that sound correct to you, my dear? No need to be shy." A chance for Evindress to peacock a little in front of her lover may be in order.

"Tell me, as far as you remember, how long do you need to decipher a scroll or learn how to make use of an item? Have you ever failed to decipher or activate a scroll? Even if you activate a scroll flawlessly, if the spell is beyond your normal means, there is usually an additional chance of failure, rising as the gap between the user's magical ability and the power of the spell grows, however I have watched you destroy the Kal'Durtha matron with a powerful lightning spell, and you have told me you saved members of the coven with a maximized fireball scroll you acquired during a mission. All without mishaps. A small sample size, admittedly, but I am curious if those successes were not simple luck." Evindress is given time to answer each question before going to the next. A thought crosses Natalya's mind, the noblewoman briefly putting a finger on her lips in thought. "You never handled the staff we stole from the Kal'Durtha residence. I want you to think back to it. Though you are not a priestess of Lolth, do you think you know how it would have functioned?"

I am thinking of having Evindress try to decipher high-level scrolls, or activate items (without limited charges) meant for, say, a cleric/priestess (perhaps even a high level one, maybe requiring having the turn undead ability to function) or people of different alignments and such, to test how easily she might be able to emulate features.

Another thought is to see if Evindress might have the ability to not just flawlessly use items that should be beyond her means, but perhaps even makes them more powerful.

But generally, I am still in the process of trying to figure out what exactly Evindress' talent is, so this is mostly brainstorming.

2021-02-09, 09:58 PM
I've never had a problem with a scroll, although that maxed fireball is most powerful one I have ever used. I dont know if I could use a wish scroll and Im not sure I would want to chance that sort of mishap. Ive never even had a problem understanding the script. So I dont know if its luck or just part of my power, but it would seem that it is, seeing as I havent failed. Yet.
As for the staff, I have no idea. I havent actually cast a divine spell, off a scroll or otherwise, so I wouldnt know what would happen. Seeing as I can cast arcane ones without issue, it should be the same. But I dont know what would happen with the staff, and from what Kalrissa told us, connecting deeper with Lolth to draw more of her power, I wouldnt want to try, I dont want to risk it.

2021-02-10, 11:44 AM
Natalya briefly raises a hand. "I never said that you should use it, I simply asked if you perhaps had an idea of how it worked simply by examining it from afar. So you are well-versed in using magic items, but we do not yet know if you simply have been lucky thus far, or if it goes beyond this. It would be unwise to use up coven resources, but we can still see if you can still figure out how they work. Come." She takes Evindress' hand, leading her to the quartermaster.

"Good day to you. I wish to explore Evindress' talent for magic items, so I would like access to the most powerful and difficult scrolls you have, arcane and divine, as well as any items only usable by, say, priestesses or paladins, if you have them. There is no intention to burn finite uses of the items, simply to see if Evindress can figure out how to use them and what they would do."

Anything on Shandis? She only responded to the question about whether the Nocticulan succubus has been summoned yet, so I assumed that the rest was still pending.

Also if I am just heading down the wrong way with this Evindress talent investigation and she just has a lot of UMD and luck, feel free to tell me.

2021-02-10, 03:58 PM
She had simply said that they had not used the summoning scroll yet and was waiting for you to initiate conversation. Shandis is a woman of few words.

Heading to the quartermaster, the pair is in for a slight surprise. Sitting behind the desk right now is male drow. Males are very rare in the coven, and are always slaves for some purpose, and would never be holding this sort of position for real. Taking one look at him, his arms and back specifically mark him as one who does all the heavy lifting in the storeroom, and is likely just sitting in this chair for a moment while the real quartermistress is out doing something. He also doesnt look like he is capable of a lot of independent thought....
Durr....Requisition form please

2021-02-11, 10:23 AM
There is a brief moment of surprise, but once it passes, the sight makes perfect sense. This is a perfectly good use of a male, doing menial labor, obey his mistress, thoughts never straying. The quartermistress is not in as of right now, which is a pity, but Natalya does not feel like waiting. At the same time, she does not wish to simply start rummaging through the inventory. That is an easy way to obtain the wrath of said quartermistress, which would not do anyone any good.

Stepping in front of the slave, for a brief moment, she checks how aware he still is, and whether he reacts to her presence and appearance. Then, she begins to speak in a low, smooth voice, forcing him to listen closely. She feels no need to raise her voice for a slave. Her past contains too many men and women thinking they can seem more imposing or important if they become louder.

"I wish to inspect the coven's inventory. Fetch me the list." Of course, given her studies with Calista, Natalya is still rather curious whether her body and her voice might still have another effect on the slave. She has not tested her ability on an indoctrinated slave yet.

"Then I look forward to hear about your future experiences. More presently, how does a little aftercare sound to you? You put on quite the show."

2021-02-11, 06:17 PM
While the man is clearly not comfortable saying no to a coven member and one as beautiful and imposing as Natalya, he also has a hard time processing a request outside of what he normally deals with.
Durr, no list. Requisition form please. No form, no service.

2021-02-12, 08:32 AM
True, such a restriction of the male's no doubt already meager mental capacities prevents them from getting any ideas that would only get themselves killed and women inconvenienced, but it makes for a rather restrictive experience in terms of issuing orders. Such a conditioning is interesting to her, however. She wishes to explore it.

Natalya steps closer, more imposing for a moment from such a simple act, letting a bit of fear creep over the man-drone. Her voice is even lower now. "Shh, shh, shh. Such fear from obeying your mistress' orders. No talking now. No thinking now." In his mind, any attempts at processing anything but her orders is telepathically replaced with staring right at her necklace and where it rests. No mental bandwidth left, only her necklace and her voice. "Only listening now. No thinking. Just obeying. It feels so good. It feels so right. You were born to not think. You were born to submit. You were born to obey women. It feels so very, very good, sinking into the safety and pleasure of what you were made for. It feels so good to do what you love. You love to not think. You love to simply obey your mistress and her orders. You love to obey me. Just looking at my necklace, listening to my voice, head so nice and empty, like it is meant to be, remembering only your work and how to fulfill your mistress' wishes, and my wishes. Because that feels so very, very good. Every order from us, from me, like the most wonderful gift. So wonderful to just. Obey. Do you obey?" With this question, Natalya checks if she has the man under... and how he responds, mentally and physically.

With a little surreptitious telepathy, Natalya also checks her dear Evindress' state, given she had such a prolonged view of her lover's ever so slightly swaying derrière.

Perform (hypnosis) [roll0]

Well, at least single-target hypnotism also involves a Will DC depending on the description.

2021-02-14, 09:10 AM
The man's eyes slowly droop down, showing him to be completely under her spell.
durrr, yyyesss missstressss, follow meeee and with that, he gets up to unlock the door beside the window to let them in.
Meanwhile, Natalya's telepathy lets her know that Evindress is a little turned on, but its not really by the view of her derriere (although that doesnt hurt matters) but more by the fact that watching her mentor wrap people around her finger so easily is a turn on for her.
The two of them enter in the storeroom, guided by the hypnotized male, and are just about to get organized to see what they will find for Evindress to identify, when they spot the quartermistress. She has obviously been attacked, she is down on the floor, bound hand and foot and gagged.

2021-02-14, 09:46 AM
My oh my, Evindress hears in her mind and soul, closer and more intimate than any whisper could ever be, feeling like Natalya is able to touch her despite the distance between them. And evidently, she knows exactly what is on her lover's mind, and how to shape every word so she has no resistance to it. Someone wishes to be invited to my Abyssal lessons. Just to watch. And Natalya lets the implication of not simply a male drone falling to her, but eight women of the coven, stew in Evindress' mind. Natalya knew Evindress loved to be hypnotized by her, but seeing others fall under Natalya's sway as well? That is giving her ideas. Ideas she will be exploring soon.

However, such thoughts will need to re-emerge later, as they find the quartermistress. In quick succession, Natalya fires off mental commands. The male drone is told not to do anything, simply remain silent and still.
To Evindress: Stay on guard. Protect the quartermistress and me. No physical talking.
To the quartermistress: We will help. Who attacked you and are they still around?

Natalya enhances her own vision to spot anyone trying to magically hide themselves, before she goes over to the quartermistress to untie her and see if she needs immediate healing attention.

Natalya casts see invisibility

2021-02-14, 01:52 PM
When the quartermistress is untied, she says
I was jumped from behind by someone
She looks right at one of the shelves
They came for the staff and now they have it
At that point, she notices the male
And who the hell is he?

2021-02-14, 05:19 PM
"So much for my caution." The situation is exceedingly bad. Someone wanted the Lolth staff and knew the coven had one. Either someone in the coven went rogue, or people are aware of the coven. Neither is good.

Mentally, she demands from the man: Slave, you will show as well as tell me whether you are a slave of the coven, as well as who put you where I found you. The previous conditioning should be enough encouragement for a thorough and prompt answer.

"He was at the front desk. I had assumed him a labor slave of the coven, but I will learn the truth shortly. How long ago was the attack?"

2021-02-15, 06:46 PM
The man's mind is pretty much a blank slate, about all he can respond with is requisition form please.
The woman takes another look at him and says he is not a labour slave of the quartershop, and I dont even recognize him as being from some other part of the coven. We need to speak to Kalrissa right away, she might be able to go deeper into his mind and decide what to do

2021-02-15, 06:54 PM
Natalya nods, moving as one with Evindress, briefly commanding "You will follow" to the male as they head to Kalrissa.

2021-02-16, 04:01 PM
Natalya and Evindress head to see Kalrissa with the male slave in tow. When they arrive, they quickly explain the situation and when they get through, she acts quickly. First she casts on the slave, who suddenly falls to the ground, sleeping. I will question him more intensively, later but for she pauses for a moment, and when she speaks again, her voice echoes from every part of coven building...We are now in White Alert and with that, everyone else in the room bursts into activity.
Evindress takes Natalya from the room, explaining White Alert is the evacuation order, everyone gets everything they own and high tails it to our next building, while the wizards stay behind and torch the place, right to the ground. Ive been in two, one a practice and one the real thing. We're lucky, we dont have much to collect

2021-02-16, 09:23 PM
Natalya sighs. "The staff burned the location after all. We will have a more permanent home one day. Let us go fetch our belongings, see if anyone else needs help." After a few steps towards their room, she adds "I wonder why whoever took the staff did not kill the quartermistress instead of tying her up. That does not feel like the usual Crag Noir style."

2021-02-17, 04:03 PM
I was thinking about that too, and I think I know the answer. If the operative was a male, he would still have the inbred aversion to killing a female priestess of Lolth, and he would have no idea that we were Nocticulans and not Lolthians. And its quite likely that they would send a male to do this, because any female that got her hands on that staff could easily go rogue and set themselves up with a pretty good start to a power base

Natalya suddenly hears a voice in her head from Calista....Natalya, dear, if you have some spare time I could use some help with this White state

2021-02-17, 05:12 PM
Natalya nods as they walk. "This rings true, and in hindsight, it also explains why neither my sisters nor I were ever sent after a staff." The noblewoman shoots Evindress a look, a corner of her mouth rising. "I love me a woman with a good head on her shoulders." Natalya is hardly ignorant to the fact that she still has much to learn, and she has come to greatly appreciate her lover's observations and thoughts (alongside her many talents).

Calista's voice chimes in soon after, and feeling it in her mind sends pleasurable shivers down her spine. Of course, mistress, I will be right there.

"I am sorry, love, Calista called me to help her with the White state. Would you go ahead and gather my belongings as well, please?" Truthfully, most of what she owns, Natalya carries with her, otherwise only in the possession of very few changes of clothes, lingerie, and oils, not having had the time or need to accumulate more. Really though, the only truly valuable possession she does not carry with her at the moment is her catsuit, and Natalya has a feeling this particular article is at the top of Evindress' list to save anyway, given there are only so many days she can go without seeing her lover in it. The request is not made flippantly, and she trusts Evindress with any decision in regards to what to take and what to leave. For all her personal excellence (and striving for said excellence), Natalya has no illusions about her crisis preparedness compared to her capable lover.

Sharing a quick kiss, Natalya casts a quick expeditious retreat on herself afterwards. She does not know how much time they have, but she would rather get things done sooner, rather than later.

2021-02-18, 06:36 PM
When Natalya arrives at Calista's room, she is greeted by something out of a horror story. The door is barred by a 15 foot tall creature, it has a humanoid body but the head of a dog. There are two arms that jut from its chest, but the arms that join the body at the shoulders end in huge pincers, either one of them could easily encircle Natalya's neck, and she doubts very much that her neck would be anything more than a thread to it. The brute doesnt look like he(she?) is interested in letting Natalya by, but from inside she hears Calista Brutus, back off, friend and reluctantly it moves. As Natalya looks inside, she sees things that look like a cross between a vulture and a human, they each pick up stacks of books, scrolls or lab equipment and disappear, only to reappear moments later. Calista is busy pulling books and such off the shelves and arranging stacks, while her assistants are making piles of lab equipment

2021-02-18, 07:14 PM
Natalya does not flinch at the guardian, getting another insight into just how many ways of crafting and experimentation Calista is involved in. She meets its gaze, stepping past it as soon as it steps aside.

"How can I help?" Natalya cuts to the chase, seeing matters are urgent.

2021-02-18, 09:29 PM
Separate the books I have pulled into piles of about 50 pounds each, the vrocks can teleport with that much amount...once you have caught up with the backlog, pull books and make the same sort of piles.

So, bet you didnt expect to see demons in this room, did you?

2021-02-19, 06:54 AM
Natalya promptly and efficiently goes to work, stacking tomes into compact piles.

"Indeed, I did not, although their logistical value is undeniable." Whether that is keeping people out, lifting heavy weights, or now perfectly teleporting belongings. "I have been helping our research group with Karindal's summoning notes. An intriguing topic I hope to study further."

Out of curiosity, Natalya telepathically asks Calista Is their obedience caused by the summoning spell, or did you use other means of conditioning? The thought that not only drow, but also demons might fall under hypnosis is an intriguing one. If perhaps also one better to be attempted later, with more experience.

2021-02-19, 03:47 PM
I summoned the glabrezu and he summoned the vrocks. She winks at Natalya. I can summon, and I will let you in on a secret, so can Kalrissa. We made a conscious decision not to tell the others how, and let them figure it out on her own. Your teaching them Abyssal will help, speaking their language is best for efficient summoning and getting things done. Sometimes, I hypnotize a member and give them a little subconscious nudge in the correct direction, but its still mostly them and those notes

2021-02-19, 05:09 PM
Natalya quirks an intrigued eyebrow at this, along with a matching smile. Nurturing the coven until they are ready for their next steps, and Natalya acting like the secret connective tissue between the two groups. No words are needed to convey that she will keep this little tidbit a secret. "Interesting. My sorcery is still in its infancy, but am in the process of making myself more of a part of the research group, alongside teaching Abyssal to make my students teachers in turn. The glabrezu is not exactly subtle. How do you deal with discoveries that you have access to demons? Do you bury the memories?"

It is so nice to have someone to talk shop with when it comes to such secretive matters.

2021-02-20, 08:53 AM
They will both have very pleasurable dreams after its all over and remember only them...in fact and Natalya can almost see the wheels turning in her mind I think it would also be a good training opportunity for you...only if you are interested of course

2021-02-20, 01:31 PM
It would be my pleasure. Nocticula knows that Natalya loves her studying, practice, and putting what she learned to good use, whether it is infiltration, magic, or hypnosis. Opportunities should be used, and new subjects for her hypnosis, whether they are the most weak-willed male or the most hardened woman, ever bring new insights or chances for refinement.

On the outside, during their telepathic exchange, Natalya has been working diligently, moving with urgent precision, no movement wasted as pile after pile is prepared for the vrock. But Calista can feel an almost fiendish smile, and those who may soon drift into under the sweetest spell brought by her voice and form may catch the briefest glimpses having their minds wander, before quickly focusing back on their tasks. The more a subject can be primed, the better.

2021-02-21, 10:20 AM
Much sooner that if Natalya had not shown up, the books and lab equipment are moved, and Calista dismisses the demons. You have both done excellent work, I am very proud of you but Natalya notices that she has moved between the two women, beside Natalya and both of them are effectively cut off from viewing each other, both only able to see the one woman in front of them. Her voice becomes very soothing, while put yours into a pretty much dreamlike state and then join me

2021-02-23, 05:03 PM
The next day is spent by all setting up in their new place. Natalya and Evindress take the opportunity to make their joining official by taking only one room, and Natalya sees that Evindress was able to retrieve all of their belongings...not that they were that many actually.
In the evening, Kalrissa calls the coven together for a meeting. It seems that the theft of the staff was engineered by House Derith'Karn, and likely signals that they are planning some sort of power play, maybe even against House D'Espana. They have already acted to weaken House Kerith'Kahn, who would probably have come to D'Espana aid. As is our policy, we will not intervene if they move against D'Espana, scattering power instead of consolidating it is always the mistake of Lolth. If however they move against a lesser house, we might throw a wrench into those plans. We are also fairly sure that Derith'Karn did not find out about our Nocticulan allegiance, they were focused solely on the staff which they tracked by its emanations.
Our White alert move went unnoticed as well, but it was still a valuable exercise. It seems that the rest of the city was in an uproar about a rampaging marilith that got free from a binding and ran amok. Suspicion on who summoned it naturally fell on House A'Tavar as they are the summoners, but there is evidence that it actually was House Skul'Drak...or at least someone manufactured evidence as such. Either way, the beast was defeated by Shandis At'Tavar, who went toe-to-toe single-handed and ended the fight by decapitating it.

2021-02-23, 07:06 PM
Taking another step by now permanently staying together may be somewhat symbolic, as they have been sharing rooms nearly all the time, but it is another proof of devotion from her Evindress. Truly, Nocticula's blessings still refuse to cease.

The two of them have a different air about them now, even as they sit in the meeting, Natalya with her perfect poise and noble bearing, Evindress with a dancer's grace and ease at her side, somehow forming one whole. The noblewoman does allow her another little sigh at the public confirmation that the staff was tracked after all, so Natalya's choice of acquisitions directly led to the White alert. However, as consolation, it might also have meant that the coven got a front-row seat in observing Derith'Karn's plans. A faint smile appears on Natalya's lips as she hears about Shandis' distraction. Perhaps she has taken a liking to the coven after all. Or to the act of protecting Natalya. She makes a mental note on the matter. During the move, Natalya also looked after her eight students, and while the Kil'Ratha daughter is interested in the well-being of all coven members (and especially her lovers), she feels a certain responsibility for the women she teaches, just as she seeks to guide them safely through the often treacherous depths of learning the tongue of their Goddess.

During the mention of throwing a wrench into the Derith plans should they attack a lesser house, Natalya glances to Kalrissa, wordlessly volunteering for when the time might come. No point in making a big show of it, it still very much a hypothetical (if likely) scenario, and she is above grand vows of vengeance mainly there to cast a better light on herself. No, her vengeance against Derith'Karn will come, quietly, inevitably, and it will be thorough.

2021-02-25, 06:20 PM
As the meeting breaks up, Kalrissa motions for Natalya (and obviously Evindress) to join her. She takes them to her private study and sits them at a table, and then pulls a cloth back from the center, exposing a crystal ball.
Scrying into Dereth'Karn is next to impossible, we can only see this very small part of it She gestures, and a small corridor is shown. After about a minute, one of their slaves servant girls comes by washing the floor, looking totally broken. Natalya looks up, her face saying so? and Kalrissa says Look closer and both drow bend over to look again. Its Evindress who sees it first, pulling back with a hiss of surprise She could be your sister...and then Natalya sees it as well....its Silistra, her older sister and the one member of her family that she truly loved.
Our spies have figured this much out. The attack on your house was clearly to take her, Dereth'Karn let the others do the dirty work if anything went sideways and then claimed her as their share. As you know, shes a priestess/witch and a powerful one at that, quite useful in their plans. Unfortunately for them, she refused to join and they have been torturing her ever since. Not physical as that would reduce her witch effectiveness, but mental and anything else they could think of. It looks like they have broken her spirit, at least to some extent, but they keep her around, hoping that enough time as a slave will change her mind.

2021-02-25, 08:28 PM
Natalya's eyes go wide. "Silistra," she gasps, and in the company of her Priestess and her lover, she does not hide how much of a shock this is to her. Slowly, her hands ball to fists, seeing what they have done to the woman who for a century was the only ray of light in her life, who helped shape her into the woman she is today, who unknowingly set her on the course to find Nocticula. Those bastards, those animals, laying their hands on her sister. The noblewoman had been mourning quietly, by herself, trying to overcome the loss. Now many emotions flare right back up. Natalya's revenge will come. It will be inevitable. It will be thorough. And she wishes she had started looking for her sister immediately after arriving at the coven.

"Priestess, I wish to save my sister. I am aware of the danger and that we intend not to move against Dereth'Karn. She is too important. Silistra Kil'Ratha is the best my house had. Everything I learned, I learned from her. She is the reason why I did not break, why I was able to accept our Goddess so readily. Silistra would be a powerful ally, I know she would welcome a loving goddess into her heart. I failed to look for her, thinking she had died. I do not want to fail her again." Natalya does her best to keep her voice steady, strong. She is not a blubbering mess of emotions. She is an agent of their Demon Queen, filled with purpose. And sitting beside her, Natalya feels Evindress' hand, holding hers, the dancer granted insight into what is going on inside her lover.

2021-02-26, 05:49 PM
As Natalya continues to look at the woman, she notices a few things. Silistra no longer wears her pendant of Lolth, something that was a prized possession of hers, and there are no little tattoos on her left wrist. Natalya remembers those 5 little spider tattoos that just appeared on her wrist one day, being told by Silistra that they were a sign of Lolth's favor...so much for that, she thinks. Her eyes alternate between the haunted look of someone who has seen too much and then the dead look of someone who no longer is even aware of their existance. The alluring, irresistible beauty that would draw anyone in, even though they knew they were being drawn to their doom is still there, sort of, but its like it is covered by too much grime.

2021-02-26, 07:16 PM
Seeing her sister like this pains Natalya, but there is still hope as she looks closer. "Silistra has abandoned Lolth." The noblewoman waves Kalrissa and Evindress closer, pointing. "First, no amulet. She used to have a pendant of the Spider Queen she would never part with. Second, she had five spider tattoo right here." She points to her own left wrist. "They are not there anymore. I can see the woman buried below the pain and torture. You scouted me before House Kil'Ratha was wiped out. You stand to gain a woman who makes me look like a mere shadow. Power and beauty like you have rarely seen. But she will not last much longer."

2021-02-26, 10:20 PM
Kalrissa appears to consider the situation. A priestess/witch is the most favored class for a Nocticulan, she would never forgive us if we didnt try. And I personally am not happy with this development, I dont want to see the Karns adding enchantments to their arsenal. But the Karn compound has powerful anti-intrusion and detection magics protecting it and we cant afford to be seen snooping around.
You can attempt a rescue but you may not enter the actual Karn building. You have to make contact outside the house. You cannot teleport away, not only would it not work, it would alert them to our interest, you will have to convince her to come willingly. Once back here, you will have to trust that my heals and restorations can bring her back. And I would prefer you not invoke the name of Nocticula until we have her back here, we cant take the chance that she refuses you and takes the knowledge of our existence back to them. Do you accept these terms?

2021-02-27, 05:56 AM
Natalya nods. "I do. What information do we have where Silistra may be allowed to go or sent to? What security looks like around the house?"

2021-02-27, 10:17 PM
As far as we can tell, they never let her leave the compound grounds, but she does take out the trash on occasion. She makes a face at the thought of a priestess/witch being used as a garbageman. The security measures seem concentrated in the compound itself, as if they feel pulling their perimeter in to the house only allows it to be stronger...defying someone to launch an attack from outside the walls, but making sure someone cant teleport into the fray. Derith'Karn does specialize in blast magic, so its a strong strategy, anyone who tried to move a sizable force against them would be sitting ducks.

2021-02-28, 08:32 AM
The disgust about what Silistra is forced to do is mirrored by Natalya. "Concentrated troops, choke points and kill zones inside the compound makes sense for them, yes. But it also means thinned security outside the house walls. Silistra will need to go to the edge of the compound grounds. Long-distance scouting will reveal their patrol routes, magic detection should provide insights into the nature of their magic security. Since they have divinations on their grounds, I only need to be within a hundred feet to contact Silistra. Getting her out once she decides to come with me is more difficult and will most likely involve imbuing her with spider climb and leave over the walls, nondetection and invisibility should buy enough time to briefly get to Silistra, imbue her with the spell, and get her out."

2021-02-28, 02:49 PM
(So what is your plan?)

2021-02-28, 03:42 PM
The plan:
1) Scout the compound grounds. Imbue herself and Evindress with ebon eyes to be able to see beyond the range of drow darkvision, see what security is like, patrol routes, where the trash is taken to, how to get close to that point to be within 100ft telepathy range. Also see if there is a place (ideally near the trash) to enter and leave the compound grounds (a wall scalable with spider climb also acceptable).

1b) If possible, get close enough to the grounds undetected to scan what detection spells they have active there with detect magic.

2) Get into position, either within 100ft of where the trash is put (if they can safely wait there undetected), or wait more than 120ft away from guards to move into range of where Silistra will go.

3) Contact Silistra via telepathy, tell her that her sister is here to save her

4) See where it goes.
4a) Should Silistra be lucid enough to respond and be willing to leave with Natalya, have Evindress ready to cover them, Natalya casting expeditious retreat, nondetection, invisibility, zone of silence, and if necessary, spider climb, on herself. Get onto compound ground, make Silistra invisible and, if necessary, imbued with spider climb, escape with her. If Silistra has ideas how to extract her more ideally, incorporate those.

4b) Can't convince Silistra to leave with Natalya yet. Retreat for now, make another attempt later.

2021-03-02, 10:49 PM
Scouting the compound, Natalya finds that the dumpster where the trash is placed is built as part of the wall around the building itself. It seems like the dumpster can be accessed from either side, the trash deposited in from the house and then emptied from the street. The patrols are infrequent, but hard to predict because of that. The detect magic does reveal magic protections on the walls and grounds, some of them are beyond Natalya's understanding, but they do seem nasty, and she does identify spells that interfere with teleportation spells, either redirecting, preventing or delaying arrival to allow guards to form up in place.
They are able place themselves within telepathic range of the dumpster, and settle down to wait, after some time they do see Silistra coming out with two bags of trash, there are no guards around her nor does she have anyone with her. Natalya attempts to communicate telepathically with her, but is totally unable to make contact, its like she comes up against a blank wall, reading nothing.

2021-03-03, 12:35 PM
Ah hells. Telepathy either blocked, or more direct interaction is necessary. I need to go in. Keep watch. Telepathy might cut out once I pass the wall. If necessary, give me a sign if I need to get out. Walls look dangerous, will try through the dumpster, she tells Evindress. In situations like this, Natalya is glad that her bardic sorceress has her back. Natalya is not exactly thrilled to try and get through the dumpster, but it is a gamble either way. She has no indications about the security beyond the anti-teleportation measures, so she cannot tell whether going through the dumpster or flying over the walls would be more dangerous in terms of magic discovery. There is also no telling whether there are measures against invisibility. This leaves the only variables she does know: the dumpster provides her with cover while talking with Silistra while visible. If she flies invisibly over the wall, she will need to reveal herself, thus either requiring a disguise of potentially dubious accuracy and most likely conspicuous positioning (and hoping she does not trip any measures against disguise self), or hoping only her voice suffices.

Thus, dumpster diving. Normally unthinkably far below her station. But she needs to reach and save Silistra. A tiny bit of dignity is easy to sacrifice for that goal. She will need a very thorough scrubbing by Evindress afterwards.

Thus, in this order, Natalya imbues herself with: zone of silence, invisibility, nondetection, expeditious retreat. (spending 50gp for nondetection) While doing so, she moves towards the compound walls, avoiding people, then in a quick moment of not being observed, opens the dumpster lid, casts a swift fly, and basically tries to quickly glide along the top to reach Silistra, as absurd an image that will lead to, the zone of silence eating the noise. Moving within 5ft of her to move her into the zone of silence, Natalya says "Silistra, it is me, Natalya. I am here to save you." And she undoes the invisibility, hoping her voice and face might reach her sister.

2021-03-04, 04:18 PM
Natalya's spells serve her well, getting her to within 5 feet of her sister. When she drops her spell, there is a bit of startled reaction from Silistra, but not as much as one might expect with someone appearing out of nowhere in front of them. She speaks quickly to her sister but there is no response, no sign of recognition
Na...tal...ya? Do...I...know...Na...tal...ya...who...is...Sil...i st...ra
She also appears to shrink back just a bit, as if afraid of being hit.

2021-03-04, 05:33 PM
Natalya does not break easily. Many have tried. Regardless, seeing Silistra reduced to this hurts. And it hurts so much.

"You are Silistra. My sister." Natalya voice is soft, and as she reaches out to Silistra, her motions are gentle, seeking to tenderly take her hand. If her waking mind does not remember, perhaps her body remembers their closeness. Seeing Silistra shrink away from her is another jab right in the heart.

"I love you, Silistra, I would never hurt you." Her first words feel... strange. Saying such things and meaning it feels dangerous in the world of the drow, like baring one's neck for execution, even among family. "I know you are still in there. I want to take you aware from here. Away from the pain. You were always there for me, for my whole life. Let me be there for you now." There is no time to consider how to best handle this. She has no precedent. Just desperately trying to reach and save her sister.

Not sure if it would do anything, but perhaps it helps with putting broken Silistra at ease at the very least
Diplomacy [roll0]

2021-03-04, 07:01 PM
Natalya knows that Silistra's will was always equal to hers, maybe even more. And she knows that the "angels" of Nocticula use pleasure and temptation to lure their victims. But not all demons are like that, and the terrors they can induce are beyond even those of the worst nightmares. And there are magics that Natalya has never faced that would warp her mind almost beyond repair. Natalya doesnt know what has been used on Silistra, its only been 4 or 5 months since their family compound was overrun.
When Silista hears the words "take you away", she shrivels and takes a step back...no...not away...I am not allowed to go away...I will be punished...Barcella says I will be punished The name Barcella is said with pure fear.

2021-03-04, 07:27 PM
Natalya raises her hands in a soothing manner. "I will not do anything you do not want, Sil. But who is Barcella? Did she lay a curse upon you?" In a way, Natalya hopes this fear of punishment is "just" fearing the woman in general, not the indication of a binding spell. If Barcella is a noble of the House, saving Silistra will become so much more difficult. There will be no quick and easy infiltration into this fortress compound, and a slavemistress of the second-most powerful house of Crag Noir would be a fearsome individual indeed.

2021-03-04, 07:45 PM
The use of the name Sil provokes the slightest reaction from Silistra, the briefest spark in her eyes, before it dies away again. Barcella is my mistress, I obey all of her commands. I am her personal slave. The more Silistra talks, the more lucid she becomes, or at least it seems that way.

2021-03-05, 11:50 AM
Progress. Her sister is still in there after all. Natalya shakes her head. "Barcella wants you to be her personal slave. Like our previous mistresses and masters we endured together. I cast off those chains of people and a goddess that wanted me to stay on my knees. But what do you want, Sil? Do you still dream? Do you still desire?" Nights spent together, sharing secrets and wants and happiness. Silistra was a haven for her. She was hope. And Natalya for her in return.

2021-03-05, 03:47 PM
Natalya's words bring a flicker but they dont last long enough. And suddenly in her head is another voice.

Guard coming. Either leave with her, come back tomorrow or kill the guard.

2021-03-05, 04:42 PM
The notion of leaving her sister here with these savages is revolting. But as the flicker dies in Silistra's eyes, she knows she does not have the time to reach her. Trying to take out a guard would put them on alert.

"Protect yourself. Do not mention we spoke, but do not forget me. I will come back for you, Silistra, please hold on a little longer. I love you." Natalya strokes her sister's cheek, planting one last seed in her mind of how things used to be, with her, before turning herself invisible and retreating, back to Evindress.

2021-03-06, 09:10 AM
Evindress feels Natalya's pain at having to leave her sister behind in the Karn compound as they make their way in silence to the Nocticulan compound. She knows Natalya will probably not sleep tonight and will be pacing like a caged animal waiting the 24 hours until they can try again.
When they arrive at the safe house, they are greeted by Kalrissa who leads them back to the room with the crystal ball. The inside seems to be just full of clouds. We've made some modifications to our scrying by concentrating only on Silistra, it just needs one more thing She guides the hand that Natalya used to touch Silistra's cheek to ball, and the moment it touches, the image clears up. Although, with what she sees, maybe Natalya would not want it.

Silistra is kneeling in the middle of a bedroom, in front of the biggest drow she has ever seen. Certain features of the drow mark her as female, but the bulging muscles and misformed female body certainly lead one to question it. Barcella The woman is haranguing Silistra by the way her mouth is moving and the gestures she is making, unfortunately there is no audio to hear exactly what she is saying but it is likely just a generalized listing of perceived or invented flaws. But that isnt even the worst of it. Chained to a wall is a terrifying sight, it is shaped like a man but is over 12 feet tall, with a body wreathed in flames. It strains at it's chains, snarling and foaming at the mouth, clearly insane, even beyond "normal" demonic standards. Balor Its not clear whether the beast wants to kill Silistra or Barcella...or both.
The woman finally finishes her lecturing and begins to gesture, then clapping her hands on either side of Silistra's head. Her expression goes completely blank, her eyes go dead, and then she collapses. We have no idea of what spell she is using but its likely what she is using to keep her docile. Breaking that will be #1 on your list of things to do.

2021-03-06, 11:51 AM
When people get angry, you tend to notice it soon. Boiling to the surface, twisting the features, hands balling to fists, shaking, shouting. Natalya, meanwhile, gets very quiet, very still, almost like a statue. Cold, cutting, eyes dark and piercing. Barcella singlehandedly managed to get to the top of Natalya's list.

"Silistra was barely able to speak at first. The more we talked, the more lucid she became. I could see her true self stirring, like when I called her Sil, but it always died back down. This spell appears to be responsible. A dispel will be difficult. This is powerful magic, mine is still weak. But the spell's hold is imperfect. I had hoped to break the spell across two days, but I need to do so in one shot. Hypnosis to dig her mind out of the spell is an option. None of my family could resist me, and I have plenty experience with Silistra." Natalya's voice matches how she is carrying herself. Calm, even, like a mirror lake covered in thin, black ice. She looks to Kalrissa and Evindress. "I will confer with Calista whether this is a viable approach."

2021-03-06, 01:28 PM
Dont underestimate yourself and just as much, dont over-rate Barcella. I dealt with her in my previous life. Shes a loudmouth bully, but theres nothing to back it up. She is the third daughter of the house, so thats her first limitation. Shes not a priestess either and if my hunch is correct, she isnt even a sorceress or a wizard. Some intel calls her a...warlock The word is said with contempt. She also fancies herself a fighter but several years ago at a society ball, she was trying to play poke-chest with Shandis, until she pushed too far and got the beat down of her life.

2021-03-06, 03:38 PM
"I am not saying that that I cannot dispel the effect. I am saying it is difficult. I have barely managed to breach the third circle of arcane spellcasting, and much of my mental capacity for said circle is used to infiltrate the compound grounds and cover my escape. Silistra is suffering from outright mental subjugation or suppression, which is beyond the third circle, and also the lesser strata of invocations, to my knowledge. This makes Barcella more capable, even if she lacks the strength of personality necessary to make her spells difficult to resist, as the latter simply does not matter for this. And in turn, this makes my dispels not impossible to succeed, but unlikely. Thus, I need a backup solution in case luck is not on my side. I will not return to Silistra only to play the lottery twice, lose, shrug, and leave her at the mercy of those savages for another day." Natalya does not comment on the comparison with Shandis. That is like saying any given woman is ugly because she does not compare in looks to the most beautiful drow woman, and her physical prowess is irrelevant to Natalya.

2021-03-07, 01:09 PM
Once the meeting with Kalrissa is over, Natalya bows to the priestess, once again thanking her for her generous aid and faith in her, regardless of the coven also benefittng from Silistra joining their ranks. The priestess is could hardly complain about Natalya's trust in her or her obedience when it came to orders thus far, but she is definitely scoring points with the noblewoman above and beyond what is already there.

Restless, the mental images of Silistra at the mercy of Barcella as well as how mentally diminished she is in her current state haunting Natalya, she leaves the priestess with Evindress, heading partway to their room. "I will go ask Calista for an impromptu audience, and join you later, love." Before she goes, she caresses her lover's cheek, cupping it a moment after. Evindress puts a hand over hers, kisses the palm of Natalya's hand, and smiles to her, the latter gesture returned by the noblewoman, even through the anguish boiling inside.

Heading to Calista's chambers, Natalya knocks on the door, doing what could be described as a Nocticulan curtsey as she opens the door (or after Natalya is called inside). "My apologies for the unannounced visit, mistress. I seek your wisdom in the matters of hypnosis to break a woman's mind out of dominating or enslaving enchantment spells. My eldest sister is alive and magically held as a slave by Barcella Dereth'Karn, and while Priestess Kalrissa is confident I will be able to dispel the effect, I wish to possess a backup solution in case my spellcasting fails me, so I do not yet again have to leave her in those savages' claws for another day." Regardless of her relationship with Calista and being her only student ever, Natalya does not take it for granted that Calista can or currently wishes to make time for her. Her mistress' time is extremely valuable (and likely currently involves setting her workshop back up), and while it would be disappointing to be sent away again immediately, Natalya would understand.

Feel free to make this as long or as short as you like. This is mostly to show how Natalya operates and how important this matter is to her, absolutely wanting to maximize her chances of success and wanting to learn if her hypnosis can serve as a backup means. Whether this becomes an in-depth training session, a summarized meeting, or simply a few words of advice and/or encouragement from teacher to student (mirroring Kalrissa's advice to not underestimate herself) before moving on to the next day, it's all good.

2021-03-07, 02:27 PM
Heres the problem as I see it. While you could hypnotize her, and its likely to be easier given her diminished mental capacity, it will not override whatever thrall the spell is placing on her faculties. You would have a hypnotized woman who still is not in control of her mind. And the main problem with that is with hypnosis, it cant be used to do something completely against the persons nature. So depending on how strong their conditioning is, you wont be able to convince her to leave.
But I do have a little something for you She hands you a scroll With your ability to manipulate magic devices, you should have no problem casting the spell off this scroll and its a bardic one, called improvisation It gives you access to a 'floating pool of luck' which you can call on the moment you try to do something above and beyond your skill level. Cast it on yourself before you show up, and the moment you cast your dispel, call on all of this luck to boost your casting. I think you can beat Barcella without it, but its always nice to have a backup plan in store.

2021-03-07, 04:02 PM
"So the true personality cannot be accessed via hypnosis, only the current magically imposed," Natalya comments in regards to the limitations of hypnosis.

Accepting the scroll, she once again hears confidence that she can beat the spell even without the help. "As you and Kalrissa are in agreement in regards to my abilities, I will make my first attempt without the luck. Should it not work out, the second will receive all the luck. Thank you for the scroll and your trust, mistress. Let me know how I can repay you." Natalya bows once more and unless Calista has need of her, excuses herself to leave and prepare for tomorrow, also learning all ins and outs of the scroll (and also giving it to Evindress for a moment to identify and understand, to aid her training with her talent).

2021-03-08, 03:40 PM
You can play it however you want, but if I were in your shoes, I would use the luck on the first try. You dont know when a guard is going to happen onto a situation, and you want to be done as quickly as possible.

2021-03-08, 03:57 PM
"Even better." Honestly, Natalya prefers it this way.

2021-03-09, 03:59 PM
Yes, thats it, come in strong...because you are strong...so very, very strong...and Barcella is weak...very strong...

2021-03-10, 05:07 PM
As the pair make their way from Calista's room, Evindress remarks...I looked at that scroll and understood it fully, I could have casted it if I had wanted to, but it wasnt in my normal repetoire of spells that I know. But the funny thing is now, after being with Calista, it is. I dont know if she had something to do with that or not....you will still have to cast it for you because its a personal spell, but its weird.

Your choice as to doing something else or heading back on the operation.

2021-03-10, 06:39 PM
"Much like you, Calista is a very special woman," Natalya comments, clearly impressed by Evindress, a sorceress no less, seemingly being able to learn spells from a scrolls. "Love, please do me a favor. Should you have a scroll of a spell you cannot cast yourself, read it again, and see if you can cast it. Even if that is not the case, what we did gives us plenty of methods to experiment with." Naturally, she is there to aid Evindress in her first attempt, perhaps putting her into the right "mindset", but her focus quickly returns to Silistra. Not nervous anymore, now anticipating having her sister back. And introducing her to the coven, and her lovers.

2021-03-13, 05:02 PM
(assuming you are heading back to the compound)
The pair make their way back to their hiding spot and take up a vigil once again. It is over an hour, but eventually Silistra emerges, carrying two bags of garbage. In contrast to the way she came out the last night, she is not trudging as much, and her back appears straighter. She is still a shadow of the woman Natalya remembers, but the slightest hints are starting to show up.

2021-03-13, 05:40 PM
Seeing Silistra again, there is once more this stab into her heart, seeing her broken down like this. But there are signs their meeting yesterday had an effect, that Natalya reached her. She is going to take her sister away from this place today. She knows this, she can feel her goddess being with her, and her lover giving her all the support she could wish for. And Evindress can feel all of this too. Natalya looks to Evindress. "I'm going in. Get ready to cover us if needed." Like a finely crafted machine, they get to work.

Natalya heads in, applying her spells: zone of silence, invisibility, nondetection, expeditious retreat. (spending 50gp for nondetection). Right before the dumpster, she takes the scroll and casts the improvisation, feeling that latent elation of her reserve of luck. When the coast is clear, dumpster lid goes up, swift fly to immediately reach the other side, and the moment she is face to face with Silistra, Natalya points at her and commands "Cast off your chains," firing a dispel magic with all her luck placed in it, her invisibility dissolving in the process, seeking to end Barcella's hold on Silistra.

Once the spell is broken, Natalya holds out her hand to her sister. "I am sorry it took me so long. But no time for talk. Come with me, Sil, to my new home, where we can be free." As soon as Silistra (hopefully) agrees and takes her hand, Natalya casts an invisibility sphere to disguise their departure, heading back out through the dumpster, and mentally contacting Evindress that they are leaving.

Spellcaster check [roll0] (plus whatever the improvisation gives)

2021-03-13, 06:41 PM
There is a momentary pause, a look of confusion on Silistra's face, making Natalya wonder if it worked or not. But then, the old Silistra is back in place, her seductive charisma already flowing back into her. Natalya? What are you doing here, its not safe. How did you even survive the attack?
But before she can even answer, Silistra takes her hand, ready to leave and then....
Natalya sees the drow she assumed to be Barcella suddenly appear behind the pair. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON....Her outraged diatribe is interrupted by a lighting bolt blasting her square in the chest, Natalya seeing Evindress floating behind them on the other side.

Barcella is down, but does not appear dead (yet), Natalya has initiative to act.

2021-03-14, 12:17 PM
Barcella saw Natalya. She got a smoking hole in her chest, so there very much is cause for vengeance already. But rescuing Silistra is the only important thing right now. Any second wasted lessens the chance of bringing her home safely. If she has any luck, this sort of humiliation will only add to, say, the beating Barcella received from Shandis, to hopefully make Barcella's life hell going forward. And fitting revenge may be had down the line.

With Silistra's hand held, Natalya casts an invisibility sphere, cloaking both of them as they make their way out. I was saved by a very special lady, Natalya telepathically tells her sister, then includes her in her transmission to Evindress. Evindress, love, Silistra and I are leaving invisibly. I leave it to your discretion whether to kill Barcella. Either way is fine to her. She trusts Evindress when it comes to matters of security, of her and the coven. Whichever way things go, should there be a fallout, Natalya is in possession of a spine. She will make things right. When Evindress joins them (knowing Natalya's location through their telepathic bond), Natalya casts invisibility on her and takes her hand as they flee back to the coven.

2021-03-14, 09:51 PM
Since Natalya does not act, Silistra is more than willing to. She snatches a dagger from Barcella's sash, and plunges it into the hole in her chest to finish her off...say hello to Lolth for me before she turns you into a spider and then looks up to Natalya. I dont know where you plan to take me but lead the way.

2021-03-15, 09:47 AM
Silistra getting her vengeance instantly is just fine with Natalya. Retreating with her and Evindress, she says "To the women who saved me, and who managed to find you. A place where you can begin a new life." the words only for Silistra's and Evindress' ears, unable to get out of the zone of silence. From one Kil'Ratha daughter to another, it is clear secrecy is necessary, but they have learned to be honest with each other. If she did not believe what she said, Natalya would not have said it, and there are no signs of magic influence on her either.

2021-03-15, 03:33 PM
I hope you havent billed me as a priestess witch because I can no longer cast divine spells. I foreswore Lolth as the House fell and the Kahns tortured me and she shows her wrist which no longer has the spider tattoos on it and that aspect of my talents is gone.

2021-03-15, 03:48 PM
Silistra feels Natalya's hand give hers a gentle squeeze when torture is mentioned. It is not the first time she has heard this... but it still stings. "Do not worry. You are an excellent witch, I doubt anyone would complain. Once we are there, you will learn what we are about, and you will be free to join or leave, though if you decide to leave, you cannot come back in the future. It will be entirely up to you, no tricks, no hidden agendas, no veiled threats. Though I would love it if you joined us."

Perhaps Silistra also has taken note of the spells Natalya has used. She has grown since the last time they saw each other.

2021-03-17, 04:05 PM
The rest of the trip back to the coven is uneventful and the group is brought into the presence of Kalrissa and one other woman that Natalya is familiar with as the woman who is usually seconding Kalrissa during religious services. Both women are dressed in their finest, which in Nocticulan terms means scandalously little.
Greetings Silstra, my name is Kalrissa and this woman is Kethiria, you already know your rescuers. Yours and Natalya's house was targeted for destruction, orchestrated by the Kahns, whose primary target was you and your enchantment skills. We attempted to "rescue" both you and Natalya during the attack, we succeeded with Natalya but you were the primary target of the Kahns and we could not get to you. We are here to offer you a choice, a free choice, we will not use any spells on you so it is a free decision. We offer you a chance to get out from under the thumb of the self-destructive Lolth and join Nocticula.
She turns to Natalya, allowing her to continue the pitch.

2021-03-17, 07:01 PM
"Remember the years of torment we endured. Bred to be spies, assassins, pleasure slaves. Living as so-called nobles, yet mistreated toys of our overlords. Training until exhaustion to be the one who would act quicker than the other for another day, one step ahead of death or worse. Always waiting for the moment our family would turn on us. The only happiness in our lives shared between the two of us, in secret. All because of Lolth's twisted games, strangling the drow until they can barely breathe, cackling as we tear at each other's throats, and squashing those who dare to not thank her for it. All your faithful service, year after year, with all those fancy marks of the Spider Queen's "favor", and the moment you needed her, she did not lift a finger. Not for you. And not for me." Having abandoned Lolth, Silistra knows this full well, but Natalya brings forth all those memories, compiles them, lets her see the full picture of Lolth's betrayal.

"The one who did come for me was Evindress. Saving me from rape and death at the hands of a male, from burning in the ruins of our House. She and Kalrissa gave me a new home. They showed me the ways of Nocticula, Demon Queen of the Succubi. Lolth was cruel and distant. Nocticula sees us, sees me. I was able to finally take control of my life. Develop my talents as I saw fit, and discovering new ones. Keep what I earned. Sleep safely. I found community, I found pleasure, I found love. And I found a Goddess who cherishes me as much as I do Her. Since I embraced Her, not once did I even have to so much as touch a male, nor will I need to, unless my Goddess feels it is truly important, knowing I trust Her, and not betraying that trust." And Silistra very much knows many times her sister was "requested" as the one deemed the most pleasing result of the Kil'Ratha breeding regime. How she was at times even given as a "reward" to Kerith'Kahn males.

"We all work together, towards a common goal, no hidden daggers, no betrayal, to one day see Crag Noir free of Lolth's cruelty. And through this, I was guided to you. All this can be yours, too. You can regain what you cast away, given by a Goddess infinitely more deserving of true worship. Finally live the life you always wanted. Become one of the greatest of us. With us. With me." Natalya smiles warmly to her sister, and it is clear how much she has missed Silistra. "And it is your choice. No one forces me to say these things. We are both trained to recognize such things. No one will attempt to force you into anything. And even if you should decline, you will be free to go. You will have to leave, but no harm will come to you. I promise and I swear this on my soul." There is a little moment of silence. "We will answer any questions you may have. I could not ask for a better leader than Kalrissa, nor more excellent priestesses than both her and Kethiria. No one expects you to make this choice blindly." Unlike their cruel former masters and mistresses.

There is no deception in Natalya. Silistra sees her sister glow in a way she only so rarely did when their House still existed, and only when they were together.