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2020-11-10, 09:27 PM

The city stood on a forgotten hill over looking the Green River which flowed into The Five Sisters Sea. Three hundred years ago it was a city state independent and proud. The inner castle and walls were impenetrable but it couldn't hold on and was defeated by the Empire. Fifty years ago the empire fell , the city of Llywyllynn under the joint council helped in its defeat. Today the city is ruled by the council general and twelve members. The churches made up of all religions except for chaotic evil are represented, they have four members on the council in a rotating manner. As of today, LG, NE, N, CN sit on the council. The guilds have four members mage, porters, thieves, green grocers on a rotating manner. The last four are made up of the nobles, freemen, Demi humans and slaves and they do not have rotating members.

Today is founders day. A day of parades, food and competitions. The council including the council general judge the food and and various sporting and military competitions.

What are you doing at the festival? Participants in one of competitions? Eating at one of the many food carts. Watching the parade? Who are you with, by yourself or others?

Zero Prime
2020-11-12, 11:30 AM
Tacitus Servius Rex (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2336325)
AC: 16 | HP: 41 | Hit Dice: 6d8; 2d6| INSPIRATION: 0
Passive Perception: 14| Passive Insight: 14 | Passive Investigation: 19
Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 3/3
Active Effects: Boots, elvenkind (Stealth advantage).
Conditions: None.

Tacitus moved through the crowd easily, avoiding the press and swell of the citizenry, he was dressed in fine clothing, soft grey breeches, a wide leather belt, from which hung pouches which jingled with coin. His tunic was a cotton knit shirt, dyed in broad vertical stripes, charcoal grey and midnight black, overtop a leather jerkin sewn with studs of steel and iron. A cloak was thrown over his shoulders, high collared, and adorned with an intricate pattern of woven silver and copper, detailing a sinuous wyrm which wrapped around the border of the cloak, before snaking over the shoulder and coiling about the wearer's heart.

The crowd was distracted by the ongoing festivities, but his practised eye slid off of the garishly colored dancers, and the boisterous voices of the street hawkers, and concentrated on his quarry. A noble, Lord Deveroe, who was growing more outspoke in denouncing the House Rutkins, which Tacitus' friend, and ally, Torin, had chosen to shield himself from Deveroe's machinations and political aspirations. Tacitus hoped to expose Deveroe to the Guild's council, in that he was maneuvering through the city's political houses, hoping to draw support, and that, by investigating Torin, was risking exposure to the Guild itself. With enough surveillance, it was entirely possible that Tacitus could convince the council to block Deveroe's aspirations.

He just needed some clue as to what Deveroe desired, and why he had called a secret meeting during the festivities.

As he followed the Lord, he carefully scanned the crowd for the hired sell swords that Deveroe, overly cautious after being fleeced by Torin, liked to surround himself with. As he did so, he stopped at a vendor, the scent of spiced street meat appealing to the man's senses, he nodded at the hawker, and slipped him a few copper for a skewer of roasted spiced meat, from it's gamey nature, likely the dog from the lower quarters. He turned his attention back to his quarry, and slipped into the crowd.

2020-12-11, 08:36 PM

The city stood on a forgotten hill over looking the Green River which flowed into The Five Sisters Sea. Three hundred years ago it was a city state independent and proud. The inner castle and walls were impenetrable but it couldn't hold on and was defeated by the Empire. Fifty years ago the empire fell , the city of Llywyllynn under the joint council helped in its defeat. Today the city is ruled by the council general and twelve members. The churches made up of all religions except for chaotic evil are represented, they have four members on the council in a rotating manner. As of today, LG, NE, N, CN sit on the council. The guilds have four members mage, porters, thieves, green grocers on a rotating manner. The last four are made up of the nobles, freemen, Demi humans and slaves and they do not have rotating members.

Today is founders day. A day of parades, food and competitions. The council including the council general judge the food and and various sporting and military competitions.

Spoiler: your day at the festival

What are you doing at the festival? Participants in one of competitions? Eating at one of the many food carts. Watching the parade? Who are you with, by yourself or others?

2020-12-16, 10:57 PM
Sir Evandur Whiteblade
Aasimar Paladin 8 AC: 21 | HP: 64/64 | HD: 8/8d10
Spell Slots, 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 3/3
PP: 15 PInv: 13 PIns: 15
Conditions: none

Evandur rode into the city of Llywyllynn, the midday sun shining down on him, glinting off the adamantine plate armor he was wearing. Having brought his horse into the city stables, he took a cube-shaped box from the saddle bags, and passed through the gates to the city. He immediately noticed the festivities going on. A festival, maybe? Evandur thought to himself. As much as he liked to stop and partake in the celebrations, Evandur had a delivery to make, and a job to take. The Church of Pelor in Llywyllynn needed his assistance, and by the gods, he was going to give it to them. Evandur checked the streets before going up to a guard standing at a post. "Good day, sir, do you happen to know the way to the cathedral to Pelor in this city?"

2020-12-17, 08:03 AM
Fergus McRory (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2334580)
AC: 19 | HP: 52 | Hit Dice: 1d8; 7d6| INSPIRATION: 0
Passive Perception: 18| Passive Insight: 15 | Passive Investigation: 17
Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 3/3 | 3rd: 2/3 | 4th: 2/2
Active Effects: Unseen Servant, Tiny Servant
Conditions: None.

Fergus bustled around his tent, seeing to the ailments and illnesses of the people of Llywyllynn. Minor surgeries, healings, diagnostics... the things a doctor should do. He also provided a few services the other local physicians didn't. Weddings, dedications, coming of age ceremonies. Fergus McRory was actively involved in the lives of the people of his city. Particularly the working class.

Today, on Founder's Day, he wasn't seeing as many patients as he would at his office in the poor district. But he had already performed two weddings and dedicated a halfling baby to Yondalla's service. It was looking like a good day.

2020-12-17, 04:43 PM
Torin Lady Ritkins grabs him by the arm . Yes let us be seen and maybe make some one jealous. she says with a wink and turns her head towards her sleeping husband.

The sky is bright and the crowds are cheering as different guilds parade along the route. The Cathedral of Pelor is just across the street. The council members are sitting on a raised dais.
make three separate perception rolls. You will find out different information depending on each roll.

Evandur Evandur follows the directions to the center of the city where he spots the Cathedral of Pelor. As he approaches the front doors , two acolytes step forward. What can we do for you sir. All our superiors are at the festival.

Make three perception rolls and I will tell you your results.

Fergus Fergus realizes he hasn't had a bite to eat since early this morning. He makes his way out of his office and heads towards the street vendors. He stops in front of one of the many tents. When the crowd roars as the performers guild puts on a show in front of the council members.

Make three perception rolls and I will tell you your results.

2020-12-17, 05:01 PM
Evandur Evandur follows the directions to the center of the city where he spots the Cathedral of Pelor. As he approaches the front doors , two acolytes step forward. What can we do for you sir. All our superiors are at the festival.

Make three perception rolls and I will tell you your results.

"I'm here to give an artifact of our Church to the priest of this parish. Although, if he's not here, I could come back at a different time. I wasn't aware there was a festival." Evandur looked around the cathedral, taking in his surroundings


2020-12-19, 04:18 PM
Torin Xarlata (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2333958) aka Sir Vinet
Half-elf Bard 8
AC: 18 | HP: 67/67 | HD: 8/8d8
Spell Slots, 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 3/3 | 3rd: 3/3 | 4th: 2/2
Tasha 1, Faerie Fire 1, Misty Step 1, Darkness 1, Suggestion 1/ LR each
PP: 18 PInv: 12 PIns: 14
Conditions: none

Torin (as Sir Vinet) walks out with Lady Rutkins, smiling at her as she motions to her husband. He tries to read her thoughts to see if she is joking or wants to take this further.

"Yes. Let us explore this fine city."

On his way out, he sees a filthy human old woman dressed in rags. As he checks her surface thoughts and picks up on her concentration towards the council members on the dias, he goes up to her, still concentrating on her surface thoughts.

"Blessed founders day, ma'am. None should go hungry today." He gives her two gold pieces and motions to the council members, "Anything interesting going on over there today?"

Lady Rutkins does indeed have thoughts about spending the afternoon with you.

The old woman smiles and respondsBig things sir. I will spend this and think of you. her thoughts Fool, this is just a trinket of what I will be rewarded.

2020-12-19, 04:22 PM
"I'm here to give an artifact of our Church to the priest of this parish. Although, if he's not here, I could come back at a different time. I wasn't aware there was a festival." Evandur looked around the cathedral, taking in his surroundings


The two acolytes continue to watch the parade from their vantage point. We were not told when our elders will return but I believe as soon as the parade is over they will be here for the late service.

2020-12-19, 04:34 PM
The two acolytes continue to watch the parade from their vantage point. We were not told when our elders will return but I believe as soon as the parade is over they will be here for the late service.

"Alright. I will wait here for their return, then." Evandur looked around for a bench or chair to sit in.

2020-12-20, 03:51 PM
I am nobody. I have to go now. she says as her surface thoughts truly show she is in a hurry along with her thinking about fire.

She moves around you and looks to the left and right like she is going to cross the street during the parade.

2020-12-22, 04:20 PM
Fergus washes his hands before heading to the food stalls. A nice sausage and a wedge of cheese will just about hit the spot.

He glances over when he notices the dirty, old woman. [roll0] She looks healthy enough, so he looks a little deeper when she pushes by the nobles out for a stroll.

2020-12-22, 06:09 PM
Fergus washes his hands before heading to the food stalls. A nice sausage and a wedge of cheese will just about hit the spot.

He glances over when he notices the dirty, old woman. [roll0] She looks healthy enough, so he looks a little deeper when she pushes by the nobles out for a stroll.

You can truly tell she is in a hurry and moves quicker than one would expect from an old human woman. The young noble has taken an interest in her and has given her money and asked her some questions.

2020-12-22, 06:15 PM
The old woman crosses the street as she weaves between parade walkers.

Fergus and Sir Vinet greet each other and lose sight of her as they are talking.
unless specified by either player, the old woman is across the street and lost in the crowd.

2020-12-28, 06:57 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 67/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura, in shark outfit as usual, is as usual being some kind of public menace. In today's case, she's practically bouncing from one food stall to the next wolfing something down before grabbing another and leaving a tangled mess of tripped up and bumped aside people in her wake, laughing all the way. She frequently stops to hand another kid in the crowd whatever she hasn't finished yet or toss a bit to a bird or squirrel or stray cat or dog.

Perception1: 19
Perception2: 25
Perception3: 22

2020-12-31, 08:25 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 67/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura notes the old woman moving in a very un-old and determined way towards the dais where the council members are seated. She decides to get closer, like right up next to her, and very obviously circle around her, looking her over for any weapons or such. As she's suspicious this person is in disguise and might do something to ruin the festivities.

Perception: [roll0]

2021-01-01, 07:13 PM
The old woman looks at the young girl and screams Help this ruffian is trying to steal my gold. as she holds two gold pieces up. Here take them she flings the two coins directly over Garu's head.

2021-01-14, 11:46 AM
The horse knew the way - which was good, considering that the rider was dead - dead drunk. He revived a bit when the horse bucked him off, making him fall into the horse trough. That at least brought back some life into him. Spitting out water and stumbling along with his water logged clothes, Vindariel took in the sights.
"Ahh... it's Founder's day already. Drek. Seems some water got into my drink." he mumbled to himself and any passersby who happened to listen to him. The dented armor as well as the rest of his uniform had seen far, far better days and the breath from his mouth would have interested a number of alchemists for its dissolving properties.
"Gotta find the man and... and talk to him. That was it. Drek. I need a drink."
Having a somewhat unreliable relationship with his eyes and ears at the moment, the man staggered on, relying on his old ally, his nose, to find the nearest stand offering hot beverages.
"Give me your strongest bean brew - with a teenzy little shot of firewater - half and half will do."

While waiting for his order, Vindariel watched the parade go by, absentmindedly polishing the only clean spot - right above his heart - with his wet sleeve.
"You know where I can find Thomas Mour, the secretary of the council?" He inquired of the server, disregarding the fact that it would be about a 1 to 1000 chance for the man to have that information.

2021-01-14, 04:17 PM
Davey perks up when he hears someone cry "trying to steal," and is disappointed when it turns out to be a little girl annoying an old lady.

"Now, little ruffian, are you trying to steal that poor old lady's gold?" Davey calls over, even though he doubts that that's the case.

He takes a bite of an apple that he'd previously taken from a food cart without paying.

"That's not very nice of you, is it?" he asks through the bite of apple.

Do any of those perception rolls I made (especially the 23) have anything to do with that old lady?

2021-01-15, 01:59 PM
"Alright. I will wait here for their return, then." Evandur looked around for a bench or chair to sit in.

All benches are in use as the crowds are watching the parade on both sides of the dias where the council members sit. If he is patient he can grab a seat when someone leaves.

2021-01-15, 02:01 PM
The horse knew the way - which was good, considering that the rider was dead - dead drunk. He revived a bit when the horse bucked him off, making him fall into the horse trough. That at least brought back some life into him. Spitting out water and stumbling along with his water logged clothes, Vindariel took in the sights.
"Ahh... it's Founder's day already. Drek. Seems some water got into my drink." he mumbled to himself and any passersby who happened to listen to him. The dented armor as well as the rest of his uniform had seen far, far better days and the breath from his mouth would have interested a number of alchemists for its dissolving properties.
"Gotta find the man and... and talk to him. That was it. Drek. I need a drink."
Having a somewhat unreliable relationship with his eyes and ears at the moment, the man staggered on, relying on his old ally, his nose, to find the nearest stand offering hot beverages.
"Give me your strongest bean brew - with a teenzy little shot of firewater - half and half will do."

While waiting for his order, Vindariel watched the parade go by, absentmindedly polishing the only clean spot - right above his heart - with his wet sleeve.
"You know where I can find Thomas Mour, the secretary of the council?" He inquired of the server, disregarding the fact that it would be about a 1 to 1000 chance for the man to have that information.

Don't know the man. But all councilmembers are at the dais in front of the Cathedral of Pelor.

2021-01-15, 03:52 PM
"Ah thank you my good man. To the cathedral of the shiny lord then!"
The coffee was strong - strong enough to steady Vindariel far enough not to stumble, at least not noticeable.
That didn't mean that he didn't collide with a lot of people on his way to the large building, but at least he didn't linger around to collect the complaints.

2021-01-15, 04:08 PM
Davey perks up when he hears someone cry "trying to steal," and is disappointed when it turns out to be a little girl annoying an old lady.

"Now, little ruffian, are you trying to steal that poor old lady's gold?" Davey calls over, even though he doubts that that's the case.

He takes a bite of an apple that he'd previously taken from a food cart without paying.

"That's not very nice of you, is it?" he asks through the bite of apple.

Do any of those perception rolls I made (especially the 23) have anything to do with that old lady?

Davey notices that the old woman moves easier than an old woman should. He also notices the young girl with shark teeth getting really close to the old woman.

2021-01-15, 04:24 PM
Three guards hear the yell for help from the old woman and the crowd of festival goers crowd closes around the old woman, the young teen age girl and the seafarer. The poor and children all scrambling on their hands and knees looking for the two gold.

Garu and Davey I need perception 15 at disadvantage. My thinking is suddenly a lot of people have tried entering the occupied square of the old woman and Garu as they are trying to get the money. If you still make the roll then I need an investigation check 15.

2021-01-15, 04:48 PM
"A daylight robbery, how absolutely hilarious." Vindariel had stopped as the press of people prevented him from getting forward.
He hadn't really paid attention to what had happened before, but even in his current state he knew that no-one tried to rob anyone during a parade with armed guards all around.

So he decided to stop and watch for a moment what this street theater performance would produce next. "Apparently a land shark... I think I need more to drink."

2021-01-15, 04:59 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 67/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura ignores the "old woman's" attempt to dissuade her and continue making sure attention is on her as she replies to the man, "Who you calling a ruffian!? This lady's a fake and a liar. I smelled something off about her and got close and she's making up all this thief stuff when I aint said nothing to her at all. Then she throws gold about to try and distract from how shady she is!"

2021-01-15, 05:19 PM
"Well tell her to save some for me, little ruffian. I like gold."

He takes another bite of his apple and tries to keep his eye on the old lady, since he's already seen enough to agree that the old lady is kind of suspicious.

The lowest of [roll0] and [roll1]

Edit: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

2021-01-15, 06:53 PM
"Well tell her to save some for me, little ruffian. I like gold."

He takes another bite of his apple and tries to keep his eye on the old lady, since he's already seen enough to agree that the old lady is kind of suspicious.

The lowest of [roll0] and [roll1]

Edit: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Okay still need investigation roll

2021-01-15, 09:06 PM
Okay still need investigation roll

I did it in the other thread. It was a twelve. You said I wanted to hit a DC of 15?

2021-01-15, 09:27 PM
I did it in the other thread. It was a twelve. You said I wanted to hit a DC of 15?

Okay sorry.

2021-01-15, 09:50 PM
Okay sorry.

It happens. (Sorry I didn't post in the same thread. I didn't realize they were both called for until after I'd posted the Perception one, and the site's anti-cheating methods mean you can't edit a roll into a post.)

So, do these results mean I can still see the old woman, but miss something it'd be nice to see?

2021-01-16, 12:40 AM
It happens. (Sorry I didn't post in the same thread. I didn't realize they were both called for until after I'd posted the Perception one, and the site's anti-cheating methods mean you can't edit a roll into a post.)

So, do these results mean I can still see the old woman, but miss something it'd be nice to see?
You believe the old woman is really an old woman she is not disguised.

2021-01-16, 02:20 AM
Fergus McRory (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2334580)
AC: 19 | HP: 52 | Hit Dice: 1d8; 7d6| INSPIRATION: 0
Passive Perception: 18| Passive Insight: 15 | Passive Investigation: 17
Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 3/3 | 3rd: 2/3 | 4th: 2/2
Active Effects: Unseen Servant, Tiny Servant
Conditions: None.

"Excuse me Sir Vinet. It was good to see you again, but I might be needed over there", Fergus says, pointing toward the sound of commotion.

He extricates himself from the young noble and makes his way towards the sound.

2021-01-16, 08:58 PM
You believe the old woman is really an old woman she is not disguised.

And yet you already told me that Davey realizes she's moving faster than an old lady should...

Although that's actually not impossible: there's a monk feature that lets you ignore the effects of old age right up until the end. But she shows no sign of being a monk.

Would an old woman protected by that class feature look her true age? Or would she seemingly freeze in time when she hit level 15, or even de-age herself like Genkai from Yu Yu Hakusho?

Davey follows the old woman with his eyes, to see where she slips off to in the confusion. The kid's right: there's something weird going on.

2021-01-17, 09:13 PM
Evandur, while sitting in a pew, waiting for the pastor of the church to come back, perked up. If he was right, and he was pretty sure he was, there was a huge commotion going on outside. "What in the Gods' names is going on, outside?" He got up from the pew, walking out of the cathedral, to see what was happening.

2021-01-18, 02:08 PM
Anyone near the old woman hears a faint word and then sees silvery mist. The old woman is gone.

anyone who cares can roll a perception roll 15.

2021-01-18, 04:52 PM
[roll0]+3 Perception

Taking another big gulp from his cup, Vindariel missed the vanishing act of the old woman and looked around in bemused confusion. He then clapped ackwardly, trying not to spill the remains of his drink: "Bravo, bravo."

2021-01-18, 05:09 PM

Davey keeps his eyes pointed directly at the old woman... what does he see?

2021-01-20, 11:52 PM
okay we are going to move to combat. As of right now the sidewalk area is filled with people.
Most of those people are headed towards the stands. I will send messages to those people who roll a 15 perception as to what they see next. Then it will be up to you to respond back here.

2021-01-30, 07:21 PM
Daelus Cantor (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2389437)
Human Bard
AC: 14 HP: 51/51
PP: 16 PIv: 14 PIs: 13
Conditions: -
Concentration: -

Daelus had been playing for coin at the festival, biding his time before finding out if his old troupe had ever arrived. The commotion draws his eye and he stands, bandore still in hand, watching to see what would happen next. He never quite stops playing either Well that seems... off.

2021-01-30, 10:25 PM
Evandur must've been seeing things, but he could've swore that he saw a woman disappear in a cloud of smoke. He decided to look closer, even though he could see that something was happening in the crowd.


2021-01-31, 03:29 PM
"Hey, little ruffian!"

Davey points at the retreating boys. "She teleported over there and disguised herself. She's one of those two identical boys. That one, specifically. She's clearly got some sort of underhanded plan going on, or she wouldn't be going to all this trouble."

"What we should do is tell the guards, but I'd rather sit here and enjoy the festival, and you're probably going to want to handle it yourself, aren't you?"

2021-01-31, 07:41 PM
Garu manages to follow the quick directions given to her and sees the old woman change into a young man suddenly there are two men who look the same and then one walks in front of the other and you don't see him perception roll 15 agin.

2021-02-01, 11:22 AM
Daelus Cantor (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2389437)
Human Bard
AC: 14 HP: 51/51
PP: 16 PIv: 14 PIs: 13
Conditions: -
Concentration: -

Daelus grins and points to the guardsman Oi, I think that's your disappearing shape changer! he shouts to the young girl and the man she's with.

2021-02-01, 01:41 PM
Post removed as I had thought Ramsus roll was for perception and instead it was for initiative.

2021-02-01, 03:23 PM
The word "Shapechanger" reached Vindariel's ears and made him look up. He couldn't stand the buggers - and since this here seemed to shape up into a brawl, he felt he was righteously empowered to join in.
"Now, what's that then?" He called out, only slightly slurred. "Seems like there are spies in the city - could be anyone - better punch your neighbor in the face to see if he is real or some shapechanging little ****."

2021-02-01, 04:09 PM
The word "Shapechanger" reached Vindariel's ears and made him look up. He couldn't stand the buggers - and since this here seemed to shape up into a brawl, he felt he was righteously empowered to join in.
"Now, what's that then?" He called out, only slightly slurred. "Seems like there are spies in the city - could be anyone - better punch your neighbor in the face to see if he is real or some shapechanging little ****." ok roll persuasion roll you want to roll low or some people might believe you especially if they saw the shape shifter .

2021-02-01, 04:35 PM
The city guard pulls something from around his neck. A bright streak flashes from his pointing finger to the dais where the council members are sitting and then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 34 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried.

The city guard was 30 feet away from where it first disappeared. The city guard turns around away from the dais and starts to walk away.

2021-02-01, 04:50 PM
Not even Vindariel was able to miss such an obvious attack. Propelled by liquid courage and the mercenary instinct for loot and glory, he charged at the traitorous guard before they could vanish once more.

I'm going for a grapple with my first attack, followed by a shove
Grapple Athletics [roll0]+7

Shove Athletics [roll1]+7

2021-02-02, 12:06 AM
Daelus Cantor (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2389437)
Human Bard
AC: 14 HP: 51/51
PP: 16 PIv: 14 PIs: 13
Conditions: -
Concentration: -

Daelus shields his eyes from the blast of fire and turns to the dais. He glares over at the shapeshifter. This was a festival, it didn't seem right to just start killing folks. He notices some of the people are still moving and breathes before shouting at the arsonist You didn't even do it right! You must be the failure of your whole damn bloodline! and then to the fallen council member still moving he yells And you! Get back up, it's not the kind of day to die!

Casting Vicious Mockery on the fireball tossing shapechanger. Wis save vs DC 15. On a fail take [roll0] and get disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes

Casting Healing Word on the moving council member not already healed for [roll1]

2021-02-02, 12:15 AM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 67/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura growls in frustration as the "old woman" manages to evade her and manages to do exactly the kind of thing she was trying to get the attention of the guards to prevent them from doing. Only for the guards to somehow be completely inept and fail to do a single thing to protect the council members or prevent the culprit's attempted escaped. Thankfully someone else jumps in, unlike the somehow completely oblivious throng of people around them who managed to fail to grasp someone she was basically shouting for everyone to notice as a threat.... that they were/still are a threat.

She was mad an almost wound up focusing on the culprit, but then she noticed someone else doing the smart thing and going to heal their victims. So with a chomp of her jaws she delivered a bite of frost to the culprit but then ran over to heal a council member herself, not that healing was really her focus as a druid.

Frostbite DC 16 Con save for [roll0] cold damage and they have disadvantage on their next weapon attack roll.


Healing Word: [roll1]

2021-02-02, 09:19 AM
"Are you kidding me?!"

Davey runs a bit closer to the action, so that he can chase the assassin down if she(?) tries to flee. "Why couldn't you just use the festival to cover a heist like a normal villain?"

2021-02-02, 03:34 PM
2nd round As the fire was never put out( see ooc) a second explosion rockets the dais . Gura and Daelus make dex save 12 for half, full damage is 24.

The shape shifter once again causes silvery mist to form and has escaped from the grapple. Perception roll 15 to see it before it changes.

ok first thing the fire was never put out and fireball states items on a person or carried do not catch on fire but the chairs and the wooden dais does and something causes an explosion from underneath the dais. The shape shifter is at disadvantage for attacking by vicious mockery and gura frost spell missed both saves and took damage.
But Misty step only requires verbal components so the mage could just speak some words and teleport out of the grapple.

2021-02-03, 07:05 AM
"Slippery little ****" Vindariel wasn't detered by the renewed escape. He might not have been the most astute observer at the moment, but he had plenty of instinct and raw cunning to help him out.
The assassin might be able to hop around a bit, but there was nothing wrong with his feet and so he ran after the fallen figure that had just appeared across the street.
"You aren't getting away that easy, you pink poodle."
Drawing his trusty riding bow, he nocked the first arrow and shot.
"Leaving a trail of blood will do well to find you again, you ***** ****** of a ******.

Depending on how far the other got, (30ft teleport, 15ft movement after getting up) I'm using my bow to follow up

Attack 1: [roll0]+8, damage [roll1]+5, if crit [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3]+8, damage [roll4]+5, if crit [roll5]

2021-02-03, 11:50 AM
the city guard managed to pop up on the other side of the street and moved to a standing position. He moved 15 feet away and then he is hit with two arrows in his back. He yells loudly Get reinforcements. We are under attack. perception is 12 to find him and those close to the guard indeed believe him. And start yelling as well but no physical involvement.

2021-02-03, 12:22 PM
"Crap, those were my employers you just killed, weren't they?"

Davey runs towards the drunken captain who'd seemingly caught the asssassin. "You. Party enthusiast. Which way?"

[roll0] to see if I can answer my own question before he does.

2021-02-03, 05:55 PM
"Do you think I shoot random people for fun... right now?"
Vindariel replied to the man, slurring his words only a little, while pointing at his target.

2021-02-03, 07:50 PM
"Right now? Okay, I'm buying you your poison of choice when this is over."

Davey looks over at the guards. "Oh, ****."

"They're in disguise! That's an assassin! Check for an illusion!"

2021-02-03, 10:35 PM
Evandur did not expect pure pandemonium to ensue, yet here he was, a fireball flying through the air, and hollers of illusionists. Evandur quickly drew his sword, and took the heater shield strapped to his back off, and equipped it. Pelor guide me...


2021-02-04, 01:26 AM
Daelus Cantor (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2389437)
Human Bard
AC: 14 HP: 51/51
PP: 16 PIv: 14 PIs: 13
Conditions: -
Concentration: -

Daelus let's out a shout of pain as his skin blisters and burns in the second explosionAugh! He looks over to the young girl he'd seen run up to the dias as well, surprised she was still alive after the second attack Get back! I can handle the wounded. He reaches into his pack and withdraws a healer's kit, addressing one of the fallen councilors. To the other he had seen twitching moments before he simply shouts Get up and run, you fool!

Stabilizing one with a healer's kit charge, casting Healing word again on the other


2021-02-04, 01:09 PM
Vindariel sensed the shifting mood in the crowd and more reflexes of a long life in command took over:
"Get the bloody impostor and ask him todays password, you daft apes. Do I have to do everything around here!"

Persuation roll to get my orders across - adding a superiority die for extra effect

[roll0]+6 +[roll1]

2021-02-04, 01:22 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura lets out a frustrated and upset yell at the second explosion and the whole situation in general. With the other person on there saying to leave the healing to them, she just lets the explosion propel her forwards after the criminal. As she pats out the flames on her she pulls a handfull of blue wasps out from under her clothes and tosses them into the air. She commands them "Stop that person! Track by scent!" and then they suddenly grow until they're each larger than she is.

The wasps all fly over, but at some more direction only of them actually gets directly adjacent and then rest spread out sort of nearby but not all in one big cluster around them.


Casting Giant Insect to create 5 Giant Wasps. Let me know if they act immediately or I should roll initiative for them as a group or seperately or whatever. And also if they're going to be able to reach their target with 50 feet of movement.

Wasps dash.

2021-02-04, 02:18 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura lets out a frustrated and upset yell at the second explosion and the whole situation in general. With the other person on there saying to leave the healing to them, she just lets the explosion propel her forwards after the criminal. As she pats out the flames on her she pulls a handfull of blue wasps out from under her clothes and tosses them into the air. She commands them "Stop that person! Track by scent!" and then they suddenly grow until they're each larger than she is.


Casting Giant Insect to create 5 Giant Wasps. Let me know if they act immediately or I should roll initiative for them as a group or seperately or whatever. And also if they're going to be able to reach their target with 50 feet of movement.

They act immediately after you do and yes they can reach the city guard man imposter and be in all squares around him if they double move.

2021-02-04, 09:43 PM
Third round. The shape shifter makes a run for it trying to get a way. Dash movement 60' provoking AOO.

2021-02-04, 11:42 PM
Evandur pushed his way through people, trying to move closer to the pandemonium, away from the church, so as to get a better grasp on the situation at hand. He looked around, hoping to notice anything that might be beneficial to understanding the situation at hand.


2021-02-04, 11:54 PM
Daelus Cantor (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2389437)
Human Bard
AC: 14 HP: 51/51
PP: 16 PIv: 14 PIs: 13
Conditions: -
Concentration: -

Satisfied with his work, Daelus stows the healer's kit. Taking up his bandore again, Daelus plays a quick tune that gradually declerates Slow down, you pyrophile. You'll face us now, not in a while.

Casting Slow, Wis save DC 15

2021-02-05, 12:09 AM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: Giant Insect (1/100)

Gura continues to chase after while instructing her wasps to stay on/surround the target's possible paths so they can't get away from them or take them all out at once.

Opportunity attack from Giant Wasp 1: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] and DC 11 Con save for half of [roll2] poison damage.
If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
if crit: [roll3]

Gura is just Dashing to keep up, pretty sure she's at least 30 feet or more behind.

Giant Wasps all have to Dash this round again. They attempt to do the following as well as possible: Position themselves so one is adjacent (in front of the direction the enemy is currently heading) and the rest are at four corners surrounding at 30 feet away so the enemy shouldn't be able to evade at least two of them even if dashing next round.

2021-02-05, 12:24 PM
Vindariel sensed the shifting mood in the crowd and more reflexes of a long life in command took over:
"Get the bloody impostor and ask him todays password, you daft apes. Do I have to do everything around here!"

Persuation roll to get my orders across - adding a superiority die for extra effect

[roll0]+6 +[roll1]

The common folk take notice of your yelling and point at the city guardsman with the arrows in his back.

2021-02-05, 12:25 PM
Evandur pushed his way through people, trying to move closer to the pandemonium, away from the church, so as to get a better grasp on the situation at hand. He looked around, hoping to notice anything that might be beneficial to understanding the situation at hand.

he notices two bodies not moving and around three that are.

2021-02-05, 12:28 PM
Daelus Cantor (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2389437)
Human Bard
AC: 14 HP: 51/51
PP: 16 PIv: 14 PIs: 13
Conditions: -
Concentration: -

Satisfied with his work, Daelus stows the healer's kit. Taking up his bandore again, Daelus plays a quick tune that gradually declerates Slow down, you pyrophile. You'll face us now, not in a while.

Casting Slow, Wis save DC 15

Wisdom save against slow

2021-02-05, 12:28 PM
Shape shifter is slowed per the spell slow.

2021-02-05, 12:31 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: Giant Insect (1/100)

Gura continues to chase after while instructing her wasps to stay on/surround the target's possible paths so they can't get away from them or take them all out at once.

Opportunity attack from Giant Wasp 1: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] and DC 11 Con save for half of [roll2] poison damage.
If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
if crit: [roll3]

Gura is just Dashing to keep up, pretty sure she's at least 30 feet or more behind.

Giant Wasps all have to Dash this round again. They attempt to do the following as well as possible: Position themselves so one is adjacent (in front of the direction the enemy is currently heading) and the rest are at four corners surrounding at 30 feet away so the enemy shouldn't be able to evade at least two of them even if dashing next round.

the aoo of the wasp missed. Even with the slow spell in effect.

2021-02-05, 04:44 PM
Davey runs forward to try and catch the assassin.

He teleported thirty feet and then moved fifteen, right? Then the dash action was good for sixty more?

That's a total of 105 feet away from Vindariel, and I'm going to assume Davey starts his turn right next to Vindariel, so also 105 feet away from the assassin.

Davey takes two Dash actions (spending a point of ki for that second one) to cover a total of 135 feet. I'm thirty feet in front of the assassin now. Monks are awesome.

"'Sup, ****bird?" Davey asks the assassin.

2021-02-06, 03:44 PM
Vindariel closed in with what pace he could spare, all the while continuing to fire his bow at the fleeing man.
"Shooting a fleeing man in the back... Ah that brings back memories."

Moving 30 ft closer and continuing to shoot.

[roll0]+8, damage [roll1]+5, if crit [roll2]
[roll3]+8, damage [roll4]+5, if crit [roll5]

Should a superiority dice be necessary to hit with precise shot: [roll6]

Well strike that - no need for those with those rolls.

(Dice remaining 4)

The old mercenary advanced while expertly arcing his shots at the distance, plunging another two arrows into his target.

2021-02-06, 10:12 PM
The shape shifter collapses to the ground.

2021-02-07, 04:52 AM
"Make way, can't you see there's a man bleeding on the ground. I've got to get to him before it's too late."

Vindariel began to jog towards his downed target - now anxious to miss out on the loot.

2021-02-08, 01:21 AM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: Giant Insect (1/100)

Gura rushes over and commands the wasps to keep an eye out for any threats/suspicious people but otherwise stay in the air above reach. Once she actually reaches the shapeshifter, she checks them out and tries to make sure they won't die from their wounds so they can be questioned and imprisoned later.

Medicine to stabilize: [roll0]

2021-02-08, 11:40 AM
Gura manages to stabilize the shape shifter as Vindariel acts like he is helping as he searches the body.

2021-02-08, 11:48 AM
Daelus Cantor (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2389437)
Human Bard
AC: 14 HP: 51/51
PP: 16 PIv: 14 PIs: 13
Conditions: -
Concentration: -

Daelus drags the unconscious councilor over to their living counterpart I don't suppose you could call some guards to carry this one somewhere safe?

2021-02-08, 01:14 PM
Davey snaps his fingers in exasperation with himself as he realizes what Vindariel's doing, and that Davey's probably missed the proverbial boat.

He looks around for a handy rope to tie their captive's hands with.

2021-02-08, 01:42 PM
Vindariel knelt at the man's side, feeling his puls - and incidentally pocketing the small medallion around his neck. While the shark girl applied some bandages on the shifter's back, he helped by gripping the man to stabilize him - and to filch his purse as well as a piece of half torn scroll.

"You are quite handy with your bandages - ever thought about working in a free company?"

2021-02-08, 11:45 PM
The city guards and the acolytes from the cathedral help move the injured and the dead into the church. On e of the council members who is not hurt comes over to Gura. Will it live? We need to know why it attacked us. As acting Council General, I am charging you and these two men to investigate. If you need anyone else's help, recruit them.

2021-02-09, 01:43 AM
Davey comes over with some rope. "They don't look like they're missing anything important. Yet."

Davey pulls a ten foot length of hempen rope out of his bag. "Do you have anyone on your payroll who can cast Zone of Truth?"

2021-02-09, 01:19 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: Giant Insect (1/100)

Gura laughs, practically a cackle, at Vindariel's suggestion and replies, "I'm the leading druid of the city, I'm not going to lower myself to being a killer for hire. And it'd mean I'd have to be away from father. Besides, what kind of life is that for a child? Shame on you sir!" the last part clearly just poking fun and she laughs some more.

To the acting council general she replies, "It'll live. Me? Um.... ok I guess that makes sense. We're the ones you can rule out being part of whatever this mess is. What's your name again? In case we need to let you know something." she gives a shrug and 0% deference for the man's authority, merely just agreeing the idea makes sense. She then looks back to the other person who helped with healing the councilors and points, "I'll take that guy too." At which point she tries to wave Daelus over so he can find out he's been drafted.

2021-02-09, 01:26 PM
"Nothing wrong with being a druid - or a child in a free army. Eggs and steaks everyday. Besides, there's a lot of folks out there that would be well served with a bit of killing now and then. Reduces the rate of recidivism somewhat sharp.
Aye. Getting away from my father was one of the reasons I joined up back when." He smiled broadly.

He smiled even more when he found himself deputised. "Right you are good sir. Old Captain Vindariel Cosca will see to this right away."

2021-02-09, 01:28 PM
Daelus Cantor (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2389437)
Human Bard
AC: 14 HP: 51/51
PP: 16 PIv: 14 PIs: 13
Conditions: -
Concentration: -

Daelus wanders over and looks at the bandaged and tied up chabgeling Not bad work there. What's this about work?

2021-02-09, 01:30 PM
Davey comes over with some rope. "They don't look like they're missing anything important. Yet."

Davey pulls a ten foot length of hempen rope out of his bag. "Do you have anyone on your payroll who can cast Zone of Truth?"

The council general looks at him . We have no one in the pay rolls. But some of our members are clerics who can help. Maybe you can ask at the Cathedral of Pelor.

2021-02-09, 02:48 PM
Davey nods. "Sounds good."

Davey ties the target's hands and feet together. "Hey, shark girl? Do you think those bandages could work as a gag? Or should I try another length of hemp rope?"

2021-02-09, 06:58 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: Giant Insect (1/100)

"Just use more rope, we don't know if they can make their mouth change shape too." Gura replies to Davey.

"I'm Gura Ganu-Gatho, head druid of the city. Council General there says you all work for me and we're going to be investigating this mess." she says once the whole group is assembled.

2021-02-09, 08:21 PM
"Works for me."

Davey pulls out a five foot length of rope, ties it to the malefactor's other rope restraints, and wraps it around the assassin's face (making sure it goes into their mouth) before tying the other end to the already-tied restraints.

When he's suddenly told he works for a 13 year old girl, Davey hesitates for a second, then shrugs. "Fine by me. Just as long as you pay well."

He turns to Vindariel. "Speaking of money, I promised you a drink, didn't I? Maybe we should wait until the fun's over, though."

2021-02-09, 08:29 PM
Evandur looked around, confused by the pandemonium. He had hesitated too much, and it cost the lives of a few people, people who wouldn't see their families again in this world. This won't happen again, Evandur resolved to himself, as he sheathed his sword.

2021-02-09, 08:57 PM
You, knightcame the call from the council general. I need your service, can you help Gura and these others. I can see by the road dust that you have just arrived. Well that is not true, the acolytes have informed me you are new to the city and a man of your upbringing may get information that these others can't. What say you sir?

2021-02-11, 01:07 PM
"Works for me."
He turns to Vindariel. "Speaking of money, I promised you a drink, didn't I? Maybe we should wait until the fun's over, though."

"Eh, no rule against having a drink while you have fun - in my experience it adds to the fun. Oh and by the way, I happened to find something on the shifter. Maybe one of you learned folks can make sense of it."

He pulled out the scrap of parchment and showed it to his co-deputies: A half torn piece of scroll with the word Metra...(this part is missing)
"Not sure if it means anything, but you never know with those magic types."

2021-02-11, 07:32 PM
Daelus looks at the scroll piece. Daelus remembers walking past a shady looking inn near the docks with the name Metrapolathan's House of Cards.

2021-02-11, 07:35 PM
Daelus Cantor (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2389437)
Human Bard
AC: 14 HP: 51/51
PP: 16 PIv: 14 PIs: 13
Conditions: -
Concentration: -

Daelus gives the scrap a look and idly strums the bandore Hmm... Metrapolathan's House of Cards, maybe. It's by the docks. Looked shady enough for an explosive assassin. Look, if we're working on this, I need to pick up some gear from my inn room. Shall we meet around the House of Cards?

2021-02-11, 07:36 PM
You, knightcame the call from the council general. I need your service, can you help Gura and these others. I can see by the road dust that you have just arrived. Well that is not true, the acolytes have informed me you are new to the city and a man of your upbringing may get information that these others can't. What say you sir?

"Me? I'd be happy to help. What do they need help with? Evandur straightened himself up a bit as he addressed the new fellow. He did kinda appear out of the blue, but in this strange city, he was happy for any work he got.

2021-02-12, 07:54 AM
"Huh, never heard of that place. Still, never a bad time for a little card action.
Oh, while we go there, does any of you happen to be wise in the ways of magic analysis?"
Vindariel asked suspiciously innocently.

2021-02-15, 04:31 PM
The crowd of festival participants dwindled as the group made their way closer to the docks. Chatter was wild on the streets with people talking about the assassination of two council members particularly the council general.

Women call out from windows advertising their services and men stand out side different taverns. But closer to the actual harbor stood a building in black teak wood with the name above the door proclaiming House of Cards. Two half orcs in plate and with great swords stand to either side.

2021-02-15, 05:20 PM
Being no stranger to taverns of any kind, Vindariel strode confidently towards the two bouncers, ready to move past them into this den of inequity and ill repute.

If necessary:
Charisma (Persuation) check to get inside:


2021-02-16, 10:35 PM
Vindariel moved through the doors.

2021-02-16, 11:42 PM
Davey follows him in and looks around. "So... are there rooms for rent here?" he asks Vindariel.

2021-02-17, 12:30 AM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura also just follows Vindariel through the doors, paying no mind to the bouncers or whatever they were.

2021-02-17, 12:57 AM
You child, where are you going? Oi is this your girl? the taller half orc says as Gura tries to walk in. The half orc looks at Daelus.

2021-02-17, 01:03 AM
Aye, as it happens. Something the matter, lads? Daelus gives a dull smile and shrugs

Deception, to convince them Gura's his daughter so they hopefully don't cause a fuss if an adult is watching her


2021-02-17, 12:24 PM
Vindariel shrugged at the question of the sailor: "Never been here before in my life - but for enough coin, I bet the proprietor here would give you his own room, his wife and daughter included."
Looking back at the hold-up he called: "Oy, Priest are you and your mistress coming or what?"

2021-02-17, 11:30 PM
We don't take girls as payment on bets. You understand? the shorter half orc says looking at the " priest".

The inside was clean and bright. Light spells above tables one dealer and four chairs. About ten tables were available some with players and some empty. A bar to the side was manned by a halfling with a peg leg who stood on a ramp to reach the bar top. Other half orcs could be seen manning different areas of the floor.

2021-02-17, 11:34 PM
Davey looks around to see if he sees anything that looks like it could lead to a series of hotel rooms, or anything.

2021-02-17, 11:42 PM
There are two doors next to each other which have two half orcs on either side.

2021-02-17, 11:55 PM
Davey heads over to the bar. "Afternoon," he says to the bartender, as he looks around for a drink menu, or any sort of sign behind the bar.

2021-02-18, 04:06 PM
Vindariel siddled to the half orcs guarding the second door and casually showed one of them the necklace thing - on the off chance that it happened to be the secret recognition symbol to be let into the guarded room where the conspiracy met.
At the moment that seemed to him as good as anything to start his investigations. With a quizical look he waited for the halforc's reaction.

2021-02-18, 11:45 PM
We don't take girls as payment on bets. You understand? the shorter half orc says looking at the " priest".

The inside was clean and bright. Light spells above tables one dealer and four chairs. About ten tables were available some with players and some empty. A bar to the side was manned by a halfling with a peg leg who stood on a ramp to reach the bar top. Other half orcs could be seen manning different areas of the floor.

Wouldn't dream of it. She's just keeping me from betting the house He wanders up to the bar beside Davey and waves over the bartenderIf he calls me a priest again I'm going to be insulted. he mutters to the other man. He addresses the barkeep Good day. What's quenching here?

2021-02-19, 08:31 PM
Davey heads over to the bar. "Afternoon," he says to the bartender, as he looks around for a drink menu, or any sort of sign behind the bar.
The halfling looks up It is. he says matter of fact.

2021-02-19, 08:32 PM
Vindariel siddled to the half orcs guarding the second door and casually showed one of them the necklace thing - on the off chance that it happened to be the secret recognition symbol to be let into the guarded room where the conspiracy met.
At the moment that seemed to him as good as anything to start his investigations. With a quizical look he waited for the halforc's reaction.
I don't buy trinkets see the halfling he might give you a couple of gold for it.

2021-02-19, 08:35 PM
Wouldn't dream of it. She's just keeping me from betting the house He wanders up to the bar beside Davey and waves over the bartenderIf he calls me a priest again I'm going to be insulted. he mutters to the other man. He addresses the barkeep Good day. What's quenching here?
Cold ale, elven wine, distilled spirits from a gladiator's last battle. the halfling says with a wink in his eye.

2021-02-19, 09:28 PM
Quick recap for the cowboy.Oh you just got asked to join the others with Gura being in charge as she is well known in the city. You are now in the house of cards trying to find out the connection of shape shifter and the items he had on him.

2021-02-19, 10:06 PM
Quick recap for the cowboy.Oh you just got asked to join the others with Gura being in charge as she is well known in the city. You are now in the house of cards trying to find out the connection of shape shifter and the items he had on him.

Evandur pored over the items he had on him. Criminal investigation wasn't exactly his strong suit, so he had troubles trying to piece together the story. Evandur looked up, and looked around the room for people that might help him.

OOC: Is there anyone who might be able to help Evandur in this instant?

2021-02-20, 05:58 AM
OOC @Lonestar: I'm willing to try, but I'm not sure how helpful I am right this second either.

"The cold ale sounds good."

2021-02-20, 07:10 AM
Vindariel nodded at the half orc and went towards the bar, showing the halfling the trinket:

"Hey, one ale and a moment of your time if you please. Ever seen the likes of this? I want to find the bloke who lost this and all I know is that he and his buddies might hang out here from time to time."

He said while paying for the beer with a hefty tipp added for good measure.

2021-02-20, 06:51 PM
Vindariel nodded at the half orc and went towards the bar, showing the halfling the trinket:

"Hey, one ale and a moment of your time if you please. Ever seen the likes of this? I want to find the bloke who lost this and all I know is that he and his buddies might hang out here from time to time."

He said while paying for the beer with a hefty tipp added for good measure.

5 silver please. I don't know anyone that had that object. Do you have a name or do you know what this guy looks like.

2021-02-21, 07:07 AM
"Five silver? Just wanted to find some guy and a beer, not buy the entire bar..." Vindariel mumbled under his breath
Louder and while handing over the money he said: "Kinda tricky with these guys - they like to switch up their looks. Magic types, you know? Any rooms you rent out to people who want some privacy for business deals?"

2021-02-21, 03:46 PM
The halfling looked at the fighter. If you want a private room to play cards, 5 gold as for the price of the ale it gets cheaper the more you play at the table. We're a card house not a full blown inn.

2021-02-21, 03:54 PM
Ale. he gives the Halfling the silver and takes a drink before continuing You heard what happened at the festival yet?

2021-02-21, 04:01 PM
Ale. he gives the Halfling the silver and takes a drink before continuing You heard what happened at the festival yet? No I am working along with my friends, you lot are the first to enter today. What happened? Parade goers trampled by some clowns from the entertainment guild?

2021-02-22, 01:34 AM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura, expecting to mostly be ignored given nobody here seems to recognize her, looks around and pays as close attention to the people for any suspicious behavior (or just plain old deception).

Helping with Investigation.

Insight: [roll0]

2021-02-22, 08:40 AM
The halfling looked at the fighter. If you want a private room to play cards, 5 gold as for the price of the ale it gets cheaper the more you play at the table. We're a card house not a full blown inn.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Thanks all the same." Vindariel took his beer and joined the others, telling them about what he had learned:
"... and anyway, not really helpful, except that a group of shapeshifters might have rented a room. No way to know if they are here, unless we stab everyone here and see if they bleed green... come to think of it, did the shapechanger bleed green? My memories are kind of fuzzy at the moment." Vindariel punctuated this by taking another swig of his drink.

2021-02-22, 02:29 PM
Evandur looks around, trying to investigate the items, and maybe glean some deeper info off them


2021-02-22, 07:28 PM
Davey takes a breath before he responds. "So... this is a really risky idea, but... do you want to make it known that we're investigating, and see if anyone comes after us? It could get us a lead, but it will mean no element of surprise."

2021-02-23, 02:28 PM
Evandur looks around, trying to investigate the items, and maybe glean some deeper info off them


As he walks passed the tables he can notice small cabinets. There doesn't seem to be any secret doors.

2021-02-24, 12:50 AM
Three young elves burst through the door. Sid did you hear! The council general and the leader of the thieves guild are dead. The council general was a shape shifter.

Sid the halfling looked at the three elves and made a sign in the air. ****, close the place. Ok everyone out!

2021-02-24, 01:11 AM
Daelus holds up a hand Not quite. The attacker was a shape shifter, but we also know they came here before the attack. He looks the bartender in the eye It wouldn't be great if the guard thought you were involved. I'd recommend you answer our questions, so we can find out who's behind this.

2021-02-24, 01:24 AM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"What?" Gura asks, clearly a bit confused. "The person who did it certainly was a shapeshifter. Why are you saying the council general was?"

2021-02-24, 01:28 AM
Davey opens his mouth to declare that by conflating the assassin with the council-general they're slandering a good man in death... but instantly shuts his mouth in order to avoid creating a general panic by spreading the news of his boss's death.

Funny how these guys are willing to create a panic by spreading an arguably worse rumor...

[roll0] for Insight to see if these elves actually believe what they're saying.

Edit: I'm going to be really embarrassed if I wasted that Nat 17 on a roll that doesn't get us anywhere.

2021-02-24, 12:27 PM
Vindariel looked up at the news and the messengers thereof.
Once again a mischievous smile played across his lips as he called out: "You know that anyone you know could have been already replaced by a shapeshifter. It's high time we sus them out. Because I know how to detect them for sure! Anyone who wants to learn the secret follow me in the private room - one at a time please."

Deception (Bluff)

2021-02-24, 01:11 PM
Well, this day just got a lot more interesting... Evandur thought. He studied everyone in the room, and the three elves.


2021-02-24, 07:55 PM
Daelus holds up a hand Not quite. The attacker was a shape shifter, but we also know they came here before the attack. He looks the bartender in the eye It wouldn't be great if the guard thought you were involved. I'd recommend you answer our questions, so we can find out who's behind this.

Sid looks him in the eye. I don't know what you are talking about. Shifters don't just switch in front of me to let me know they are shifters. Call the guards , I am more worried about Salvator the Smooth. He is second in command of the thieves guild and wants to see me hung from the rafters.

2021-02-24, 08:00 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"What?" Gura asks, clearly a bit confused. "The person who did it certainly was a shapeshifter. Why are you saying the council general was?"

Are you sure? It's all over town that the council general was a shifter. says the second elf holding a long sword in his hand. We we weren't there, it's what we heard. Why do say we are lying? the third one says.

2021-02-24, 08:01 PM
Davey opens his mouth to declare that by conflating the assassin with the council-general they're slandering a good man in death... but instantly shuts his mouth in order to avoid creating a general panic by spreading the news of his boss's death.

Funny how these guys are willing to create a panic by spreading an arguably worse rumor...

[roll0] for Insight to see if these elves actually believe what they're saying.

Edit: I'm going to be really embarrassed if I wasted that Nat 17 on a roll that doesn't get us anywhere.
They believe what they are saying.

2021-02-24, 08:08 PM
Vindariel looked up at the news and the messengers thereof.
Once again a mischievous smile played across his lips as he called out: "You know that anyone you know could have been already replaced by a shapeshifter. It's high time we sus them out. Because I know how to detect them for sure! Anyone who wants to learn the secret follow me in the private room - one at a time please."

Deception (Bluff)

The halfling looks at him That will be five gold for a private room.

I want to know . says the closest half orc to the bar.

2021-02-24, 08:11 PM
Well, this day just got a lot more interesting... Evandur thought. He studied everyone in the room, and the three elves.


Nothing seems strange about the elves.

2021-02-25, 03:31 AM
Seeing that his initial suspicions of the elves were unjustified, Davey steps forward. "Well, we don't think you're lying. You clearly believe what you're saying. But... we were there. There was only one person there who seems to have been a shapeshifter, and they're in custody now, for an act of war against the city in general and the council in specific. So... where did you hear that the council-general... was one?" He doesn't bother to deny that the council-general's dead, since nobody else is.

"And, what's this about the head of the thieves guild dying in the blast, and the acting head wanting you all dead?"

2021-02-25, 06:34 AM
Vindariel looked irritated at the halfing and without breaking stride said: "...by which I mean, follow me to the nearby alley, where there is likely less filth on the floor than in this greed striken establishment that obviously has no interest in receiving protection from its upcoming confrontation with the local mob."

Turning around, Vindariel walked towards the exit of the bar.

2021-02-26, 04:05 PM
Seeing that his initial suspicions of the elves were unjustified, Davey steps forward. "Well, we don't think you're lying. You clearly believe what you're saying. But... we were there. There was only one person there who seems to have been a shapeshifter, and they're in custody now, for an act of war against the city in general and the council in specific. So... where did you hear that the council-general... was one?" He doesn't bother to deny that the council-general's dead, since nobody else is.

"And, what's this about the head of the thieves guild dying in the blast, and the acting head wanting you all dead?" Zazaimus works for that halfling doctor and he said the burnt body of the council general was a doppleganger. says the first elf.

Sid looks at Davey. Salvator the Smooth is a ruthless scumbag. His brother kept him in line but with his death, Salvator takes over.

2021-02-26, 04:11 PM
Vindariel looked irritated at the halfing and without breaking stride said: "...by which I mean, follow me to the nearby alley, where there is likely less filth on the floor than in this greed striken establishment that obviously has no interest in receiving protection from its upcoming confrontation with the local mob."

Turning around, Vindariel walked towards the exit of the bar.
Wait, you will protect us from Salvator the Smooth and his mob. Oh thank you. Sid says grabbing a bottle of whiskey. Drinks on me.

2021-02-27, 04:02 AM
"I didn't say that - but I don't say no to a drink. I expect full cooperation from you though in this crisis. In exchange I might be convinced to extend the support of the famous Capitan Vindariel Cosca and all the men currently under my employ to protect you and your establishment. Provided, there's payment of a certain per diem fee and free use of the local facilities."

Vindariel smiled, flashing the colour of his free company and without mentioning that his outfit currently had no men at all beside himself and maybe some of the more enterprising members of the other investigators.

2021-02-28, 01:35 AM
"I didn't say that - but I don't say no to a drink. I expect full cooperation from you though in this crisis. In exchange I might be convinced to extend the support of the famous Capitan Vindariel Cosca and all the men currently under my employ to protect you and your establishment. Provided, there's payment of a certain per diem fee and free use of the local facilities."

Vindariel smiled, flashing the colour of his free company and without mentioning that his outfit currently had no men at all beside himself and maybe some of the more enterprising members of the other investigators.
Bring your men and between my men we shouldbe able to hold off the thieves guild. Sid says holding out his hand.

2021-02-28, 01:46 AM
Davey pauses. "Do you think it's too late to try to bring the guards into this? If they're good for nothing else, they should lend a veneer of officiality to this that might make Salvatore think twice."

2021-02-28, 12:16 PM
Evandur kept his head low, simply listening to the conversation going on between Davey and Vindariel and the others. He walked over to the bar, and dropped a few coins on the bar. "One ale, please. Preferably the strong kind."

2021-02-28, 12:19 PM
Davey's eyes rose as Evandur ordered a drink. "Uh... what? Is now the time? I got the feeling we were about to walk into a fight... or that a fight was about to walk into us, as the case may be."

2021-02-28, 12:21 PM
Davey's eyes rose as Evandur ordered a drink. "Uh... what? Is now the time? I got the feeling we were about to walk into a fight... or that a fight was about to walk into us, as the case may be."

"Nothing calms the nerves like a hard drink."

2021-02-28, 12:35 PM
"That's right. Can't expect a man to face his last moments sober - and since ever moment could be your last moment... Cheers!"
Vindariel rose his mug and turned back to the halfling. "How many men are we talking about descending on your business? Will this Salvador Smoothy accompany them? What's his favored weapon? And most important will his people keep fighting if he is laid out and low?"

2021-03-01, 12:53 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura rolls her eyes at the adults giving themselves excuses to get drunk when they're supposed to be doing something.

2021-03-01, 02:09 PM
"That's right. Can't expect a man to face his last moments sober - and since ever moment could be your last moment... Cheers!"
Vindariel rose his mug and turned back to the halfling. "How many men are we talking about descending on your business? Will this Salvador Smoothy accompany them? What's his favored weapon? And most important will his people keep fighting if he is laid out and low?"
don't know how many men he has. Some maybe loyal still to his brother, rest his soul. He is rumored to be the best assassin in the city. If he is killed I believe then only some will continue to fight while the third in command fight amongst themselves for leadership.

2021-03-01, 02:11 PM
So, how do we want to deal with this, then? Daelus takes his drink and steps out the door as if getting fresh air, but scans the street for any sign someone is watching the building.

2021-03-01, 04:22 PM
So, how do we want to deal with this, then? Daelus takes his drink and steps out the door as if getting fresh air, but scans the street for any sign someone is watching the building.

The area outside the house of cards is busy with porters taking things on and off various ships.

perception roll15

2021-03-01, 05:24 PM
don't know how many men he has. Some maybe loyal still to his brother, rest his soul. He is rumored to be the best assassin in the city. If he is killed I believe then only some will continue to fight while the third in command fight amongst themselves for leadership.

"Ah, that makes it easy. We'll just nail him when he attempts his hit on you. So if you don't mind I'll take a seat over there and - just for cover purposes - take this flaggon with me."
He turned to Gura
"Would you care to join me - you look like you could do with something to wet your gills as well." He winked at Davey and said: "And you, I think owe to share a drink with me as well."

2021-03-01, 05:28 PM
Davey nods. "You're right: I do. 'Poison of your choice,' or something along those lines. But I kind of intended to save that for when we had time to breathe a bit."

2021-03-01, 05:36 PM
With Davey close enough to speak to, Vindariel spoke in a much lower voice: "As much as it pains me, I agree, but we have to keep up the act of heavily inebriated customers if we are to foil an assassination attempt. I bet that some of the people just leaving were shapeshifters or spies for this Salvator. It can't be long now - in fact I'm surprised that they didn't strike immediately after the assassination - I would have had men to that effect in place. So either Salvator has something more important going on - or he has some master who didn't let him pursue his pet project immediately.
Or maybe he doesn't have that many trusted men - although I wouldn't count on that. I suspect there is more going on then what we have seen so far.
Ah, duplicity - it's so much fun guessing and stabbing the hornet's nest, isn't it?"

2021-03-02, 07:30 AM
Davey pauses. "Assassination? I was expecting something a bit more direct... something there's not much point to pretending to be surprised by."

He turns to the two scared elves. "Uh... which one were you two expecting?"

2021-03-02, 12:43 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura gives Vindariel a "what's wrong with you?" look when he offers her a drink and goes with Daelus to go look at what's going on outside, at least partially as an excuse to not have to engage with the alcoholics for a moment.

2021-03-02, 12:46 PM
Daelus leans against the wall and sips at his drink as he scans the street. He nods to Gura as she steps out and looks around See anything interesting, kid?

2021-03-02, 02:11 PM
Gura happens to notice that all the porters are either half orc, human or dwarven except for one elf who seems to be moving the same wheelbarrow full of boxes.

2021-03-02, 02:32 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura nods and replies, "Yeah. See that elf moving that wheelbarrow around? They've been doing that for a while." She intentionally doesn't point them out or focus on them as she talks to prevent them noticing they've been found out.

2021-03-02, 05:05 PM
Davey pauses. "Assassination? I was expecting something a bit more direct... something there's not much point to pretending to be surprised by."

He turns to the two scared elves. "Uh... which one were you two expecting?"

"Well, there are two kinds of assassinations. The one where you are stealthy so that no-one knows you were there - and then there is the other kind - a more robust approach to stealth where no-one is left to tell that you were there. From what I've seen so far, we seem to be dealing with the second kind." Vindariel replied, while staring into his cup.
"In any case, I expect we are in for a bit of fun."

2021-03-02, 05:40 PM
Davey listens, then laughs. "Fair."

Davey heads over by the door. "I should probably be one of the first people they see. I'm not exactly easy to put a shiv in."

2021-03-03, 10:49 PM
From around the corner about 100 feet away come come four tiefling that seem to be heading towards the house of cards. Their walk seems very unsteady and they seem to be supporting each other from falling. Two are carrying quarter staffs and the other two have shorts swords sheathed to their belts.

2021-03-03, 11:25 PM
Evandur finishes his drink, and gets up, steeling himself for the coming fight.

2021-03-03, 11:30 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura goes and hides behind the bar with just a comment of, "Looks like we've got company. Four tieflings, if that means anything to anyone."

2021-03-04, 10:26 AM
"It means it's time to throw some tieflings around."

Davey cracks his knuckles and waits right by the door.

2021-03-04, 10:28 AM
Daelus steps back into the bar and sets his drink down They don't look sober It might be a distraction. Regardless he takes his bandore out again and begins playing quietly as they wait for the tieflings

2021-03-04, 12:04 PM
Davey hesitates. "Um... uh..."

He turns to the halfling. "Do you have a backdoor that the real enemies might intend to enter through?"

2021-03-04, 02:34 PM
"No reason why he can't use both. Relax. Getting your muscles tight before a fight in never a good idea. Besides, those evil authoritarians that just have gotten free reign love to gloat and let everybody know how great they are. They usually also enjoy a grand entrance. No need to rush anything."
Vindariel said, making himself comfortable in his chair while incidentally also keeping the wall at his back and the table far enough away that he wouldn't be trapped.

2021-03-04, 04:43 PM
The four tieflings make their way to the house of cards. Hey let's play some black Jack. Hey bar keep four ales. Boy what a founder's day huh. Two shifters and the thieves' guild leader dead.

2021-03-04, 05:05 PM
Vindariel gave a friendly wave to the four Tieflings while slightly slurring his words: "You wanna play some cards? Come over here. I've been waiting for guys like you - happy Founders Day. Got an itch for some action, I have."
The old mercenary let one of his few remaining gold coins run up and down his fingers, fumbling the trick a bit as if he had trouble concentrating on it.

2021-03-05, 10:24 PM
Vindariel gave a friendly wave to the four Tieflings while slightly slurring his words: "You wanna play some cards? Come over here. I've been waiting for guys like you - happy Founders Day. Got an itch for some action, I have."
The old mercenary let one of his few remaining gold coins run up and down his fingers, fumbling the trick a bit as if he had trouble concentrating on it.
Sure deal them I'm Altho. These here are my brothers. Have you been here all day? Boy such excitement.

2021-03-05, 10:33 PM
Davey looks them over, and decides they're the real deal. "Look... we were in the middle of town when the excitement hit the council general and the head of the Thieves Guild. And the excitement's coming here next. You should go, if it's not already too late for that. Try to get the attention of the guards, if you can."

2021-03-07, 02:43 PM
The four tieflings who seemed to have sobered up upon hearing that they might find themselves in the middle of a battle get up and start to leave. We will bring the guards to here. Who should I say sent us?

2021-03-07, 04:30 PM
"Way to scare of our meatshields" Vindariel mumbled as the four players got up to leave again.
"Yeah, the guards - certainly. They have shown exactly the kind of aptitude, initiative and quick thinking that citizens like you rely on day to day."

2021-03-07, 05:45 PM
"If nothing else, they should bring a veneer of officiality to this whole thing. That's at least as likely to scare these thugs off as anything else is."

Davey turns to Gura. "Uh... I do technically work for the city. But given what I actually do, and the fact that the acting-council-general put you in charge, I get the feeling the guards would rather do you a favor. So the tieflings should probably give your name. Uh... you said your name's 'Gura Ganu-Gatho?'"

2021-03-08, 01:25 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"That's right!" Gura confirms proudly from behind the bar. Where probably nobody can see her even while standing.

2021-03-09, 04:55 PM
The four tieflings leave moving toward the center of the city. A half hour passes with no guards arriving. But a very young halfling maybe ten years old puts his head in the door. Uncle, bring the money you owe and the deed . They have Auntie and your family.

2021-03-09, 05:17 PM
"Ah, a real tragedy. But at least we could prevent an attack on your establishment. It seems as if our job her is done."
Vindariel replied while getting up. "Do you know by chance where Smooth would have taken your family? It seems we have to make a house call to get to the bottom of this affair."

2021-03-13, 01:57 PM
He has a place just off the docks. I am sure he has my family there. This is not your fight, I will pay him the money and hand over my deed. Tracuo come with me to keep the money safe. Sid reaches under the bar and brings out a scroll tube and a small pouch. A half orc moves from the door and steps next to him.

2021-03-13, 02:03 PM
It actually is, since he's tied into the murders we're investigating. Daelus finishes his drink Besides which, he just killed multiple people for a power grab in one organization. I really don't know think it's wise to trust that he'll just hand your family over once he has what he wants.

2021-03-13, 05:58 PM
"Yes, going there alone is basically going to guarantee that you and your family are getting killed as soon as that money and deed are handed over.
You'd be wiser to invest this money into some fearless soldiers of fortune to take care of that for you - you can even keep your charming little card'n board place."
Vindariel replied, his eyes getting wide at the mention of money.

2021-03-13, 07:30 PM
"Maybe the stealthier members of our group could go ahead of you, and scout the place out? Do you think he knows how long it's going to take you to get there? Do you think he'll be suspicious if you delay?"

2021-03-15, 06:09 PM
I can pay you half of what I owe to Salvator. I appreciate the help if I can help you in your investigation I will. Sid says to the others. I will give you directions and wait five minutes. I am sure my family is on his ship at the end of pier 19.

2021-03-16, 01:11 PM
"I think what you mean to say is: You don't want to pay more than half for the life of your family. Well, at least you are a man that has his priorities in order.
Onward then, let's go investigate while there is still a chance that the hostages are alive. That will be money up front, obviously." Vindariel smiled as he got up from his table, casually strolling over to the halfling.
"A pleasure, doing business with you."

2021-03-19, 02:52 AM
As the group headed out, Vindariel began whistling a strange tune. And quite suddenly a little owl descended from a rooftop and landed on his shoulder.
Without breaking stride, he continued onward towards the docks. By now and despite drinking some more, he looked almost sober, the sheen of alcohol replaced by a mixture of anticipation for action and greed.

2021-03-21, 10:20 PM

So at the end of the pier is the Sea Shanty. A three mast ship with three crow nests and openings for heavy crossbows.

2021-03-22, 05:50 AM
I'm sending my familiar out to scout the ship - looking into port windows and on deck for a preliminary count of how much opposition to expect

[roll0]/[roll1] Advantage +3

As quickly as the owl had appeared it took of again, flying towards the ship and around, while Vindariel looked pensive as if listening to someone only he could hear.

2021-03-22, 03:49 PM
As the owl got close to the ship an arrow from the center mast crow's nest misses it.

The owl sees three people, one in each crow's nest and six people on the deck of the ship. No halfling can be seen.

2021-03-23, 10:54 AM
As people start shooting at the owl, it turned back to land again on his shoulder.
"Better get out whatever shielding you have, the boat is quite highly alert it seems." To emphasize this, he brought up his own shield, ready to deflect any arrow sent in his direction as they headed onward. The owl was gone as fast as it had appeared.

2021-03-25, 03:45 PM
Davey smiles. "Best shield is to be invisible."

"Can you... communicate with that bird? And if so... did it see any way on board except for the gangplank? They'll know to watch that..."

2021-03-25, 04:04 PM
"Scowl is a remarkable creature and yes, he told me there were six people on deck and three in the crows nests - no halfling though.
And unless you fancy a swim followed by a climb up the rudder and a precarious venture into the gun ports, the plank is your best bet. Of course, I could pull out my bow and start shooting at those guys from here. Though I don't know if I brought enough arrows for that.
If you want to sneak in - I'm all for it. Though I can't quite see how without resorting to magic."
Vindariel replied.

2021-03-25, 04:25 PM
Davey laughs. "Well, I never don't fancy a swim. And while climbing's not my favorite, I can do it."

Davey looks over the ship. "And going in by a route the hostage takers don't expect might mean I can get close to the hostages before the Thieves Guild realizes anyone's coming for them. I'm kind of afraid that a direct attack will get the hostages killed."

He pulls the hood of his Cloak of the Manta Ray up over his head. "Any objections?"

2021-03-25, 04:50 PM
"Well, I can try to help you with that and keep everyone's attention on me - for a while anyway. Don't dwadle though. I have a real aversion to short walks with long falls."
Sheathing his weapon again, Vindariel kept walking, bold and head held high towards the boat as if he was its owner. What no-one saw, was that the bird suddenly was at his side again and he fed it a potion, before dismissing it again.
When he reached the boat, he waved friendly at the men while he stepped on the plank:
"Ahoy, you perfect examples of life on sea. I'm hear to talk to your boss - he's expecting."

[roll0]+6 Persuation

2021-03-25, 04:56 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"None at all." Gura replies and reaches up to put a hand on Davey's shoulder before transforming into an iguana and securing herself around his shoulders.

2021-03-25, 05:02 PM
"I hope you can copy their lung capacity too, kid. Break off if you need to, but watch for crossbow quarrels if you do."

Davey quietly slips into the water and goes under. He stays underwater until he's right next to the ship, and then surfaces.

2021-03-25, 05:05 PM
Both of you watch yourselves. Daelus follows Vindariel towards the ship, drawing on the magic of his Bandalore before they come in view of the crew to grant himself flight.

2021-03-26, 06:21 PM
Vindariel continues to walk towards the ship going down the pier. Daelus peels off around the 18th pier which has many smaller ships anchored and is only about 50 yards from the main ship. The other two manage to get to the ship without being seen. Evendur remains just out of sight of the ship.

2021-03-27, 07:40 PM
As Vindariel starts up the gang plank, he is met by two human males in leather armor and carrying rapiers just at the end of the plank.

What do you want? they stand in his way.

The other two in the water can tell it's only one person snoring. ship side is slippery near the water's edge so dc of 13 to get passed
the port hole is just 10 feet above the water.

2021-03-28, 05:06 AM
"I'm here to talk with your boss - word is that he is now the single most powerful man in the city. Therefore he wants my services.
I don't know how you guys handle this normally, but you can either go and ask your boss if he wants to decline to talk with Free Company Commander Vindariel Cosca or I can beat you up to prove my importance in the grand scheme of things. I'm fine with either, but I'd prefer if we could start our relationship on a more polite and ameniable note."

Vindariel smiled and excuded the utter confidence that had allowed him to command a band of scoundrels and villains on more than a few occassions.

2021-03-28, 03:26 PM
Enter then, but keep your weapons sheathed. CAPTAIN A MAN TO SEE YOU. the first man yelled. Vindariel sees movement from within the ship and could hear movement from the crow's nests.

Davey makes up to the snoring port hole and sees a two beds . The closest not occupied and the second one has someone in it snoring quite loudly.

Evendur sees Sid the halfling and one of the half orcs walking to the pier.

Daelus sees that the men in the crow's nests are all looking down to the main deck.

2021-03-28, 03:57 PM
"Very well." Vindariel walked up the gangway and took a look around while nodding at the people around.

He waited patiently for Smooth to make an appearance. While he waited, he made a coin appear in his hands, letting it run across his fingers.

2021-03-30, 03:41 PM
A wood elf shows up on deck with a beautiful cloak and well oiled leather armor. A rapier and short bow strapped to his back. I am Salvator, what can I do for you, I am expecting a good friend soon.

2021-03-30, 04:04 PM
"If I may introduce myself, my name is Capitan Vindariel Cosca, Leader of the Free Company, at your service. I was very impressed by your bold actions today. It takes guts and will to overcome obstacles of this magnitude with one single strike.
But now, I imagine, you have to deal with the fallout - you have taken a defensive stance by holing up on this boat, shooting at anything flying or swimming. In my humble opinion, that is a mistake.
Right now your foes are in disarray - they don't know who is responsible and try to rally themselves, but distrust each other.
But that situation will shift eventually. Even now the watch has dispatched loyal citizens to investigate the situation.
I can understand of course that you have concentrated your forces for now to reduce the danger of a counter strike, but you should think about investing into reliable, unaligned forces.
And you are in luck: The Free Company is currently on the market, ready to spring into action and recruit again.
I tell you, there is no better investment in a time of crisis then having armed professionals at your back and call."

Vindariel launched his pitch as he had done so often in the past.

2021-03-30, 06:58 PM
I am Salvator the Smooth, newly elected guild master. I am unsure on why you think I need your company, I am only picking up the pieces of the mess my late great brother has left me. Ah , I see that my friend Sid is here to offer his condolences and pay his respects. I have his family here for I was afraid of what might have happened if they were left alone in these days of unrest. he smiles as Sid walks up the gang plank. As for my men being on alert, my brother was just killed by a mad sorcerer who shape changes. Along with the other shape changer, who was passing himself off as the council general. How do I know you have not come to finish off the job? Did Zanxi from the Sister's send you?

2021-03-30, 10:42 PM
With the crew seemingly occupied by Vindariel's pitch, Daelus takes the opportunity to take to the air, reasoning he can hide behind a mast or sails and only face the potential scrutiny of the crow's nest rather than the entire crew, once attention diverts or the situation goes poorly.

Since we're on a dock, I figure the nearest ship with a tall mast should provide ample cover if I can get there without being spotted. If possible, I'd like to ascend behind something before making my move closer


2021-03-31, 03:48 AM
Vindariel cursed inwardly. Did that idiot halfling have to run to get here that fast?
Smiling he replied:
"Good of you to stick to your story. Anyway, you wound me by that question. Have I not come here alone, in broad daylight, politely announced myself and humbly offered my services? You are surrounded by your loyal men, all alert and pointing their various weapons at me. What could I possibly do to you?
No, I'm here strictly on business. The Free Company is at your service - should you be inclined to hire them. If not - well this city certainly has no dearth of powerful people interested in acquiring protection and services as only the Free Company can offer. I just thought it polite to offer them to you first.

But if you are too busy and well provided to be interested in what I have to offer, I shall certainly not take it amiss. But thanks for the referral."

Vindariel proclaimed, hoping to draw even more attention to his declarations.

2021-04-01, 12:23 PM
Salvator looked at Vindariel Show me your men so that I might see how great this free company is. I have never heard of you but obviously you have heard of me. Yet you say nothing in sympathy for my brother, only vague threats about bring the guardsmen to my door. Even you do not have that power. I am sure the council is busy trying to find out who and why such an assassination occurred in broad daylight and what message it was conveying.

2021-04-01, 12:26 PM
Davey and Gura crawl through the port hole to find the source of the snoring. A half orc's head could be seen facing the wall as it slept on his bed.

2021-04-01, 12:57 PM
Vindariel raised an eyebrow:
"Threats? From me? I fear there is a missunderstanding. I want nothing to do with guardsmen - unless they want a change of carreer that is.
And how should I express sympathy for your loss if I neither knew him nor you that well - empty words that would mark me as a liar. Come on - we are both men of the world and know about live and loss. Do you think I can grieve every good man that has fallen in a fashion that he deserves? No, of course not - I'd not be able to get anything done.
Besides, if you were so aggrieved I'd imagine you'd not be busy settling debts at this moment. That's a conduct I can respect - taking care of the future is always preferable then lamenting the past.
But as for your original question: Your men nearly shat themselves when just I on my lonesome came here. Appearing here with my company would have created certainly the kind of strive that would have prevented amiable conduct.
But if you want to muster them, be my guest - name a time and a place and you shall get to know my regiment as well as be impressed by their prowress."

2021-04-01, 01:12 PM
Davey Maxwell (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379170)
Way Of Shadows Monk
AC: 19 HP: 67/67
PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
Conditions: Silenced
Concentration: Silence

Davey reaches for his ki to Silence the room, and creeps through the porthole so that he's between the half-orc and the door.

He silently takes a breath, draws his shortsword, and drives it into the sleeping half-orc four times.

The better of 15 and 20 to hit, and 15 damage.

The better of 21 and 16 to hit, and 12 damage.
The better of 12 and 26 to hit, and 10 damage.

The better of 16 and 23 to hit, and 13 damage.

2021-04-01, 03:27 PM
Vindariel raised an eyebrow:
"Threats? From me? I fear there is a missunderstanding. I want nothing to do with guardsmen - unless they want a change of carreer that is.
And how should I express sympathy for your loss if I neither knew him nor you that well - empty words that would mark me as a liar. Come on - we are both men of the world and know about live and loss. Do you think I can grieve every good man that has fallen in a fashion that he deserves? No, of course not - I'd not be able to get anything done.
Besides, if you were so aggrieved I'd imagine you'd not be busy settling debts at this moment. That's a conduct I can respect - taking care of the future is always preferable then lamenting the past.
But as for your original question: Your men nearly shat themselves when just I on my lonesome came here. Appearing here with my company would have created certainly the kind of strive that would have prevented amiable conduct.
But if you want to muster them, be my guest - name a time and a place and you shall get to know my regiment as well as be impressed by their prowress."
Salvator looks at the fighter listening intently to his words when his face betrays his thinking when the words settling debts at this moment are heard. He looks past Sid the halfling and his eyes settle in on the half orc.Report

He is who he says, but he comes with others that left before we did. They have been put in charge by the new council general and Gura is in charge, but she let others do the work. the half orc says as he pulls a battle axe out of a bag on his hip.

2021-04-01, 03:30 PM
Davey Maxwell (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379170)
Way Of Shadows Monk
AC: 19 HP: 67/67
PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
Conditions: Silenced
Concentration: Silence

Davey reaches for his ki to Silence the room, and creeps through the porthole so that he's between the half-orc and the door.

He silently takes a breath, draws his shortsword, and drives it into the sleeping half-orc four times.

The better of 15 and 20 to hit, and 15 damage.

The better of 21 and 16 to hit, and 12 damage.
The better of 12 and 26 to hit, and 10 damage.

The better of 16 and 23 to hit, and 13 damage.

The battle is quick and Davey kills the sleeping half orc.

2021-04-01, 03:38 PM
Davey Maxwell (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379170)
Way Of Shadows Monk
AC: 19 HP: 67/67
PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
Conditions: Silenced
Concentration: Silence

Davey raises an eyebrow when the sleeping half-orc lives long enough to wake up, but runs him through one more time. He collapses silently, due to Davey's ki muffling the impact. Davey lets out what should have been a loud sigh of relief, and then looks at the door to see if he can see through a window or a keyhole or anything.

He maintains concentration on muffling the sound in the room.

2021-04-01, 03:44 PM
Salvator looks at the fighter listening intently to his words when his face betrays his thinking when the words settling debts at this moment are heard. He looks past Sid the halfling and his eyes settle in on the half orc.Report

He is who he says, but he comes with others that left before we did. They have been put in charge by the new council general and Gura is in charge, but she let others do the work. the half orc says as he pulls a battle axe out of a bag on his hip.

Vindariel raised once again an eyebrow: "For your information - no-one has paid me yet, therefore I owe no-one loyalty. I admit, my services are highly negotiable and I have to keep on good terms with many people to gain certain information, but I am serious about my offer to you. I suggest, you don't throw it away just because of this weasle's biased view of the wider world.
After all I have come alone - so that discredits this report already. If I wasn't honest in my intentions, do you think I would have come here just like that? Madness!"

Vindariel argumented, keeping his relaxed pose and smile.

2021-04-04, 05:51 PM
Davey Maxwell (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379170)
Way Of Shadows Monk
AC: 19 HP: 67/67
PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
Conditions: Silenced
Concentration: Silence

Davey unbars the door (if it is barred) and opens the door a crack so that he can look through it. He is still concentrating on maintaining the field of Silence inside the room.

2021-04-05, 05:06 PM
Vindariel raised once again an eyebrow: "For your information - no-one has paid me yet, therefore I owe no-one loyalty. I admit, my services are highly negotiable and I have to keep on good terms with many people to gain certain information, but I am serious about my offer to you. I suggest, you don't throw it away just because of this weasle's biased view of the wider world.
After all I have come alone - so that discredits this report already. If I wasn't honest in my intentions, do you think I would have come here just like that? Madness!"

Vindariel argumented, keeping his relaxed pose and smile.
Ok let us talk terms as I have just come into some recent money. Sid come here and pay up your debt, I am sure you and the family do not want to miss the illusions tonight. Sid starts to move when the half orc at his side says Here give it me, and I will go down and bring up your family. the half orc grabs the bag and parchment from Sid and starts to walk past Vindariel.

2021-04-06, 04:20 AM
"Not so fast." Vindariel glared at the Half-Orc. "I don't trust this weasle and the games he tries to play. Next he'll go down in the hold, pocket the money, bonk his head and tell everyone someone stole it off of him. I'm not letting someone of his like sabotage a successful partnership."
He turned back to Smooth: "The terms are simple: You pay a gold per day and man and three gold for me per day. I'll take care of feeding housing and directing my forces according to your wishes. There are some more details about terms of engagement, rest and recreation, looting rights as well as religious observances, but those can be handled better over some drinks as they are quite tedious. Depending on how many men you want and can pay for I might have to raise the banners and get the drums out for a few more recruits, but I can assure you that - within reason - I can have as many men as you need by the end of the week."

2021-04-06, 01:20 PM
Barco, give the money to him and give me the parchment. Salvator says to the half orc. The half orc turns to Vindariel and hands him the bag. Go get the family.

That's 1000 gold get me 47 men and three gold for you for 20 days. Have them report here by tomorrow morning and then we can talk about all the other details.

2021-04-06, 03:59 PM
"Excellent. Then let's sign a preliminary contract." Vindariel droped the bag with glee in his backpack and fumbled a bit of parchment out of his own pocket. "Do you have some ink ready?"
As he said that, he moved closer to Smooth, holding out the blank parchment with his free hand.

2021-04-06, 11:39 PM
I believe in a blood oath the old fashion way. Salvator said as he withdrew his rapier and sliced his left hand. He holds it out. Put the paper away. I have given my word to you.

2021-04-07, 03:04 AM
"Well, I don't. Are you crazy? I mean I get it - that's very dramatic and all, but you are just supposed to prick your thumb, not cut it off. I hope you cleaned that rapier of yours. Here, let me show you how you do this"
He stuffed the paper back in his pocket, murmuring words until a small, odly gleaming pin appeared between his moving fingers. Lifting his shield arm, he hovered the needle over it and drew it once over it, never stopping to murmur. The needle vanished and instead red quilled out between his fingers. In one smooth gesture he reached out to shake the other man's left hand, shield still attached.
"As true as the blood, so shall be our honor and loyalty", he called out, before slamming his hand into that of Smooth.

I'm using prestidigitation to create a little trinket (pin)
followed by prestidigitation to make it appear that I bleed (red coloring)

To disguise that, I'm using sleight of hand

Well, ****.

2021-04-07, 01:09 PM
Davey Maxwell (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379170)
Way Of Shadows Monk
AC: 19 HP: 67/67
PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
Conditions: -
Concentration: -

Davey drops the field of Silence so that he can whisper to his partner. "Okay, Gura... do you have any forms that might be more suited for scouting ahead? Any other circumstances, I'd think the iguana would be a good one, since most groups wouldn't automatically assume they were under attack... but this crew, I think you just want to not be seen at all."

2021-04-07, 01:24 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Iguana Gura nods her head and transforms into a fly and starts looking around for the hostages.

2021-04-07, 03:13 PM
"Well, I don't. Are you crazy? I mean I get it - that's very dramatic and all, but you are just supposed to prick your thumb, not cut it off. I hope you cleaned that rapier of yours. Here, let me show you how you do this"
He stuffed the paper back in his pocket, murmuring words until a small, odly gleaming pin appeared between his moving fingers. Lifting his shield arm, he hovered the needle over it and drew it once over it, never stopping to murmur. The needle vanished and instead red quilled out between his fingers. In one smooth gesture he reached out to shake the other man's left hand, shield still attached.
"As true as the blood, so shall be our honor and loyalty", he called out, before slamming his hand into that of Smooth.

I'm using prestidigitation to create a little trinket (pin)
followed by prestidigitation to make it appear that I bleed (red coloring)

To disguise that, I'm using sleight of hand

Well, ****.

Having done this many times. Salvator realized that his was the only blood that flowed. He tries to break from the hand shake.

2021-04-07, 03:15 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Iguana Gura nods her head and transforms into a fly and starts looking around for the hostages.

At the end of the hall on the right is a single door ornate bearing a smiling skull. Noise can be heard from within.

2021-04-08, 11:45 AM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura tries to get through the gap between the door and the frame somewhere and find out what's inside.

2021-04-08, 12:39 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura tries to get through the gap between the door and the frame somewhere and find out what's inside.

Gura sees three halflings all female. One carrying a short sword and six daggers. The other adult female is sitting on the bed with a small girl halfling.

2021-04-08, 12:46 PM
As Evendur is trying to be inconspicuous as possible, a red dragonborn and a dwarf approach wearing city guard outfits.Come with us sir. the dwarf says .

2021-04-08, 12:59 PM
Still smiling, but recognizing that his ploy failed, Vindariel continued undeterred: "It's the gesture that counts. Lot's of filthy sicknesses you can get by mixing blood.
Alright then, I'll be off and back with your men before you can blink - provided you blink real slowly."

Vindariel made as if he was keeping hold of the hand, until he was certain the pressure was high enough, before releasing suddenly so that the man stumbled back.

Action Surge: Dodge, Double move with my regular action, spending Superiority die for Evasive Footwork to increase my Armor class until I stop moving


Then he started to run across the ship to get back on the pier.

2021-04-08, 03:00 PM
As Evendur is trying to be inconspicuous as possible, a red dragonborn and a dwarf approach wearing city guard outfits.Come with us sir. the dwarf says .

"If I may ask, why is that?" Evandur wasn't expecting company, especially from any guards. Having sneaking suspicions about the guards, Evandur decided to look closer at the guards, and hopefully glean off some motives, and if they were real guards or not.

Insight roll: 12 (in Discord)

2021-04-08, 11:50 PM
Still smiling, but recognizing that his ploy failed, Vindariel continued undeterred: "It's the gesture that counts. Lot's of filthy sicknesses you can get by mixing blood.
Alright then, I'll be off and back with your men before you can blink - provided you blink real slowly."

Vindariel made as if he was keeping hold of the hand, until he was certain the pressure was high enough, before releasing suddenly so that the man stumbled back.

Action Surge: Dodge, Double move with my regular action, spending Superiority die for Evasive Footwork to increase my Armor class until I stop moving


Then he started to run across the ship to get back on the pier.

Salvator realized to late that he had just been swindled out of the 1000 gold. After him you fools, no steals from Salvator the Smooth and gets away. the half orc who was about to head down the stairs turns to run after the thief.

2021-04-08, 11:56 PM
"If I may ask, why is that?" Evandur wasn't expecting company, especially from any guards. Having sneaking suspicions about the guards, Evandur decided to look closer at the guards, and hopefully glean off some motives, and if they were real guards or not.

Insight roll: 12 (in Discord)

It's been reported that you are a spy and the nearest authorities would like to speak with you. All while Vindariel starts running past the three of you.

their uniforms look ill fitting.

2021-04-09, 12:06 PM
Gura Ganu-Gatho (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2367891)
Shifter Druid
AC: 18 HP: 55/67
PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Gura goes back to the other side of the door and tries to make some motions she hopes Davey will be able to interpret against the door as a backdrop. She makes a big circle, a smaller circle, an even smaller circle, and an X. Then she flies over to him and makes a few little circles and then goes off to explore other rooms for any other potential hostages.

2021-04-09, 12:37 PM
It's been reported that you are a spy and the nearest authorities would like to speak with you. All while Vindariel starts running past the three of you.

their uniforms look ill fitting.

"Show me your identification, and corroborate your claims with another guard." Evandur clearly didn't believe their claim. And their uniforms didn't sit well with him, either

2021-04-09, 02:03 PM
"Show me your identification, and corroborate your claims with another guard." Evandur clearly didn't believe their claim. And their uniforms didn't sit well with him, either
Listen it's been a heck of a day already with the killing of the council members and the assassin. You stick out like a sore thumb obviously spying on some one. Come with us or tell us what you are doing here. the dwarf says hands starting do go near his axes.

2021-04-09, 02:15 PM
Seeing Vindariel flee, Daelus curses to himself They need more time... his eyes settle on the man in the nearest crows nest and he flies forward from his hiding place at full speed, intent on shoving them off

Athletics [roll0]

Cutting words on his foes opposed roll


2021-04-09, 04:14 PM
Listen it's been a heck of a day already with the killing of the council members and the assassin. You stick out like a sore thumb obviously spying on some one. Come with us or tell us what you are doing here. the dwarf says hands starting do go near his axes.

"Some of my associates have business on that ship." Evandur pointed at the docked ship closest to him, but not the ship Davey or any other party member are at. I'm merely waiting for them to finish whatever they're doing." Evandur didn't like lying, but he wasn't looking for a fight, either. If he wanted to get past these "guards" without a fight, then lying would have to suffice


2021-04-09, 04:23 PM
"Some of my associates have business on that ship." Evandur pointed at the docked ship closest to him, but not the ship Davey or any other party member are at. I'm merely waiting for them to finish whatever they're doing." Evandur didn't like lying, but he wasn't looking for a fight, either. If he wanted to get past these "guards" without a fight, then lying would have to suffice


Ok Sir, have a nice day. the dwarf says and they start to walk to Salvator ship.

2021-04-09, 07:55 PM
Ok Sir, have a nice day. the dwarf says and they start to walk to Salvator ship.

Evandur kept a close, but concealed watch on the "guards". He knew the ship they were walking towards, but he didn't want to raise suspicions, especially as he just swayed the guards to think he wasn't suspicious.


2021-04-10, 12:13 AM
Seeing Vindariel flee, Daelus curses to himself They need more time... his eyes settle on the man in the nearest crows nest and he flies forward from his hiding place at full speed, intent on shoving them off

Athletics [roll0]

Cutting words on his foes opposed roll


A cry from atop the forward crow's nest is heard and a flying man can be seen trying to fight with the thug. Salvator looks up.Baltz get up there now.
The half orc starts to climb.

2021-04-10, 03:06 AM
Still, running, Vindariel slowed down for a moment to call back his familiar. "Go and torch the sails and then my pursuers", he told the bird before resuming running as fast as he could.

The small owl hooted once and then flew straight for the ship's sails.

I gave my familiar a potion of dragons breath earlier.

With the attention elsewhere, I assume the owl gets back to the ship unmolested:

[roll0] fire damage to the main sails, hopefully adding to the confusion.

2021-04-10, 09:54 PM
The second mast's sail goes up in flames which distracts the two thugs in the second and third mast crow nest to start a quick descent. Salvator looks at Sid. Sid I have the deed, go get your family my room the one with the skull. You still owe me the money that your friend stole from me.

The half orc still climbs up the first mast.

2021-04-13, 11:40 PM
Sid unsure of everything that is going on walks down stairs. He sees Davey in the hallway.

2021-04-13, 11:48 PM
Davey Maxwell (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379170)
Way Of Shadows Monk
AC: 19 HP: 67/67
PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
Conditions: -
Concentration: -

Davey quickly realizes that the situation just got complicated.

**** **** ****. Uh...

He mouths "I'm not here" to Sid, and then puts a finger over his lips to signal for quiet. He points to the cabin fly-Gura had explored, and mouths "three hostages in there."

2021-04-15, 01:06 PM
Sid nods to Davey and heads to the door. He looks back to see what Davey is doing before he opens the door.

2021-04-15, 04:41 PM
Davey Maxwell (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379170)
Way Of Shadows Monk
AC: 19 HP: 67/67
PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
Conditions: -
Concentration: -

Davey keeps the door cracked, the better to hear what's going on in the hallway. But he mostly closes it, hoping that it will look closed at a glance if anyone looks out of the hallway.

2021-04-16, 06:04 PM
Sid gets his family and walks out with them. We are square Smooth. Sid walks past Evendur Thanks can I get my half back now?