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2007-11-03, 11:46 PM
Hey. A while back, I found an excerpt from Sword and Fist about the 3.0 Drunken Master (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20010105). Suffice it to say that I find the class to be an incredibly fun idea and was excited to learn that it has a version for 3.5 edition, presumably only changed a bit to fit with the new rules for 3.5 and the Monk, stuff like changing how Improvised Weapons work, or what the prerequisites are. I would very much like to try this revised Drunken Master in an upcoming campaign, but sadly, no-one in my group has Complete Warrior, so I don't even know what the current prerequisites are. So I ask the board, could someone perhaps enlighten me as to what exactly these changes are? I'm fine with getting it in a Private Message, if it's illegal to do otherwise.

2007-11-04, 10:20 AM
Okay, rather than tell you all of the specifics (yes, that probably would be illegal) I'll just tell you some basic differences between the two so you can decide whether or not to pick up complete warrior (I prefer it over SaF).

The prerequisites are basically the same, with minor differences. Some of the names of bonus feats are changed (like drunken embrace to improved grapple). The movement bonuses are gone but you get improvised weapons at 1st level, improved improvised weapons at 4th, and greater improvised weapons at 5th, as opposed to SaF's single level of improvised weapons. Also, as you stated, it's 3.5 so it fits with other 3.5 stuff better. Lastly, your drunken bonuses (and penalties) in combat only last a certain number of rounds based on level, as opposed to until the end of combat.

Those are some of the most noticable differences between the two. For details on the rest, as well as what the other two levels of improvised weapons do, you'll have to pick up the book. I'd recommend it, or you can wait for 4.0, although I hear they got rid of the monk.

2007-11-05, 06:45 AM
Do Drunken Masters gain proficiency in improvised weapons?

2007-11-05, 07:29 AM
the complete warrior Drunken Master needs and 8 tumble as opposed to the 6 in Sword and Fist and need a couple feats (Dodge and Great Fortitude) and at least 1 level of monk. It doesn't get the 50ft move or the improved unarmed damage, but it does get improvised weapons at the first level. I think the drink like a demon ability has been modified as well.
It gets none of the movement increases throughout the progression, Every time the Sword and Fist Drunk would improve its attacks the Complete Warrior one gets feats for improvised weapons.