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View Full Version : New Domains

2020-11-11, 01:14 PM
5e is noticeably lacking in elemental domains, but not in spells. I plan on creating elemental domains for a home brew world I’ve been working on, and I had other ideas as well.

What about duel domains? Domains and domain abilities that blend two concepts such as:

Earth and Nature
Fire and Life (or a form on necromancy)
Water and Divination
Air and Illusion

I thought of those while thinking up specific clerical orders for my world but how to mesh them properly?

My first idea was to make the domain spells all elemental then express the secondary concept through the domain abilities.

My second idea was to provide a bonus spell for each of the 2 concepts each level. For example an air spell and an illusion spell per level. Then I would divide the domain abilities more or less evenly between the two concepts.

I am not sure which way would work better or if there is a third option I’m not considering.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated!

brian 333
2020-11-11, 03:03 PM
Custom domain spells.

Life's Flame
Animate the remains of the dead with the Fire of Life. Beings so created can only be turned if the character can turn fire elementals. The animated remains gains +1 fire damage per 3 caster levels.

Wave of the Future
The caster becomes engulfed in a wavelike sheath of water which grants the ability to glimpse the immediate future. This results in a +1 attack and AC bonus per 4 caster levels above the minimum rdquired to cast, and an improvement by one category on all evasion saves.

And so on.